K n Uspenskaya was not taken for fishing. Synopsis of a lesson in Russian on the topic "Preparing for an essay based on the painting by K.N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova "They didn't take me fishing""

What is the mood of the baby and why? How did the artist show the distress of the baby? Describe the baby. Why wasn't the baby taken on a fishing trip? Who is watching him? Why is the sister smiling? When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which you see in the picture?

1. One day, a barn, a shovel, fishing gear, worms, fishing rod, fishing, tin can, backpack, promised to take fishing with him for the whole day. 2. Early in the morning, neither light nor dawn, a little light, barely dawn, they took fishing rods and bait, headed for the gate, overslept, dressed somehow, grabbed a jar of worms, how am I, still small, you can drown, you will be capricious, to ask to go home, there is no time to mess with you, grow up, go, stay at home. 3. He roared at the top of his voice, dropped the can of worms from his hands, tears poured down like hail, the elder sister smiled, consoled her as best she could, you will go fishing more than once, you will catch the biggest fish. 4. I remember the incident for the rest of my life.

The picture “They didn’t take me fishing” is familiar to all high school students, because in the fifth grade they are offered to write an essay on it. The Russian artist Oleg Popovich, who painted it, devoted his life to creating illustrations for children's magazines and books, so his canvas is more like a simple drawing in Merry Pictures or Murzilka. Let's take a closer look at the picture in order to understand what the master wanted to say with its help.

Characteristics of the main character

The description of the painting “They didn’t take it fishing” should begin with the characteristics of its main characters. On the canvas, the artist depicted four people: one adult and three children. The main attention is drawn to the smallest character - a boy who looks no more four years. He stands and weeps bitterly, covering his wet flushed face with his hand. It immediately becomes clear to the viewer that the little one hoped to go fishing with his father and older brother, but they did not want to take him with them. The kid hoped to the last that they would take him, he even prepared a fishing rod and a bucket for this purpose and got up early. But dad considered him too small and left him at home under the supervision of his sister. The father is adamant in his decision, and children's tears are not able to pity him. He perfectly understands that in an hour the little one will forget about his morning tragedy and will be carried away by some interesting game.

Other characters

The older brother of the protagonist was much more fortunate. He looks to be about 12 years old. He goes fishing with his father and is terribly proud of it. The boy carries a fishing rod in front of him like a precious trophy, and lifts his head high in front of a crying little brother. Behind him is a heavy backpack with tackle, but he does not feel its weight. Judging by the reaction of the boy, his father takes him fishing for the first time. This is evidenced by the overly solemn appearance of the character. The boy follows his father and even tries to copy his gait.

The father of the children is a serious and intelligent person. These qualities of his are very clearly conveyed by the picture “They didn’t take it for fishing”. Popovich portrayed the children's father focused on the baby's tantrum. Dad is completely calm and unruffled. He remembers whether he took everything with him on a fishing trip, and little things like the whims of a younger child bother him a little. Behind him is the same backpack as his eldest son, and in his hands is a yellow shopping bag. The father casually carries the fishing rod on his shoulder.

The fourth heroine of the picture is the sister of the boys. She looks to be about eleven years old. The girl is very similar to her older brother. She is not interested in fishing, but she has to get up early to look after the baby. The girl looks at her brother with a smile. She had no doubt that they would not take him fishing. But the girl does not want to calm the baby. Tired of his frequent tantrums, she simply watches him, arms crossed over her chest and carelessly twirling a flower in her palms. The sister knows: as soon as the elders disappear from the baby, the baby will stop crying.

Additional elements, background and colors

When making a description of Popovich’s painting “They Didn’t Take Fishing”, you need to pay attention to the objects that surround the heroes. To revive his work, the artist depicted on it an old fence carelessly knocked together from boards, on which an old fence flaunts. From under the feet of the heroes, green grass and small red ones fly in different directions, and in addition to people, there is another character in the picture - a sparrow. Attracted by children's crying, he spins under the feet of people, watching the scene with curiosity. Von Popovich left white. With this approach, he wanted to focus the attention of the audience on what is happening, without distracting him to extraneous details.

By the color scheme it is immediately clear that for the children of the younger and middle school age the painting “They didn’t take on fishing” was painted. When creating it, Popovich used bright colors (green, yellow, blue, red), which are very popular with children. There is absolutely no black color in the picture, which makes it cheerful, sunny and positive. And even children's tears are not able to spoil this impression.

Painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

Popovich's drawing is often confused with the canvas of the same name by the artist Ksenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova. The plots, as well as the titles, of these two works are completely identical. But if Popovich's painting resembles a childish, carelessly drawn drawing, Uspenskaya-Kologrivova's canvas is painted according to all the rules of Russian painting.

Description of the main characters

All the same characters are present in the artist’s painting: a toddler, his brother, sister and dad. The kid does not sob, but simply pouted offendedly and turned away from the family members leaving for fishing. He is ready to cry at any moment. In one hand, the boy holds a children's bucket with dug up worms, and the other rubs his ear in confusion.

The older brother and father go fishing. Dad steps forward. He carries a rucksack behind his back and holds an oar on his shoulder. He entrusted his eldest son with fishing rods and small fishing tackle. The boy follows his father and mockingly turns back, looking at the offended kid. In the eyes of the brother there is no sympathy for the little one. He is happy that he is old enough to fish. There is no sympathy for the younger brother and the girl. She looked out of the door of the old dilapidated house and looks at him with a smile. Everything shows that the family in which children grow up lives in poverty. This impression is enhanced by the gloomy tones that prevail in the canvas.

Different eras - the same children

In the mid-50s, the painting “They didn’t take it for fishing” was painted. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova depicted on it the gray everyday life of the Soviet village, which had not yet had time to revive after the devastating war. In Popovich's drawing, the characters are children of the late 80s. They are not familiar with military hardships and, apparently, grow up in a well-to-do family. Popovich, drawing a picture based on the plot of Uspenskaya-Kologrivova's canvas, showed that the same

Preparation for an essay based on a painting by K.N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

"Didn't go fishing"

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint students with the features of building a story based on a role-playing game;

    To instill the skills of building a dialogue;

    Enrich students' speech with words related to the theme of the picture and the means of the artist's intention.

Equipment: painting reproduction

During the classes:

Painting conversation

Starting to work on the story, the teacher explains to the students that the story is based on some kind of case.

Today in the lesson we will compose a story, and the basis of this will be the episode seen by the artist and captured in the picture.

Where and when does the event take place? (In the village, as the forest is visible in the distance; in the summer, early in the morning.)

By what signs did you determine that early morning is depicted? (The sun is just rising, the sky is pinkish from its rays.)

What morning is shown in the picture? (Cheerful, sunny ...)

How did the artist show that her father and older brother were going fishing? (Father carries oars. Fishing rods in the hands of the older boy).

As shown in the picture, that the fishermen are leaving? (They are shown in motion).

Who do you think main character paintings? (Baby. He is depicted in close-up).

How old is he? (The baby does not know how to dress properly).

As you guessed, the kid is preparing for fishing? He holds a bucket of worms in his hand.)

What is the mood of the baby and why? (He is very offended).

How did the artist show the boy's distress? (The kid dropped the fishing rod from resentment).

Describe the boy in more detail.

Why wasn't the baby taken on a fishing trip? (He is still small, he will get tired).

Who is watching the baby? (The girl is probably his sister).

Why do you think she smiles? (She finds it funny to watch a chicken pull worms out of a bucket).

Do you like the picture? How? (The artist showed the resentment of the baby and the impudent chicken).

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which you see in the picture?

Vocabulary and stylistic work

Fisherman - angler - fishing - fishing equipment ...

Situational role-playing game


And now let's try to revive this picture: to revive what happened the night before. The task is to introduce listeners into the circle of those events that took place in the evening.

An example of a dramatization

One evening the whole family gathered for dinner, the father went out onto the porch. The weather promised to be good in the morning. Father thought that it would be nice to go fishing in the morning.

Father. - Danya, let's go fishing tomorrow.

Danya. “Come on, I’ll dig up worms after supper.”

Baby. - And I'm with you.

Morning has come. The weather is great. The baby woke up from some noise. He saw that his father and brother were already going fishing. The kid quickly dressed and ran after him.

Baby. - Wait for me!

Father. No, you are still small.

Danya. We will take you fishing another time.

Sister. - Let's go play!

Baby. - I tried hard.

Sister. Andryusha, let's go for a bike ride.

At the end of the game, the teacher offers to compose their stories according to a given plot. However, before writing a story, the author must knowlaws hisconstruction. To do this, the teacher returns again to the text of the dramatization.

Remember what the author said at the very beginning? (One evening the whole family gathered for dinner, the father went out on the porch. The weather foreshadowed to be good in the morning. The father thought that it would be nice to go fishing).

- How did the action develop? (Andryusha ran into the garden and dug up worms, and went to bed.)

Morning has come. The weather is great. The baby woke up from some noise. He saw that his father and brother were already going fishing. The kid quickly dressed and ran after him. The most intense moment in the development of action -climax.

How do you think the action will end? (He remembered his favorite bicycle, forgot about his grief and ran to ride. And in the evening his father and brother will come, and he will cheerfully meet them from fishing.

This is the decoupling of the action. Now that you have already familiarized yourself with the features of building a story, you yourself, like real writers, can write a story or script based on a picture.


Write an essay

Cool! 54

When you see the drawing “They didn’t take you on a fishing trip”, which was created by illustrator Oleg Vladimirovich Popovich, you first of all pay attention to its plot. After all, it is so simple and bright that it is understandable to every viewer, no matter whether it is an adult or a child.

In the illustration, we see that on a sunny summer morning, taking fishing rods, the father and eldest son went fishing without taking their younger brother with them. Apparently, the boy really wanted to go with them. In bewilderment and frustration, the younger brother turned away from his relatives leaving for the river. And it seems that the little boy does not look after him so that dad and brother do not notice how he, covering his face with his hand, is barely holding back, trying not to burst into tears from resentment.

Perhaps, on the eve, the kid was even promised that he would be taken on a fishing trip, and he, waking up early, managed to dig up worms and put them in a small tin bucket. But for a little prank, or just scared for a completely dependent child, the father decided to leave him at home.

An abandoned tin bucket and a fishing rod lying next to him speak of how upset the boy is. Now, things collected for fishing are not needed and only upset the baby even more.

The older sister bent over the boy and it seems that she is calm, although she sympathizes with her brother. Perhaps she quietly comforts the little boy and explains to him that next time, he will be old enough to go fishing with his dad.

Popovich's illustration does not show a house or a yard, but from the wattle fence in the background, one can guess that the father and eldest son, loaded with backpacks, have already left the village courtyard and headed to the fishing spot. The artist seems to have divided his drawing into two planes. One tells us about a little boy and his sister, the other depicts an older brother proudly walking behind his father.

If, talk about general characteristics Popovich's sketches, this illustration reminds us very much of a painting by Xenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova painted several decades earlier. They are even called the same - "They did not take fishing." Popovich's drawing, like the painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova, depicts the same plot and the same characters. It is even quite possible that it was the picture of Ksenia Nikolaevna that inspired the children's illustrator Popovich to create this ironic and subtle pencil sketch. He seemed to make a retelling easier, more modern and understandable, even for the smallest viewers.

The artist tried to convey in his drawing a simple idea intended for children who aspire to become adults as soon as possible. The idea that you should not be upset about minor troubles and reasonable prohibitions of older family members. After all, there are many such interesting events and the fact that grievances that seem serious and big in childhood, over the years, will surely turn into small, sweet, and even a little funny memories.

Even more essays based on the drawing by O. V. Popovich “They didn’t take on fishing”:

Oleg Vladimirovich Popovich is an illustrator. His drawings have appeared in various publications and books for children. One of the most famous was the drawing (graphics) “They didn’t take me fishing.” By name and theme, it coincides with the famous painting (painting) of the Voronezh artist Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova. That picture is in the Tretyakov Gallery and is also called “They didn’t take it for fishing.”

Because of the name, confusion often arises, many believe that it is Popovich who is the author of the picture. But he is the author of the drawing. The picture was created in 1955, and the drawing a few decades later. This is evidenced even by the clothes of the heroes. Although it is depicted very schematically in the figure, it is clear that these are more modern things.

The picture has a lot in common with the picture, but there is also a difference. For example, there are four heroes here and there, one of the heroes is a girl. But in the picture, the older boy goes fishing with his dad, and in the picture there are two older boys. One is a teenager, and the other is an older guy, perhaps a student on vacation.

The look of the author of Popovich's drawing is ironic, cheerful, the work causes a smile. So, we have a small scene before us: two older boys go fishing, but they don’t take the baby with them, although he has already taken out a fishing rod. The kid is filled with tears, but the fishermen do not pay attention to him. The girl tries to console her younger brother. A few strokes with colored pencils - and the scene, drawn by the artist's firm hand, is ready.

Source: seasons-years.rf

The picture “They didn’t take me fishing” is familiar to all high school students, because in the fifth grade they are offered to write an essay on it. The Russian artist Oleg Popovich, who painted it, devoted his life to creating illustrations for children's magazines and books, so his canvas is more like a simple drawing in Merry Pictures or Murzilka. Let's take a closer look at the picture in order to understand what the master wanted to say with its help.

The description of the painting “They didn’t take it fishing” should begin with the characteristics of its main characters. On the canvas, the artist depicted four people: one adult and three children. The main attention is drawn to the smallest character - a boy who looks no more than four years old. He stands and weeps bitterly, covering his wet flushed face with his hand. It immediately becomes clear to the viewer that the little one hoped to go fishing with his father and older brother, but they did not want to take him with them. The kid hoped to the last that they would take him, he even prepared a fishing rod and a bucket for this purpose and got up early. But dad considered him too small and left him at home under the supervision of his sister. The father is adamant in his decision, and children's tears are not able to pity him. He perfectly understands that in an hour the little one will forget about his morning tragedy and will be carried away by some interesting game.

The older brother of the protagonist was much more fortunate. He looks to be about 12 years old. He goes fishing with his father and is terribly proud of it. The boy carries a fishing rod in front of him like a precious trophy, and lifts his head high in front of a crying little brother. Behind him is a heavy backpack with tackle, but he does not feel its weight. Judging by the reaction of the boy, his father takes him fishing for the first time. This is evidenced by the overly solemn appearance of the character. The boy follows his father and even tries to copy his gait.

The father of the children is a serious and intelligent person. These qualities of his are very clearly conveyed by the picture “They didn’t take it for fishing”. Popovich portrayed the children's father as focused and oblivious to the toddler's tantrum. Dad is completely calm and unruffled. He remembers whether he took everything with him on a fishing trip, and little things like the whims of a younger child bother him a little. Behind him is the same backpack as his eldest son, and in his hands is a yellow shopping bag. The father casually carries the fishing rod on his shoulder.

The fourth heroine of the picture is the sister of the boys. She looks to be about eleven years old. The girl is very similar to her older brother. She is not interested in fishing, but she has to get up early to look after the baby. The girl looks at her brother with a smile. She had no doubt that they would not take him fishing. But the girl does not want to calm the baby. Tired of his frequent tantrums, she simply watches him, arms crossed over her chest and carelessly twirling a flower in her palms. The sister knows that as soon as the elders disappear from view, the baby will stop crying.

When making a description of Popovich’s painting “They Didn’t Take Fishing”, you need to pay attention to the objects that surround the heroes. To revive his work, the artist depicted on it an old fence, carelessly knocked together from boards, on which an old clay pot flaunts. From under the feet of the heroes, green grass and small red and blue flowers scatter in different directions. In addition to people, there is another character in the picture - a sparrow. Attracted by children's crying, he spins under the feet of people, watching the scene with curiosity. Von Popovich left white. With this approach, he wanted to focus the attention of the audience on what is happening, without distracting him to extraneous details.

The color scheme immediately shows that for children of primary and secondary school age, the painting “They didn’t take on fishing” was painted. When creating it, Popovich used bright colors (green, yellow, blue, red), which are very popular with children. There is absolutely no black color in the picture, which makes it cheerful, sunny and positive. And even children's tears are not able to spoil this impression.

Source: fb.ru

Looking at Oleg Vladimirovich Popovich's painting "They Didn't Take Fishing", one involuntarily recalls the illustrations on the pages of children's magazines, as well as books for children. This is not surprising: O. V. Popovich is a well-known illustrator who works on the design of publications intended for children.

Characteristic image style, lively, memorable; a little funny, perhaps, in some ways a little similar to caricature images. So you can imagine how the author, working on a drawing, smiles, and the smile is kind, warm, like a sunbeam.

Of course, the artist loves his heroes, rejoices in their successes, sympathizes with their mistakes and failures. The plot of the picture will be clear to every viewer, even those who still cannot read or do not know how the author called the picture. Father and eldest son went fishing together, but they did not take the little boy with them. It is obvious that the one before last minute hoped to go with them. Maybe he was even promised to take him with them if he behaved well, as adults often promise children, and then they did not take him as punishment for some minor offense or simply under the pretext that he was still small.

It can be assumed that the mother forbade the boy to go fishing, fearing that something bad would happen to the child: what if the father and brother were so carried away fishing that at some point they will stop closely monitoring the baby. One way or another, but we see that the boy is very upset. He looks after the departing father and brother, wiping his tears with his hand. In the other hand, the boy holds a fishing rod that he did not need. An overturned bucket is lying nearby in the grass: probably, the upset child dropped it or even threw it on purpose to express his protest and indignation.

Next to the baby is a girl - probably an older sister. She leaned toward the child with sympathy; it can be assumed that she persuades him not to cry and not be upset so much - if he behaves well, next time he will definitely be taken on a fishing trip. It can be assumed that the youngest boy is about five or six years old, and the age of the older boy and girl is about twelve to fourteen years old.

It is difficult to say what the boy is most upset about - the fact that he will not go fishing, or the fact that he was deprived of the opportunity to feel like an adult. Most likely, he had never been fishing before, so he can hardly imagine the pleasure that one can get from this activity. But the example of the father and brother, their conversations about fishing, of course, have long interested the baby. After all, everything unfamiliar, especially related to the world of adults, always attracts children.

Two groups of actors can be distinguished in the composition of the drawing: a father with his eldest son and a sister with a younger brother. The father and eldest son are walking towards the wattle fence: we do not see either the house or the gate, but it is obvious that the characters in the picture are about to leave the yard. The artist depicted his characters in motion. It is interesting to note a curious detail - the movements of both, father and son, are almost the same. It can be assumed that the boy copies the behavior of his father, trying to look like an adult and serious, a real fisherman. Both do not pay attention to the indignation of the baby. However, by facial expressions, it can be assumed that the father is doing so that the baby stops crying faster, or is simply absorbed in thoughts about the upcoming fishing trip. The brother ignores the behavior of the younger defiantly, carried away by imitation of his father. But the father smiles good-naturedly, looking in front of him, and his eldest son defiantly turned away from the baby, lifting his chin.

The commonality of the compositional group "father - eldest son" is emphasized by such details as identical green backpacks, although the boy has a slightly smaller backpack, and also by the fact that both carry fishing rods. The father carries two fishing rods on his shoulder, the son holds the fishing rod vertically. Although the kid also has a fishing rod in his hands, it does not stand out against the general background, since he lowered it down.

The other group is a girl and a baby. If you look closely at the picture, this group can easily be entered into an imaginary triangle, in the lower right corner of which there will be a bucket thrown by the baby. The girl looks at the baby. She is probably comforting him, but her expression suggests that she considers the cause of his tears to be frivolous. She does not try to caress the upset child, on the contrary, she folded her hands on her chest, and even carelessly twirls a flower in her fingers. If she calms the child, then rather so that he does not interfere with his crying.

Not the least important for creating a coherent composition are such details as the outlines of the wattle fence, clear in the right part of the corner and blurred in the distance, as well as a strip of grass along which the characters depicted by the artist walk and stand. In order to enliven the image, to make it more realistic, the artist also used a number of small but expressive details: an inverted cast iron on one of the wattle stakes, childlike painted red and blue flowers in the grass and a sparrow about to fly up.

The artist used bright colors, which is quite justified, if we keep in mind that the picture is intended for children. On it we can easily find four primary colors: green, yellow, red and blue. In addition to them, the artist used other colors: different shades of reddish-brown (pants of the father and the little boy, father's shoes, the girl's shoes and a cast-iron on the fence), gray (the older boy's sweater and a bucket), grayish-brown (wattle).

As noted, father and son have green backpacks; a lighter tone is used for the image of the grass. In the picture, yellow is the bag carried by the father, and the baby's T-shirt with narrow red stripes. The girl's red blouse and the older boy's slippers; father's cap has a red side part. The older boy's jeans are bright blue; girl's skirt in a darker shade. The hair of a man and boys is approximately the same shade, dark blond, but in boys with a slightly noticeable reddish tint; The girl has red hair. It should be noted that the artist did not give tone to the faces, he only outlined a blush on his cheeks. The main background is a white sheet of paper.

Oleg Popovich is a world-famous artist who drew funny and funny illustrations for children's poems and counting rhymes, and then they were published in children's magazines. In his cheerful paintings for kids, he chose his own style of depiction, which no one has ever been able to repeat. One of his works for children is called “They didn’t take me fishing.”

The protagonist of the story is a boy who still does not go to school at all, and then one day he had a misfortune, because he was not taken on a fishing trip. But the boy is very disappointed, since his father, and his older brother, went fishing together. Of course, the boy hoped until the last minute that he would be lucky this time, and he, too, would be able to go fishing as an adult. But again they did not take him with them, and the boy was very upset and offended.

The artist gave his hero a central place in his picture, so the viewer can clearly see that, looking at the older men in the family leaving on the river bank, he sighs heavily and wipes away with his hand those tears that suddenly suddenly rolled into his eyes. But in the other hand of the little hero, a fishing rod is clamped, which, as it turned out, he does not need yet.

Next to the boy on the ground lies an overturned small bucket, which, most likely, he threw the boy out of resentment when he found out that he was not taken on fishing. Maybe this is how he tried to express his indignation and resentment. The kid was crying and screaming so loudly that a passing sister stopped and decided to calm him down a bit. She leaned over him and began to say that next time they would also take him on a fishing trip, and therefore you should not be so upset.

Perhaps this little fellow, who looks no more than six years old, has never been fishing before, but he has heard the stories of his father and brother so often about what a pleasure it is that he has long dreamed of becoming one of the fishermen himself. The girl who soothes him is already a teenager, she is fourteen years old. And the older brother of this kid, who was already twelve years old, went fishing.

The plot of the artist Oleg Vladimirovich is divided into two parts. The first part is about the main character and the sister who looks out of the house and tries to console her younger brother, who is upset and offended. And the second part of the plot is the father and older brother. They quickly move towards the fence to go fishing. It is interesting to watch how the eldest son copies the movements of his father in order to appear more adult to everyone. Both fishermen are moving quickly and it is clear from the expression of the father that he is trying to leave the yard as quickly as possible so that the baby can calm down faster. And the brother is not easy to leave, but also looks back, because he tries to leave so that it is noticeable. But at the same time, he also defiantly does not notice the crying little brother.

To emphasize the similarity of father and son, the artist Oleg Popovich introduces the same details into his plot. For example, the color of the backpacks of both the man and the young fisherman is green. Fishing rods in the hands of avid fishermen. The backpacks of the heroes go well with the rich color of the grass, a strip of which can be seen near the fence, and the fishermen are just walking along it. The fence, which resembles a wattle fence, is also interesting. It is old and gray, each branch in it is written by the author of the picture clearly and in detail.

And to make his pictorial story come to life, become more real, the artist Oleg Popovich introduced a huge number of small, but such significant details into his picture. For example, a dense dark cast-iron is striking to the viewer, which someone once hung on the stakes of a wicker fence, and now it reminds the viewer that the whole plot of a painting is a reality. On the green grass one can see small flowers of the most different colors, but in the villages and villages the grass is always full of small bright flowers in the yard. And this detail is from the real world. It seems as if the picture begins to come to life right before our eyes. A small gray sparrow jumps on this grass. The painter Oleg Popovich captured him at the moment when he decided to take off.

All paints used by the artist are bright and colorful. This artistic technique the author of the picture used it specifically so that his canvas could interest not only adults and reasonable people, but, above all, children, because the plot is about them. All primary colors are present in the picture, as well as a huge variety of shades. Here are the trousers of the fishermen of an unusual dark red color. The girl's shoes are the same color.

So the painter tried to unite the whole family so that they would have something in common. There are other unifying colors in the picture. You can see gray. This is the color of a small bucket thrown by an offended boy - the smallest member of the family. And his elder brother, the fisherman, has the same pleasant gray sweater. And the same gray wattle with slight shades of brown, on which hangs a cast iron.

The picture of Oleg Popovich is interesting and a little funny, as the boy, despite the fact that he is offended, evokes good feelings for him and for the older fishermen.
