How to make a gym at home. How to equip a home gym What equipment is needed for a home gym

Hand on heart, I can say: no, far from it. From the height of fifteen years of experience in fitness, I declare: training at home is much more difficult, and this process requires much more serious financial and mental investments than classes in a club.

For example, the ideal option for a home gym, in my opinion, is such an “American style” - a gym located in a garage for two cars. Moreover, the garage must be with high ceilings (otherwise goodbye to standing presses, plyometrics and weightlifting exercises), well heated and ventilated (or have enough space for heaters and powerful fans). And, of course, this garage should be in your own country house. Maybe I'm very wrong, but, in my opinion, in our country such a luxury is not available to everyone.

If you are a young oligarch, and this option suits you, well, here is a list of necessary purchases for you:

1. Bicycle ergometer (mandatory for warming up in your "Spartan" conditions).
2. Power frame with built-in horizontal bars of different heights.
3. 1-2 durable benches with the ability to change the slope.
4. A set of vultures (ideally 2-3 Olympic format, and one EZ).
5. Dumbbell row from 10 to 50 (or more) kg.
6. A set of disks for a rod with a total tonnage of 300 kg (No, not all of them will need to be hung on one bar. So many disks are needed in order to be able to load several bars and perform various exercises in a row).
7. A set of paired weights from 12 to 32 kg.
8. A set of medicine balls.
9. A set of rubber shock absorbers of various hardness.
10. Universal block device (preferably with a weighted stack).
11. 1-2 fitballs.
12. Durable platform.

That, in fact, is all. Great hall! But the estimated price of the issue is about half a million rubles. With that kind of money, you can go to a wonderful club of the capital level for ten years, where there are heaps of such equipment and there is always someone to insure.

The hall is simpler, which will be located in an ordinary (not Rublyovskaya) apartment, of course, is more affordable financially. Ideally, it should include:

1. A power frame with a built-in horizontal bar (or a universal rack and a separately built-in horizontal bar).
2. Sturdy bench with the ability to change the slope.
3. 1-2 Olympic bar.
4. A pair of dumbbells with the ability to adjust the weight (it is better to take a new generation of dumbbells, where the moment of changing the weight of the projectile is significantly accelerated).
5. A set of rubberized (this is a must!) discs with the weight limit you need. I would stop at an amount in the region of 150-200 kg.
6. 1-2 medicine balls.
7. 1 fitball.

This will definitely be enough for you to do tolerable strength training and be in good and even excellent physical shape, which will certainly be noticeable to others. However, such a hall has a number of significant drawbacks. Firstly, it will take at least half of one room. That is, in theory, you need to live alone in a two-room apartment. This, of course, is no longer an oligarchic level of income, but still. Secondly, to study at any convenient time, as you dream, you are unlikely to succeed. Early in the morning or late in the evening, as well as on weekends, your clanging iron will specifically get your neighbors, but in the afternoon you will actively work to repay credit for all this sporting splendor.

Despite the rapid progress, you won’t be able to work with large weights, since you will have to put weight on racks or hang discs on the neck very carefully and silently. And finally, the main problem - parquet! Or laminate, it doesn't matter. Home floor and bar are incompatible, just like Windows and Mac. The situation can be saved a little by a solid board 1x2 meters, which is placed on the floor and serves as an impromptu platform, but, all the same, the set of available exercises is greatly reduced, even a banal deadlift from the floor cannot be done.

It is clear that many of us do not care about strength records and indicators, and the gym is needed at home only in order to move at least a little away from colleagues who are bored at work. For such people, a minimal set of equipment is suitable that does not occupy the entire room and, if necessary, can fit in the trunk of a small car.

In my opinion, the list of equipment in this case should be as follows:

1. Two collapsible dumbbells (the more weight you can find, the better - do not forget that you also train your legs with them!).
2. Built-in horizontal bar.
3. Two medicine balls.
4. Fitball.
5. Mat.

I won’t promise the owners of this gorgeous figure, but if you wish, you can squeeze a lot of benefits out of such a homely “hall”. The main thing is to expand your knowledge in matters of fitness training by reading MN.

For good physical shape, you just need to play sports. Going to the gym not only allows you to correct the figure without diets and nutritional supplements, but also improves the tone of the body. Unfortunately, not everyone finds time for this, but the issue can be resolved if you equip a home gym. This, firstly, will allow you to choose equipment for your sports program, and secondly, it will give you the opportunity to practice at any convenient time.

At first glance, everything is quite simple, but in reality there are a lot of questions, each of which must be considered at the planning stage:

  • gym size,
  • target orientation,
  • necessary inventory,
  • room design.

The size of the playground matters. In order to install equipment that allows you to work with all muscle groups, you need at least 20 square meters. m. On the other hand, if the task of making a full-fledged gym is not worth it, then it is enough to install one of the simulators, for example, in the corridor or on the balcony.

For apartments, large balconies can be used as full-fledged gyms. If the area is too small, then you need to expand the balcony. This procedure will significantly add space and increase the market value of housing, so the investment will be justified. It is easier for owners of private households, since for sports they either allocate a ready-made room or complete a new one.

Target orientation determines what sports equipment will be used. It is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • gym,
  • Gym,
  • martial arts room,
  • sports hall.

The easiest way to equip a gym, because apart from a few dumbbells, pancakes for the barbell and a couple of simulators, you do not need to install anything.

In the gym, a soft, preferably warm floor is necessarily added to these attributes. Fitness, shaping and other activities of this kind involve a whole range of exercises that are performed on the floor. Stone, concrete and tiles fall off immediately. Although wood is considered a warm material, it is quite uncomfortable to lie on it. Carpeting should also be avoided, as lint will be a constant source of debris. Only linoleum remains, if you put high-strength material on a warm floor, then the coating will be perfect. In addition, electrical wiring should be provided in order to listen to music or repeat movements from the TV.

Martial arts involve constant training in the gym and practicing various techniques. In addition to the standard inventory, you will need:

  • dummy,
  • pear,
  • swedish wall with a horizontal bar,
  • mats.

For some types of martial arts, the following is additionally established:

  • makiwara,
  • boxing ring.

The hall of sports entertainment combines all of the above points, and in addition, it provides an opportunity to play various games. Most often we are talking about table tennis or billiards. But, if the area allows, then they install basketball rings, and if you divide the room with a net, you get a volleyball court. In this case, only wood flooring is allowed for a home gym. In this case, it is desirable to follow a certain installation procedure:

  • on any surface, install support beams at a distance of 20 cm from each other,
  • fill voids with polystyrene foam or mineral wool (for sound insulation),
  • lay plywood sheets on the beams at least 6 cm (thickness), maximum 8 cm.

The resulting floor must be sanded, primed and painted. In the training area on the floor you need to lay linoleum.

Sports Equipment

There are quite a lot of different shells, some of them duplicate the functions of each other, the same is true for simulators. Therefore, it is important to understand how and why this or that equipment is used.

Experts usually distinguish three large muscle groups:

  • top,
  • torso,
  • lower.

The upper muscle group covers:

  • biceps,
  • triceps,
  • shoulder muscles,
  • neck muscles.

Training them is quite simple, for this you need to do push-ups and pull yourself up on the horizontal bar. These procedures strengthen the tone and add strength, but in order to build mass and have a figure like an athlete, you will need dumbbells. By weight, the following options should be considered:

  • 0.5-2 kg for punching,
  • 2-5 kg ​​for the first stages of training,
  • 5-15 kg for work on increasing muscle mass.

The same effect is achieved with the help of simulators, they are:

  • complex,
  • biceps,
  • triceps.

Complex ones are more expensive, but they combine both options at once. In order to change the type of load, it is enough to change the mode or redistribute the weight. They are also designed for chest muscles.

Biceps trainers create maximum loads for this muscle. As a rule, their principle of operation is similar to lifting a dumbbell. Triceps - resemble a horizontal bar and allow you to do the whole range of exercises for the horizontal bar.

Tip: simulators are relevant only at high loads, so before starting classes on them, you need to gain the appropriate physical shape.

The muscles of the torso are the chest and abs. For the chest, use a barbell, for the press, lifting the body. In order to increase the load on the press, either dumbbells or a pancake from the bar are taken in hand (the optimal weight is 5 kg for beginners, 10 for more experienced ones). Another sports equipment that effectively helps to work with this muscle group is bars. If we talk about simulators, then you should stop only on options for pumping up the press, all the rest are ineffective.

Leg muscles are extremely difficult to train. First of all, this is due to the fact that the legs are the strongest part of the body, and according to the laws of nature, they do not need to be improved. Very little exercise

  • hip squats,
  • jumping rope for calves.

In this case, it is appropriate to use special simulators, as they allow you to diversify classes and create an additional load.

In addition, depending on the purpose of the hall, you will need:

  • volleyball or tennis net
  • football, basketballs,
  • football goal,
  • basketball poles,
  • Hula Hup,
  • hanging pear,
  • floor pear,
  • car tires,
  • ballet barre (for stretching or dancing),
  • table tennis table,
  • billiard table with paraphernalia.

Manufacturers of simulators

The simulator is an expensive pleasure, so it is advisable to immediately buy a branded, trusted product. Firstly, such a product is serviced under warranty, and secondly, it is much more reliable than home-made equipment. Safety is one of the main criteria for choosing strength training equipment. For example, a broken cable can break a bone, and a load that accidentally falls off will lead to bruises or even serious injuries.

Among foreign manufacturers, experts advise:

  • cybex,
  • Bremsey,
  • Diadora,
  • Horizon,
  • Kettler.

CYBEX is the largest American concern that produces not only exercise equipment, but also other sports equipment. They offer VIP products.

Another US company is Horizon. The company is primarily focused on the domestic consumer, so the price of products is quite low.

The sales leader in Europe is the German company Bremshey. The main advantage of the product is reliability. Simulators practically do not break, and in the event of a malfunction, any breakdown is easily eliminated on their own.

The Germans from Kettler are only slightly inferior to their colleagues. The only downside is the price. The company is known all over the world and supplies equipment only for the best and most expensive gyms.

A compromise between price and quality is offered by the Italians from Diadora. The products are distinguished by a magnificent appearance and non-standard design solutions that allow you to fit the equipment even into a living space.

Russian manufacturers also do not stand aside, the best on the market are:

  • MB Barbell,
  • Ferrum,
  • larsen,
  • "Iron King".

MB Barbell is engaged in the production of exclusively strength training equipment, at a relatively low price, the company offers the highest quality product. It works not only in Russia, but also in the markets of the CIS countries.

Larsen is perhaps the most narrow-profile company, as it exclusively produces treadmills. Nevertheless, it is considered the best in its niche, even in comparison with imported counterparts.

The only diversified manufacturer is Ferrum. The presence of a wide range of models somewhat affects the quality of simulators, but their price is not high, and parts are easy to replace on their own.

Iron King has been manufacturing exercise equipment since the early 1980s. To date, its products are not inferior to European counterparts. Strength training equipment is represented by the TITAN trademark.

Home gym interior

For functional convenience, the issue of space planning is very important. To properly equip everything, you must use the principle of zoning. As a general rule, three zones are mandatory:

  • warm-up,
  • gym,
  • mechanical.

The warm-up area should be placed away from windows and the front door, since while you are warming up, the slightest draft can chill your nerves or cause a cold. After warming up, this zone is used as a place to rest in between exercises. Therefore, it is advisable to install here a pouf and fasteners for towels, as well as a water stand or even a small table.

The training and mechanical areas must be clearly separated from each other. This is primarily for safety reasons. There should be at least 50 cm of free space around the simulators so that after the end of the exercise you can easily get up and nothing interferes. A TV is often mounted on the wall, especially for lovers of exercise bikes. Another good solution is to install the simulators "facing" to the window.

On the mechanical part of the room, dumbbells, a skipping rope, pancakes and other hand equipment will be used, which during the training process is left where it is convenient, and not put in place. However, after the end of classes, everything must be put in place. For these purposes, the rack is optimal. But if you want to recreate the atmosphere of a real gym as much as possible, then you should use special stands. They are sold in sporting goods stores. In addition, a bench press chair must be installed here. The length of the harness should be 10 cm longer than the distance from the crown to the end of the torso. It is advisable to mount the chair on the floor so that it does not stagger and does not interfere with doing exercises. In the same part, horizontal bars, bars, etc. are installed.

If we are talking about a large room, then these zones are located as close as possible to the walls. Then the central part is used as a play area. In this case, it is worth thinking about lighting separately, since good visibility is necessary for any game. When it comes to billiards, lamps on a long base are suitable, which fall as low as possible above the table. In all other cases, spot lighting is the most effective. More clearly get acquainted with how the home gym looks like, the photo will demonstrate in the best way.

DIY home gym

Most gym equipment costs a lot of money. However, this is not a reason to abandon the idea. Most shells are easy to make yourself. The procedure is conditionally divided into three parts:

  • manual inventory,
  • structures for strength training,
  • simulators.

For work you will need:

  • welding machine,
  • metal pipes,
  • corners,
  • set of dowels with screws.

Let's move on to the instructions "how to make a home gym." First, consider dumbbells and a barbell. For dumbbells, you will need a piece of pipe 10 cm long, sinkers must be welded to its edges. To make them as comfortable as possible, you need to cut off pieces of a pipe 5 cm long and weld them together. Each piece is filled with lead. They buy it either in hardware stores, or melt down fishing weights. Lead melts even on gas. On average, 0.5 kg is placed in one sawn-off shotgun (with a diameter of 2 cm).

For the barbell, you only need a metal pipe with a length of at least 1.5 m (depending on the length of the arms). For 5 cm from the edges, it is necessary to make incisions in which the weight will be fixed. As pancakes, either buckets of water or sand, or bags, or plastic bags are used. Another good option for pancakes is a manhole cover, but if it is not on the farm, then you should not take it from the street, as this is considered a crime and implies criminal liability. The weight of the cover is large enough, from 30 kg, so it is allowed to cut it in half and weld it to the edges of the pipe.

Next, you should make a horizontal bar, for this you will need two pipes 20-30 cm long, and a transverse crossbar of at least 80 cm in length. The structure is welded and attached to the wall either at the corners or concreted (the second option is more reliable).

The Swedish wall is necessary for the press and stretching, in addition, with the legs tucked at the knees, it is used to rise up on the hands. It is made like an ordinary ladder, which is attached to the wall with corners.

As for simulators, at home it is realistic to make only power options. All of them work on the basis of a block system, where on the one hand there is a seat and a grip, and on the other - a movable support for the load.

Sport - is life! In addition to a beautiful and fit figure, you get excellent health, become hardy and more efficient. That is why going to the gym has become so popular: men lift heavy barbells, building muscle mass, women jump on steps, strengthening their buttocks.

But what if there is sorely not enough time for fitness clubs? There is only one way out - to buy exercise equipment and equip a gym at home, and then flaunt the streets in a miniskirt and show off your “cubes” to your friends!

So, what should be in a home gym?

First, you need a bench to do exercises for the pectoral muscles. Additionally, you can purchase a manual trainer for biceps, triceps and shoulder girdle. Some exercises, however, can be performed without special strength training equipment, replacing them with familiar push-ups.

It is desirable for beautiful ladies to have an exercise bike or a treadmill in their personal home sports club. A large mirror will also be useful, which will help you perform the exercises correctly and admire a beautiful figure.

In any case, its content will depend on the personal preferences and capabilities of the owner. But a stylishly designed room will add to the mood and make the workout more enjoyable and productive.

Want to combine business with pleasure? Hang the plasma on the opposite wall from the treadmill, and after running a dozen kilometers, you will already be aware of the latest world events. And by installing a ballet barre, you can additionally organize a dance class and perform pas to the music of your favorite performers.

If you are the proud owner of a large house with a veranda or attic, then you are doubly lucky! It is these rooms with glazing that are the ideal place for a home gym. Garden view is perhaps the best alternative to stone walls.

Wooden floors and large full-length mirrors create a particularly pleasant atmosphere.

The gym can be decorated with original black and white posters depicting athletes that will emphasize the modern style.

Bright colors can be used not only in the design of walls. Blue, red, yellow, green and any other dumbbells, balls, jump ropes, as well as colorful accents in the form of drink bottles or towels will invigorate and set you up for an active workout.

If you like calm shades, paint the walls in soft yellow. It will not only enliven the room, but also fill it with light and warmth.

We should not forget about the ceiling with original lamps, which can be painted in a bright and inspiring color. It will certainly inspire new sports feats, especially those who perform exercises in the supine position.

A home gym is more than just a spacious room. Even a small attic can be equipped with a cozy training room.

If the dimensions of the room allow, you can combine a sports and recreation area by placing cozy armchairs or a sofa with pillows, on which it is so pleasant to relax after a run or boxing.


Some modern families integrate a gym into the interior of the children's room. With proper planning, you can create a fairly cozy and functional room: the mother will be able to monitor the child and at the same time get in shape.

Another option for a successful combination is the combination of a home office and a hall, which will allow you to arrange an active break from work.

A home gym is financially beneficial. You will have to pay for the subscription every month, and the purchase of simulators is a one-time expense that will pay off very quickly. When creating a gym at home, remember that in essence this is your room of beauty and strength, so its design should also be stylish and functional!

Happy training!

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To look beautiful, fit, young and energetic, it is not at all necessary to be a regular at a fitness club or gym. It is enough to equip the gym at home and exercise with joy for the body and soul at any time convenient for you.

A home gym is a wise and practical solution for every person who values ​​their health and strives for physical perfection. Why? It is no secret that in order to achieve significant results, sports must be systematic. Is it always possible, given the modern pace of life? Unlikely. For there is often not enough time even for ordinary daily work and household chores, not to mention such a “luxury” as taking care of yourself. A personal “fitness center” in a house or apartment is not only useful, but also profitable: having spent once on exercise equipment and sports equipment, for many years you won’t have to think about buying a (far from cheap) subscription to a sports club.

Before you make a home gym, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail - from choosing a room to decor elements. Only in this way will physical activity be a pleasure, and not a kind of duty before periodically rolling remorse.

Choosing the ideal location

Ideally, it is desirable to allocate a separate room for a home gym, while its area should be at least ten square meters. If you live in a private house, the veranda will be the best place for it, thanks to the ability to organize good ventilation. When it is easy to breathe, exercising is doubly pleasant. Also a good option is the attic.

But in general, a home gym can be organized in any room with windows: if there is a normal air flow in the room, it will be easy to train in it. In a stuffy room without windows, you will get tired very quickly and feel constant discomfort. Needless to say, in such an environment, enthusiasm very quickly “fades away”?

Home gym decoration and design


The walls of the home mini-gym must be vapor-permeable. This is explained by the fact that in a room of such a plan, even designed for two or three people, the accumulation of a certain amount of moisture is inevitable. If the surfaces are finished with plastic or tiles, condensation will form on them - and such an atmosphere is far from the healthiest. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to materials such as colored plaster, wallpaper or cork.


Flooring for a home gym should be comfortable, reliable, with good sound insulation. Plank floors will not fit unequivocally. We recommend that you do this:

  • arrange a "floating" screed;
  • lay a high-quality soundproofing substrate;
  • use cork or carpet on a thick base as a topcoat.

Home gym colors

According to medical observations, the most beneficial effect on the trainee is light green, blue, cream, light beige and gray. It is desirable to use them when creating the interior of a home gym.


Lighting in a home fitness center should be exclusively overhead. Remember: no colorful lamps - just a nice white light!

Accessories and furniture

There must be a mirror in the gym. If desired, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored - it's beautiful, and it also visually expands the space. Mirrors should be positioned in such a way that trainees can easily contemplate themselves - and in full growth.

However, it is worth noting that the mirror in the interior of the gym is by no means an “attribute of narcissism”, but a kind of motivator to do the exercises correctly, to monitor personal progress.

Worth knowing! Not always a mirror in the gym causes pleasant emotions. In one of the psychological studies, it was found that women suffering from obesity perceived their reflection in the process of exercising extremely negatively. As a result, their sports interest and positive attitude suddenly faded away. Therefore, the decision on the need to install mirrors in the gym should always be made taking into account the wishes of all family members.

The necessary things in a home fitness center are also:

  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • chairs with backs;
  • a table for all kinds of "small things" - water bottles, glasses, mobile phones, etc.;
  • electronic or mechanical scales;
  • Wall Clock.

If the gym has a large room, you can install a coffee table and a leather sofa there for comfortable “time outs”.

If one of the family members is a professional athlete, it is in the home gym that there will be the best place for shelves with cups, medals, certificates.

Many people prefer classes with "video instructors" - which means that if possible, a personal fitness center should be equipped with a TV and a DVD player (there are units with a built-in player and a USB port for "flash drives"). Fans of "song accompaniment" of all their affairs cannot do without a musical "installation" in the gym.

Space decoration

You can decorate the room with posters of bodybuilders (for men) and photographs of models or favorite show business stars (for women). In general, any images, paintings, figurines of a sports or near-sports theme will be appropriate here.

How to set up a home gym

In the home gym, at least one cardio machine must be installed - either a treadmill or an ellipsoid. The rest of the equipment and fixtures should be chosen depending on personal goals, preferences and, of course, the gender of the trainees. A woman planning to “throw off” a couple of kilograms will be enough with a cardio simulator, a few dumbbells and a press roller. Men will need a horizontal bar, a weight machine or a barbell, perhaps a punching bag. One floor mat is required.

When equipping a home gym “for the whole family”, it is advisable not to skimp on the inventory - buy a couple of fitballs, wall bars, hoops, a rope. Everyone in the household will be delighted, from young to old - guaranteed!

With the impressive size of the room reserved for the gym, you can additionally equip the space with a tennis or billiard table.

And finally, to understand how to best organize the space, look at the photos of home gyms on the Internet - so you can get a lot of interesting ideas.


Everyone knows that systematic physical activity is a guarantee of health, well-being and a beautiful figure. New health clubs and fitness centers are popping up all the time, but many working people simply don't have the time to visit them regularly. Classes from time to time are, of course, better than nothing, but systematicity is necessary to achieve a stable result. In Western countries, there has long been a trend towards equipping home gyms, allowing you to work out at any convenient time.

This, among other things, is very profitable: having once spent on the purchase of exercise equipment and sports equipment, you can save on paying for classes at the fitness center for many years.

However, it must even be properly equipped, because it is known that it is much more difficult to tune in to sports at home than in a common gym. It has also been proven that exercising at home, in which there is not even a special area for sports exercises, brings much less pleasure. If a person does not enjoy physical activity, then they turn into a kind of duty. In such a situation, it is difficult to comply with the regimen and engage systematically, and not from case to case. Thus, home gym equipment must be carefully considered. What do experts - doctors, sports coaches and designers recommend?

Home gym space

Ideally, of course, if there is an opportunity to take it to a separate room. The area of ​​​​the room for a home gym should be at least 8-10 square meters. Better is more.

The best place for equipping a sports room in the house is a veranda. It is easy to breathe on it; on the veranda it is easier to arrange excellent ventilation, and this is very important. A good place for a home gym is an attic with ceiling beams that allow you to hang numerous sports equipment. Large attic will give a lot of fresh air.

A home gym should have windows.

However, it can be equipped in any other room, but always in one where there are windows - a room without windows is not categorically suitable: firstly, during exercise, a person must breathe fresh air. Secondly, in a room without windows, a person experiences discomfort that does not contribute to the growth of interest in classes.

Finishing and equipment of the premises for the home gym


The walls of the room in which they play sports must have such a property as vapor permeability. The fact is that in gyms, even designed for only a few people, a certain amount of moisture accumulates. If the walls are sealed (finished, for example, with ceramic tiles or), then condensation forms on them - not the most healthy atmosphere arises. The best solution is colored plaster on the walls or paper wallpaper. Wall decoration with natural cork panels is also perfect.

Stylish and cozy home gym


Of particular importance in the gym is the flooring, because it is on them that the maximum sound load occurs in the sports room. The flooring for the gym should first of all have soundproofing properties (especially if the gym is equipped in an apartment above the ground floor or in the attic of a private house). Plank floors are not suitable for the gym. The best option is a screed (better - floating, not in contact with the walls and, accordingly, not transmitting sound). It is worth laying a soundproofing substrate on the screed, and on top - high-quality carpet with a thick base or cork floor, which, as you know, is soft (which means that the chance of injury is reduced when falling) and low sound conductivity.

If you plan to work out in a home gym with heavy weights, it is worth covering the floor under the carpet or over the cork flooring with a rubber backing or rug - this will save the floors and reduce noise.

Color in the interior of the home gym

Psychologists and doctors say that the optimal gym is light shades of green, blue, gray, cream and light beige. One of these colors should be used for wall decoration, window decoration and decor.

Light beige walls are a good solution for a home gym

The color of simulators and other sports equipment can be any (as well as a few furniture) - this, first of all, depends on the chosen style of the room. So, for example, black and gray colors of furniture and exercise equipment with chrome elements will come in handy in a high-tech gym. In an avant-garde or retro gym, any bright colors and wood colors will be appropriate. By the way, multi-colored simulators and equipment have a stimulating effect.


For the gym, it is desirable that the lighting be overhead. Lamps must not be colored. The best option is white light. The most illuminated should be the place where a person will practice, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Furniture, accessories

Of course, there should be a mirror in the gym. If possible, you can make one of the walls completely mirrored (for this it is not at all necessary to use a real mirror - you can finish the walls with polystyrene mirror plates). The mirror should be positioned so that, while practicing, a person can see his reflection. It is preferable that the mirror reflects a person in full growth. The window should be on the side of the student.

Interior by B&L studio

There is more to say about the mirror. Why is it needed? It's not just about admiring yourself. It is necessary to control the correctness of the exercises. In addition, watching your reflection in full growth can motivate a person, because at first he sees all his imperfections and wants to get rid of them, and then, after a couple of months of training, he observes the first results and wants to consolidate them. In a word, a mirror in the gym is a great motivator for self-confident people.

Unfortunately, for people suffering from low self-esteem (especially women), the mirror in the gym can have the opposite effect. So, in the course of a specially conducted study, psychologists found that many overweight women, observing their reflection during classes, experienced discomfort. As a result, they had a desire to stop doing the exercises and no longer take them. In a word, the decision regarding the presence of a mirror in the home gym should be made individually in each case.

In the gym, you can put a hanger for clothes and towels. At least one chair with a back is needed - it may be needed both for exercising and in order to take a break. It is desirable to have a small table to put a bottle of water. However, the ideal option is to equip a home gym with a bar counter with coasters for glasses and bottles. You need to put a couple of bar stools to the counter. A mini-bar for storing and cooling drinks can also be installed here.

You can find original furniture for the gym in furniture stores, make an individual order or make it yourself - for example, from outdated sports equipment

In a large gym room, you can put a leather sofa and a serving table. If the owner of the gym is actively involved in sports, participates in competitions and has awards, you can hang shelves in the gym or install a showcase for cups, medals, etc.

Many people, especially women, work with so-called "video instructors" - that is, they buy or download videos of gymnastics, dance, aerobics, etc. Accordingly, such classes should take place where there is a TV and a DVD player. If you prefer to work out with video trainers, you should hang at least a small plasma or (preferably with a built-in DVD player) on the wall of your home gym. If you have a TV with DVD, you can do without a music player. Otherwise, it is necessary to put a music center in the gym - after all, it is known that classes with musical accompaniment are always easier and more enjoyable.


The walls of the home gym can be decorated with posters: women prefer posters with the image of female models and / or athletes, men - with the image of famous bodybuilders. Such posters are motivators for many. However, the images on the posters can be anything, the main thing is that they match the style of the room. In addition, they will be very useful on the wall of the gym - perhaps even with an electronic scoreboard. Watches are needed to control the time of performing certain exercises and the entire lesson.

Motivational graffiti on the walls of the home gym

On the walls of the gym, inscriptions with motivating slogans are appropriate (for example: “ Come on, come on!», « Gymnastics prolongs youth. J. Locke», « In a healthy body healthy mind!», « Let's!», « Here is the body!», « Movement is life!», « The thinner the waist, the longer the life!" etc.). You can also hang darts on the walls.

Home gym equipment

First of all, you need to choose simulators. The gym should have at least one cardio machine - it can be an exercise bike or a treadmill. Other simulators are selected depending on the goals pursued by the student. So, if a woman just wants to lose weight, to be, as they say, in shape, one cardio machine, a few dumbbells and a jump rope will be enough for her.

luxury home gym

A man who wants to build muscle will need additional weight machines (or one multifunctional weight machine that will save square meters). However, you can do without power simulators by buying a barbell with different pancakes and a large number of dumbbells. In a word, it all depends on the goals, personal preferences, financial capabilities and the size of the gym.

In any case, you need to purchase at least one mat for practicing on the floor. If the size of the gym allows, it is worth installing a universal bench. The gym, in which women, teenagers and children work out, should be equipped with a pair of fitballs, hoops, a rope, and a Swedish wall. Men prefer to have a horizontal bar and a punching bag in the gym.

Rack with sports equipment separates the sports area

If the size of the gym allows, you can additionally install a tennis or billiard table in it, and hang a basketball basket on the wall. Of course, such a gym will need to be zoned, highlighting a zone for sports and entertainment. You can delimit the zones using the bar counter, which will divide the space into two halves.

Zoning in the home gym


In the gym, it is desirable to have forced ventilation. It can be a fan built into the hood or window.

Floor scales are also a very necessary "trifle" for the gym.

If there is no separate room for a home gym

Small sports area can be allocated in the living room or bedroom, if, of course, the dimensions allow. You can find a place for a mini-gym by combining a room with a loggia or balcony. In any case, the sports corner should be made closer to the window. You can separate the sports area in the living room using the same bar counter - the area by the window is designed as a sports area, and a recreation and reception area is equipped on the opposite wall.

It is advisable to highlight the sports area - for example, paint the walls with a different color or even finish it with a different material. The same accessories are used as in a separate gym - a wall clock, sports posters, a mirror, etc. The TV should be hung so that it can be watched both from the sports area and from the recreation area.

For a sports corner, you can choose folding exercise equipment (for example, a treadmill). Mini steppers take up very little space; barbell and dumbbells can be removed, for example, behind the sofa or under the bed.

In general, the requirements for a sports corner are the same as for a home gym in a separate room. The only difference is that you have to save space in the corner, so you will have to more carefully select simulators and equipment, acquiring only what is really impossible to do without. Thus, the task becomes somewhat more complicated, but there are no unsolvable interior problems. Dare! We wish you design and sports success!
