Walking in place: What happens to your body if you practice it daily. How to start walking

If you think that correct posture only matters for your health, it is not.

No, of course, posture has a huge impact on the work of all of our internal organs and sometimes it can even cause serious health problems. But, besides this, it is a reflection of your psychological state, the degree of self-confidence and attitude to the world. Your body language can tell others about you even more than the most lengthy speeches, and more than the most expensive clothes. But, unlike a suit, posture does not cost you money and only requires your efforts and practice. In this article we will learn simple techniques developing a posture that will become your real decoration.

Learning to sit correctly

The realities of our life have developed in such a way that we sit for most of the day. And not correct position the body can become a major source of health problems, fatigue and even bad mood. Nowadays, the ability to sit correctly is the most important question of survival.

  • Move your hips back so that your lower back is supported by the back of the chair.
  • Roll your shoulders back and down and keep your chest open. Don't slouch.
  • If you are working in front of a monitor, position it so that you can watch without changing the natural position of your neck.
  • Position the keyboard with your forearms and elbows resting on the table or on the armrests of your chair.
  • To avoid knee problems, place your legs at a 90 degree angle with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Regardless of the correctness of your posture, keep in mind that the human body is not designed for prolonged sitting. Therefore, take breaks every 20-30 minutes. It is enough just to get up and walk for a couple of minutes, warm up.

Learning to stand correctly

Look at the people around you. Have you noticed that most of them, even very young ones, try to sit down at the first opportunity? In transport, in line, at a party, their gaze instinctively searches for a suitable horizontal surface, and their legs carry them there by themselves. That's right, these people just forgot how to stand correctly!

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Now move your lower body forward slightly to feel the weight of your body on your toes. Then compensate for this by moving your upper body backward so that you feel the heaviness on your heels. Find a balance so that the weight of your body is evenly distributed. Thus, your pelvis should be slightly in front, and your extended shoulders should be behind. It is in this position that the body weight is optimally supported by the spine.
  • Pay attention to the fact that your shoulders are turned back and your chest is lifted up. Don't put your head down.
  • Don't keep your hands in your pockets - it makes you slouch.

Learning to walk correctly

In the previous paragraph, I wrote that we have forgotten how to stand. This applies even more to walking. A person walking, when it is possible to pass, is perceived as a freak. A person who has covered ten or fifteen kilometers on foot is perceived as a champion. Meanwhile, the ability to walk begins precisely with the correct body movements. And they are not that difficult, believe me.

  • Get into the correct standing position using the tips above.
  • Step with your foot, placing it gently on your heel and rolling onto your toe.
  • Repeat this movement ten thousand times throughout the day.
  • If you want to upgrade to more fast pace, then bend your elbows and do auxiliary movements with them. Yes, it may look unusual, but it will help you smoothly move on to running later.

All of these tips are extremely easy to follow ... once or twice. The problem is doing it all the time. To do this, we need to consciously and purposefully turn our attention to how we sit, stand and walk. Correct and pull yourself back. Do not go where you can walk, do not sit down where you can stand, and do not blur where you just need to sit down.

If you do this regularly, you will find that after a couple of weeks it will become natural for you. In a month, you will do it without even thinking. The world will see you differently and itself will be surprised at this transformation.

Deciding whether to go somewhere or stay at home can be tricky. It can be difficult to tell if you want to spend time alone with yourself or want to chat after getting out of your captivity. Practical considerations can be used to determine. Think about whether you can afford a particular event and how important it is to you. You can also consider your mood. Are you ready to mentally leave the house right now? If you can't decide, look for a compromise. Attend the event for a short time, or stay at home and chat with people on social media.


Take advantage of practical considerations

    Think about what's at stake. Some social events are best not to be missed. For example, activities at work or school can help you make useful contacts. If your career or relationships with colleagues depend on an event, you should make every effort to attend.

    • For example, look at a boss's birthday party or an alumni program meeting. These activities will allow you to make connections and maintain good relationships at work and school. Skipping an event like this is likely a bad idea.
    • However, the rest of the activities are not so important. For example, if your friends plan a bowling night and you don't show up, it won't hurt your career.
  1. Consider how important your presence is to others. Take into account the feelings of other participants in the event. Is someone expecting you to come? Have you pledged to come? How upset will people be if you don't show up?

    • For example, your friend might feel uncomfortable if you miss his birthday. Friends can also be offended if you committed to be somewhere, but did not come. For example, if you've all been planning a hike for several months, it might be a bad idea to give it up at the last moment.
    • Less important social events can usually be avoided without special problems... For example, if your friends have a movie night every week, it is unlikely that anyone will be very upset if you stay at home on one of those days.
  2. Think about the kind of communication there will be. As a rule, people prefer communication with meaning rather than empty talk. The event is definitely worth a visit if there are good conversations.

    • If you are very close to some of those present, your interactions are more likely to be meaningful, and you will feel revitalized after you leave.
    • However, if there are mostly strangers and just acquaintances, you are unlikely to get much pleasure.
  3. Pay attention to your financial situation. Be honest about whether you can afford to leave your home. Think about how much money you will spend and consider other expenses that you will incur during the month or week. If your finances are tight, stay at home and save some money.

    • If you want to attend an event even on a modest budget, try to limit your spending. Instead of relying on a bank card, take cash and spend as much as you have with you.
  4. Assess how you feel about a private evening. In some cases, spending time alone increases productivity and improves mood. However, if you are sitting at home while you want to communicate with other people, then this can have Negative consequences... Everything can end in a wave of loneliness, tension and depression. Think about whether you genuinely want to spend time alone.

    • Think about your relationships with people in recent times... Have you craved communication with people? Has the conversation at recent events been sparse or negative? If you are keen on socializing with others, spending time alone can make you unhappy. The best thing is to get out of the house and see the others.
    • However, if you are tired of socializing with other people, you can benefit from an evening by yourself. If you are not hungry for companionship, then leaving the house will tire you even more. If so, you might be better off staying at home and doing something for your pleasure, like reading a book or watching a movie.
  5. Notice how energized you are. If you've had a long week, you may be tired. If you are already exhausted, you may not be able to last long at any event. If you want to go to bed early, don't go out. However, if you are relatively energetic, you can enjoy the evening away from home.

    • For example, if you've been working overtime, chances are you simply don't have the energy to get dressed and go somewhere. However, if this was a normal week, it probably won't take too much motivation to put on something and walk out the door.
  6. Consider if you want to expand your social circle. Leaving home can be a great opportunity to make new friends. Meeting people is one of the main reasons to go somewhere. Consider if you are in the mood to chat and make new acquaintances.

    • Have you been bogged down in your social circle lately? If you are hungry for experiences and making new friends, get out of the house and chat with new people.
    • However, maybe making new friends now is not what you want. Maybe you're just not in the mood to communicate. If you don't want to communicate with someone, you are unlikely to make new acquaintances, even if you want to. In this case, it is better to spend the evening at home.
  7. Consider if you want to dress up. Leaving the house obliges to look good. Depending on the type of event, you may have to spend a lot of time preparing. For example, official event may require an exit suit. Think about what it will take to get ready and if it's worth it.

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Have you ever heard the saying of Hippocrates: "Walking is the best medicine for a person"? Moreover, if you combine walking with good sleep and healthy eating, you will not need to see a doctor for a long time. Just 15-30 minutes of walking daily can dramatically improve more than just your appearance but also health in general.

Editorial staff site I was surprised to learn how beneficial the practice for the body and soul can be the most ordinary walk. Especially for you, we have listed the positive results that you can come to - in the literal sense of the word.

1. Positive changes in the brain

While it seems as though the eyes have nothing to do with the legs, walking is beneficial for their health as well. It also helps fight glaucoma by restoring eye pressure.

3. Prevention of heart disease

According to the American Heart Association, walking is just as effective as running in preventing heart disease and stroke. It can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation.

4. Increase in lung volume

Walking is aerobic exercise which increases the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, helps exercise the lungs, and also reduces the level of toxins and waste. The symptoms of some lung diseases can also be reduced with deeper, better breathing.

5. Improving the condition of the pancreas

Believe it or not, walking has proven to be a much more effective diabetes prevention tool than running. The study showed that over a six-month observation period, glucose tolerance in walkers increased 6-fold compared to runners.

6. Improving digestion

A daily 30-minute walk not only reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer in the future, but also improves digestion, relieves constipation by regulating intestinal motility.

7. Maintaining muscle tone

Walking provides flexibility to joints, prevents bone loss, and even reduces the risk of fractures.

It is not always possible to do exercises every day and for constant visits gym there is not always enough time and opportunity, but you really want to always be in good shape? Then one of the best ways is walking. It's easy and you should never regret this time. Walk a little on foot - from the metro to the house, from the house to the store, or just walk around the area. And you have no idea how useful it is and how a walk can change your health in better side! Start walking today and the result will be immediate and immediate!

Eat right, walk every day and have fun and!

Walking is useful, not everyone knows how much.

Here are 10 reasons why you need a daily walk of 30-45 minutes.

We are sure that some of these reasons will surprise you. For example, did you know that walking can be beneficial for glaucoma? They probably didn't know. In general, after you read this text, you will have no reason to doubt the usefulness of walking.

Why is walking useful?

The list is long. He can impress many.

In short. Walking 30-45 minutes daily may help combat Alzheimer's, increase muscle tone, lowers blood pressure, prevents colon disease, improves mood, helps with glaucoma, helps fight overweight, strengthens bones, reduces the risk of diabetes and respiratory diseases.

In general, walking is very good for your health. And that's why.

Walking reduces the risk of Alzheimer's.

Believe it or not, walking is good for your intelligence and your psychological well-being.

A study at the University of Virginia showed that older people (71-93 years old) who walk more than half a kilometer daily are twice as likely to get Alzheimer's as people of the same age who do not.

It increases muscle tone.

Sorry for the banality, but physical exercises really help build up muscle mass... This also applies to walking. When you walk, you load not only your leg muscles, but also your abdominal muscles.

Of course, in order to pump them properly, you need to go to the gym.

However, a 45-minute walk during the day is enough to keep them in good shape. And if you follow during this, then you can also strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and waist.

Improves the cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure.

Anyone who has heart problems should definitely see a doctor. It is obvious. But walking can be a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, it helps to reduce.

Helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Sarah Sarna is a female expert in healthy way life. She says walking is very beneficial. The habit of long walks reduces the likelihood of rectal cancer by 31%.

And regular walking for 10-15 minutes several times a day is useful for normal peristalsis.

After walking, the mood improves.

If you are not in the mood then The best way will handle it - a little walk.

Scientists have found that people who take 30-45 minute walks at least 5 times a week are more likely to be in a good mood than those who do not. In addition, such people are less likely to feel overwhelmed. Not bad, right?

It reduces the risk of glaucoma.

For people who are susceptible to this disease, doctors recommend daily walking. What for? Because walking lowers eye pressure.

Walking or jogging more than three times a week significantly reduces eye pressure.

Walking helps you control your weight.

We are sure you will be pleased to know this: to control your weight, you do not have to sweat for hours in the gym.

Get rid of excess weight as easy as going out for a walk. Women who follow a standard diet but walk for an hour every day lose much faster.

Strengthens bones.

Walking can strengthen bones and joints. Walking can stop bone loss in people with.

In addition, there are studies that prove the benefits of walking for older women. Walking for 30 minutes daily reduces the risk of bone fractures hip joint by 40%.

Reduces the risk of diabetes.

30-40 minutes walking fast per day reduces the risk of disease.

And diabetes expert Tami Ross is confident: 20-30 minutes per day and you can lower your blood sugar for the next 24 hours.

Improves lung function.

We will not surprise anyone if we say that exercise is good for respiratory system... However, few people know how useful they actually are.

With active walking, breathing becomes more frequent, the blood is enriched with oxygen. This leads to the fact that harmful substances are removed from the body, energy increases, and renewal occurs.

So stop sitting near the computer - it's time to take a little walk!

The habit that needs to be developed in the third week of the program of the book "A Year Lived Right" is to move more. As an advanced version of the habit, it is suggested to walk 10,000 steps a day.

It turned out that I have so much experience in developing the habit of walking that there will be three posts on this topic. Today I will tell you about one exercise that will help people with a very sedentary lifestyle to love walking. Those who just can't find the time and energy for fitness.

Let's start by saying “I don’t have time for this” is an excuse. I do not mean at all that by pronouncing it, a person is lying. This is generally a normal reaction when you say to the brain: "Create a new neural connection."

This requires a lot of energy, so the brain starts to kick out and say: “I have no time, leave me alone, I'm busy with a million other tasks. I have nowhere to take the energy to build this connection. " Etc. Etc. and off we went listing all the vital important issues that we are busy with.

But our brain has one gorgeous feature that we will take advantage of to force such a necessary neural connection to build it.

This peculiarity lies in the fact that our brain solves very small tasks with pleasure.

B ... l ... si ... p..d - what word is written here?

Well, you answered the questions almost without thinking, right?

And if you carefully analyze your feelings at the time of solving such problems, you will understand that you got some pleasure from this nonsense.

Okay, but how does this relate to walking.

What kind of exercise is

I deliberately do not say right away what kind of exercise it is, so that you take it seriously and understand that it can really help you. It once helped me a lot.

And first of all, it will benefit your way of thinking. Because after completing it every day for a week, you will begin to gradually find the time and energy to do fitness, get rid of the stereotype that playing sports is hard.

Excuses such as:

  • too lazy to change into sportswear;
  • I don't have comfortable sportswear;
  • I have a headache, finger, hand, butt, tooth, inflammation of the right heel and a callus on my head (underline the necessary);
  • it's too late for classes today;
  • I just woke up and I have absolutely no time for classes.

I'll tell you more. You will do this exercise now. And I guarantee that you will be able to do it throughout the next week.

After you have completed this exercise, please go back to the computer and answer the questions for the post.

Click here to see what this exercise is.

Stand up now and take 100 steps in place.

Have you thought "what the hell am I doing" while you were doing the exercise?

Have you noticed that after the exercise you became a little more cheerful?

How long (approximately) did the exercise take?

Was it difficult to persuade yourself?

Will you repeat it tomorrow?

Don't spoil it in the comments, please :)

As I said, the key to this exercise is to change your mindset. And to make it easier for you to change it during the week, I prepared a workbook. During the week, you need to do the exercise and every evening answer some questions that will help get rid of barriers, stereotypes and develop your program.

To access the download, enter your email in the form below the post.

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