Quadratic muscle. How are the superficial and deep back muscles located? Exposure to heat and cold

Conditions modern life dictate their own rules to a person, under which a sedentary lifestyle becomes more and more common. As a consequence of this, a large number of people experience intermittent or persistent. Low back pain is a consequence of deformed, improper posture, physically inactive lifestyle and many other factors. At the same time, pain in can cause not only discomfort, but also cause strong enough, literally unbearable suffering for the patient.

One of the main factors affecting the occurrence of lumbar pain. experts identify the syndrome square muscle lumbar torso. It is located in the region of the spine and, like other muscles of the back, is responsible for maintaining it and moving it correctly. Injuries resulting from damage to this muscle will certainly lead to a decrease in the patient's motor functions and sometimes to quite severe pain in the state of mobility.

The square muscle of the lumbar spine is responsible for the stable functioning of the spine as a whole, and also participates in the tilting movements of the trunk. It has a paired structure and helps in raising the hips up, also takes a direct part in the breathing process, and more specifically, it contracts on exhalation. If, for example, a patient experiences coughing fits, then the square muscle undergoes numerous contractions, which leads to malfunctions in its work.

The location of the psoas square muscle begins from the twelfth rib of the spine. It is the link between the vertebral ribs and the bones of the pelvic region. It is this muscle, in most cases associated with lumbar pain, that acts as the source of the patient's unpleasant sensations. Often, the muscle in the lower back takes on a double function, performing the work of the gluteal muscle tissues, which, for one reason or another, cannot cope with the load. This can happen when the muscles in the buttocks are weakened or damaged. In this case, the square muscle takes care of the stable work of the pelvic spine, which often leads to its significant overstrain.

TO functional features square muscle include:

  • bend along the axis of the spine to the left and to the right, while the muscle contraction occurs in accordance with the line of inclination of the back;
  • fixing the body in an upright position. In this case, the psoas muscle experiences constant tension until the person takes a horizontal position;
  • the lumbar muscle contracts on both sides when the body moves backward, as well as when it is returned from the forward position to the vertical position;
  • participates in the process of excitation of nerve fibers located in the subcostal nerves and four lumbar structures;
  • supplies blood to the aorta and subcostal arteries.

Groups of fibers of the square muscle of the lower back

Fibers of square muscles are divided into three groups in structure. The first of these is muscle tissue, the fibers of which are located vertically. It is located from top to bottom from the twelfth rib and extends to the pelvic part of the body. Thanks to these muscle fibers, the torso can be tilted forward and backward, as well as movements to the left or right. With this body movements to the left or to the right, they are accompanied by muscle tension on only one side, while the other side remains relaxed.

The second group of muscle fibers is understood as the muscles located on the transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae. There are five of these processes in the lumbar region. These fibers of muscle tissue enter a state of tension when the torso is rotated in different directions. In this case, contracting, the muscle reduces the distance between the places of its attachments and there is a turn in one direction or another. In this movement, the oblique muscle tissue of the abdomen also takes part.

The third group of fibers originates from the horizontal processes of the vertebrae located in the lower back and continues up to the pelvic part of the body. This group of fibers allows simultaneous body movements in different directions.

As a result, it turns out that when turning the torso in the process of motor manipulations, two groups of fibers of the psoas muscle are involved. These turns often occur while walking. Moreover, they have symmetry in motion. However, if at least one of the three groups of fibers is damaged, shortened or simply weakened, then it will not be possible to make walking painless.

The greatest percentage of weakening of the square muscle occurs as a result of the displacement of the position of the twelfth rib spinal column... And also due to a change in the location of the ilium. Often these processes are accompanied by modifications of the square muscle in the form of its shortening. In this case, there is muscle imbalance... The psoas muscle on the one hand turns out to be much shorter than the required length, and on the other, it becomes rather weakened. In this case, both sides of the muscle tissue begin to function unevenly, which leads to an unbalanced tone of this structure. With this violation, a number of negative consequences are revealed.

  1. An incorrect angle is formed when moving between the vertebrae located in the lumbar spine. This causes a change in the vector of motion of the vertebrae.
  2. When moving, the torso will have limitations, which leads to an asymmetry of the gait.
  3. An imbalance over time can lead to the appearance of intervertebral hernias - accordingly, the discs connecting the vertebrae will undergo destruction. As a result, the patient has the likelihood of acquiring arthrosis.

Therefore, in case of diseases of the muscles of the lumbar region, the first thing that needs to be restored is the square muscle. In this case, therapy should be aimed at the simultaneous restoration of both shortened and weakened muscles. The main thing is that all three groups of muscle fibers in the lower back receive appropriate treatment. Otherwise, the imbalance in the optimal work of movements will persist, and over time, the problem will again overtake the patient.

Causes of the weak state of the square muscle

The main reason for the shortening of the square muscle is the weakness of its paired part, on the opposite half of the lower back. This phenomenon is rooted in a person's irregular gait, in which both sides of the square muscles would have the maximum required tension. In this case, they speak of a shortened muscle in the lower back.

Opposite the square muscle in the frontal zone is the abdominal muscle, which is called the oblique. It is located opposite the square muscle, but in the abdominal area. For effective work right square muscle mass, the oblique muscle of the abdomen should simultaneously enter into tone with the lumbar counterpart. This contributes to the full stretch of the square muscle. Otherwise, the square muscle is shortened, which leads to an imbalance.

The second most popular cause of weakness in the quadratus lumbar region is the unhealthy condition of the gluteal muscle mass. Moreover, her weakness on the right side projects the weakness of the psoas muscle on the same side. This is because the lumbar square is trying to compensate for the weakness of the gluteus maximus. At the same time, it is overstrained and weakens over time. The consequences of such an overstrain of the lower back are its injuries in the process of constant movement in such a rhythm.

Pain points of the square muscle of the lower back

In order to find a focus of lower back pain, you must first determine the area of ​​the square muscle. To do this, you need to find the twelfth rib: it lies below the entire rib row and is the shortest of them. Further, the horizontal processes of the vertebrae of the trunk and the ilium are found. This will be the localization of the square muscle, where these points are its boundaries.

When feeling the psoas muscle, the patient must be in a prone position. Examine the lumbar region by gently pressing in the area between the twelfth rib and the ilium. Palpation involves oblique movements towards the horizontal processes of the vertebrae. The greatest pain in the patient is caused by points located near the femur, starting with the ilium of the lumbar spine. Also, often strong pain localization can occur in the gluteal muscle tissue. Such pain can result in a loss of the ability to stand upright, walk, or roll over in a horizontal position (for example, turning to the other side while lying in bed). Square muscle pain can provoke a shortening of the lower limb, which can be noticeable with the naked eye.

Symptoms of diseases of the square muscle

Pain in the square muscle of the lumbar spine manifests itself in the form of a stressed state of the part of the back, located at the very bottom of the body. Patients with lumbar back pain often describe it as aching or severe, depending on the situation.

The patient also experiences discomfort in the lower back while lying down, but to a greater extent it begins to manifest itself or with any active body movements. Sharp pains usually occur due to coughing or sneezing, when a sharp spasm of the square muscle occurs. The position when a person is sitting is also no exception for the occurrence of pain of varying intensity.

The patient can experience these painful sensations systematically, and then they are called chronic. In this case, they are a huge problem for a person's ordinary life, since any active movement is accompanied by sharp discomfort, which leads to a decrease in the quality of life in everyday living conditions. In this case, over time, a person may even develop a deterioration in the psychological state due to the constant presence in uncomfortable conditions, accompanied by pain. Such people are more likely than others to be subject to depressive conditions and disturbances in the emotional background.

At the same time, experts noted that if a certain area of ​​the body is exposed to constant pain, then another part of it takes over the work of this area. This is a natural natural defense of a person in order to maintain the functionality of the whole organism as a whole.

As for the square muscle of the lumbar spine, when it is painful, other muscle tissues take over the work to ensure the normal functioning of this area, which over time leads to their depletion and the formation of new destructive states.

In addition to the general symptoms described above, there are a number of other, more serious signs characterizing violations of the work of the square muscle of the lower back. They may indicate other diseases that directly provoked muscle dysfunction. These include:

  • numbness lower limbs and stop;
  • incessant pain even after rest;
  • increased pain over time;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system or gastrointestinal tract;
  • a state of numbness in the perineum;
  • stiffness of movements for more than half an hour after;
  • subfebrile body temperature or increased sweating at night;
  • significant reduction in body weight.

If the patient finds at least one of these symptoms in his condition, you should immediately contact medical professionals for a comprehensive examination and diagnosis.

Speaking about the consequences of overloading the square muscle, it should be emphasized that overstrain primarily leads to a change in the structure of the spine in the lumbar region. Here it is already advisable to talk about the deformation of the discs themselves, which are the connecting material of the vertebrae of the trunk. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to treat diseases of the square muscle in order to avoid the consequences in the form of deformity of the spine, the treatment of which implies more severe therapy.

Diagnostics of the syndrome of the square muscle of the lumbar spine

In medicine, a number of diseases are identified that can lead to deformation of the square muscle with all the resulting pain. It can be:

  • trochanteritis or inflammation of the tendons of the hip joint;
  • compression of the spinal roots;
  • a decrease in the volume of intervertebral cracks;
  • ankylosing spondylitis or fusion of intervertebral joints;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • weakening of the muscle tissue of the abdomen;
  • diverticulosis;
  • endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • fibroids or prolapse of the uterus;
  • urinary tract infections.

The number of diseases that can lead to violations of the square muscle of the lower back is quite large. Therefore, for a highly effective diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of procedures, which includes a blood test, research, etc. Experienced doctors with appropriate qualifications are able to identify the disease already during the palpation procedure. But it will be useful to conduct this series of studies in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Diseases of the square muscle of the lumbar region are widespread among people involved, for example, in summer cottages or vegetable gardens. These cases take place due to the systematic work of the torso in the floor. bent position, which increases the load on the lower back. In this case, the lower back can be susceptible to hypothermia due to frequent temperature changes by fresh air, what is the reason painful sensations... This is especially true for people with excess weight and pregnant women, in whom the load on the lower back increases significantly.

However, the most common square muscle syndrome is precisely in people leading a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. This applies to office workers, people whose professions involve computers, and professional drivers. When they get sick, their blood circulation is impaired - it becomes slower. Accordingly, providing muscles nutrients decreases, and this leads to muscle tissue disorders in the lumbar region. It should also be emphasized that against the background of low mobility, tissues that are not involved in the processes of movement simply atrophy. In the case of the square muscle, which is directly responsible for flexion and extension of the trunk, the process of muscle atrophy will lead to its weakening and reduction in size. After the muscles of the lower back are weakened, the person will no longer be able to carry out the loads that were easily given to him at a young age. Accordingly, the activity of the whole organism as a whole will drop considerably, which will affect the quality of life as a whole. In this case, pain in the lumbar region may appear.

Lumbar Square Muscle Treatment

The patient often begins treatment of the lumbar spine only when the pain in the muscles begins to progress strongly. Of course, this is not entirely correct - it is necessary to start therapy at the first sign. Initially, therapy is directed to prevent the process of deterioration of the patient's condition. Further, the task of doctors is to improve the condition of the muscles of the back and the spine itself. And at the last, third stage, they are already engaged in reducing symptoms, that is, they are directly treating lower back pain.

But sometimes it becomes difficult to consistently carry out the stages of treatment. In this case, the pain is first relieved, and then they proceed directly to the treatment of the square muscle. Such a change in the order of the stages is possible, for example, in the inflammatory process of the soft tissues of the lumbar region. Here it will be advisable to first carry out drug therapy or massage procedures. In most cases, the initially prescribed drugs are antispasmodics, which help muscle tissue to relieve spasm and pain, because they interfere with a number of physiological procedures.

It occupies an important place in the therapy of the syndrome of the square muscle of the lower back. Unlike physical exercise, it does not carry a significant load on muscle tissue, and therefore is recommended at all stages of the disease.

However, do not forget that the main remedy in the treatment of back muscles is considered physical exercise in the form of special exercises. After all, the appearance of problems with the lower back, namely its square muscle, is a consequence of a sedentary and physically similar lifestyle. Therefore, in order to return the lower back to its former physically strong state, it is necessary to remove the cause of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to achieve a return to active muscle work in order to make them more enduring and stronger. And this can only be achieved through physical exercise.


Depending on the stage of the quadrant lumbar syndrome, soft tissue repair measures can be prescribed, which often include a whole range of relief measures.

  • Yoga combines a series of stretching and asanas. This helps to reduce pain in the psoas muscle. In this case, there is a beneficial effect of exercise not only on the physical, but also on the psychological state of the patient.

  • Pain medications play a large role in relieving back discomfort, but they have a number of side effects... They can cause drowsiness, weakness, and dryness in the mouth.
  • are designed to accurately administer pain relievers directly to the site of pain. If an inflammatory process is detected in the square muscle, then such injections may include steroid-based components. This type of therapy significantly relieves spasms in muscle fibers.
  • Massage is beneficial for improving circulation and relaxing sore muscles.
  • Ice can reduce inflammation in the back tissues.
  • Heat increases blood flow to the sore spot and, accordingly, relieve pain.

Exercise to improve the condition of the square muscle

NameExercise Description
StretchingThis exercise must be started by raising your arms up, while standing straight. Next, you need to raise one of the hands up as if a person is reaching for a tree for a fruit. In this case, the opposite leg must be brought into a bent position relative to the knee and raised up. Then you need to relax the body, exhale and do the same with the opposite side of the body. Repeat the exercise ten times.
TwistingTwisting occurs from a lying position on your side. At the same time, put a roller on the upper part of the left lower limb and raise the body, directing it in this direction. Stop for a short while in a tense position, and then, slowly exhaling, return to the starting point. Next, you need to roll over on the other side and do the same on the other side. Repeat 5 times on each side.
Stretching from a prone positionFrom a supine position, direct your spine to the right side, leaving your shoulders and pelvis on the floor. Next, grab your right hand with your left palm and turn your foot to the right side. With this technique, the left side of the body should be significantly stretched. Hold this position for a couple of minutes, and then return to the starting point. Do the same on left side for stretching right side back. Repeat 5 times on each side.
Sitting stretchesThe seated stretch comes from a point on all fours. In this case, the hands must be placed under the shoulders, and interior the thighs with the knees should be under the pelvis in the position where they touch. From this point, it is necessary to turn the hips to the left side, so that right leg lay on the left. Lock in and look into the distance over your right shoulder. Inhale and exhale slowly without changing position. Return to the starting point and repeat the exercise on the other side. The exercise is performed 5-6 times on each side.
Stretching from a reclining positionIt is necessary to kneel down, and then sit down so that the buttocks touch the feet. Next, you should stretch forward until the chest lies on the hips. Then with your hands parallel to the ground, show the time at ten o'clock, as if upper limbs- these are the hands of the dial. In this position, you need to linger for only a minute, and then turn your hands to the other side at the level of two hours. The exercise is performed 2-3 times.
PonytailThis exercise is done from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your belt. We take a breath, while lifting the leg bent at the knee. Next, we exhale and take it away, taking a step back. We repeat the exercise seven times. We finish by returning to starting position... Relax and do the exercises in the same sequence for the other leg.
Extension for the side of the torsoThe exercise is performed from a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. We make an upward movement with one hand, while the opposite hand lies on the lower back. With your free hand, we stretch upwards while inhaling, and while exhaling we move it towards the hand that lies on the waist. Then we change hands and repeat the movement in the other direction. The exercise is performed 8-10 times.

Exercise stretching

  1. From a supine position, bend your knees and feet so that they are on the floor. Next, throw one leg over the other and use it to lower the lower limb to the ground, with the upper leg on the healthy side of the body. Lock in for a few seconds. Repeat 5-9 times.
  2. Sit near the wall at a distance of about thirty centimeters and, without lifting your feet from the floor, turn your torso to the side. Turning around, put your palms on the wall and stand there for twenty seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Remaining in a standing position, cross your legs so that the leg of the problem side of the back is in front and transfer your body weight to it. Raise your hands to head level, horizontally on the floor, and grasp the wrist of the opposite hand on the affected side of the body with one hand. Stretch your hand away from the problem side. Repeat 7-9 times.
  4. Stand straight - feet shoulder-width apart - and relax your arms by lowering them along your torso. Bend over to the healthy side so that the aching muscle on the opposite side is stretched to the highest degree. Inhale, while lifting your eyes up and fix this body position for ten seconds. Then lower your eyes down and exhale smoothly. Torso at this exercise should be directed strictly to the side. Repeat 4-5 times.
  5. Sit on the floor, fold over left leg and straighten the right one. Grab the right foot with a towel and grab the elbow. right hand place on the appropriate knee. Fix the pose, while inhaling and exhaling at least four times. Breathing during this exercise should be deep and smooth.

Measures for the prevention of diseases of the square muscle of the lower back

To prevent square muscle disease, you should learn how to correctly lift heavy masses so that the body remains level at the same time. In this case, weights should be held closer to the body. Also, experts do not recommend excessive physical activity or hypothermia to maintain the health of the back muscles.

For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, on the contrary, it is advised to more often give a load to the lumbar muscles, so that they do not weaken. It is necessary to regularly play sports or do specially designed sets of physical exercises. The main thing is that physical activity is regular and even. If there is no opportunity to fully engage in sports or physical exercise, it is necessary at least occasionally to take breaks in sedentary work and do a series of exercises that only take a couple of minutes of free time. This is easy to do, and the back muscles will receive the missing blood flow, which is the source of nutrition for muscle tissue.

The effect of the treatment of the square muscle can manifest itself at different intervals for each case. It all depends on the degree of the disease and the timely treatment of the disease. Nevertheless, the above methods of treating the square muscle give positive result In many cases.

Summing up

The square muscles of the lower back are responsible for most of the movements that a person makes in the lumbar region and the entire spine as a whole. Because this muscle is so "in demand", it can wear out faster - that is, pathologies may arise that affect it. That is why it is so important to get rid of them as quickly as possible in order to regain the ability to move freely.

Video - Trigger points in the square muscle of the lower back

The square muscle of the lower back is a paired postural muscle that is responsible for lateral stability and tilt of the spine and chest, lifting the hip, and can also participate in the exhalation process. It begins at the iliac crest and is attached to the XII rib and the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae I-IV. Roughly speaking, it connects the lower ribs and the pelvis. This muscle is often the source of pain in the lower back. If gluteal muscles weakened, the square muscle of the lower back partially takes over their function of stabilizing the pelvis and, accordingly, is exposed to unintended overstrain. The site will tell you how to get rid of the pain caused by overexertion of the quadratus lumborum.

Overstrain of the square muscle of the lower back: the most common causes

The causes of back pain, namely in its lower part (lower back), can be:

  • protrusion or hernia of the vertebral disc;
  • trauma;
  • pinched nerves;
  • inflammation of the nerves;
  • diseases internal organs(reflected pain);
  • infections;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • spine diseases;
  • difference in leg length;
  • displacement of the joints;
  • overexertion or muscle strain.

It is possible to assume overstrain of the square muscle of the lower back only after undergoing a full examination and excluding other reasons that led to the appearance of pain.

A characteristic feature of problems with the square muscle of the lower back is painful sensation, as well as a noticeable tilt to the "painful" side. Possible causes of overstrain of the specified muscle:

  • the habit of sleeping on one side with a raised hip;
  • carrying weights on one side;
  • weakened muscles of the buttocks;
  • incorrect posture, etc.

How to relieve tension in the square muscle of the lower back

To relieve lower back pain, it is enough to perform the exercises below, aimed at relieving tension in the square muscle of the back.

Massage will also be useful, but it is better to contact a qualified specialist for it, who knows exactly the technique of performing massage movements.

We suggest you try the exercises and postures below.

1. We reach for the fruit (up to 10 repetitions)

  • stand up straight, raising your straight arms up;
  • now raise one hand higher as if you intend to pick a ripe fruit from the tree;
  • bend the opposite leg at the knee and lift the hip up;
  • inhale and feel the contraction of the square muscle of the lower back;
  • exhale and relax;
  • repeat on the other side.

2. Gentle twisting in the prone position

  • lie on your side;
  • apply a roller to the left thigh;
  • turn the body in the direction of the roller;
  • hands rest on the sides of the roller (as shown above);
  • turn your head to any side (whichever is more convenient for you);
  • You will have to look for the best position on your own, adjusting the bend of the hips and knees, pulling the thigh away from the lower ribs;
  • linger in the chosen position for a couple of minutes;
  • exhaling slowly, return to the starting position;
  • repeat on the other side.

3. The graceful tree pose

  • lie on your back;
  • bend the spine so that the body tilts to the right side;
  • keep your hips and shoulders on the floor;
  • grasp your right wrist with your left hand;
  • give your feet to the right;
  • so that the legs do not part, it is fashionable to cross them in the ankle area;
  • feel the entire left side stretch;
  • after a few minutes, return to the starting position and repeat the pose on the other side.

4. Side stretch while sitting

  • get down on all fours;
  • place your hands exactly under your shoulders;
  • knees and inner thighs should touch and be aligned under the pelvic bone;
  • move your hips to the left side, rolling to outer part left leg (right leg should be on the left);
  • look over your right shoulder;
  • inhale as you stretch the left lower back and left thigh;
  • exhale to return to the center position;
  • repeat on the other side.

5. Child's pose

  • kneel down;
  • sit with your buttocks on your heels;
  • bend forward with your arms outstretched;
  • put your chest on your hips;
  • move your hands to the position of the arrow, which points to 10 o'clock, so that the body bends to the left;
  • linger in this position for a minute;
  • repeat on the other side (hands at 2 o'clock).

The site hopes that the above postures will help relieve tension in the square muscle of the lower back, and with it - and pain in the lower back.

The square muscle of the lower back is included in the muscular corset of the trunk, consists of two parts - front and back. The anterior part has 3 points of attachment: the ilium, the 12th rib, and the thoracic vertebra. Rear part runs as a "bridge" between the ilium with lumbar vertebrae. It represents the back wall of the abdomen, is a paired flat muscle.

Functions of the square muscle of the lower back

Along with other muscle fibers of the back and abdomen, the square muscle of the lower back performs the following functions:

  • lateral flexion of the lumbar spine. The body bends to the right or left, depending on the side of contraction of the muscle fibers;
  • keeping the body upright. The square muscle of the lower back is constantly in good shape, except when a person is lying;
  • bilateral contraction is involved in tilting the body back, as well as when the body returns from a forward tilt to an upright position.

In what cases work is disrupted

Constant load on the square muscle of the lower back imposes on it correct work increased requirements. Overstrain occurs during a long stay of the spinal column in a bent position (work in the garden, cleaning), as well as in persons with a sedentary lifestyle. All of these situations lead to back pain on both sides.

Congenital or acquired asymmetries of the pelvis, upper and lower extremities - most often different lengths of the legs, lead to increased stress on the lower back on one side. In these cases, the pain will be unilateral, located on the opposite side of the short limb.

The most common cause of increased stress on the lower back is scoliosis. Sometimes pain impulses give "screen" pain in the gluteal region, increase their intensity during coughing or sneezing, when changing the position of the body.

How to diagnose and treat the square muscle of the lower back

To diagnose the inflammatory process, a few simple manipulations are enough, including palpation and certain exercises. Back pain can be caused by many different diseases, so only a doctor should make a diagnosis. It is possible to exclude all other diseases with similar symptoms only after examination.

Treatment of the inflammatory process in the square muscle of the lower back usually includes physiotherapy and massage, often these non-drug methods can be limited. But if the situation has gone very far, then it will be necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs produced in ointments or gels. You can make warming compresses, or use medications with irritants (bee venom, snakes, hot peppers).

What is the danger of overloading the square muscle of the lower back?

Constant overload of the quadratus lumbar muscle leads to deformation of the lumbar spine, namely to deformation of the intervertebral discs and compression of the roots of the spinal nerves. Deformity of the spine is more difficult to cure than the inflammatory process in muscle fibers. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of back pain is the guarantee of your health and constantly beautiful posture!

Muscle relaxants and pain relievers can help relieve pain. In more severe cases, the doctor prescribes point injections. They are injected at trigger points to reduce pain and inflammation. For this purpose, anesthetics or steroid drugs are used. However, long-term use of steroids can provoke muscle weakness and atrophy.

If the spasm negatively affects the nervous structures, vitamins of group B are used. When scoliosis is detected, the patient is advised to wear special shoes. Antispasmodic drugs will help eliminate spasms.

Yoga and stretching can help reduce pain. Take off muscle tension and increase blood circulation in the lumbar region using therapeutic massage... It is also helpful to take warm baths during the course of therapy. In case of severe pain, it is allowed to apply ice to the back. Modern methods of treatment such as cryotherapy and laser therapy have proven themselves well.

If a patient is diagnosed with an infectious disease, then antiviral drugs and antibiotics are included in the course of treatment.

The most in a simple way for treating discomfort in the lower back with square muscle syndrome, an intense effect on the trigger point is considered, after which the damaged area of ​​the muscle is stretched. To do this, you should use a massage roll and balls. First, the patient must warm up the muscles with a roll, then act on the lower back massage ball... It is enough to make swinging movements in different directions and up and down for a minute. You can perform the exercises while lying on the floor or near a wall. To stretch the affected area, it is recommended to place the legs behind the head in the supine position, twisting the body while standing, sitting and lying.

Low back pain is one of the most common problems that statistically affects one in three adults. If you do not deal with the elimination of painful sensations in the back and lower back in time, then you can subsequently earn serious spinal disease ... We offer you a selection of effective exercises for low back pain to relax and strengthen muscles, as well as to increase the flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Lower back pain: what causes it and what to do?

The most common causes of back pain are a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of the corset muscles that are unable to support the spine. In addition, the cause can be various pathologies, excessive loads, or just a sharp awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be neutralized with lower back exercises.

Because of what the lower back may hurt:

  • prolonged stay in one position;
  • weak back and core muscles;
  • excessive loads or non-compliance with the exercise technique;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • a lot of excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

In order for lower back pain not to cause serious problems with the spine, it is necessary to perform special exercises for the lower back that will help relieve discomfort, relieve pain, heal the body and serve as a good preventive measure. It is not for nothing that the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physiotherapy and gymnastics for the spine.

Why it is useful to do exercises for the lower back:

  • Reduces pain in the lower back due to stretching and relaxation of muscles
  • Strengthens the spine and increases its flexibility
  • Increases blood circulation, which saturates the joints and vertebrae with nutrients
  • Strengthens the corset muscles that support the spine
  • Posture improves
  • Eases the work of the heart and lungs
  • The hormonal background is normalized
  • Reduces the risk of hernia, osteochondrosis and other pathologies
  • Improves the work of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity

A set of exercises for back pain should include: stretching exercises andmuscle strengthening exercises . With exacerbations, tension in the muscles is observed, therefore, first of all, they must be relaxed - for this, a stretching complex is performed (stretching) muscles. To prevent back pain, you need to strengthen your muscles. When the back muscles are strengthened, the load on the spine decreases, since a significant part of the load is taken up by the muscle corset.

Rules for doing exercises for the lower back

1. It is not necessary to force the load and overload the lower back with exercises in order to reach the goal faster. Start with small loads, gradually increasing the duration of the session.

2. Exercises for the lower back should be done with the load and amplitude that is comfortable for you. Avoid jerking or jerking when doing lower back exercises to avoid aggravating the problem.

3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem, try to do a set of exercises for the lower back on a regular basis. It will be enough to exercise 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

4. If you have a cold floor or cold weather outside, dress warmly and put a rug or blanket on the floor so as not to chill your lower back.

5. Exercise on a hard surface: a bed or soft mat will not work. During the exercises lying on your back, the lower back should be pressed to the floor.

6. Do not forget about breathing while performing a set of exercises for back pain. Exercise should be accompanied by deep, even breathing, each static exercise perform on 7-10 breathing cycles.

7. If during the performance of some exercises you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, then it is better to skip such exercises. If during the exercise you feel acute pain, then in this case it is better to stop training altogether.

8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after a spinal injury or with chronic diseases. In this case consultation with a doctor is required.

9. Remember that if you have some kind of chronic illness, then the set of exercises for the lower back must be selected individually. For example, with scoliosis, exercises for straightening the spine are shown, and with osteochondrosis and hernia - for stretching it.

10. If lumbar discomfort persists for several weeks, see your doctor. Low back pain can be a sign of a serious medical condition. The sooner you start the treatment process, the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

Back Pain Exercise: Stretching

We offer you stretching exercises for the muscles of the lower back, which are suitable for eliminating pain spasms and as a prophylaxis. Linger in every pose20- 40 seconds , you can use a timer. Remember to do exercises on both sides, right and left. If some exercise gives you discomfort or pain, then interrupt it, the training should not bring unpleasant sensations.

From a position on all fours, take your buttocks back and up, stretch your arms, neck and back in one line. Imagine that your body has formed a hill: try to make the peak higher and the slopes steeper. You can simplify the position a little by bending your knees and lifting your heels off the floor.

Allie the journey junkie

Take a lunge position, lower the knee of one leg to the floor and take it as far back as possible. The other leg forms a right angle between the thigh and the lower leg. Stretch your arms up, feel a pleasant stretch in your spine. Hold this position and then move into the dove pose.

From the lunge position, lower yourself into pigeon pose. Cover the left heel with your right pelvic bone. You can deepen the position by pushing the left lower leg forward slightly. Pull your pelvis towards the floor. Place your forearms on a surface or lower your torso to the floor or a pillow - find a comfortable position based on your flexibility.

After doing pigeon pose, return to a low lunge and repeat these 2 exercises for the other leg. You can use yoga blocks or books:

For this very effective lower back exercise, take a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you. Place your leg over your thigh and turn your body in the opposite direction. This exercise not only allows you to stretch your back and lower back muscles, but also your gluteal muscles.

5. Seated bends

Remaining in the same position, gently lower your back to your legs. It is not necessary to make a full fold; it is enough to just slightly round the back to stretch in the spine. In this case, it is advisable to lower your head on some kind of support. You can bend your knees or spread your legs a little to the side - choose a position that is comfortable for you.

6. Bends in the lotus position

Another very useful exercise for lower back pain is bending in the lotus position. Cross your legs on the floor and bend first to one side, holding for 20-40 seconds, then to the other side. Try to keep your body straight, shoulders and body should not go forward.

7. Raising the leg with a strap (towel)

Now let's move on to a number of lower back exercises while lying on the floor. Use a strap, tape, or towel and pull your straight leg towards you. During this exercise the back remains flat on the floor, the lower back does not bend. The other leg remains straight and on the floor. If you can't keep your leg outstretched and pressed to the floor, you can bend it at the knee. Hold this position for a while and move to the other leg.

By analogy, do one more effective exercise for the lower back. Lying on your back, bend your leg and bring your knee up to your chest. When doing this simple exercise the lumbar muscles are stretched very well and pain spasms are reduced.

9. Raising the bent legs

This exercise in fitness is very often used to stretch the muscles of the buttocks, but for stretching lumbar muscles it fits the best. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift them so that your hips and body form a right angle. Grab the thigh of one leg with your hands, and put the foot of the other leg on the knee. Hold this position. Make sure that the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor.

Another pleasant, relaxing lower back exercise is the Happy Baby Pose. Raise your legs up, bending them at the knees, and grab the outside of the foot with your hands. Relax and linger in this position. You can wiggle a little from side to side.

Now let's move on to the lower back exercise, in which the spine is twisted. Lying on your back, turn your arms and crossed legs to one side. The body seems to form an arc. In this exercise, a large amplitude is not important, you should feel a slight stretch in the lumbar spine. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and turn to the other side.

12. Lying back twisting

Another very useful and important exercise for the lower back, which will help relieve pain in the sacrum area. Lying on your back, slowly unfold your pelvis and take your leg to the side, throwing it over the thigh of the other leg. The lower back is lifted off the floor, but the shoulders remain on the floor.

Another simple exercise for lower back pain. Lie on your stomach and move your knee bent to the side. The other leg remains extended with both legs flat on the floor.

Get on your knees and spread your legs to the side or close them. As you exhale, slowly bend forward between your thighs and lower your head to the floor. With this relaxing lower back exercise, you will feel lightness throughout your body, especially in the back area. This is a resting pose, you can stay in it even for a few minutes.

You can also turn first in one direction, then in the other direction, this will help to better stretch the lumbar muscles.

Lie on your back again and place a small pillow under your hips and knees, with your feet touching the floor. Relax in this position for a few minutes.

Back Pain Exercise: Strengthening Muscles

Thanks to the proposed exercises, you can improve the mobility of the spine and get rid of discomfort in the lumbosacral region. In addition, you will strengthen the muscle corset, which will be an excellent prevention of lower back and back pain. Therefore, if you are often worried about lower back pain, then be sure to take note of these exercises. Please note that it is not recommended to do muscle strengthening exercises during exacerbations.

The cat is one of the most useful exercises for the lower back and back in general. As you exhale, round your back, push your shoulder blades upward as much as possible and retract chest... While inhaling, bend well in the lumbar region, directing the crown to the tailbone, and open the chest. Do 15-20 reps.

Hereinafter, photos from the youtube channel are used: Allie the journey junkie

In a standing position on all fours, while inhaling, we stretch the leg back, while exhaling, we group ourselves, pulling our forehead to the knee. Avoid touching the floor with your foot. Do 10-15 reps on each side.

3. Raising arms and legs on all fours

Remaining in a standing position on all fours, grasp the opposite leg with your hand and bend in the lumbar region. The abdomen is tucked up, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are tense, the neck is free. Stay in this position for 30 seconds while maintaining balance.

Get down on your stomach and lie down. Bend your elbows and spread them apart. Lift your body up, lifting your chest off the floor. Try to rise with your body, the neck remains neutral. Hold in the top position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.

A similar exercise for strengthening the lumbar spine, only in this version the arms are behind the head, which complicates the position. Both of these lower back exercises are a hyperextension option, only without the use of additional machines. Also do 10 reps.

Remaining in a prone position, lift alternately opposite hands and legs up. The movements of the arms and legs should be as synchronous as possible. Hold in the extreme position for a few seconds, try to perform the exercise efficiently. Do not swing your arms and legs mechanically. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.

Take your hands back and put them in the lock. At the same time, tear off the shoulders, chest, shins and knees from the floor, forming an oblong boat with the body. The exercise is not easy, so first try to hold this position for at least 10-15 seconds. You can do a few short sets.

While lying on your stomach, bring your arms back and grasp your feet with your hands. The thighs, abdomen, chest and forehead remain on the floor. Take your shoulders away from your ears, do not strain your neck. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

You can also perform this version of this exercise for the lower back while lying on your side:

In a prone position, lift your shins up and lift your knees off the floor. Grab the ankles with the same name with outside... Bend as much as possible, lifting the hips and chest off the floor, body weight on the stomach. Imagine that the legs and torso are the body of the bow, and the arms are a stretched string. This exercise for strengthening the lower back is quite difficult, so you can gradually increase its amplitude and execution time (you can start with 10 seconds).

From a prone position, lift the body, leaning on the forearms and bending in the lower back and thoracic back. Stretch your neck, lower your shoulders, relax your neck and aim with the crown of your head up. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. The Sphinx Pose also helps to improve posture.

If you are uncomfortable with this exercise or worried about lower back pain, then you can perform an alternative option with pillows:

From a prone position, lift the body, leaning on your hands and bending in the lower back and thoracic back. Straighten your arms, stretch your neck, aim with the crown of your head up. Linger in the cobra for 20-30 seconds. You can spread your arms wide, so it will be easier to maintain position. If you feel any discomfort or pain in your lower back, then skip this exercise.

Take a supine position with your legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis up, contracting your stomach and buttocks. Hold in the top position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise is useful not only for the lower back, but also for strengthening the buttocks and abs. Repeat the bridge 15-20 times.

13. Table pose

Table pose is another effective lower back exercise. Take a table pose and hold this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat in 2 sets. Please note that the hips, abdomen, shoulders, head should be in line. The legs and arms are perpendicular to the body. This exercise also opens up the shoulder joints well.

An excellent strengthening exercise for the muscle corset is the plank. Take a push-up position with your body in one straight line. Hands are placed strictly under the shoulders, belly and buttocks are tucked up. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You can repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets.

From the plank position, take the position of the "lower plank" - with support on the forearms. The body maintains a straight line, the buttocks do not rise up, the back remains straight without bends or deflections. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You can also repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets. After completing the planks, lower yourself into a child's pose and relax for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks again to the youtube channel for the images. Allie the journey junkie.

7 videos for lower back pain in Russian

We offer you a selection of videos for the back in Russian that will help you get rid of lower back pain at home, to strengthen the muscles of the back, restore the lost mobility of the spine. Workouts last from 7 to 40 minutes, so everyone can choose the right video for low back pain for themselves.

1. Improvement of the lumbosacral spine (20 minutes)

2. Exercises for the lower back (7 minutes)

3. How to relieve and strengthen low back pain (14 minutes)

4. Restoration of functions in the lumbosacral region (17 minutes)

5. Exercises for her lower back (40 minutes)

6. Mini-complex for the lower back in the subacute period (12 minutes)

7. Exercises for the lumbar spine (10 minutes)

In addition to the presented exercises for the lower back, an effective remedy for the prevention of back pain is pilates workout ... Pilates helps to strengthen the postural muscles that support the spine, which can help you avoid back problems.

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