Do-it-yourself fishing malyavnitsa. Methods for catching and storing live bait

The fishermen, who have decided to engage in ice zerlichny fishing, naturally the question arises - how to catch live bait in winter. Experienced winter roads take care of the presence and safety of the bait in advance, often harvesting fry since autumn and store it all winter. It all depends on the degree of involvement in the process. For a couple of fishing trips, you can buy fry in the store, catching it also with a fishing rod during the installation of the girders. For those who decide to engage in winter predator fishing seriously, the question of the presence of this bait should be thought out thoroughly. Fishing with fry in winter is used not only in zherlitsa - live fish may be needed for other species as well winter fishing.

Zywiec in winter

How to catch live bait in winter? First you need to understand the organizational issues. The methods of catching fry in winter, depending on the purpose of use, the required amount of bait, the type of fish and further storage, differ. Before worrying about the problem of how to get live bait in winter, you need to decide what it is for and in what quantities.

For a clear winter zerlichnik, live bait is the most important component of fishing. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the procurement and storage in the fall. It all depends on local conditions. For example, in one place there are no problems with fry - you can always catch it with a fishing rod in sufficient quantities. In other localities - you will not find it with fire during the day. And the predator, for example, refuses to take on the store carp. It is also problematic to keep your belly in a city apartment all winter. Therefore, fishing in the winter for supplies often consists of two trips, the first of which is the preparation of live bait (belly).

Each fisherman independently builds a system for harvesting and storing live bait. For pike, pike perch or perch, catfish and burbot, fry are required of different types and sizes. Therefore, another factor is the predator to be hunted. Most often, live bait is needed for zerlichny fishing for pike, bottom fishing for pike perch and perch. Winter fishing for catfish - exclusive. And the main bait for burbot is a dead fish or cutting. The following types of fish are used as live bait:

  • Roach;
  • Rudd;
  • Gudgeon;
  • Loach;
  • Perch;
  • Rotan;
  • Bleak;
  • Topmelting;
  • Crucian carp.

In some areas, the required supply of fry can be replenished at a fishing store. But it is better to catch it yourself in the same reservoir where fishing will take place. The predator responds better to a familiar food base.

Where to get live bait in winter:

  • Catch right on the pond, in parallel with catching a predator (not always possible).
  • Buy in the store.
  • Catch yourself with your own hands (the most reliable way).

Where to catch live bait in winter

Finding a place for winter bait fishing is usually not a problem. These are the same reservoirs where fishing for a predator will take place. In winter, predatory fish stand in places where fry accumulate. Live bait for fishing is young fish of this year (or two years old). In winter, it dwells mainly near the coast, and a little deeper in the wilderness. It all depends on the type of fish. Minnows and loaches must be found in the sand. Ruffs - at a depth. Perch, roach, verkhovka - in the coastal zone with thickets of grass.

Fishing methods

Catching live bait in the winter for girders sometimes turns into another full-fledged fishing. It is not always easy to catch a small fish. But the success of hunting a predator depends on this. Therefore, catching fish for live bait is the most important stage of preparation for the trip. Methods and methods of catching live bait in winter are selected depending on the conditions of the reservoir, the desires of the angler and local characteristics. Consider effective ways catching live bait from ice.


The easiest way to catch live bait for fishing is with a lift (spider, scavenger, umbrella). The tackle is a fine mesh on hangers, located horizontally. A hoist for winter fishing is installed on the bottom, and bait is usually fixed in the center of the net (feed bloodworms are poured directly into the hole). After a while, the net is taken out and the caught fry gets out of it. The winter fishing lift is different from the summer one. The summer option does not stack, so it cannot be used across the hole. Such a spider is only suitable for fishing in open water or through wide lanes. A special winter lift for catching live bait folds when pulling on the rope, this is achieved technically not by a deaf fastening of the rods on the crosspiece, but by movable, through the springs. When pulling out the rods, the edges of the net are pulled up - the whole structure is folded, and the catch is inside, like in a bag.

Summer spider

Winter folding lift

Homemade cross for a winter spider

It is easiest to quickly catch live bait in winter in this way. A hole is drilled, a lift is lowered into it and top dressing is poured out. If there is no result, other places are checked. There is no need to cut down the lanes, which is especially important on the thick ice of the wilderness. A similar method of operation is the use of a winter fishing lift umbrella. The principle of operation is similar to the grabber's poaching tackle (cotton, cracker), only for the fry it is equipped, respectively, with a fine mesh. The net is equipped with rings with ropes and a weight in the middle. While getting out of the water, the net is pulled up with ropes and closed with a bag. This tackle can also be used through the hole.

Screens and kerchiefs

Catching live bait on a scarf in winter is another effective method... When using kerchiefs (screens, televisions), you may have to explain to the fish inspector that you are here fishing for fish fry for bait, and not poaching. Gussets (triangular) and TV screens (rectangular) are nets with vertical installation and various systems for lowering and retrieving the tackle from the hole. It is also better to use forage bloodworms as bait.

On the bait

Catching live bait with a line is the standard for a winter zerlichnik. You should always have with you a thin tackle with a small jig (or a float and a hook) in order to catch the fry if necessary. The harvested one may deteriorate or end, and the fishing rod in the box - here it is, storm a hole and catch it. Sometimes fishing requires larger live baits (especially on the first ice), as well as ruffs, perches or rotans. It is easier to catch such fish with a fishing rod than with a net. You can catch live bait in the winter right next to the girders, when there are no trips. Good remedy boredom. Sometimes the predator ignores the fish brought with him, but willingly takes the local one caught under his feet. In ponds, a crucian carp from the same pond should serve as bait for pike. And you can catch small crucian carp on live bait in winter right here with a fishing rod. The same situation is with water bodies, where the species composition of fish is represented only by Amur sleeper and pike. Catching a largemouth is usually not a problem at all.

It is not always possible to catch live bait on a fishing rod in winter - both the weather and the internal conditions of the reservoir affect the bite. Sometimes fish need to be looked for, fed, in general, taken seriously. True, perch or roach can bite too large size... Therefore, you need to use the thinnest tackle, small jigs, hooks and nozzles. We need the exact size - usually 8-10 cm. We fish according to all the canons of winter fishing - choosing a place, bait, playing with a jig, etc.


A healthy alternative is to trap live bait in the winter. The designs of these tackle are very diverse and limited by the fantasies of the anglers. All of them are made according to the principle of a muzzle (muzzle) or vertex. Such devices are useful for catching minnow or loach under the ice. Naturally, it is necessary to take measures so that the bait bait trap correctly stood at the bottom in the current. Inside it is necessary to fill up the fodder bloodworm. Goes to traps and crucian carp, and roach, and the rest of the trifle. The easiest way is to make a trap from a five-liter eggplant, and cut the inputs from plastic bottles... A mini trap from a jar with holes will work as well. Water flows through the holes and flushes out the bait odor. The attracted trifle swims inside, but cannot get out quickly (due to lack of intelligence), which is what the fisherman uses.


The caught bait is placed in a special canal. Many anglers make their own. It is a container covered with a heat-insulating layer on the outside. This is necessary so that the bait, along with the water, does not freeze in frost. During thaws, you can take your fry with you on a fishing trip in any other container - a bucket, jar or canister.

Many fishermen in spring and autumn zhora, pike and pike perch, catch them on live bait - live small fish or fish fry, which lives in large numbers in the coastal area rich in vegetation.

Of the large variety of existing natural baits for predatory fish, live bait is the most popular of them and an effective, indisputable alternative that is in great demand not only among avid fishermen, but also among novice fishing enthusiasts.

As live bait, tenacious species of small fish are used, which for a long time does not "fall asleep" on the hook. Well suited for these purposes; medium-sized perch, roach, ruff, gudgeon, small crucian carp, worse - verkhovka and bleak, does not fall asleep on the hook for a long time, but hides under the stones.

Live bait is very good at catching not only pike, perch and, but also asp, trout and other predatory fish... Large specimens of representatives of peaceful ichthyofauna, such as carp, carp, silver carp, are also happy to eat juveniles similar to fish.

Cannibalism occurs in most species freshwater fish, from which they do not particularly suffer, therefore, with the bait from live small fish, you can catch any large fish that lives in this reservoir. Even such purely herbivorous fish species as White amur and Silver Carp, during the autumn zhora, show an increased interest in the fry.

Live bait sizes used for bait are dictated by the size of the individual caught. For catching medium-sized perch, they manage with small live bait (3-5 cm), and for trophy specimens of pike, they often use small or small fish weighing 150-200 g, quite suitable for ear.

It is advisable to get small fish in the same reservoir in which it is planned to fish for it. In this case, the caught live bait is more likely to be successful, as it will be the daily food supply for predatory fish.
In practice, it has been established that very often guests from another reservoir, serving as live bait, do not enjoy success with local representatives of the predatory ichthyofauna, since they are not found in this reservoir and are not included in the food ration of the noted ones.

There are many ways and devices for catching live bait. The simplest of them, if you have an assistant, is fishing for small live bait- fish fry using a small piece of gauze (1.2m x 0.7m).

The gauze, previously hewn in the silt and having lost its whiteness, sinks to the bottom in a shallow place, where a large accumulation of fry was noticed and is held in a position stretched from both sides, so that it can be quickly lifted at the moment a small fish appears above it , while not missing it.
Frightened by your uninvited appearance, the fry will appear again after a while, after you set the trap, you just need to be quiet and wait a little.
If you use pearl barley porridge or bread as a complementary food, crumbling it over an impromptu net, then the return of live bait in the right place will happen much faster.

Also, for catching fry and small fish, they use homemade traps from plastic bottles and containers for drinking water, which can be found on any body of water and made literally on the knee. To do this, you need to cut off the upper part of the container and place it with the neck inside the bottle, arrange a trap according to the "top" principle, so that the victim could easily get into it, but could not swim out.

Elevator - scraper for live bait extraction

The situation is more complicated with large live bait, especially in the autumn, when it leaves the open areas of the coastal zone, hiding in thickets of reeds. In this case, a boat and special traps are used. malyavochny - "lifts", "top" and etc..

Lift, or as it is also called a "spider", is a round or square stem with small cells, suspended from a pole. It is installed in the intended place of shelter of the fry, it can be thickets of sedges or reeds, at a depth of at least 0.5 m, so that it is invisible from the surface of the reservoir, after having tied a fine mesh bag with a bait in the center of its working part.

They use various cereals, bread, makuha and other baits that attract fish. Leave the lift for 20-30 minutes, while the pole should not lie on the water and touch it, otherwise, at the time of ascent, it will scare away all the juveniles.

For a stand under a pole, spears or boards of a watercraft are used if bait is caught using a boat. After the specified time, lift quickly removed from the water so that it does not tilt on its side.

The effectiveness of the catch, in many respects, depends on the skill and the proven technique of lifting the trap, which is greatly facilitated by its small size (no more than 1.0m x 1.0m) and not very small mesh size (not less than 0.8cm x 0.8cm), which does not prevent fast extracting the scum from the water.

Versha - small fish trap

To little girls who do not require a certain experience of handling them are "top". Versha- a trap of a frame structure, woven from willow rods, used since ancient times in Russia, when other improvised means for fishing were not available. Its conical shape is designed in such a way that a fish that has swum into the top cannot swim out. Currently, for catching fry and other not large fish use mesh tops with a small cell.

All that is needed in order to catch the top fry is to set it in the right place, which, as a rule, are shallows under steep banks, as well as thickets with grass and bushes, not forgetting to fill it with bait. Usually, the bait is placed in a gauze bag, which is tied inside the scabbard, and the trap anchored on a nylon cord is left for the whole day or all night.

Catching live bait with a fishing rod

Zhivtsa, like any fish, you can catch it, but you will have to spend much more time. The rod used for these purposes should be light, and the tackle thin and very sensitive. Usually, for catching small fish and fish fry, they use float rod on a mono line 0.10mm - 0.12mm, with a light feather float, buoyancy no more than 2g and small, but not very small, preventing swallowing, hooks.

The hook from the mouth of the caught fish must be removed carefully, using an extractor, avoiding injury to the future live bait, not forgetting that it must remain alive throughout the future fishing. If you are pursuing the goal of having a different live bait in your arsenal, having checked "in practice" each type of fish, then it is necessary to catch all layers of the reservoir, using a different nozzle.
So, for example, bleak and verkhovka feed in the upper layers of the reservoir, the rudd takes in half the water (in the middle layer of the reservoir), and the gudgeon, perch and goby stay at the bottom.

The following are very well suited as natural baits for catching live bait:

  • maggot;
  • muckworm;
  • bloodworm;
  • ant eggs.

Storage and transportation of live bait

Stock up on live bait follows immediately before or during fishing, since long-term storage of live fish leads to a loss of their activity and a change appearance... As a result, their color fades, the scales peel off, and some species of fish fry become covered with abundant mucus and even die. The chances of success in fishing using such an unattractive bait that quickly "falls asleep" on the hook are minimal and most likely you will not be happy with the results.

Store live bait preferably in an opaque, heat-insulated container with air access, capable of maintaining a constant temperature of water in it for a long time.

Fish juveniles, unlike small fish used as live bait, react very painfully to temperature changes and a lack of oxygen, which is why they quickly die. Therefore, for storage and transportation of fry, special kans that maintain a constant water temperature for a long time and have access to oxygen.

Fishing stores have a large assortment of canals, different in price and functionality, from inexpensive - fabric to super sophisticated, equipped with a portable compressor, shock-resistant housing, thermal insulation from heat and cold, removable mesh cage and protection against spilling contents.
A very decent capacity of this type, which will completely save you from inconvenience and headaches, can be purchased for 3000 -3500 rubles.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy dishes for that kind of money, then you can purchase a simple fabric or plastic canal for 400 - 600 rubles, or simply store the fry in a darkened plastic bucket using a lid with holes, but you will have to constantly monitor the temperature of the water, protecting it from overheating and lack of oxygen.
During fishing, it is better to place a container with live bait in a shaded place, deepening it into the soil and overlaying it with grass. This event will allow you to avoid heating the tank with live bait, extending the life of the fish.

With prolonged storing live bait at home, it is necessary to provide a forced supply of oxygen to the container with the fish. Usually they use an aquarium compressor, PVC tubing and an air spray.

If you really want to have a heat-resistant free kan, you can make it yourself.

To do this, you will need two buckets of different sizes from under water-based paint or glue and any heat-insulating material. Having turned on the ingenuity, it is easy to independently make a homemade canal by placing a smaller bucket in a larger one, adjusting it in height using metal scissors, sealing the space with a heat insulator (foam rubber or isover) between the bottom and the walls of the containers.

You can hide the insulation by covering the entire structure with a lid from the outer container, placing it on glue, having previously cut a hole in it for the inner bucket. The handle and lid for the kan will be the same items that were provided for these purposes in buckets from under water-based paint. Remember to drill holes in the lid to allow oxygen to enter the container it covers.

In the next article, we will also look at ways to attach it to a hook. If you have questions, comments and suggestions, write in the comment form below.
Until next time. Happy fishing everyone!

The beginning of the autumn cooling of the water activated the predators and, first of all, the perch. Now the exciting fishing of perch with fry has begun, which will last until the very freeze-up, and already on the first ice. We talked about a live bait rod, there is nothing complicated in its design and fishing technique. The main difficulty in live bait fishing is the preparation of the bait itself, which is today's topic.

I would like to remind you of the following. In any body of water, local outbursts occur every year in the change in the population of one or another species of fish. So, for example, in the Volga basin for several years there has been a "dominance" of fry of sabrefish and tulka. Perch, pike and pike perch feed exclusively on fish of these species, and it is simply not reasonable to use any other fish as live bait. But if you want to catch a large specimen, then it is better to use a larger live bait. As such, you can advise the perch. Periodically, in the reservoirs near Moscow, there are outbursts with a sharp increase in the number of roach, bleak, crucian carp or gudgeon. And then the predators "rebuild" to hunt for fry of a certain species. In the rivers near Moscow, the growth of the minnow population is periodically observed. There are many examples.

If the aforementioned bursts of growth in the number of a particular species of fish do not occur in the reservoir, then it can be argued that when purposefully catching one or another predator, one should be guided by the long-term experience of fishermen in choosing a certain type of live bait.

Strictly speaking, live bait should be divided into live bait and fish fry.

At this time, fry are more relevant, since perch and medium-sized pike are the objects of hunting.

As bait, juveniles of crucian carp, perch, roach and verkhovka are used.

Due to the fact that the mouth of the fry is very small, a special lift is most often used for its preparation, made of a metal wire frame and a mesh with a very fine mesh.

The advantage of such a device is that if you choose the right place, you can quickly catch the right amount of bait. The most promising places for fishing are considered to be shallow water near the grass in warm weather. It's good if there are ripples on the water. In bad weather and when the water gets cold, the fry rolls back to deeper places and it is better to catch it near dams, on the drain from dams. It should be borne in mind that fry fry are different. The upper water layer prefers the upper layers of water, small roach is also not at the bottom, but it makes no sense to try to catch a gudgeon on top. Most often they catch verkhovka. To do this, in the selected place, you can throw some crackers into the water and see if the fish will react. If she shows her presence, then the place is chosen correctly.

When harvesting fry on rivers, especially small ones, it is technically difficult, and often impossible, to catch with a lift. And then, while fishing on the river, it is very unpleasant to carry a bulky lift with you, so it is better to use the long-known method of catching fry using a trap made from a glass or transparent plastic jar. A small amount of food waste is placed in a jar, thrown into a selected place and after a while removed using a rope or stick tied to the neck. When aground, a roach is caught in such a trap, and a gudgeon at the end of the roll. Minnow or crucian carp on the current can be caught from any depth.

Often, an ordinary metal bucket becomes a very effective tool when fishing for fry, if you use it correctly. On rivers, fry often find protection under the very shore, near the moors, behind capes, under overhanging branches of trees and bushes. In the bucket above the bottom on the side walls with a nail with outside several dozen holes are punched for a faster drainage of water. The bucket is installed under the very shore, with the bottom towards the depth or against the current. After a while, the fry can find shelter here, then the trap is quickly removed from the water. To do this, often with a fairly quick movement, simply put the bucket vertically - the depth is small.

If you constantly catch fry on a small river, then it makes sense to make a bucket from metal mesh... Such a trap stands better on the current and is easily removed from the water. The same trap is very effective when catching crucian carp in a pond, only you need to attach a rope to it to pull it out. A piece of bread is put into the trap and it is thrown several meters from the shore. You have to wait no more than five minutes.

As is well known, it is not enough to catch the required amount of fry, it is often more difficult to preserve it. Fry quickly die from the slightest contact with a human hand. Therefore, you need to extract the bait from the trap using a small net.

A special refrigerator in aerated water is considered a classic place for storing and transporting fry. During fishing, cannes with water are used. Cannes or foam boxes are very good for these purposes, for example, a cooler bag without cooling elements.

In the course of fishing, the water in the cane gradually becomes warmer, the oxygen in it is less and less and the fry begins to die. Dead fish should be immediately caught and placed in a wet cloth. Evaporation of water from the surface of the fabric leads to cooling. In this way, you can save the frozen fry during fishing.

The fact that part of fishing with live bait tackle takes place with the use of live fry, and at the end of the fishing it is necessary to bait the dead fish, predetermines the presence of two rigs in the angler's arsenal. For example, when fishing on the current, one rig consists of a float and a jig with a medium-sized hook with a long fore-end. Malek clings to the lip or nostrils. V standing water more often a rig with a single hook is used, and the fry clings to the back. If the fry has fallen asleep, then it is preferable to plant it on a relatively large single hook or jig approximately like a worm or like a vibrotail. If the current is not strong or not, then artificial wiring will have to be done.

The use of fry is also very effective when fishing without a float, for example, with a large "summer" jig or a small spoon. In this case, even a frozen fry can be put behind the head.

The use of a small spinner greatly diversifies the game and will give a tangible effect if there is a lot of perch and it is active.

In the case of very sluggish bites, preference should be given to a rig with a single hook and live fry.

With further cooling of the water, the fry becomes more and more difficult to catch, as it goes into the thick of the grass. The easiest way to catch small rotans is in the grass. To do this, you go into the water, throw a bunch of grass on the shore, preferably with mud, and on the shore you choose the smallest rotans from the vegetation. Such rotan in many bodies of water, especially in autumn, is a very good bait for perch.

Pike and burbot prefer not fry, but more big booty, that is, live bait.

Live bait differs from fry in size, and therefore in habits and method of harvesting.

Only small crucians can be caught with a lift or a trap, and even then not always. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the most effective lightweight float rod with "tucking" equipment.

As a rule, a lightweight three-meter rod with a float rig with a carrying capacity of no more than half a gram on a line with a diameter of no more than 0.08 mm is sufficient. One of the smallest hooks, No. 20-24, is chosen, since bloodworms, a tiny piece of worm or bread, are used as bait.

For catching a predator in rivers, roach, gudgeon, minnow and perch are most often used. In reservoirs without a current - roach, crucian carp and perch.

Verkhovka, especially large one, remains a universal live bait. The fastest way to catch a large verkhovka, and this has been tested more than once, with a fishing rod. In addition to the bloodworm, as bait nice results gives a small maggot. The top is the most versatile live bait, but, unlike the others, it is the most difficult to keep. Although I know of cases when in a spacious aquarium it was possible to keep a supply of verkhovki until the New Year.

Live fish, unlike fry, are more tenacious, and it makes sense to release live fish caught on the spot after the end of fishing.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on two points. First, try to accurately calculate the required amount of bait, since the number of, for example, minnow in the water bodies near Moscow is dramatically decreasing. Secondly, the use of imported live bait is prohibited by the general rules of fishing. First of all, this applies to crucian carp and carp, as the main carriers of infection.

O Sennyaya fishing for fry in late summer - early autumn is really one of the most catchy. At this time, perch and pike perch begin to have an autumn fever. And the fry at this time, perhaps, is the most effective attachment.

And therefore, in our today's article, we will talk about how to plant the fry correctly, consider how to plant the fry and how to catch it.

How to hook fry, the most unreliable

H for example, when it is inserted with one sponge through the nostril or both at once, and
under the dorsal fin. With these methods of baiting, the fish often flies off the hook. Although the vitality with such methods of planting fry is much better than with all the others.

M alek will hold on to the hook better if, after piercing the dorsal fin with the sting of the hook, then turn it and carefully pass it under the fin again. The vitality of the fish, of course, will decrease. But nevertheless, nothing will hinder the movements of the fry, and it will better attract a predator.

WITH There are many other ways to hook fry. At the same time, the vitality and mobility of the fish decreases in proportion to the increase in hooks and rigging. Therefore, it is better to apply one of the old methods, which has been used by more than one generation of anglers when fishing with fry. A small piece of soft cambric or nipple rubber is put on the sting of the hook after attaching the fish using one of the "unreliable" methods described above. It will not let the fish quickly fly off the hook, will not restrict its movements, and at the same time will absolutely not interfere with the predator when swallowing.


WITH The most effective bait for catching perch in the fall is a fry, which is best caught in a scarecrow. But not everything is so simple. There are some tricks on how to catch fish fry:

  • Fry is best caught near grass or sandbanks with little or no current.
  • Do not forget to tie a piece of bread to the net: this will increase the fishing results.

V the autumn period is much easier to keep live bait than in the sultry summer. The water is already cold, so fry live long in a cannes with fresh cool river water. The water, of course, needs to be changed, but not as often as in summer.

How to store fry.

  • Do not overpopulate the cannes: in order to save live bait, they must have enough space.
  • Do not keep fry and large live baits together. For fish different sizes you need to allocate separate containers.
  • Do not keep perches and ruffs together with white fish in the same container. Being near, both those and others will perish.
  • If you still have live bait or fry, and you are going to fish with them on other days, then you should not bring the canna with fish into the heat. In your home they will surely die. The container with the fish should be left on the balcony or in the shed. But this will only work if there is no severe frost.
  • Do not forget that the fish need to breathe, therefore, for the safety of live baits, containers cannot be closed tightly. But at the same time, you should not leave the canna or the can with fry open - the fish can jump out and die.

As a live bait, you can use almost any fish that is not prohibited for catching. But most often, juveniles of white narrow-bodied fish are used. Roach, bleak, dace, gorchak. Although the ruff is very prickly, but can also serve as live bait, the ruff is considered the best bait for catching burbot.

Crucian carp and pinchfish remain alive on the hook for the longest time in summer. In winter, almost any fish remains alive for a long time, and the perch continues to move even being captured and spat out by a predator.

Size matters

To fish with live bait, you need to know the representatives of the fish family living in this reservoir. Then decide what size we are going to fish.


If you are catching a not very large coastal perch, then an ordinary fry that lives in shallow water, or near the coast, will do. Gorbach prefers larger fish, but he is more often caught on baits, the size of which does not exceed 10 cm, or a bunch of fry dressed behind the eyes or lip on a hook.


It is better to catch grass pike with a narrow-shaped fish, 8-12 cm long. She also takes on a larger live bait, but since it is more difficult to swallow it, there are frequent descents of the predator.
If you are going to catch toothy trophies, then the live bait should be of the appropriate size. 15-25 cm. There were cases that 10-15 kg of pike were grabbed, while 1.5-2 kg of brethren caught on the hook were fished out.
For pike by by and large it does not matter what size the object of the hunt is, as long as it enters the mouth. It is not uncommon to see a predator with the tail of a swallowed large prey sticking out of its mouth.

The exception in the choice of the size of the hunting object, according to my observations, is the period of teeth change. Why do I think that the change of teeth takes place and affects the bite.

In mid-July I caught pike with live bait. As usual, I put small fish 10-15 cm. Zywiec fell asleep, but there was no bite. I decided to switch to perch, put 5 cm fry and soon caught a 2.5 kg pike. Then another 2, about 1.5 kg. The fish really did not have strong large teeth, but those that were staggering in different directions. I mean the lower jaw.

Since I do not fish as often as I would like, I cannot prove a guess, but the fact that in the middle of summer you can catch 3 or more kilogram-toothed spinners on a small three-centimeter turntable, I am sure, I personally caught it, which I was incredibly happy about.

Before that I heard that the pike has a period of changing teeth and during this period it does not bite, I do not believe it. The pike does not stop pecking, but goes to a smaller prey that can be kept without large teeth, or with fragile new ones.

Pike perch, bersh

It is believed that pike perch is caught on small, narrow lures, the size of which does not exceed 10-15 cm, but this is a common opinion. There are anglers who catch it at 25cm. bait. Naturally, bites with such live bait are rare, but the specimens caught and the adrenaline received from playing large fish are worth it.


Depending on the size, the bait is also selected, for large ones they sometimes take live bait under a kilogram of weight.


Burbot like a vacuum cleaner, he takes any live bait. The nocturnal predator creeps up unnoticed, and it does not need to choose the size, it eats everything that it comes across on the trail. (The burbot always moves along the paths it has trodden in places with a large amount of food.)


Asp is the most picky predator in the size of its prey, its size ranges from 3 to 8 cm and should have a narrow long body. Best live bait bleak.
There are other types of predators, but the principle of catching them remains unchanged. The larger the mouth, the larger the live bait.

How to catch live bait in the summer


The easiest way to fish is a regular three-liter jar with a plastic lid.

  • A hole of about 2 * 2cm is cut in the lid
  • Pieces of bread are put in the jar
  • Close with a lid with a hole
  • Fill with water
  • A rope is tied to the neck, sufficient to throw at the place where the live bait is supposed to be.
  • Throw a trap into the water. If there is a current, if possible, the neck should be directed downward in its direction.
  • After the trap is set, they leave the place so as not to disturb the fish. Fifteen minutes later, they quickly approach the installation site and abruptly pull the jar out of the water. The water is drained. The caught fry are transplanted into another container. A jar is a trap being thrown back into the water.

Plastic bottle

The trap is made a little more complicated, but its effectiveness is much higher than the glass one.

It will take
  • Bank 5-6 liter and more
  • Cord or not thick wire
  • Any load (even ordinary sand to lower the trap to the bottom)
  • Having departed from the stiffener from the side of the neck to the side of the bottom about 1 cm, cut off upper part bottles.
  • Turn it over and insert it with the neck inside the jar.
  • With a knife around the perimeter, we make small holes in both parts after about 5 cm.
  • We pass a rope or wire through the holes and connect the parts with a knot or twist.
  • We perform the rest of the actions as in the first case. For a better concentration of water in the jar, several holes can be made on the sides.

Water passing through the holes in the jar will wash out the bait smell and attract fish from a larger area.

The design can be slightly improved. This will require two cans.
We cut off the bottom at one, at the second part with a neck. We turn it over and insert it with the neck inside the bottle without a bottom, fasten it in any reliable way. Now the fry can be removed by unscrewing the cork.


The spider is a square mesh stretched by two cross-connected springy, metal or wooden rods. A pole is attached to the intersection of the rods with one end. The pole is taken, so long that when it is lowered into the water, the structure of the net with rods is completely submerged. For greater effect, a bait in the form of a piece of dough is attached to the center of the net with a wire. If there is no flow, you can not fix it, but just put it down.

Muzzle, muzzle, verse

Not a sporting, prohibited tackle. Outwardly, it looks like a large wicker barrel, in the form of a bottle with a neck inside.
It is woven from wire or willow branches. From the front, the neck is open and directed inward. Rear part weaves into the outward neck. The outer side is closed with a wicker lid.

Before installation, put bait or bread inside to attract fish. Sometimes the batter is kneaded and smeared with the mouth of the entrance.

For fishing, the muzzle is thrown not far from the shore. It is enough that she just disappears into the water. Willow, load up to drown. The metal itself sinks. A rope with a buoy is tied to the tackle, or the installation site is marked in another way. In the future, it will be possible to pull the trap with the catch to the shore by the rope. The fish is taken out either through the neck or by opening the lid at the back.

Tulle, gauze, a piece of fabric

Most The best way, this is a wading. It is taken from 1m in length and from 0.5m in width, a piece of fabric that is easily permeable to water. Two anglers grab the fabric from opposite sides by the corners. They go into the water and from the depth, stranded, dropping one end into the water to the bottom of the reservoir, and the other, supporting it above the surface, lead the fabric to the shore. Near the very coast, the lower edge rises sharply, above the surface. When the water drains, the caught small change is transferred to a separate bowl and used for its intended purpose.

This method can be used alone, but for this, a piece of fabric must be straightened. Take two sticks about 1-1.5 m, tie the ends of one side of the fabric to the ends of the sticks. Second ends to the same sticks, but higher.

How to catch

Having entered the water, spread the sticks to the sides, as far as your hands are enough, and wade. The rest of the actions are the same as in the first case.

Fishing rod

Live bait is also caught with fishing rods, for this you need a very sensitive light rig with a short rod, which allows you to fish not far from the coast, as small things prefer to live closer to shallow places. Fishing rod up to 4 meters long, with a line of 0.1-0.12 mm, without a sinker with a light float. The hook is very shallow in a fishing environment (swallow). The load can be omitted at all. Slowly descending bait in the form of a piece of worm, maggot or raspberry quickly attracts small change.

A bit of history

There are many people who do not even know about the existence of such an amazing fish as a pinch in their rivers. It leads a hidden lifestyle on sandbanks and, at the slightest danger, buries itself in the sand, leaving only part of its head on the surface. It is practically impossible to catch it with a fishing rod, therefore it is more often caught when fishing live bait in a wading with a cloth. Pinchfish is an excellent live bait; all predators adore it. Attached to a hook by the lip, it can live for a long time without falling asleep, until it bites.

In childhood, when I needed live bait, a pinch. We went to the beach and, having gone about to the waist, began to walk with our backs downstream, dragging our feet along the sand, slightly raising our heels. And if, when pressing on the sand under the foot, a movement was felt, they crouched sharply, scooped up the sand under the foot and ran to the shore, where a wriggling fish was taken out of the sand.

There are several more ways to catch (kerchief, screen, clapperboard), but we'll talk about this in the section below.

How to catch live bait in winter


In winter, you can catch live bait with a jar, as in summer, but this requires the size of the hole, into which a three-liter container will freely pass.
By the way, if you lower the hermetically sealed glassware with fry to the bottom of the reservoir, in the place where the predator is supposed to be caught. It will serve as bait, attracting fish.


Klondike - (fine mesh tied with a triangle of thin fishing line). Not quite a sporting tackle, but for fishing live bait it is a success for some anglers.
Either a wire with a diameter of 5 to 10 mm is attached to one of the sides along the entire length, or another similar even object. If necessary, it should be reloaded. The wire serves as a load. To one of the sides of the wire and the upper corner of the triangle, the mesh is tied along a cord or thick fishing line (fishing line is preferable). You can tie a float to the top corner, but it is more difficult to control the tension of the mesh.
To install the kerchief, the entire mesh is pressed against the load and holding by the cord, the kerchief is lowered into the hole. The cord tied to the load is released and the net is spread out in the water. Lowering the cord tied to the upper corner, put the load on the bottom, pulling the cord, straighten and stretch the net. We tie a cord to a branch laid across the hole.
To check the catch, we pull on the line tied to one of the lower corners of the tackle, the net is folded and easily passes into the hole.

In the summer, the design is simplified, since there is no need to fold the tackle to lead into the hole. The bottom is done as for winter fishing, and the top is attached through a cord either to a long pole or to a buoy if you are fishing from a boat.

Screen (TV)

Screen - (grid bound by a rectangle). Like a kerchief, it is not a sports tackle. The principle of fishing is the same as for a gusset, but a wooden block is used to tension the net, tied to the upper part along the length. To check the catch, a cord is attached to the load. Having folded the top and bottom, the tackle is lowered, holding the rope into the hole. Under the ice, the net expands and the load sinks to the bottom. The mesh is checked in the same way as the gusset plate.

In summer, like the kerchief, the design is simplified. It is enough to fix the top like a kerchief to the pole when fishing from the bank to the buoy when fishing from a boat.

There are other types of traps, such as a spider, a firecracker, which unscrupulous anglers use to catch not only live bait, but also large fish.


Such tackle is effective for catching on the first ice. Or from a boat in the summer.


It consists of two arcs made of 8-10 mm wire, connected by curved small rings at the ends of the rods. When unfolded, a circle with a diameter of 1-1.5 meters is obtained. Inside, a part of the circle is filled with a bag-like fine-mesh net of thick thread tied in diameter. Two ropes are tied to the top of the arches. Long enough to reach the bottom of the reservoir.

How to catch live bait with a clapper

The clapperboard opens. Groundbait is placed in the middle of the net and the trap is closed. In the ice, a lane is cut down sufficient for lowering gear into it. The closed cracker falls to the bottom where it opens under the weight of the wire and lies for a while. For checking, the clapper is closed by a sharp pull on the rope. and taken out of the water.

Fishing rod

When fishing with a rod, coarse gear is used. Fishing line 0.08-0.1. Small devil or mormyshka 4 gr. and a very sensitive nod. Places with depths of 2.5-3 meters are selected.

How to save live bait


It must be understood that the oxygen content in warm water is much less than in cold water. Therefore, in the summer, it is necessary to take this into account and try to store the bait in its natural environment. That is, in cages made of fine mesh and lowered into a reservoir.
In cannes or other containers, you will need an aerator to saturate the water with oxygen.
When storing live bait in the summer, you should change the water more often and remove the removed fish.

For long-distance transportation, it is not bad to transport live bait in a thermos with a wide neck. It is possible in any other container with a closable lid. In order for the water not to quickly heat up in the cana with fry, it is good to put a bottle of frozen water.

You should be aware that any fish does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Before refilling, make sure that the temperature of the water is the same as the one being added.

The container should not be transparent, made of galvanized iron, or breakable.

In winter

In winter, live bait is perfectly stored simply in containers with water taken from the hole, the only condition is to ensure that the water does not freeze.
If live bait is caught directly on the reservoir, and there is no container for storing it. A hollow cut in ice filled with water is perfect as a canna.

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