Exercise for students in physical education. Report: A set of exercises for physical culture

In any school, in addition to exact and humanitarian subjects, there is physical education. Whatever one may say, and without sports, no child can fully develop and become a beautiful and healthy adult. The set of physical education exercises that are offered at school is aimed at developing all muscle groups. The load may increase as children grow up, but the principle of operation will be the same.

Why is it worth listening to a teacher?

For many children, a complex of general developmental physical education exercises seems like hard labor. Especially girls often do not want to follow the instructions of the teacher and complete each assigned task with minimal feedback. If your child falls into this category, we recommend that you initially talk to your daughter. Explain to the girl that sport is the foundation. beautiful figure, and the sooner she starts working on herself, the healthier, more beautiful and more perfect she will be in the future. Once you have reached a compromise, take your regular school gym exercise routine for your hands-on homework. As a rule, in educational institutions such lessons are held twice a week. You can set aside two more days for studying at home. In order to captivate the child, turn on music, arrange small competitions, reward for success. Very soon you will notice that the girl is looking forward to the day when the schedule will include "physical training".

Clothes matter too

Before we present you with a set of exercises for a physical education lesson at home, let's pay attention to what kind of clothes the child will wear. First, the suit must be comfortable. Before buying, ask your child to raise his arms, legs, bend over - the seams should not hinder movement. The second aspect is material. Synthetics should be a maximum of 5 percent. Thirdly, sports uniform choose according to the season. For winter, it should be pants and a sweatshirt, and in spring and early autumn, you need to work out in a T-shirt and shorts. After you have withstood all the technical moments, do not forget about aesthetics. It is important that the child likes the shape, especially if you have a girl. She must match the color, silhouette, length and width. Then she will gladly change clothes before each physical education lesson.

Why are complexes being developed for schools?

As a rule, classes in each school are formed from children whose physical and mental abilities are approximately at the same level. Then a set of general developmental physical education exercises is selected, where the degree of load varies depending on the age of the team members. The exercises themselves remain the same (sometimes new ones are added), only the standards increase. We also note that the set of physical education exercises does not require preliminary preparation. But in the future, with its regular implementation, it will be easier for a person (in particular, a child) to master martial arts, swimming and other more serious sports.

We start with a warm-up

It is necessary to warm up the whole body before starting to perform any set of exercises. The physical education warm-up begins with turning and tilting the head. This is how we knead the muscles of the neck. Then swing arms and legs are performed. It is also important to develop the hip. For this, forward bends and backward bends are performed. You can complete the warm-up by rolling from toes to heels. Some teachers also use walking and running in place to warm up.

Cardio load at school

Today this term is most often found in fitness centers, but we completely forgot that it was in the school gym that we were taught the basics of this science. Any school set of physical education exercises should make the child's heart beat faster, which, in turn, will speed up blood circulation, therefore, improve the condition of the whole body. How are our children encouraged to do cardio? Very simple! First, it's running. We can talk about long runs (in the summer), about shuttle races, about running on short distances speed and much more. The second way to make your heart beat faster is with a jump rope. As a rule, schoolchildren jump on the timer, and in a minute you need to have time to do 50 to 90 jumps. The rope is followed in height.

Strength training for muscle growth

The most difficult thing for young schoolchildren is the performance of strength exercises, especially if they are not simultaneously trained in special sections. And most adults will immediately remember this set of physical education exercises. The table below shows us how to work on a specific muscle group, pumping it as much as possible and straining it. These are the programs that fitness and weight loss experts offer. And if such standard exercises add weights, then it will already be bodybuilding.

Stretching is an important thing for boys and girls.

Alas, most modern schoolchildren cannot boast of the ability to sit on a twine, stand on a bridge and literally fold in half. Therefore, in the general developmental program there is a special complex for physical education. Of course, the physical education teacher will not be able to teach each student all the intricacies of stretching, but he will be able to slightly increase the degree of plasticity of children. To do this, the following exercises are performed in the classroom:

  • Somersaults. They must be done back and forth, double, triple.
  • After a somersault, you need to sit down on a half-step. The leg that is behind should be twisted and extended at the knee.
  • Bridge from a prone position.
  • Butterfly. If the child is unable to get his knees low enough, the teacher may apply a little pressure for a better result.
  • Flexion. From a sitting position, the child tilts the torso and reaches with his palms to the feet.

Combining different categories

Often as accelerated or more effective program workouts are selected exercises in which both stretching and work on the muscles are present. They are very easy to do. And now we will consider some of them that children most often perform in schools:

  • Pulling up. Are pumped over shoulder muscles, the wrists are strengthened, while the back is stretched.
  • Exercises on uneven bars. Here the children perform somersaults, sit on the half-step, keep their balance, imitating a swallow. At the same time, it is important to maintain the center of gravity and hold onto the uneven bars with your hands and feet.
  • Walking lunges. In this case, we combine the cardio load as well. The buttocks are also pumped up, while the heartbeat and breathing increase.

Warm-up is an important component and an obligatory stage before any workout, on which the readiness of the whole body and achievement effective result after the main classes. Warm-up exercises gradually warm up the muscles, preparing the body and body for stress.

Warm-up goal

Warm-up - Pre-workout exercises to:

  • Stretching the muscles of the body, preventing injury when working with your own or additional weight;
  • Performance improvements of cardio-vascular system by expanding blood vessels and increasing the heart rate for better blood supply to the body;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Has a positive effect on nervous system and improves fitness for sports.

Warm-up rules

Warm-up exercises accelerate blood circulation and widen the range of motion of the joints, helping to prevent injury. Warm-up exercises must be selected taking into account age, health status, body type, and muscle group being trained. The warm-up can be divided into groups:

Universal or general. Performed before any physical exercise, preparing the entire body for training.
Special. Aimed at maximum warming up of the muscles that will be worked out in training.
Stretching. Popular view warming up the body, improves muscle extensibility and joint mobility. It is displayed in a separate group, although its elements may be present in the general warm-up complex.

Basic rules for all types of warm-up:

  • Exercise should be simple.
  • The duration of a body warming up session should be about 15 minutes.
  • Warm-up begins with the upper body, gradually moving to the lower body.

Warm-up exercises

The first set of exercises under consideration is considered universal and suitable for most people, before any workouts, as in gym, and when studying at home.

Warm up the neck.

Warm up the muscles of the shoulders and arms:

Warm up chest and back muscles :

Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, place perpendicular to the body at chest level. Pull your shoulders back as far as possible, unbending the elbows of your arms, while simultaneously turning to the side, trying to close your shoulder blades. Return to the starting stance and resume movements with a turn in the opposite direction.

Lower back warm-up:

Warm up legs:

A set of warm-up stretching exercises

What kind of warm-up to choose depends on the complexity of the main workout and the muscle group being trained. In any case, if you skip the warm-up and move on to basic exercises, there is a great risk of injury or muscle tear. At the same time, you should not wear yourself out. warm-up exercises... She must prepare her body for full workout rather than exhaust in front of her.

Warming up in a physical education lesson is a simple but necessary thing. It is she who allows you to prepare the muscles for execution physical exercise and protects children from getting all kinds of injuries in the course of the lesson.

Warm-up on physical education

Warm-up is the basis of physical education, and it should cover the whole body to the maximum. However, this does not take a long time, and the standard version covers only 10-15 minutes of lesson time. In addition to the main program, it is worthwhile to include an enhanced warm-up for those muscle groups that will be involved in the lesson: for example, before running great attention devote to warm-up legs.

So, a standard warm-up for school is performed from the main position of the legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, arms along the body or on the hips:

  • head tilts back and forth by 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • head tilts to the right and left by 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • turns of the head to the sides by 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • head rotation in a circle 2 times in both directions;
  • arms to the shoulders, rotation of the shoulders back and forth for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • warm-up of the wrists - rotation in both directions 2-4 times;
  • warm-up elbows - rotation in both directions 4 times;
  • rotation in the lower back in a circle 2-4 times in each direction;
  • tilts of the body back and forth by 4 counts (8 times);
  • tilts of the body to the right and left by 4 counts (8 times);
  • warm-up ankle joints- rotation clockwise and counterclockwise, 4 circles in each direction;
  • a similar warm-up for hip joints;
  • put your hands over your knees and rotate in knee joint 2-4 circles in each direction;
  • performing classic forward lunges - 8 times for each leg;
  • leg swings - 10-15 swings for each leg.

If there is a need to spend a physical education-minute in another activity, for example, a warm-up at the lesson of English language, you can leave only those exercises that affect the neck, shoulders and arms, and also add clenching and unclenching of the fists to warm up the hands.

Fun warm-up for kids

Small children do not really like ordinary warm-ups, but if you turn on cheerful cheerful music for a while, then even the most ordinary warm-up will go off with a bang. One more good move- invite one of the students to warm up themselves (of course, you need to prompt correct exercises). In this case, in elementary school, warm-up is also treated with great interest.

The modern rhythm of life forces many people to devote all their strength to work, household chores, and everyday life. In the midst of this bustle, it is sometimes difficult to devote time to your health, visit the pool, go to the gym. But the muscles of a person must receive a constant load, develop in order to stay in good shape.

To do this, you can use a full-fledged complex of general developmental physical education exercises for adults at home and make the figure more attractive and the muscles trained.

The muscles of the arms and shoulder over time lose their elasticity and become more relaxed, which, together with other reasons, leads to the appearance of scoliosis, curvature of posture. There are simple steps that can form a good muscle corset.

Exercises for this muscle group are performed a certain number of times in several passes.

Before carrying out a complex of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, it is imperative to do a warm-up.

Extension of the arms

The exercise is performed with dumbbells. You need to do 10 exercises at a time:

  • lean on a knee and one hand on a flat surface;
  • straighten your back, strain your stomach, do not raise your head;
  • take a dumbbell in the other hand, bend it;
  • keep your elbow motionless, straighten your arm with dumbbells;
  • turn your hand palm up, fix;
  • return to the previous position.

Knee push-up

Repeat several times 30 times.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults will help you always stay in shape


  • emphasis on your knees, cross your feet, raise them above the floor;
  • put your palms close to each other;
  • pull in the stomach, bending your elbows to fall to the floor;
  • slowly straighten up.

Neck exercises

The complex of general developmental physical education exercises for adults is designed in such a way as to give Special attention muscles cervical... The strengthening and development of which is the prevention of pain and the treatment of pathologies. For a sore neck, neurologists recommend performing gymnastics from static exercises... Some of them are presented below.

Important! If during the exercise a person feels pain and discomfort, you need to reduce the range of motion and reduce the number of repetitions. If pain is still present, the execution should be postponed. gymnastic element for a while.


  • take a comfortable position, keep your head straight;
  • tilt to the right, strain your neck, hold your head for 7 seconds;
  • tilt to the left.

Repeat the movements 5 times.


Do 2 more times, hold for 10 seconds.

Exercises for legs and pelvis

This complex helps to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, back of the torso and buttocks.


  • put your legs wider than your shoulders;
  • do squats, hips parallel to the floor;
  • repeat 20 times.

Breeding legs lying

This exercise is the basis of a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, which involves the work of several muscle groups.

  • lie on a flat surface;
  • bend your legs, raise;
  • the thighs are perpendicular to the floor, the lower legs are parallel;
  • spread the legs to the sides, fix;
  • slowly bring your knees together.

Perform 10 times, doing 2 approaches.

Exercises for the trunk

Exercises for developing the muscles of the torso are usually divided into 2 groups: for the chest and for the abdomen. The main training methods are presented in the table.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults Dosage
1 Breeding two arms with dumbbells to the sides, lying down

Raising hands with dumbbells from behind the head, lying down

Press the projectile, sitting on a bench

1 Lying on your back, raise your torso, bending forward, touch your knees with your head

Hanging on the bar, raise your legs up, fix

Putting your feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the sides with a barbell on your shoulders


Important to remember! Movements aimed at strengthening the trunk affect the internal cavities of the body and important organs... They need to be done slowly, without forcing.

Exercises for the whole body

The basis of the complex of movements for the whole body is made up of 3 exercises:

  • bar;
  • squatting with weights;
  • incomplete bridge.


Plank refers to strength exercises that put stress on all muscles.

To complete the plank, you need to sit on the floor so as to keep your body on your elbows and toes. In such a stance, you need to hold for 1 minute in several approaches.

Weighted squat

This exercise pumps the muscles of the lower part: thighs, calves, buttocks. You can use dumbbells or other object as weight. For beginners, squatting is recommended to start without the use of weights. In this case, you cannot tear off the heels from the floor, start from 10 times in several sets.

Execution technique:

  • put your legs wider than your shoulders;
  • descend until the buttocks are parallel to the floor;
  • slowly take the original position.

Incomplete bridge

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks:

Posture exercises

Beautiful posture not only makes a person more attractive, but also affects correct work all systems of life. To create an even posture, you need to do the following exercises.


  • sit on your knees, clasp your hands over your head;
  • turn the brushes with palms up, pull as high as possible to the ceiling;
  • make bends to the sides;
  • return to its original position.

When performing, keep your back straight, do not bend your arms at the elbows. Perform 4 times.


  • sit on your heels, put your hands on your knees;
  • spread the knees to the sides;
  • bend your elbows, lower them to the floor;
  • tilt your head, linger for 10 seconds.

Repeat - 3 times.

Balance exercise

An additional complex of general developmental physical education movements for adults, which is aimed at correcting posture, includes gymnastics in balance. These exercises strengthen the muscles in the trunk and tone the spinal muscles. They are carried out on a raised support or on the floor, and can be performed on the spot or in motion.

Exercises in place: stand on toes, on heels, turns, movement of the limbs, jumping.

Exercise in motion: walking of various kinds, using weights when walking, overcoming obstacles, running, dancing steps.

Strength exercises

Strength actions are aimed at training physical strength, endurance involving certain muscle groups. They are usually divided into training with their own weight and with free weight. Exercises are performed in the morning or in the afternoon 10 times, several times a week.

With own weight:

  • push-ups from the floor;
  • pull-up;
  • squatting.

Note! In order for the load to be evenly distributed to all muscle groups, the complex of general developmental physical education exercises for adults should be done with a straight back and correct position body: put your feet shoulder-width apart, you cannot bend forward.

With weights (raising and lowering shells):

  • barbell squat;
  • chest presses;
  • bent over thrust;
  • deadlift.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises help to relax, relieve excess weight, normalize digestion, deal with stress.


Take 4 deep breaths through your nose, exhale quietly through your mouth. When inhaling, clench your fists. Pause for 6 seconds, lower your hands. The shoulders and abdomen are relaxed. You should do 24 sessions of 4 breaths.


While standing, bend down. In the middle of the slope, inhale air through your nose, finish inhaling with the slope. Straighten up. Repeat 12 sets of 8 breaths, taking a break for 4 seconds.


Stand on the floor, press your hands to your stomach. When performing, take 8 breaths in a row. The break is 4 seconds. As you exhale, push your hands to the floor, straightening them. When exhaling, press your hands again. Repetition - 12 sets of 8 breaths.

Stretching exercises

After completing a set of general developmental exercises for strength physical education, an adult must definitely stretch the tendons and muscles. Stretching gets worse over the years, in addition, strength training contributes to shortening the ligaments and impairing joint mobility. Stretching exercises should be done without pain, jerking, breathing deeply.

First, large muscle groups are pulled, then small ones.

Stretching the back and hips

Sit on the floor, make sure that your back is straight, legs extended forward. To stretch the muscles, you need to bend forward and try to reach your toes with your hands. Having touched the legs, linger for 10 seconds, then straighten up. You need to raise one leg and, grabbing it with both hands, pull it up. Feeling the tension, fix the position for a few minutes, change the leg.

Stretching the chest muscles

The exercise is performed in a standing position, legs should be shoulder-width apart, knees should be slightly bent. Put your hands behind your back in a lock. The chest should be slowly pulled forward to the maximum, straining the stomach and back.

Relaxation exercises

When performing monotonous work, a person does not notice how his muscles, maintaining a certain body position, are constantly tense. To restore strength and calm the nerves, stress must be relieved. For this, programs have been developed that help to relax and relieve fatigue.

You need to perform the exercises with holding your breath and muscle tension.

For hands

Standing straight, raise your hands, clenched into fists. When inhaling, first strain the muscles of the hand, then the forearm and shoulder. Hold your breath for a few seconds. In this case, you need to mentally give a command for maximum stress. When exhaling, relax, lower your hands and make several pendulum-like turns.

For the torso

Lying on your stomach, bend your whole body, raising your knees and head. Starting position, relax. Do 3-4 repetitions. The second part of the exercise is also performed, but you need to lie on your back. Tighten the muscles when bending, relax, straighten on the floor.

General developmental exercises in pairs

OPU in pairs are aimed at strengthening joints, developing strength and endurance. Movement in pairs engages muscle groups in a special way that cannot be achieved alone.

Any set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults in pair work helps to learn how to calculate efforts to resist a partner and show your maximum abilities. The peculiarity of such exercises is that they can be performed alternately or together, with or without objects.

For hands

Facing each other, the partners stretch their hand forward, while the other is bent at the elbow and locked into the lock with the partner's hand. The workout focuses on flexion and extension of the arms with resistance.

For legs

An effective hip exercise is easy to do. In this case, you need to lie on your back, lift and spread to the sides. At the same time, the partner stands on the side of the legs and holds the partner by the ankles. The task of the first participant is to bring his legs together, and the second is to hold them, showing resistance. After several repetitions, the task is reversed.

General developmental exercises in motion

Such trainings selectively affect certain muscle groups and are divided into anatomical groups, which have several local exercises. ORU are in the development motor qualities: turns, flexion, abduction and others.

Training the foot and lower leg:

  • lifting on toes, walking, jumping (using two or one leg);
  • walking on the outside of the foot;
  • touching the heel of the floor with one leg while lungeing forward with the other.

Full body workout (repeat 5-6 times):

  • alternate squatting and lying position;
  • spread your legs, perform circular movements with your body;
  • go down to the floor with your legs crossed, then lie down, sit down and stand up, without using your hands.

Corrective gymnastics exercises

Corrective gymnastics is aimed at relaxing the muscles and restoring the normal functioning of the body. This happens when performing general developmental, corrective and relaxing gymnastics twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

Such exercises may include:

  • a set of general developmental gymnastics exercises for adults using gymnastic apparatus;
  • a series of movements without projectiles;
  • group or individual lessons.

Symmetrical exercises are an example of such gymnastics., which are designed to remove asymmetry, align the spine, and weaken muscle tone.


  1. I. p. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms. Raise your head and shoulders, stretch your arms, take them back. Take a breath, take and. NS.
  2. I. p. Lying on your back, raise your legs, making an angle of 45 degrees and cross the straight legs - "scissors".
  3. I. p. - the same. To make circular movements of straight legs - "bicycle".

General developmental exercises with weights (dumbbells)

Exercises with dumbbells are classified as general developmental athletic training., which are aimed at training endurance, joint flexibility, improving body proportions. Many dumbbell movements are performed while sitting or lying down, which can reduce the stress on certain parts of the body and organs.

The main rule of such exercises is a gradual increase in resistance. In this case, the actions are performed with the addition of the weight of the dumbbells while increasing the repetitions.

Complex of movements:

  • side bends, standing with dumbbells in hand;
  • pull of the projectile from behind the head in a prone position on a gymnastic bench;
  • alternate lifting of the hand from dumbbells in front of you;
  • lunges and squats with dumbbells.

General developmental exercises without objects

ORU without objects are simple movements with parts of the body in an accessible technique, taking into account age and anatomical features person. Such actions help to improve the condition of the body, to educate physical qualities and improve your health.

Complex (working out the muscles of the shoulder, legs and back):

General developmental exercises with a rope

Jumping rope exercises are often included in the set of switchgears, they are part of the training of athletes. Despite the availability of actions and the simplicity of the projectile, systematic exercises allow you to improve coordination of movements, reduce weight, and work out several muscle groups at once.

Experts recommend that beginner athletes conduct classes for 10 minutes 3 times a week, gradually increasing the load and using 3 types of jumps. In addition, you can perform other exercises in which the rope is used not only for jumping.

Types of activities:

  • jumping rope on one or two legs (10 times);
  • swing your legs, while holding the shell in your hands, try to reach it with your foot (8 times);
  • tilts forward, while the rope must be taken, and then, when performing the next tilt, put on the floor (10 times).

General developmental exercises using a hoop

For more effective training muscles, the development of dexterity and accuracy of movements, trainers recommend using a hoop. As sports equipment he can be a reference point in the lesson, fix certain poses, body position. In the classroom, they often use different position hoop: horizontal, frontal, side.

In addition to rotating the hoop at the waist, arm, neck, jumping, throwing and passing the hoop are done. Exercises are done smoothly, slowly, they are carried out 8-10 times.

Hoop exercises

  1. The hoop in the hands. Standing on the floor, the hoop is in the hands in front. When lifting on toes, raise the hoop and look at it, take a breath. Accept and. n. Exhale.
  2. Forward bends, put the hoop or pick it up.
  3. Standing on the floor Hold the hoop with your hands vertically from above. Place the hands next to each other. Swing your legs alternately backward, bending.

General developmental exercises with balls

Physical movement with the use of the ball helps to develop a person's mobility and responsiveness. Such a projectile is used as a light weight in single or pair workouts. In this case, you need to correctly select the weight of the ball and the intensity of the movements.

General strengthening activities

For hands:

  • put your legs apart, take the ball in your hands, lower your hands;
  • raise your hands in front of your chest;
  • continue the movement, raising your hands up;
  • give up.

For the torso:

  • put your legs apart, raise your hands with the ball up;
  • tilt to the sides;
  • complicate the movement: bend forward without bending your knees, touch the floor with the ball.

For legs:

  • lie on the floor;
  • stretch your arms over your head, hold the ball in your hands;
  • sit down slowly, trying to reach the socks with the ball.

General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

The gymnastic stick makes it possible to increase sports load and diversify your workout... Movements with such a projectile should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist who will competently distribute the number of exercises to certain parts of the body and their amplitude.

Stick exercises prepare the body for more challenging workouts. Wherein great importance looks like a grip of a stick: normal, bottom, narrow, reverse, different.

Basic exercises:

  1. Legs apart, take the stick by the ends from above and place it vertically behind your back. Do 5 squats while maintaining your posture.
  2. Walking in place, keep the stick horizontally in front of you. Lunge with your left foot, turn right, change legs. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Standing, put your legs apart, the stick - horizontally behind your back. Bend forward, lifting the stick upward with a jerk. Return to and. NS.

Correct distribution physical activity has a great impact on a person. By performing simple movements, he gets the opportunity to correct posture, strengthen muscles, restore vitality and prolong youth.

The basic complex of general developmental exercises for adults in physical education can be used as a warm-up before strength training or by yourself.

In order for the classes to bring only benefit and pleasure, it is imperative to study the methodology and features of their implementation.

Useful video with a set of general developmental exercises for adults:

General developmental physical education exercises with a rope:

1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, 3- arms to the sides, 4- I. p.

2. I. p. - stand, legs together, hands in the lock in front of the chest. 1- straighten your arms forward, 2- I.p. 3 - straighten your arms up, 4 - I.p.

3. I. p. - right hand above, left below. 1,2 - abduction of straight arms back, with a change of position, 3,4 - the same left at the top.

4. I. p. - stand, feet together, arms to shoulders. 1-4 - opposite circular

hand rotations in one direction, 5-8 - opposite circular rotation hands to the other side.

5. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands in front of the chest in the lock. 1,2 - turns of the body to the right,

3.4 - turns of the body to the left.

6. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt 1.2 - bends to the right, 3.4 - bends to the left.

7. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1,2,3 - forward bends, 4 - I. p.

8. I. p. - stand, legs apart, arms to the sides. 1- bend forward with a turn to the right, touching the left leg with the right hand. 2- I. p. 3- bend forward with a turn to the left, touching the right leg with the left hand. 4 - I. p.

9. I. p. - squat on the right leg, left straight to the side. 1-3- bend forward to a straight leg, 4 - shift the center of gravity to left leg.

10. I. p. - lunge right foot forward, hands behind the back, back straight. 1-3- springy swaying, 4 - changing the position of the legs by jumping.

11.I.p.-stand, legs apart, arms forward, slightly to the sides. 1 - swing with the right leg to the left leg, 2 - I.p., 3 - swing with the left leg to the right leg, 4 - I.P.

12.I.p. - stand feet apart, hands down. 1,3 - jump, clap over the head, 2,4 - jump, arms to the starting position.

Complex number 2

General developmental exercises without objects

1. I. p. - o. with., at the expense of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 hands to the sides, up, forward, down. 4 times.

2. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - bend forward, clap palms behind the left knee, exhale; 2 - and. n., inhale; 3 - bend forward, clap behind the right knee, exhale; 4 - and. etc., inhale. 4 times.

3. I. p. - the same. 1 - hands on the belt, turn to the right; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - 4 - the same to the left. 4 times.

4. I. p. - o. sec., I - sit down, hands on knees, exhale; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, exhale; 4 - and. p., inhale 4 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - raise the legs bent at the knees; 2 - straighten; 3 - bend; 4 - and. item 4 times.

6. I. p. - lying on the back, legs bent at the knees, lift. 1 - 4 - circular movements of the legs forward ("bicycle"); 5-8 - the same, rotating the legs towards you. 3 times.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, put your palms on your stomach in the area of ​​the hypochondrium. 1 - 3 - exhale, pressing lightly with palms on the stomach; 4 - pause; 5 - 7 - inhale, protruding the stomach; 7 - pause. 3

8. I. p. - legs apart, hands on the belt, 1 - tilt to the left, arms 2 - 3 - the same to the right. 4 times.

9.I. p. - o. sec., hands on the belt, raise the right leg bent at the knee; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 4 times.

10. I. p. - o. with. 1 - bend forward, relax the muscles of the arms; 2 - straighten up, arms up; 3 - bend forward, relaxing the muscles, "drop" your arms, let them swing freely; 4 - and. n. 4 times.

Complex number 3

Switchgear in place in pairs

1. I. p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands below.

1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, stand on toes, 3- arms to the sides, lower on the heels, 4- ip.

2. I. p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands up. 1.3 - the first partner performs a forward bend. 2.4 - the second partner performs a slope.

3 I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands. 1.3 - the first partner tilts forward, 2.4 - the second partner tilts forward.

4. I. p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands at the top. 1,3 - tilt to the right,

2.4 - tilt to the left.

5.I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs apart, hands on the partner's shoulders.

6.I.p. - standing facing each other, holding hands, hands at the bottom.

7.I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs together, hands on the partner's shoulders

Leaning forward with the help of a partner.

8.I.p. - standing facing each other, holding the partner's forearms.

Circular rotation with turns.

9.I.p. - standing in an inclination facing each other, legs in a wide stance, arms to the sides, clasped in the lock.

Turns of the body to the right, left.

10.I.p. - standing facing each other, holding the partner's elbows.

Circular rotation with turns.

11.I.p. - standing with their backs to each other, holding hands, hands up. 1, 3 - forward lunge with the right leg, 2.4 - forward lunge with the left leg.

12.I.p. - squat on the right, left to the side, facing each other, holding hands.

Shifting the center of gravity from one side to the other.

13.I.p. - the right (left) hand of one partner in the hand of the second.

Turns with imitation of throwing the ball, with a step with the left (right) foot in the direction of throwing.

Complex number 4

OSG in place (in columns):

I. p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing. 1- arms to the sides, 2.4 - I. p., 3- arms up.

I. p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing. 1-3 abduction of straight arms back, 4-I. p.

I. p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands at the bottom. 1- arms up, right leg back on toe, 2.4- I.p., 3- arms up, left leg back on toe.

I. p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands at the bottom. 1-3 tilt forward, take hands back, 4- I. p.

I. p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1- arms up, bend, 2- bend forward, 3- squat, 4- stand up.

I. p. - standing in ranks, hands on the shoulders of the one standing next to him. 10 forward bends at your own expense.

I. p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing. 1.2 - tilt to the right, 3.4 - tilt to the left.

I. p. - standing in columns, hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing. 1 - lunge to the right, 2.4 - I.p., 3 - lunge to the left.

I. p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1 - lunge forward with the right leg, arms forward, 2.4 - I. p., 3 - lunge forward with the left leg.

I. p. - standing in ranks, in a lunge with the right foot forward, hands on the shoulders of the person standing next to him. 20 jumps with a change in the position of the legs in the lunge, at their own expense.

I. p. - standing in ranks, hands on the shoulders of the one standing next to him. 12 squats at your own expense.

I. p. - standing in ranks, holding hands, hands below. 1-3 - jumps in place, 4 - turn 180 degrees.

Complex number 5

General development exercises with a large ball

1. I. p. - deep squat, ball in hands on the floor. 1-2 - stand up, ball up, right leg back on toe, stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. n., exhale. The same, but with the left leg back. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - wide stand, arms out to the sides, ball in right hand. 1 - turn of the body to the right, the ball "in the left hand, out-doh; 2 - turn of the body in the I. p., The left hand with the ball to the side, inhale; 3-4 - the same, but turn to the left. 8 - 10 times.

3. I. l. - standing feet together, the ball in the hands below. 1-3 - lean forward and roll the ball on the floor around your legs, you-doh; 4 - take the ball, return to and. etc., inhale. Perform with straight legs. Roll the ball in a closed circle once to the left, another time to the right. 6-8 times in each direction.

4. I. p. - standing feet together, the ball in the hands below. 1 - with an arc to the left, the ball up and tilt the body to the right, the right leg to the side on the toe, exhale; 2 — straighten up, put the right leg, with an arc to the left, the ball down, inhale; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Perform as one, do not hold the ball below. 8-10 times.

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball between the feet. 1-2 - raise straight legs with the ball forward, inhale; 3-4 - exhale. In the future, the exercise can be accelerated somewhat by doing all the movements in two counts. 12-15 times.

6. I. p. - standing feet together, straight arms with the ball forward. Spread your arms, release the ball, quickly sit down and, without letting the ball fall to the floor, catch it with both hands below. The width of the opening of the arms should be gradually increased. 6-8 times.

7. Breathing exercise... 3-4 times.

8. I. p. - feet foot-width apart, the ball at the shoulder on the palm of the bent arm. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. 8-10 times with each hand. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with the left hand and catching it with the right and vice versa. Breathing is uniform (20-30 sec).

Complex number 6

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

1. I. p. - stand feet together, stick down. 1-2 — stick up, stand on your toes and stretch, inhale; 3-4 - and. n., you-doh. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - stand feet apart, stick below. 1 - tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands, exhale; 2 - and. etc., inhale. During the tilt, the legs are straight, the task is complicated by a change in the width of the grip. 12-15 times.

3. I. p. - stand feet apart, stick in front, grip wider than shoulders. 1 - turn of the body to the right; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same in left side... When cornering shoulder girdle fix, but do not move from the place. Breathing is even. 10-12 times.

4. I. p. - stand feet together, stick at the bottom. 1-4 - raise the stick forward, sit on the floor and stretch your legs; 5-8 — stand up without touching the floor with your hands and stick. 10-15 times.

5. I. p. - stand feet together, stick horizontally at the top. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the right; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same to the left. When tilting - exhale, when straightening - inhale. 10-12 times.

6. I. p. - lying on the chest, stick at the top (hands are free to lie on the floor). 1 - 2 - bend over, raising the stick higher, inhale; 3-4 - and. n., exhale. The width of the grip can be changed by gradually decreasing the distance between the hands. 6-8 times.

7. I. p. - lying on your back, stick below, grip shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - bending the leg forward, hold it between the hands and the stick, straighten and lower it down (stick between the legs); 3-4 - and. n. Perform the exercise alternately with the left and right legs. Breathing is arbitrary, do not hold. 10-12 times.

8. I. p. - about. with., stick on the floor to the right. Side jumps over the stick, alternating them with one intermediate jump in place. Jump softly on toes. Do jumps over the stick higher, helping with the movement of the hands. Breathing is even. After jumping, go to walking (20-30 s).

Complex number 7

General developmental exercises with flags

1. I. p. - about. with., hands with flags at the bottom. 1-2-3 hands to the sides, up, forward; 4 - and. n. 4 times.

2. I. p. - about. with., hands with flags to the sides. 1 - lunge right forward, put flags on the knee; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 the same with the other leg. 6 times.

3. I. p. - legs apart, hands with flags up. 1 - bend forward, hands with flags down, exhale; 2 - and. etc., inhale. 6 times.

4. I. p. - about. with., hands with flags down. 1 - sit down, arms forward; 2nd. p. 6-8 times.

5. I. p. - legs apart, arms with flags forward. 1 - turn left, left hand with a flag to the side, look at the flag; 2 —and. etc. - the same in the other direction. 6 times.

6. I. p. - about. with. 1 - step left forward, arms with flags forward-ed-upward, bend over; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

7. I. p. - legs apart, arms with flags to the sides. 1 - swing the left leg forward, hands with flags down; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

8. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands with flags up. 1 - bend forward, touch the flags of the left leg; 2 - and. NS.; 3 - the same for the other leg. 6 times.

9. I. p. - lying on his back, hands with flags to the sides. 1 - raise your left leg forward, touch the toe with flags; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. 6 times.

10. I. p. - o. with., hands with flags at the bottom. 1 - left hand to the side; 2 - right hand to the side; 3 - left hand down; 4 - right hand down. 4-6 times.

Complex number 8

General developmental exercises with a hoop

1. I. p. - o. sec., keep the hoop below, 1 - raise the hoop forward, look into it; 2 - and. p. 6-8 times.

2. I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop at the chest bent arms... 1 - turn to the left, straighten your arms, take the hoop to the left; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. 6-8 times.

3. I. p. - legs apart, leave the hoop in front of you. 1 - on-clone forward, put the hoop on the floor, exhale; 2 — straighten up, inhale; 3 - tilt forward, take the hoop; 4 —and. p. 6-8 times.

4. I. p. - about. with., keep the hoop below, from the inside. 1 - hoop up; 2 - lower the hoop behind the back; 3 - lift up, 4 - and. p. 6-8 times.

5. I. p. - about. with., keep the hoop in front. 1 - lowering the hoop down and back, step over with the left foot inside the hoop; 2 - over-step with the right; 8 - lowering the hoop down and forward, step back from the hoop with the left foot; 4 - the same right. 4-6 times.

6. I. p, - legs apart, hoop up. 1 - tilt to the left; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same to the right. 6 times.

7. I. p. - legs apart, hold the hoop behind the back in lowered hands. 1 - tilt forward, bending, take the hoop back; 2 —and. n. 6 times.

8. I. p. - about. with. in the center of the hoop lying on the floor. 1 - sit down, take the hoop with both hands, exhale; 2 - stand up, lift the hoop with both hands, inhale; 3 - sit down, put the hoop; 4 - and. p. 6-8 times.

9. I. p. - about. with., hands with a hoop forward. 1 - swing with the left leg, touch the hoop; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the right leg. 6-8 times.

10. I. p. - about. with., the hoop vertically on the floor, hands with a grip from above, keep the hands close by. 1 - swing the left leg backward, bend over; 2 - and. NS.; 3-4 - the same with the right leg. 6-8 times.

11. I. p. - lying on the floor, the hoop on the floor behind the head, hold with both hands. 1 - raise straight legs and the hoop forward, touch the top of the hoop; 2-3 — hold; 4 - and. p. 6-8 times.

12. I. p. - lying on the floor, hold the hoop in front with bent arms. 1-2 - raise the hoop, stick out the stomach forward, inhale; 3-4 - and. p. - draw the stomach in, exhale. 3-5 times.

Complex number 9

General developmental exercises "Charging the skier"

1. Walking in place with swinging arms.

2. In the leg stand apart, springy semi-squats with different hand positions.

3. Tilts of the body to the sides, forward, backward, hands on the belt.

4. Circular motions hands forward, backward.

5. Alternate lunges forward, arms to the sides.

6. Jumping with a change in the position of the legs from the leg stand apart from the right with opposite hand movements.

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