From the book of Mark Popovsky about Archbishop. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)

Having seen on the Web a portrait of Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) with the quote attributed to him - “Stalin preserved Russia, showed what it means for the world. So I like Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin ”- at first I was not surprised. The pro-Soviet sermons of Saint Luke are well known, and one of them - "The Lord has called us to peace" (ZhMP 1948, No. 1. pp. 61-64), received a sharp rebuff in its time in the Parisian "Russian Thought" (N. Kryukov-Angorsky “But deliver us from the evil one.” Open letter to Luka, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea / RM No. 64 (July 2, 1948), p. 3). Nevertheless, I decided to see where and in what connection Saint Luke mentions Stalin.

The search results were completely unexpected.

1. The list of Vladyka Luke's sermons published in the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate is known. The journal has been digitized at, and the articles are easy to view. At the same time, it turned out that Stalin's name was never mentioned in the published articles. There is only the Stalin Prize, which Saint Luke received in 1944.

2. The book "The Crimean Diocese in the Documents of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) and the Supervisory Bodies 1946-1961" (Simferopol, 2015) contains the report of the Commissioner for the ROC, which, in particular, reports on the celebration of the 70th birthday Stalin. In all churches, of course, there was a prayer service and many years. Further quotation: “Luke himself served in the cathedral that day and at the end of the service preached a patriotic sermon that our government was fighting for peace, but did not touch the name of the leader in the sermon” (p. 537). That is, the commissioner specially emphasizes that in his sermon the bishop did not mention the hero of the day, although this was expected of him.
3) The same book contains a certificate about the conversation between the commissioner and Saint Luke (01/26/1960). “In a conversation with me, Archbishop Luke was interested in the question of NS Khrushchev’s trip to America and said:“ Khrushchev did more than Stalin in his entire life and he is sincerely glad for his successes ”” (p. 1121).

These facts make it possible to doubt that this statement really belongs to St. Luke, although, as you know, it is a hopeless task to prove that someone did not say something. On the Web, this quote was found in many places, but without specifying the source. And thanks to the associate professor of the Department of Russian Literature at Tyumen State University, Alexander Medvedev, who traced the earlier history of this quote, its origin more or less became clear. For the first time this quote is found in 1995 in a note by priest. Dmitry Dudko: “Now I want to recall how our Patriarchs, especially Sergius and Alexy, called Stalin the God-given leader. They were joined by others, for example, such as a prominent scientist and theologian Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky. By the way, he was in prison under Stalin, but this did not prevent him from calling Stalin God-given.<…>Yes, Stalin saved Russia, showed what it means for the whole world, we still have to figure it out. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin "(Father Dmitry Dudko. From the priest's thoughts about Stalin // Stalin: in the memoirs of contemporaries and documents of the era / Compiled by M. Lobanov. M., 1995, p. 733 -734). In 1999 in the magazine "Our Contemporary" under the heading "To the 120th anniversary of the birth of IV Stalin. “His personality spoke for itself ...”: contemporaries about Stalin ”this phrase appears again, but Archbishop Luke is now named its author:“ Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky): “Stalin,” he said, “saved Russia, showed what it means to the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin ”” (Our contemporary. 1999. No. 12. P. 188). In the same issue, Dudko writes: “And I, who sat under Stalin and Brezhnev, like Vladyka Luka, is ready to exclaim:“ Stalin is the God-given leader of Russia ”” (priest Dmitry Dudko. He was a believer // Our contemporary. 1999. № 12, p. 224). And then the quote begins to walk already outside the texts of priest. D. Dudko: “Both Sergius and Alexy called Stalin the God-given leader. The same opinion was shared by the prominent medical scientist and theologian Archbishop Luke - V.F. "Stalin," he said, "preserved Russia, showed what it means to the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin" "(Soloviev B., Sukhodeev V. Commander Stalin. M .: Algorithm, 1999. P. 278).

In online publications, this quote is also found as the author's text of priest. D. Dudko: “Let's, finally, at least understand this. If Trotsky had won with his permanent revolution, we would have long been in fact, and not by name, as under Stalin, cogs. Everyone would be a labor army for some dark forces. But it was Stalin who proved in practice that socialism can be built in one country and - preserved Russia. Yes, Stalin saved Russia, showed what it means for the whole world, we still have to figure it out. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin. "

So the author of this statement is the priest D. Dudko, and St. Luke was attributed her authorship in 1999. Let me remind you that in the same issue of Nashe Sovremennik there is an article by priest. Dmitry Dudko. "He was a believer", which contains two forged extracts from the Politburo minutes of 1933 and 1939, where Stalin appears as a fighter against Lenin's anti-religious policy and a defender of believers.

In the years that have elapsed since the first publication, the phrase attributed to Saint Luke has been reprinted many times. By the time of the opening of the exhibition "Orthodox Russia" in the Manege, this quote had become a commonplace, and the organizers of the exhibition reproduced it as such. So they can (and should) be accused of unprofessionalism, and not of deliberate distortion of history. Which is more humane.

The history of the falsified quotation has long been clear to me. None of my opponents, "Orthodox" Stalinists, over the 3 years of controversy in social networks have not cited a single serious source, except for Fr.Dudko.

I disagree with the last paragraph about "non-professionalism". The quote was fraudulent on purpose. This is how the organizers of the exhibition, who adhere to the pro-Stalinist views, wanted to convey the story. It is strange that they forgot to place the portrait of their Idol on the balloons above the "Manezh".
It is also strange that later these same "state leaders" wonder why young people, the best young people, teach foreign languages and moves to permanent residence away from here.

German children are taken around Auschwitz to remember what their ancestors did. Niche empty-headed idiots are not even taken to the Butovo landfill. And how many camps were there in the Far North, how many unmarked graves, how many ordinary Russian people were laid in them ...

S. Khudiev's article also raises controversial thoughts and questions -http: //
“And here we are in a similar missionary situation at home. The Apostle's orders undoubtedly relate to how we should behave with the Stalinists. Because Christ died for them. longing for true worship. We must not shower them with abuse and insults. We must, as the Apostle commands, warmly and meekly proclaim to them the true Father - the Heavenly Father, and the true leader of our salvation - Jesus Christ. "

A dear brother in Christ wants to say that Christians should be Tolstoyans and "warmly and meekly proclaim to them (the Stalinists) the True Father - the Heavenly Father." To whom should they ??? Stalinists with panagias and crosses on their chests? Servilists (may the strict reader forgive me), who for years were silent about their secret predilections for the Idol, and now they have manifested themselves? Who can just as well turn to face anyone? (For grants or ideologically - another question.)
Where does such passive logic come from in an adult male publicist? ..

And if "Orthodox" Stalinists send me threats, then I can tolerate. WITH all sorts of thorns walk around here and teach us to love the Motherland at the gunpoint of a revolver!
I will definitely explain to my clever children that the Idol comes to life - comes to life through the "efforts" of strange Christians, and not at all dark pagans, which the respected S. Khudiev is trying to portray them as.

Do you want to take part in interrogations or be on duty at the camp tower? Can shoot at live targets? Or someone to drive needles under the nails? Maybe baby sobs will delight you, gentlemen? Well, the tastes of today's Christians ...


S. Khudiev writes about the Stalinists: "Because Christ died for them." Controversial, controversial moment.

"I pray not for the whole world, but for those whom You gave to Me, because they are Yours."
We read the Gospel more attentively (from John, chapter 17 - the chapter about the events before the crucifixion, the so-called High Priestly Prayer):
7 Now they have understood that everything that You have given Me is from You,
8 for the words that you gave me, I gave them, and they received, and truly understood that I came from you, and believed that you sent me.
9 I pray for them: I pray not for the whole world, but for those whom You gave to Me, because they are Yours.
10 And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I am glorified in them.
11 I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to You. Holy Father! keep them in your name,thosewhom You gave to Me, so that they might be one, as We are.
12 When I was in peace with them, I kept them in your name; those whom You gave Me, I have kept, and none of them perished, except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
13 But now I am coming to You, and this I say in the world, so that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.
14 I have given them your word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
15 I do not pray that You will take them out of the world, but that You will keep them from evil.
16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them in Thy truth; your word is truth.
18 How you sent me into the worldSoand I sent them into the world.
19 And for them I consecrate Myself, so that they too may be sanctified by the truth.

Be that as it may, pro-Stalinist views are now encouraged, this is a fact -
So, we can draw conclusions about the further course of "Holy Russia".

Bishop Tikhon was awarded a prize from the government of the Russian Federation for the exhibition "My History"

Moscow. December 23rd. INTERFAX - Bishop Tikhon of Yegoryevsk, Executive Secretary of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, was awarded the RF Government's Culture Prize for 2015 as the head of the My History cycle of exhibitions.

The corresponding order was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In total, 79 people were awarded, the website of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on Wednesday.

For several years in a row, the exhibition-forum "Orthodox Russia" in the "Manezh" is dedicated to individual stages in the history of Russia, its expositions constitute the cycle "My History". At the same time, the latest multimedia technologies are actively used. Two years ago, the exhibition talked about the Romanov dynasty, in 2014 - about the Rurikovichs, in 2015 - about the first half of the 20th century. After Moscow, exhibitions are exhibited in a number of Russian regions. The total number of visitors during the exposition of all exhibitions of the cycle is more than 1.3 million, which is unprecedented for exhibition events. The above-mentioned exhibitions in the "Manezh" were visited, in particular, by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

All three expositions of the cycle in 2016 will be located on a permanent basis in the 57th pavilion of VDNKh. They will form a historical park, the project of which is being implemented with the support of the Moscow government. The capacity of the park (almost 29 thousand square meters) will allow to simultaneously receive up to 5 thousand visitors, which will make it possible to conduct extensive educational work in the lecture hall and media center.

Nikolai Starostin, Genrikh Yagoda, Nikita Khrushchev, Joseph Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich and Andrei Andreev, 1935. Photo: ITAR-TASS

Destruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (1931)

St. Luke and the hidden miracle of icon renewal

The publication in our museum blog on the topic to whom Stalin prayed during the war years could not but cause a clash of directly opposite opinions, which once again emphasizes how much the people need the truth about Stalin. Meanwhile, the study of this issue still leaves much to be desired, especially with regard to the disclosure of previously classified archival materials. Taking advantage of this state of affairs, crafty authors of non-Russian nationality, posing as Russian historians, are trying to refute the miraculously survived information about certain meetings of Stalin with the Russian clergy, devotees of the faith and his role in the revival of icon veneration, referring to the "published magazine of Stalin's visitors." Well, what can I say - "this kind of wicked and adulterous" from century to century has resorted to the tried and tested means of slander and defamation! At the current level of teaching Russian history in Russian schools at face value, you can give out any fake, and those who are in their right mind and memory are well aware that Stalin not only often invited guests to his dacha or home, but also often walked around Moscow alone without any accompaniment, unlike the current leaders, so categorical judgments about all the recorded meetings of the "owner" are simply laughable to chickens :-)

By the way, in the history of Russia, only two rulers are known who rightfully bore such an honorable title among the people - the Emperor Nicholas II, who indicated during the census "the owner of the Russian land", and Stalin, who kept the royal piano in one of his dachas in memory of the Tsar. A martyr, whose ritual murder is denied by the same Russophobes who have penetrated into the church fence. As Fr. Dmitry Dudko, “Yes, Stalin was given to us by God, he created such a state that no matter how many people do not fall apart, but cannot completely destroy it ... Yes, Stalin preserved Russia, showed what it means for the whole world ... Our Patriarchs, especially Sergius and Alexy, called Stalin the God-given leader. They were joined by others, for example, such as a prominent scientist and theologian Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky), by the way, who was in Stalin's time, but this did not prevent him from calling Stalin God-given ... outside an atheist, but in fact he is a believer ... It is no coincidence that when he died they sang to him in the Russian Orthodox Church, even eternal memory "(Dmitry Dudko, priest. From the priest's thoughts about Stalin. Moscow, 1995). The words of St. Luke: “Patriotism in its highest form is active love for the Motherland, one of many forms of love; and love is the fulfillment of the whole law. Patriotism was deprived of those archpastors and pastors who left their homeland and their flock in the years of the greatest upheavals and sufferings, and repaired church schisms in Sremski Karlovtsy, in Paris and Munich, in North America"(Archbishop Luke. From the responses to the secondary rewarding of St. Patriarch Alexy with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor // ZhMP, 1952, No. 12). See photo: Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) at a meeting of the Holy Synod headed by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy I (Simansky), according to left hand whom Metropolitan Nikolay (Yarushevich) is sitting on.

Moreover, in our days, the attitude towards Stalin has become not only a barometer of public sentiment, but, in fact, a test for the indigenous nationality. The recent dispute between Kholmogorov and Gurbolikov about how to determine who is Russian and who is not is actually resolved quite simply. Just as Stalin proclaimed his famous toast "To the Russian people!" So without further ado, you can ask any resident of our long-suffering Russia: is he for Stalin or against - and it immediately becomes clear who he is by nationality :-)

It should be noted that Stalin's detractors often sing praises to Khrushchev for the "thaw", keeping silent about his persecution of the Church. Soon after the assassination of Stalin by the Zionists M.A. Suslov, D.T. Shepilov and A.N. Shelepin at the direction of N.S. Khrushchev, a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU entitled "On major shortcomings in scientific-atheistic propaganda and measures to improve it" was prepared, dated July 7, 1954. In this resolution, this line was harshly criticized (long before Khrushchev's "performance" at the party congress!) in relations with the Church, which Stalin pursued since 1943. This policy was described as "conciliatory" and "completely inconsistent with the ideological precepts of Lenin." In December 1954, at the congress of the deans of the Crimean diocese in the mountains. In Simferopol, the question was raised of how Khrushchev's article with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU affected the number of worshipers in churches. As the Archbishop of Crimea Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) said, “the anti-religious propaganda carried out alarmed all believers. Many asked me to respond to this propaganda, but I did not consider it necessary to refute these propaganda statements in the press. I only limited myself to one sermon that I delivered in the cathedral on the topic: “Do not be afraid, little flock” ... I need to know how things are with the attendance of temples; Many people tell me that after the propaganda the attendance of churches increased ”(GAARK. F. R-2647. Op. 5. D. 99. L. 46-57).

In the life of one of the most revered Orthodox saints today, St. Luke, there were many amazing events, one of which I wanted to tell the readers of our museum website, because it comes about the miracle of updating icons. Many of you probably remember what kind of provocation Russophobes and opponents of the Church tried to arrange when a critical situation arose with the Bogolyubsk icon. Levon Nersesyan, a spokesman for the “media relations” of this “evil and adulterous” clan (fake _corso_), hanging out “under the roof” of Gennady Popov, mired in lawlessness, then grinned maliciously (“And here the long-awaited“ self-renewal ”has come ...”) and tried to attack the "unreasonable obscurantists who are yelling today about the self-renewal of icons and" icons should be in churches "":

As the archival documents below show, the sexotes acted in the same way in the time of St. Luke, when his diocese suddenly became aware of the miracle of the renewal of the icon (see video). It should be borne in mind that Archbishop. Crimean Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) was widely known not only for his medical skills, but also for his enthusiasm for the cultural heritage. So, in 1947, he raised the issue before the authorities “About the Church of St. John the Baptist in the mountains. Kerch, the buildings of the 8th century, as an architectural monument ", writing to Moscow to the Committee for Architecture Affairs in order to take" measures to protect this church as an ancient historical Christian monument of architecture. " This means that Levon Nersesyan and others like him are everywhere accusing the "churchmen" of neglecting cultural monuments :-)

“On May 21, 1951, the Ministry of State Security for the Crimean region received information that in the mountains. Simferopol, in the house number 20 on the street. The godless, living in this house Konevets "renewed" the icon.
To verify this fact, an operative was sent, who established that about 100 women had gathered in the apartment of Olga Yevgrafovna Konevets, a resident of this house, talking about the "renewal" of the icon in this apartment.
Having introduced himself as a representative of the city executive committee, the operative suggested that Konevets, in order to stop the gathering of people, close the apartment, not let anyone into it, and stop talking about "updating" the icon.
Along with this, on behalf of the Police Department, it was reported to the office of the Crimean diocese and it was proposed to confiscate this icon from Konevets.
By order of the Archbishop of Crimea Luka Voino-Yasenetsky, priest Nikolai Eremeev was sent to Konevets' apartment, who took this icon, delivered it to the Simferopol Cathedral, and placed it near the kliros for viewing.
On May 25 s / r, Archbishop Luke ordered to serve a prayer service in the cathedral and himself delivered a sermon on this occasion, in which he spoke about the "renewal" of icons, and at the same time read the report of the priest Eremeev about the "renewal" of the icon at Konevets, in connection with which he intensified the influx of people to the cathedral and fundraising.
On the same day, Archbishop Luke sent a message to Patriarch Alexy, in which he outlined the "renewed" icon.
Our agent "Sokolovsky", who served as a priest in another church in Simferopol, who was on a business trip at that time, on his return in a conversation with Luka spoke negatively about the noise raised around the "renewed" icon and advised him to stop this business.
Following the advice of "Sokolovsky", Luka issued a decree on the creation of a commission of four priests and two parishioners to conduct an investigation into the "renewed" icon.
The commission included two of our agents "Sokolovsky" and "Evstafiev", who conducted the investigation, denying the facts of this "renewal".
On the same day, May 28, in addition to his previous message, Luke informed the Patriarch that he had appointed an investigation in the case of the “renewal” of the icon, and until the results were obtained, the icon was placed in the altar.
At the end of the investigation, the agent "Sokolovsky", who headed this commission, presented Luka with a conclusion that the fact of the "renewal" of the icon had not been confirmed.
On the basis of this conclusion, Luke told the Patriarch the following:
“... I inform Your Holiness that, on the basis of the results of the investigation about the“ renewal ”of the Savior's icon, I did not recognize the fact of the“ renewal ”as reliable and ordered to hang the icon on the wall of the cathedral in a row of ordinary icons.
The people have completely calmed down. From the side of the government authorities there was and there is no manifestation of displeasure. "
May 30 this year Luke announced to the parishioners in the cathedral that the icon had not been renewed, in connection with which Luke's authority among individual believers was undermined.
According to the agent "Sokolovsky" dated May 30 this year. g., during interrogation Konevets O.E. the latter testified that she periodically wiped and washed the icon, but Luka took the protocol of her interrogation for himself and did not return it to the commission.
We have obtained the following data regarding Konevets:
Olga Evgrafovna Konevets, born in 1892, native of the village. Sergeevki, Novo-Troitsky district, Kherson region, non-partisan, lonely, without specific occupations, lives in the mountains. Simferopol on the street. Godless, in the house number 20.
Konevets does not pass according to the accounts.
We have sent agents to identify a possible conspiracy to organize the "renewal" of the icon on the part of the activists of the clergy and clergy "
(From a special message in a memorandum of the deputy head of the USSR MGB Directorate for the Crimean Region, Lieutenant Colonel Gorkov, to the head of the 2nd department of the 5th Department of the USSR Ministry of State Security, Colonel Lutov, June 1951 Simferopol // Archive of the SBU GU in the ARC. F. 1. D 78. T. 6. L. 282-284).
Another archived document has more details on the hidden miracle of icon renewal:
“Gr-ka Olga Konevets, born in 1892, does not work anywhere, lives in the mountains. Simferopol on the street. Godless, 20, a speculator, her daughter in 1944, after the liberation of the Crimea from the invaders, was convicted and exiled, on May 20 this year she spread a rumor that her icon was "renewed". As a result, believers and non-believers went to her apartment to look at this icon, in general, a noise arose around it.
On May 21 of this year, the militia became aware of this, from where on the same day the secretary of the archbishop, who is also the rector of the cathedral, Archpriest Miloslavov, was asked by phone, so that there would be no noise around this icon, immediately take it from the apartment of Mrs. Konevets in church.
Miloslavov reported to Archbishop Luka, the latter invited the second priest of the cathedral, the so-called cleric, Nikolai Eremeev, to bring the icon from the apartment of Count Konevets to the cathedral.
When Eremeev took the icon from the apartment, there was a crowd of about 100 people. Eremeev blessed this crowd with the icon he took into his hands and urged it to come to the cathedral to worship the "renewed" icon.
Upon the delivery of the icon to the cathedral, the latter was first placed in the altar, and if it had been there, all the noise with its renewal would have ended there, but two days later Archbishop Luke sent Priest Eremeev to the apartment of Count Konevets for the second time to investigate how there was a "renewal" of the icon, and bring him a report.
Eremeev, after a conversation with Count Konevets and a number of other old women, in his report to Archbishop Luka said:
The icon was "really renewed", in support of which he referred to the fact that representatives of the city council with artists allegedly came to the apartment of Konevets, who confirmed that there was no forgery, that is, there was no interference from human hands.
After that, Archbishop Luke gave the order to "repair" the icon, put it on a lectern under glass and take it out of the altar in the middle of the church (cathedral) for general worship and viewing.
The cathedral priests Miloslavov, Eremeev and Dunaev fulfilled this order of Archbishop Luke immediately, on the same day the icon was taken out to the middle of the church, a large candlestick was placed near it ... The pilgrimage to the icon began.
On May 25, Archbishop Luke ordered that the entire clergyman of the cathedral, 3 priests and 2 deacons put on festive clothes and perform a prayer service, and he himself would preach a sermon and that the believing population of the city should be widely informed about this. On the same day, May 25, a prayer service near this icon was performed in a solemn atmosphere. Archbishop Luke himself delivered a sermon, told about the alleged cases of "renewal" of icons in Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol, Leningrad, etc. and supposedly performed miracles as a result of the "renewal" of icons. About this case, “renewal in Simferopol, Luka said that the icon was really“ renewed ”, in support of which he referred to some representatives of the city council and artists, who allegedly confirmed that there was no interference of human hands, while there were no representatives of the city council and artists there was no one and no one sent them ...
On May 30, Archbishop Luke delivered a sermon in the cathedral, in which he stated that he did not recognize the icon “renewal” based on the results of the commission's investigation, and immediately told those praying: do you want it, believe it or don’t believe it.
Despite the fact that Archbishop Luke stated in his sermon that he did not recognize the “renewal” of the icon, the priests of the cathedral Miloslavov, Eremeev, Dunaev continued to spread rumors throughout the city that the icon was “renewed”, etc., and therefore the pilgrimage to it continued until recently. I became aware of this in the hospital on June 7, then on June 8 I contacted the secretary of the archbishop by phone, he is the rector of the cathedral, Archpriest Miloslavov, invited him, as the rector of the cathedral, to immediately remove the icon from the wall and put it in a place so that it would not saw, warned Miloslavov that if he did not do this, I would be removed from the registration.
Then I learned that Miloslavov reported this order of mine to Archbishop Luka, who forbade him to carry out my order and not remove the icon from a prominent place on the wall. The icon was removed from the wall and transferred to the altar only on June 9th.
Gr-ke Konevets was given another icon from the cathedral instead of the icon she had taken from her, and despite the fact that Archbishop Luke did not recognize the "renewal", priest Eremeev on June 7 agreed to Gr-ke Konevets to serve a prayer service at her apartment at 11 a.m. 8 June. Konevets announced this on the nearby streets, and by 11 o'clock in the morning on 8/6, about 25-30 people gathered in her apartment, but due to the prevailing circumstances, independent of the priest Eremeev, the prayer service was not served.
Many believers express their dissatisfaction with the attitude of Archbishop Luke and the priests of the cathedral, and also outraged why the Soviet authorities did not hold them accountable for charlatanism and deception for the purpose of profit.
My suggestions:
1. Archbishop Luka, as the main charlatan in this case, who finally compromised himself among the believers and caused indignation of local Soviet and party bodies, should be removed to a monastery to retire so that he would no longer spread mystical superstitions among the masses.
2. The priests of the cathedral Miloslavov, Yeremeyev and Dunaev, despite the fact that Archbishop Luke finally did not recognize the “renewal” of the icon, who until recently continued to spread among the population superstitious charlatan rumors about the “renewal” of the icon for the purpose of personal enrichment and profit, remove from registration and inform the investigating authorities.
3. In relation to Mrs. Konevets, the investigating authorities are already engaged.
The reason for my untimely information to the Council is that when this whole charlatan story began with the "renewal" of the icon on May 20, I was in Moscow, when I flew in from Moscow on May 24, I immediately went to the hospital with a severe attack of bronchial asthma, where I was 10 June.
I ask for your urgent instructions.
Commissioner of the Council for Affairs
Of the Russian Orthodox Church under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the Crimean Region Ya. Zhdanov "
(GAARK. F. R-9647. Op. 4.D. 1a. L. 33-40).

As you can see, the miracle of the renewal of the icon of the Savior in Simferopol in 1951 was completely discredited as a result of the deliberate actions of the agent of "Sokolovsky" (rector of the Church of the Annunciation, Archpriest Golubyatnikov) ...

Details here.

Much has already been written about the great prayer book, the brilliant physician and Russian patriot Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky). This man amazes everyone who gets to know his life.

I am especially amazed at how Saint Luke managed to sort out the most difficult situation that arose in Russia after the 1917 revolution, how he managed to separate the wheat from the chaff, how he managed not to fall into the temptation of denying Soviet power. Neither the mockery of the Chekists, nor the camps, nor hunger, nor cold, nor the loss of the opportunity to serve and heal for many years could shake him. He endured all this not only because he possessed the greatest humility and courage, but also because he saw in the new Soviet life, despite all its flaws, the incomprehensible Divine providence that saved Russia from destruction. This is an insoluble problem and a headache for liberal church historians, who would very much like to turn the saint into a banner of struggle against the Soviet past, since it is difficult to find a person who would suffer more from Soviet power than he did. That is why the authors of the first biographies of Saint Luke diligently hushed up his attitude to the Soviet regime and, in particular, to Joseph Stalin. But over time, everything fell into place. And today, Orthodox readers are well aware of the words of St. Luke about Stalin: “Stalin saved Russia. He showed what Russia means to the rest of the world, and therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin. "

Why did the saint utter these words? Because he saw in Stalin a man who continued the great Russian cause, because he saw the continuation of Russian history in the Soviet period.

The true feat and clear position of Saint Luke oppose the dubious feat and muddy position of the writer Solzhenitsyn.

As always, our liberal intelligentsia made a choice in favor of the treacherous Vlasov position and tried to impose this choice on the entire Russian society. But the new lamp of the Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Luke, shone from the heights of the Crimean mountains, and the Vlasovites of all stripes began to fussily and fearfully crawl into their gloomy holes. True, they periodically jump out of these holes in order to publish their anti-Soviet squeals and whistles, but each time we observe how confusion grows in their evil and dishonest pupils. Russophobic de-Stalinization does not take place in Russia and will not take place, because the figure of St. Luke of Crimea stands unshakably in its path.

Representatives of the far abroad, who call us sergians, reds, servants of the atheist power, etc., cannot calm down in any way. etc. How ridiculous their hysterical attempts look against the background of the great feat of faith and self-denial of Saint Luke and others like him. Whether you can compete with such sergians, gentlemen foreign spiteful critics ?! You should think about this and.

And with what amazing depth and clarity the saint reveals the secret forces that stand behind all the wars waged by the West: “At Mount Sinai, the Jews demanded from the high priest Aaron to erect a golden calf for them. And the golden calf, although destroyed then by Moses, continues to this day to bow down to those who reject Christ. They are, they are, insatiable seekers of gold, whole heaps of gold, making huge sums of money in wars - they are the culprits of these terrible wars, these atrocities! " These words were uttered by the saint in 1951, but how relevant they are today, when, a true student of Stalin.

For me personally, Saint Luke is also dear to the fact that he literally saved my life. Ten years ago I was admitted to the fourth Gradsky hospital, in the purulent department. The cause was erysipelas of my right foot, which turned into gangrenous phlegmon. How I managed to start the disease to such an extent, I still can't put my mind to it. My foot was swollen and reddened, and I continued to serve without going to the doctors. Probably, our Russian carelessness, sometimes overstepping all reasonable boundaries, played a role. And when my leg had already ceased to fit into the shoe, I turned to the surgeon at the Gradsky hospital. When she saw my leg, her eyes widened with amazement and she involuntarily burst out: “Do you want to die? You have gangrene! " For the first time in my life, I truly understood and felt that I could die. I was urgently taken to the purulent department. The most important professor came and, looking at my foot, even whistled. “How did you, father, come to such a life, you are an intelligent person, we don't even bring homeless people in this state. Urgent operation! " - said the professor. The operation was performed for several hours under general anesthesia. But even after the operation, my life hung by a thread, because the foot lesion area was so large that gangrene could spread higher up the lower leg and then ...

Then I saw people who had their leg amputated under the groin just because they had gangrene of the toe. Now I understand why I was so lucky. In the operating room there was an icon of St. Luke, the patron saint of all surgeons and, especially, purulent ones. The brilliant book of St. Luke "Essays on Purulent Surgery", which received the Stalin Prize, has not yet lost its relevance.

It turned out that the very professor who examined my leg was a believer who greatly venerated Saint Luke, and it was he who made the decision to do without amputation, although he risked very much. Every day I remember this person with great gratitude.

When I came to my senses, my wife brought me an icon of St. Luke, an akathist to him and literature about him. Every day I zealously turned with prayer to the saint, read the akathist, and gradually the disease began to recede. I remember with me in the ward were simple Russian men, people not churchly, but very kind and courageous. One of them experienced such terrible pain that at night he bit into the pillow with his teeth so as not to moan and not wake the others. I have learned a lot from these people. We became very good friends. Every day I read to them the life of the saint and the memoirs about him. You should have seen their enlightened and trusting faces at this moment! They asked me to get them the life of the saint, and each of them, when leaving the hospital, took with him a precious book.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I tried to thank the professor. He categorically refused to take the envelope and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do with it, that's who I need to thank" and pointed to the icon of St. Luke, which was placed above the writing table of the professor's study.

Look at the photograph of St. Luke, this beautiful face of a true Christian, who feared no one but God, who saved and continues to save thousands of people from spiritual and physical death, before whom the party leaders, camp wardens and prison authorities trembled, and you will understand why Russia and the Russian people are invincible.

Saint Father Luko, pray to God for us!

Priest Alexander Shumsky, specially for "Russian folk line"

Adepts of the sect of "Orthodox Stalinism" often poke the normal Orthodox with the famous fake quote attributed to St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) about Stalin: “Stalin preserved Russia, showed what it means to the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin. "

I realized a long time ago that the quote is fake, tk. no matter how much I searched and did not find its source in the works of the saint, just as I did not find a single reference to where it is in St. Luke could have been. But I have been looking for an analysis of the ends for a long time, where this nonsense came from, and today I found an interesting article on this matter:

Source study. Saint Luke and Stalin

Having seen on the Web a portrait of Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) with the quote attributed to him - “Stalin preserved Russia, showed what it means for the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin ”- at first I was not surprised. Luke's pro-Soviet sermons are known (I would clarify that these well-known sermons are not pro-Soviet, but patriotic, in them St. Luke does not extol either Soviet power or communism, but only the Motherland in general, even though at that time it was called the USSR - K.B.), and one of them - “The Lord has called us to peace” (ZhMP 1948. No. 1. P. 61-64) - received a sharp rebuke at one time in the Parisian “Russian thought” (N. Kryukov-Angorsky. “But deliver us from the evil one. ”Open letter to Luka, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea / RM No. 64 (July 2, 1948), p. 3). Nevertheless, I decided to see where and in what connection Saint Luke mentions Stalin.

The search results were completely unexpected.

1. The list of Vladyka Luke's sermons published in the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate is known. The journal is digitized and the articles are easy to read. At the same time, it turned out that Stalin's name was never mentioned in the published articles. There is only the Stalin Prize, which Saint Luke received in 1944.

2. The book "The Crimean Diocese in the Documents of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) and the Supervisory Bodies 1946-1961" (Simferopol, 2015) contains the report of the Commissioner for the ROC, which, in particular, reports on the celebration of the 70th birthday Stalin. In all churches, of course, there was a prayer service and many years. Further quotation: “Luke himself served in the cathedral that day and at the end of the service preached a patriotic sermon that our government was fighting for peace, but did not touch the name of the leader in the sermon” (p. 537). That is, the commissioner specially emphasizes that in his sermon the bishop did not mention the hero of the day, although this was expected of him.

3. The same book contains a certificate about the conversation between the commissioner and Saint Luke (01/26/1960). “In a conversation with me, Archbishop Luke was interested in the question of NS Khrushchev’s trip to America and said:“ Khrushchev did more than Stalin in his entire life and he is sincerely glad for his successes ”” (p. 1121).

These facts make it possible to doubt that this statement really belongs to St. Luke, although, as you know, it is a hopeless task to prove that someone did not say something. On the Web, this quote was found in many places, but without specifying the source. And thanks to the associate professor of the Department of Russian Literature at Tyumen State University, Alexander Medvedev, who traced the earlier history of this quote, its origin more or less became clear. For the first time this quote is found in 1995 in a note by priest. Dmitry Dudko: “Now I want to recall how our Patriarchs, especially Sergius and Alexy, called Stalin the God-given leader. They were joined by others, for example, such as a prominent scientist and theologian Archbishop Luke Voino-Yasenetsky. By the way, he was in prison under Stalin, but this did not prevent him from calling Stalin God-given.<…>Yes, Stalin saved Russia, showed what it means for the whole world, we still have to figure it out. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin "(Father Dmitry Dudko. From the priest's thoughts about Stalin // Stalin: in the memoirs of contemporaries and documents of the era / Compiled by M. Lobanov. M., 1995, p. 733 -734). In 1999 in the magazine "Our Contemporary" under the heading "To the 120th anniversary of the birth of IV Stalin. “His personality spoke for itself ...”: contemporaries about Stalin ”this phrase appears again, but Archbishop Luke is now named its author:“ Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky): “Stalin,” he said, “saved Russia, showed what it means to the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin ”” (Our contemporary. 1999. No. 12. P. 188). In the same issue, Dudko writes: “And I, who sat under Stalin and Brezhnev, like Vladyka Luka, is ready to exclaim:“ Stalin is the God-given leader of Russia ”” (priest Dmitry Dudko. He was a believer // Our contemporary. 1999. № 12, p. 224). And then the quote begins to walk already outside the texts of priest. D. Dudko: “Both Sergius and Alexy called Stalin the God-given leader. The same opinion was shared by the prominent medical scientist and theologian Archbishop Luke - V.F. "Stalin," he said, "preserved Russia, showed what it means to the world. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin" "(Soloviev B., Sukhodeev V. Commander Stalin. M .: Algorithm, 1999. P. 278).

In online publications, this quote is also found as the author's text of priest. D. Dudko: “Let's, finally, at least understand this. If Trotsky had won with his permanent revolution, we would have long been in fact, and not by name, as under Stalin, cogs. Everyone would be a labor army for some dark forces. But it was Stalin who proved in practice that socialism can be built in one country and - preserved Russia. Yes, Stalin saved Russia, showed what it means for the whole world, we still have to figure it out. Therefore, as an Orthodox Christian and a Russian patriot, I bow low to Stalin. "

So the author of this statement is the priest D. Dudko, and St. Luke was attributed her authorship in 1999. Let me remind you that in the same issue of Nashe Sovremennik there is an article by priest. Dmitry Dudko. "He was a believer", which contains two forged extracts from the Politburo minutes of 1933 and 1939, where Stalin appears as a fighter against Lenin's anti-religious policy and a defender of believers.

In the years that have elapsed since the first publication, the phrase attributed to Saint Luke has been reprinted many times. By the time of the opening of the exhibition "Orthodox Russia" in the Manege, this quote had become a commonplace, and the organizers of the exhibition reproduced it as such. So they can (and should) be accused of unprofessionalism, and not of deliberate distortion of history. Which is more humane.

To all "Orthodox Stalinists" referring to the opinion of Stalin, Archbishop. Luke, I would advise you to read this book more closely. The author does not in the least question the personal feat of the saint, but at the same time analyzes certain compromises, illusions or delusions that reigned among the church hierarchs of those years.

... Yesterday's Metropolitan Sergius knew very well why he was dressed in the clothes of the Patriarch. On the very first day of his sovereignty, he invited the seventeen bishops who elected him to sign another document: a church curse to those Russian people who “meet the Germans as welcome guests, get a job with them, and sometimes come to the point of outright betrayal ...”. The bishops willingly put their hand to the new document. The newspaper "Izvestia" announced about him with the subtitle "Condemnation of traitors to the faith and the fatherland." Now no one has any doubts: the Orthodox faith and the Soviet fatherland have finally merged into one. "Anyone guilty of treason to the common church cause and went over to the side of fascism, as an enemy of the Cross of the Lord, may be considered excommunicated."

Contemporaries assessed this document as the height of patriotism, as evidence that the Church did not abandon the Russian people during the days of the great war.

But this is how it works in this world: even in the most cunningly composed historical documents, time illuminates, reveals its true essence. The ancestors manage to hide nothing or almost nothing from their descendants about their betrayals and atrocities. The filings of old newspapers, official decrees, orders and decrees invariably turn over the years into indictments against the era that gave birth to them.

Only two more years will pass after the solemn Council of Bishops, and suspicion of betrayal, in relations with the Nazis, will fall on entire nations, on millions of people remaining in the territory occupied by the enemy. Not understanding personal circumstances, but listening to any slander, the authorities will seize, judge the "triplets" in an extrajudicial trial and expel innocent people in whole echelons. All these millions will then remain in the position of second-class citizens for two decades. The mark "from the occupied" will close their path to education, to promotion. And for others, this mark will result in years of prison and camps. The Stalinist apparatus of violence will act in this case, least of all, of course, remembering the church curse to the "traitors", which was proclaimed by seventeen bishops. But now we know: the bishops also had a hand in the massive repression. And among them is Luka Krasnoyarsky.

Not by historical accident, not by misunderstanding, but quite naturally, this happened. For, having mixed the affairs of the church with the state (some by calculation, and some by naivety and political bewilderment), the bishops turned themselves into officials of the sovereign. And then it went, went by itself. An official is not his own boss; he does evil every day with good intentions. And if at the same time he also has a personal interest, then in general - beware, the district. Stalin ordered the Patriarchate to scare his subjects staying in the territory occupied by the Germans - the bishops scared. And they did not even think what this "fright" would cost the people. For an official is an official — in a uniform or a cassock — it makes no difference, and his only purpose is not to reason and to fulfill.

And Luke? After all, he was not looking for personal benefits? I didn’t look for it. He was caught on the other. For twenty years in a row, the bishop professor was strong by the unified principle: "What is good for the Church is good for me." In the name of this idea - even to death. And so she rose from the horizon, like the morning sun - his Church, rose and blinded. I didn’t see it, but I was not deprived of intelligence that only the name remained of the ideal. Name, not essence. Meanwhile, just from the highest triumph of the Church, from the Council, from the Election of the Patriarch, Luke's scientific and hierarchical glory began to grow and expand. In Voino's soul, these two circumstances were so closely intertwined that he irrevocably believed: an era of justice had begun, a government that loved the Church, and he was rewarded for his genuine scientific merits and righteous life. And if so, then with all our might it is necessary to serve this power, the country, Stalin.

It was an aberration, the political gestures of the leader caused Luka Voino-Yasenetsky to somehow distort the mirror of life. Because of this vice, he could not understand the simple mechanics of the Stalinist regime: the leader did not repay anyone for work and talent, genius and mediocrity, and they received payment from him only for personal loyalty, only for the benefit brought to his personal power. The talented surgeon Voino-Yasenetsky was no more interested in Stalin than last year's snow, but the bishop professor is a figure that can be easily adapted for political purposes (“What are you talking about there about the lack of freedom of religion in the USSR?”) - this is already a commodity, this must be fondled.

I want to make a reservation: the undivided fusion of the most hidden inner ideals with the ideals of the state happened in Voino's soul not at once, not in one day. In 1941, in Krasnoyarsk, entering the consulting surgeon's room, Dr. V.A.Kluge noticed on the wall, next to the image of the Mother of God, a small portrait of Lenin. This strange neighborhood made Kluge ask Luke a reasonable question:

Do you think Lenin was a genius?

Yes, Luca replied.

But Lenin denied religion. How do you combine these facts?

They, the Bolsheviks, even he, were not able to understand the meaning of religion. So a color blind person does not distinguish colors. They should be pitied for this.

Continuing the conversation, Luka pointed to a book lying on the table: Emelyan Yaroslavsky. "Communism and Religion".

Here, I study the enemy. However, what to study him - he does not know the Scriptures. Knows nothing. '' And suddenly, fervently, as about the most intimate: “How do they not understand that religion, like no other teaching, raises a person morally? How to replace it? There is nothing! So far, apart from the destruction of the moral image of a person, we do not see anything around us ...

Soon, however, the portrait of the color-blind Lenin disappeared from the wall. But an employee of the hospital in 1515 KN Popova (Spiridovich) saw two portraits of Stalin in the consulting surgeon's room. One small - on the table, the second, larger - in the corner. Two years elapsed between the episode described by Dr. Kluge and the fact attested by Spiridovich. Why did the tastes of Archbishop Luke change during this time? In the fall of 1942, Metropolitan Sergius sent him the first letter in many years, and their correspondence, which lasted almost a year, began. I was not able to get acquainted with these letters: the Patriarchate refused to issue them. But a few words of Voino-Yasenetsky himself give an idea of ​​who taught whom and what in those letters.

“In 1942 I had a lot of correspondence with him (Sergius) on the main issues. modern life, and his letters often surprised me with the depth and fidelity of understanding the essence of Christianity, knowledge of Holy Scripture and the history of the Church. Some of them can even be called small theological treatises. He did not agree with me in everything, and often I had to admit that he was very right. "

It is not hard to guess that the advocate of compromises in his letters persuaded the "rebellious" Luke that one must reconcile, one must establish relations with the authorities on any terms. The Metropolitan, who in 1942, in his honorable Ulyanovsk exile, still did not know how his bargaining with Stalin would end, people like Voino-Yasenetsky were needed. And presumably, he put all his erudition, applied all his diplomatic skill, to charm Luka, to amaze his imagination with examples of beneficent "economy" in the past. "Post-education" did not pass without leaving a trace. War imbued with deep reverence for Sergius, recognized him as "very right", and later, for the benefit and prosperity of the Orthodox Church, became the most faithful companion of the Patriarch and loyal subjects of the Stalinist empire. (...)

The scary years of my youth: 1946-1953. Arrests. Fear. Everyone who had previously been in the camps is given a second term. Many went there too. Brother Victor, a combat artillery officer, taken by the Germans on the battlefield in 1942, unconscious, seriously wounded, was brought straight from the Nazi camp to Vorkuta. Sentence: ten years in the coal mines. In the newspapers: "Cosmopolitans-antipatriots ...", "Russian priority ...", "Vigilance, vigilance ...", "Zoshchenko-Akhmatova ...". In the theater - "Russian question", but in life the question of the future of another nation: everyone in Taimyr or everyone in Magadan? Two million is not so much: Hitler destroyed three times as many ...

In those years, I, a journalist, had never even heard of the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. It was neither possible to subscribe to it, nor to buy it. Yes, this was not our mind's business - big politics. Thirty years later, I take the files of the ZhMP for 1946-1947. I leaf through. What did they write about there then? Yes, all about the same. Half of each issue - speeches in defense of peace, political attacks against the "enemies of peace", descriptions of solemn forums. In those years, this word entered us. And among the authors is Archbishop Luke. However, you can only recognize him by his signature: the style of the Right Reverend's writings is indistinguishable from the style of the party press. “This is an extremely serious moment in world history. The enemies of the world are preparing a new war. Why is it needed? Can it be prevented? It is needed by those who want to turn back the wheel of history. Is it possible? Of course not, because this wheel is inevitably rolling forward ... Why is it still set on fire? Because they know that if the wheel of history cannot be turned back, then it can be stopped for a while. Even for a long time. And they hope to stop at the terrible cost of the third world war, at the cost of the destruction of millions of civilians, their cities, their entire centuries-old culture with its priceless treasures by atomic bombs ... So, the first motive is the insatiable desire for new military profits and the desire of the United States for economic and political power over the whole world ... But no matter how important to Americans their plans for economic and political domination over the world, no matter how great the power of the dollar, this is not the only motive for their determination to resort to atomic bombs. Even more important is their fear of the inevitable impending socialism. "

The article is called "The Lord has called us to peace." Another in the same spirit - "Defend the world by serving good" - is a philippic against the "colonial powers that do bloody lies in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaya, support the horrors of Greece, Spain, violate the will of the peoples in South Korea". Like this. Indonesia worries us. And Greece too.

To the works published in the first post-war years, there is also one unpublished, but rather widely circulated in the lists among believers in Tambov, Simferopol and Tashkent. This is the "Lay" of the Archbishop of Crimea and Simferopol Luke on the day of the seventieth birthday of I. V, Stalin. "The Word" is the same apologetic political article, only sustained in a churchly preaching tone. There is no point in retelling it. It is easier to give a few words for characterization:

“And who is the pillar and confirmation of world peace? Who, if not our government with its great Head, who fights with all his might against those who are preparing the extermination of millions of people by atomic bombs? .. Now is the seventy anniversary of the birth of this great man, to whom God entrusted power over our country. God Himself handed it over - for we read in the Apostle Paul: “There is no power not from God; the existing authorities from God are established. Therefore, he who resists power resists God's ordinance ”(Rom. XIII, 1). Let us remember this, we will honor the authority and we will obey it unquestioningly ... And let us offer our thanksgiving prayer to God for giving us this pillar of peace, this pillar of social truth. Amen".

They say that an epitaph is carved on the gravestone of the Ukrainian philosopher Grigory Skovoroda, which he himself composed: "The world caught me, but did not catch me." Archbishop Luke, alas, did not deserve such an inscription. The Stalinist world not only caught and seduced the Right Reverend, but also firmly chained him to its propaganda chariot. Years passed before Archbishop Luke freed himself from his gross political delusions, and from some he did not get rid of until the end of his life.

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