FSB Buryatia. A wrestler from Buryatia won the international tournament (video)

Wind of hopes and partings. The first spring wind of love. Free steppe wind. And freestyle. All this was in the life of a man of extraordinary destiny. And there was also a military childhood filled with anxiety. There were also victories - over oneself, over circumstances, labor victories and, of course, in sports, on the wrestling mat.

In search of truth

The hero of our story won the main victories in a short sports career in the now distant 62nd - in the first two championships (champions) of the republic in freestyle wrestling. However, for five decades there was no exact list of winners of those republican wrestling forums. It was based on inaccuracies in newspaper publications and on the memories of sports veterans being erased from memory.

Four years ago, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the freestyle wrestling of Buryatia, the leading sports historian of the republic, Candidate of Historical Sciences, took up the search for documents that were supposed to shed light on the truth Vladimir Fomin. After a painstaking search, he managed to find in the archives the records of the first and second wrestling championships of the republic, which took place in 1962: in January, an individual championship took place, and in November, an individual-team championship. According to the competition protocols found by Vladimir Alexandrovich, we had documented lists of winners of those memorable championships in our hands. So, judging by the protocols, the winners (in order of weight categories) were: individual championship (January 27-28, 1962) - V. Sandakdorzhiev(52 kg, "Labor"), M. Kharpukhaev(57 kg, Spartak), S. Dobrynin(63 kg, Spartak), I. Babkin(70 kg, "Spartak"), B. Churakov(78 kg, Spartak), V. Garmaev(87 kg, agricultural institute). Personal and team championship (October 27-28, 1962) - Sandakdorzhiev, Kharpukhaev, Baimeev ("Petrel"), Norboev ("Petrel"), Syrkin ("Labor"), Shakhtorin ("Petrel"), Pashkevich ("Hammer ”), Mikheev (“Petrel”).

It turns out that V. Sandakdorzhiev (so it is written in the protocol of the competition) entered the history of sports of Buryatia forever as the first champion of the first championship of Buryatia in freestyle wrestling. Unfortunately, the protocols did not contain the names and patronymics of the winners, only the initial letters of the names. This, of course, made it difficult to find a champion about whom little is known. Yes, and a lot of water has flowed in the full-flowing Khilka since then, and therefore veterans wrestling they didn't remember anything about him. Only the aksakal of wrestling Nima Ivakhinov did not deny that there was such a wrestler - Sandakdorzhiev, and indicated the direction (though not entirely accurate) of the search - Aginsky Buryat district.

The search for one of the pioneers of the freestyle wrestling of the republic dragged on for four years ... Wherever I turned during this time - to the editorial office of the regional newspaper of the Moscow Region "Kizhinginsky District" (the surname Sandakdorzhiev is common in those parts) and to television - but all to no avail. And finally, this spring, thanks to information from a journalist Soelma Sandakdorzhieva in the handset of the "mobile phone" I heard the voice of the pioneer "freestyler".

Are you Sandakdorzhiev, the first champion? - I ask, doubting, what if it's not him?

In the "mobile phone" - a pause. And then - oh, Eureka! - the long-awaited answer: "Yes, I fought in the sixty-second at the championship of the republic."

And what is your name? - I'm in a hurry to quickly find out the name and patronymic of one of the pioneers of the sport of strong and strong-willed people.

According to the documents, the hero of our story is Badma Erdyneevich Sandakdorzhiev, but all his life he has been called Sergei Erdyneevich.

I've lost my feet in search. And the first champion, it turns out, has been living next to us for many years. Due to modesty, he never declared himself, did not talk about his achievements in sports. I didn’t beat myself with a fist in the chest, they say, I am a well-deserved, over-deserved.

As I expected, it turned out that the wrestler Sergei (Badma) Sandakdorzhiev after his memorable victories, he left Buryatia. And after graduating from the university, he “tied up” with wrestling and rarely visited the city of his youth ...

Memories flooded over Sergei Erdyneevich ...

Joined the fight late

There is an amazingly beautiful place in Transbaikalia - the valley of the "turbulent" Khilok, or rather, the region shrouded in legends at the foot of three mountains - Gurban Baitahad. It was there that the son of the collective farmer Sandakdorzhi Erdyneev was born in the harsh winter of the forty-third.

It was hard, very hard, - Sergey Erdyneevich is mentally transferred to his childhood. - Hungry, cold. They never ate enough bread.

Since childhood, he began to help his parents with the housework. From the age of four, an early matured boy began to carry a hay. Chopped wood, carried water. The already difficult situation of the boy was aggravated by the fact that “dad was taken away” during the war. And they imprisoned his father, who worked as a collective farm accountant and storekeeper, accusing him of “plundering” (180 kg of grain were missing). Three young children remained in the arms of the mother ...

What kind of sport is there after the war, it was not before that! - continues Sergei Erdyneevich. - Yes, and there were no sections in our village. Sometimes, however, they played bast shoes and ball.

He joined the sport quite late by modern standards.

In the sixtieth year, I failed the exam at the agricultural institute and got a job as a worker in the capital construction department at an aircraft factory, I lived in a hostel, ”recalls the sports veteran. - In mid-October, I saw an announcement about the recruitment of young people for the classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling and came to the gym of the 22nd school.

So his first coach in the "classics" was the doctor of the physical culture and sports dispensary Vladimir Intigrinov. It was he who showed then in a small school gym on folding mats to a novice Transbaikalian who was burning with the desire to achieve something in sports, the first tricks - throws through the thigh and deflection through the “bridge”. The young wrestler, who did not have good “physics”, focused on technique in training. Soon he replenished his arsenal with "freewheel".

In September, the sixty-first, Sergei, as part of the Trud-2 team, took second place in the championship of the republic in classical wrestling. Since autumn, he began to train under the tutelage of Mels Kharpukhaev, who at the same time trained novice freestyle wrestlers.

Got "from the ship to the ball"

In January 1962, according to Sergei Erdyneevich, they began to complete the freestyle wrestling team of Buryatia - to participate in the zonal championship in Vladivostok. The decisive stage of the selection was the first ever championship (championship) of the republic. The winner of historical competitions, Sergei Sandakdorzhiev, of course, was included in the national team.

In the first "zone" the team fought not so hot - they took second or third place, however, from the end, - recalls the veteran of wrestling. - Then I lost to the Yakut wrestler and Khabarovsk resident. After the zonal competitions, our section was closed (the coach left), and I had nowhere to train. Therefore, he was engaged in fits and starts in Trud, then in Spartak.

In "Trud" for some time he trained with Sergei Dobrynin: I went there so as not to lose shape, because as part of Trud I was preparing for the second - personal and team championship of the republic among freestyle wrestlers. And after the championship of Buryatia, where he again became the best in the easiest category, he got “from the ship to the ball”: he was drafted into the army.

Sergei Sandakdorzhiev served in the Trans-Baikal Military District. It remains a mystery how he with such poor eyesight (-6.5) could be called up for service.

Just at that time, the Chita army wrestlers were trained by the legendary mentor - Honored Coach of the RSFSR Ilya Romanovich Frundzhiev. Somehow, an eminent coach, seeing a Buryat “flyer” on the carpet, did not fail to take advantage of the admonition: “Seryozha, your legs are as thin as matches: you need to pull the barbell!”.

There were other, no less interesting, and sometimes funny episodes in sports biography first champion. Once on the plane, the head of the Buryat delegation, which flew to Grozny, several times turned to Sergey “Leonid Khadalaevich” to remember the “new name”, because due to the lack of a qualification category, he had to go to the competition in 1966 Terrible under a false name.

Sergei Erdyneevich will never forget the instructions of the outstanding Buryat coach Gennady Baimeev(during the years of study at the Institute of Technology). Due to poor eyesight, the doctors forbade him to go on the wrestling mat, and Gennady Batiurovich somehow managed to negotiate with the doctors so that Sergei would compete.

After graduating from the All-Union State Technical Institute (now ESSUTU), Sergey Sandakdorzhiev hung up his wrestling shoes forever. According to the distribution, he left to work in his small homeland - in the Khiloksky district. He worked as a foreman at Mezhkolkhozstroy.

And in 1978 he returned to Buryatia. Settled in the village of Tamcha, Selenginsky district. He worked on the railroad (before retiring to FC-14). In the same place, in Tamcha, somewhere in the depths of his soul, Sergei Erdyneevich always wanted to train boys. In the early 80s, after the visit of one of the first masters of sports on freestyle wrestling of Buryatia tried to create a freestyle wrestling section. It did not work out: it was not possible to “knock out” the wrestling mats.

But everything worked out well for the aksakal of wrestling in life. Sergey Erdyneevich has long been on a well-deserved rest. Takes care of the garden "in the country". She rejoices at the successes of the Buryat “freestyle wrestlers” and, of course, the successes of her children – Erdeni, Zorigto and the otkhonchik Balzhit. They are already adults, have long stood on their feet. Soul doted on two granddaughters. And he advises young people to break away from computers, video games and play sports.

Sport is sport, it gives a person health, physical strength and self-confidence, - says the aksakal of freestyle wrestling of Buryatia and smiles. Maybe he remembers how he worked miracles on an elastic flooring? ..

Photo from the personal archive of Sergei Sandakdorzhiev

"BMK" sums up the results of the performances of the men's team of Buryatia at the last championship of Russia

Why one medal is not a failure

In the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region, from August 3 to 5, the Russian freestyle wrestling championship was held. The Republic of Buryatia was represented by 11 athletes, one of whom, Dashi Sharastepanov, won a bronze medal. In the communities of wrestlers in Buryatia in in social networks many fans were upset. There were comments with harsh criticism, some considered the outcome of the championship for the team of Buryatia a failure.

"BMK" has analyzed the results of Buryat wrestlers at the national championships since 2009. One medal as a result of the competition for us is just quantitative stability. In 2009 in Kazan two bronze medals in weight up to 60 kg were won by Vladimir Vilmov and Bayar Tsyrenov. Viktor Banzaraktsaev then had 5th place, and in 2010 in Volgograd he had a bronze medal in the weight of 60 kg. Bayar Tsyrenov became the fifth. In 2011, in Yakutsk, Alexander Bogomoev won one bronze medal in the category up to 57 kg. In the weight up to 60 kg, Bayar Tsyrenov was again the fifth. In the pre-Olympic championship of Russia in 2012 in St. Petersburg, two bronze medals in the 60 kg category remained with Bogomoev and Bato Badmaev. Further in 2013 in Krasnoyarsk we again had only one medal, and it was the silver medal of Bazar Zhalsapov in the weight of 57kg. alone again, but gold medal, from Alexander Bogomoev in the weight category of 61 kg was won by him in 2014 in Yakutsk. Only 5th place in the same category was held by Viktor Banzaraktsaev. In the next year, 2015, in Kaspiysk, the Buryat team won two awards of the Russian championship - "gold" in the weight up to 61 kg for Alexander Bogomoev and "bronze" for Evgeny Zherbaev in the category up to 70 kg. The fifth was Bato Badmaev.

In 2016, Bogomoev is stable in Yakutsk - a gold medal (up to 57 kg). Immediately the second medal, bronze, was won by Baldan Tsyzhipov in the weight category up to 125 kg. Close to the podium were Aldar Balzhinimaev and Dashi Sharastepanov, they took fifth places in the weight categories up to 57 and up to 61 kg. At the national championship last year, the only medalist was Tsybik Maksarov (125 kg).

That is, this year it would have been a failure if the team had remained without medals at all. Fans are also accustomed to the fact that the leader of the wrestlers of Buryatia, Alexander Bogomoev, three years(2014-2016) brought "gold", now he was defeated. In 2017, the athlete missed the Czech Republic due to injury.

That's why Bogomoev lost

According to a BMK source close to the Buryatia national team, the fight between the three-time champion of Russia and the winner of the Eurocup 2015 Alexandra Bogomoeva failed due to his illness.

- Sasha was sick! The day before the start, boils were cut out on his neck (acute inflammation - ed.). This greatly affects sportswear very relaxing for the body. Probably everyone noticed Sasha's unusual tiredness!the source said.

Doctors for medical reasons removed the athlete from the competition before the fight for 3rd place. Alexander Bogomoev previously lost Magomedrasulu Idrisov who became the champion weight class up to 61 kg.

Bogomoev himself refused to comment on his state of health and the reasons for withdrawing from the competition, without confirming or refuting information about health problems. The athlete, in a conversation with a BMK correspondent, admitted that, of course, he was upset by this failure.

- That's no problem at all. There are no excuses in sportssaid Alexander Bogomoev.

- You're still the best, Sasha! Ahead of Tokyo 2020. The main thing is that there are no health problems, get better!- wrestler's fans write.

elusive luck

Buryatia at the Russian Championship in Odintsovo still managed to show a decent school of wrestling. For the first time and successfully at this level, a 20-year-old Bulat Bayasholonov. In the category up to 61 kg, he reached the quarterfinals, where he lost to Magomedrasul Idrisov, who just won the fight against Bogomoev, but experience played a role - Idrisov went further.

- Bulat fought excellently! He walked forward, as if he had been instructed “not a step back! Shot!" In his eyes, not a spark was burning, but a whole flame, although this is the first championship of 20-year-old Bulat!- the ex-senior coach of the youth team of Buryatia spoke Bayar Tsyrenov about the struggle of Bulat Bayasholonov.

- Bayasholonov reminds me of Budaev, there is no reverse speed - swift, courageous, not afraid to make mistakes, this is his success, I am proud of his fights,- wrote one of the fans of the Buryat wrestling in Vkontakte.

World, European, Russian and Asian champion Boris Budaev cheers for the wrestlers of Buryatia at the Russian Championship-2018

Many of the Buryatia team showed themselves with dignity, but luck seemed to elude the wrestlers. Alexey Sabidaev could well have reached the bronze medal. But he lost a step away from the medal due to a rib injury that he received in the previous meeting.

Arsalan Budazhapovalmost reached the final, but in the 1/4 in the fight with Lapshov, with a score of 3:1 in his favor, in the last 10 seconds he missed a backhand and lost with a score of 3:3.

Evgeny Zherbaevin the weight category up to 70 kg, he immediately won the first fight due to the absence of an opponent. Magomedmurad Dadaev did not lose weight. That is, he entered the 1/8 fight with Olympic champion Soslan Ramonov without a warm-up, while Ramonov had already won two meetings with Abutalim Gamzaev and David Baev before. As a result, Evgeny Zherbaev lost to Ramonov, but the decision of the judges can be called controversial.

- Zhenya constantly dominated the mat, there are no authorities for him, the judges are afraid to show a liability Olympic champion, the Siberian wrestlers and the Yakuts clearly lack a "lobbyist", they impudently sue them, they even arrange the draw as they want. For some reason, some are exempted from the championship. They let you know in advance that places in the team have already been booked. Zherbaev can adequately defend the colors of any team with the first number, as well as Bogomoev, Sharastepanov, Budazhapov, expressed the opinionBayaskhalan Batoevin the group "Fighters of Buryatia" in Vkontakte.

Evgeny Zherbaev refused to comment on his result. He stated that he would only speak when he started to win. The athlete is upset, but at the same time, he previously became the best in the Russian championship among students in the weight category up to 70 kg and has the right to participate in the world championship among students in Brazil. Alexey Borovitsky (up to 65 kg) also received a ticket to the world student championship. The competition took place in September.

Wrestling deserves special attention. Bayara Tsyrenova. An athlete after the "bronze" of the Chechen Republic-2009 can not get into the prizes, remaining one step away from the podium. Three years in a row he reached the semi-finals and lost.

- At this championship, I put the fight with Goygereev a little wrong. And in a consolatory meeting with Yakut Bulatov, a mistake on my part was that I paid more attention to small dirty tricks on his part - he grabbed his fingers, twisted them. It was necessary to answer him in the same way and continue to fight,Bayar Tsyrenov said.

First, the coach of Zhargalma Tsyrenova admitted that she was caught as a substitute in the Russian Championship and was disqualified for two years, and then it became known that two legionnaires from Chuvashia were playing for Buryatia.

Change with excess weight

Last year the Russian championship was held in St. Petersburg. One of the participants of the tournament was the master of sports of international class Zhargalma Tsyrenova, who is a member of the national team.

- Zhargalma went a week before the start of the competition. We prepared for the performance in weight up to 63 kilograms. Weigh-in at this weight was scheduled for June 10, as these weights fought on June 11. For the week that I left earlier, Zhargalma decided to fight in the weight category up to 60 kilograms, said that she felt good and wanted to fight in this weight, putting me before the fact by phone. my setup as personal trainer she did not comply, - says Tsydenzhab Balzhinimaevich.

According to the coach, weighing in the weight category up to 60 kilograms took place on June 9, and Zhargalma went to it without his consent. As a result, the athlete could not "make" weight - the advantage was 1.400 grams.

- The judge from Buryatia suggested to Zhargalma that Uliana Tukurenova, also my student, go through the weigh-in instead of her, since the judge from the republic promised all possible support. Our wrestlers showed cowardice and unscrupulousness incomprehensible to me and agreed. It was a very unpleasant, dishonest act, for which our athletes suffered a well-deserved punishment. Coaches from other regions noticed the substitution. There was a big scandal. Both of my students were disqualified,” the coach recalls bitterly.

During the weigh-in, there was Main coach Russian national team Yuri Shakhmuradov, who was extremely indignant and rightly condemned this act. He announced the disqualification of our wrestlers for two years. As a result, Zhargalma missed the championship and the Cup of Russia, the main competitions where the composition of the national team is formed.

- She was no longer paid a salary as a member of the Russian national team. Until January 2017, Zhargalma did not perform anywhere. Only in January 2017, she was allowed to participate in the Ivan Yarygin International Grand Prix tournament, because everyone was allowed there. Russian athletes. The only one of all the athletes representing the national team of Buryatia, she took third place, - continues Gulgenov.

This season, Zhargalma was going to take part in the Grand Prix in Sweden at her own expense, but Shakhmuradov was categorically against it: "In no case, we do not allow you."

- Although there was no official document on disqualification. In the Ministry of Sports of the Republic, literally today, separately from other wrestlers who participate in the championship, Zhargalma allocated money for the Russian championship. At present, the issue of Zhargalma's participation in the Russian Championship has not yet been finally resolved. How it will all turn out is still unclear. To my great regret, I did not train Zhargalma Lately due to the fact that in January he received a rupture of the Achilles tendon and was under treatment until April 21. We are resuming our training. I also really hope that this situation will be resolved, and Zhargalma Tsyrenova will again perform at the very high level, - says the coach of the wrestler.

This is not the first time that athletes have tried to cheat at the weigh-ins. Recently UFC champion Daniel Cormier lost 540 grams in two minutes. Cormier did a trick that none of the representatives of the athletic commission paid any attention to. Both times he was weighed naked and covered from the public with a towel. The only difference is that the second time the UFC champion put his hands on the towel, and thus transferred some of the weight.

Recall that Zhargalma Tsyrenova is the world champion among students, the multiple winner of the Russian Cup, the silver medalist of the European Championship, the champion of Russia in 2014, the winner of the Grand Prix Ivan Yarygin.

Exchange of experience and wrestlers

If the participation of Zhargalma Tsyrenova is still in doubt, then 12 other wrestlers from Buryatia are already “sitting on suitcases”. Championship of Russia in women's wrestling in this year will pass in Dagestan, about 150 athletes from 35 regions will take part in the tournament.

Three surnames stand out in the Buryat team. This is world sambo champion Anna Shcherbakova, who is not the first time trying to transfer her success with tatami to the carpet.

The other two surnames, unlike Shcherbakova, are little known to the Buryat public. This is not surprising, because Maria Kuznetsova and Veronika Chumikova grew up in Chuvashia, for which they played. However, since last year, athletes have been training in Ulan-Ude.

– In 2016, wrestlers from Chuvashia turned to the head coach of the women's team of Buryatia Andrey Buzin. Athletes expressed a desire to play for the national team of Buryatia and train with us, since, in their opinion, Buryatia has a very well developed female wrestling. A little later, the Ministry of Sports of Chuvashia turned to the Ministry of Sports of Buryatia with an official proposal to join efforts in training representatives of the Republic of Chuvashia, Veronika Chumikova and Maria Kuznetsova. These athletes are part of the Russian national team and are well known to the wrestlers of Buryatia in joint training camps and competitions, - they explain the situation with the legionnaires in the Ministry of Sports.

As a result, an agreement was signed between Chuvashia and Buryatia, and the coaching council of the Russian Freestyle Wrestling Federation gave the go-ahead for Chumikova and Kuznetsova to move to Buryatia and be employed at the Sports Training Center.

It is interesting that in the official competitions Chumikova and Kuznetsova perform in the framework of a double offset: Chuvashia - Buryatia.

– Points are counted to two regions. Athletes expressed their desire that Buryatia be the first to be mentioned in the upcoming Russian championship as part of the double standings, the department explains.

The fact of attracting legionnaires to the national team of Buryatia caused the anger of fans on the Internet. However, it must be recalled that without the involvement of athletes from other regions, the republic would not have received Olympic bronze in 2012. Lyubov Volosova was born in the small Khakassian village of Tashtyp and moved to Buryatia back in 2004. And her success in London did not bother any of the sports fans in our region.

By the way, in this composition of the Buryatia national team there are enough legionnaires in addition to the Chuvash duet. Stalvira Orshush moved from the Irkutsk region, and Nina Menkenova brings medals not only to Buryatia, but also to her native Kalmykia.

Lev Khandazhapov, "Number One"
Photo: Wrestling Federation of the Russian Federation

For about half a century, Vasily Enkhoevich Garmaev faithfully serves the sport - freestyle wrestling in Buryatia. He brought up a whole galaxy of famous Buryat wrestlers. Best Coach in freestyle wrestling of the 20th century, the honored trainer of the USSR Dmitry Mindiashvili called him a true patriot of the republic, one of those who "put the Buryat wrestling on its feet, created an authoritative school in the whole wrestling world."

Phenomenal organizer

Vasily Garmaev is the son of a front-line soldier who fought from Stalingrad to Berlin, the first master of sports in freestyle wrestling of the republic. The first in Buryatia judge of the all-Union and international categories in freestyle wrestling.

Any decision that Vasily Enkhoevich makes becomes final and retroactive does not have. It is difficult to tear him away from live work. Now he is 77 years old, and he is still in the thick of the wrestling fraternity, working as a coach-methodologist at the Youth Sports School-10.

He cannot imagine himself without a struggle, it is this love that guides him through life. She makes him furiously excited, ruthlessly criticize mistakes and stand up in defense of athletes and coaches.

Everyone knows that Vasily Enkhoevich has phenomenal organizational skills. Thanks to him, the first freestyle wrestling championship of the republic took place.

It was Garmaev who initiated the holding of an international freestyle wrestling tournament in the republic for the prizes of the newspaper "Rural Life" with the participation of teams from more than 10 countries of the world. This tournament, according to experts, gave a powerful impetus to the development of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia.

And what is his idea of ​​holding open championships of sports societies "Dynamo", "Burevestnik", "Spartak", "Labor", "Harvest" worth!

Wrestling is in the genes of the Buryats

Vasily Enkhoevich maintained and continues to assert that the freestyle wrestling with its specific techniques, as if, was specially created for the Buryats: “The family memory of the Buryats, genes, works”.

He was one of the first to train young village wrestlers and opened a section on classical and freestyle wrestling - on a voluntary basis.

In the newspaper Dzhidinskaya Pravda, Valery Samdanov recalled how in 1962 a young livestock breeder Vasily Garmaev appeared in Beloozersk and immediately opened a freestyle wrestling section in the village. With the light hand of Garmaev, freestyle wrestling became calling card district. In the same year, he organized a historic match meeting between the combined teams of wrestlers from the steppe Dzhida and the mountain Tunka.

As first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, he stubbornly bent his line: he actively promoted freestyle wrestling, opened and helped spread the wings of talented youth: Ravil Valeev, Anatoly Budunov, Nikolai Gomboev, Nikolai Mitapov, Tsyden-Dambe Ayusheev, Valery Garmazhapov, Viktor Abusheev, Lubsan

Aisuev. It was he who convinced the history teacher Anatoly Tsaganov to become a wrestling coach in Upper Ichetui. And in Petropavlovka I noticed a tall boy Sergei Pashinsky and brought him to the freestyle wrestling section.

It marked the beginning of the traditional sports rivalry between Jida and Mongolia. With his filing, sports competitions began to be held according to professions - among shepherds, machine operators, agricultural specialists.

He was the first of the fighters of Buryatia to visit Olympic Games, after which the rumor about the wrestler Garmaev scattered all over Soviet Union. Then, in 1964, at the initiative of Dmitry Mindiashvili, the Komsomol Central Committee encouraged Vasily Garmaev, as the first master in freestyle wrestling in Buryatia, with a free Komsomol ticket to the Tokyo Olympics. At that time, it was almost impossible to get into freestyle wrestling competitions at the Olympics due to the high cost of tickets. The inventive Garmaev wrapped his head in a towel (it turned out to be a kind of turban), joined the Indian delegation and went into the hall. One of his fellow Bayangol people remarked on this: “You can’t imagine a second Vasily Garmaev. It's a whole phenomenon."

In 1976, Vasily Garmaev, heading the Harvest DSO, ensured that not only sports schools in freestyle wrestling, but also for the Youth Sports School with departments of chess, checkers, athletics, boxing. And the main subject of his concern was and remains freestyle wrestling.

Through the efforts of coaches V.N. Ivanova, N.S. Ivakhinova, G.B. Baimeeva, F.N. Makhutova, V.M. Sydeeva, V.M. Bumboshkin, the national team of the republic in freestyle wrestling of the 70-90s was formed. Legendary names - Oleg Alekseev, Gennady Manzhuev, Batotsyren Dashinamzhilov, Ayur Tsyrendorzhiev, Garmazhap Tsyrenov, Munko Tsydypov, Anatoly Leznov, Vladimir Vostretsov, Mikhail Elbaskin, Bair Tsyrengarmaev, Gennady Makhutov, Sergei Pashinsky, Vyacheslav Markhaev, Ilya Garmaev, Boris Budaev, Munko Tsydypov , Dorzho Khaltanov, Sergey Zambalov, Dugar Zhamsuev, Albert Khangalov.

An idea generator, a person with amazing organizational skills, organized several significant freestyle wrestling tournaments. One of his brainchildren is the competition for the prizes of the Komsomol regional committee, which has grown into a tournament for the prizes of the head of Buryatia at the international level.

In the mid-1970s, he had the idea of ​​organizing an international tournament under the auspices of the Rural Life newspaper. Many did not believe that Garmaev would be able to organize such a large-scale tournament in Ulan-Ude, calling him a dreamer. An, no. That is the uniqueness of Garmaev, that many of his seemingly unrealistic ideas were brought to life. He went to Moscow to see the editor-in-chief of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and quietly slipped past the guard. A few minutes later, he went downstairs with a calm look and convinced the guard to let the then state coach of the sports committee Klim Olzoev through.

In a conversation with Alexander Pavlovich Kharlamov, he was so convincing (just such a tournament is needed in Siberia! ) That the editor-in-chief of a popular newspaper had no choice but to give the go-ahead. At the very first tournament for the prizes of the Selskaya Zhizn newspaper, which immediately became international, seven Buryat wrestlers became champions.

Familiar names on a pedestal

From December 14 to 15, the 56th Freestyle Wrestling Championship of the Republic of Buryatia was held in the Sports Complex in honor of the Honored Coach of Russia, Master of Sports of the USSR, World Champion among veterans Viktor Baimeev.

Viktor Vasilievich Baimeev is a legend of the Buryat wrestling. He opened the first section of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia, for about 15 years he led the School of Higher sportsmanship. On the initiative of Viktor Vasilyevich, in 1962 the first championship of the republic in freestyle wrestling was organized.

At the 56th championship, the honored coach Viktor Baimeev greeted the participants and shared his memories:

- Back in 1962, we, a group of student wrestlers from the sports faculty and physics and mathematics, came to the Spartak gym, where the guys trained in Greco-Roman wrestling. After three months of training, we decided to stay in the gym for 30-40 minutes and asked the administration for permission to train in freestyle wrestling. And so we, not knowing the rules and techniques of freestyle wrestling, worked out ourselves, and fought according to Buryat wrestling. And then Victor Morozov came to us from Burevestnik and trained us for three months. After him, the coach was Viktor Borisov, and many other coaches. And right after that, the master of sports Vasily Garmaev appeared, the second was Nima Ivakhinov, and the third was me. And then a galaxy of masters of sports has already gone,- said the coach.

Also, the participants of the championship were greeted by the Minister of Sports and Youth Policy of Buryatia Vyacheslav Damdintsurunov. He noted that this championship is the main thing sports event for freestyle wrestlers, according to its results, a freestyle wrestling team of the Republic of Buryatia will be formed.

- Today the championship is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the honored coach Viktor Baimeev. I have known him for a long time, since 2001, when I entered the Buryat State University. Despite the fact that I was not engaged in freestyle wrestling, I saw how this coach works. Many of my friends were and remain students of Viktor Vasilyevich. This is one of the founders of freestyle wrestling in Buryatia. It's nice that champions, masters of sports of international class are standing in the ranks at the opening parade today, this indicates that we do not forget traditions and honor our elders, respect and honor our veterans,- said the minister.

According to the results of the championship, the places were distributed in the following order:

57 kg: 1. Denis Danzhalov, 2. Baras Shoipolov, 3. Timur Bayarov, Myagmar Dalaev.

61 kg: 1. Solbon Tumenbayarov, 2. Zhargal Damdinov, 3. Alexei Mantatov, Bulat Bayasholonov.

65 kg: 1. Alexander Bogomoev, 2. Bayaskhlan Ochirov, 3. Erdem Sharastepanov, Bulat Batoev.

70 kg: 1. Alexey Borovitsky, 2. Bayar Tsyrenov, 3. Ochir Dorzhiev, Sansaran Zhansaranov.

74 kg: 1. Evgeny Zherbaev, 2. Buyan Tsyrenov, 3. Tumen Erkhituev, Aldar Garmatarov.

79 kg: 1. Arsalan Budazhapov, 2. Alexander Tsoktoev, 3. Vitaly Bazarov, Ayur Galsanov.

86 kg: 1. Alexey Sabidaev, 2. Delger Dabain, 3. Badma Balzhinimaev.

92 kg: 1. Baras Bazarov, 2. Alexey Anishchik, 3. Andrey Elbaskin.

97 kg: 1. Alexander Dambaev, 2. Alexander Khantakov, 3. Bulat Darizhapov.

125 kg: 1. Bator Dorzhiev, 2. Evgeny Kolychev, 3. Dmitry Zhargalanov, Erdem Tsyrenzhapov.
