Dmitry Shnyakin played football. What sports do football commentators do?

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"If you have a flaw, it's bad. If you know that you have this flaw, that's good. But if you know about your flaw and don't try to fix it, it's worse than ever." (c) "Only those who are used to it know how to lose." (c) "Of course, I have a 45th shoe size, but I'm not a clown!" (c) "Is-s-exclusively!" (My grandfather. May his memory be blessed) "I begged you-I-I-ya!" (Andryukha Moiseenkov) "Some people think that football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, this game is much more important." (Bill Shankly - Liverpool coach in the 60s and 70s). "Initiative fucks the initiator." (Ilyukha Pirozhkov) "Don't destroy my world!" (c) "Get him out, Billy! Get him out of here and give him a good kick in the ass because you're a cop and he's a war-r-ryuga!" (Zhigunov, "Hearts of Three") "Guys, you're all in the ass. But you can get out and kick her" (Santino from the 2nd season of the "Podium" project).

About myself:

I am not me, the cow is not mine.

  • Faculty: Management and Mass Communications (GI)
  • Specialty: Public Relations
  • Release year: 2009
  • Form of study: Day department
  • Study status: Graduate (specialist)

Universal Reporter

The future TV commentator was born on April 29, 1987. Dmitry Shnyakin has Ukrainian and Mordovian roots, but he grew up in Moscow. The schoolboy grew up in a football atmosphere, some of his friends became football players. Dmitry himself was seriously engaged in judo in his youth and, perhaps, would have grown to a professional fighter. However, the injury put an end to his sports career.

Then Shnyakin entered the University of Physical Education at the Department of Sports Journalism. He received information about RGUFKSiT quite by accident, in the directory of Moscow universities.

He began working in his specialty - in parallel with his studies - in 2005. He worked as a columnist for the World Football website. Soon Shnyakin switched to the Eurosport TV channel. There, on his own initiative, he got into television commentators: he offered help to an experienced journalist and suddenly received his consent. Dmitry was only eighteen years old. However, the experience was successful! For some time, the young man was "on the hook" and gradually entered the staff of permanent commentators.

At first, it was far from professional heights. Shnyakin still remembers how a language teacher on the radio weaned him from saying “hello” instead of “hello”.

Over time, he spoke more and more confidently and, finally, became a universal journalist. His work at Eurosport was associated with 24 types of competitions, including very exotic ones - for example, bullriding or tameshiwari (artistic beating of objects). As Dmitry says about himself, "he commented on everything that moves."

"NTV-plus" and "Match TV"

But Eurosport was not the ultimate dream. After completing his studies, the young man decided to get on NTV-plus. In 2010, the channel announced a competition for football commentators. Shnyakin was shortlisted from the seven strongest candidates. The test for these journalists was the live broadcast ...

During the tests, Dmitry lost four kilograms of stress from stress, but ended up in the state, despite all the difficulties. The chairman of the selection committee, the well-known commentator Vasily Utkin, hired Shnyakin reluctantly and treated the young journalist with undisguised skepticism. Relations will improve later, and Shnyakin will call Utkin his "best teacher".

Dmitry comments on competitions in various sports. He considers the London Olympics in 2012 to be the brightest moment in his career: then he covered judo competitions (a hobby of youth). Later, at the Olympics in Sochi, Dmitry commented on the jumps.

And yet, traditionally, Shnyakin acts as a commentator on football matches, including European cups.

In 2016, together with the staff of sports journalists from his TV channel, Dmitry switched to Match B.

Shnyakin as a commentator

Colleagues call him the most gambling commentator. However, Dmitry strives for an impartial analysis of games. He is rooting for the players, not for the clubs.

When covering the game, Shnyakin strives for technical literacy, but he can afford "light trolling", which enlivens the programs.

One of the most important qualities of a commentator, he considers "emotional adequacy", that is, the ability to warm up in the audience precisely those feelings that are appropriate at the moment.

Shnyakin also believes that a commentator should be a generalist: one should be able to cover competitions in a variety of sports.

Despite his high qualifications, he (like other journalists) sometimes gets into awkward situations. Dmitry knows how to talk about such things with a smile. The biggest embarrassment in the life of a journalist was a certain match of the Italian championship (Series A). The match was so boring that Shnyakin dozed off live. However, even half asleep, obeying the "commentary reflex", Dmitry continued to comment! During these half a minute, the audience learned with amazement that Oleg Shatov and a whole galaxy of other RFPL players are playing in the match between the Italian teams.


Over time, Dmitry Shnyakin created his own show, which speaks of professional growth. In 2016, his program "Understudy" gained great fame. Dmitry collaborated with famous athletes and filmed an ordinary day in their lives along with intense training. Together with the hero of the issue, the journalist himself also trained. Every time I had to learn new skills. Sometimes it wasn't safe. Riding in winter Siberia on snowmobiles with, Shnyakin lost control of the controls and almost crushed Shlemenko.

There were also comical cases: when filming his story with, Shnyakin managed to play young Spartak football players. They managed to convince them that the journalist (dressed in the same way as Rebrov) is the new goalkeeper of Spartak.

Hobbies and personal life of Dmitry Shnyakin

Sport is not only a job, but also Shnyakin's main hobby. The TV journalist not only comments on football, but also plays in amateur teams. He runs regularly and can run a half marathon. From time to time, a journalist warms up in the middle of the working day (there is a tennis table in the TV center).

However, the commentator is convinced that this is too little. Dmitry Shnyakin's height is 185 centimeters, but he weighs 95 kilograms.

Another passion of a journalist is traveling.

Once, taking advantage of his vacation, he flew to Uganda to conquer the Moon Mountains. Having no mountaineering training, Dmitry stormed the five-thousander peak.

Another hobby of Dmitry Shnyakin is collecting T-shirts of famous football players and teams.

Dmitry is considered one of the most stylish commentators. He wears interesting clothes and keeps a close eye on his appearance (at the urging of his wife).

Dmitry Shnyakin's wife's name is Ksenia, and she fully shares her husband's interest in football. Recently, a daughter was born in their family.

Konstantin Genich, Vladimir Stognienko, Yuri Dud and everything about what they love more - playing football, riding on snow powder, skydiving or still lying on the couch.

Yuri Dud, editor-in-chief of

My career as a sports journalist began with the match between Scotland and Russia in the Euro 1996 qualifying tournament. Seeing the marvelous reebok form of the Russian national team, I fell in love with the football shirt. Then I realized that I really want to connect my life with him. It didn’t work out to become a football player, because as a child I didn’t have good health. But he managed to become a journalist, because journalism in a broad sense is the most accessible profession in Russia after prostitution. It is a pity, however, that recently they have merged into one craft, but now is not about that. In 2015, sport for me is one of the few things that will help a normal person endure the moral and financial turmoil that has reigned in Russia. By sport, of course, I mean the turnstiles, wrestling and running shoes, and not the sport of the highest achievements.

Now I am in the departure area at the Sochi airport. I spent a wonderful weekend in Krasnaya Polyana, closing the snowboarding season. I was on the slopes of Rosa Khutor for the first time, and I was simply subdued: kilometers of slopes, excellent service and very nice people around. They say that in the season when the snow falls to the fullest, there is almost the best freeride in Europe. All in all, Polyana is one of the few things that can be forgiven for the many environmental devastations associated with the preparations for the Olympics.

As for playing sports, for about a year now I have been looking into the gym, but there my work is at the very start: I already squeeze out kilogram dumbbells and an empty neck quite confidently. And as for nutrition, I've been steamed for two years already: after even my frail body began to swim with fat in the abdomen. I eat a lot, but only what is healthy. I hardly eat bread, instead of sweets - dried fruits, nuts and cottage cheese with honey. I had two bad habits for a long time: masturbation and coffee. I got rid of the first one thanks to the crisis (there was so much work that I didn’t even have time). From the second - it doesn’t work at all: I love cappuccino and, unfortunately, I drink it almost every day. Every day at about 7 am, the children wake me up, I scatter them around kindergartens and playrooms, have breakfast with yogurt, millet porridge and strong black tea. And I run on business - either to the office or to meetings. At about 20 o'clock I have to be at home to read the imperishable stories about the rabbit Adonis or the Pirate who stole the sea. Well, soon to sleep - no later than one in the morning.

Konstantin Genich, commentator on the NTV-Plus channel, the man whose goal brought Amkar Perm to the Premier League

It would be strange if I started bobsledding or curling after the end of my football career, after all, when you devote most of your life to one sport, you are involved in it to the maximum. And if it so happened that because of an injury you had to leave the race ahead of time, then there are not so many options for the development of life. Turning the page and starting a new chapter that is not related to football is very difficult. Someone manages to save up a small part of the money, invests it in real estate, receives dividends. Someone opens a restaurant, becomes a restaurateur, someone through an acquaintance integrates into some kind of business. But, as a rule, football players see themselves after the end of their careers in football: either to follow the coaching path, or to become agents, or to the administrative headquarters: to be a director, head of the team. Or, through old acquaintances, help with logistics in clubs, organize training camps, for example, purchase equipment. There are not many options, and many stop at coaching, who is a little smarter, maybe goes further and becomes a sports football manager. Our football players do not go into journalism for some objective, or maybe subjective reasons. You can say that I'm not exactly a pioneer, I'm rather not mainstream. It is not popular with us, unlike the West. It just so happened that life connected me with football from the other side, on the other side of the screen. And I certainly shouldn't get upset about it. On the other side of the screen, I have achieved much more than during my football career. Although, of course, some elusive feeling is present inside that I never said the last word in football.

Initially, you draw prospects for yourself, set goals that you want to achieve, but when you end your career due to an injury at the age of 25, and when at one moment and in one moment everything ends, you are left with nothing, like in a fairy tale about a golden fish. And you think about what to do next. But I repeat - at the moment I do not regret anything. If we talk about status, popularity and recognition, then as a footballer I was less in demand than now as a commentator.

Most of our fans think stereotypically, they believe that if a player was once associated with the club, then his heart is white-blue or red-blue, in my case it should be red-white or red-black, in relation to " Amkar and Spartak.

In Spartak, I spent, indeed, a considerable part of my life: first 10 years at school, and then in the youth team. But it did not work out, it did not grow together. There are a dime a dozen such pupils, such Spartak pets in Russia. The profile of many players shows that they went through a period of education in Spartak for a year or two. Not everyone manages to gain a foothold there, so it’s impossible to flaunt that I am a Spartak pupil, that I have red and white blood. The same Pavel Pogrebnyak - he is also a Spartak pupil, and where is he now? He does not remember Spartak and feels confident in the West. The same can be said about many other players. Yes, I lived in Perm for 3-4 years, it was not the worst part of my life. There was and is something to remember, and some positive part of me remained there. I still follow Amkar, there are still players with whom I brought Amkar to the Premier League together. I have the deepest sympathy for them. But to say that I'm worried, I'm tearing out the last remaining hair on myself so that Amkar is doing well - it's not true. Rather, at the moment I'm more worried about some individual persons, for people. In each team I have excellent comrades, friends, acquaintances, and I can worry about them, but only partially for their team. In this sense, I try to remain objective, and do not sit on any chair - red and white, white and green or white and blue.

If I were actively involved in sports now, not physical education, but sports, then I probably could pose on the covers of glossy magazines. But, unfortunately, this is not the case, it's all in the past. I am by nature a very lazy person, in everything related to physical activity. Maybe I put a lot of effort into playing professional sports while my career as an athlete was still afloat. But now, unfortunately, what I can afford and what I do is hard to call sports. It is rather a hobby, entertainment, fan. From time to time I play football in a very good company, in Luzhniki, where former football players, my good friends, gather. But this, of course, is not enough, unfortunately - in the busy schedule that the work of a sports journalist and commentator implies, finding time is not so easy. Or maybe I'm just making excuses for myself because I rarely exercise. Therefore, I tell everyone that there is not much time. But first of all, mother laziness bothers me. Alas and ah, it really is.

If it were my will, if I were a little more purposeful in this sense, if I really actively took up myself, then I would devote much more time directly to fitness, football or training in the gym. We all have some kind of temptation, a desire to taste something forbidden. The biggest, main bad habit I've been addicted to lately is smoking. Until the age of 30, I categorically did not perceive those who smoke, I avoided communicating with girls who smoke. For me it was such a fad, it was disgusting and unacceptable. I avoided all of this. And then my life somehow incomprehensibly changed, and now I don’t know how to back up, because now it really has become a habit. In this fight, I lose to cigarettes. As for harmful nutrition, nothing human is alien to us here either. I can afford from time to time some fast food, fatty foods, salty, spicy. This, of course, affects the state of my body, but I think that over time, somehow, I will still reach the right diet and try to give up all this unnecessary husk, without which you can live. I will try to get on the right track and agree with myself.

Vladimir Stognienko, VGTRK commentator

In 2001, I came to the NTV-Plus channel. My brother spoke with Georgy Cherdantsev (they knew each other from the channel's Internet forum), Yura left the phone, I called. Everything. I was accepted to the NTV+Football channel as an intern. Then I was a 4th year student at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, I was worried that there might not be enough time for study and work, but, of course, I graduated from the academy. However, by that time I was already working on another sports channel - 7TV. For me, sport is the same as for all people, but football is the biggest passion in life, which has become a profession. It would be bad if my attitude to football became the same as to everyday and dull work. Fortunately, this has not happened yet - as I loved football more than anything else, I continue to love it. My love for football began at the age of 8. It seems that I accidentally got on the broadcast of some football match, watched with my grandfather and asked him questions about the rules. At 10, I was already watching my first major tournaments with might and main - it was the World Championship of the 90th year in Italy and the USSR Championship. And of course, I have a favorite team. And she, of course, is Russian - we have this family.

If we talk about what kind of sports I myself do, then this is a pool twice a week, basketball once a week, football twice a week. There is not enough time for more, but I would like to. Also, by the way, I try to do gymnastics in the morning and in the evening - my back is sore, a year ago it grabbed me so much that I could not sleep. The osteopathic doctor helped, then he gave me a set of exercises for the back, so I do it regularly. With regards to bad habits: I have never tried smoking, but I drink alcohol in companies, but rarely. The biggest problems with food - I really like sweet and starchy foods. It is quite difficult to describe one specific day in my life, since there is no clear schedule. If there is work during the day, then I go to Shabolovka, and then, for example, to the pool. The “window” is freed after dinner - I try to pick up my daughter from the garden and then take a walk with her. The commentator must be ready for a certain broadcast, for this it is not necessary to sit in the television center all day. Therefore, it is still possible to draw up a plan of affairs for the next week, but for two it is already difficult.

Dmitry Shnyakin, NTV-Plus commentator

Sport for me is a lifestyle. With sport, I saturate, if not everything, then much that is in my life. Today I cleaned the house. Carefully, in a general way, I scrubbed the floor with a sponge on my knees. Isn't this a sport? And what? Movement on time. The same sex is not a sport? Healthy, proper, tasty nutrition for the sake of a figure - this is also all sports. Or once I rushed to conquer the Lunar Mountains in Uganda, I wanted to climb a 5-thousander, instead of a long-awaited vacation, booty up ... A moron, of course (I had no preparation), but such a test of myself is also a sport.

I finished wrestling a long time ago - due to injuries (although the experience was needed later, during the 2012 Olympics, where I also commentated on judo). But I continue to regularly and even more often than it should be to play football at an amateur level, in commercial tournaments. The Moscow Amateur Football League, where more than 70,000 people across the capital currently play, is my main passion. My friends and I have been playing for the same team for many years - and this is our outlet. Whatever happens during the week, you wait for the weekend, wait for a meeting with friends and fight side by side, throw out emotions and recharge with new ones. Although here, as in professional sports: if you lose, the beginning of the week will be negative. So there is enough football in my life: not only do I comment on it, I also constantly play it, three times a week. Plus, I try to load myself in a variety of ways: the gym, crossfit, running. Checking your body with jogging is also an interesting thing. Recently I ran a half marathon for the first time, 21 kilometers, I feel great! It is even more pleasant when, winding circles around the park, you see that there are more and more people running. The girls are running! Sports are back in trend. It's inspiring. Yes, I want to run a marathon. But for my 95 kg it’s hard, I have to prepare. By the way, when he said “again”, he meant sports in the Soviet Union. Then after all, sport was not only massive, but also of high quality. People knew what discipline was. You know, quite recently I lost the rhythm of the day, fell asleep in the evening and woke up absolutely vigorous at 5 o’clock. And suddenly I thought: I wonder, what is a cross at 5 in the morning? And he rushed in anticipation of an absolutely lonely run ... Yeah. On the way I met 6-7 old people who, not deviating from the habit of youth, cheerfully jogged. Is it worth comparing with the current generation? :) Even if it's the day of a match (and even an important one), the routine is not much different from ordinary everyday life. Unless you make sure to find time to prepare for the broadcast. You need to get a good night's sleep, because often the broadcasts are in the evening, ending closer to one in the morning. I don’t like to have a hearty breakfast, so after a little snack, with a slight feeling of hunger, I can go to training. Either in the gym or for a run. If you managed to load the body in the first half of the day, then you spend the second half with a sense of accomplishment. Excellent condition! Plus, the body is already wound up, it works to the fullest.

For me, sport is life, it's simple. I talk about sports, I watch sports, I play sports, and I get paid for it. What could possibly be cooler? All men dream of such a job. Because they all watch football, everyone discusses it.

For me, the sport itself has changed a lot lately. When I first became a commentator, I seemed to be wearing rose-colored glasses, it seemed to me that the main thing was “faster, higher, stronger”. But as soon as I penetrated deeper, I realized that sport is a dirty thing. By nature, I am an idealist and I don’t notice some things for a very long time until they click painfully on the nose. It was the same with sports. For a while, I even wanted to stop doing all this, because there are really disgusting things that happen in Russian sports. But then you go to the Olympics, you see real hero athletes there. You get imbued with this unimaginable spirit, you get these emotions - and everything is fine again. And again, sport is the best thing in my life.

In early January, my wife and I went to the tennis section. None of us had played tennis before, so we started from scratch. It's amazing when you're an adult and you're being taught simple things like a little kid, like how to serve. For me, the classes were some kind of revelation.

Gradually tennis became my favorite playing sport. When you love football, it is always in your life, since childhood: to play with friends, to watch wherever you can. I also love poker, it's a sport for me. Although it was excluded from the register. But in our country, a lot of things were excluded. In the summer I constantly ride a bike, in the winter I snowboard, but so far it’s bad and not enough. When I go for a walk in the park, I always pull myself up. Oh yes, I have a dog, and whether you like it or not, you go for a walk three or four times a day, regardless of the weather. And in general, I should be grateful to him that he watches my figure, since the elevator is often busy in our house, and together we walk up to the 7th floor. We have a West Highland Terrier, they say that these dogs are very similar to their owners. Indeed, those who live with their grandmothers are quiet and calm. Ours is similar to us - frantic and emotional. It's hard for him, but it's hard for me too.

I love all kinds of extreme sports and I know that it is banal, but I dream of skydiving or bungee jumping, from a building or from a bridge. The most extreme thing I've done so far was flying on a parachute behind a boat. The first time was very scary, but the second time it was already boring. Probably, it is important that my body is unique, it does not care what, how and how much I eat, it does not change. I have always been thin, and remain so. There are no rules in food either, unless you don’t eat what you don’t like. It is often written on your website that healthy food can also be delicious, I try to look for such combinations in my menu. I am moderate in alcohol, that is, I like dry wines, and then not often. I have never tried smoking in my life, not a single cigarette, and I say no to hookah.

Dmitry Shnyakin is a new wave football commentator on Russian television, one of the few who not only understands football, but can also present his opinion to viewers in a non-standard way.

In Saransk, he is a frequent visitor. In the 2014-15 season, it was he who commented on the largest number of matches involving Mordovia. Dmitry worked at the microphone during the meeting of our team against Ural in the first round of the current championship. Then the whole country was just getting acquainted with the team, which was created in Saransk by the most experienced Yuri Pavlovich Semin. It is symbolic that at the last home match of Mordovia, when it, in fact, said goodbye to the Mordovian fans until the next season, Dmitry Shnyakin was again in the commentator's room. Denis Garin, correspondent of the television company TeleNetwork of Mordovia (Channel 10), managed to communicate with the well-known commentator.

- Are you used to asking questions yourself?

I wouldn't say so. Recently, on the contrary, more often I have to answer questions from colleagues during numerous analytical programs.

- The season is coming to an end. Apparently, "Mordovia" this summer are waiting for global changes. So I would like to summarize this particular team, which Yuri Semin gathered in Saransk.

This team will certainly be remembered. In the current composition and with this coach, we will not see Mordovia. The Saransk team will be remembered, first of all, for its persuasiveness. “Mordovia” initially knew what kind of football she needed to play. More precisely, the head coach explained to the players what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve their goals. And she, as they say, did not show off. She went with what she had. From what resources and performers it has. Although at some points, “Mordovia” was unlucky. I remember that very first round and that unfortunate fracture that Ebessilio received. Well, we see how Samodin had a great last home meeting this season. If Samodin had been in the squad since the beginning of the championship and would have competed with Lutsenko, then, perhaps, the Mordovia attack would have looked brighter. At times, "burgundy" failed. We all remember how “Mordovia” was great in the away game with “Zenith” for almost half, and then suddenly crumbled. The same thing is visiting CSKA. But in general, they still survived. The most important indicator of how “Mordovia” played these, one might say, play-offs with direct competitors in the struggle for survival and won almost all the matches! This is an indicator of the class, it is an indicator of the experience of the players. After all, all the guys in Saransk are experienced. There are practically no young people who have not been fired upon.

By the way, many players revealed themselves in a new way. I would single out Vassin. I believe that he is ready to return to the level of CSKA. Well, and Kochenkov, who received today the audience award as the best player of FC "Mordovia" this season. Most of my fellow commentators, and myself, completely agree with this: Kochenkov is the best player of the season in Mordovia.

- This season, you quite often commented on matches involving Mordovia. Is this an accident, or did your "Mordovian roots" still affect?

Yes, it really is the whole story. When "Mordovia" played against "Dynamo", I had to go to Saransk. This is actually my small home. My grandmother lives in Saransk. Uncles, aunts, sister and brother. I confessed to our schedule manager that I have such roots. But it turned out that he himself has Mordovian roots! Therefore, there were no problems with this, and I went to Saransk almost every second week. Although not as often as I would like, I came here. Well, nothing, I'll catch up next season. Maybe I'll come to the match with Spartak next season, we'll see. With “Zenith” is unlikely, everything is “booked” there. But when "Mordovia" will play with other top clubs, it would be great to work.

Dmitry became a sports commentator relatively recently, although he made his first report at the age of eighteen. His career began at the World Football website, where he worked for about a year. Later, Shnyakin's work biography was associated with the Eurosport channel, where he was first a correspondent, and then an editor and news anchor, and received his first experience as a sports commentator. During his work on this channel, Dmitry commented on about twenty different sports, including beach soccer, women's beach volleyball, surfing, and many others.

In the photo - Dmitry Shnyakin with his wife

He came to the Match TV channel last year and immediately became one of the most stylish and striking commentators. He broadcasts live with guests in the studio, prepares reviews of the Champions League and the UEFA Europa League. Dmitry Shnyakin's wife Ksenia, together with their daughter, watch with interest the programs in which their husband and dad participate.

Shnyakin especially likes to comment on matches involving Italian football clubs, of which he has long been a fan.

Dmitry himself is a very athletic person and is not averse to playing football, and in his youth he was seriously engaged in wrestling, and if not for numerous injuries, then perhaps he would have had a good career in this sport.

And now he and his friends have been playing for the same team for many years, and in this Dmitry Shnyakin finds a real outlet when you can not only chat with friends and recharge your batteries, but also throw out the emotions accumulated over the week. In addition, he is a regular visitor to the gym, runs and crossfit.
