Do-it-yourself simulator drawings dimensions. How to make exercise machines yourself at home

The bench press is one of the most sought-after fitness equipment in the gym, aimed at pumping chest muscles and creating a good torso.

Since it is not always possible to visit the gym, you can make such a simulator with your own hands by choosing suitable view and having studied the technology of its manufacture.

Bench press happens different types:

  • Horizontal- it can be foldable and ordinary. Mainly refers to stationary types of sports equipment. Often there are projectile racks, as well as various attachments and clamps. Usually, such a simulator is not very functional, but with additional equipment many more functions are available:
  • A leg block trainer helps your hips, calves, buttocks work, or twists to pump up your abs;
  • handrails - help in exercises for pumping up the lower press;
  • the presence of racks with insurance allows you to work with the barbell without the partner's insurance;
  • a bench with uneven bars will allow you to do a lot more exercise.

The distance between the posts should be 110 cm on average.

The features of this simulator include:

  • the ability to perform a bench press at various inclines, while regulating the load, contributing to the comprehensive pumping of body muscles;
  • the installation of the simulator can be done not only in gyms, but also at home, especially if you have chosen a model that can be folded.

Buy or do it yourself

Sports activities have a positive effect on human health, but it is not always possible to go to the gym and pump up muscles. So, to solve this problem, thanks to the rather compact size of the bench press machine, you can install it at home.

The question immediately arises to buy or make a simulator with your own hands.

To answer this question, consider the advantages and disadvantages of one and the other option for purchasing a bench.

Bench purchase option Advantages Flaws
Buying a bench press A wide range of simulators and their configurations. · High cost per item.

· Inappropriate quality.

Making a bench with your own hands · You can make a bench at your discretion, taking into account all the features and wishes of its owner, and, most importantly, high quality.

· For the manufacture of a bench, you can use less expensive, but high quality materials.

· Even taking into account the funds spent on the purchase of materials for the manufacture of the bench, the cost of the product will be much less than the store price.

Waste of time

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the option of making a bench for the bench with your own hands is still in the lead, but given the fact that not everyone has the opportunity and skills, it will still be easier to buy a simulator. It all depends on the financial capabilities and preferences of the owner.

Criterias of choice

If you still decide to buy a bench for the bench press, you need to adhere to the following criteria:

These criteria are also relevant when making a bench with your own hands. For getting quality result it is necessary to use only high-quality and durable material.

DIY bench press step by step

Making a bench for a bench press is a fairly simple process, but some skills in working with devices and tools are still needed:

  • with a welding machine;
  • with a grinder;
  • drill;
  • in a vice.

Having all the skills, you can start making the simulator.


The first stage in the manufacture of the simulator is drawing up its drawing, which will indicate all the features of the selected design and its dimensions.

To draw it up, you can take a sketch from the Internet or take measurements from a simulator located in the gym.

To gain skills and clarify the technology for making a bench, it is recommended to watch the video at the end of the article on this topic.

For example, a photo of the drawing is attached, for the manufacture of one of the options for the bench for the press.

Preparing everything you need

According to the drawing, a working material is being prepared:

A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Bench Frame

  • 2 pieces of 830 mm are cut from the pipe. These racks in the structure serve as the legs of the frame and support for the bar, so the material for their manufacture must have special strength. On the ready-made racks, a mark is made at a distance of 340 mm from the floor with a simple pencil.
  • Next, a 520 mm segment is cut out to connect the racks to each other (830 mm each). The connection will be carried out at the place of the marks made. When performing welding seams, it must be borne in mind that the load exerted on them will be large and with considerable fluctuations.

Strictly 340 mm should be left from the weld to the floor.

  • A segment is prepared, which protrudes as a stand from the opposite side of the structure, measuring 340 mm.
  • The next element is a strip that connects the front and rear frame pillars. Its size is 970 mm.

The connection of this segment with the support (340 mm) is made from above, and on the crossbar (520 mm), it is attached from the side using self-tapping screws or a welding machine.

Instructions for making a sunbed

To make a bench lounger you will need:

The wider the bench board is, the more presses you will be able to do. This is because the body support is evenly distributed to provide the correct fulcrum. The average bench width should be 280 mm. When using the bench by a narrow-shouldered person, 260 mm is sufficient. In a word, when working on a wide bench, they turn on latissimus, which has a beneficial effect on the result in the bench press.

Video how to make a do-it-yourself bench press from metal profiles 40 * 40 mm:

To summarize, we can say that a bench press bench can be installed at home, purchasing it in a store or making it yourself. Making a bench requires skills in working with metal (subject to the manufacture of a metal frame) and the availability of high-quality and durable materials. Depending on the selected simulator model, first of all, a drawing is created and only after that, you can start manufacturing the product. Subject to the sequence of the technological process, the simulator will come out no worse than the store one and even better.

Bench press

In this article, you can downloadsimulator drawings bench press bench.Bench press - the most popular and widespread exercise machine, especially loved by all athletes. Entering the gym, a novice athlete, as well as many professionals, run to the bench for the bench press. Of course, her role in building muscle mass is greatly exaggerated and athletes concentrate too much on it, forgetting about other equally important muscle groups, but in reality, more important ones. Such as the muscles of the legs, back, abs and others. Nonetheless, the bench press is my first machine that I made by hand.

Now the bench looks like this. Adjustable backrest with a lock, maximum angle of 90 degrees, that is, perpendicular to the horizontal position. Extendable racks that, when the back is raised up, allow them to be used as squat racks. There are many simple, basicsimulator drawings , but often its design is already outdated and the drawing contains a minimum of information and data.

At the very beginning, I made a simple version of the Bench for the press, without adjustable backrest, just with a board upholstered with leatherette and without retractable racks, as well as without push-up bars. But later I modified and refined it.

There are many different types of bench press. To admit, there was a desire to make a standard bench on four supports with a simple horizontal board, as in many gyms with old, Soviet exercise machines. Fortunately, there were no problems to remove the dimensions of the bench during one of the visits to the gym. In the gym, no one bothers to redrawsimulator drawings ... But after comparing with the store version, it became clear that the Bench on four supports is very heavy and cumbersome. Therefore, for manufacturing, we chose a bench on three supports: two in the back - the racks for the bar themselves and one in front - under the seat.

Of course, due to the fact that the simulator is bulky and heavy, it is no worse than a light and compact one. Nevertheless, many elements of such structures are simply superfluous. Also in most cases gyms for the press at an angle, there was always a bench with an incline board next to it, that is, two benches separately - for two different exercises... This option is well suited for vacant rooms where there is a lot of space, but not for Home gym... Therefore, as we have already said, the choice fell on a simpler and more compact modification of the bench for the press, than something similar to this one:

As you can see, the back here is adjustable, but the stands are not retractable. In addition, it is noticeable that the bench is collapsible, it consists of separate shaped pipes, which are bolted together. It is less robust and less reliable than a one-piece, welded construction.

Bench press

So, the frame of the Bench looks like this.

The whole structure is made of a 4x4 cm profile pipe. The petals of the bar posts are made of a 4cm wide metal strip. Having clamped the plates cut from the strip in a vice, they need to be bent with hammer blows at the desired angle. Then they are simply placed at the top of the profile pipe of future racks and welded with a welding machine.

At the end, all that remains is to attach a narrow plywood (about 30cm wide) or a plank to the bench frame. To do this, you need to drill three holes for bolts with a diameter of 8mm, as shown in the photo above.

Bench press machine drawing:

Attention! V simulator drawings a mistake was made - the distance from the floor to the horizontal surface, the length of the supporting profile pipe were incorrectly indicated. It should be 340mm.Simulator Drawings updated.

If you need a bench with an adjustable backrest and extendable uprights - read on.

Reclining bench with simple adjustable backrest

First of all, I would like to note that in the end the Bench for the bench press was modified by us to install the module: "Leg attachment". To do this, we replaced the 4x4cm support profile pipe with the same one, only thicker - 5x5cm, so that an attachment could be installed in it.

For further explanations in the photo, we will use this version of the Bench - with a supporting profile pipe 5x5cm. You can use the simple design above if you don't plan on installing a leg attachment.
So, to install an adjustable back and seat, you need to weld an oblong metal ring to the bench frame, to which the back and seat will be attached, as shown in the photo below.

There is no need to drill three holes in the bench for the board, as the board will be attached to an adjustable metal structure.

Below in the photo is a bench for a bench press with a frame skeleton installed in the same metal ring for an adjustable back and seat. This frame is made from a profile pipe 2x2cm.

In an inclined position, the back of the bench rests on a transverse metal beam with a diameter of 20-22 mm, which is inserted into the pre-drilled holes in the uprights of the bench (photo above). There are 4 such holes in one rack, their diameter is 24mm. For an exact match, the holes must be drilled separately on each side, and not through. As a result, you will get 4 holes in one rack, 8 on both sides, and the same number in the second, together - 16.

You can drill such holes with a conventional drill if you do not have a Drilling Machine. To do this, you need to buy just such a crown for metal, 24mm. Inside the crown itself there is a conventional 6 or 8mm drill. First, this drill enters the metal, then the crown removes the chips.

Simulator Drawings The Incline Bench Press is the same as the Horizontal Bench (see above), except for the length of the uprights, in this case it is 105cm instead of 87cm. The distance between the holes for the crossbeam is 12cm. The distance from the horizontal plane of the bench to the first hole is 8cm.

Why did we call this adjustable backrest simple? Since with such a design, it has only five positions: lower and four inclined, and the maximum angle of inclination with such a design is only 45 degrees. It is no longer possible to raise the back of the bench higher, since there will be nothing to support it, and even more so it cannot be fixed in a vertically even position, at an angle of 90 degrees.
Another design of fixing the backrest in an inclined position allows to solve this problem.

Reclining bench with adjustable backrest and uprights

In order for the back to rise to a vertically even position, it is necessary to attach an additional structure to its middle, which will abut against the bottom of the bench. It is no longer necessary to drill through holes in the racks, as you can see in the photo below.

The rod post holders themselves can be cut. If you are making a bench from scratch - then just don't weld them to the posts.
Next is a top view. The fastening mechanism is clearly visible.

The additional design contains significantly more holes. Using the fixing pin, you can select the desired angle of inclination. The support can also be moved closer to the base of the backrest, thus increasing the angle of inclination. To keep the support in this position and not slide back, you need to drill a hole in the frame itself from the side, into which the pin will go through and fix the support in the desired position.

Drawings of the incline Bench press machine:

Attention! V simulator drawings a mistake was made - the distance from the floor to the horizontal surface, the length of the supporting profile pipe were incorrectly indicated. It should be 330mm - for a profile pipe 50x50mm and 340mm - for a profile pipe 40x40mm.Simulator Drawings updated.

Simple reclining back design
As you can see in the photo below, the design for a simple incline bench connected with a pin, closed or ordinary nuts are screwed on its sides.

Between the large and small frames, thick washers are strung on a pin on both sides, you need to make them yourself.

Reclining backrest frame with support structure, dimensions
Such an element is added to the standard backrest frame, it is also fixed on the pin, clamped with nuts on the sides.

The disassembled design of the back and support looks like this.

Machine Drawings Bench Press, Back Frame:

1. Two wide washers, hand-made, outer diameter:
20mm, inner: 11mm, thickness: 10mm.
2. Six closed nuts 10mm, you can - simple.
3. Two pins. Cut from a metal circle with a diameter of 10mm, length 180mm, thread on both sides by about 15mm.
4. Small pin, made in the same way, length: 100mm.
5. A piece of a profile pipe 2x2cm, length: 40mm.

Retractable racks
It should be noted that the use of such a design for reclining the back is a necessity for retractable racks, which will be discussed further. If you use the previous scheme, then it will not work to install the retractable racks, since the cross beam will interfere with them.
The uprights are made of a 3x3cm profile pipe, its size must be selected so that it can fit into the supporting structure of the bench. That is, if your bench is made of a 5x5cm pipe, then the racks will need to be made of 4x4cm.

In order for them not to stagger, it is advisable to buy a prof. pipe 3.5x3.5 cm. But metal of such intermediate sizes is not always available at the metal warehouse. The post holders are made of metal strip in the same way as described above for the horizontal bench. The length of the racks is 82cm. The distance between the holes is 15cm, but you can make it smaller, 7cm for example. Hole diameter - 10.5-11mm, for a pin with a diameter of 10mm.

In the photo above, handles are fixed in the racks, which replace the push-up bars. They are made from a circle with a diameter of 30mm and a length of 14cm (as much as possible). Shallow holes of 2-3 cm, 8 mm in diameter, are drilled in the cut bars. The tap is used to cut a thread of 10 mm. In the racks themselves at the top, you need to drill a hole for the bolt, as shown in the photo. It remains only to take a 10mm bolt with a length of 4-5cm, a washer to it, insert it into the drilled hole and screw a handle onto it.

Backrest upholstery
It remains only to cut the plywood and sheathe it with leatherette. Plywood thickness 8-12mm. In the photo below, the plywood is covered with paint on the underside. If you want to make an ordinary horizontal bench without an adjustable back, then the plywood in this case should be solid from one rectangle.

In principle, at first, even an unnecessary door to the bathroom, left after renovation, will do. When making his first bench press, the author did just that, until a full-fledged back was made of plywood - he really wanted to quickly test the simulator in practice.

Four holes with a diameter of 8mm are drilled in small and large plywood. From the upper side, special nuts with teeth for wood are hammered into them, as in the photo below. In total, you need to buy eight pairs: a bolt + such a nut, the length of the bolt is 30mm, the diameter of the bolt and nut is 8mm.

Drawings of the simulator Bench press, board:

Next, we cut out leatherette or thin carpet fabric with scissors, of course, it is better - ordinary leatherette, which, for example, is used to sheathe metal armored doors. For small plywood, you need to cut a piece of 44-332cm, for large plywood - 92cm, width on the narrow side: 29cm, on the wide side: 33cm.

Next, with a knife-blade, we cut out foam rubber, according to the size of plywood, the height of the foam rubber is 2 cm, you can buy it at a hardware store or at a bazaar.
We hammer nuts with teeth into the holes, grease the plywood with glue. Moment around the perimeter and in the center (optional) so that the foam rubber does not slide off when upholstered with fabric.

We put foam rubber on top and leatherette on top (here in the photo there is fabric, since last time the back was altered with fabric instead of leatherette).

The hardest part is to sheathe the corners. Although in reality the process is simple, first we wrap one side of the corner - we punch, then the other.

Large and small plywood sheathed around the perimeter. Elapsed time: 5min.

As a result, we get these two soft backs.
It remains only to put the upholstered back and seat on the metal structure, which we described above and fasten with bolts

This is what the structure looks like from below, with the seat up. In the middle there is a felt square to get rid of metal knocking when lowering the bench to a horizontal position.

The main thing is that the holes in the board coincide with the holes in the metal frame of the bench. If you did everything according to our drawings, then there will be no difficulties with this. The same goes for the back of the simulator, it is fastened with four bolts.

From the very beginning, for the Home Gym, we wanted to make just such a simulator with side protection. In this case, you can do the exercises yourself, with large weights without outside help... At the same time, you feel more confident, because you know that the bar will not go below the side bars.

But after we made the Power Frame, the need for such a simulator disappeared, since Power Frame allows you to achieve the same result by sliding in a regular bench press.

Often, those who have already faced the problem of excess weight know how hard it is to get rid of extra pounds... The first thing that comes to mind is strict diets and grueling workouts. But few people are ready to spend their time, health and money, because the same trips to gym are not cheap. Are there really hopes for ideal forms not at all? There is! In healthy weight loss, without leaving home, the "Lose Weight" simulator will help you. With your own hands, you can independently make such a simulator at home.

What is a simulator

The idea of ​​inventing the sensational simulator belongs to Nikolai Dolinov. This resourceful man built a structure that can easily replace and treadmill, and jogging, and even compete with trips to the pool. It is interesting that the simulator not only replaces these types of loads, but also unites them together, while eliminating the negative aspects associated with such physical loads. This approach helped the aforementioned inventor lose twenty kilograms in just two months. And this despite the fact that the initial weight of Nikolai Dolinov was about ninety kilograms. Agree, the result is very impressive! The most important thing is that Dolinov's "Lose Weight" simulator is easy to do with your own hands, even for those who have little idea of ​​this process.

Dolinov's simulator itself looks like this - these are two ropes, which have a loop at each end. The fixture is attached to a wall or doorway using the hook included in the kit. That, in fact, is all. Such a lightweight and compact design, and the training results are amazing.

Most likely everyone who is interested in the invention was asked by the question: "How can you do it yourself?" This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the home counterpart will be slightly different from its patented version, but it is quite suitable for effective home workouts.

How to make Dolinov's simulator yourself

To begin with, you can buy everything you need for the simulator in the most ordinary building materials store. The purchase is quite budgetary, and you can easily make the “Lose Weight” Dolinov's simulator with your own hands.

You'll need:

  • Rope. When choosing a rope for the future simulator, give preference to ropes with high strength. The required length is 8 m.
  • Synthetic belt. The belt should be 3 m long and about 35 mm wide.
  • Dowel. Plastic dowels are suitable - 3 pcs.
  • Hooks. The hook should have a cross section of 8 mm, with the ends in the form of a half ring.
  • Blocks. The section of the block should be 3 cm. We need 2 blocks.
  • PP pipe. Pipe length - 50 cm, internal section - 20 mm.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Electric drill.
  • Drill 8 mm wide.

This is all you need to make Dolinov's exercise machine "Lose Weight" with your own hands. We start manufacturing. Take a rope and cut it into two equal pieces. It is better to singe the ends with matches or a lighter. Next, insert the ends of the rope into the blocks.

The next step is to put the pipe on the rope. Secure the pipe with a rope, twisting it into a loop. In order for the resulting structure to be durable and look more or less aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to fasten the loop by sewing it with a dense thread. It is better to do this with a sewing machine, but since not every household machine is capable of sewing such a strong cable, you will most likely have to work with your hands.

In principle, the simulator is ready. It remains only to drill a hole for the screw with a half ring in a suitable place and fix the simulator on it.

It is much easier to understand the essence of the process when there is a clear example of how to make the "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands. The drawings, however, are not that important because the design is simple.

How to use the simulator

Now you can start training. Before starting, you need to do a light warm-up. Several times you can train on the floor while lying down. To do this, lie on the floor, insert your arms and legs into the loops. You need to move as if you are riding a bicycle.

Pros of training on the Dolinov simulator

First, short-term. For classes you will need from 5 to 10 minutes. Secondly, compactness. The simulator takes up a minimum of space, it is easy to remove it if necessary. And this despite the fact that you can do the "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands.

As you can see, in order to lose weight and stay in shape, you do not need to exhaust yourself with ineffective diets and purchase expensive equipment. You can simply make the "Lose Weight" simulator with your own hands quickly and without leaving your home.

It hardly needs to be said once again that healthy image life is good. Many of us have sedentary work which contributes to poor posture and appearance in general, but there is no time for fitness. However, you can play sports at home. Almost no special tools are needed for this. Although, if you have a desire, you can make a do-it-yourself abs simulator. This will help strengthen the bark muscles. But let's talk about everything in order.

General concepts and information

We can say with 100% certainty that Kore's muscles can be pumped up without simulators and any equipment. This is indeed the case. For example, for this there is a horizontal bar with which we can raise our legs in the hang. Effective exercise, however, requires a certain base. It is enough to find a suitable support for your legs, and the press can begin to swing on the floor. All this has long been known. But the fact is that done with your own hands, it will help to increase the efficiency of training and the level of comfort. These are quite important factors that should not be ignored. For now, let's move on to the practical part of this article and tackle the main points.

What is a Roman Chair?

You have probably heard about such a popular simulator many times. In general, he has quite a few names: "Roman board", "Roman bench", etc. But, regardless of this, the design is the same everywhere, and, therefore, the same muscles work.

According to legend, a similar athletic projectile appeared in Rome. It was the gladiators who began to use it first for Maybe this is true, or maybe not, as if today no one will say. But in any case, we will try to make a similar simulator for the press with our own hands. There is nothing difficult in this. You need a certain tool and material. But let's talk about everything in order.

Preparatory work

The design presented in this article assumes operation by an athlete weighing no more than 90 kilograms. If you weigh a little more, then the frame should be made of thicker corners and larger diameter pipes. As for the tool and material, you will find almost everything in your workshop. If anything does not happen, then you can ask friends or neighbors, in extreme cases - to rent.

As for the material, for the manufacture of a "Roman chair" we need a 3.5 meter board or fiberboard 1000x400 cm, a little thick foam rubber, as well as fasteners (nuts and bolts). The tool is needed approximately as follows: a drill with drills, a grinder and a welding machine. Another important point: Drawings of simulators will be needed. This will help you to adhere to the dimensions as much as possible and comply design features projectile.

Assembly work

Well, now let's proceed directly to the assembly of the unit. In most cases, it makes sense to make a height of 50-80 cm. At the same time, to give stability to the projectile, it is advisable to tilt the front pillar outward. The length of the leg bar is fixed directly under the lifter. Since everyone's height is different, it is advisable to make it regulated. Some drawings of simulators imply rigid fastening, others - articulated, that is, movable. The length of the legs of the simulator is selected individually and can vary from 40 to 70 cm. Too high legs are impractical to make. It is better to stop at around 50-60 cm. It is advisable to make rubber pads at the ends of the pipes, which will somewhat increase the stability. It is better to additionally reinforce the B-pillar with a gusset. All metal parts of the frame are connected to each other by welding.

How to make a simulator: important details

If you have never done welding before, then you can either entrust this process to a specialist, or try to do everything yourself. But it is advisable to train on some kind of scrap metal. Please note that the "Roman chair" board consists of several parts due to the angles of the inclination. It is better to screw it to the base with bolts. The bolt should go through the plank, pipe, and fastening bar. Such a connection will turn out to be very reliable, but still you need to periodically tighten the nuts.

What you still need to do is wrap the foam cushions over the footrests. This is necessary so that nothing presses on the limbs during the exercise. You can also put foam rubber under the board and drag it with any suitable material. In general, the projectile is ready for use.

and everything about him

A shell called gymnastic roller appeared a long time ago. It is very simple in design, but in spite of this, it is very effective. Of course, while working with a gymnastic roller, not only the press works, but also some other muscles. Nevertheless, many athletes use it as a tool for working out the muscles of the Kore, and he really does a great job with this task. Today there are various designs of gymnastic rollers. In particular, the number of wheels changes, which ensures high stability. As for manufacturing, such an elementary simulator can be made on your own very quickly. Let's see how exactly.

Assembling the gymnastic roller

So, the key element in our case is one or more wheels. Their diameter should not be less than 10-20 cm. In addition, it is important to choose an option that would make it possible to conveniently place the brushes so that they do not touch the floor during exercise. Alternatively, remove the wheel from a stroller or bicycle. This would be a perfectly normal decision. By the way, it is advisable to take two identical wheels at once, which will allow you to more effectively maintain balance during work.

You will also need a pipe. Its length should be about 30 cm, and its diameter should be about 3-3.5 cm. As for the material, there is not much difference, you can give preference to both metal and plastic. In any case, these are quite durable and reliable. The pipe in our case plays the role of an axle and must fit under the wheel holes.

Homemade press simulator: reviews

Today you can see a huge number of reviews and recommendations from home craftsmen regarding the manufacture athletic equipment... So, exercise machines for the press occupy not the last place on this list. For example, there are tons of instructions on how to make homemade homemade simulators for pumping muscles Bark. Reviews note that the easiest and quick option- gymnastic roller. And the most difficult of the shells is considered by many to be a full-fledged bench or "Roman chair".

If we talk about something mediocre, then knowledgeable people recommend the prefix to.In general, in the reviews of amateur athletes, there is always advice to make such shells on your own, and not to buy. Moreover, if you do it at home.

Basically, now you know how to make a do-it-yourself abs trainer. There is nothing difficult in this process, the main thing is to have the desire and patience. If something goes wrong, try again and you should be able to make a decent and effective machine.

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives man of most of his natural physical activity; on the other hand, it hurls psychological and emotional loads at him in batches. So keep yourself good at least physical form absolutely necessary for everyone. To the credit of the present generation, we can say that nowadays most people understand: in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and a wrist expander are not enough; you need to work more with weights on apparatus and simulators, so at least a bench for the bench is required.

A healthy body is also needed for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 turned the sun on a horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in the school textbooks, was famous footballer, played for the Danish national team. With him, it came to curiosities: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize, in physics, of course, Copenhagen's Tagebladett published a note, they say, well, our striker was awarded the Nobel Prize for football. And a "nerd" in "physics" often turns out to be such in areas of activity that require mental stress.

Muscle abdominal, as you know, it is more difficult to pump the others, tk. their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, pumping up the press without special equipment, not long before the hernia. Therefore, we need a bench for the press. Structurally, one and the other shells are most often combined into one, with the possibility of conversion for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in runet, but more in the key: choose the drawings, and then - this is how you need to saw, this is how to beat, this is how to screw. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to handle the instrument. But how do you choose a prototype to benefit from your training? How to modify it for your biomechanics and biometrics? Which pattern is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make a bench for exercises in the preferred direction with your own hands using a reasonably chosen model physical development, and then based on it - a home simulator. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by exercising on it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for novice athletes and simply for people who have understood: it is possible and necessary to enjoy the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn themselves into a tugged "teapot" or a swollen dough is wrong.

Note: home problem sports activities v Lately it becomes more and more acute in rural areas - "physics" and there decreases, stress arrives, and it is far from a well-equipped gym.

What to choose from

The home bench press is most often part of a compact simulator or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. For those who regularly train, it will probably come to a simulator, therefore, when choosing a prototype bench, you need to already bear in mind what it will grow later. The designs of sports simulators are most commonly used with 4, 3 and 2 support ones. "Support" in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (there are, as a rule, at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical power connections in the structure, it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support shells, pos. 1 in the figure are intended for advanced athletes operating with large, over 100 kg, weights. Barbell racks are located in them at the level of the recumbent's shoulders, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a bar that collapses on the chest with the bar is very serious. 4-support simulators are heavy, cumbersome, and it is impossible to engage in heavy weights in an apartment: falling to the floor, they give an instant load of 5-8 of their weights, and the bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg / sq. m.

For living conditions, there are 3-support simulators, simple and with additional levers for weights, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. In order for the barbell bar in the 3-support simulator to also fall at shoulder level, their benches are made “breaking”: it is dangerous to take the barbell with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally not less than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the bar is taken from the approach, see below. The permissible working weight in 3-support apparatus, as a rule, is taken from 100-120 kg, including the weight of the trainee's body.

The 2-support trainer is the actual press bench. For different groups exercises need horizontal and inclined benches, pos. 4 and 5: on horizontal bench the press itself sways, and on the inclined one the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6, serves in both capacities.

Note: On an incline bench, you can also do initial sets of hyperextension exercises, see below.

The most perfect type of sports benches is a transformer bench with a breaking board, the inclination of the parts of which is adjusted separately, pos. 7. Bench-transformer can be supplemented with a stand for a block with a load, a desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do this for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: after adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support simulator, only for a lower weight, pos. 9.

Erroneous design of the sports bench-transformer

Note: common mistake when self-production sports benches-transformers - their implementation according to the power scheme, as in Fig. on right. During the exercise, significant efforts are generated to "push the bench apart" and the welds are unreliable. In order for the projectile of this sample to become durable, its support beams must be tied with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

Special benches

Special kind sports equipment- benches for hyperextension exercises. Their goal is to achieve leanness and flexibility without building up excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a rug, but best results obtained on a special bench.

Hyperextension benches

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are male and female, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextensive exercises on a men's bench, but for ladies whose purpose is to get rid of breeches, a slender posture and slim stomach, only a women's bench is needed for hyperextension, left to the trail. rice. It is better to start putting oneself in order without risking reproductive health, after all, on an incline bench with a curved board, in the center, and for "advanced" beauties to engage in press with a load, sitting also on a special bench, on the right.

Special benches for sports exercises

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with adjustment for height are given in Fig. Materials - shaped pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; school desk made of plywood 12-14 mm. For the upholstery of the desk, see below.

Drawings of a bench for hyperextension exercises

About sizes

Here in fig. given the dimensions of 3-support simulators for people of average height. Left - fully functional with detachable desk, hand and foot levers. Basic materials - professional pipe 60x40x2 and round 30x2; emphasis for lifting the board - pipe 20x2. The board is 16 mm plywood with sheathing as described below.

Sizes of home exercise equipment for people of average height

On the right is a simple compact. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, according to the measure from the heel that is firmly on the floor to the inner fold knee joint... Basic materials as before; the adjustable back leg allows you to transform the seated exercise equipment. But remember: the barbell should be taken from this simulator only from the approach!

Different benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports shop - "hippolite" can be made according to the drawing in fig; flooring - solid board from 40 mm. Those who passed the course of a young soldier in the army are well acquainted with her; at least in the past. "Spirits" -the townspeople soon began to look at the hippolyte with amazement and apprehension: how much, it turns out, all kinds of exercises can be done on it! And it is also an excellent part of the 4-support trainer.

Sports shop frame

On the trail. rice. - an incline bench for the press. Such, in view of its compactness and usefulness, it will not hurt to have a separate one if there is enough space in the dwelling. Due to the lack of right angles, the material is weaker - a 40x40 professional pipe. Foot rests - 10 mm rod with thread at the ends, rubberized to the required size. Rubber couplings are removable: the lower stop is adjustable, and the upper one is retracted if it is necessary to do exercises in which it interferes.

Drawings of an incline bench for the press

Further in Fig. - compact power bench with barbell racks. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also swing the press, arching your back deeply. In this case, the foot stops will be the transverse beam A, and then it must be covered with something soft or put on a rubber sleeve. Materials - professional pipe 40x40, and the bar holders are made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact power bench

The next sample is an athletic bench already for strong guys who confidently handle a barbell with a weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. Materials, respectively - a professional pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. Neck holders from the same strip as before. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with a desk for exercise with weights

Several simulators

How to firmly tie the “hippolyte” bench with a barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support trainer, is shown on the left in fig. In the same place on the right - the dimensions and design of the transforming bench for the same frame. The main material here and there is a 40x60 professional pipe. We will recall below the clamps of the racks with rod holders.

Home simulator and a transforming bench for it

On the trail. rice. - drawings with a material sheet of a simple 3-support stationary unregulated simulator with horizontal bench... It is more suitable for private households with sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam by a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to execute a projectile on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 professional pipe.

Simple tricycle home trainer

Finally, further in Fig. - drawings and specifications of elements for a fully functional home exercise machine with a transforming bench for bench press and press. Note the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable method for fixing the barbell racks for home use. Retaining pins (with a diameter of 12 mm) will, of course, wear out a little, but they will never be jammed or bitten.

Fully functional home exercise machine

More about the bar

As already mentioned, a barbell that is not supported by weight can cause serious injury, up to a fatal outcome. And to send her neck to the holders in such cases is unrealistic. But it is real - to provide for 2 sections of the chain, securely fixed on the racks of the bar. At the other ends of the chains there are carabiners, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the safety chain links is taken such that, holding the barbell on fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released bar does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the neck, it is enough to wrap them with tape. Suddenly the bar will collapse, the scotch tape, of course, will not stand it, both carabiners will slide to one end of the bar, but the matter will manage with fright and, possibly, a battered floor.

About wooden athletic benches

With a barbell on wooden sports equipment you can't do it, their design won't stand it. But in situations arising from the awkwardness of the trainee, the wood "gives off" through the body much less sensitively than metal. Therefore, it is preferable to use wooden benches for press and press for beginners and minors. In addition, wooden sports benches and simulators can be built in the country or in a country house from the remains of building materials.

Drawings of an inclined wooden bench for the press

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specification for it are shown in Fig., And on the next. rice. - Drawings of a wooden exercise machine with an incline bench and a lever for exercises with legs with a load. In order for the tree to hold operational loads, a block system for hanging loads is used: they hang on the descending branches of the cable A. Cross beams B are steel rubberized.

Wooden home exercise machine

About upholstery of boards and seats

The boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic of a similar purpose with an elastic lining. This lining is durable, but does not prevent sweat re-absorption, which is not beneficial in any way; that's why the modern sports uniform sew in 2 layers, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of cladding does not noticeably affect. the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At the very least, it should be equipped in accordance with sanitary standards. At home, engage in comfortable temperature it is not always possible, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange a PVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is advisable to cover homemade athletic benches in the form of such a "pie", following from the base outward:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with a density of 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm;
  • Sintepon from 7 mm thick;
  • Denim or stuff like an old-fashioned soldier's flannel blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with "Moment" glue or hot melt glue from a glue gun. The rest of the sheathing layers are tucked to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such a sheathing is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not corrode, possibly within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile sheathing should be reduced to a year.

About work technology

It is beyond the scope of this publication to describe the technological details of making benches for physical exercise... Nevertheless, even if the reader is a good locksmith and welder, it is necessary to give an idea of ​​how to make a home sports simulator with your own hands. Therefore, we offer a video course in 3 parts from an author who has made a very good simulator for himself, as they say, from scratch in every sense:

Video: do-it-yourself simulator, manufacturing
Part 1

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