The reason for the plane crash with the football team. In Colombia, the son of the former CSKA coach died in a plane crash wishes courage to survivors of a plane crash with a Brazilian club on board, and pay tribute to the players different eras... Football players from England, Italy and the USSR are associated with terrible crashes, and Messi flew in a crashed plane this month.

Aerophobia is a common fear, even if the probability of dying in a plane crash is sixty times lower than being injured while crossing the road or in a car. But who needs numbers when the fear of death is in the foreground? Yes, only one in a million air passengers can be involved in a crash, and in most cases, you need to be on board an old ship over Africa. but every such tragedy is perceived very painfully.

Unfortunately, road accidents happen every day. Thousands of people are killed and maimed. Plane crashes are less frequent, and the world's attention is riveted to them. Now, unfortunately, there is one more reason to set the number one task to all aircraft designers in the world - to ensure a safe landing for the aircraft even in the event of engine failure and to simplify their work for pilots, and to automate risk assessment. And for football, this issue is important, because flights are an everyday part of the work of all clubs. Let's remember today those who were unlucky and who managed to survive.

According to estimates of the mid-forties, that is, immediately after the war, there were 27 disaster victims for every million passengers. Much more than now. Then there were fewer flights, and the planes were different. The great composition of "Torino" - four-time champions of Italy, died, because in the fog the pilot could not understand at what height they flew. We touched the fence of the Superga Basilica on the hill with a wing, which led to the tragedy. On board were famous footballers(including the father of Sandro Mazzola - the future legend of "Inter"), journalists, coaches, administrators and a fan of "Torino" who hurried home to his sick wife and begged the stewardess.

All died, the great coach Pozzo identified the remains, not allowing the relatives of the victims, so as not to injure them. And one of the Torino players did not fly from Lisbon (played against Benfica) to Turin due to injury. Lauro Toma was lucky, he, together with the players of the youth teams "Torino", eventually became the champion of Italy. The three rivals remaining until the end of the season, as a sign of respect, fielded the youth team... But since the champions were killed, that title turned out to be the penultimate title in the history of the club. Hopefully italian football will never survive like this. Everyone is equally sorry, but the legends were unlucky here. Last year, FIFA declared May 4 "Calcho Day" to commemorate the terrible incident.

The most famous plane crash in the history of football. Films have been made, including the 2011 sports drama United with David Tennant, and historical investigations have been carried out. Often, victims are remembered who cannot be returned, but must not be forgotten. The plane was new, flew from Belgrade to Manchester, but it was necessary to refuel in Munich, after which there was another takeoff. Junked the engine, but decided on the third takeoff attempt during a snowfall, did not want to waste time. As a result, the ship lost speed in a slush of snow on the ground and crashed into a fence.

There were 44 people on board, 21 passengers died immediately, and the rest of the surviving goalkeeper of Manchester United Harry Greg helped to get out. But not all survived, Duncan Edwards died in hospital, although nine players survived the horror... Bobby Charlton and six others played after the disaster. Two could not, and Sir Matt Busby was in charge of the new Manchester United - he, too, was in the advantageous part of the plane. The club bravely took the blow and managed to prepare the "Busby Babies". Ten years after the disaster, the crew commander was acquitted - he was not to blame. In the same year, Manchester United Bobby Robson and George Best won the European Cup, the first for England.

Fifty-six years ago, just two years after the disaster in Munich, a plane with the country's national team players on board crashed while landing at an airport in Denmark. Landings were carried out on the island, bad weather conditions prevented the pilot from maintaining control of the aircraft... And fifty meters from the coast, a small aircraft - an old-era aircraft with wings above and below, found itself in the water. All passengers died, and the fishermen managed to save the pilot, although he received a disability and leg amputation.

There were eight players on board, all of them were officially registered as amateurs, since according to the local rules, professionals who went abroad were not called up to the national team. We were preparing for the Olympics, most of them were young guys, from 19 to 23 years old. They worked as engineers, blacksmiths, mechanics, but from the Olympic team. And a strong team! Denmark has decided not to refuse to participate in the tournament in Rome. In memory of our partners, we reached the final, where they lost to the powerful Yugoslavia... In the composition were the collections that flew the second plane, and one of them was removed from the ship that eventually crashed due to bad behavior... Such coincidences occur in almost every disaster.

Mountains are one of the causes of plane crashes in South America. In the sixties, two major tragedies happened at once. In 1961, the team of the first division of the Chilean championship "Green Cross" from Santiago crashed in full complement in the Las Lastimas mountain range in the Cordillera. We were returning home after the national championship match ... And eight years later, in September 1969, 17 players and 3 Strongest coaches - multiple champion and a very popular club in Bolivia, crashed in the Andes. In the first case, icing of the turbine wings and blades affected. The second reason could be mountains and incorrect calculation of flight altitude. Moreover, in this case, we are dealing with a mass tragedy - in total 78 people died, not only football players.

The history of Soviet football has its own terrible page - the death of Pakhtakor. A great tragedy, two Tu-134 planes collided in the air near Dneprodzerzhinsk, all 178 people did not survive. There is immediately a complex of fatal coincidences and mistakes.... Both negligence and inexperience - the dispatcher was twenty years old, and his boss had miscalculated the time. And he assigned the two huge sides the same height. The mistake was recognized, panic began during the negotiations, everyone interrupted each other, the pilots misunderstood the controllers' teams, who were eventually sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Cloudiness added, and a tragedy occurred that could have been avoided if one of the planes had flown next to the other 20 milliseconds earlier. 20 milliseconds at airplane speed would do a lot! As a result, 17 footballers, administrators and coaches of Pakhtakor, which flew to Tashkent from Minsk, were among the victims of the unforgettable crash. Including Mikhail An is a very talented midfielder. It was decided to strengthen the club with players from other teams, including the Spartak player and Denis Glushakov's uncle joined Pakhtakor. For Soviet and Uzbek football, that disaster is a wound forever.

Landing tragedy. On the plane, a sensor has broken, which indicates whether the landing gear is extended. The pilots first made sure that it was possible to land - made a circle over the airport, and received confirmation from the ground that the wheels were in place. But then the approach altitude was not calculated. It looks like there were other problems, plane with 43 people - players, leaders and fans of "Alliance", ended up in the ocean... Six miles north of the capital of Peru, evening time, a pilot error and a classified crash site - the authorities were afraid that the decrepit state of the aircraft on the Air Force's balance sheet would be linked to their methods of managing the country.

Only many years later they began to talk about the details of the tragedy. The Alliance club has lost a promising line-up, but it is much worse that people have died. All but one - the pilot survived. Moreover, the politicians were so cynical that they initially lied to the relatives of the victims, saying that the plane did not take off at all due to weather conditions. They feared that the ship had been shot down by terrorists, and no one was allowed to reach the scene of the accident. As a result, conspiracy theories were spawned - they say that fuel could run out. For Alliance, that tragedy in the football sense meant falling out of the championship fight for ten years, although the legendary Teofilio Cubillas returned from the United States to play for Alliance and help as much as he could.

The largest plane crash in the history of Suriname. And the biggest tragedy for Dutch football. After all, there were players from the Netherlands of Surinamese origin on board that flight from Amsterdam. They flew along with almost two hundred passengers, fifteen football players died, in total out of 187 people only eleven survived... The cause of the crash was called a crew error, as happens in most of these stories. During the landing approach, it was not possible to cope with the controls. Moreover, stars of the first magnitude could also be on board.

The Dutch Surinamese flew to friendlies with local clubs to support them. It was about the players "Twente", "Ajax", "Zwolle" and "NAK Breda". Though the most stellar Surinamese were saved by the greed of the clubs... The teams of Rijkaard, Gullit, Winter and Roy did their best to prevent future legends, European champions and Ballon d'Or holders from being on that plane. But here we are not evaluating the level of the players. If a major England player dies, it is as great a tragedy as the death of young people from Holland. In Suriname, that event is not forgotten, and six-year-old Romeo Kastelin - later the Volga midfielder, lost his mother and sister.

As stated above, African flights are much more likely to crash than over Europe or North America... In South America, mountains and cloudiness complicate the situation, but in the African case, airlines can save on aircraft maintenance and technical malfunctions often lead to the death of people. Plus the continent itself is huge, the distances are great. The plane that crashed 18 players of the Zambian national team was a 1975 release, far from new... He did not reach the coast of Gabon five hundred meters.

One of the engines caught fire, but the pilots mistakenly turned off the work - the light signal incorrectly showed a breakdown... As a result, a very promising Zambia squad perished - the "copper bullets" beat Italy 4: 0 at the Olympics, dreamed of winning the African Cup and reaching the World Cup. The captain of that team and PSV player Kalusha Bvalia had to fly to Senegal himself separately. As a result, he survived, like a couple of other legionnaires. A year later, the team assembled from the reservists reached the final of the African Cup of Nations, where they lost to Nigeria. But they became national heroes, and in 2012, Zambia won the final against the Ivorians at a stadium near the crash site. These are the coincidences.

Twenty days ago, Argentina flew on the same plane for the match against the Brazilian team. In the summer, Messi complained about the quality of the board for the America's Cup in the USA, which often breaks. Just three weeks ago, Lionel, Di Maria, Higuain, Otamendi, Mascherano and their partners could have been on this list - a terrible coincidence. Today each of them will re-evaluate life. Unfortunately, after a happy twenty-three years without such major tragedies, another disaster struck. Perished Brazilian footballers from the Chapecoense club. We were ninth in Serie A and flew to Colombia for the Copa Sudamericana game against Atlético Nacional. The local analogue of the Europa League, the game international level... Now write that the cause was either a malfunction of the aircraft, or weather conditions prevented... Since some of the people - 72 passengers and 9 crew members, managed to survive, we can conclude that the pilots tried to land the ship and save at least someone.

Now saved people and among them, according to information, three football players, in the hospital. Initially, ten victims were reported and sent to the hospital. A terrible page in the history of football. For twenty-three years, they managed to deliver hundreds, thousands of football teams around the world to matches without incident. And these are children's teams, and stars of the first magnitude. It is a great pity for those who died in the Colombian disaster, we wish strength to their families and will to live for the survivors... Let this case be the last of its kind for decades to come. Airlines and aircraft designers once again need to reconsider their attitude to costing - they need to stop being greedy for a long time and invest in testing modern systems safe landing in case of malfunction. Yes, a task for genius engineers, yes, it's expensive, but people's lives are at stake. Brazilian footballers died today, but you know who could have been in their place at the beginning of November - the Argentine national team. A terrible page in the history of football and another reason not to forget how important it is to control every technical detail when you take responsibility for someone else's life in the air.

On February 6, 1958, a British European Airways plane carrying Manchester United football players crashed at Munich airport. On this day, we decided to remember five plane crashes in which athletes died.

In the 40s of the XX century, the Turin team was a real competitor to its city neighbors from Juventus. Moreover - “Torino” was one of the best Italian teams of the post-war period - especially after three-time victories in the national championship (1946, 1947, 1948). All in all, taking into account the break in the war period, “Torino” won the Scudetto five times. At the time of the tragedy, the club was again leading the championship by four points.

The tragedy occurred on May 4, 1949, when the team was returning home from Portugal, where they were defeated by Lisbon “Benfica” with a score of 3: 4. On board the Fiat G.212CP there were 18 Torino players, as well as the club's management and several journalists - a total of 31 people. At the same time, in Barcelona, ​​where the plane with the Torino players sat down for refueling, the Turin players met and talked with rivals in the championship - the Milan players.

The plane crashed not far from Torino. Due to heavy fog, the pilots lost their orientation in space and crashed into the fence of the Catholic Basilica of Superga, after which the airliner turned sharply, and it crashed down with great speed. All people on board were killed. The only surviving Torino player of that period was Lauro Toma, who did not fly with the team to Lisbon due to an injury.

Much smaller losses in comparison with “Torino” were suffered by the eminent British club. More than half a century ago, on February 6, 1958, a British European Airways plane carrying the players of the English team “Manchester United” crashed at Munich airport. On board the airliner were the club's players, the management of Manchester United, as well as fans and journalists - only 23 people out of 44.

The plane crash with the Mankunians happened on the way from Belgrade, where the team played a match against the local “Crvena Zvezda” in the Champions League. The plane sat down for refueling in Munich, after which it tried to take off, but this was prevented by increased vibrations in the left engine. The second attempt also failed. The third takeoff attempt was interrupted by the beginning of snowfall, due to which the airliner lost speed. The left wing of the plane hit a nearby house.

21 people on board died instantly, the rest lost consciousness. Subsequently, the pilot was named the culprit of the crash, but ten years after the crash, he was acquitted due to the fact that due to the snowfall that began at the time of the third takeoff, a large amount of snow formed at the end of the runway, which caused the plane's speed to be canceled.

USA national team figure skating February 15, 1961

In 1961, 18 of the best skaters in the United States were to take part in the World Championships, which was to be held in Prague. On February 15, the athletes, along with coaches, officials and relatives, boarded the new Boeing 707. The plane took off from JFK Airport for Brussels, where the US national team was expected to transfer to Prague.

A few hours later, the airliner crashed in a wooded area near the village of Berg, near the Belgian capital. All 72 people on board were killed, as well as one person on the ground. The 1961 World Cup in Prague was canceled. Among the victims of the tragedy were Maribel Vinson-Owen, the coach of the American team, and her daughters Lawrence, and Maribel, members of the US figure skating team.

Investigators found no sign of a malfunction on board. Why, at an altitude of less than 300 meters, Boeing's engines unexpectedly increased power and the already deployed chassis retracted back is still unknown. The plane crash inflicted hard blow in American figure skating, only in 1968 new champions appeared in the United States.

In Soviet times, "Pakhtakor" was an extremely strong team of the all-Union championship. However, on August 11, 1979, events took place that are inscribed in black letters in the history of the club. The Tu-134 plane, in which the team flew to Minsk for the next match of the USSR championship with the Minsk “Dynamo”, collided with a similar plane at an altitude of 8400 meters above the Ukrainian Dneprodzerzhinsk. One of the planes was heading from Chelyabinsk to Chisinau, the other from Tashkent to Minsk.

All 178 people in both planes were killed (94 in Moldovan and 84 in Belarusian). Among the dead were 17 Pakhtakor players.

Despite the tragedy, the Soviet leadership decided to help the team by transferring players from other clubs, as well as maintaining their "registration" in the USSR Premier League, regardless of the results of their performances, for a period of three years.

On September 7, 2011, the Yak-42 plane took off from Tunoshna airport, on board were the players of the HC Lokomotiv. They were heading to the capital of Belarus, where the next day was scheduled to play with the local Dynamo. This was supposed to be the first match of the Yaroslavl team in the 2011-2012 Kontinental Hockey League season.

On takeoff, the airliner was unable to gain a safe altitude, crashed into the antenna of a beacon located behind the runway, and fell near the airport. There were 45 people on board, of which only crew member Alexander Sizov survived. For several days, doctors fought for the life of hockey player Alexander Galimov, who miraculously got out of the collapse, but his injuries were initially incompatible with life.

Immediately after the plane crash, the leadership of the KHL suspended the championship for several days, no one thought about the future of the team at that moment. Soon it was decided that Lokomotiv would return to the KHL only in the 2012/13 season, and the team would miss the current season.

Later, the IAC called the direct cause of the crash the involuntary pressing of the brake pedals during the takeoff run by the aircraft commander or co-pilot. It was not possible to determine which of them made the fatal oversight.

For almost 23 years sports world did not declare mourning for the plane crashes that killed the members of the football teams. Brazilian club Chapecoense, which was supposed to bring team members and journalists to the match with Atlético Nacional in the framework of the South American Cup. There were 72 passengers and 9 crew members on board. Rescue operations are currently underway at the crash site. According to preliminary information, six passengers survived. The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) has suspended all matches under its auspices. We recall other cases of disasters in the air that affected the world of football.

1.May 4, 1949 "Torino"

At the end of the 40s of the last century, Torino was one of the top clubs in Italy, ahead of its neighbors from Juventus in terms of fame and popularity. From 1946 to 1948, the "bulls" took the championship three times under the captaincy Valentino Mazzola, the father of the legendary Sandro Mazzola.

On May 3, 1949, Torino played a match with Benfica in Lisbon, which ended in a defeat - 3: 4. The football players' mood was raised by the meeting with friends from Milan in Barcelona. The plane of the Turin people landed at the local airport for refueling, while the Milanese were transferring to a flight to Madrid. As it turned out, the Rossoneri were the last to see the Torino players alive. The plane of the team got into a zone of increased nebula, the pilot lost his orientation in space and with his left wing touched the fence of the basilica built on the hill. The plane turned around and hit the ground with force. Everyone on board died. Of the players, only Lauro Toma remained, who did not fly to the match due to injury.

2.February 6, 1958 "Manchester United"

One of the most resonant disasters in the history of world sports. "Busby Babes" forever entered the annals English football and left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans around the world. All the more terrible was the tragedy that occurred on February 6, 1958 at the Munich airport. Despite the fact that air travel was in the high-risk category at the time, Manchester United flew across Europe, combining weekend performances in England and European Cup matches on weekdays. The club ordered a charter flight for the match with Crvena Zvezda in Belgrade. Problems began in Munich, where the aircraft landed for refueling. After two unsuccessful takeoff attempts, the crew was ready to postpone the flight, but in the end a third attempt was made, which ended in tragedy. The plane did not manage to take off in time and rammed a house with a hangar in which a car with fuel was parked. 21 people died on the spot, including eight United players. In 1960, a clock was installed on the southeast stand of Old Trafford with the date "February 6, 1958" at the top and the inscription "Munich" at the bottom, which remains there to this day. Every year on February 6, when their arrows show the time of the plane crash - 3:40 pm, a minute of silence is announced at Old Trafford in memory of the victims of the Munich disaster.

Black date in the history of Manchester United

51 years ago, a plane crashed at Munich-Riem airport, on which footballers were returning home from an away match of the European Cup English club"Manchester United".

3.16 July 1960 Denmark squad

In the early 60s professional football there was no such thing in Denmark. Players were even forbidden to play for foreign clubs under threat of non-recruitment to the national team. Nevertheless, the Danes were diligently preparing to fight for getting to Olympic Games in Rome. Eight players flew from Copenhagen airport to Herning for the national team match. The board crashed 50 meters from the coast due to bad weather conditions. Only the pilot and the footballer survived Sig Windel, which fishermen found near the coast. Lucky for another player too - Eric Dureborg, who was removed from the flight due to disgusting behavior at the airport. The Danish national team was seriously considering withdrawing from the tournament, but in the end they won silver medals in Rome.

4.April 3, 1961. Green Cross

A year later, another football team crashed in a plane crash. Playing in the first division of the Chilean championship, "Green Cross" flew from Santiago airport for the match of the next round. The footballers were not destined to get to the place - the entire crew and passengers died after the plane collided with the Las Lastimas mountain range in the Cordillera.

5.September 26, 1969 "Strongest"

On September 26, 1969, a military coup took place in Bolivia. However, this event also faded into the background when the largest plane crash in the history of the country took place on the same day. A passenger liner collided with a mountain in the Cordillera massif. All 74 passengers, including 16 players on board and the coaching staff best team the Strongest countries were killed. The South American Football Federation declared mourning and allocated $ 20,000 to the club. Many footballers who had previously played for the Strongest returned to the club at a reduced rate. Five years later, the club won the Bolivian championship again.

6.December 31, 1970 Air Liquid

A few months later, the plane carrying the Algerian Air Liquid team to Spain for a friendly tournament did not reach its destination. All passengers and crew members were killed.

7.August 11, 1979 "Pakhtakor"

In the late 70s, one of the worst sports tragedies in the history of Soviet football took place. Tashkent "Pakhtakor", flying to the match in Minsk, got into a plane crash, which became one of the largest in the history of the country. Two planes collided in the sky over Dneprodzerzhinsk - none of the passengers of both aircraft survived. Among the dead 178 people were 17 members of "Pakhtakor". Due to the fact that the team was popular in the country, it was not possible to remain silent about the tragedy. All members of the football team were buried in Tashkent at the Botkin cemetery of the city, where a monument was erected to them. And "Pakhtakor" itself, according to the rule introduced in the regulations, within three years retained a place in the elite division of the USSR.

The first Russian football publication and Dick Advocaat's debut in the Russian national team. What else do you remember on August 11 in the history of football?

8.December 8, 1987 Alliance Lima

In December 1987, 43 people - football players, managers, coaches and fans of the Peruvian Alliance Lima team - died in a plane crash. Their plane, carrying passengers home after a national championship match, crashed into the sea six miles north of the capital, Lima.

9.June 7, 1989. Dutch footballers

The football world could have lost Frank Rykard and Ruud Gullita at the height of their football fame. Fortunately, both stars did not travel to their historic homeland in Suriname to participate in a tournament with three local clubs. Rijkaard, Gullit, Aron Winter and Brian Roy refused to fly, citing a desire to properly prepare for the new season. This decision saved their lives. The pilots of the plane taking off from Amsterdam, while landing in Paramaribo, made a mistake and caught a tree with their wing. As a result of the crash, 11 out of 187 people survived. All 15 players on board died.

10.April 27, 1993 Zambia squad

The Zambian Air Force organized a special flight to bring the national team of their country to Dakar, where it was to play a qualifying match for the 1994 World Cup with a team from Senegal. During the first refueling, problems were discovered with one of the engines. However, the pilot made a decision to continue the flight. As a result, a few minutes after takeoff, the engine caught fire, and the plane fell into the water 500 meters from the coast. All passengers were killed. From the national team of Zambia, only one who traveled independently from the Netherlands survived Kalusha Bvalya and the injured goalkeeper Charles Musonda.

The plane with 72 passengers, including football players of the Brazilian club "Chapecoense", crashed in Colombia. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Univision TV channel.

According to the TV channel, in addition to 72 passengers, there were 9 crew members on board.

Reuters reported 76 people were killed in the Lamia plane crash in Colombia. Thus, 5 people survived in the plane crash.

Among them are a flight attendant, Chapecoense goalkeeper Danilo, team defender Alan Roshal and a masseur. Alan Roshal has a fractured hip and an open head wound.

Earlier it was reported about 15 survivors, but this information has not been confirmed.

360 Radio Colombia, citing a police spokesman for the Colombian city of Medellin, reports that search and rescue operations have been suspended due to the fact that there are no more survivors at the scene of the accident. Up to 500 people took part in the rescue work, including the military and members of the national police.

The mayor of the neighboring town of La Seja named three possible reasons for the plane crash, among them - a lack of fuel, technical problems with the plane and weather conditions.

Earlier it was reported that the crew signaled a low fuel level. The pilots of the plane crashed in Colombia at 22:00 local time sent emergency messages about problems in the electrical on board. About an hour later, the liner crashed.

It also became known that the Chapecoense players changed their aircraft right before the flight and boarded the ill-fated liner. According to El Tiempo, representatives of the Brazilian aviation forced the players to transfer to the board, which subsequently crashed.

The athletes were scheduled to arrive at the hotel this morning and start training at the Attanasio Girardot Stadium to take part in the first Copa Sudamericana final match.

It is reported that the crashed plane previously transported the players of the Argentine national team and the Colombian team Atletico Nacional. The president of the latter, Juan Carlos de la Cuesta, claims that his players have flown this liner even more than once.

A photo appeared on Twitter of a local edition, where the wreckage of the liner is clearly visible. Judging by the picture, the aircraft's hull received significant damage from the impact on the ground, while its debris did not scatter for any significant distance.

The media reported that the Chapecoense footballers managed to take a selfie with the pilot of the liner that crashed over Colombia. Presumably, one of the players sent a photo to his girlfriend shortly before takeoff or during a stopover in Bolivia.

In connection with the plane crash, the Brazilian Football Federation decided to postpone final matches For undefined period. At the moment, an option is being considered, in which Chapecoense and Nacional will put up their youth squads for the games.

Famous footballers, including Galatasaray player Lucas Podolski and Real Madrid midfielder Lucas Silva, spoke about the tragedy. The German striker called for prayers for those killed in the plane crash.

The footballers were heading to the Colombian city of Medellin to participate in the South American Cup match.

Colombian authorities confirm that a plane crashed in the province of Antioquia in the La Union area. football team... According to the radio station 360 Radio Colombia, the rescue service has now left for the crash site.

Also, according to the radio station, the crew members of the plane crashed in Colombia gave a signal that the fuel level was low. It is reported that the pilots were going to urgently land at a nearby airport, but the liner crashed.

On September 7, 2011, the Yak-42 plane of the Yak Service airline crashed during takeoff from the Tunoshna airport in the Yaroslavl region. On board the aircraft was hockey team Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl), which flew to the match in Minsk. According to preliminary data, there were people on board.

July 15, 2009 In the north-west of Iran, a Tu-154M plane of the Iranian airline Caspian Airlines crashed while flying from Tehran to Yerevan. The Iranian youth judo team was on board. Athletes flew to Armenia for training, and then had to fly to Hungary to participate in competitions. All 168 people on this flight were killed.

August 24, 2008 in Kyrgyzstan, a Boeing-737 plane crashed on its way from Bishkek to Tehran. There were 90 people on board, including 17 members of the Iranian youth volleyball team. Ten of them died. 25 passengers and crew members managed to escape.

April 27, 1993 near Gabon, Africa, a DHC-5 Buffalo, carrying members of the Zambian football team, crashed at sea as a result of an engine malfunction. A total of 30 people died, including 18 football players.

June 7, 1989 at the airport of the capital of Suriname Paramaribo ( South America) there was a plane crash of a DC-8-60 series aircraft, as a result of which 23 Dutch football players of Surinamese origin who were on board the crashed plane were killed. A total of 176 people died (out of 187 passengers and crew).

December 8, 1987 near Lima, Peru, explosions aboard an F-27 plane killed the Alliance football team. The bodies of the dead could not be found as the plane crashed into the sea. It is known that in total there were 43 people on the plane.

March 14, 1980 in the plane crash of the Polish Il-62 plane near Warsaw (Poland), 22 members of the US national boxing team were killed.

August 11, 1979 Above the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk (Ukraine), a Tu-134 plane, performing a Tashkent-Minsk flight, collided with an aircraft flying from Chelyabinsk to Chisinau. Killed 178 people (165 passengers and 13 crew members), from Uzbekistan, performing at the time in major league... The team flew to Minsk to play with the local Dynamo.

November 29, 1975 The plane crash killed the team of Formula-1 racers Embassy Racing with Graham Hill pilot Graham Hill. The six-seater Piper Aztec, on which the team was returning from races in France to London, crashed and burned while landing.

October 13, 1972 in the Andes, part of the rugby team from Montevideo (Uruguay) was killed in a plane crash on the way to the capital of Chile, the city of Santiago.

A total of 45 people were on board the FH-227 aircraft, of which 16 survived.

December 31, 1970 Air-Liquid, an Algerian amateur soccer team, was killed in a plane crash in full force on its way to a friendly in Spain.

November 14, 1970 In Virginia, USA, 37 players of the Marshall University (Huntington, West Virginia) American football team were killed in a plane crash. In addition to the athletes, there were members of coaching staff, fans, as well as the head of the department of sports (75 people in total). No one survived.

April 1, 1970 An-24 passenger plane crashed near Krasnoyarsk. All passengers (including the youth volleyball team) and crew members were killed.

September 26, 1969 in the Andes on the way to La Paz (Bolivia) a plane crashed with 25 players of the Strongest Bolivian football team. Killed 19 players and club leaders.

April 3, 1961 a Douglas C-47A plane crashed in the Cordillera, Chile. The disaster killed everyone on board - the Chilean Green Cross football team and crew members (24 people).

February 15, 1961 while landing in Belgium, a Sabena Boeing 707 crashed on a flight from New York to Brussels. All 72 people on board were killed, as well as one person on the ground. The US figure skating team (34 athletes and coaches), which was heading to the World Championships in Prague (Czechoslovakia), was killed in the crash. The 1961 World Figure Skating Championships were canceled in mourning for the dead.

February 6, 1958 at the airport in Munich (Germany), while trying to take off, a plane crashed with the players of the English team "Manchester United". A total of 23 people on board were killed, including 8 athletes, a coach, a team secretary, one of the directors of Manchester United and eight sports correspondents.

January 5, 1950 during the third landing approach in adverse weather conditions in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), a Li-2 plane crashed. Killed 8 hockey players of the USSR Air Force team, as well as a coach, a doctor and a massage therapist.

May 4, 1949 as a result of a plane crash near Turin (Italy), the entire team was killed football club"Torino" and everyone else on board the aircraft (including journalists, officials, coach). A total of 31 people died.

November 18, 1948 in a plane crash over the English Channel, 6 leading hockey players of the Czechoslovak national team (goalkeeper, defenders and forwards) were killed.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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