Running technique. The basics of running technique

Natural running has become a trend recent years against the backdrop of the pursuit of "natural" food, life, materials, etc. All this is more useful than harmful, only naturalness needs to be correctly understood.

The man is already far from his own wild ancestors and life in the wild is so distant that naturalness may not always be beneficial. Running in a shoe with a variety of supports and good cushioning is neither a bad thing nor a good thing. However, as well as running in sneakers for natural running.

You need to correctly understand what the shoes are for and who they are suitable for. In this article, we will analyze what natural running is, what are its pros and cons, how to choose sneakers for natural running and to whom they are contraindicated.

What is natural running?

Simply put, it's barefoot running. It couldn't be more natural. Historically, running is a natural process for humans. In the process of transition to upright posture on 2 legs, a foot with a natural shock absorber was formed - pronation and supination of the foot.

To get a feel for this, try running barefoot. If you are used to running from the heel, then you will quickly adjust to natural running. The reason is simple - pain and discomfort. To avoid pain, the technique will begin to change: the step will decrease, the leg will no longer be thrown forward, the landing will be on the wide part of the foot - the base of the toes, the arch of the foot will begin to tighten and absorb the impacts of the landing. Doesn't it hurt? So you started running naturally!

Correct running technique is not about toe running! Running from the heel and running from the toe are 2 extremes. Correct landing should be on the wider part of the foot at the base of the toes. Then the heel lands if you run slowly. When you run very fast, the heel has almost no time to touch the surface.

Proper running technique and natural running are the same thing.... Do not separate these 2 concepts. The correct running technique, in addition to reducing the shock load, also gives running economy... This means that you can run faster and longer with the same expenditure of energy. Moreover, running technique means not only the way of staging the foot and leg work, but also the position of the body, the work of the hands, the amplitude and frequency of steps.

You should strive for such a run, but you should not immediately rush to the store for a pair of minimalistic sneakers or rush to run barefoot!

A sedentary lifestyle, improper shoes and other factors do not allow the formation of a natural "suspension" As a result, with age, a person gets excessive pronation (flat feet) and other disorders. The foot loses its ability to absorb, the load exceeding the load during walking by 5-10 times is transferred to the knees, spine, ligaments and tendons. The end result is injury, often life-long. To fix such a foot, you need to train long and hard.

Example of incorrect running technique

Natural running and correct running technique

How to run correctly? Running technique for beginners

For an unprepared person possible danger of natural running exceeds its benefit. You cannot get up from the couch and start running in sneakers for natural running or barefoot. This must be remembered and approach training carefully.

Only a physically prepared person can run correctly and technically. How to prepare the cardiovascular and other systems of the body for training? That's right - you need to run. It turns out vicious circle: to run correctly, you need to run, and to run, you need to run correctly :). Way out: purchase the right sneakers. It should be a technological pair for a long run on asphalt with all kinds of supports. Most of the training is carried out in them. Sneakers for natural running on initial stage can only be used in some workouts!

Moving to natural running isn't just about buying new sneakers. You need to start mastering the natural running technique by strengthening the muscles of the feet, legs and core with the help of special exercises.

At first, running barefoot or wearing natural running shoes should be viewed as one of the exercises... That's why, natural running shoes - training equipment, not the main running pair.

A sudden transition to natural running can be dangerous! To avoid trouble, you need to follow 2 basic rules:

  • gradualness
  • regularity

Start by running no more than 1 km. Imagine starting from scratch - the sensations will be about the same. If possible, it is useful after each workout to run 500-1000m in natural shoes, you can use them to perform special running exercises. Do not forget about the rule of increasing the volume - no more than 10% per week.

To master the natural running technique, you need at least 4-6 weeks of regular training. No need to chase volumes... If you feel like it, build volume in trainers that match your pronation. The work for the equipment is usually routine and monotonous, but if you do all the work patiently, the result will surely come.

Advice: periodically record your run on camera and analyze it, comparing it with technical runners

Stages of mastering the natural running technique:

  • at the first stage, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the core and legs
  • development of individual elements of technology. Exercise is best done with natural running shoes
  • only after that you can start to carry out full-fledged runs in minimalistic sneakers
  • at the fourth stage, you can gradually increase the volume of running in natural shoes, while maintaining control over the technique, but not more than 10% per week

Advice: redesign your weekly workout plan to allocate 1-2 workouts for strength and special running exercises

To whom can natural running be dangerous?

  • Overweight
  • Excessive pronation
  • Poor mobility thumb feet
  • Achilles tendon problems

People with these problems need to exercise. under the supervision of an experienced trainer and the supervision of a sports doctor... At the right approach to training, the foot should be strengthened, the ligaments should become more elastic, and the joints should be more mobile. Flat feet will gradually improve.

Watch a useful video about running technique from Leonid Shvetsov - the ex-record holder of Russia in the marathon, the trainer who prepared the current record holder of Russia and the winner.

How to run correctly?

  • The head should be kept straight with the gaze directed forward. Vertical vibrations should be kept to a minimum.
  • The shoulders are straight and relaxed.
  • The arms should be bent approximately at right angles, no more.
  • Keep the body straight without leaning forward
  • You need to land on the forefoot (widest part). Put your foot under the center of gravity without moving forward, as happens when running from the heel
  • It is important to keep your cadence at around 190 per minute. If you use sports watch with a heart rate monitor and pedometer, then multiply its cadence by 2, because he only counts on one leg. Garmin professional heart rate users can track oscillation and ground contact time. Stick to the oscillation level - from 6 to 13 cm, the better the running technique - the less this indicator. Keep contact with the ground for a start within 200 - 300 milliseconds, but it is ideal to reduce this figure below 200.

Common mistakes:

  • pulling the sock forward. Often novice runners, when they hear that running from the heel is not allowed, start running off the toe. But it's not only and not so much about running from toe, you need to start with the correct balance of the center of gravity and cadence, the position of the foot will be corrected behind these two components. A simple toe running will lead to sticking and injuries to the ankle.
  • throwing the leg forward. This error leads to placing the foot on the heel. The shock is applied to all joints up to the spine, resulting in injury. The leg should be placed under the center of gravity.
  • running with the body tilted back or with an excessive tilt forward.

Natural Running Sneakers

Running barefoot is good if there are no problems with the health of the foot, there is a clean golf course or a coast with clean sand, in other cases it is better to protect the foot from sharp stones, glass, etc. For these purposes, sneakers for natural running have been developed.

Natural running shoes must meet the following criteria:

  • the difference in height from toe to heel should be no more than 3mm, i.e. the sole should be flat
  • the thinnest and most flexible outsole
  • toes should not be tightly clamped, you should wiggle them calmly
  • the heel should fit snugly, the shoe should not dangle on the leg

Run correctly, quickly and without injuries! ๐Ÿ™‚

Running is movement, and any movement is good for a person. A healthy lifestyle is very relevant today, so how to run correctly, the technique of running at various distances are frequently asked questions.

Who is not allowed to run

Jogging is not possible for everyone, for some this type of exercise is categorically contraindicated. In the presence of the listed diseases, it is worth choosing a more moderate sport:

  • kidney disease (chronic);
  • heart failure (defect);
  • heart attack and stroke.

Warm up

Any kind of running workout involves a preliminary warm-up. This is necessary in order to avoid muscle pain, joint sprains. It is important to monitor your breathing - it should be even and measured.

Warm-up exercises:

  • walking at a fast pace (5-7 minutes);
  • squats;
  • tilts forward and to the sides;
  • lunges.

Correct foot and arm work

If you look at what the running technique looks like in the video, you will notice that professional athletes pay more attention to footwork. By learning how to do it right, you can protect your spine from unnecessary stress and just enjoy your workout.

Fundamental rules

  1. During a run, the spine takes on a lot of stress. It is very important not to step abruptly on the foot, but to do it gently. Remember that you are in no rush, just exercise for your health.
  2. Landing is required on the forefoot. Stepping on the heel will make your workouts more traumatic.
  3. Try to keep track of your steps: you can't make them too long. The smaller the step, the more efficiency from jogging.

It is imperative to help the body with your hands. They should be kept closer to the sides, slightly bent at the elbows. We squeeze the brushes into a fist, but without unnecessary tension.

Jogging technique depending on distance

There are three main types of running, these are:

  • short distance;
  • long distance;
  • average distance.

The sprint technique is pretty simple. No overclocking, the speed immediately develops as high as possible. It is important not to forget about proper breathing - mouth and nose. Take a long breath with your nose and a short exhale with your mouth.

The middle distance running technique looks a little different. Here not only speed plays a role, but also endurance. If the competition is against time, then there should be no overclocking. Correct setting legs, hand assistance and regular inhalation and exhalation through the mouth and nose are important aspects.

Long-distance running technique is most often seen in marathons. If you are going to play sports in the morning and do a few laps around the stadium, first assess your strengths and capabilities. You cannot load yourself immediately, otherwise the next day the muscles will ache so that you will no longer want to exercise.

Each person is familiar with these trainings since school. Every year, standards were passed in physical education lessons. The essence shuttle race is to walk the same distance several times in the forward and backward directions.

Benefits for humans:

  • helps to improve coordination;
  • develops dexterity;
  • improves speed and power qualities;
  • helps to improve the starting speed indicator.

Shuttle run (execution technique)

  1. Before proceeding with the exercise, it is imperative to stretch the body. The workout is much harder than it seems at first glance, you cannot start it with untrained muscles.
  2. We take the pose of a skater. In this case, the swinging leg is retracted back, and the jogging leg forward.
  3. We lean forward a little and at the signal "march" we begin to run.
  4. You don't need to straighten up right away, try to postpone this moment. In a few seconds, you will have to pick up the maximum possible speed, and this position will help you do it.
  5. The hardest part is the turns. When approaching them, slow down a little, then avoid traumatic situations.

The shuttle technique is rarely seen as an independent discipline, but it is used to train athletes in order to develop their agility, stress resistance and alertness.

Distance 100 meters

To overcome the hundred-meter distance, it is important not only to be able to develop high speed. Coordination and mindfulness play a huge role. Even a minor mistake can result in loss of speed or injury.

Running technique for 100 meters: important aspects

  1. It is recommended to keep the body upright. This position of the body will make it easier to push off from the supporting leg and take the right step.
  2. When running, fingers should be straight, arms bent at the elbows.
  3. To influence speed, the emphasis is on pushing off with the supporting leg.

Sprint run

Sprint refers to short distances... It is considered to be the most difficult running discipline. Usually the distance is 60 to 400 meters. In a short period of time, a person must show endurance, develop maximum speed at the start, not be distracted and keep pace until the finish line.

  1. To reach maximum speed, you need to start running with your torso tilted forward. Be sure to help with your hands.
  2. After the command "march" you need to push off very strongly. The better to do this, the easier it will be to coordinate on the track.
  3. After the start, the body straightens a little, but not completely.
  4. For the movements to be intense, the distance must be covered on toes.
  5. The closer you get to the finish line, the more diligence you need to show. It is recommended to pick up a high speed and not slow down to the tape.

You may notice that some athletes jump on the tape. They believe that this speeds up the pace. However, this opinion is erroneous. The jump only reduces the speed, it will be a shame if because of this there is not enough a split second to win.

Benefits for the body:

  • helps to get rid of excess weight if you combine training with proper nutrition;
  • trains coordination and endurance, which is important not only for professional athletes but also an ordinary person;
  • normalizes heartbeat;
  • stimulates the release of adrenaline.

We can safely say that this is the most spectacular running discipline. Relay running is practiced not only by athletes, but also by schoolchildren in physical education lessons. Very often he is included in competitions on the occasion of a holiday or some other important event.

Several people are standing along the entire distance of the stadium at a distance of 20 meters from each other. The main task is to pass the baton without dropping it. This is difficult because, in addition to the wand, you need to monitor your speed and show maximum attentiveness. When an athlete passes the stick to the next one, he may not leave the treadmill. Be sure to wait until the end of the competition.

Relay technique

  1. Observing the correct technique means knowing the basics of passing the baton.
  2. It is important for a person to calculate the strength in such a way that at the start to develop a high speed, when approaching the second athlete, slightly reduce it and pass the baton.
  3. The athlete who accepts the baton must extend his arm back and get into the proper posture so that, as soon as the relay is in his hands, the movement can be started immediately.

Benefit for health:

  • develops attentiveness and coordination;
  • allows you to improve your running skills;
  • normalizes the correct breathing rhythm.

Correct breathing

Correct breathing is one of the most important aspects any run. Air must flow through the nose, this allows you to concentrate on the distance. If you breathe through your mouth, your throat dries up, the athlete begins to lose speed and concentration.

If a person is just starting to practice running and feels that he does not have enough air, it is still impossible to breathe through his mouth. You need to try to slow down a little, while continuing to breathe slowly through your nose.

Basic moments

  1. Experienced runners are used to breathing through the diaphragm. In other words, the lower abdomen. It turns out shallow breathing, passing the upper section chest... You cannot learn this right away. Beginners are encouraged to practice the technique while walking or at rest. A deep entrance is made, all the air is mentally directed into the stomach.
  2. When jogging a short distance, the breathing technique is slightly different. It is recommended to inhale and exhale not at every step, but with an interval of 3-4. First, this rhythm is practiced when normal walking... Over time, the body gets used to it and the technique can already be used during training.
  3. Separately, it must be said about running in winter period time. Doctors and trainers of professional athletes assure that you can only breathe through your nose at such a time. The fact is that if you inhale through your mouth, you can supercool the airways.

Benefit correct breathing for health:

  • normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  • stimulates the normal functioning of the liver.

The correct running technique (its observance) contributes to the health of the body. Beginners who follow the recommendations presented above will not feel very tired and will protect themselves from infectious and colds. Plus, running is a great way to lose a few pounds of excess weight.

The correct running technique brings the body the benefits that can be obtained from this sport. Failure to comply with the established rules increases the risk of injury and decreases the healing effect.

Correct running techniques

Running technique means a certain set of rules that must be followed when performing this type of movement. This will avoid possible injury and quick fatigue, which ultimately makes the process more enjoyable and rewarding.

Correct breathing while running

You need to breathe deeply and rhythmically while running, mainly through the nose. If you are gasping for breath, taking shallow and quick breaths, it means that the load is too great, and you need to slow down. Try taking one breath every two steps.

If you are new to the sport, a tingling sensation in the side can begin from a lack of oxygen due to improper breathing in combination with an untrained diaphragm.

  • Slow down the pace, but don't stop;
  • Try breathing through your mouth;
  • Take a deep breath and exhale slowly;
  • If stabbed in the left side, then as you exhale, step on right leg, and vice versa.

How to choose jogging shoes for running

Running shoes are divided into two types - for training and for competition. The workout running shoe protects your feet from injury. Competition shoes are designed for speed dial the speed of the athlete and the achievement of a high pace. For jogging, training sneakers are used, the choice of which is very diverse.

Consider the following factors when shopping for running shoes:

  1. When you run. Summer shoes are lightweight, with good ventilation, but do not protect against moisture. Winter - waterproof and retains heat.
  2. Where do you plan to run. For hard surfaces such as asphalt, paving slabs or stadium surfaces, asphalt shoes are suitable. In the case of jogging on a dirt road or off-road, you must purchase shoes for rough terrain.
  3. How you run. If you are using a toe-heel or full-foot technique, then get shoes with a flatter sole, cushioning should be located in the front. For the heel-toe technique, the sole is made higher, the cushioning is located in the heel area.
You can't choose a running shoe based on performance alone. Any sneaker must be measured, since they differ in lift height, pronation, supination, shoe width and other criteria. The best fit is when the toe is 5 millimeters short of the inner forefoot of the shoe.

Popular brands:
  • Adidas. They feature ultra breathable mesh upper, ventilation inserts in the sole, light weight, perforated insoles, flexible sole.
  • Asics. The sneaker uses high-strength rubber, gel cushioning inserts, and a comfortable last.
  • New Balance. Very soft, stable and neutral cushioning.
  • Reebok Zquick. Excellent fixation of the foot, minimization of the risk of calluses, high adhesion of the sole to the surface.
  • Mizuno. Modern footwear for professional sports.

How to start training

A common mistake aspiring runners make is getting off to a head start. Gradually bring the load to a certain maximum, too frequent and intense exercises do not heal, but have the opposite effect.

You need to start with the following steps:

  1. Set a clear goal for yourself - to run, and tune in to the fact that it will last.
  2. Choose the right running shoes and sportswear.
  3. Determine your running spot and route in advance.
  4. Avoid too hard or uneven surfaces, steep climbs and descents.
  5. Observe the pulse, it should be in the range of 110-120 beats per minute.

How to warm up before running

Do not neglect the warm-up - it allows you to warm up your muscles and joints, prepare them for a serious load and fill them with oxygen before starting your workout.

Complex warm-up exercises for 10 minutes:

  • Warm up your neck in a circular motion heads.
  • Rotate your arms 3 times to one side and the other.
  • Lateral tilts, body rotation.
  • We warm up the legs: squats, running in place with raising the knee to 90 degrees, light jumps in place.
  • Walk a brisk walk for a few meters and start jogging.

Running at a low pace

Start training with this type of running. It is considered easy, and your senses act as a guideline for it. If you can talk calmly while jogging, then you are moving at a slow pace.

Such a run allows you to train the beginner's body for subsequent, heavier loads. Running at a low pace has the following effect: improves blood supply, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and trains the heart muscle. This type of running is a good prevention of cellular hypoxia.


Jogging is jogging at a speed of 7-9 km / h, which is slightly faster than running at a low pace.

Jogging has the following features:

  1. The step length should not exceed 70-80 cm.
  2. The elbows are close to the body.
  3. The body is kept upright.
  4. The leg touches the surface of the entire foot at once, that is, the "whole foot" technique is used. Heel-toe option is also allowed.
  5. The emphasis is on prolonged exhalation.
  6. Muscle shoulder girdle relaxed.
  7. The arms are bent and work forward, the hands are collected.

Running for beginners

Running training for beginners largely depends on the degree of preparedness of the body for stress. If you are an office worker and generally do not lead an active lifestyle, take your time to build up your distance and accelerate your pace.
  • Exercise 3 times a week every other day.
  • To get started, try doing 20 minutes, including warm-ups and transitions to walking.
  • Observe the technique of movement and breathing.
  • Increase your speed only if 15 minutes of the current run is effortless.
  • Avoid jogging on rough terrain, give preference to stadiums, straight park paths.
  • Land on your entire foot at once, this is the least traumatic type of running.
Most novice runners make the following mistakes:
  1. Incorrectly fitted sneakers and too warm clothing.
  2. Errors in nutrition - you can not play sports both on an empty stomach and on a full stomach. An hour before training, it is recommended to have a light, healthy snack, do not overeat.
  3. If you are not overweight, do not get carried away with cushioning. Shoes that are too soft do not allow you to feel the movement of the foot, which can lead to a violation of the running technique.
  4. Train your back muscles and abdominal Press... They are just as important when running as strong legs... Do special exercises on these muscle groups at home or in the gym.
  5. Use a heart rate monitor - this will allow you to maintain the correct pace, as the gadget tracks your heart rate and estimates the load on your heart while running.
  6. The attitude of a novice runner is also very important - he must be positive and tuned in to achieve the set goals.

How to run properly

So that running becomes a guarantor for you healthy way life, wellness and mood, it is important to follow the basic rules. Running as you run is not suitable for the desired results.

Running rules:

  • Keep your head straight. Look straight ahead, 30-40 meters ahead. Don't run with your head down while looking at your sneakers. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed.
  • Smoothly unbend the lower leg, while bringing the leg forward. Early extension of the lower leg leads to a landing with all weight on the straightened leg, while the knee, hip joints and spine suffer.
  • Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. They should also be relaxed, the hands should be slightly clenched.
  • Do not hunch over as this makes breathing difficult and reduces oxygen supply. The shoulders should be pulled back and lowered. Keep them relaxed and avoid stress.
  • Hold upper part the body is motionless about the vertical axis. Some experts recommend tilting the body forward slightly to reduce stress on the heel and help you land with a full foot.
  • Neither the body nor the hips should swing from side to side.
  • Don't raise your knees too high. They should move forward, not up.
  • The steps should be light and quiet. Regardless of the type of running, you should not force your feet against the surface. Silent running is one of the components of correct adherence to technique.

Monitor your posture while running, after a few workouts you will get used to correct position body and will save it automatically.

How good it is to run

Many experts believe that the most useful view running - jogging. It is quite easy to perform, provides a small load on the joints, does not cause fatigue. The benefits of light jogging are also supported by studies that have shown much lower mortality rates from cardiovascular disease in joggers than in joggers. fast runners and in people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Light running is less traumatic than fast running. If your goal is to improve health and longevity, then jogging is the best option.

How to choose a running time

The choice of jogging time is determined independently, depending on the tasks and your daily routine.

Jogging in the morning

Morning jogging is the best way to wake up the body. They help to activate the digestive system, mental and muscle activity... However, your body may not yet transition from sleep to wakefulness. And in this case, training will not be beneficial.

To jogging in the morning was for the good of the body, follow these rules:

  • Set the alarm a few minutes before the required wake-up. This will allow you to soak up a little in bed, and not jump on the call.
  • Have a light breakfast - drink a glass of juice or eat some fruit.
  • Warm up, after which walk at a brisk pace for several meters.
  • Finish your run with a calm pace and a set of simple exercises.
  • Take a shower when you return home.

Jogging in the evenings

Evening workouts help relieve the stress of a day at work, relax, and promote healthy and sound sleep.

If you decide to choose evening time for classes, then adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid strenuous exercise, in the evening, they can lead to overwork. It is best to use jogging.
  2. Prefer light meals, especially during your evening meal. After jogging, you can have a glass of juice or some fruit.
  3. Stay on top of your workouts, set the days of the week and the exact times for your workouts, and stick to your schedule.
  4. It is recommended to end sports activities at least 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, an evening run will lead to insomnia or depression.

The best time to run

Some experts claim that the optimal running hours are 6-7 am and 6-7 pm. Others believe that it is not important a certain time of classes, you just introduce sport into your life as it is convenient for you.

An American jogging survey found the following results on the best time to exercise:

  • Early in the morning before breakfast - 53%;
  • In the morning after breakfast - 16%;
  • In the afternoon before lunch - 7%;
  • In the afternoon after lunch - 11%;
  • In the evening - 13%.

In fact, if you follow the diet and technique of movement, jogging is useful at any time of the day.

What are the running goals

They start to run, guided by various goals. For some, this is strengthening the immune system, training the heart and endurance, a way to distract, throw unnecessary thoughts out of the head. For others, an achievement sports performance or option morning exercises... But most people start doing this sport in order to lose those extra pounds.

Weight Loss and Weight Loss Workouts

During running, the body burns calories and stored body fat... It will only help you lose weight if you do not compensate for this loss of calories with excess food intake. The best way losing weight by playing sports is a combination of exercise and a protein diet.

If you have more than 30 kilograms of excess weight, increased blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, jogging is contraindicated.

  • If you have excess weight of 10-15 kilograms, start classes with walking fast and only after 2-3 sessions start jogging.
  • When choosing a time to run, focus primarily on your biorhythms.
  • If after a hard day you like to sit in front of the TV with a plate of something tasty, then it is better to choose evening hours for training. This will help prevent unnecessary absorption of unnecessary food.
Once you start exercising and getting involved in a sporty lifestyle, you will definitely notice the effect of weight loss. Jogging is the most suitable option for the first months of training. But then there comes a period when your kilograms stop at the same level and do not want to decrease further. The body adapts to constant physical activity and begins to consume energy more slowly.

To achieve your desired weight, you need to change your running tactics. At this point, your body is already sufficiently prepared for interval training. Start off with a light jog. After 200 meters, accelerate to maximum speed... Gradually slow down and switch to an easy run or even a step, depending on how you feel. Repeat the cycle after 5-10 minutes.

How to run to lose weight in your legs

Any jogging will make your legs slimmer. The main load goes precisely to lower limbs so the leg muscles are tightened first. The shrinking fibers take energy from the fat cells and thus reduce their volume.

In addition to regular workouts in a park area or at a stadium, running up the stairs is considered effective for losing weight. He creates additional load on your feet and increases the body's energy expenditure.

Choose challenging trails, with numerous turns, descents, steps and climbs.

There are special weights for the legs, but this is an option for trained athletes. Adding load to the legs doubles energy expenditure and stimulates the heart and circulatory system.

Running to maintain muscles

For supporting sports uniform jogging is recommended for at least 1 hour. Experts say that during exercise you need to know and feel which muscles are working. Then the training will become much more effective.

The main load during exercise falls on the quadriceps, muscles of the buttocks and thighs. They train for stair climbing, barbell squats and dumbbells, and leg presses. Regular runs keep them in shape.

The biceps, neck muscles and abdominals perform the supporting function during running. They will also be in good shape with regular jogging.

How to run to lose weight in your stomach

Running workouts can help you get rid of the belly and side folds at the waist. To do this, you should adhere to the usual tactics of jogging in combination with a diet and a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Do a classic warm-up at the beginning of your class.

To work on the waist and abdomen, add the following exercises to the complex:

  1. Lateral bends with the body, hands at the waist.
  2. Full body raise: arms are raised above the head, hands are connected. Lower the body down, hands touch the ground, then straighten up, hands above your head.

V free time at home, swing the press and work on the lateral abdominal muscles, this will bring you closer to the desired result many times over.

How to run correctly - look at the video:

Regular jogging, performed using the correct technique, contributes to the healing of the whole body - it strengthens the cardiovascular system, through sweat, cells are cleansed of toxins, excess calories are burned, self-control, endurance, determination are enhanced, and mood is increased.

It's not just being in great physical shape that can help you become a good runner. And here correct technique running and taking care of your body will make you faster and more enduring. The word "technique" means adherence to the rules of training, and the term "care" means stretching, proper nutrition and suitable equipment. Today we'll talk about how to learn to run fast, bringing the body exceptionally good.

How to create a motivating running environment

If you are interested in the question of how to start running correctly, then for this you should take care of creating the correct, comfortable environment that would contribute to a positive mood for training. For more motivation, we recommend watching the video below.

  • Each person is individual, so the choice of a convenient time for classes is also not universal. Some people like to run at 6.00 in the morning, but for some, the mere mention of such an early time will seem like hell. Choose when your body is most comfortable with stress.

  • Music. Find music that you enjoy practicing with. Try to choose tunes of different tempo so that you can speed up and slow down with it.

  • For the sake of experiment, try to give up the player for 20-30 minutes during training, and listen to the sensations of your own body. There are advantages in such refusal: many run further, if they are not distracted by extraneous sounds, you can more clearly feel breathing and muscle work.
  • Convenience of equipment. In this case, listen to own body... Choose clothes that will not hinder your movement.

  • If for one reason or another the shoes press or rub you, then nothing good will come of the training. The shape of the foot determines how it moves during a run. If you have flat feet, then you should choose special sneakers or orthopedic insoles.

Important! In order not to suffer from an unsuccessfully twisted ankle during training, we advise you to turn Special attention a choice of quality footwear.

The Laws of Proper Running

To figure out how to run correctly, you need to consider the basic principles of a competent organization of training.

Stretching and warming up

Before you start stretching, you should run at a slow pace for a distance of about a kilometer. This warms up muscles and joints, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury. The following exercises are mandatory:

  • Raises the legs to the sides. Take your legs alternately to the side-up as far as you can. This action should be repeated for 10 minutes for each limb.
  • Raising your legs in front of you. Keep your back straight, do not bend your knees. Raise them straight in front of you at a fast pace, as if you are walking, at this time your fingers should be pulled towards you.

  • Bending the knees. Perform a quick run in place, raising your legs and bending them at the knees as much as possible.
  • Wide strides and lunges. Perform a wide lunge with one leg so that the knee of the other leg, which remains in place, touches the ground.
  • Stretching the shoulders. The body must be stretched by tilting back and forth and to the sides.

Interesting! Try to run at the same time of day. This will help you keep track of how much you've run and track your progress.

Running schedule for speed and endurance

  1. Monday. 10 minutes jogging, 20 minutes jogging fast pace, 10 minutes - jogging again.
  2. Tuesday. Sprint. First, run about a kilometer, and then 2 straight sections of 100 m each with acceleration. Try to increase both distances each week.
  3. Wednesday. Recreation.
  4. Thursday. Training for an hour and a half at a speed that is comfortable for you.
  5. Friday. Repeat Monday.
  6. Rest on Saturday.
  7. Sunday - repeat the sprint.

Important! Don't try to break records by running a marathon from the first days. Read off light jogging and short distance, building up over time.

Correct breathing while jogging

The breathing technique not only makes it easier to carry loads, but also helps to develop strength and endurance.

  • Pro runners advise breathing through the diaphragm or lower abdomen. This should be practiced while walking. Inhale deeply, puffing out your belly, and exhale.

  • Breathing when running at a slow pace is best done after 3-4 steps. Start by inhaling and exhaling every 2 steps, and then move on to a more measured one.
  • shift to nose breathing. When breathing through the mouth, hypothermia is inevitable, which will lead to illness.

How to learn to run faster

This is the answer to the question of how to run in order to lose weight. The speed will heat up the muscles, from what.

  • Posture. Try to run with the same posture that you walk with. You cannot lean forward, but keep your back straight.
  • Bend your legs at the ankles. This helps to strengthen the ligaments and accustom them to stress.
  • Follow hip joints... This means that in the process of training, the legs should move forward, and not the whole body.

  • Help with hands. When running, the arms are kept bent at the elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Wide step. Remember, the wider you step, the more efficient the movement will be. Run so that your legs do not stretch you, but as if pushing your body away from the surface.
  • Frequent steps. Having developed the technique, proceed to improve it. This will allow you to walk more often, and therefore faster. It is important not to sacrifice stride length for speed.

  • During a long-distance race, you can highlight some moments and run against the clock. For example, from long distance set aside 30-50 seconds for an acceleration run.

Will jogging help you lose weight?

Regular jogging will help anyone who wants to lose a couple of extra pounds, tighten muscles and get rid of cellulite.

  • Duration. It is worth remembering that the duration of weight loss training depends on the initial physical form athlete and the number of extra pounds. When jogging, calorie burning occurs after 40 minutes, and with intense exercise, after 20-25.
  • You should eat no later than 2 hours before the start of the lesson.

  • A contrast shower will stir up the muscles, make them easier to transfer loads.
  • Warm up and cool down are an integral part of effective training.
  • For beginner athletes, you should carefully monitor the load and heart rate. The optimal heart rate for weight loss is 130 beats per minute.
  • To eliminate negative effects on the joints, it is better to train outdoors, but not on the pavement.

  • Shuttle running, jogging with side steps, with a high hip lift, jumping are additional helpers in losing weight.
  • If jogging is used to lose weight on the belly, then you should know that the โ€œbellyโ€ will go away only if you eat right.
  • Of the advantages, we note that jogging not only promotes weight loss, but also improves skin condition, mood and general well-being.

Important! If the body weight significantly exceeds the norm, then a doctor's consultation is necessary, since running may be contraindicated.

  • If you feel pain or are injured, you should immediately stop exercising.
  • Try to diversify the terrain and terrain, alternate classes in the morning and evening.

  • You can download an app that tracks how far you have run.
  • Involve friends in the process.

The correct running technique will help you make the most of your training time. Jogging helps to get rid of cellulite, improve your figure, mood and overall health.

Video: Powerful Motivation for Newbies to Running

No sport is as natural as running. Previously, a person always ran a lot. Running has a positive effect on the development of the body and cardiovascular system.

The information in this article will allow you to take a closer look at this easily accessible sport. For beginner athletes, it will be useful to learn how to run correctly and avoid the most common mistakes at the same time.

Running is one of the main modes of movement, carried out through coordinated activities. skeletal muscle and limbs. Its main difference from sports walking is the presence of a flight phase when both legs are torn off the surface. This moment significantly increases the shock load on the runner's feet and ligaments.

But at the same time, it allows you to increase the speed of movement. With constant exercise in the body, an active blood supply is established not only to muscles, but also to organs, including the brain. This, in turn, affects the increase in the tone of the body and the improvement of mental activity. However, increasing the load on the body imposes a number of demands on people who want to.

Before embarking on a regular exercise, you need to check the readiness of the body for this kind of stress in terms of weight. At overweight to do exercises aimed at burning fat and strengthening muscles and ligaments. This will avoid injury initially.

It is also worth taking up dietary nutrition in order to speed up the result. The basic rule here is to spend more calories than you are getting. Only after that is it worth starting jogging. For those who consider themselves healthy, you can go straight to the basics.

Correct technique allows less fatigue, and accordingly, the result will be faster. There is a basic principle, maximum distance at minimum cost. From this it follows that in the movements there should be nothing superfluous, wasting valuable energy.

  1. Running without bouncing. A strong vertical movement of the body leads to a waste of forces to damp the shock load. Movements should be smooth and directed horizontally.
  2. Run without side swing. This is achieved by setting external parts stop on one line. Compliance with this condition leads to an optimal stride length.
  3. Correct foot placement. This is individual. Depends on the skeleton. However, the soft positioning of the foot by rolling from heel to toe is the most common and is suitable for jogging.
  4. Step width. It should be such that it allows you to take three steps per second without undue effort.
  5. Straight body. The body is neither tilted nor twisted, the head is in the same vertical line with the spine. This achieves a minimum of effort to maintain the body. Also, with this technique, it is easier to breathe deeply.
  6. Rhythmic breathing. The main thing in running is breathing. Two steps, inhale, two steps, exhale. You can breathe both through your nose and through your mouth. But easier.

Running dynamics

The dynamics starts with the hands. It is the hands as a system of levers that help in jogging. The arms should be bent at the elbows at 90 degrees, palms facing the body, fingers slightly clenched. In this position, it is easiest for the hands to move in an arc parallel to the body with a minimum of effort. You should not press your arms to your chest or vice versa, swing them unnecessarily. Since in such cases the body will twist, and this must be avoided, since there is excessive muscle work and this reduces the internal volume of the lungs, making it difficult to breathe easily and fully. Both of these factors lead to premature fatigue.

As for the body, it should be kept straight and upright. In this position, the stepping foot is minimum load... The shoulders help the arms work, but remember that twisting the torso is unacceptable. Also, with a straight position of the body and head, the spine and muscles of the body have less load.

Now let's talk about the legs. In the phase of landing on the supporting leg, it should be left slightly bent at the knee. This will prevent harmful stress on. If this does not happen, then the leg is thrown strongly forward and it is necessary to shorten the step.

Also, the control of the length of the step allows you to follow a simple rule - the supporting leg should touch the surface directly above the center of gravity. That is, under the body. Further, with the same leg, repulsion is carried out when the other leg has already been moved forward.

All movements must be smooth and shock loads must be avoided. Correct running is almost silent. If a person spanks his feet, it means that he is doing something wrong or he is already tired and needs to take a break to rest.

The main obstacle to continuing to run is lack of oxygen. Let's talk about breathing. In exercises on, it plays a major role. During training, you should not talk, chew gum. Nothing should complicate inhalation and exhalation. At the first steps it may seem unimportant, but during the distance these factors will make themselves felt.

There are many misconceptions about how to breathe properly, through the mouth or through the nose. All athletes breathe through their mouths. An exception is running in winter conditions, when inhalation is done through the mouth and exhalation through the nose.

Warm up and cool down

At the beginning of the lesson, you need to warm up. The essence of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles and ligaments, making them elastic and ready for stress. There is an increase in heart rate, increased breathing saturates the blood with oxygen. If you do not do this, then during the session there will be sensations of tight muscles. Fatigue will come faster.

After training, you may experience muscle soreness. If an increased load is given without a warm-up, for example, a fast sprint, then it is possible muscle spasm or a sprain. In other words, warming up prepares the body for stress, reducing the risk of injury.

Warm Up Exercise List:

  1. Circular head movement in both directions
  2. Circular rotations with hands in both directions
  3. Lateral bends, alternating with twisting of the body
  4. Squats alternated with jumps to the top

After a thorough warm-up, you should catch your breath for 2-3 minutes and you can start training.

After jogging, you need to let the body know that the load is over. And smoothly start stretching exercises. To gradually reduce the load on the heart muscle, you need to switch from running to a sports step within 3-5 minutes. After that, you can move on to stretching.

It is good to do it on sports grounds where there are ladders or swedish walls... These exercises are essential for stretching. large muscles legs.

List of Cool Down Exercises:

  1. Deep lunges forward with support on bent leg and wiggle for maximum amplitude.
  2. Bending the body forward on straightened legs to reach with the palms of the feet
  3. Bending the leg at the knee back with pulling it by the hand behind the foot, to stretch the quadriceps.

Training takes away from a person most of the energy stored by the body. In order not to feel a breakdown while jogging, you need to pay attention to what you need to eat. Food intake should be no later than 60-40 minutes before jogging. It depends on the metabolism of a particular person. Complex carbohydrates are encouraged as they are absorbed the fastest.

It can be:

  1. Fruits and vegetables,
  2. Low fat yoghurts or kefir,
  3. Fruit juices, etc.

The main thing is that by the beginning of the workout the stomach is not fully loaded, and instead of training, the athlete is puzzled by heartburn or heaviness in the stomach. When jogging, you should refuse to eat. However, drinking is also not recommended.

If it is very hot outside and thirsty, then it would be more correct to postpone the run to a less hot time of the day. After exercise, you can replenish the fluid loss in your body. Depending on your personal schedule, you can start eating 20-30 minutes after your run.

There are no special restrictions for jogging. Each athlete adheres to his own daily routine and free time. Of course, it is worth considering the daily biorhythm of a person. Running at midnight is not the best solution. Most people jog in the morning, after a light snack, but before taking their main breakfast.

If the schedule does not allow doing this, then training begins from 7 to 9 o'clock. After dinner and a little rest after work. Highly good places for classes there may be stadiums, Treadmills or parks. Since running around the city in a crowd of passers-by will not bring much pleasure.

Many professional athletes who are engaged in muscle mass gain are afraid of losing the gained volume. Here it is worth remembering the basic rule of bodybuilding, consume more calories than you expend.

If you follow the diet for a set muscle mass, then 15 minutes of jogging for cardio stimulation will not reduce muscles, but will warm up the body well, preparing it for stress. Of course, professional athletes in the pre-competition period do not need such advice and have developed specific training plans for themselves.

To increase volumes muscle muscles with the help of running, it is necessary to make changes in the training technique. The basic rule works, the volumes grow with the growth of the weight load. In this sense, running up a steep hill is useful. This activity is very well characterized by the feeling when the legs are already wadded, and there is still no shortness of breath.

The second recipe for building leg muscles with running is the ragged mode sprint. 100 meters jogging, 100 meters sprinting. The rule of gradually increasing the load should be observed to prevent injury. If a person is interested in bodybuilding, then instead of jogging, it is worth using training with the help of simulators, since they are most effective in terms of gaining muscle mass.

How to run to improve your health

For a permanent positive effect from jogging, you need. The very fact of jogging in the morning or after work should become a habit of the body. Over time, the duration and range will increase, and with them there will be pleasant changes in figure, vitality and habits. Perseverance and adherence to the rules and techniques during training, as well as proper nutrition, are able to bring the body to a better state within a year. In the wintertime, it is worth moving to gyms with exercise equipment and continuing to run there.

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