How to turn on the torneo treadmill. How to turn on the treadmill at the gym

Treadmill is the motorized equivalent of walking or running. You just move your feet along the moving canvas, which drives the electric motor. The sensations are the same as running or walking down the street. There is a slight difference when you increase the incline: when you increase the incline on the track, running is slightly easier compared to running up at the same angle in real life. But walking up the treadmill is the same as walking up the street.

Treadmills now have softer rebound and better cushioning than ever before. Many manufacturers are adding many new features, such as Internet access and social networks.

Some treadmills have over 100 built-in programs.

Treadmills are the easiest home exercise equipment to use. However, users are not immune from mistakes. If you do not follow some tips, you can harm yourself or spoil treadmill.

  • Start slowly. Press the START button while standing on the side plates of the treadmill. Do not stand on the running belt. Despite the stated Weight Limit user, when starting the walking belt, the load on the motor is maximum, and the motor or controller may fail. After starting the running belt, start your workout by walking at a minimum speed.
  • Don't lean on the handrails. It's okay to hold on to the handrails when you first start moving to find your balance. But as soon as you feel more confident, let go of the handrails: your movements are more natural with free hands!
  • Look ahead. Your feet follow the direction of your gaze, so if you are focusing on things in front of you, you are going straight instead of turning to the side. When someone calls you in the middle of a workout, don't look back at the sound! This advice seems obvious, but I don't advise you to wait for it to happen.
  • Beware of disorientation. The first time you use the treadmill, you will lose your bearings when you step off the treadmill onto the ground. Your body wonders why the ground has suddenly stopped moving. Do not worry. Most people experience dizziness once or twice.
  • Don't read while exercising. You risk losing your balance and falling off the track.
  • Start your warm-up workout. To reduce the risk of injury, start your workout with a light warm-up, then get on the treadmill and start, gradually increasing your speed. The workout should end with a hitch.
  • We will seem boring to you, but: Following the instructions, be sure to use the security key, attach it to your clothes, and leave at least two meters of free space behind the path so as not to become another hero of such a video:

The treadmill is an affordable and versatile simulator that allows you to deal with overweight,...

The treadmill is an affordable and versatile simulator that allows you to fight excess weight, cellulite, weak muscles and some diseases. Running refers to cardio loads, so it can be used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Working on a running machine, you can noticeably strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and arms. People who run look great, get sick less (especially in winter period), have good posture and are less prone to stress. The benefits of running on a treadmill can hardly be overestimated. If you decide to purchase a machine and start training, then it will be useful for you to learn how to use the treadmill.

Treadmill: how to use?

How to use the treadmill? The answer depends on what goals you set for yourself. So, for example, to increase muscle mass a mechanical treadmill is well suited, in which the running belt is started by the user's efforts. If, during classes, the body is slightly forward, lean on the handrails with your hands, and mentally divide the canvas with a transverse line, then you can put a load on the calf muscles. In this case, you should not go beyond the boundaries of an imaginary transverse line. In terms of effectiveness, such training can be compared with running on sand, in water or in snow. elaboration calf muscles- one of challenging tasks in bodybuilding, and classes on the treadmill in combination with other strength exercises give amazing and fast results.

The treadmill is used as a warm-up before core exercises, as well as after leg exercises such as squats and leg presses. Plus, the treadmill is great for completing your workout. It is used as cardio for recovery heart rate and right exit from training mode. The duration of the workout in this case will be from 15 to 60 minutes, but no more.

If you purchased a treadmill solely for the purpose of losing weight, then you will have to run for at least 40 minutes. The number of lessons per week is 3-4. It is advisable to combine training on the track with strength exercises and do not forget about proper nutrition. In this case, the results will appear much faster. If you practice every day, but for 10 minutes, then do not be surprised why the scales stand still. To lose weight, you will have to make a lot of effort and you need to run correctly, and not when you want and how much you want.

How to use the treadmill correctly?

  • Beginners should start at a slow pace. You can stand on the simulator only when the canvas begins to move. When you turn on the track, your feet should be on the sides. Move to the canvas at the moment when it moves at a minimum speed.
  • Do not lean on the handrails while exercising. They are created only for safety net and for people with handicapped. Beginners can hold on to the handrails for the first time until they get used to the features of the simulator. It's much easier and more natural to move when you hold your hands, just like when you're running or walking. Bend your arms at the elbows, press them slightly to the body and move your arms in time with your legs. If you hold onto the handrails all the time, then you automatically tilt your body. As a result, the joints of the arms and legs are overloaded, and the effectiveness of training is noticeably reduced. In addition, for the equipment itself, this is not the most useful method of operation. If you run or walk on handrails, don't rely too much on your calorie counter. In this case, the numbers will not correspond to reality.
  • Always look ahead. If you look to the sides, then you can lose the rhythm. If someone distracts you during a workout, do not turn your head sharply to the side. This may lead to a fall. Practice shows that it is precisely such everyday moments that lead people to fall off the running belt, fall and get injured. It is especially dangerous to be distracted at high speeds.
  • Always remember that you can lose your balance. At the first lesson, dizziness may appear. This is due to the peculiarities of the body: it cannot immediately adapt to the fact that everything around is standing, and you are moving. Usually, dizziness disappears in 2-3 sessions, when the vestibular apparatus gets used to the new load.
  • Never go barefoot. Get yourself some good running shoes especially for training on the treadmill.

Sports doctors advice:

  • Before starting training, read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the control panel of the treadmill. You must know exactly how to quickly change speed, the angle of the walking belt, where to take your heart rate, etc.
  • It is necessary to monitor the posture and position of the back: the abdominal muscles are tense, the shoulders are straightened. The gaze is directed only forward.
  • While walking and running, do not lean backwards or to the sides.
  • It is advisable to practice regularly, choosing the same hours.
  • If you have chronic diseases, then before starting training, you should consult a doctor.

See also how to use the treadmill video.

How to use the treadmill: instructions

Safety instructions and rules for using the treadmill:

  • Attach the security key to your clothing.
  • Place the treadmill on a level and smooth surface and, if necessary, place a rug or mat under it.
  • Before starting a workout, turn on the simulator and set the minimum speed, first stand on the sides, and then on the running belt and only after it starts moving.
  • Use only appropriate sportswear and footwear. Do not train in loose clothing that could get caught in the moving parts of the machine.
  • Children and pets should not be near the operating machine.
  • After the last meal and the start of training, at least 40 minutes should pass.
  • The treadmill may only be used for its intended purpose, i.e. for physical training adults.
  • If you are exercising on the treadmill for the first time, keep your hands on the handrails.
  • The simulator is suitable for home use only. It is not allowed to use it for commercial purposes, in schools and other institutions, or rent it out.
  • If the treadmill suddenly picks up speed on its own or stops moving abruptly, remove the safety key to disable and lock the system. If you have any problems, please contact technical support or the dealer from whom you purchased this treadmill.
  • Pay attention to the power cable, do not put heavy things on it, do not use damaged sockets to avoid fire.
  • If you are not currently exercising on the simulator, then unplug the cable from the outlet. When using the treadmill, make sure that the socket is grounded. Do not use the outlet if there is a problem.
  • There should be a free space of about 1-2 meters around the simulator.

How to train correctly?

Preparing for a workout

If you are over 35 years old or have a chronic disease, then before starting classes, consult with a specialist. Before you start training, carefully read the instructions. You must know how to turn the treadmill on and off, how to adjust the speed and the angle of the belt. If you are stepping on the walkway for the first time, then hold on to the handrails with your hands. In the first lessons, train at a low speed of -1.6-3.2 km / h, and then gradually increase.


Read the instructions carefully and remember how to change the settings. At the start of your activity, walk about 1 km at a moderate speed. Record your results, you should have 15-25 minutes. If the speed is 4.8 km / h, then the required time is about 12 minutes per 1 km. If the load is easy for you and does not cause discomfort, then after 30 minutes change the speed and angle of inclination. At this stage, it is not recommended to increase the speed and incline too much, as training involves maintaining a comfortable pace.

Intense workout

First you need to warm up well, the recommended speed is 4.8 km / h, the time is 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 5.3 km / h, and leave the time for 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 6 km / h, then same - 2 minutes. After that, increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes. It is recommended to start with a 5-minute warm-up at a speed of 4-4.8 km / h, and then gradually increase the speed by 0.3 km / h every 2 minutes.

Training schedule

It is recommended to practice 3 to 5 times a week for 15-60 minutes. Make a training schedule for yourself and stick to it. You can make your workouts more efficient by adjusting the speed and incline of the walking belt. Check with your doctor before you start exercising, he can help you create the right training schedule.

If you experience chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or severe shortness of breath while exercising, stop immediately and seek medical advice. If you are running on a treadmill for the first time, then the following schedule will help you:

  • The speed of 1-3.0 km/h is slow walking;
  • Speed ​​3.0-4.5 km / h - moderate walking or easy walking;
  • Speed ​​4.5-6.0 km / h - walking;
  • Speed ​​6.0-7.5 km/h - brisk walking;
  • Speed ​​7.5-9.0 km / h - warm-up run;
  • Speed ​​9.0-12.0 km / h - running;
  • Speed ​​12.0-14.5 km / h - fast running;
  • Speed ​​14.5-16.0 km/h - running for professionals.

It is believed that the optimal speed for walking is 6 km / h, and for jogging - 8 km / h.

Now you know what a treadmill is useful for, how to use it, video.

In this article, you will learn how to properly adjust the treadmill belt.

You can buy a treadmill in our online and retail stores.

It is important not only to properly train on the simulator, but also to correctly regulate and maintain the treadmill.

You are able to independently adjust the level of tension of the walking belt and its centering.

Adjusting the belt tension and centering the treadmill belt is just as important for the machine, like wheel alignment at your car! If the treadmill belt is slipping during movement, it is necessary to tighten it.

Blade tension adjustment

During active use of the simulator Check the running belt tension once a month.

In an optimally taut state, the canvas in the central part can be lifted above the deck by 3-5 cm with a little effort, depending on the size of the canvas.

A loose, ill-tight blade will slip and move off-center during operation, and an over-tight blade will heat up and wear prematurely.

In most cases, the canvas stretches during operation, which causes slippage.


Web tension is a normal adjustment operation. To eliminate slippage, tighten both rear idler idler bolts with a wrench by ¼ turn as shown.

Then check the track again for slippage.

Re-tension if necessary, but NEVER tighten the tension bolts more than ¼ turn at a time.

Blade alignment

With the observed displacement of the canvas to the side (to the right or left) during training, it is necessary to carry out its centering-adjustment. In this case, the canvas of the track should be in the center; when moving, the canvas must not touch the fixed elements of the simulator.

Don't forget that every 250 km or 25 hours run, it is necessary to lubricate the surface under the canvas. For lubrication, use anhydrous silicone liquid or spray.





  • Turn the left roller bolt ¼ turn clockwise (to tighten it).


  • Turn the right roller bolt ¼ turn clockwise (to tighten it).

Attention! A slight violation of the centering of the web is allowed - about 0.5 cm.

How to oil a canvas

Attention: For lubrication of the equipment, only special type silicone lubricant. Never add oily ingredients as this can seriously damage the machine.

If the running belt slips after being lubricated, it must be centered by adjusting the end of the running belt with the Allen key.

  • Unplug the treadmill (if you have an electric model).
  • Loosen the web tension.
  • Raise the edge of the blade, apply lubricant. Repeat the operation on the other side, repeat the operation 3-4 times pulling the fabric by hand.
  • Tension and center the blade. To do this, turn on the track. The canvas has shifted to the left - pull it to the right, and vice versa.
  • Run in the lubricated blade for 5 minutes at a speed of 3 km/h. Adjust tension if necessary.

Source: http://website/

Treadmill (essential)

I welcome all visitors to the pages of the online edition for men MENS WORLD. In today's article, we have taken care of men who seek to improve physical form using a treadmill. After working through a lot of information, we have collected all the most useful things you need to know before starting training on the treadmill.

In general, the treadmill is considered one of the most effective weight loss machines. For men who are obviously overweight, the treadmill becomes almost the only sports, which will not harm their weak cardiovascular system.

Like any exercise physical activity, the treadmill has its limitations. For example, exercises on a treadmill are contraindicated for men with diseases of the joints, muscles, musculoskeletal system and with poor coordination of movements. In addition, in case of problems with cardiovascular system, classes on the treadmill should begin with a doctor's consultation.

The minimum number of classes is 3 per week. While running, are burned 500-700 kcal/hour. The back and abs are practically not involved, only the buttocks and the back of the thighs “work”.

In addition to the actual running, the treadmill allows you to engage in sports walking, which guarantees burning 350-450 kcal/hour. Race walking on a treadmill develops the body's endurance, trains the muscles of the buttocks, legs, back and abs.

Tips for running on the treadmill

  1. If the pulse quickens 140 beats per minute - slow down the speed. Do not abruptly stop the track while your heart rate is above 100 bpm.
  2. The incline angle of the treadmill changes in half-degree increments.

    Do not run with the slope of the track, in this mode - only walking! Allowable incline for easy running is 1-2 degrees.

  3. Workout on a treadmill for vivacity - in the morning, for burning fat - in the evening.
  4. The frequency of training depends on physical fitness. It is recommended to take breaks of 1-2 days.

Well, that's all we have prepared for fans of treadmills.

There is no need to list all the functions of treadmills, because a wide variety of models offers a wide range of modes and programs.

Before buying your own treadmill, we recommend visiting several fitness clubs and trying out treadmills from different manufacturers.

You can find more detailed information on the website. By purchasing a treadmill and doing exercises from the built-in training programs, you will never harm your own health.

Source: http://website/

How to turn on the treadmill in an air-conditioned gym

The treadmill is a panacea for maintaining weight and muscle tone at any age. You can practice at home or go to sports centers enjoying running and socializing. Many have no idea how to turn on treadmill in gym hall and waste time waiting for help. Let's study!

How to turn on the treadmill in the club?

  1. Many treadmills run on electricity. Connect to her. If the unit has an auxiliary toggle switch, turn it on. Is the treadmill display lit up? So she's ready to go.
  2. Stand on the panels on the sides of the canvas. If you stand on the belt when the device is turned on, there is a risk of overloading the motor and causing injury!
  3. The monitor has a hole for a key. Insert a safety key into it, and fasten its second part to your belt so that the track turns off if a fall occurs.
  4. Press "start" and follow the instructions on the monitor. Almost all modern models have weight parameters. Enter them and press the SELECT button.
  5. To the right and left of the monitor there are buttons for decreasing and increasing speed (SPEED), usually they are triangular.
  6. After the belt starts to move, stand on it and start training. Correlate the level of traffic intensity with physical training. If the load is low, complicate the task by changing the slope with the INCLINE button.

Knowing how to turn on treadmill, you can easily start the lesson without outside help. Remember that when buying, you need to consult with the seller, check the centering while driving and listen to the sounds of the track.

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People who regularly visit gyms and fitness centers have long been accustomed to the treadmill. But if a person buys this simulator at home, then turning on and controlling the track can cause difficulties. In this article, we will talk about how to manage the simulator and use it as efficiently as possible.

How good is a treadmill?

- This is one of the key simulators in any gym. Its indisputable advantages include the ability to successfully imitate real running, while even surpassing it in efficiency. After all, during regular running a person does not have the opportunity to choose the level of incline or turn on the fan, but when exercising on a treadmill, this option is present.

In addition, the track makes classes more versatile. V winter time When it is impossible to go outside without several layers of warm clothes, running exercises are almost impossible. With the help of the simulator, you can run at home, doing it at any time of the year and day. You just need to know how to turn on the treadmill and how to use it.

How to use the treadmill?

Different types of tracks can turn on in different ways, although in concept they all look similar. If you don't know how to turn the treadmill on gym, it is best to ask the gym staff or other visitors.

Note that tracks from different manufacturers may slightly differ in the set of functions and the way they are enabled. But the general algorithm of work is always approximately the same. The difference most often lies in the shape and location of the buttons, the overall design of the information screen, but nothing more. We will look at the intricacies of using the track on the example of the JKexer Fitlux 365 simulator, as it looks universal and is very popular.

Switching on and main functions

Turning on the track is quite easy. Most models have a "Start" or "Start" button. It is also accompanied by a well-known icon - it is both on the TV remote control and on the computer system unit. Most often, before pressing this button, you need to set the angle of inclination and the speed of movement. In this case, the security key must be fixed with one end on the belt or clothes of a person, and with the other - on the console of the simulator. This element helps to avoid injuries, as it immediately turns off the track when a person falls.

When during a workout it becomes necessary to change the settings, first you should press the "Stop" button (sometimes there are separate "Stop" and "Pause" buttons), and only after that enter the data and press "Start" again. When asked how to properly run on a treadmill, safety plays essential role. It is highly undesirable to change parameters on the go.

The JKexer Fitlux 365 simulator, which we took as a basis, has a brief instruction on English language. It is located right on the information screen. If your track model is also equipped with such instructions, do not ignore it.

Change the speed and incline of the track

As already mentioned, you need to change the slope and speed after the track has completely stopped. Some devices allow you to enter specific numeric values, while others have + and - buttons for incremental changes. The interface of different tracks may differ, but the general concept remains the same. Modes change by changing incline and speed. Everything else is additional and optional features.

It is worth remembering that you need to switch speed and change the angle of inclination gradually. Even if the track allows you to dramatically change one or another indicator, you should take small steps. So, the optimal change in the angle of inclination is 2-3 degrees. There are no specific values ​​​​for running, but switch immediately from walking to top speed not desirable. This makes workouts less effective and tires you out quickly.

Switching modes, program selection

Most modern treadmills are equipped with several preset modes and training programs. They switch, as a rule, in different ways. So, on the JKexer Fitlux 365, these are programs indicated on the panel with gray fields, to select the one you need, after clicking on the Profile button, click on the desired program. For the selected program, you can set the level and initial speed.

If you are going to practice on the track at home, then the best option would be to buy a device with some kind of internal memory. This can be a regular menu, a connection to a computer or a USB drive. The bottom line is not to set training programs every time, but simply to enter them into the memory of the simulator. These functions are implemented differently on different tracks, but, as a rule, the interface remains intuitive. You can find out exactly how the program selection works on a particular model in the instructions for it.

Additional functions of the simulator

Various additional features that a track can have:

  • entering a person's weight to adjust the training program;
  • a fan that can be turned on at the time of exercising on the track;
  • water bottle holder;
  • vibration massager;
  • rollers for transporting the simulator;
  • compensator for uneven floors, necessary for outdoor activities;
  • multimedia functions - Wi-Fi, TV tuner, speakers for playing voice messages, color or touch display.

It is also worth listing the technical features that can make life easier for the owner of the simulator:

  • safety key (if you fall, this device will instantly stop the track);
  • the possibility of folding or assembling the track.

To understand how to walk on a treadmill, no additional features are needed. Beginners should not pay attention to them at all. But if your track is equipped with them, then later you can study them. Surely all of them are described in the instructions attached by the manufacturer to the simulator.

If you do not know how to use the treadmill in the gym, then the necessary information can be obtained from the employees of the institution. The general algorithm described above will definitely help. But if there are doubts, it is better to clarify all the same.

How to exercise on a treadmill? General rules

There are a number of rules that must be observed while exercising on the treadmill:

  1. Always choose comfortable shoes that are neither too tight nor too roomy. If you work out at home, this is not a reason to put on slippers or even go barefoot. Uncomfortable shoes can hurt your feet and just make your workout less effective.
  2. Don't forget how the treadmill works. It starts moving immediately after you press the "Start" button. Therefore, at the time of switching on, you need to stand on the floor next to the track, but not on it! There is a risk of falling.
  3. Do not hold on to the handrails while walking or running! It defeats the whole purpose of training. Leaning on the handrails, you increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, shift the center of gravity and thereby quickly get tired, losing the effectiveness of classes.
  4. Avoid daily workouts. Unless you urgently need to get in shape - train no more than 4 times a week. Daily running will quickly bore you, and it will become more difficult to force yourself.

Why do you need handrails if you can't hold on to them? The answer is simple: for insurance. By changing the speed or angle of inclination, you can grab the handrail so as not to fall. In addition, on many tracks, the handrails are equipped with controls and heart rate sensors.

Beginner treadmill training is often challenging and seemingly unnecessarily boring. To avoid quick “baking” and continue to train effectively on the track, heed the following tips:

  1. Train to music or a series. This will allow you to take your mind off the process of walking or running and perform important movements automatically, “on autopilot”.
  2. Change the angle of inclination while walking, best of all - gradually. This will help burn calories efficiently and at the same time make the training process less monotonous. Often walking uphill on a treadmill is even more effective than running on a flat surface. But if you gradually increase the angle, then you do not need to lower it immediately either.
  3. The track should be placed in the room you love. Dark bedroom or gloomy corner - not the best place for classes. The more pleasant you are in the room, the more effective your workouts will be.
  4. Decide for yourself how much you need to run on the treadmill. The main thing is not to overwork. The pre-set programs are good for weight loss and for the heart, but if you just want to keep fit, then making your own decisions will be the best choice.

Beginner Treadmill Program

There is far from the only training program on the treadmill. But the vast majority of these programs are designed for people who already have some experience of "communication" with simulators of this type. Beginners should limit themselves to the choice of load and its gradual increase. At first, 20-30 minutes of classes are enough, but after a few weeks the load needs to be increased. The fact that the time has come to increase the load will be indicated by excessive ease when performing exercises that previously seemed quite difficult.

It is necessary to increase the load. If you practice almost every day, then after a week you need to increase the duration of classes by 10-15 minutes (for example, repeat the selected program again). After a month of training, you need to double the initial duration of training. So, if the first lesson lasted 25 minutes, then in a month you need to spend at least 50.

The optimal treadmill workout for beginners looks something like this:

  1. Start with 10 minutes of normal walking at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
  2. Then start running at a speed of 7-9 km / h. You should run for 7 minutes, the slope is not needed.
  3. After that, set the slope to 2 degrees and walk for 2 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h. Increase the incline by another 2 degrees every 2 minutes and end the workout after 10 minutes when the incline reaches 10 degrees.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 at least 3 times.

If your heart rate while walking uphill is higher than while running, then another training scheme will do:

  1. Walk for 10 minutes at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
  2. Set the incline to 3 to 6 degrees and walk for another 5 minutes at the same speed.
  3. Remove the slope and start running for 2 minutes at a speed of 7-9 km/h.
  4. Run for 1 minute at the fastest possible speed (also without incline).
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 at least 3 times.

These programs are designed primarily for weight loss and keeping fit. For example, for cardio training on a treadmill, the program will be completely different. It is better to discuss it with your doctor first.


The treadmill is great way lose weight, put your body in order, defeat heart problems. The simulator is really very effective, and you can use it both in the gym or fitness center, and at home. There are no difficulties during the lessons. The main thing to do is to learn the basic functions of the treadmill before you turn it on for the first time and start training.

The treadmill is a popular piece of equipment found in almost all fitness clubs. Many people buy it for home use. Before training, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of using the equipment, as well as learn how to turn on the treadmill. This is discussed in the article.

Turning on and off

mechanical type? In this case, you do not need to know any rules, you just need to start walking. The use of sensors and devices on such devices is similar to electrical ones. How to turn on the electric type treadmill? The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to stand on the side skids and grab the handles.
  2. You should press Quick Start (usually a large colored button).
  3. After that, start running.
  4. The speed is controlled by two large switches.
  5. The movement is stopped using the Quick Start button.

This is the entire instruction on how to turn on the treadmill as well as how to turn it off. If you want to use the device to a minimum, no additional knowledge other than those indicated is needed. And if you need regular training, you should familiarize yourself with the information presented below.

On many tracks, you need to use the start button 2 times. Then, after 2-3 seconds, movement begins at a minimum speed. Do not try to get on a track that is moving fast. First you need to stand on the side skids, and go to the track, only reducing the speed in advance. For competent training, you need to familiarize yourself with how to create programs, set the incline and use other functions.

Main buttons

How to turn on the treadmill in the gym, the instructor will tell you. And if classes take place at home, then you need to read the instructions. It is more convenient to use the Russian-language track. It makes it easier to understand how to set up all the functions, since messages appear on the screen and the buttons are labeled.

If all the inscriptions on the device are in English, then the process of use is complicated for many people. Therefore, it will be discussed in more detail about this option. Usually on the panel there are buttons Start - the beginning, and Stop - the end. There are others:

  1. Workout Profiles, Mode, Program - it is supposed to select and configure lesson programs.
  2. Speed ​​- speed: buttons with up/down arrows are located nearby.
  3. Incline - this function allows you to tilt the canvas up or down - the measurement is in degrees.
  4. Select - program installation button.
  5. +/- are switches.
  6. Enter is a function to confirm the specified program or option.
  7. Pause - stop or pause.

The Stop button completely resets all programs and options. These instructions will help you understand how to properly turn on the treadmill. Typically, these buttons are on all English-speaking devices.


Manufacturers are trying to protect users as much as possible, so they equip the track with a special key. In the event of a fall of an athlete, it blocks the mechanism and stops the tape. Many do not use this function, sometimes they even lose the key. In this case, the mechanism will not start. And then the athletes are concerned about the question: "What to do if you turn on keyless treadmill?" Actually, you just need to contact the manufacturer. Basically, they provide a new copy for a fee.

You should also familiarize yourself with the data that are indicated on the display:

  1. The current speed is Speed.
  2. Distance traveled - DIST.
  3. Calories burned - CAL.
  4. Goals - distance, calories - Target Total.
  5. Current heart rate - usually indicated by a heart icon.
  6. Minutes and seconds before the start of the lesson - the total time.
  7. PROG - type or program number.
  8. The current stage of the program - is indicated in the form of successive columns of different heights.

Choice of an individual program

Considering how to turn on the treadmill in the gym, you should familiarize yourself with the choice of an individual program. Often this requires the entry of personal data:

  1. Sex - gender, M (male), F (female).
  2. Age - age.
  3. Weight - weight.
  4. Jog speed - running speed during dynamic rest.
  5. Sprint Intervals - running speed during a sprint, if an interval training program is being compiled.

The specified data will be enough for orientation in the interface. How to turn on the Torneo treadmill? The instructions in the article will allow you to do this correctly.

Customization for yourself

First you need to learn how to turn on / off and switch speed and incline. This requires 1 session. In the following workouts, you should learn how to use the functions and create your own programs.

Some treadmills have visual usage information on the panel. The instruction should include the need and rules for maintaining the simulator.

Functions and elements

Some treadmill panels include quick access buttons to the desired incline and speed.

Do not change parameters in increments greater than 4; it is desirable to increase and decrease the speed / incline not instantly, but over time. Often, separate buttons fix the main programs, and a description is presented on them or above them with a diagram. Some tracks have functions to adjust the program based on personal settings. To do this, there is a separate option where you can enter personal data and receive a program suitable workout. Functions and items may differ depending on the type of instrument.

Programs and modes

What programs can be used and created independently? It is necessary to find out if the device has a program saving function. Often, these functions are connected via USB connectors and are able to be written to media. The save function helps to immediately set up the necessary training programs and not set their basis.

If you learn how to create your own training program, you will save a lot of time in the future and enjoy your workouts. The main programs include:

  1. Running in the hills. This is the main program. In the diagram, it is represented as a mountain with a peak in the center. This function assumes a gradual increase in load and inclination by the middle of the session and a decrease to the minimum parameters by the end of the workout.
  2. Pulse zone. For this program, its own maximum heart rate is determined, from which percentages are calculated. For example, exercising at 60-70% of the maximum heart rate allows you to effectively burn fat. In this program, the heart rate range is set, and when this range is reached, the device regulates the load. Such a program is suitable for various purposes: developing endurance and burning fat. In each target area heart rate provides different results.
  3. Development of endurance. The program increases the speed, and about a quarter of the time it works at maximum. The function is suitable for trained people.
  4. interval program. There are varieties, but the essence is the alternation of intervals, of which there are two: calm and intense. On the second, high speed and slope are provided, on a calm one, the load decreases. A great option for weight loss, fat burning and endurance training. The chart shows high and low bars.
  5. Fitness test. Many treadmills have a program that measures current parameters. You need to run a distance with a heart rate sensor. According to the results, the device calculates the results based on algorithms and draws a conclusion about the current form.

These are just the main programs. They may differ depending on the equipment model. A variety of programs allows you to choose for yourself best option workouts.


Thus, turning on the treadmill is easy. If you want to work with this simulator, it is important to know the rules. And be sure to follow them.
