Learning to do a foot massage at home. How to stretch your muscles to sit on a twine How to stretch your legs well

  1. Massage relieves stress by reducing Massage for promoting mental and physical health in typically developing infants under the age of six months. the level of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol.
  2. Helps fight pain by reducing Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Treatment Review activation of pain receptors in the muscles.
  3. Helps Massage therapy attenuates inflammatory signaling after exercise-induced muscle damage. fight inflammation by decreasing the amount of cytokines.
  4. Accelerates The beneficial effects of massage therapy for insomnia in postmenopausal women ☆ blood flow in muscles and tissues, improves lymph outflow.

When you can't massage your feet

Skip massage if you have:

  1. Skin diseases.
  2. Skin damage: wounds, burns, frostbite.
  3. Acute inflammatory process.
  4. Thrombosis.
  5. Phlebeurysm.
  6. Bleeding tendency.

How to choose a cream or oil for massage

There are several classic options: creams "Alice", "Nega", "Ballet". They have been used for a very long time, are cheap, do not induce and provide good sliding of hands on the skin. Johnson's Baby colorless oil will also work. It is even used for babies, which means it does not cause allergies or irritation.

If you prefer natural oils, choose ones that don't clog your pores too much:

  • hemp;
  • argan;
  • almond;
  • avocado;
  • jojoba;
  • grape seeds.

You can also add fragrant ones to them: for 10 grams of base oil, 4 drops of essential oil.

How to give a foot massage to yourself or another person

Life hacker has collected the techniques of classic massage: it relaxes muscles well and improves blood circulation.

Some movements will be difficult to use for self-massage - just skip them and do what is comfortable to do.

Usually massage therapists spend 30-60 seconds on each movement. But you can adjust the time based on the sensations.

Warming up

For about a minute, stroke your leg from the calf to the thigh, grabbing the gluteal muscles, and back.

Foot massage

Rub the instep of the foot thumb from toe to heel.

Do circular motion with two palms.

Massage of thighs and buttocks

Rub your thigh with the palm of your hand in a circular motion from the knee to the buttock.

Make "nettles": slide your hands up and down alternately.

When your leg warms up, try tapping it with the edge of your hand or with a boat-shaped palm.

Finish with the stroking massage you started with.

In this collection - videos from which the movements are taken. You can just copy the entire work of the masseurs.

How to self-massage feet with balls and rollers

Massage with a tennis ball or special massage rollers and balls provides deep impact on muscles and connective tissue, warms up and relaxes clogged muscles.

Rollers for massage can be bought in a sports store or ordered on AliExpress. There you can also find massage balls, single or double, or just buy balls for tennis.

Remember a few rules for self-massage using massage rollers and balls:

  1. Roll your body slowly.
  2. Do not roll your joints.
  3. Spend at least two minutes on each muscle group.
  4. If you feel pain or severe discomfort, reduce the pressure. In addition, if pain is felt at a specific point, you may not act directly on it, but roll out nearby areas.

Massage the front of the thigh (quads)

Place your hands on your forearms, place the roller under the front of your legs and lean on it with your whole body. Roll the front of your legs from knee to hip.

Back of the thigh massage

Roll out back side legs from knee to hip. Cross your legs to enhance the effect.

Inner thigh massage

Bend your leg and place it under interior hips.

Massage of the gluteal muscles

Sit on the roller with your hands on the floor. Place the lower leg of the left leg on the knee of the right and roll out the right gluteus muscle... Then swap legs and roll left side.

Calf massage

Sit on the floor, place the roller under your calves, lift yourself up on your arms and roll out your muscles. To enhance the effect, cross your legs - this will increase the pressure on the roller.

Foot massage

Take off your shoes and step on the massager. Roll it under the foot, pressing down with your body weight. You can use the same massager or buy special models for the feet.

Reading time: 24 min

The pre-workout warm-up is a set of exercises to prepare your body for physical activity, which will help you avoid injury and get the most out of your workout. The main purpose of the warm-up is to gradually increase the body temperature and warm up the muscles that are in a state of inactivity.

We offer you a selection of warm-up exercises and a ready-made sequential plan for their implementation. These exercises are equally suitable for warm-ups at home and in the gym.

Why warm up before training?

Doing a pre-workout warm-up is an essential part of a fitness routine. A good warm-up will gradually increase the heartbeat, increase blood circulation in muscles, tendons and ligaments, and prepare you for training from a mental point of view. Regardless of whether you are going to do strength or cardio exercises, it is imperative to warm up before training.

Benefits of Warming Up Before Workout:

  1. You warm up muscles, ligaments and tendons, this improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injury and sprains.
  2. Warmed muscles contract and relax better during training, which means your strength capabilities during exercise will be higher.
  3. Warm-up exercises optimize activity of cardio-vascular system: This will help reduce the stress on the heart during exercise.
  4. Warming up before training improves blood circulation, which will saturate your muscles with oxygen and nutrients... This will help increase your endurance while exercising.
  5. As you warm up, your body increases the production of hormones responsible for energy production.
  6. Training is a kind of stress for the body, so a high-quality warm-up will prepare you for stress from a mental point of view, improve coordination and attention.
  7. During light warm-up exercises, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, making your body better able to cope with physical activity.
  8. Warming up speeds up metabolic processes.

A good pre-workout warm-up will not only help you avoid injury and cardiovascular problems, but it will also help you get the most out of your workout. If you want to skip the warm-up and save time in order to pay more attention to the increased loads for quick results then this is the wrong way. After the warm-up, your body will work better, you will be more energetic and resilient, which will give you much best result in perspective.

A dynamic warm-up must be carried out before any workout, regardless of the type of load: strength training weighted, running, bike ride, kickboxing, plyometrics, splits, and more sports direction... Warm-up before training is needed both when exercising in the gym and at home (on the street).

Why don't people warm up before exercising?

Many people do not warm up before exercising as a waste of time. You have probably heard more than once from friends or acquaintances: “I regularly do strength and cardio workouts in the gym and never warm up or cool down. I did not feel any harm on myself ". Never be guided by someone else's questionable experience!

Firstly, each person has his own individual level of strength, no one knows the reserves of his body. It may not fail for a month, two, six months or even a year, gradually wearing out, but how long this can last is unknown. Secondly, in conditions of redundant and very often contradictory information on fitness, many of us already make a lot of mistakes that can hit our health. Therefore, try to follow at least the canonical recommendations - doing a warm-up before each workout is just one of them.

It is important to note that even personal trainers and trainers group lessons may not have the minimum time to warm up. But you yourself are responsible for your health, so do not be lazy to come 10 minutes before training and do a warm-up on your own. Even if before today you have passed injuries, then remember that a tear of a cold tendon or other unpleasant injury can happen at any time.

The situation is similar with home workouts, which are now being produced in a large number. Usually programs are designed for 20-30 minutes, which is very important for many people in conditions of high employment. And of course, in such short programs in the best case, 2-3 minutes will be given for the warm-up, and in the worst case, there will be no warm-up at all.

Why is the lack of a warm-up dangerous?

Studies show that only 5% of people do a good pre-workout warm-up, which is a very sad statistic. Many practitioners believe that this is a waste of time, which is already limited in fitness classes. Let’s remember again, what is the danger of not warming up before training, in addition to reducing the effectiveness of the session?

  • The most common problem that occurs when you don't warm up before exercising is sprain. A very unpleasant and painful syndrome, due to which you will have to take a break from training.
  • An even more annoying problem is joint injury. If you work out on a cold joint, then there is a high risk of damaging it. The danger of a joint injury lies not only in the duration of recovery, but also in the fact that after an injury it will constantly remind of itself. Due to improper loads, they especially often suffer joints of the knees, ankle, shoulder and hip joints.
  • Dizziness or even fainting may occur without a high-quality warm-up due to the high load on the heart.
  • A sudden, abrupt load without a preparatory warm-up section can cause a sharp jump in pressure, which is equally dangerous for people with hypertension and hypotension.

Pre-workout warm-up structure

It is advisable to give a warm-up before training. minimum 7-10 minutes. It is better to start warm up with light cardio exercises to warm up the body. Then you should run dynamic exercises to warm up the joints and to stretch the muscles. The warm-up ends again with cardio exercises with already used O higher intensity. At the end of the warm-up, we restore breathing, taking a deep breath in and out.

Pre-workout warm-up structure for 7-10 minutes:

  • Light cardio warm-up: 1-2 minutes
  • Joint gymnastics: 1-2 minutes
  • Dynamic muscle stretch: 2-3 minutes
  • Cardio warm-up: 2-3 minutes
  • Breathing recovery: 0.5-1 minute

Warming up will increase your body temperature, increase circulation, and prepare your muscles for further stretching. Joint gymnastics activates the work of joints, tendons and ligaments, improves their mobility and helps to work out the periarticular muscles. Dynamic stretching will make your muscles more elastic, which will help them work more efficiently throughout your workout.

Thanks to this warm-up, you will make your heart work faster, speed up blood circulation, and gently wake up all the muscles in the body. After a proper warm-up, a pleasant warmth spreads through the body, you feel cheerful and full of energy. If you plan to stretch or twine stretching as a workout, then the final cardio warm-up can be increased to 5-7 minutes.

Do not confuse the pre-workout warm-up and the post-workout stretching. In the warm-up, your goal is to warm up the muscles and joints, increase blood circulation, and prepare the body for stress. The warm-up should not be slow and static; you should warm up well. After training, on the contrary, you should restore breathing, lower your heart rate and perform static stretching exercises.

Warm-up exercises

The importance of warm-up is difficult to overestimate; it is a fundamental part of training. First, a good warm-up before class reduces the risk of injury. Secondly, warmed-up muscles work more efficiently. The warm-up should include a complete and thoughtful set of exercises that will help prepare your body for training.

Stage 1: Light Cardio Warming Up

Warm up should always start with light cardio exercises to warm up the body and not pull the muscle during dynamic stretching. The cardio warm-up lasts 1 to 2 minutes and may include light running or brisk walking in place... During the cadrio warm-up, your heart rate should rise and your body should warm up. We do each cardio warm-up exercise 30-45 seconds .

1. Walking with the rise of the knees

2. Walking with arms and legs spread

Stage 2: Joint gymnastics

Articular gymnastics, by the way, is also useful as a routine morning exercises... We repeat each exercise 10 times, if necessary on the right and left side. Some rotational exercises do not forget to perform both clockwise and counterclockwise.

1. Rotation of the head with a crescent moon (do not throw the head back)

7. Rotation of the legs

Stage 3: Dynamic Muscle Stretching

After articular gymnastics, there is a stage for dynamic stretching. different groups muscles. Exercises are performed according to 15-20 seconds .

1. Breeding arms for the muscles of the chest and back

2. Stretching the shoulder joints

4. Bends to the side to warm up the sides

5. Legs to warm up the body

6. Back and Leg Squat

7. Twists in the squat for the back and shoulders

8. Side lunges to warm up legs

9. Lunge to warm up the legs

10. Turn in a lunge to warm up the core, legs, arms and shoulders

Stage 4: Cardio Warming Up

In the final warm-up phase, we return to cardio again to warm up even more and raise our body temperature. The speed and intensity of the exercise can be increased, the duration of the final cardio warm-up is 2-3 minutes. We perform each exercise 40-60 seconds, see the speed of execution according to your capabilities.

3. Jumping with arms and legs

4. Running with the rise of the knees

Stage 5: Respiration recovery

Be sure to remember to catch your breath after doing cardio by taking deep breaths in and out. 0.5-1 minute... Choose one of these exercises:

1. Restoring breathing with squatting

2. Restoring tilt breathing

Thanks to youtube channels for gifs: FitnessType, Nicole Perry, PsycheTruth, Dayanna Marz, Deporlovers, Tuiwok Talento.

Stage 6: Special warm-up

If you are doing strength training with heavy weights, then also be sure to pay attention special warm-up... It is aimed at maximizing the warming up of those muscles that will actively participate in training. As part of a special warm-up, you should perform exercises from the main complex, but without weights or with low weight (20-30% of the maximum).

A special warm-up should be done just before an exercise or before training for an entire muscle group. Attention, a special warm-up does not replace general warm-up before training! This is only one of the stages of the lesson, but also very important.

Here's an example of a special warm-up. Let's say you have an 80kg barbell squat scheduled. So, before this exercise, you should do a kneading approach for 10-15 repetitions with an empty bar or with a bar weight of 20-30% of maximum weight... We emphasize once again, that the special warm-up is performed after the general one, and not instead of it.

How to warm up before running or cardio?

How to warm up before running or another cardio workout? In this case, proceed according to a completely similar scheme: a small cardio warm-up for 2 minutes (running in place, light jumping rope) and then articular gymnastics + stretching. And only after that, go directly to cardio training, gradually increasing the intensity.

Many people think that it is not necessary to warm up before cardio workout. However, this is not true. Muscles, joints, heart get a serious load while running and jumping, so it is very dangerous to work out without a warm-up. Just walking and gradually increasing the intensity without doing warm-up exercises for joints and muscles is not enough! Be sure to follow joint gymnastics and stretching before cardio workout.

Pre-workout warm-up features:

  1. The warm-up is performed from top to bottom (neck, shoulders, arms, chest, back, core, legs). But this is more of a traditional approach to warm-up exercises, the order of the exercises does not play a fundamental role.
  2. The warm-up should take place at a dynamic but gentle pace. Your goal is to warm up gently and prepare for more intense exercise. You should feel warmth all over your body from the warm-up, but don't overdo it.
  3. Warm up should start with a slow pace and small range of motion, gradually increasing the pace and amplitude.
  4. Avoid long, static positions; warm-ups before training should include dynamic exercises. Do not confuse it with stretching after a workout, during which it is supposed to freeze in one position for 30-60 seconds to stretch the muscles.
  5. When warming up before exercising at home or in the gym, avoid jerky movements and try to do the exercises smoothly. Avoid joint pain or discomfort (crunching in the joints maybe it's not scary).
  6. If you exercise in a cool room (or outdoors), dress warmly for a quicker warm-up, or increase the warm-up to 15-20 minutes.
  7. If you know that today you will train some part of the body especially intensively, then give it Special attention when warming up. For example, on a lower-body workout day, thoroughly stretch your hip and knee joints, and stretch your leg and glute muscles.
  8. If you work out in the gym, you can use the treadmill or . Always start at a slow pace and your heart rate should rise gradually.

Pre-workout warm-up video

If you need ready-made warm-up options before training, then we suggest you 6 short videos to help you warm up and prepare for intense exercise. Programs last 5-10 minutes and are suitable for both men and women.

Warm-up video in Russian

1. Universal warm-up before training for 7 minutes

2. Warm up before training for 7 minutes

3. Warm up before training for 8 minutes

Warm-up video in English

1.5 Minute Total Body Warm Up Workout

2.5 minute Quick Warm Up Cardio Workout

3.10 Minute Pre-workout Warm Up

Wherever you exercise: at home, on the street or in the gym, be sure to warm up before training, and then physical exercise will bring you pleasure, benefit and results.

Legs, legs, are you intoxicating, or are your shoes lighter? So, or roughly so, I want to turn to my feet in the evening, which receive a substantial portion of the loads both during our work activities and during rest.

Regardless of whether we sit at work all day at the office table, and in the evening in an armchair in front of the TV or a computer, whether we are standing at the counter, rushing about with reports or teaching the light-good at the blackboard, our legs are tight.

Because of this, they seem to be chained in iron shackles in the evenings, they swell and flatly "refuse" to carry out their duties as quickly as possible.

Moreover, over time, they "delight" with a branched network of swollen veins, which not only worsen the attractiveness of the legs, but also threaten with great health problems in general.

Home or salon foot massage will help to avoid such an ending. How to massage your feet at home? Taking into account such nuances as: weight, age, state of health and personal attitude to all these pats, pinches and strokes.

How to massage your feet?

To do an acupressure massage of the legs, it is important to master the technique and basics of this procedure. It is highly desirable that during the procedure the recipient does not sit, but sit comfortably on a couch, sofa or bed.

The impact on the leg muscles activates the blood and lymph flow, so you need to provide them with free movement around the body.

This is very well facilitated by the procedure. They do not mix well and can be carried out in parallel. The effect will be definitely higher.

Pulling accessories, as well as tight-fitting clothing and socks, are also best removed. We are not talking about the cleanliness of the feet - everyone should know and observe this.

Preparatory Techniques

Are your hands cold? You need to warm them up by intensively rubbing your palms together. The touch of "ice" to the body will not only cause discomfort, but also stimulate the compression of blood vessels in the skin, which is extremely undesirable.

The next step is to gradually warm up the surface of each leg with strokes performed with light pressure.

Movements should be smooth, directed from the ankle to the knee, from the knee to the pelvis. Warming up the muscles of the thighs with inside, the pressure and intensity of movements are reduced, from the outside - they activate, but in moderation.

At the same time, the rule of oncoming movement is observed: the hands on the leg should slide in the opposite direction.

Going down, the effect on the skin is weakened by gently working with only fingers. Moving up, connect to work and the entire surface of the palms.

Finger massage

Especially appreciated by women who prefer to wear shoes for high heels... Over time, this leads to deformation of the joint at the base of the thumb and the formation of a so-called "bone".

Several finger massage sessions, if not completely eliminate this “acquisition”, will significantly reduce its size.

In the course of one procedure, first knead each toe from the pad to the base, then carefully scroll each phalanx separately, moving along and counterclockwise.

As additional load you can use flexion-extension of the fingers.

Foot massage

How to do foot massage? It is best to do this while the person is lying on their stomach. In this position, the muscles on the legs are most relaxed, so it is much easier to exert the desired effect on the dense skin of the inner side of the foot.

  1. To warm up and relax the muscles of the foot, it is first stroked, then, clasping it with your hands, it is stretched 5 times between the palms, moving from the toes to the heel - if the person is lying on his back, and vice versa - if on his stomach.
  2. Then knead the outer edge of the foot with your fingers., perform pressing movements with the edge of a bent fist or elbow in the lifting area, tap with their fingers in the heel area, and then crumple its edge.
  3. After that, fixing the leg with one hand, gently twist the heel with the other. Holding on to the lower joints of the fingers, knead the muscles around them, make a movement to "separate" the bases of the fingers from each other.
  4. Along the line of their placement in the foot, the edge of the fist is passed several times. The impact on the outer side of the foot (tapping, pinching, pressing) should be much more delicate, since the skin is sensitive and tender here. The direction of movement is from the toes to the lower leg.

When doing foot massage, do not forget about the points mentioned above. You can walk through them several times, the effect will only be positive.

Calf massage

Hand movement (gentle kneading, straight rubbing, palms rotation) is performed from the ankle to the hollow under the knee.

Moderately vigorous, smooth manipulations are performed with the middle part of tightly closed fingers, fists, and the lower part of the palms. The number of repetitions for one leg - up to 7 times.

The calf muscle - if not enslaved after excessive exertion, it is intensely pinched with an extensive grip, without making any tearing movements.

Then a series of chopping gestures is performed, moving from bottom to top. The final stage is a squeeze towards the knee, followed by a series of light pats and strokes.

When the muscles are tight, the warm-up should be done longer.

Bone massage on legs

A protruding bone on the foot is a problem for many. To minimise painful sensations inside the inflamed joint and try to return it to its previous state, it is recommended to go full course, including the following procedures:

  • A relaxing general foot massage will increase blood circulation inside it, which means it will stimulate metabolic processes in each joint.
  • Then thumb gently take it a little to the side and make numerous circular movements. First in one direction, then in the other. After that, the finger is pulled towards and away from itself several times, twitching.

Achilles tendon and ankle massage

We work with this section with the leg on the support. Method of work: pinching and stroking, alternating with rubbing movements.

The direction from the joint to the knee. Working on the joint, perform gentle rubbing and tapping with your fingertips.

After warming up, fixing the leg in one hand, grab the foot with the other and make 7 rotational movements in both directions.

Thigh massage

The procedure is two-stage, it consists of working out the back and upper surface of the thigh. The beginning is optional. The complex of movements includes stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibrating actions directed from the knee to the hip joint.

After seven times repetition of each of the elements, squeeze with palms is carried out, performing it towards the pelvis.

The final stage is vibrating movements with the whole palm pressed to the surface of the thigh, light beating.

The set of exercises includes: delicate, and then intensifying stroking, pressing, light chopping movements along the muscle area, pinching and spiraling fingers.

By doing these movements correctly, a foot massage can have a powerful slimming effect. Since the upper fat layer is intensively kneaded. In addition, you get an additional anti-cellulite effect.

This procedure is carried out both on the whole body and locally, so you can focus directly on the legs.

Movements are performed with fingers, palms, the side of a clenched fist. Direction: from the sacrum to the lower back, from the sacrum towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

Foot massage at home

At the right approach, foot massage at home differs from professional only in the coherence of movements - if the procedure is performed independently or by someone from the household.

If there is no one to help, but you cannot do self-massage of the legs, or you want to completely relax during the procedure, then you can invite a specialist to your home.

Do you want to stretch your muscles, but there is no way to pay for the services of a specialist? A video on how to properly massage your feet will help you quickly master all the basic steps of the procedure.

Foot massage for flat feet

The procedure performed for babies in infancy will prevent flat feet from developing. For adults, the complex will help relieve discomfort in the feet.

Warming up is carried out first lumbar the spine, which stimulates the nerve endings in the legs.

If you are faced with a similar ailment in young children, then you need to immediately, without weakening, tackle this problem.

The effectiveness of the treatment depends very much on the stage of the disease at which they undertook to treat it. The execution has a strong effect in combination with massage procedures.

Then, the muscles in the lower leg and feet are kneaded, increasing the time for working out the fingers, their lower phalanges and the Achilles tendon. Light tickling of the inner surface of the foot is helpful.

Foot massage after fracture

Until the moment of complete fusion of the damaged bone, in the absence of tissue ruptures and violations of the integrity of the main elements of the circulatory system over the damaged area, the skin near the gypsum is lightly stroked, pinched and tapped with fingertips.

Even such light movements lead to activation of blood and lymph flow, which will provide both support for muscle tissue in the diseased area and its early fusion.

After removing the plaster and receiving confirmation of a safely healed fracture, muscle tone is returned with the help of gentle rubbing, spiral finger fingering.

The impact is performed both over the site of injury and on the areas adjacent to it, using light kneading techniques with the capture of muscles with fingers, vibrating actions (if they do not cause discomfort).

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that foot massage is a useful and pleasant procedure, it should be resorted to with an eye on the state of health.

Active warm-up of the feet and lower extremities should not be done by pregnant women, people with serious disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, patients with thrombophlebitis complicated by dermatitis.

It is impossible to perform active manipulations with a person who has an elevated body temperature or sore joints in an exacerbation stage.

For everyone else, foot massage, especially taking into account the location of vital points, will not only pamper your body with a pleasant procedure and relax, but also significantly improve your health.

The ability to sit on the twine is an indicator of excellent flexibility. You can sit on the twine during gymnastic exercises, dancing, or just for personal gain. To learn how to do the splits, start stretching regularly. Incorporate toe-touching into your workout regimen to dramatically improve your flexibility. Dynamic stretches, such as spreading the legs against a wall, will also stretch the thigh and calf muscles. It will take weeks to prepare for the split, so be patient and watch your body condition to avoid injury. Stop stretching if you feel pain.


Sock-touching exercises

    Follow the traditional sock touch. Sit on the gym mat with your legs extended in front of you. Lean forward and try to reach your feet. Grab them and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then slowly return upper part body in an upright position. Do as many reps as you can.

    • If you can't reach your feet, stretch your arms as far as possible.
    • If you want to increase the difficulty of the exercise, pull your toes up and try to touch your toes. Try to make sure that your torso does not bend during the exercise.
  1. Touch one toe. Sit straight on the mat with both legs extended in front of you. Bend one leg so that the foot rests on your groin. Then extend your arms in the direction of your outstretched leg. When you touch your foot, hold this position for 30 seconds. Change your leg and repeat the exercise.

    • While bending the knee bent leg will most likely start to press on the floor.
  2. Do the butterfly exercise. Sit on the mat, spread your legs to the sides and bend at the knees, and bring your feet together. Slowly begin to pull your heels towards your groin. At the same time, try to lower your knees to the floor. Begin to slowly lean forward. Hold this position until you feel a stretch in the muscles of your thigh and lower leg.

    Bend forward with your legs open. Sit straight on the mat with your legs apart. Spread them as wide as possible, but not to the limit. Then start slowly extending your arms forward from your torso. Following your arms, begin to slowly tilt your torso towards the floor. Stop when you feel tension in the muscles in your thigh, lower leg, or back. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Take a few more approaches.

    • To increase the load, try to reach your ankles as you tilt your torso. As a result, you should be able to lower your face to the floor.
  3. Hold each position until you feel tension. Changing stretching positions quickly can injure your muscles and joints. Instead, slowly move in and out of one position or another. Hold in the position until you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles. Typically, this sensation appears 30 seconds after stretching.

    • Hold the position for as long as your body and fitness level allow. For some people, 30 seconds is enough, while others will have to hold the same position for a minute.
  4. Stop stretching immediately if you feel pain. Performing this or that exercise, you can feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles. This kind of pain is quite normal and expected with regular stretching exercise. If you feel a deep, sharp or stabbing pain, immediately return to the starting position. If you continue to stretch when the pain is severe, you will damage your joints.

    • Pain during stretching usually comes from the joints in the knees or hips.
  5. Try to stretch every few days. As much as you want to warm up every day, this can lead to muscle fatigue. Better to let your muscles and joints recover. To do this, stretch and get ready to do the twine every few days. Typically, a 30 minute stretch, including a warm-up, will be sufficient.

Good tone and elasticity calf muscles- this is not only the ability to move freely over long distances, but also a decrease in the risk of inflammation of the ankle joint, superficial veins of the lower leg (varicose veins).

Stretching exercises

To make your legs not only beautiful, but also healthy, it is not enough just to load the muscles. It is necessary to devote 10% of the time from strength training stretching. Calf stretching exercises can be done at home as well.

Why stretching is useful

During tonic and clonic tension, muscle fibers contract. With constant tonic load, cross-striped muscle fiber lengthens, loses volume, but its strength and endurance increase. There is no unambiguous data about the rate of contraction, it all depends on the type of training.

In clonic tension, when contractions are frequent and short, the fiber shortens and becomes larger in volume. This effect is especially visible if the load is given every other day and with low weight.

The increase in muscle volume gradually leads to circulatory failure or mechanical narrowing of the blood vessels. Hence, a large number of fatigue fractures and ligament ruptures.

To reduce the harmful effect of muscle load on blood vessels, it is necessary to do exercises to stretch the calf muscles.

Stretching has a complex effect:

  • Relaxes.
  • Prevents dizziness.
  • Improves blood circulation and lymph drainage.
  • Increases muscle elasticity.
  • Reduces the period of rest.
  • Develops muscle functionality.
  • Reduces the risk of injury (tendon ruptures, cramps)

Each workout should end with relaxation and stretching of the areas on which the load was given. V otherwise injuries and pain cannot be avoided.

The calf stretch can be used to shrink the lower leg. It is really possible to do it, you just need to choose the right complex.

How to stretch your calf muscle

Stretching exercises

Have to do maximum amount exercises to counteract the strength of the muscles of the lower leg.

Calf muscle function:

  • Flexion of the foot.
  • Rotation of the foot.
  • Big toe movement, etc.

Based on this, you can pick up several exercises that are aimed not only at stretching the lower leg, but also at relaxing it.

How to stretch your caviar:

  1. Fold. Standing position, feet together. Bend over keeping knees straight.
  2. A fold on the floor. Sitting position with feet together in front. Lean forward, keeping knees straight. If you didn't get to the fingers the first time, bend your knees and take the toes of the same name in your hands. Then slowly straighten them, keeping your toes in your hands.
  3. Checkbox. Sitting position with legs extended forward. With two hands in the area of ​​the ankle joint, take a leg and raise it to the nose. At the same time, it is important to maintain knee-joint direct. In this case, the stretching effect can extend not only to the lower leg, but also to the hamstrings (flexor of the lower leg). Repeat the same movements with the other leg. Movements should be smooth and cause mild, pleasant pain in the work area.
  4. Exercise with Swedish wall- one of the most effective for working on the lower leg. Stand with both feet on the lowest step. Lower your heels to the floor as much as possible and rise on your toes as high as possible. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible. This exercise can be used for stretching, pumping, and relaxation.
  5. Walking on tiptoes. If you walk and stand on tiptoes for several days, you can easily increase the volume of your lower leg. And if you combine this exercise with stretching, you can easily increase the strength of the calf and reduce the back surface of the lower leg in volume.
  6. Standing checkbox. Right leg put forward on a stable object at a height that does not cause discomfort. The foot should point clearly upward. Try to put your belly on your thigh. This exercise involves the back of the lower leg and biceps hips, which play an important role in flexibility lower limbs... When the stomach effortlessly lies on the thigh, you can use your hand to unbend the foot in ankle and enhance the effect of the exercise.

It is best to start stretching after a good warm-up, then the muscles will be more elastic and pliable.

How to warm up before stretching:

  • Run. It is best to run at a slow pace, which will allow you to withstand the load without interruption for 15-20 minutes. Such warming up will also contribute to weight loss.
  • Walking. It should be intense and rhythmic, for at least 10-20 minutes.
  • Jumping. Good way not only warm up, but also pump the shin. If you do not want to have pumped up legs, after jumping you need to stretch them very well.

Stretch readiness criteria:

  • Feeling of heat in the body.
  • The ankle is hot to the touch.
  • You are sweating well.

Exercises to stretch your calf muscles at home are pretty simple. It is enough to choose the necessary video or photo complex and do it every day.

Do not forget about warming up. If it's not enough to warm up before stretching, you can easily get injured (tear, stretch, tear).

Calf muscle relaxation exercises

After training, you need to relax your legs well.

Relaxation Exercises:

  • Lying on your back, raise your legs and arms up. Shake limbs for 1-2 minutes.
  • Standing position, feet together. Step forward keeping back knee straight. Bending the front leg, transfer the weight of the body to a characteristic sensation along the back surface of the lower leg of the hind leg.

Massage to soften the calf muscles

Massage is a good relaxation method. Slow rubbing motion towards the nearest lymph nodes improves blood circulation, prevents DOMS (delayed pain syndrome), and promotes muscle relaxation.

Massage is also used to stretch the calf muscle before exercise.

Calf stretching, massage and proper distribution power load during training - effective prevention of diseases of the lower leg and ankle joint.

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