Dmitry khokhlov is a football player with a capital letter. Khokhlov Dmitry Valerievich

130 (11) 1992-2010 Total 464 (69) National team** 1996-2005 Russia 53 (6) Coaching career 2011-2013 Dynamo (Moscow) trainer 2012 Dynamo Youth (Moscow) 2012 Dynamo (Moscow) and. O. 2013-2015 Dynamo Youth (Moscow) 2015 Kuban

* The number of games and goals for a professional club is calculated for the different leagues of the national championships only.

** Number of games and goals for the national team in official matches.

Dmitry Valerievich Khokhlov(December 22, Krasnodar, USSR) - Russian footballer, midfielder, played for the leading Russian and European clubs (1992-2010), as well as for the Russian national team (1996-2005). At the end of his playing career, he stayed at Dynamo Moscow, in June-September 2015 he headed Kuban. Honored Master of Sports (2011).

Club career

Pupil of Krasnodar football school"Kuban". Differs in excellent physical data, powerful blow from both legs, good vision of the field. Since 1992 he played for CSKA. In 1997, together with coach Alexander Tarkhanov and a group of CSKA players, he moved to Moscow Torpedo. In 1998-1999 he played for the Dutch PSV. In January 2000, Khokhlova was acquired by Real Sociedad for a record $ 4.8 million for the club. In 2003 he returned to Russia, played for Moscow Lokomotiv (2003-2006) and Dynamo (2006-2010). On July 13, 2008, in the match of the 13th round of the Russian championship "Dynamo" - "Lokomotiv" Khokhlov played his 400th match in the national championships of Russia, Holland and Spain. In this game, he scored the ball, which changed the score in favor of his team (2: 1), as a result, the match ended with Dynamo's victory - 4: 2.

National team career

Was drafted to the Russian Olympic team, where he played 3 matches, and then to the main national team of the country. He made his debut in the national team at the 1996 European Football Championship, in which he played 2 matches. Member of the 2002 World Cup (3 matches). In the Russian national team, Khokhlov played 53 matches, scored 6 goals.

Coaching career

Dynamo (Moscow)



  • Champion of Russia:
  • Dutch Super Cup Winner:
  • Russian Super Cup Winner:
  • Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship:,
  • In the lists of 33 best football players of the Russian championship (6) : № 2 ( , , ); № 3 ( , , )

Performance statistics


Club Season League
Games Goals
CSKA (Moscow) 1 0
1 0
30 5
30 10
Torpedo (Moscow) 33 9
PSV (Eindhoven) 1997/98 14 1
1998/99 33 5
1999/00 13 3
Real Sociedad 1999/00 21 3
2000/01 37 4
2001/02 35 5
2002/03 18 2
Lokomotiv (Moscow) 14 2
24 6
30 3
Dynamo (Moscow) 25 2
29 4
27 2
29 2
20 1
Russian championship 293 46
Netherlands Championship 60 9
Championship of Spain 111 14
Career total 464 69


Club The country Beginning of work End of work results
Dynamo (M) August 6, 2012 19 August 2012 3 1 0 2 6 4 +2 33,33
Kuban 10 June 2015 September 16, 2015 8 0 4 4 4 11 -7 0.00
Total 11 1 4 6 10 15 -5 9.09

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  • Oleg Lysenko... (Russian), (November 26, 2010).
  • on the site
  • (English)

An excerpt characterizing Khokhlov, Dmitry Valerievich

This painful and joyful story, apparently, was necessary for Natasha.
She spoke, mixing the smallest details with the most intimate secrets, and, it seemed, could never finish. She repeated the same several times.
Desal's voice was heard outside the door, asking if Nikolushka could come in to say goodbye.
- Yes, that's all, that's all ... - said Natasha. She quickly got up, while Nikolushka entered, and almost ran to the door, banged her head on the door covered with a curtain, and with a groan of either pain or sadness burst out of the room.
Pierre looked at the door through which she had gone, and did not understand why he suddenly remained alone in the whole world.
Princess Marya summoned him out of absent-mindedness, drawing his attention to her nephew, who entered the room.
Nikolushka's face, similar to his father, at the moment of mental softening in which Pierre was now, had such an effect on him that, having kissed Nikolushka, he hurriedly got up and, taking out his handkerchief, went to the window. He wanted to say goodbye to Princess Marya, but she held him back.
- No, Natasha and I do not sleep sometimes until the third hour; please sit down. I will tell you to give supper. Go down; we will come now.
Before Pierre left, the princess said to him:
- This is the first time she spoke about him like that.

Pierre was ushered into a large lighted dining room; in a few minutes footsteps were heard, and the princess and Natasha entered the room. Natasha was calm, although a stern, without a smile, the expression was now again established on her face. Princess Marya, Natasha, and Pierre alike experienced that feeling of awkwardness which usually follows a terminated serious and intimate conversation. It is impossible to continue the previous conversation; talking about trifles is ashamed, but being silent is unpleasant, because you want to talk, and with this silence you seem to pretend. They walked silently to the table. The waiters pushed and pushed back chairs. Pierre unfolded the cold napkin and, deciding to break the silence, glanced at Natasha and Princess Marya. Both, obviously, at the same time decided on the same thing: in both their eyes the satisfaction of life shone and the recognition that, in addition to grief, there is also joy.
- Do you drink vodka, Count? - said Princess Marya, and these words suddenly dispersed the shadows of the past.
“Tell us about yourself,” said Princess Marya. - Such incredible miracles are told about you.
“Yes,” Pierre answered with his now familiar smile of gentle mockery. - I myself am even told about such miracles, which I have never seen in a dream. Marya Abramovna invited me to her place and kept telling me what happened to me, or was about to happen. Stepan Stepanitch also taught me how to tell me. In general, I noticed that being an interesting person is very calm (I now interesting person); my name is and they tell me.
Natasha smiled and wanted to say something.
“We were told,” Princess Marya interrupted her, “that you lost two million in Moscow. Is it true?
“And I have become three times richer,” said Pierre. Pierre, despite the fact that the debts of his wife and the need for buildings changed his affairs, continued to tell that he had become three times richer.
“What I won undoubtedly,” he said, “is freedom…” he began seriously; but he decided not to go on, noticing that it was too selfish a subject of conversation.
- Are you building?
- Yes, Savelich orders.
- Tell me, you did not know about the death of the countess when you stayed in Moscow? - said Princess Mary and immediately blushed, noticing that, making this question after his words that he was free, she ascribes to his words such a meaning that they, perhaps, did not have.
“No,” Pierre answered, not finding, obviously, awkward the interpretation that Princess Marya gave to his mention of her freedom. - I learned this in Oryol, and you cannot imagine how it struck me. We were not exemplary spouses, - he said quickly, glancing at Natasha and noticing in her face curiosity about how he would respond about his wife. “But this death struck me terribly. When two people quarrel, both are always to blame. And one's own guilt becomes suddenly terribly heavy in front of a person who no longer exists. And then such a death ... without friends, without consolation. I am very, very sorry for her, - he finished and with pleasure noticed the joyful approval on Natasha's face.
“Yes, here you are again a bachelor and a groom,” said Princess Marya.
Pierre suddenly blushed crimson and tried for a long time not to look at Natasha. When he decided to look at her, her face was cold, stern, and even contemptuous, it seemed to him.
- But you definitely saw and spoke with Napoleon, as they told us? - said Princess Marya.
Pierre laughed.
- Not once, never. It always seems to everyone that being in captivity means being a guest of Napoleon. Not only did I not see him, but I also did not hear about him. I was in a much worse society.
The supper was over, and Pierre, who at first refused to tell the story of his captivity, gradually became involved in this story.
- But is it true that you stayed to kill Napoleon? Natasha asked him, smiling slightly. - I then guessed when we met you at the Sukharev Tower; remember?
Pierre admitted that it was true, and from this question, little by little guided by the questions of Princess Marya and especially Natasha, he got involved in a detailed story about his adventures.
At first he spoke with that mocking, meek look that he now had at people, and especially at himself; but then, when he came to the story of the horrors and sufferings that he saw, he, without noticing it, got carried away and began to speak with the restrained excitement of a person who was experiencing strong impressions in his memory.
Princess Marya, with a gentle smile, looked first at Pierre, then at Natasha. In this whole story she saw only Pierre and his kindness. Natasha, leaning her elbows on her hand, with a constantly changing, along with the story, expression on her face, watched Pierre, without stopping for a minute, apparently experiencing with him what he was telling. Not only her gaze, but the exclamations and short questions she made, showed Pierre that from what he was telling, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was evident that she understood not only what he was telling, but also what he would like and could not express in words. About his episode with the child and the woman, for whose protection he was taken, Pierre told in this way:
“It was a terrible sight, the children were abandoned, some of them were on fire… In front of me, they pulled out a child… women, from whom they pulled things, pulled out earrings….
Pierre blushed and hesitated.
- Then a patrol arrived, and all those who did not rob, all the men were taken away. And me.
- You probably do not tell everything; You must have done something ... "said Natasha, and she was silent," good.
Pierre went on with his story. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to get around the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he did not miss anything.
Pierre started to talk about Karataev (he had already got up from the table and was walking, Natasha was following him with her eyes) and stopped.
- No, you cannot understand what I learned from this illiterate man - a fool.
“No, no, talk,” said Natasha. - Where is he?
- He was killed almost in my presence. - And Pierre began to tell Lately their retreats, Karataev's illness (his voice trembled incessantly) and his death.
Pierre recounted his adventures in a way he had never told anyone before, as he had never recalled them with himself. He now saw as if a new meaning in everything that he had experienced. Now, when he was telling all this to Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women give when listening to a man - not smart women who, listening, try or remember what they are told in order to enrich their mind and, on occasion, retell that or adapt what is being told to his own and communicate as soon as possible his clever speeches, developed in his small mental economy; but the pleasure that real women give, gifted with the ability to choose and absorb all the best that is only in the manifestations of a man. Natasha, herself not knowing this, was all the attention: she did not miss a word, not a hesitation of her voice, not a look, not a startle of a muscle in her face, not a gesture of Pierre. On the fly, she caught a word that had not yet been expressed and directly brought it into her open heart, guessing the secret meaning of Pierre's entire spiritual work.

This footballer played for four leading Moscow clubs, except for Spartak. But it was he who most successfully fit into the "Spartak" game of the Russian national team.

The beginning of a glorious path

If we talk about a football player like Dmitry Khokhlov, his biography differs from the standard one. He is one of the few players who has shown high level games in Europe, and returning home, he did not get lost, but took a leading role in domestic football. The future midfielder of the Russian national team, as well as foreign clubs, was born in 1975, on December 22, in Krasnodar. He studied to play in the children's school of the local Kuban, but after the onset of 18 he was invited to the capital's CSKA, which at that time was not yet known as a giant of national football. A player with such anthropometric data (height 189 cm) is usually involved in defense. But Dmitry Khokhlov was distinguished by a subtle vision of the field, so he took a place in the center, playing the role of the mastermind of the army club's attacks. In almost five years of being at CSKA, he scored fifteen goals in 62 matches, which is quite a lot, given his disposition on the field. During this time, Dmitry played three times under the Russian flag as part of the Olympic team.

Career growth

In 1997, together with the coach and some former teammates, Dmitry Khokhlov began his activity in another capital club - Torpedo. But the day before, the young footballer managed not only to enter the national team, but to participate, albeit without much success, in the 1996 European Championship. For the twenty-year-old footballer, these events were an absolute breakthrough. After the championship, the young footballer attracted the attention of many European clubs... Having played one year in the form of the "Torpedo" club, Khokhlov, at a rather young age, moves to the Dutch PSV.

For this club (one of the permanent leaders of the Netherlands championship) Dmitry played for two years, and then moved to the rather modest Spanish Real Sociedad. For the football player, a record amount for the Spaniards was paid - almost five million dollars. Having played 111 matches in Spain in a leading role in three years, Dmitry Khokhlov returns to Russia and becomes a member of the third Moscow club - Lokomotiv.

Moscow again

It was the railwaymen, along with the army team, who broke the long-term hegemony of Spartak. And one of those who became the basis of the new Russian grandee was Dmitry Khokhlov. The footballer in the form of railway workers won his first significant trophies - the Russian Championship and the country's Super Cup.

As part of Lokomotiv, Dmitry Khokhlov entered the field 64 times, until 2005. In the same year, he played the last match for the Russian national team, setting the following figure: six goals in fifty-three matches. Since 2006, the footballer has been trying on the blue and white Dynamo uniform. During his six years at Dynamo, the footballer entered the field 130 times, thus having played the largest number of matches as part of one team. In the same club Dmitry Khokhlov tried on himself as one of the founders of the new Moscow Dynamo.

Coaching path

In 2011 Dmitry Khokhlov received the title of Honored Master of Sports. By this time, he completed his career as an acting football player and began his coaching path. Now they began to respectfully call him by his first name and patronymic - Khokhlov Dmitry Valerievich (sometimes he is mistakenly called Khokhlov Dmitry Nikolaevich). At the beginning of his career at Dynamo Moscow, he worked as an assistant coach. Although for a short period of time in 2012, Dmitry acted as the main mentor. Since 2012, he headed the youth team: under him, she twice became the champion of Russia. In 2015, Dmitry Khokhlov decided to try himself in another club and returned to his native Krasnodar.

The first independent coaching experience was unsuccessful - he worked in Kuban for only a few months and left this club without showing the required results.

Khokhlov, Dmitry Valerievich. Midfielder. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2011).

A pupil of the Children's and Youth Sports School No. 5 of the Krasnodar City Department of Public Education. The first coach is Mikhail Vasilievich Afonin.

He played for CSKA Moscow (1992-1996), Torpedo-Luzhniki Moscow (1996-1997), PSV Eindhoven, Holland (1998-1999), Real Sociedad Sociedad, Spain (1999-2003), Lokomotiv Moscow (2003-2005), Dynamo Moscow (2006-2010).

Champion of Russia 2004

For the Russian national team played 53 matches, scored 6 goals.

(I played 3 matches for the Russian Olympic team. * )

Participant of the 1996 European Championship. Participant of the 2002 World Championship.

Assistant head coach at the Dynamo Moscow club (2011–1013). Head coach youth team Dynamo Moscow (2013–2015, 2017). Head coach of the club "Kuban" Krasnodar (2015). Head coach of the Dynamo Moscow club (2017 –...).


Lebed, Ulyanov, Karsakov, Gradilenko, Gerasimov - and these are not all the young players whom CSKA mentor Alexander Tarkhanov invited to his team before the start of last season. The competition for a place in the main squad was then planned to be super serious, which did not promise a serene life even for this five. It was all the more surprising to observe how, during the winter test matches, Tarkhanov, instead of playing the invited players, stubbornly put in the composition of the little-known 19-year-old understudy Dmitry Khokhlov, whom CSKA fans, due to his tall stature, were often confused with Minko, whom he knew well. ... And, despite this, the words of Tarkhanov, addressed to Khokhlov - "I really count on this guy" - were perceived as nothing more than an advance for a distant future.

What happened next - everyone knows. Last year, Khokhlov, together with Radimov, became the leader of the team and was the only one who played all 30 league matches with CSKA. At the end of the season, he was called up for the first time in the Russian national team, and at the European Championship in England he made his debut in its composition. Apparently, the young army player turned out to be far from the worst in our team, since immediately after the end of the championship he received an invitation from Barcelona itself.

Khokhlov's finest hour in the national championship came this September. In four games, the CSKA defensive midfielder scored three goals and made two assists, becoming one of the main inspirers of the historical, without exaggeration, victory of the army in Rostov-on-Don - 5: 0.

Dmitry Khokhlov - best player September according to the "SE" version.

When Tarkhanov started putting you on the squad in test matches a year and a half ago, did you believe that you would regularly play in championship matches?

I had no doubt that this year I would be already at least under the base, and hoped that Tarkhanov would start releasing me as a replacement. And if I'm lucky, I will play several matches for the main team. The closer I got to the end of preseason, the more this belief grew in me. But, of course, I didn’t expect to play in the starting line-up from the first match. I was genuinely surprised.

Before the season, did the CSKA coaches even hint at the possibility of such an option?

The preseason is a specific thing. Nobody says anything to anyone there. There is a struggle for a place in the first team. The fact that a lot of newcomers appeared in the team turned out to be in my hands: each of them had to fit into army game, to play with new partners - and, therefore, they were on an equal footing with me.

Usually, in a family, the father instills a love for his son for football. As far as I know, everything was different with you.

Yes, my father left us when I was five years old. But as far back as I can remember, I was always crazy about football and spent all my free time from school on the court in the yard. And my mother encouraged my passion for sports. She didn’t care what kind I did, as long as she didn’t run around the doorways and basements. Already in the first grade, I enrolled in football section.

They say you were involved in more than just football. What other sports attracted you?

Canoeing, which I have been doing for four years.

How did you manage to combine rowing and football?

In the summer I had to split in two. In the morning - football, in the afternoon I went to the Kuban River. I lived in Krasnodar.

Four years of rowing is a serious time. Apparently, your height played an important role - 1 m 90 cm. Are you one of the most powerful and tallest players at CSKA now?

Quite possible. Parents tall did not differ. I also built up centimeters with the help of swimming. We competed either in the Kuban or on the Black Sea - we reached the coast by car in just forty minutes. Sun, air and water are the motto of my childhood.

What are your memories of football at that time?

As soon as I came to the football section, the coach immediately put me in the position of the holding midfielder. So I still play here.

Have you never changed your role?

Why did it happen. When I was in the mood, in friendly matches, he asked to be put on the attack.

Did you want to score?

No - just fool around. I have always scored enough and in my place. True, with the arrival of CSKA, everything changed: there were fewer goals, but with assists, it was as if everything was in the openwork.

How did you score goals as a child?

Mainly due to the stroke. But almost never happened goals scored after long-range strikes. This is now better at CSKA. As with the game on the "second floor". Imagine, as a child, I did not score a single goal with my head.

Where does the defensive midfielder have such a drive to attack?

The fact is that in our football special class we played the same way as in CSKA last year - with two supporting halfs. One was located slightly behind, the other was pushed forward. I was this “other”, and it was my responsibility to regularly join the attacks.

At that, still Soviet time, did you follow what was happening in big football?

Yes, and very much rooted for the people of Kiev. Then Dynamo had an amazing team, and most of all I liked Zavarov and Mikhailichenko.

Did you support your native Kuban, which played in the Major League in the early 80s?

I was sick, but not so consciously. I was only 6-7 years old and I came to the stadium in order to shout a lot.

Did you take autographs from the Kuban players after the matches?

Yes. At Kolesov, Carpenter, Lagoida, Shishkov.

Did you read sports newspapers regularly then?

No, I practically did not read them, because I learned all football news from my grandfather without exception. He was a big football fan with me, he collected match programs with the participation of "Kuban". Actually, thanks to him, I made my final choice in favor of football. My grandfather not only enlightened me on the football side, but also categorically insisted that his grandson did not waste his money on anything else.

Surely he was pleased that you became a famous footballer?

My grandfather was incredibly happy about this, he was proud of me. Unfortunately, he passed away last year ...

From the Krasnodar football special class, as far as I know, were you invited to the USSR youth team?

That team was led by head coach Kuznetsov, and he invited from Krasnodar not only me, but also Lipko, now famous football player Moscow "Spartak". We were friends with Sasha since childhood, we lived next door. True, Lipko came to our special class later than me.

What kind of relationship do you have with him on the field now, when Spartak and CSKA meet?

It is as if fate does not want us to play against each other. I will miss the match against Spartak due to disqualification, then he will play against CSKA. In the first round of the current championship, I missed the match with Spartak players, grabbing cards, and in the second, Lipko was not included in the main team. However, once we met on the field - when both played for a double. But since we have completely different positions and different tasks in the game, we practically did not have the opportunity to converge in martial arts.

In the youth team of Russia you have another friend - Vladislav Radimov, who now plays in Spain.

I saw him for the first time during the selection. Radimov, like most of the St. Petersburg guys, did not get into the team at that time - he looked rather weak. And yet, he was soon taken to the national team. It happened at the Granatkin tournament held in St. Petersburg.

Don't you think that the guy was given a favor, since the tournament was held in his hometown?

Even before the tournament, we had a test match with the local Smena. Radimov was added to this team, since the Smena coaches were counting on him next season. And it fell to me to play against Vlad. After all, I am a defensive midfielder, and he was positioned under the attacker. Honestly, I thought I could easily cope with him - I remembered the first joint training session. However, he was put to shame. Radimov grew up, improved physically and began to show brilliant football. In that match, he was a cut above everyone else. Naturally, there were no longer any questions about his appearance in the national team.

Did you become friends with him after that?

There were five of us bosom friends - me, Radimov, Lipko, Berketov and Sorokin, who does not play football at a high level now.

After you "spotted" in the youth team, the club coaches must have had an eye on you.

After this match in the Dynamo arena, Gennady Kostylev approached Radimov and me and offered to try his hand at CSKA. Radimov agreed immediately, and I took time to think. I decided to finish school in Krasnodar, and then play for Kuban for another year. I thought it was too early for me to go to Moscow.

And study? Have you decided to limit yourself to a certificate of maturity?

No, I went to St. Petersburg to enter the Institute of Physical Education. Radimov, Shukov, Oreshchuk, Melnikov also went there. All of them later ended up in CSKA.

I returned to Krasnodar. What for? To be completely frank, you can simply say: toiled like a fool. I tried to give up football and went into commerce. Only very quickly it became clear that I am not a businessman. I was drawn to football again. Summer was coming to an end, and it was necessary to determine finally. And I called Kostylev, didn’t say that I hadn’t trained at all for three months. He remembered me, gave the go-ahead to come to Moscow. When I informed the coach about my current condition, it did not bother him. And I got the opportunity to prepare for the next season in a relaxed atmosphere. There was enough time to get in shape.

When you arrived in Moscow, Radimov was already an "old-timer" here. What did he tell you?

He said that I wasted so much time in vain. Vlad himself then, although he played for the double, trained with the main squad and even flew with the team to the away Champions League matches.

Radimov as a football player revealed himself before you. Is it due to the fact that you wasted your time in Krasnodar in vain?

Unlikely. In my opinion, Vlad is just more talented than me.

However, many experts believed that Radimov's presence at CSKA did not give you the opportunity to fully reveal yourself.

With this I strongly disagree. You do not yet know the true capabilities of Radimov. If he had been more conscientious about training, he would have played much stronger now. When he appeared at CSKA Moscow, due to his talent, multiplied by hard work, he improved his skills right before our eyes. Now, in my opinion, he has reached a certain level and is a little complacent.

Are you not going to stop there?

This is 20 years old ?! Moreover, now everything is going well.

But it happens: a player gets into the national team and believes that he has reached his peak.

It’s ridiculous to think of me that way. I was called to the national team only once - for the European Championship.

And weren't you listed as a candidate for the national team at the end of last year?

Exactly so - it was listed. I was called to qualifying match against Greece. But before that, the youth team was taken to the World Cup in Qatar. There I was impatiently awaiting a call to Greece, but I never got it.

- Only on the eve of Euro-96 in England you spent the first training sessions in the national team - and unexpectedly ended up in the team in the matches against the national teams of Germany and the Czech Republic. How can this be explained?

For myself, it remains a mystery to this day. Although, I will say without guile, I was really in good shape. In passing, I want to note that all negative conversations about the situation in the team are sucked from the finger. We had a completely normal working environment. Another thing is that the Russian team turned out to be weaker than its rivals in purely football components. Perhaps - not thoroughly prepared for the championship.

How did you react to Barcelona's offer after the end of the European championship?

I didn't know anything about it. And my friends thought I was getting dark, I don’t want to talk.

And if they knew - what would have happened?

Nothing. I would play for CSKA. I told Tarkhanov that if all the conditions of my three-year contract are fulfilled, then I will not go anywhere to the army team. True, if an offer does not come from abroad, which would suit me and CSKA equally.

Have you already had any suggestions?

Several foreign clubs are interested in me, but since I don’t want to go anywhere yet, it didn’t come to concrete negotiations.

What are these commands?

I will name only the countries - Spain and France.

Perhaps you will use these proposals in the future?

It is not excluded. But if I do decide to leave, then just not in winter. To play for a year and a half without a break, as it happened with Onopko, is very difficult. I will act like Radimov - he left in the summer and went through a full-fledged pre-season training camp with the new team.

After Radimov's departure, Tarkhanov assigned you the role of leader. But then it did not work out right away for you, and the army team lost a lot of points during that period.

Not only me - the whole team was in some kind of disassembled state. It was a shame to play so much in Moscow as we played with Krylya Sovetov, Tekstilshchik, Baltika. But now all the hardships are behind us, we are in excellent shape and are ready to compete for the highest places at the finish of the championship.

For the first - too?

Six points behind Rotor is a lot. This gap cannot be closed. But we can and are ready to argue for the second place.

Dmitry DYUBO. Newspaper "Sport-Express", 02.10.1996


A lot has already been written about Dmitry Khokhlov, who will turn 22 on December 22. But for sure the readers of "Sport-Express" will be interested in learning some little-known facts from the biography of this talented player, seven of whose nine goals were among the most beautiful.


Vitaly GUZIKOV, trainer-breeder of Torpedo-Luzhniki:

In 1991, while doing breeding work at CSKA, I received the task to invite Oreshchuk from Novorossiysk. After thinking it over, I decided to turn off to Krasnodar on the way to meet Khokhlov, whom I saw on the field, but did not personally know him. Gennady Kostylev, at the time CSKA coach, listened to my plan without enthusiasm: “You won't succeed. Khokhlov will not go to Moscow. Take Oreshchuk and don't suffer. " Nevertheless, I found out the address of Khokhlov and went straight from the station to his house. I didn’t leave his apartment for four days. All my arguments crashed against one and the same adamant answer: “I want to play Kuban first. But I promised myself that I would not leave for Moscow without Khokhlov. My instinct prompted that a good deal would come out of this blond guy - he had excellent physical characteristics and undoubted talent.

Persuaded alone?

- Not. First, the football player's mother joined in, then the first coach Mikhail Afonin. Finally, my grandfather took on the grandson, who before my arrival was a fan of Spartak. In four days I turned the old man into a fan of the army. Apparently, the word of the grandfather turned out to be decisive - Dima respected him very much and did not dare to disobey.

Where did Khokhlov play then?

He studied at a sports school. On behalf of the army club, I signed an agreement with the school administration, according to which Khokhlov became a CSKA player for 100 thousand rubles. By the way, many major league clubs, including Moscow ones, were already interested in him.

Was it difficult for Khokhlov to move to the capital?

Not that word! He missed his mother and friends from Krasnodar a lot. He has a girlfriend at home. Dima was torn between Moscow and Krasnodar and after a few months he could not stand it and left. Then I was convinced once again that this is a decent guy. When Khokhlov flatly refused to return to CSKA, I asked him: "Think, and who will help your mother if not you?" And he immediately gave up. It must be said here that Khokhlov grew up without a father - with his mother and her parents. They lived modestly - mainly on the salary of their mother, who worked as a postman.

They sometimes say about Khokhlov: he has no character, he is not a fighter.

I disagree. Dima is a fearless person with strong nerves. He does not care who to play against - be it Germany at the EURO-96 or, as more recently, Italy. Wouldn't a “fighter” be able to “import” the Maldini on the flank like that! Yes, Khokhlov on the field keeps his emotions to himself - he does not throw them out, like, for example, Radimov or Yuran. But if you piss him off, your opponent will be in trouble. I think that now Khokhlov plays only 70 percent of his capabilities.

How did he behave during the split at CSKA?

All this fuss had a terrible effect on him. Dima did not feel as comfortable at Torpedo as at CSKA. He once admitted that he especially lacks two players next to him - Semak and Minko.


Mikhail AFONIN, the first coach of Khokhlov:

For the first time I saw Khokhlov when I was recruiting children from the 3rd grade of the Krasnodar school No. 4, where he studied. I immediately drew attention to his excellent data. In addition, it was clear that the guy has a bright head. True, in the 5th grade, Dima almost gave up football. I came to take the form: “Here the guys go to judo. I am with them". Thank God, I managed to dissuade him from this venture. Our special class constantly went to all-Union tournaments - and Dima often brought home prizes for the best midfielder. Although I tried it as a forward, and even as a rear defender.


Yes Yes. And, by the way, he did everything competently. A couple of years ago, Anatoly Bashashkin, having watched the game of Khokhlov's defender for a double, exclaimed: "Yes, this is a born libero!" Although I think that the ideal position for Dima is under the attackers.

Was it easy for you to work with him?

He understood that nothing would come just like that. For example, we have been struggling for a long time over the hitting technique. Dima was impatient and wondered all the time: “Why do I need to train a blow, am I still scoring ?!” Khokhlov was “one-legged”, and it took a lot of time to pull up his left leg at least a little. Now he sometimes uses it, but to beat prefers all the same with the right. And, of course, dribbling. I wore him and myself in training, but I made sure that the foot worked like a Swiss watch.

Does your student have a signature feint?

Previously, he liked to fool the goalkeepers, showing that he would do a cross, and he himself unexpectedly hit in the near corner. By the way, when in the match with the Italians Khokhlov, having beaten Maldini, began to cut the corner, I was sure that he would perform his favorite number. But Dima decided to shoot. It turned out well - Cannavaro cut the ball into his own net.

What prevented Khokhlov from immediately playing for CSKA?

Dima's personal life was not arranged. While still at school, he made friends with a girl named Ulyana - she is a year younger than Khokhlov. Because of her, he did not want to leave Krasnodar anywhere. Then he went to CSKA, but he quickly returned and wanted to give up football altogether - he even managed to work a little as a seller in the clothing market. I think as a player Khokhlov lost his first two years at CSKA until Ulyana married him and moved to Moscow. Now they are a great couple with a wonderful son growing up. I'm happy for the guys. It is interesting that under Kopeikin (the head coach of CSKA from July 1993 to July 94. - Yu. B.'s note) they wanted to write Khokhlov out of the team as a hopeless player. A suitable option has already been found for sale to Israel. But then Dima played very well against Spartak's double, and Alexander Tarkhanov, who headed CSKA after the World Cup-94, saw Khokhlov in action and was surprised: “How can you sell such a talented guy ?!”

How did you feel about Khokhlov's decision to sign a contract with Eindhoven?

I believe that in the current "Torpedo" he will not progress. Dima once said to me: "If CSKA hadn't been torn to pieces in winter, I probably would have delayed my departure - at least for another year."

What goals from your student this season do you remember?

- Dima scored in his own style for Rotor in Volgograd - he ran away from the center of the field and calmly dealt with Zakharchuk. As a child, he often upset goalkeepers in this way. Remained in the memory and the goal "Spartak" - in the penalty area Khokhlov coolly transferred the ball "cheek" to the far nine.


Lidia Filippovna KHOKHLOVA:

When did Dima become interested in football?

In the 2nd grade, together with the guys from our yard, I went to the Kuban stadium to enroll in the section of Evgeny Buznikin (father of the Spartak striker Maxim Buznikin. - Yu.V.'s note). Soon the friends left this business, and he continued to walk for another three years. Then he fell ill, his tonsils were cut out. But the main thing is that the doctors discovered a cardiac arrhythmia and forbade Dima to play football. I was scared, but his grandfather did not want to hear anything and still took his grandson to training. Then Afonin took him to him. The loads were small - so I was not very worried. A couple of years later, when Dima was going to go to a special class, I agreed, but with one condition: "If I see that I have become bad at school, you will return to a regular school."

And how did he study?

At first I was "good-looking", but when foreign trips began, I dropped into Cs. But he liked football so much that I did not dare to fulfill my promise. In addition, I knew that Dima was in good hands... Until the end of my life I will be grateful to Mikhail Vasilyevich Afonin for what he did for my only child. He replaced his father, lived with his problems, and in difficult times I could always count on the help of this person.

When the son started to drive soccer ball, did you have any idea about this game?

Together with my sister, I was rooting for Dynamo Kiev, when Blokhin, Muntyan, Kolotov played there. But now, of course, I'm worried about the clubs where my son plays.

Many people say that Dima is a closed person by nature.

I do not know. As a child, he was a very sociable boy, had many friends. I remember how his birthday is coming up, so the problem immediately arises of who to invite - you can't put the whole class at home. Although according to the zodiac sign, Dima is Capricorn, and they are really a little reserved people.

Besides football, what was he interested in?

I listened to music. Mostly metal. Sometimes he would put on the cassette and ask: "Do you like it?" I nod my head so as not to offend him. By the way, in school until the 10th grade, he wore long hair. The teachers and coaches, of course, did not like this. But Dima got his hair cut only after much persuasion. In his room, all the walls were covered with portraits of Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and various musicians.

His favorite food?

Olivier salad, fried potatoes and tobacco chicken. And for dessert - cake. When he comes home, it's all on the table.


Are you interested in your own statistics?

Not particularly, mostly team performance. Although recently in “Sport-Express” I specifically looked at how many goals and assists I had on my account.

9 + 10. Are you satisfied with such arithmetic?

Quite. In the first round I played more for partners, in the second I began to score myself. I don’t know why it happened.

How do you rate your game?

Average season. There were recessions and a series of good matches.

Then compare this year with the previous one you spent at CSKA.

Of course, the “army” year was more successful for me.

In "Torpedo" you began to act more individually, didn't you?

May be. Tarkhanov always asks to take the initiative.

Which of your heads do you think is the most beautiful?

Do not know. I remember the goal against Spartak when we won 1: 0. The fact is that I have never beat the Spartak team. Therefore, that ball was a great pleasure.

What about random heads?

In Naberezhnye Chelny, from 25 meters, I hit the "nine" to the left of the goalkeeper, although I did not aim there at all.

What is your worst match?

There were many of them.

Your striking leg is known to be right. Did you score with your left hand in this championship?

In my opinion, no. Left leg I have for walking. I rarely use it in the game.

Remember your first appearance on the pitch with the first lineup?

It was starting match championship-95. CSKA took the victory from Novorossiysk with a score of 3: 1, and I scored one goal.

Which of the players in your role do you like?

Alenichev and Veretennikov. Both are attacking midfielders, and I myself like to torment opponents.

What kind of music are you listening to now?

The same as before - METALLICA, WASP, GUNS'N'ROSES. The particular choice depends on the mood.

Yuri BUTNEV. Sport-Express newspaper, 11.11.1997


“I'm happy for Dima. He plays in one of the strongest championships in Europe, is the main player of the Russian national team and deservedly goes to the world championship. I am sure that he will not get lost there, and, being an all-rounder, he will be able to benefit the team almost anywhere in midfield and attack. " This is the opinion of Alexander Tarkhanov, the coach who opened Dmitry Khokhlov for big football.

Dmitry Khokhlov made his debut in the Russian championship quite early - at less than 18 years old. However, even then it became clear: CSKA acquired a very promising footballer. Excellent physical data, a strong beat on both feet, easy handling of the ball, good vision of the field and discretion that were not for his age testified to the high playing potential of the army newcomer. It is no coincidence that in a short time he turned into one of the leaders of the team.

Khokhlov's brightest season in Russia was, perhaps, the 96th season. The then CSKA, in which, in addition to him, Radimov, Bushmanov, Semak, Yankauskas, Leonidas, Minko played great and which Tarkhanov still recalls as his dream team, could well have won medals - and of the highest standard. However, the army team's ambitious plans collapsed, and it is not excluded - for reasons not directly related to the players.

Nevertheless, Khokhlov was noticed. Oleg Romantsev was not afraid to include him in the Russian national team on the eve of the European Championship in England, where the debutant did not lose face. And the breeders of PSV already then opened the hunt for a 20-year-old gifted blonde who began to chase the ball in Krasnodar.

Khokhlov could have moved to Eindhoven in winter 96/97. Moreover, the loud scandal around PFC CSKA pushed him to such a step. However, the young footballer sacrificed his personal interests, responding to Tarkhanov's request to postpone his departure and help his new team, Torpedo-Luzhniki. For me, who was then working in the army club as a press attaché, Khokhlov's decision did not come as a surprise. He was a leader in CSKA not only in terms of play, but also in nature and in human qualities. Many footballers of that team were looking for his company in difficult and happy moments.

A good-natured character, no less than professionalism, allowed Khokhlov to easily adapt abroad - first at PSV, and then at Real Sociedad. In any case, unlike a number of our other legionnaires, he has no problems either on the football field or in everyday life. Another thing is that it is morally very difficult to constantly struggle for survival - and this is what the Sansebastians have been doing in recent years. But murmuring and complaining about fate is not in Khokhlov's character.

"Sport-Express", 22.07.2008
Some of the modern sages remarked: "A person constantly needs something that would help him live, that would interfere with his life and that he could overcome." Having met Dmitry Khokhlov, I was convinced that he was with early childhood was fully provided with both ...

"Soviet Sport - Football", 14.04.2009
The captain of the Moscow Dynamo Dmitry Khokhlov offered to meet at the base in Novogorsk in the window between two training sessions - morning and evening. Say, the day is torn apart anyway. A four-hour gap is enough to take a break, take a nap, play a game of billiards, solve other unhurried affairs, but it is clearly not enough if you are trying to hit the road somewhere in Moscow for a meeting or lunch with friends. Due to the current metropolitan traffic jams, there is a great chance to freeze halfway and be late for the base. This has already happened to Khokhlov ...

"Championship", 26.11.2010
On Sunday he is at last time will play on professional level- if, of course, it is the will of the head coach. In any case, the match against Spartak will be the final in a bright sports biography Dmitry Khokhlov. The decision is made, announced, there is no move back. From the new year, the most experienced Dynamo footballer will start new life... In the meantime, on the agenda - derby and a long-awaited vacation. There will still be time to think about the future. We talked more about the past, distant and not so. Khokhlov has it glorious and, frankly, extraordinary. Judge for yourself...

and G and G and G
1 06.06.1995 SAN MARINO - RUSSIA - 0: 7 G
2 15.08.1995 FINLAND - RUSSIA - 1: 1 G
3 14.11.1995 RUSSIA - FINLAND - 3: 0 d
1 16.06.1996 GERMANY - RUSSIA - 3: 0 n
2 19.06.1996 CZECH REPUBLIC - RUSSIA - 3: 3 n
3 10.09.1997 BULGARIA - RUSSIA - 1: 0 G
4 29.10.1997 RUSSIA - ITALY - 1: 1 d
5 15.11.1997 ITALY - RUSSIA - 1: 0 G
6 18.02.1998 GREECE - RUSSIA - 1: 1 G
7 25.03.1998 RUSSIA - FRANCE - 1: 0 d
8 22.04.1998 RUSSIA - TURKEY - 1: 0 d
9 19.08.1998 SWEDEN - RUSSIA - 1: 0 G
10 14.10.1998 ICELAND - RUSSIA - 1: 0 G
11 27.03.1999 ARMENIA - RUSSIA - 0: 3 G
12 19.05.1999 RUSSIA - BELARUS - 1: 1 d
13 05.06.1999 FRANCE - RUSSIA - 2: 3 G
14 09.06.1999 RUSSIA - ICELAND - 1: 0 d
15 18.08.1999 BELARUS - RUSSIA - 0: 2 G
16 04.09.1999 RUSSIA - ARMENIA - 2: 0 d
17 08.09.1999 ANDORRA - RUSSIA - 1: 2 G
18 09.10.1999 RUSSIA - UKRAINE - 1: 1 d
19 23.02.2000 ISRAEL - RUSSIA - 4: 1 G
20 26.04.2000 RUSSIA - USA - 2: 0 d
21 31.05.2000 RUSSIA - SLOVAKIA - 1: 1 d
22 04.06.2000 MOLDOVA - RUSSIA - 0: 1 G
23 16.08.2000 RUSSIA - ISRAEL - 1: 0 d
24 1 11.10.2000 RUSSIA - LUXEMBOURG - 3: 0 • d
25 2 28.02.2001 GREECE - RUSSIA - 3: 3 • G
26 3 24.03.2001 RUSSIA - SLOVENIA - 1: 1 • d
27 28.03.2001 RUSSIA - FARREERS - 1: 0 d
28 25.04.2001 YUGOSLAVIA - RUSSIA - 0: 1 G
29 02.06.2001 RUSSIA - YUGOSLAVIA - 1: 1 d
30 06.06.2001 LUXEMBOURG - RUSSIA - 1: 2 G
31 15.08.2001 RUSSIA - GREECE - 0: 0 d
32 01.09.2001 SLOVENIA - RUSSIA - 2: 1 G
33 05.09.2001 FARREERS - RUSSIA - 0: 3 G
34 06.10.2001 RUSSIA - SWITZERLAND - 4: 0 d
35 4 14.11.2001 LATVIA - RUSSIA - 1: 3 • G
36 13.02.2002 IRELAND - RUSSIA - 2: 0 G
37 27.03.2002 ESTONIA - RUSSIA - 2: 1 G
38 17.05.2002 RUSSIA - BELARUS - 1: 1 d
39 19.05.2002 RUSSIA - YUGOSLAVIA - 1: 1 d
40 05.06.2002 TUNISIA - RUSSIA - 0: 2 n
41 09.06.2002 JAPAN - RUSSIA - 1: 0 G
42 14.06.2002 BELGIUM - RUSSIA - 3: 2 n
43 21.08.2002 RUSSIA - SWEDEN - 1: 1 d
44 07.09.2002 RUSSIA - IRELAND - 4: 2 d
45 5 12.02.2003 CYPRUS - RUSSIA - 0: 1 • G
46 20.08.2003 RUSSIA - ISRAEL - 1: 2 d
47 6 18.08.2004 RUSSIA - LITHUANIA - 4: 3 • d
48 04.09.2004 RUSSIA - SLOVAKIA - 1: 1 d
49 17.11.2004 RUSSIA - ESTONIA - 4: 0 d
50 09.02.2005 ITALY - RUSSIA - 2: 0 G
51 26.03.2005 LICHTENSTEIN - RUSSIA - 1: 2 G
52 30.03.2005 ESTONIA - RUSSIA -1: 1 G
53 17.08.2005 LATVIA - RUSSIA - 1: 1 G
and G and G and G
53 6 3 – – –

Khokhlov Ivan Danilovich Khokhlov (Ivan Danilovich) - Russian envoy to Persia and Bukhara in the 17th century. For the first time, the name Kh. Occurs in 1600, when he was "in charge", "for stern and safety" at the ambassador of the Persian shah Abbas Perkuly-bek, who was returning home through Kazan. In 1605 - 1606 Voivodship on the Terek and in Astrakhan, from where Zarutsky was sent as ambassador to the Persian Shah for help. Here Kh., Taking advantage of the Shah's disposition, stayed until Mikhail Feodorovich was elected to the kingdom, when a special embassy was sent to Persia, with instructions, among other things, to demand the extradition of Kh. "With his comrades." The Shah agreed to the latter only after the official assurance of pardoning Kh., Despite this, Kh. Was taken to Moscow "for the bailiff" and only "for the sake of the merits" of his brother, who contributed to the liberation of Astrakhan from Zarutsky, was pardoned by the tsar and could return to Kazan ... In 1620 he was instructed to "rule the embassy in Bukhara", from where he returned to Russia only in 1622. About those ordeals that Kh. Suffered from the Turkmen and Khivans, he described in detail in an interesting article list published in the "Collection of the Prince X." (St. Petersburg, 1879). As the most experienced in relations with Asians, Kh. Managed to get 44 captives from the Bukhara khan and the Khiva prince; in addition, he ransomed two captives at his own expense and persuaded them to come to the service of the king of the Khiva prince Avgan, which served "to great honor and the promotion of the sovereign's name." For all this H., according to his petition (first published in 1891), all losses were reimbursed, in the amount of 472 rubles, and given as a reward "kamka, or a golden atlas, in 40 rubles, a cup, or a ladle, in 4 hryvnia ". In 1629, as a bailiff, he accompanied the Persian envoy Mamet Silibek and the merchant of Agason to Moscow, was present at the reception of the embassy and on the way back accompanied him to Kazan. - Wed "Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society" for 1851, vol. V, pp. 303 - 306, and "Journal of the Ministry of Public Education" for 1891, No. 1 (article by N.I. Veselovsky). V. R-in.

Biographical Dictionary. 2000 .

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