Standards of the master of sports for bench press without equipment. Powerlifting guidelines for men and women

Weighing is made no earlier than 2 hours before the start of the competition in this category in the direct presence of 3 appointed judges and lasts 1.5 hours. The remaining time is used by athletes to prepare for the competition. Weigh-in of each participant takes place in a separate room in the presence of his coach and three judges. The true weight of an athlete is not released to the public until all applicants competing in the chosen category have been weighed.

An hour before the start, a draw is made to determine the order of weighing. It also determines the sequence of lifting during the competition, when the participants order the same weight for their attempts.

If the weight does not correspond to the category, the athlete can repeat the weigh-in within 1.5 hours, but after all competitors in this

10 minutes before the weigh-in, the athlete can change his usual category by contacting the chief judge of the competition.

The panel of judges includes:
  • informant judge;
  • timekeeper;
  • stewards;
  • recorders;
  • platform assistants.

At competitions necessarily a doctor is present.

informant judge organizes attempts, announces the set weight requested for the next attempt and the full name of the participant (calls him to the platform, announces the set weight).

timekeeper monitors the registration of the time interval between the announcement of the bar readiness signal and the start of the participant’s attempt, and also ensures that the athlete leaves the platform within 30 seconds after the attempt.

The competitor is given 1 minute after being called to the platform to start the attempt. If the athlete starts moving at the set time, the clock stops. If he makes a 2nd or 3rd attempt using the normal system, and at the same time there is a queue for the execution of the movement, he receives 3 minutes with a mandatory warning signal at the end of the first two minutes. In the squat and bench press, the start of the attempt coincides with the start signal of the judge, and in the deadlift, with the start of lifting the barbell.

magistrate immediately after completing the exercise, he must approach the participant and ask how much weight he will lift in the next attempt. The competitor is given 1 minute between the completion of the previous attempt and informing the informing judge, through the distributor, of the weight to be entered for the next one. If the competitor does not report the new weight within a minute, the weight on the apparatus will be adjusted at the request of the next competitor in the classic sequence.

Protocol Judges register the course of the competition, sign the official weight tables, certificates of records and any other papers and documents requiring a proper signature.

Assistants on the platform provide assistance to athletes preparing for attempts.

Possible download errors:
  • if the projectile has a lower weight than the initial one, the attempt is counted; if the attempt is unsuccessful, the participant is given an additional approach at the end of the round with the initially desired (requested) weight;
  • if the weight on the bar is heavier than originally requested, and the attempt is successful, it counts. If unsuccessful, the competitor will be given an additional set at the weight originally requested by the lifter.

Three unsuccessful attempts in any of the movements, the participant is automatically removed (excluded) from the competition.

During the competition on the main platform or stage there are three judges, one of which is the main or central and two are lateral. The head referee is responsible for giving proper signals in all 3 movements.

The signals for the three movements are:

Immediately upon returning the bar to the platform or to the racks at the end of the movement, all judges announce their decision to the public using light signals:

  • I) white - "good rise",
  • II) red - "failure".

Noticing mistake or an inaccuracy sufficient to cause immediate disqualification in that movement, the side judge must raise his hand. If the chief referee and side judges agree with this decision, the first one stops the movement at any safe (in his opinion) point and gives the participant a signal: a downward movement of the hand and a clear voice command: “On the racks!”, And also, as an alternative - “Put !".

If the one who noticed the mistake is the chief referee, he must, without raising his hand, look (check) whether at least one referee agrees with the decision. If one or both agree, the head referee stops the execution of the movement.

Before the start of the movement, if any member of the Jury fails to score the position of the bar or the lifter's starting position, they may draw the competitor's attention to the error. If the majority of judges considers that the violation was committed, the chief does not give a signal to start the movement. The head referee is not required to explain to the lifter his mistake if he has the remaining unused time, which he can use to correct the grip position of the bar or body position, in order to obtain a clearing signal.

Judges are obliged to refrain from any comments, not to receive any documents and not to give a verbal report regarding the progress of the competition.

The chief referee has the right to consult with the side judges, with the jury or with any other official in order to speed up the course of the competition.

After the competition, three judges sign official scorecards(points), certificates of records and any other documents.

A referee elected chief in one category may act as a side referee in another.

Powerlifting ranks and basic powerlifting standards

In men's power triathlon, sports categories are assigned when the following standards are met at competitions:

Table: Powerlifting discharge standards

Powerlifting standards, bit requirements


Ranks and ranks in powerlifting, bar weight (kg)









Today's article will be of interest to those visitors to the gym who seek to develop superhuman strength in themselves and are not particularly interested in the shape and relief of their muscles. I'm talking about lifters who train mostly 3 lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) during their workouts and rarely do anything else (the rest of the lifters call "utility" in lifter slang).

An attempt to somehow classify the "lifter" federations was not easy, so I had to resort to the help of Wikipedia. According to her data, there are 5 federations in Russia. In each of the regions of our vast homeland, there are representations, as a rule, of one of the 5 represented federations.

IPF Federation

One can say the most prestigious federation, only its crusts are rumored to be quoted abroad. It’s better not to say anything about their official website, unless of course this is what I found. A very poor creation made in html. Well there are regional sites where you can see the current standards.

IPF standards for men(photo clickable)

IPF standards for women(photo clickable)

All exercises are performed in special equipment, which gives some kind of increase to your results. This equipment is not cheap and is specially selected. World champions are usually made to order. Each federation has its own jerseys, bandages, etc. that are “permitted” for competitions. Although most often I met the firm inzer on athletes.

WPC-WPO federation

In this federation, there are already 3 internal “subspecies”, so to speak. The WPC itself, in which any drugs are allowed, also has a gradation for the equipment and non-equipment division. Then there is the GPC federation in which athletes compete exclusively in powerlifting and without equipment. There is also AWPC, I wrote about it. There is mandatory doping control in the AWPC, respectively, and the standards there are earthly.

WPO regulations for men in equipment(photo clickable)

WPO guidelines for women in gear(photo clickable)

WPO standards unequipped men

WPO standards for naked women(photo clickable)

GPC standards for men without equipment(photo clickable)

GPC standards for women in equipment(photo clickable)

AWPC standards for men in equipment

AWPC standards for women in equipment

AWPC standards unequipped men

AWPC standards for women without equipment

In this federation, there is a special regulation for a suit and items of personal equipment, which even includes underpants and socks :) I personally have not let it out at competitions, and somehow it doesn’t pull yet, but I think this is already too much ...

Federation RDFPF

The federation is a representative of the international lifting federation WDFPF, headquartered in St. Petersburg. Just like in the AWPC, doping control is carried out.

RDFPF standards men(photo clickable)

RDFPF norms for women(photo clickable)

I don’t know exactly how it differs from others, except for mandatory doping control, but as they say, it’s good when you have a choice.

IPA Federation

This federation began to function only in 2011, it is the official representative of the international federation International Powerlifting Association (IPA). There are 2 branches in the federation - in one they check for doping (IPA-A), in the other, respectively, there is no (IPA). You can also compete with or without equipment.

IPA standards for men in gear(photo clickable)

IPA standards for women in equipment(photo clickable)

IPA standards unequipped men(photo clickable)

IPA standards naked women(photo clickable)

IPA-A standards for men in equipment(photo clickable)

IPA-A standards for women in equipment(photo clickable)

IPA-A standards unequipped men(photo clickable)

IPA-A standards for naked women(photo clickable)

Also, in the IPA federations, competitions are held only in the bench press, both in equipment and without it.

WPA federation

This federation is also very young and represents the international powerlifting federation World Powerlifting Alliance (WPA) in Russia. In it, you can also compete in powerlifting both with and without equipment, in the bench press, with and without doping control. Since the federation is very young (it has existed since 2010) and so far has held only one bench press competition in which 24 athletes participated, I see no reason to post their standards on the site. Moreover, this year they have not yet managed to arrange a championship and it has been postponed to November-December.

Here is such a voluminous article to learn. Of course, in one article you will not reveal all powerlifting, so I will develop this topic.

At the end of the article, I suggest you look at the current European record holder in - who presses lying down without equipment already 302.5 kilograms.

06.08.2013 01:54

Taken from the official website of the Russian Powerlifting Federation

For information about the participants of the championships of Russia among veterans:

"The assignment of sports titles and sports categories for the results shown in competitions among veteran athletes is not provided for by the norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation."

On September 06, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715, the "Norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation of sports titles and sports categories in the sport of powerlifting" for the period 2014-2017 were approved.

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories for the sport "POWERLIFTING"

POWERLIFTING (triathlon) EVSK standards for 2014-2017
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715 of 09/06/2013

Sports ranks

Sports ranks

Youth sports categories

53,0 410,0 325,0 282,5 260,0 232,5 215,0 195,0
59,0 625,0 570,0 455,0 362,5 315,0 290,0 260,0 240,0 212,5
66,0 700,0 635,0 510,0 402,5 350,0 320,0 287,5 257,5 227,5
74,0 770,0 695,0 537,5 440,0 385,0 352,5 317,5 280,0 247,5
83,0 835,0 747,5 582,5 482,5 422,5 387,5 352,5 307,5 277,5
93,0 880,0 787,5 610,0 520,0 465,0 412,5 382,5 340,0 307,5
105,0 920,0 815,0 645,0 552,5 500,0 460,0 397,5 355,0 330,0
120,0 955,0 835,0 687,5 600,0 530,0 497,5 422,5 372,5 347,5
120+ 980,0 860,0 735,0 617,5 545,0 510,0 455,0 390,0 372,5
43,0 242,5 175,0 150,0 137,5 122,5 112,5 97,5
47,0 367,5 297,5 262,5 190,0 165,0 150,0 135,0 122,5 105,0
52,0 405,0 325,0 290,0 210,0 182,5 167,5 147,5 135,0 117,5
57,0 435,0 352,5 312,5 227,5 200,0 182,5 162,5 147,5 127,5
63,0 475,0 385,0 337,5 252,5 220,0 202,5 180,0 162,5 142,5
72,0 507,5 412,5 367,5 285,0 247,5 227,5 202,5 182,5 157,5
84,0 537,5 447,5 405,0 327,5 285,0 260,0 220,0 205,0 177,5
84+ 552,5 475,0 422,5 352,5 320,0 285,0 235,0 217,5 192,5

The MSMK norm is fulfilled:

1. At sports competitions having a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ETUC.

1. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is fulfilled:

The CCM norm is fulfilled at sports competitions not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is performed only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Discharge standards 2011-2013

POWERLIFTING (triathlon) EVSK norms for 2011-2013
approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 1116 dated September 26, 2011.

1. On the first sheet of the "MSMK" file, there are standards that are taken into account only when taking the specified prizes at the World and European Championships.
2. On the second sheet of the "norm" are the standards that are met subject to the above "general special conditions".
3. on the third sheet of the "norm-tab." the standards are given in the usual form of a table.

The MSMK sports title is awarded from the age of 17, the MS sports title - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Sports ranks

Sports ranks

Youth sports categories




The MSMK norm is fulfilled:

1. At sports competitions with a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ETUC, among men and women, at the Russian Championship, subject to taking 1st place, the Cup of Russia, subject to taking 1st place.

2. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The MS norm is fulfilled:

1. At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg.

2. Subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports referees of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

The CCM norm is fulfilled at sports competitions with a status not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

Championships of Russia are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19-23 years old); boys, girls (14-18 years old).

To participate in sports competitions, the specified number of years must be completed in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2010

Norms and conditions for their implementation for the assignment of sports titles and categories for the sport of "POWERLIFTING" triathlon

The MSMK sports title is awarded from the age of 17, the MS sports title - from the age of 16, sports categories - from the age of 10.

Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Russian Federation No. 429 dated 04.05.2010.





General special conditions:

MSMK norm is fulfilled at sports competitions with a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ETUC, among men and women, as well as subject to taking 1st place: at the Russian Championship or the Russian Cup. A prerequisite is a doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.

MS norm is fulfilled at other All-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, at the championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg, subject to random doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform .

The CCM norm is fulfilled at sports competitions with a status not lower than the championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.

The norm is performed only by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Championships of Russia are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19 - 23 years old); boys, girls (14 - 18 years).

To participate in sports competitions, the specified number of years must be completed in the calendar year of the competition.

Discharge standards 2006




MSMK - take:
1st - 3rd place in triathlon at the World or European Championships;
1st place at the World and European Championships in bench press;
1st place at the world or European championship among juniors, excluding lifted kilograms.

MSMK - at international competitions, championships and the Cup of Russia, the championship of Russia among juniors, subject to doping control at these competitions.
MS - at territorial and final competitions of the republican scale, open championships in Moscow and St. Petersburg, all-Russian tournaments held by the FPR (with the participation of athletes from at least five regions, territories, republics).
KMS - the fulfillment of the standards is counted by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).
Ranks are assigned from the age of 10, MS and MSMK - from 14 years.

Discharge standards 2001

POWERLIFTING (power triathlon)
This classification comes into force on March 10, 2001.




Discharge standards 1997

POWERLIFTING (power triathlon)


II Jun.



MSMK take: 1-3 places in triathlon at the World or European Championships,1st place in triathlon at the World or European Junior Championships(excluding lifted kilograms).

Conditions for fulfilling discharge standards (in accordance with the table):

MSMK: subject to mandatory doping control for:

International competitions;

Championship and Cup of Russia;

Championships of Russia.

MS: subject to random doping control for:

Territorial and final competitions of the republican scale;
- open championships Moscow and St. Petersburg (with the participation of representativesat least 5 regions, territories, republics);
- all-Russian tournaments held by the Powerlifting Federation of Russia (withparticipation of representatives of at least 5 regions, territories, republics).

Compliance with the standards is counted by the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).

Ranks are assigned from 12 years old, MS - from 14 years old, MSMK - from 16 years old.

This classification comes into force from the date of signing the order of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (07/06/1997).

Discharge standards 1988

POWERLIFTING (power triathlon)

The exercise

Sports category

II Jun.

Conditions for fulfilling the discharge standards:

Fulfillment of the MS and KMC standards for the sum of three exercises, but in each exercise the result must not be lower than the I category standard.
Fulfillment of standards I - III categories - according to the results in each movement.
The title "Master of Sports of the USSR" is awarded only at competitions held by the USSR State Sports Committee, and at the championships and cups of the Union republics.

The standards of the Federation of the Russian Federation (IPF) for powerlifting were approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 715 dated 09/06/2013

  • 1. The MSMK norm is fulfilled:
    • 1.1. At sports competitions having a status not lower than other international sports competitions included in the ETUC.
    • 1.2. Subject to doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.
  • 2. The MS norm is fulfilled:
    • 2.1. At competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the ETUC, championships of the federal districts of the Russian Federation, zonal qualifying competitions, championships in Moscow, St. Petersburg.
    • 2.2. Subject to selective doping control and the presence of three sports judges of at least the All-Russian category on the platform.
  • 3. The CCM norm is performed at sports competitions not lower than the status of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the presence of two sports judges not lower than the All-Russian category on the platform.
  • 4. The norm is performed only for the sum of three exercises (squat, bench press, deadlift).
  • 5. Championships of Russia are held in age categories: juniors, juniors (19-23 years old); boys, girls (14-18 years old).
  • 6. To participate in sports competitions, the specified number of years for an athlete must be completed in the calendar year of the competition.

There are several powerlifting federations in Russia: IPF / FPR, WPO / WPC / AWPC, WDFPF / RDFPF, WRPF, which also hold separate competitions in the bench press discipline (including in different versions, for example, “Russian bench press”, "people's press"). Each federation has its own competition rules and regulations.

Russian Powerlifting Federation (FPR/IPF)

A federation officially accredited by the State Sports Committee of the Russian Federation. It is the Russian branch of the International Powerlifting Federation, the English name is International Powerlifting Federation (IPF).
He does not distinguish standards for the bench press, but holds separate competitions in this discipline. There are no regulations.


Professional powerlifting organization - there is no doping control in it.

WPC Ratings Bench Press - Unequipped

WPC Ratings Bench Press - Single Layer

click on the picture to enlarge

WPC Ratings Bench Press - Layered Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

Folk press - bench press on a bench with a weight equal to the athlete's own weight, in accordance with the established rules, the maximum number of repetitions, without the use of bench shirts. The weight must be a multiple of 2.5 kilograms. If the athlete's weight is not a multiple of 2.5, then it is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 2.5 kilograms.

click on the picture to enlarge


This is the doping-free division of the WPC. For the use of doping - a lifetime disqualification.

AWPC Ratings Bench Press - Unequipped

click on the picture to enlarge

AWPC Ratings Bench Press - Single Layer

click on the picture to enlarge

AWPC Bench Press Ratings - Layered Equipment

click on the picture to enlarge

All WPO/WPC/AWPC regulations on the federation website.


Doping free federation. For the use of dope - a lifetime disqualification.

click on the picture to enlarge

click on the picture to enlarge

World Raw Powerlifting Federation

The International Powerlifting Federation, which consists of the strongest living bare powerlifters. I noticed it quite recently. Regulations at this link.

Film by Dmitry Kasatov "UNCLE VOVA"

(V. Kravtsov, D. Kasatov, S. Badyuk)

P.S. In my multi-year planning, detailed and described in the section "", I use the AWPC discharge standards without equipment.
