How to keep earthworms in winter. How to keep worms for fishing at home, in winter, and which way will keep them longest? This will help make fishing more efficient.

Igorastik; 22582 said:

While on the Volgo, I encountered a problem, the worms brought from St. Petersburg turned rotten on the third day, as a result, they were left without bait. He kept the worms in a linen bag, in the shade, regularly wetting them, but this did not help, and there was no way to get the worms on the spot. Who has some tricks on how to keep the bait in the heat ??

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Extraction and storage of the worm.
The most common baits are worms.
All worms bait on a hook under the skin, 1-1.5 cm away from the head, hide a hook with a sting in the middle, and the tail should wriggle free. Large worms are partially shifted onto a leash and the sting is removed in the middle of the body, then the worm is bent or wrapped around the forearm and the hook is re-inserted into its body, bringing the sting closer to the tail. This method of baiting masks the hook well, gives the worm more liveliness and keeps it alive longer. Small worms are put on a hook in a bunch, for which they are pierced across the head and in the middle of the body. It is better to put the first worm on a leash, and the last to close the sting of the hook. To bait the worm, you cannot use a hook that is too large and thick, the so-called double-strength hook. It should be 3-4 times shorter in length than the worm, and thin enough to fit the worm not through the center, but under the skin.
They get worms in the ground, in heaps of old garbage, dung, under old leaves, etc. A shovel or pitchfork makes work easier, and in dry times it is generally impossible to get deeply buried worms without a shovel. In wet weather or in spring, worms can be obtained directly from fishing with a sharpened stick.

You can store worms for two or three days in a bag made of dense, unpainted fabric. Before placing the worms in it, it is better to wet the bag and squeeze it well. Together with the worms, you must put double the amount of earth from which they were collected. It is even better to put a moist soft, preferably white moss in the bag in advance. It is necessary that the worms are not in a ball and do not come into contact with each other. For a Sunday trip with an overnight stay, the worms collected on Friday can be stored in a tin can with a lid, but always with a large number of holes in the bottom and lid. It is important that when fishing, they do not get caught in the rain or overheat in the sun. Each time after use, the bag or jar should be placed in the shade or pocket on the shady side. Wooden boxes with holes are especially good for storing worms.
For long fishing trips in the summer, it is best to transfer the worms for storage in a specially dug hole 0.5x0.5 meters in size. A hole should be chosen in the shade near the camp so that moles do not come to hunt for worms. The hole is filled 2/3 with humus earth, slightly moistened and dumped with worms. After 20-30 minutes, when the live worms go into the ground, the ones remaining at the top must either be thrown away or used for complementary foods. Then the hole is covered with turf or grass to keep the worms from birds and drying out. All liquid residues should be poured out near the fossa.

It is necessary to collect worms for bait at least a day in advance so that they are cleaned and a little hungry. In extreme cases, collected in the morning can be consumed in the evening dawn, if slightly moistened with hemp oil. In winter, worms can be harvested in greenhouses, in garbage dumps, in old greenhouses, near sewers and warm water. It is very troublesome to store them for the winter, especially in urban environments.
Worms are suitable for catching all fish in the spring, right after the hollow water, with which a lot of them enter the reservoirs, and the fish gets used to them. Catching with a worm lasts a month, until the growth of algae and the appearance of any aquatic life among them. In the middle of summer, worms remain a good bait only for bream, white carp, ruff, nasar and perch. The rest of the fish are reluctant to take the worm until autumn. An exception is the short-term improvement in bite on the worm after showers and prolonged rains.
In winter, the fish takes a worm in reservoirs poor in bloodworms.

Updated at 13:01

Here's more about worms
Fishing for beginners Fishing attachments Worm

The most common attachment is the worm. On the worm, you can catch roach or rudd, perch, bream, carp, carp, and other fish. Few know that not all worms are created equal for fishing. Earthworms are of several types. Dung worms are bright red in color, great mobility and a peculiar smell that attracts most fish. It is the dung worms that are the best for the angler's purposes. They tend to inhabit landfills and livestock farms.

The dung worm can be found in dung, rotten stumps, and garden soil. The dung worm nozzle is convenient because it can be successfully used at any time of the year. The worm can be found even in winter, in severe frost - under such weather conditions, the worm lives in manure at a depth of 25–30 cm. If you decide to stock up on such a nozzle in advance, store the dung worms in the same way as earthworms - in a jar with moist moss.

On the hook, the dung worm is very mobile, which attracts fish to it. Place it across the hook using # 5, 6, 7, 8. If the worms are small, place a couple or three on one hook. Perch, eel, ruff, roach, bleak, carp, crucian carp, gudgeon, bream, etc. are perfectly caught on dung worm.

The next type of worms - garden worms, or earthworms - are white in color. They are less attractive to fish, but they are good at catching "peaceful" fish. It is good to catch carp with earthworms (perch, roach, carp, crucian carp, bream). Earthworms live, as a rule, in humid places of vegetable gardens, in lowlands and ravines. They can usually be found under rocks and logs. Earthworms are used as a nozzle all year round.

Worms just dug out of the ground are not suitable for fishing. They should be prepared in advance as follows: put the worms in any dish filled with sand, damp grass or moss, pour a little milk or vegetable oil on top and leave for a couple of days. This procedure will help the worms to cleanse the odor that is unpleasant for the fish.

For long-term storage, the worms are placed in a plastic, iron or wooden box with damp moss, where they can be stored for several weeks. You can keep the worms in a canvas bag with damp earth. Small holes should be made in the container with worms. When planting a worm, remember that a live, moving worm will attract fish much faster than a stationary one, so put it on the hook so that the tips move, that is, across the hook, and not along. It is also important to choose the right size of the hook: if the worm is large, put it on hook No. 1, 2, 3, 4; for medium hooks No. 5, 6 are suitable.

The flower leaf has a cherry-red color, is very mobile and tenacious. For fish, it is more attractive than an earthworm. It lives in the ground under ripe leaves, especially under oak leaves.

The largest earthworm is the crawl, which sometimes reaches 20 cm in length and 6–8 mm in thickness. The color has a grayish-red, serves as an excellent bait for catching large non-predatory fish, and sometimes predators can be tempted by this bait. Usually such worms are collected on the ground at night after heavy dew or good rain. This worm, despite its impressive thickness, is very soft and breaks off easily, so you cannot pull the crawl out sharply by the end, get it out smoothly and carefully. Store in a moist moss jar. Place on large hooks - No. 1, 2, 3, 4.

In the same way, other types of worms are stored and put on the hook, for example, iron ore, which has a gray-smoky color and lives in clay soil. You will find the river worm in the bottom soil of rivers and lakes, at the roots of algae. The light marsh worm lives at the bottom of water bodies, in the roots and stalks of algae.

An experienced angler always tries to provide himself with baits, regardless of the season or the vagaries of the weather. It is much easier to do this if you create a small nursery for worms. This can be done as follows: in the shade, select an area of ​​2-3 m2 and dig to a depth of 50-60 cm. Then loosen the soil and add old foliage, vegetable waste from the garden, scraps of rotten matting and bags. Then launch a few dozen worms. Periodically, you should water the nursery with water and feed the worms with various food residues (waste of vegetables, bread). After about a month, it will be possible to start taking worms from the nursery. For those who do not have the opportunity to organize a nursery in the garden, as well as to provide worms in winter, you can organize such a nursery in the garage or cellar. This will require a wooden box. The bottom of the box will need to be covered with sand mixed with garden soil, then a layer of rotted leaves and then again covered with earth mixed with leaves. Cover with matting or burlap on top. After that, put several hundred healthy worms into the box. Caring for such a nursery comes down to systematic (once every 2-3 weeks) moisturizing and feeding the worms. Keep the box in a cool place. The larger the volume of the box, the more favorable the conditions for life and reproduction of worms. It must be remembered that dung beetles cannot be stored together with other worms, as they secrete substances that are poisonous to other types of worms.

Now a few words about how to hook a worm. There are several ways of attaching: by the head, without covering the sting and forend of the hook; closing the forend; without removing the sting; stocking, that is, hiding the entire hook and leaving only the tip of the worm free. If there is a catch large fish, then several worms are put on the hook in a bundle, when the worms are pierced in the middle and near the tails and heads. To catch small fish, only a piece of a worm is put on the hook.

Almost all anglers, even those who are extremely scrupulous in preparing for fishing and who have extensive experience in this matter, rarely think about this. important issue as the preparation of worms, and more attention is paid to the choice of tackle, groundbait and the place of fishing. And this is often the reason for unsuccessful fishing.

At first glance, worms are already a ready-made bait and it seems that nothing can be done here, but if you know some methods, then any bait, including a worm, can be made much more catchy.

How to store worms in the winter

Ordinary worms remain the best bait for fishing even in winter time... And when fishing predatory breeds it is generally irreplaceable. Chopped worms are often added to winter fishing baits. They can be successfully stored and even bred even at ordinary home conditions. You need to know that ordinary raincoats are stored better, Californians and dung are very sensitive, one might even say capricious. It is also undemanding in its content, so beloved by many fishermen "Prospect" which does not live in natural conditions, but is sold in stores very often. It differs from other types of the Prospector by a slightly flattened tail with a yellow tint. The most suitable temperature for storage at home is from + 6 to + 20C.

In urban conditions, in winter, it is better to keep the worms in a dark place (basement, pantry). It is not difficult to store worms in winter, they are unpretentious in care. From time to time they need to be fed, and the moisture content of the earth should be about 70 percent.

When storing at home, you need to shake up the earth at least once a month, remove the dying and those who have a swelling of the transverse girdle. If you notice that the worms have begun to stray into a tight ball, then this may mean that the soil is too dry for them. In this case, you need to carefully pull the ball apart, and water the earth.

For winter keeping at home, it is advisable to knock down a wooden box, but an ordinary plastic bucket will do.

In the bottom, it is imperative to make holes through which excess moisture will drain.

The container needs to be covered with some kind of mesh or gauze. The surface of the soil should also be covered with a cloth, this will not allow the soil to dry out, but will help create the most suitable conditions for the worms. The ground should be covered with layers of fallen leaves, which are eagerly eaten by all types of worms.

At home, feeding worms for fishing is not difficult, the main thing is that the feed must be crushed and moist. A wide variety of kitchen waste and even banana peels work well as a top dressing. Do not under any circumstances give salty foods and those that have too strong a smell. Watering with milk or broth is not recommended, since this is fraught with the fact that flies can start.

The amount of feeding depends on how many worms you are growing, as well as on the temperature. The warmer, the better the worms eat. It is enough to feed a couple of times a month, but it is important to remember that the layer of feed should not be very thick.

Video "Preparing a worm for winter fishing"

This video shows you how to store worms during the winter.

If in the summer you can dig up worms right before you go fishing, then few know how to keep the worms in winter and so that they are mobile and attractive to fish.

We will give some simple, but quite effective recommendations, the application of which in practice will increase the catch several times, even when other anglers return home empty-handed.

A vigorously writhing worm on a hook is a guaranteed bite. But how to make it move?

  • The worm is best preserved in winter in a wooden or plastic container. If you do not store it for long, then tea leaves and grated potatoes are enough to feed it.
  • Put fresh worms in a container. Then tear open the bag that contains the used tea and add it to the container of worms. Pour black soil (always wet) or rotted manure on top. After a few hours, you will not recognize your worms, they will become stronger and more mobile.
  • Add some grated beets to the jar containing the worms. The worms will revive in ten minutes and will be mobile on the hook, attracting the attention of even the most passive fish.
  • Freshly dug worms should be given a little time to cleanse. This is done as follows, we place the worms in some container with moistened sand or grass. Pour one spoonful of milk or aromatic sunflower oil on top. After a few days, the worms will noticeably get stronger, cleanse and become attractive to fish.
  • If you notice that the worms behave sluggishly and constantly fly off the hook, they need to be made a little stronger. Just add the most common mint, which you need to grind in your hands until the juice appears. After a couple of days, the worms will smell like mint, get stronger and become elastic.
  • When preparing for fishing, it is advisable to flavor worms a little, this is done simply. Boiled dill, garlic and grated mint are added to the jar in which they are located. This will give your charges an attractive enough aroma that will attract all fish species well.
  • The container in which the worms are stored should not be airtight, in such a container they can simply suffocate. There must be small ventilation holes in the lid, but only such that the worm cannot get out through them. Instead of a lid, it is better to pull the most ordinary stocking or gauze over the jar. Just remember to secure it with an elastic band.
  • Store the jar in a cool, shaded place before fishing. And when fishing, never forget it in the rain or in the open sun. It is better to leave it in the shade while covered with something.

Compliance with these simple rules, will make it possible to store worms for a long time, while they can even begin to mate and multiply.

This will help make fishing more efficient.

There are also some little tricks to make your worm fishing more successful.

  • Almost all anglers simply dig worms (or buy them in the store) and immediately go fishing. However, this is not entirely correct. A fresh worm is, of course, good, but if you take a little time for it, fishing will be much more effective.
  • The purchased worms must be made a bit more lively, made stronger and placed in a large container, because in stores they are released in very small plastic boxes. Many experienced anglers store this bait in canvas bags filled with earth. But a wooden box is also suitable. These materials practically do not emit third-party odors that frighten off fish.
  • For some time, if there is no basement, worms at home can be stored in the refrigerator, in the compartment where vegetables are stored, usually this is the bottom shelf.
  • The ground in which the worms are stored should be slightly moistened (but in moderation), and there must be ventilation holes in the lid.
  • In order for the worms to acquire the required color and aroma, the following products should be added to the container in which they are stored several days before fishing: yolk chicken eggs, flour, birch and oak sawdust, sunflower oil, cake, flavorings.

  • If the worms are stored for more than a few days, then it may be necessary to feed them. You can give them regular kitchen waste, with the exception of milk porridge.
  • Six hours before fishing, it is advisable to transfer the worms to a warmer place and add natural aromatic substances to the ground, this can be aniseed or vegetable oil.
  • In order for the aroma to last longer, put a cotton swab at the bottom of the box in which you store the worms, having previously soaked it with the necessary solution, or tear it apart and mix with the ground.
  • If necessary, before fishing, place the worms in a box with sawdust (kept in the air for about a week to evaporate the smell), then it will be easier to pick them up with your hands.
  • Take on worms not only different types(rainfall, manure ...), but also processed different types... In this case, being on the spot, you yourself will determine which are more catchy in a given reservoir on that day.
  • It is better to string a worm not through its entire body, but only by making a piercer in its front part and approximately in the middle. With this method, the worm on the hook lives longer.

In this video, it is described in detail and very competently how to handle worms so that the fish bite on them all year round.

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How to store worms at home

Of course, every angler knows how to store worms for fishing. To do this, you must first go to a fishing store, then, having bought two jars of dung worms, hide them in the refrigerator so that the wife does not see. It is clear that for this, chaos of expired products, dirty cans, plastic bags must reign in the refrigerator, and it does not even hurt to add a carburetor to the refrigerator. This will create a creative mess. And the angler must carefully maintain this chaos, otherwise the worms will sooner or later be found. And then thunder over the country will thunder: “A-a-a! What is this rubbish, mummies! .. ".

But seriously, storing worms at home presents some difficulties for the angler, especially when it comes to storing them in an apartment. And in fact, you can't do without a refrigerator. How to store worms at home if the balconies and loggias are stuffy in summer and the real southern heat? And ideally, the angler should have his own refrigerator, albeit the smallest and not modern. In addition, the traditional place for storing your bait is, of course, the garage, of course, not a "shell" and not some metal shed where there is a Harley-Davidson assembled by hand, Izh-49 or, at worst, a "macaque" released in last century, but giving a head start to new resourceful machines. No, only in a brick, or better in a wooden building, the optimal temperature for storing worms is maintained in summer.

In the apartment, you can also find a secluded corner, where the relative coolness remains in the summer. You can also keep the bait in the basement. But best of all for homeowners. The ideal place to store worms is, of course, in the cellar. This place seems to have been created for such purposes. Here in winter and summer, approximately the same temperature reigns, which makes it possible to keep worms here all year round.

So far, it has only been about worm storage facilities. But if you just take a large jar, fill it with earth and put the worms there, then they will not last even a day, well, at best, they will live for several days, even if the ambient temperature is quite optimal. And the worst option is to keep the worms in a glass jar or in a plastic bag.

How to store worms correctly? It seems that ordinary moss will be an ideal filler for keeping worms alive, at least for long storage, at least for aging them before fishing. We have this sphagnum, which covers the cranberry bogs of the middle zone. In the North, such moss is lichen lichen, which serves as food for deer. Speaking of aging worms ... If we recall the unforgettable Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev and his scientific and fascinating work "Fish of Russia", then we can offer his storage system for worms, although it is somewhat exotic, but nevertheless it works. First of all, the recommendations of the scientist and the fisherman indicated the need to clean the worms, that is, give them an exposure for two to three days before fishing in a container without earth, namely, in moss. This natural filter removes all unnecessary from worms. They become clean and vigorous, moreover, they become much stronger on the hook. According to Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev, a real fisherman will never take worms that have just been dug up with him on a fishing trip. It seems that another famous fisherman and writer, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, spoke about the same.

How to store worms for fishing a short time? This means: I dug or bought worms, and tomorrow or the other day the fishing should already take place. Here is just the case described at the very beginning of the article, that is, to hide a jar of worms in the farthest corner of the refrigerator, risking hearing your wife's screaming about all sorts of rubbish in the refrigerator, or put the worms in your own refrigerator. In this case, the jar in which the worms were purchased can be thrown out immediately and the worms can be placed in your more durable jar with a lid with holes. At the bottom of the jar, you need to lay out a layer of fresh moss or even harvested long ago, but reanimated with water. And only after that the worms are put into the jar. Above the worms, a moss ceiling should also be made. You need to add water to the jar, a little. Excessive moisture will kill the worms. They will stick together and begin to decompose. And here, too, there are Sabaneev's recommendations. It is imperative to discard weak and decaying worms, otherwise they will infect the rest of the colony. And the worms will soon turn first into a sticky, and then a decomposing lump. It is advisable not to mix dung worms with delicate scapes. The dung-boxes are filled with caustic "juice", the smell of which would kill a wife who accidentally sniffed a worm. But for a fisherman, this smell, not to say that it is pleasant, but evokes nostalgic notes and longing for fishing, especially if it happens in the middle of a long winter.

How to store worms at home for a long time, including during the winter? If you want to keep the bait for a week or two weeks, it is best to place it in a wooden box with holes. Once upon a time, parcels were sent in such boxes. The bottom of the drawer can be lined with damp gauze. Then you need to put a layer of moss on the bottom of a parcel box or other similar box. Now comes the turn of the bait itself - worms. They are laid out carefully, also in layers. Then again you need to create a layer of wet moss. And so the whole box is filled in layers.

For long-term storage in winter period, when worms are in demand, for example, in the Volga ice fishing ide or burbot fishing from ice, you need a bigger box. You can take, for example, a shell box. It just fits the shape for the purpose we need. Where to put it? As already mentioned, there is no better place for long-term storage of worms than a cellar. The owner of the apartment can set up storage for his precious bait in the basement, or, as they say, in the "shed".

How to store worms correctly in a wooden box? If you intend to keep the worms for a long time, then some earth will need to be added to the moss. Nevertheless, this is the natural environment for worms, in which the substances necessary for these primary animals are found. Before fishing, it will be possible to collect the required number of worms, clean them, as mentioned above, in moss and go fishing! .. But in order to maintain their vital activity, the worms must be fed.

How to store and feed worms at home? Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev recommended feeding your favorite worms even with milk and honey ... This is probably why there were such good catches at that time, since worms then were, as they say, blood and milk, because they ate excellently, on honey and milk. More down-to-earth recipes include meat broths without salt, used or, as they say, dormant tea, boiled and raw potatoes, and cottage cheese. All of this is added little by little to the worm box, but not often. Enough once a week. The main thing is that there is ventilation in the box. Although the wood itself "breathes" well, it does not hurt to drill holes in the walls of the box.

How to store worms when fishing in hot weather

How to store worms for fishing specifically on the reservoir, where fishing takes place? At first glance, there are no difficulties here: I put a can of worms under a bush and all the cases. But such an approach to storing bait, which is often in short supply, can lead to the death of worms and, in fact, the loss of fishing, since it is often not uncommon to find a worm in the whole district in the fishing areas. And if you take into account the hot weather, then the chances of keeping the bait in the bank are zero.

How to store worms when fishing in hot weather? I remember that before there was no highway to the city of Kozmodemyansk. From Yoshkar-Ola to Kuzma, as the fishermen call Kozmodemyansk, they traveled all day along a dirt road, somewhere consisting of rubble, at best, reinforced concrete slabs were laid somewhere, and somewhere the car slid through the mud if in the rain , and in dry weather - along hard and "humped" clay ruts. That is why the day was spent on the road. At the same time, an all-terrain postal vehicle, GAZ-66, was more often used as a means of transportation. To do this, I had to go to the post office early in the morning and negotiate with the driver to take it with me. And then there was a whole day of shaking in a van filled with parcels. The goal was the Volga fishing for sabrefish, for the donka with rubber shock absorber... Since it was long and difficult to get there, it was clear that I was not going for one day. Often, for more than a week, they lived on a gentle sandy beach, which was licked by the Volga wave, or even came coasting with lambs on top when a storm broke out. Chekhon took it greedily, pushing into the hand with two or three blows at once, when the flock approached, and then the silvery saber-fish rose from the water on the underbrush and fought, sparkling in the sun.

For such a long and effective fishing, a lot of worms were required, and besides, it was the June heat. How to keep worms from fishing in hot weather?

In those days, we used wooden boxes filled with moss, earth and sawdust to deliver large quantities of worms and store them on the shore. Sawdust is probably not a very useful thing, although not harmful to worms, but they do not allow the earth to stick together and turn into dense lumps, which would be like death for worms. Moss also served this purpose. In addition, he himself has many useful properties... The moss was not always fresh, only from the swamp. Kept it dry in bags and added water. And it was also impossible to do without land altogether. We drove for a long time. First-mouthed friends must have something to eat ...

But it was one thing to bring the worms, even though it was not easy. The main thing is how to keep the worms on a fishing trip in hot weather in a vigorous form for a whole week or even more. To do this, we found in the upper tiers of the Volga cliff a place where an ice spring beats. And there are quite a few such springs and springs along the high bank of the Volga. And next to such a spring, a cave was dug in blue clay and the main one, or, so to speak, basic part worms packed in boxes. If fishing took place on the low left bank, then some lowland was found, completely covered with willow trees, they dug a real cellar and put boxes with worms in it. Sometimes, instead of boxes, they used dense linen or canvas bags, in which the worms also live for a very long time.

How to properly store worms - the fisherman chooses for himself, given the long-term storage of such, the possibility of keeping a kind of pets and, of course, the purpose of fishing.

In the article, you will get acquainted with the main types, as well as with the tactics of using them.

Learn everything to become a real angler and learn the right choice.

Many, especially fishermen and farmers, are interested in how to save worms for fishing or for breeding in ordinary household conditions.

Keeping worms is very important as they are considered the best bait for nearly all types of fish.

There are different types of worms and for example, a worm crawls out best bait when fishing for catfish, dung and ordinary are well suited for carp and carp. The worm can be caught at any time of the year.

If you live in a village, then the issue of worm extraction is a small problem for you, but the townspeople are less fortunate in this regard - they have to buy from the market. But there is also a good alternative, which is to keep the worms at home. Believe me, if you know how to do this correctly, then it will not cause you any inconvenience.

Fishing requires fresh, mobile worms. If you bought worms and found that there are many small individuals in the box, then there is no need to be upset, since in this case you can bait not one, but several, or, as the anglers say, a “bundle” on the hook.

The worms must be alive and move well, otherwise the fish will simply leave them unattended. Those that are not suitable for fishing, of course, should not be thrown away, but can be used as bait. It's a shame when good bait gets spoiled during fishing. This can happen if you store the worms in the wrong way.

So that the bait does not deteriorate and you do not have to throw it away, you need to know how to store worms for fishing at home or while fishing.

Fishing storage

When fishing, it is important to choose the right container for storage. If you have a wooden or plastic box, then ventilation holes must be provided in it. Only a small diameter, otherwise the worms will be able to get out through them. Of course, you can store it in a glass jar. In this case, it is enough to pierce the holes in the lid, or you can simply cover it with gauze. But we do not recommend this method for the simple reason that with constant carrying the glass jar can easily break.

You can store worms while fishing in a canvas bag. This is a very convenient option, just remember to add soil and some foliage. While on the pond, make sure that the soil in the storage container does not dry out and is constantly damp. This is especially true during the heat. Keep the container with the worm in a shaded place or cover with grass

This video shows one of better ways preparation and storage of worms for fishing.

Home storage

If you live in a private house or have a summer cottage, then a fresh worm in the warm season is not a problem for you at all! It is enough just to dig a small hole in the shade and fill it with loosened soil and underpowered foliage. Next, the resulting soil mixture is watered and ready to accept the inhabitants - worms! Remember to periodically water the hole and feed the worms. The most common kitchen waste works well for this. Even if it is very hot outside, the worms will be near the surface and it is not difficult to dig up as many of them as you need for fishing.

If it is not possible to organize outdoor storage or you want to keep the worms in the winter, then you need to organize a dwelling for your worms at home. A balcony or basement will do. The main condition is that the temperature in the room should be within ten to fifteen degrees. If this condition is met, then the worms may even begin to multiply.

You can keep the worms in a wooden or plastic box, but make sure there are no large gaps in it. Small holes must be drilled in the bottom of the container for drainage. Holes are also drilled in the side walls. This is necessary for ventilation. Soil is poured into the container, and fallen leaves, sand fall into it, and all this soil mixture is mixed. Also, a good option would be to purchase a soil that is intended for flowers and sold in flower shops. Just before starting the worms, do not forget to moisten it.

Stored worms need to be regularly fed with kitchen waste, tea leaves, cabbage leaves, etc. Do not use food of animal origin as a top dressing. meat and fish. You need to make sure that your wards completely eat the top dressing, otherwise it will start to rot.

The soil must be moist all the time, and its systematic loosening is also necessary. Make sure that the worms do not get tangled up. If you notice this, then be sure to stretch them, otherwise they will die.

As you can see, everything is simple and there is very little work, but as a result you will be provided with fresh bait for a whole year and you will not have to pay for it.

How to store for a long time

Avid fishermen are fishing at any time of the year. But there is one problem, and that is the bait. If in the summer you can dig up worms in the garden or in the garden, in the winter you can only buy them in the store, where the price for them is quite high. But there is a way out, namely to make a supply of worms in the fall, for winter fishing.

In order for you to succeed, do everything in accordance with the instructions we offer.

  • Dig up worms (ordinary earth or dung) for a capacity of such a volume, you need 200 grams of them. It may seem to many that this is not enough, but keep in mind that in such conditions they will begin to bear offspring and they will definitely be enough for you before the warm season.

Important! Can't be put in one container of worms different types... This can lead to their death.

  • Dig a small hole and place the collected worms in it. Fill in the hole.
  • Cover the box with a wet cloth or cover with a cardboard sheet.
  • Place the drawer in a cool, dark place.
  • Make sure the temperature is not too low. Otherwise, the worms may die. The best place storage can be called a basement.
  • Periodically feed the worms with kitchen leftovers, sometimes grate potatoes with them. Leftover milk porridge should not be given to the worms.
  • From time to time, water the soil with water at room temperature, but do not overdo it. In too wet soil, worms can die.

Good luck and good bite!

This video shows the long-term preservation of worms in a typical household.

Experienced fishermen know many ways to catch fish, how to lure it and what tackle to use for this. And no matter how new products appear, no matter what new recipes are invented the most common bait for a 100% catch is the worm.
It makes money on the hook, while the tip should be inserted directly under the skin and retreating 1-1.5 cm from the head. It is best to take a medium worm and a small hook. This is done so that the hook is not visible behind the bait body.
You can dig up worms in damp earth, under wet leaves, in a heap of old rubbish, a dung heap. It is best to use a shovel for this, sometimes even a pitchfork is useful. It is quite easy to find worms after rain, and you can dig them up right before fishing on the shore. But if the ground is dry, then the worms can be obtained only by deeply digging the ground with a shovel.

Finding worms for fishing is not so difficult, but saving can be difficult.

How to keep worms for fishing in the heat

There are many ways to save the worm before fishing in the hot summer months, and they are all tried and tested by fishermen:

  1. Use to store bait canvas mitten that comes as part of the workwear. The earth, together with the worms, is poured inside and there all this can be stored until the moment you need. It is only necessary to additionally sew a small ribbon on top of the mittens to bandage it. During fishing, when it gets very hot, the worm in a mitten should be lowered by the reservoir, but not for long, since only the fabric should be wet, and not all the earth inside. Then, in the process of moisture evaporation, the place where the bait is stored will gradually cool;
  2. Instead of a mitten, you can use the usual plastic bucket and preferably light colors. It is filled with earth, dry grass and leaves on top. Then the bucket must be wrapped with a damp cloth. It is necessary to keep such a storage for the worm in the shade, where there is no wind. For example, you can put it all under a car. Gradually, the water will evaporate and the bait will remain fresh for a long time;
  3. Cold accumulator can help you out even on very hot days. If you put it in the freezer in advance and take it with you on a fishing trip, then a can of worms on such batteries will not disappear for a long time;
  4. Unnecessary Chinese thermos will be a great storage place. Such containers, as a rule, retain heat poorly, but something cold is easy;
  5. Worms that have just been dug can be folded in a small wooden box with moist moss... And on a fishing trip, it is better to hang such a storage on a tree in order to save it from ants;
  6. Instead of wet soil which is poured into a container with worms or poured into a mitten any herb can be used... It will create the same comfortable conditions for the worm;
  7. For short fishing you can take put the bait in a small glass jar and put it in the shade... Of course, it should stand in a reservoir, but at the same time, water should not get into the jar;
  8. Can dig a small hole with a shovel, for example, in the reeds nearby. A jar, box or other container with worms is placed in this pit. Top with a regular burdock.

How to keep earthworms for fishing?

Earthworms can be used as bait all year round. Practically any “peaceful” fish, such as crucian carp, perch, bream, carp, bite well on it. But other fish are caught on earthworm not so willingly. This bait has a light color. You can find it under logs, stones, in lowlands and ravines after rain.
With earthworms you will have to tinker a little longer before taking them with you on a fishing trip. First, they need to be placed in a separate container with damp grass or moss, sand. Then pour all this with vegetable oil or milk. In such a solution, the worms need to stand for several days. During this time, the unpleasant smell, which the fish does not tolerate, will go away.
You can store an earthworm in the following ways:
place them in a separate box, which can be made of plastic, iron, or wood. First, put a little damp moss on the bottom, so the worms can lie there for 10 to 20 days;
can be stored in damp earth, which will be wrapped in a canvas cloth or best of all in a bag. Any container, container and storage place for the earthworm must be well ventilated, so if there are no cracks or holes, then you need to make several holes in them.

How To Save Dung Worms For Fishing?

The easiest way to catch fish is with a dung worm. They have a bright red color, a specific smell that attracts fish. In addition, they are very mobile, which also does not remain invisible to the inhabitants of reservoirs. You can find such bait near farms where animals are raised or in landfills. Also, their main habitats are dung heaps, rotten stumps, vegetable gardens.
Keep the earthworm separate a tin can that contains wet moss... At the bottom of such a container, there must be holes for ventilation. Do not expose this jar to the sun or rain. Under these conditions, the worms will survive for a couple of days of your fishing.

How to keep worms for fishing at home, in winter, and which way will keep them longest?

As a rule, the question of preserving the worm at home is mainly asked by fishermen who live in urban areas. And if for them in summer, spring and autumn to find and dig up bait for themselves is not a big deal, in cold weather it will be much more difficult to do it. And the prices for a worm in stores sometimes just go off scale. Therefore, the easiest way is not just to find a way to store the worm for a long time at home, but to breed them yourself. This, as practice shows, is a little painstaking process, but not so complicated. And it will cost a penny for an avid angler.
So, what you need to breed a worm: a plastic bucket, bowl or other container, for several liters, or tens of liters, this is optional; soil with a small amount of humus; the worms themselves. In this case, you can take any, including different ones, keep in the same container; bottle with lid. Then you will need to drill holes in the lid for irrigation; a small spatula or stick for stirring the earth.

The whole process of breeding a worm begins with the fact that a suitable container is prepared. It is very convenient to store everything in regular aquariums. You should not abuse manure for the land, in order to create a more comfortable atmosphere and living environment. Over time, the worms themselves will saturate all the contents with the necessary amount of humus.

Worms need to feed like any other living creature, so about once a week you need to add food for them to the soil. Almost any food waste can be used here. Dairy products, bran, bread, cereals, rolled oats. The main thing is that such waste is not too salty.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time now and have found many ways to improve my bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. ... Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. You can find reviews and instructions for other types of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Pheromone baits.
Remaining secrets successful fishing you can get it for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How long have you had a really BIG CAPTURE?

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pike / carp / bream?

We always want to get the result from fishing - to catch not three perches, but a dozen kilogram pikes - this will be the catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we both know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be made at home or bought at fishermen's shops. But in stores it is expensive, and to prepare groundbait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, frankly speaking, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought groundbait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four perches?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve ourselves, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and you do not need to spend time on manufacturing - you ordered it, brought it and go!

Of course, it's better to try once than hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season itself! when ordering this is a great bonus!

Learn more about the bait!

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