Which sport suits you. What kind of sports do you do? How to choose a sport to your liking and affordability Which sport suits me

Once you get fat (if that's your story), the first thing you do is think about exercising. Driven by lack of education in the subject (which is why you are fat, in general) and influenced by some conventions of our society, you are likely to make choices that will not help you become healthier (from the word health, but not healthy/big). Let's talk about how to choose desired view activities for yourself. But first, I will express my thoughts and observations on Russian smooth guys who stubbornly prepared and tightened their uniforms to meet nymph-like Thai women on sunny paradise beaches.

In the minds of our layman, playing sports = to go to gym= Grab weights and grow your cans to the size of real cans with a capacity of 3 liters. In the words of Joe Friel, the world's leading triathlon coach and author of "" (free statement mine):

Why is it considered that if you cannot fold your arms at the seams, but walk down the street like an imperfect robot T-800 from the movie "Terminator", then this is health? At what point in evolution did low mobility and low endurance, bulkiness and disproportionateness become signs of a healthy body? Maybe you don't need to talk about health while pumping "cans"? Maybe it's just worth talking about your desire to catch the offender and break his neck like a match or about the desire to have natural armor from street attacks? Or do you just can't move away from the jackhammer man image of porn movies and think that's what you need? Be honest - this is not a conversation about health, but about your wild imagination. Do you want to be healthy (from the word health) - a rocking chair - obviously not the first place to visit;) If you want to be able to stand up for yourself, then you martial arts- a long but sure way to all the best in the world of sports.

If you can’t get rid of the image of a Russian hero or want to be, well, at least in something like the governor of California, then start with. This is a special type of training that will give you strength, and you will be able to run the “twenty”, and you will obviously gain health, and throw off fat from your belly. If you want to get a complete picture of what is cross-fit, then watch the video from Reebok Crossfit Games. And to the end. You will not want to drag stupid iron into the hall after it. I want to add mind to training!

Well, always look at what society you will find yourself in. If you want to be 3-4 times a week in a sweaty room with huge closets, admiring yourself in the mirror under Rammstein - swing. If you want something less egocentric, social, and smells like sweat, read on.

Maybe for you, health is actually a healthy heart that will not stop at 35? maybe you should run around? But remember one thing - running is VERY difficult. And one more thing - you don’t know how to run and knew how to do it until the age of 8, then you were ruined by the goofy athletes at school. You need to start running carefully and smartly. We have about it. This sport is social, interesting and, most importantly, having reached the level of 10-12 km per day, you will really start to lose weight rapidly. You will catch yourself thinking that you are not suffocating, you are not tired. Understand that you have some kind of superpower, which we all forgot about, unfortunately.

Ah, this superpower, yes-yes. The worst thing about amateur runners is when they start to think about achievements and drag themselves like professionals who do it for a living. The choice is yours, but know where is the benefit and where is the professional deformation.

When you run up and bring yourself back to normal - take off the shameful belly, become like the Vitruvian da Vinci man, and not the American man, then you will begin to look for diversity.

Here you will catch your eye ultramarathon, same cross-fit. It's so interesting - mathematics, theories, equipment, competitions - that you will never want to go back to the body of a bag of fat.

But do not forget about yoga. The first is the coolest social and sex thing :) with interval training and much more, the second turns the body into a stretched elastic string, and the mind into a powerful but calm river. Maybe this is where you should start?

A bicycles! My last 80 km walk with my favorite "highway" between my legs allowed me to burn 2500 kcal! Can you imagine how many tasty things I can just take and devour? 2000 kcal, standard for my weight and height, + 2500 kcal donated by the bike - you won’t have enough strength to just chew it all! And if you have winter in your yard, then go skiing- this is the same energy consumption as a bicycle.

If a very sad girl in the mirror looks at you, then head to the pool. There are very few chances to injure a body killed by pork kebabs and pies. Your body here, unlike running, is almost in zero gravity, there is no left load on the joints. The first unpleasant surprise for you is how little you can swim. When I came to the first practice, I swam 2×50m and was just like a driven horse. But this quickly passes, it is not only weakness, but also the inability to breathe and swim correctly. And don't pay attention, fat friend, that after entering the swim in RunKeeper, so few calories are burned. The programs lie and do not take into account the real load, believing that you are an average swimmer in a vacuum, and the calories spent on heating your walrus body are not taken into account in any way - this is a lot of calories. Don't stop swimming, please.

Well, here, it seems, are all the main alternatives to the swing that you were going to "well, right from the spring." It will be too late to start in the spring, but today, right after work, is the very thing.

And don't eat at New Year. Stupid and stupid tradition.

Sooner or later, but a person understands that in order to maintain normal health, it is necessary to choose his own special sport. In this case, many problems often arise.

It is important to understand first of all what goal you are pursuing. If you want to learn some special skills, then you need to choose one thing. If you just want to lose weight or stay healthy, then you need something else. In short, every situation has its own solution. Everyone has their own way to achieve goals. The main thing is to overcome the fear of failure, because the effect will not be visible immediately.

Sports for women

It is important to understand that women have their own vision of sports, their own goals. Here are the main goals that ladies pursue when starting to play sports:

  • weight loss
  • development of flexibility;
  • figure improvement (priests, waist, hips, etc.);
  • recovery after childbirth.
  • Girls can safely do aerobics at home, pump the press, legs or buttocks. If you want something more or best results in the shortest possible time, you will have to leave the house.

    Slimming. For girls and women who want to get rid of fat, it is better to take up running, because it requires a lot of effort, which is why calories are burned incredibly quickly. In this case, of course, you will need to follow a diet, but this is the second question. You need to run only as much as your body needs. Do not overexert the body, because it may not respond to you in the best way. What matters in the case of running is not effort, but frequency. Run one mile every day to lose weight overweight rather than ten a week. So you won't change anything.

How to choose a sport for physical education. What influences the choice. Temperament and sport. What to look out for (10+)

We choose for ourselves the most suitable look sports

Everyone has long known the saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. And in modern world more and more people want to follow it. But many people who are just embarking on this path begin to think about what kind of sport to choose. Indeed, today there are quite a lot of them, and far from everyone knows where to start. In particular, this applies to the direction in which to move.

Any person who plays sports feels much better than one who free time spends on the sofa. With the help of sports, you can overcome depression, bad mood, and stress. Moreover, people with good sports training are less prone to any viral or chronic diseases. But how can you choose for yourself such a sport, to which there will be a desire to devote both energy and time?

Sometimes it happens that starting to engage in any kind of sport - you can not concentrate on classes, considering yourself not too diligent - exposing yourself to constant stress and training that do not bring any pleasure. We need to rule this out! You should not pay attention to what is available, popular and stylish, it is best to choose a sport that is really suitable and necessary for yourself. Let's look at how best to prioritize and choose an activity that suits you perfectly.

What do you need to choose a sport?

In order to choose the most suitable sport for yourself, you will need:

  • Endurance and patience.
  • Simple awareness of what a certain sport is. The Internet can help you with this.
  • You need to really evaluate your initial physical training as well as health status. Choose the load realistically evaluating your capabilities.

Steps to help you choose the right sport

It is best to take your sport type seriously by following the steps below.

Decide on your own interests in sports. But approach this issue not from the side that “I like to watch this on TV”, but from the position that you are really ready to do this, and in the conditions that are familiar to you. Think about what will bring you more pleasure: the peaceful movements of Pilates or the workouts in the gym. Remember that the sport chosen for you should bring only satisfaction, without straining or overworking you.

After you have chosen a close sport for yourself, you must determine the level of their own physical fitness and know the state of health. After that, you can choose which of the compiled list is most suitable for you. For example, breathing exercises or power loads. You should know that neutral sports include walking, running, swimming.

Don't forget about your own temperament. So, for example, a team sport (basketball, football, etc.) is best suited for sanguine people. But for phlegmatic and melancholy people, checkers, chess, golf, cycling are best suited. For choleric people, the best option would be contact or strength sports (karate, wrestling, etc.).

The next step is to answer the question What is your goal. Why do you start playing sports. "In addition to the usual ones (to be in good shape, for general development, etc.), you must set specific goals for yourself. Gymnastics can be chosen if you want to become more flexible and plastic. But if you want to pump up muscles, then you should go swimming or go to Gym. If you want to find a certain social circle, then pay more attention to team sports. But if you plan to tighten the muscles on your legs, then you need to start running in the evenings or in the morning.

The last point is habits. You must understand that in order to play sports, you will have to give up something. Let's say you have to quit smoking if you want to run without panting. Do you want to exercise regularly, or maybe you want to go to the gym only occasionally. The answers to these questions will affect what you can achieve in the future.

Popular Sports

Consider some of the most popular sports today:

Rock climbing and mountaineering. Ideal for those who loved to climb roofs, fences and trees as a child. It is possible that you simply did not have enough mountains. Thanks to rock climbing, you can strengthen and develop all parts of your body at the same time: legs, back, arms, shoulders, and your coordination will also increase.

Mountain bike. This sport will allow you to travel more while exercising your heart. By the way, at the same time you will be able to engage in an interesting activity.

Water sports. Quite a variety of sports. Here you can choose the most suitable option for yourself in terms of energy and load. In addition to swimming, you should pay attention to kayaking, rowing, fishing, wakeboarding, sailing, windsurfing and water skiing.

Pilates. These are concentration exercises that will develop your endurance, flexibility and concentration, as well as improve your posture and help you form a beautiful figure.

Yoga. It improves flexibility, balance, stretching and endurance. Thanks to this sport, you can get rid of anxieties, worries, stress, and achieve harmony of body and soul.

tai chi. This health gymnastics from China, which strengthens the muscles of the arms, legs, making your body more flexible.


Remember that if you do not have sports experience, then it is best to turn to a knowledgeable person for advice in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Another tip is to develop a habit. If you accustom yourself to run every day or play volleyball at least once a week, then in the future laziness will not prevent you from doing this all the time. You should not perceive sports as a necessity, spend on it the measure of money and time. Do not forget that thanks to sports, your health will improve, you will have a good figure and sound sleep, and you will also become calmer.

But when choosing an active sport with constant loads, give yourself periodic rest. You can keep in shape during these "breaks" through more relaxed sports (for example, arrange a jog or ride a bike).

So let no stress bother you, and life gives you only one pleasure.

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Earth (Melancholy)

January 1 - January 19, April 20 - May 19, August 20 - September 19, December 20 - December 31. Earth sign people are emotional and sensitive. But they are not able to withstand prolonged physical and mental stress. They slowly restore the wasted energy potential. The best option for melancholics is to go in for those sports that require high individual skill. For men born under the sign of Earth, the following sports are most suitable. These are tourism and water slalom, equestrian sports, especially dressage and horse racing, shooting from a small-caliber rifle or pistol, fencing, boxing (light and medium weight), martial arts, including karate, aikido, Thai boxing. According to experts, "earthlings" will be able to show themselves on tennis courts, on platforms in some weight categories weightlifters, in bodybuilding sections (bodybuilding), in some classes of yachts and especially at the tennis table. In this field, you can achieve great, and maybe even triumphal success.

From the recommendations of the trainers, it can be concluded that physical education and sports in the cold winter time are not encouraged for representatives of the earth element. The fact is that melancholics must constantly feed themselves with energy from the natural environment. Skis, sleds, bobsleds, skates, sticks for playing ice hockey or ball hockey and other attributes winter sports by no means excluded! But, frankly, doing these sports will not give the desired high results in competitions.

I would like to note one more type of aesthetic and physical martial arts - sports and ballroom dancing, where people of the "earthly" type are able, like no one else, to feel the feeling of a partner in unison with the musical arrangement. They experience a huge surge of strength, creativity, emotions in the process of synthesizing motor efforts to the beat of listening to melodies. Less suitable for them - sport games, including checkers and chess, varieties of wrestling. And absolutely they should not do acrobatics and gymnastics, parachuting and air sports, mountaineering, technical sports. Athletes of the elements Earth need increased attention. It is required to regularly celebrate their successes and, if possible, often invigorate them, praise them, aim them at victory.

Air (Sanguine)

January 20 - February 19, May 20 - June 19, September 20 - October 19. For this sign in sports, everything is much simpler for both men and women. Their hobbies are team sports combat sports. They feel good on football fields, basketball and volleyball fields. Handball, rugby, water polo are suitable for them. Speaking individually, they also achieve significant success. Their hobbies are tennis (including table tennis), varieties of wrestling (usually except for heavy weight categories), swimming and diving, and others. Here it is necessary to remember that people of this sign quite easily get used to physical exertion and have a strong will. They are able to feel the load on almost all muscles for quite a long time. These people are easy-going and therefore can actively engage in mass sports. For example - running, swimming, aerobics and other sports.

As is typical for all representatives of the air element, their main problem is inattention and laziness. They didn’t want to do something, they didn’t finish something, something was already tired of doing. And as a result - various injuries. Sanguine with early childhood they must be reminded of the dangers that await them in emergency situations. In addition, they simply need to be forced to perform their tasks. Because all kinds of methods of begging, persuading will not give any positive results. The child will resist, but will soon realize the correctness of your approach and will follow the instructions of the coach quickly and better than other guys. Only clearly formulated and specific requirements are well assimilated by the people of the Air, combined with strict observance of discipline.

Water (Phlegmatic)

February 20 - March 19, June 20 - July 19, October 20 - November 19. People of the sign of Water are not famous for their temperament, activity. But on the other hand, they always perform all actions thoroughly and correctly. They can be found among athletes, but more often among athletes. They have a more powerful physique, are strong and accurate in their actions. Their main problem is slow response. This leads to slowness in the performance of sports techniques, reducing their clarity, synchronism, and external entertainment. Thus, there are two mutually exclusive factors here. On the one hand, the phlegmatic person tries to fulfill the task set by the coach more correctly, taking into account the complex physical and psychological-intellectual capabilities of his body. On the other hand, his actions do not always keep up with the unified process of the reception. What nullifies all the work done by the athlete. For these reasons, experts warn phlegmatic people against exercises that require the use of an instant reaction. For example, in table tennis, boxing, badminton, volleyball and some other types of martial arts require you to quickly move around the court, tatami, ring. And this can lead to general physical overload and rapid fatigue of a person.

Recommended sports for phlegmatic people are discus and javelin throw, shot put, wrestling (especially Greco-Roman), and chess. They rarely and less successfully run, jump, although they swim more successfully. Apparently, the water element attracts its sign. However, slowness, complexion and depth in the analysis of one's actions sometimes do not allow one to achieve the desired victory on the "blue" tracks. Things are somewhat better in synchronized swimming, diving, water polo.

It should be noted that phlegmatic people are sensitive people who deeply comprehend everything they have experienced. For this reason, kind words and wishes can become one of the reliable ways to stabilize their psycho-logo-physiological structure of the body. If the sanguine-nik does not need, so to speak, "sweet speeches", then the people of Water will not interfere with a good parting word, emphasizing their mind, will, strength of body and spirit. Do not forget to congratulate them for big and small victories. Do not blame too much for defeats and mistakes. Always notice their spiritual kindness and commitment.

Fire (cholerics)

March 20 - April 19, July 20 - August 19, November 20 - December 19. People of this sign have a somewhat capricious and unstable character. However, having a strong will, developed muscular system, choleric people are able to show good results in almost all sports. For them, good as game types and types of martial arts. Possessing strength, as well as good "sports anger", they often stand out in the team, become forwards and captains. Practically all types of power wrestling attract them. The people of Fire are not very noticeable in badminton, table tennis, in shooting from a rifle and a pistol. In figure skating, they stand out more often in singles.

It is desirable to pacify the unbridled passion of the "fiery" people through strict instructions, decrees, orders, constructive business conversation. People of Fire (cholerics) feel very confident both in the water and in the under-heaven. They can be seen in a diving suit and climbing equipment. They step on well ski run. However, choleric people are less successful on the cycle track and highway, where strict and accurate calculation is required, the ability to consistently, slowly increase the pace of the victorious finale. They are attracted to ballroom dancing. But preference is given to power rock and roll, jive, lambada, rather than waltz.

The activity of the choleric will be perfectly embodied in the results wrestling. Especially if in a conversation with him repeatedly emphasize his strength, will to win, his natural destiny as a born champion and conqueror. loving hearts. Yes, it must be stimulated every hour with a word, nutrition, gentle stroking and patting - this is the essence of success!

When choosing which sport is right for you to play, consider these recommendations.

Sooner or later, each person begins to realize the need to maintain own body in a good shape. For some, the path to health and tone begins with forced measures (for example, physiotherapy exercises), for someone - with a desire to lose weight and find attractive forms, and someone comes to the sport on their own, casually carried away by a team game or fashionable morning jogging. But what if you never shone with success in physical education classes and now you don’t even know how

What exactly to choose from thousands of items of inventory and equipment? Should I go to the gym or choose classes suitable for home and apartment? Your attention is invited short review without significant financial outlays.


Unlike many other physical activity Hiking is great for almost everyone: pensioners, weakened after illness and simply not feeling well, and younger people have the same opportunity to do ordinary walking. Steps are a natural movement for a person, for which no special skills are needed. This is especially important for those who do not yet know what kind of sport to engage in, and doubt their willpower and ability to achieve their cherished goals.

By the way, with the help of walking you can get rid of the extra calories consumed during lunch or dinner. And you don't even have to put in much effort. Walking after meals promotes healthy digestion, activates normal metabolism and prevents excess fat from being deposited on the body. problem parts body.

Losing weight is not boring

In order not to get bored while walking, take a player with you or invite a good friend for a walk: you can have an interesting conversation and how several hours will pass in a row. It would be nice to discuss, for example, what sports you can do together in the gym.

If you went out to walk around the city alone, do not forget to appreciate the beauty of the world around you: green trees in the park, tempting shop windows, open faces of people you meet on your way and a characteristic mixture of city aromas, in which you can easily distinguish the divine smell of donuts from the nearest confectionery. Avoiding donuts so you don't get fat? Then take oatmeal fitness biscuits or muesli bars and be sure to organize a snack after a walk.


If walking seems too easy for you, and you don't mind increasing the level of difficulty in your activities, switch to jogging. It is perhaps the most common sport, since to make a tonic morning run you need only sports clothes and shoes - and nothing else. Of course, you can get a pedometer and an electronic calorie counter, as well as a special player, headphones and arm strap, but all these accessories are not necessary. When considering whether to buy a treadmill for your home, ask yourself: what is the difference between running outdoors and exercising on a simulator for you?

It's not even about being able to breathe. fresh air and enjoy the feeling of natural morning or evening coolness. The fact is that people who have no idea what kind of sport to play often overlook an important detail: outside the home walls, air resistance seriously prevents a runner from moving. It can be completely imperceptible to human perception, therefore, in order to fully understand the essence of the issue, it is necessary to run both in the hall and along the street in order to compare your impressions. Nevertheless, despite the absence of natural obstacles in the way of a runner working on a simulator, connoisseurs of running in gym also don't waste time. Treadmill, stepper, skiing, elliptical trainer- all of these are excellent tools for warming up and hitting each individual fitness session.


If you are wondering what kind of sports to do at home, fitness in all its diversity definitely deserves your attention. Although in English language this concept was originally interpreted as being in a good physical form, proper nutrition, regular physical exercise, paying due attention to the state of one's own health, etc., in modern Russian realities, fitness classes mean weekly workouts both at home and in the gym.

Right balance

Fitness fans strive to combine in their classes all the most important aspects targeted physical activity: strength exercises, cardio intervals and short but intense stretching. This also includes not so popular, but very effective Pilates, as well as any kind of cardio, including incendiary zumba.

Sports for everyone

The undoubted advantage of fitness in its modern sense for those who have not decided what sport to do after work is its relative simplicity, logical division into levels of complexity and availability of equipment. For some strength exercises, you will need a set of two dumbbells of the same weight. For beginners, the weight of one dumbbell should not exceed 1-1.5 kilograms. Cardio can be done without additional weights. Fitness lessons can be easily found even for a beginner.


What sports can be played with significant health problems? Keep in mind that if you have diagnosed disorders, certain ones will be contraindicated for you. For example, it is highly recommended not to perform squats, lunges and abdominal exercises in a standing position, as these elements can cause irreparable harm to pathologically dilated blood vessels. With uterine fibroids, regardless of the degree of progression of the disorder, any strength exercises are prohibited, since almost all training aimed at increasing muscle power, in one way or another, involves and, accordingly, puts pressure on the pelvic organs.

If you are undergoing treatment and do not have the opportunity to do trendy fitness or go on a regular run, look into spiritual practices that combine the art of meditation and moderate but effective muscle work. The most famous practices of this kind are yoga and tai chi. For classes, you will need a special mat, which can be replaced with a fragment of any anti-slip material. Keep in mind that most yoga and tai chi postures focus on developing the ability to keep your body in perfect balance, so it is not advisable to follow the instructions of the instructors on ordinary linoleum or even carpet.

If you need to know what sport to do to improve your health, but you are lost in the variety of options and perspectives, start with the simplest yoga asanas. They will help calm the mind and heart, listen to your own desires and accept the only correct solution which will only benefit you.


Not all such activities can be reduced to physical education. However, due to the powerful load on the main muscles and the development of the typical qualities of an athlete (dexterity, dexterity, speed, endurance) dance Sport occupied a special niche in the diversity effective workouts. They are perfect for women who are trying to lose weight and at the same time are not able to force themselves to do fifty push-ups and squats a day.

If you are interested in what kind of sport you can do for the benefit of not only the body, but also the soul, choose modern energetic dances. They are diverse and incendiary, in which every movement obeys the music, and not the countdown of a fitness instructor. If you, too, despise boredom and routine, sign up for dance school or view online tutorials. Some people develop their own versions of movements to the latest hits from contemporary artists. Foreign dance schools lead official channels. In their materials you can find useful step by step instructions to perform even the most complex movements.


Like running, swimming is a natural human activity. Moving in the water not only allows you to strengthen muscles and gain beautiful shapes. Through it, a person becomes one with nature and the world around him, even if he swims not in the sea, but in the city pool. Water negates most common health problems, and therefore even those who suffer from varicose veins and various pathologies of the small pelvis can safely sign up for a pool or plan an active holiday on the shore of a reservoir.

If you still have a question about after what time you can play sports, in particular swimming, pay at least a little attention to learning the basic techniques or hire a professional instructor. No wonder this simple sport is shown to pregnant women - it is as safe as possible and at the same time amazingly effective. While most other physical activities different types can only aggravate existing diseases (and sometimes lead to the emergence of new ailments and even injuries), swimming alleviates the condition of many patients.


Many people cannot live without adrenaline: they decide on huge financial risks, indulge their excitement by participating in a dozen dubious lotteries, readily go into conflict with others, and strive to go to the track late at night in order to accelerate their cars to breakneck speeds with impunity. Thirst for adrenaline will help to pacify extreme views sports: skydiving, rock climbing, ski race, paragliding and many other potentially dangerous hobbies.

What sport is better to do if you feel in yourself an attraction to heights, distances and depths? Soberly assess your financial capabilities: extreme sports, as a rule, are expensive. Those who do not have enough money to purchase special equipment or travel to places where they can fly freely in the sky usually save money for an old dream - skydiving. IN present time this risky undertaking has become almost safe: beginners jump exclusively with an instructor who, at the right time, will help to apply equipment and give invaluable recommendations to the "teapot". If you live by the sea, you may be interested in diving or spearfishing.

Charging for the mind

What sports can you do after the operation? Unfortunately, any surgical intervention is a very serious stress for the whole body, so even experienced athletes have to temporarily postpone their favorite workouts.

If you cannot live without adequate exercise, consult your doctor. The specialist will tell you after what time you can play sports, and which activities will be absolutely safe for your health in your condition. In extreme cases, a set of checkers or chess is always useful. Despite the fact that many people only conditionally consider chess a sport, the ancient mathematical game is an amazing exercise for the mind. What could be safer for the body than strategic thinking training?
