We build a pool at their summer cottage with their own hands. Pools for a private house and a summer residence: frame, inflatable, natural - choice, construction, installation

The most accessible and beloved by many recreation is a vacation in the country. It is so nice to relax on your own ennobled plot, chat with relatives and friends, have a party or have a good time in solitude. Therefore, the desire to make the summer cottage as convenient, comfortable and suitable for a good rest as possible is quite understandable.

A swimming pool will also be useful in the country house. Many refuse this luxurious element, believing that its device will be very expensive. But this is not at all the case, because it is quite possible to make a pool with your own hands in the country! And you can also decorate the summer cottage with a pond or a small fountain. These simple structures will help you master the basic types of work required to build a pool. There are many ways and methods of building a pool. We will introduce you to the most popular and convenient for self-implementation.

Step-by-step scheme for the construction of a monolithic pool

The construction of the pool requires the phased implementation of the following steps:

  • development of a plan, preparation of drawings;
  • drainage device, thermal insulation;
  • gain;
  • laying communications;
  • pouring the solution;
  • waterproofing, sealing;
  • Finishing work.

Our instructions will help you quickly and efficiently build a pool in the country with your own hands. On initial stage it is important to decide on the place where you want to organize a reservoir. At the same time, it is important to take into account not only your own preferences and desires, but also the capabilities of the site and its features. To do right choice, it is necessary to draw up a site plan with all the details and analyze it. Several parameters will help you determine two or three suitable places for the pool.

It is desirable that the selected area be free from large plants and trees. In an open place, the water will warm up faster, and in the shade it will remain cold for a long time. And also the roots of trees can cause the destruction of the bowl, and leaves, grass and other debris will cause a lot of problems. All this will have to be constantly fished out of the water.

Correctly calculate the depth of the pool. An adult can swim more or less comfortably at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If there is less water, then the pool will be suitable only for children. At the desired depth of the pool, add 1.5 m for drainage and take into account the thickness of the concrete walls of the bowl.

Not less than important question- communications. It is important not to spoil them in the process of preparing the pit. It is necessary to determine where they are laid before starting work. After all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to earthworks. When digging a pit, consider the need for a slope of the walls. It should be around 5º. This nuance will save you from problems with constantly crumbling earth.

The next task that needs to be solved when building a pool with your own hands in the country is a waterproofing device. The first stage of solving this problem is the creation of a fifteen-centimeter sand-gravel "cushion". It must be tamped and leveled. Roofing material is placed on top of the "pillow". First one layer, and on it - the second. The edges of the sheets should rise above the ground by at least 20 cm.

The next step is amplification. It is carried out using a reinforcing cage. You will need material with a diameter of 20 mm. After the frame is ready and laid, the pit is poured with concrete.

The best option for pouring is the entire bowl at once, without dividing into layers. But this is not so easy to do, especially if the construction is carried out on their own.

Therefore, as a rule, this stage is divided into several sub-stages. First fill the bottom. It is important to leave a slight slope towards the drain. After the bottom, the walls are prepared.

For achievement High Quality pouring, it is recommended to use vibration installations. While the solution at the bottom dries out, you can start laying communications.

After the bottom hardens, work begins with the walls. To do this, you need to create a formwork. Please note that the future wall of the pool must be at least 40 cm. If you fill in two stages, then the reinforcement is also performed accordingly. After you have made and installed the formwork, you need to make a frame that connects to the horizontal parts. Now you can pour concrete. It also needs to be compacted with a vibrator. After it hardens, you can perform finishing work.

Do you want to know how to make a pool in the country with your own hands inexpensively? The video on this page will help you understand the basic principles and methods for doing all the necessary work. Read our descriptions, see photos and videos, and you will be able to build on your suburban area the pool of your dreams. For example, a luxurious multi-level pool.

In this section you will find detailed recommendations for each stage of the construction of a multi-level simple pool without complex communications. In it, the bowl is simply filled with water, and after a while it is sucked off, and the bowl is filled with fresh water. clean water.

First of all, you need to choose a place. Then it is necessary to carefully consider each stage of the work, to assess the feasibility of their implementation at a specific site chosen. Next, an optimal plan is drawn up that will allow you to do everything you need, with maximum savings and efficiency. After that, you can proceed to the pit.

Since a multi-level structure is planned, it is necessary to calculate the size of each level. In the process of digging the pit, level by level, the filling is also carried out. So, gradually, you will reach the bottom. After hardening, you can carry out a test set of water to find out where there are leaks. If there are no defects, then the water must be pumped out. Next, you can finish the concrete according to your personal preference.

This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to build a pool in the country with your own hands. In this case, you will not have to bother with sewers, sewage and other communications. Such a pool does not need cleaning devices. A simple, comfortable and economical pool, which not only allows you to enjoy the coolness of the water, but also serves as a wonderful decoration of the site.

Polypropylene is a modern and practical material, perfect for creating a pool. Among its characteristics are high strength, resistance to temperature extremes, reliability and ease of maintenance.

If you decide to build a polypropylene pool, then, as in previous cases, you need to determine a suitable place for it. The selected area must be marked out in order to be able to properly dig a hole. It is recommended to leave a reserve of space, about a meter wide, so that in the future it will be convenient for you to walk around the pool, and also to perform various works with pipes and other communications.

Determine how high the board will reach. You need to dig half a meter deeper than the location of the bowl in order to provide a place for a special “cushion” device. Geotextile is placed at the bottom of the prepared pit. A crushed stone “pillow” is being prepared on top of it. The layer should reach 30 cm. Then reinforcement is performed and concrete is poured.

You can dig a hole yourself or order special equipment. Unnecessary soil can be scattered around the site or taken out.

Then the surface of the pit must be leveled in height, laid out with geotextiles and crushed stone. The resulting "pillow" is rammed. Then, preparing the reinforcing cage, cross-linking the rods with wire every 25 cm. The resulting frame is laid on top. In order for it not to lie on rubble, bricks are placed under it in places.

If you are planning to build a large pool, then you will need a lot of mortar. We recommend ordering it ready-made. This will give you the opportunity to perform a one-time pour of the entire base. Before filling, you need to install beacons from pipes. They will form the basis for the final floor in the future. The base is poured with a margin of half a meter around the entire perimeter.

During the hardening of the base, you can prepare the elements of the polypropylene bowl. To do this, you need to purchase a welding extruder with a seam function. different types. The optimal choice of material is polypropylene sheets 4x1.5 m, 5 and 8 mm thick. Thinner material is easier to bend, so it will go to the construction of the Roman staircase.

For outside seams, use a 90º seam shoe. The seams inside are made with an oval bar.

Welding of the bottom elements is carried out directly on the base. First of all, you need to walk with a manual extruder from the outside, and then with an oval bar and a hot air gun on the other side.

Before laying the bottom of polypropylene, the base is covered with geotextile. Styrofoam is layered on top of it.

If you do not know how to build a pool in the country with your own hands from polypropylene, before starting work, familiarize yourself not only with this instruction, but also with the features of welding this material.

After the bottom is assembled and laid, the locations of the elements of future walls are determined. Marking is necessary so that the bowl turns out exactly the way you planned. The wall prepared for installation is placed in a specific place for it. The connection is made from the inside with a hot air gun. But this is not the main mount. This is a temporary measure so that the design has general form while external welding is performed with the extruder.

When all the walls have found their place, we move on to creating the stairs.

After that, it is necessary to install stiffeners. They are made of thick polypropylene and should be spaced 60 cm apart. The ribs are welded with a welding rod. Holes for fastening reinforcement 12 mm in diameter are prepared in advance in the slats. The distance between them is half a meter. In places where the bowl has a rounded shape, additional rigidity is not needed, there polypropylene is already strong enough. The bowl must be insulated by laying foam sheets between the stiffeners.

From the equipment in such a pool are required:

  • nozzles;
  • skimmer;
  • drain.

Be sure to leave an appropriate drain hole when filling. If you forgot to do this, then the drain will have to be moved to the wall. And in this case, the water, which will be below the drain level, will have to be pumped out with a pump.

Holes in polypropylene can be made with the same tools as in wood.

The nozzle piping is made from pvc pipes. From the connection is provided with special glue. It is easy to do this job. The pipe must be sanded to the length of the gluing and the element that will connect it (corner, coupling). Then, at an angle of 45º, a chamfer is removed from the pipe. The glue is spread on the pipe and the connecting element and the pipe is firmly inserted. After 4 minutes you will have a reliable connection.

Pipes installed in their places are insulated. In order for the insulation not to be torn off during the pouring of concrete, it is wrapped with adhesive tape.

It is important to correctly connect the nozzles in order to obtain a uniform pressure in each of them. First, the connection is made in pairs, and then a central line is introduced at the center of the connection of each pair.

Filtration devices, a heat exchanger and other equipment are best mounted in the basement. Pipes must be insulated and trenches dug for them.

In order to avoid the appearance of strong concrete pressure on the walls of the pool, formwork is installed from the inside and outside. From the inside, it must be fixed so as to maintain a strictly perpendicular position to the ground and sides. Concrete is poured as follows:

  • Formwork is installed. Its height is 30 cm;
  • The pool is 30 cm filled with water;
  • Further, the solution is poured in the same layer;
  • A day later, the pool is again recruited by 30 cm;
  • After transferring the formwork, the next layer of mortar is poured.

After the solution gains strength, you can proceed to the finishing work.

Types of pools

Explore all possible types of structures if you are planning a pool in the country with your own hands. Photos will help you choose best option appropriate for your area. Perhaps in your case it is better to do without construction and limit yourself to a portable or inflatable structure. We bring to your attention short review the most popular pool designs.

Such a pool will not only refresh you in the heat, but will also be an excellent decoration for your summer cottage.

Good shape, comfortable and beautiful. You can profitably play with water levels by choosing a place with a height difference.

A small and compact pool of shallow depth will make your children happy! It is convenient to assemble it for the summer and disassemble it for the cold season.

Usually one is made shallow and the other deep. Yes, enjoy water procedures Both adults and children can.

It is not at all difficult to build a small pool at your dacha from improvised materials in order to enjoy swimming in refreshing water all summer long. You can easily make such a design with your own hands.

What materials can mini-pools be made of?

Many owners of suburban areas and cottages with the onset of the summer heat begin to dream of their own artificial pond in the garden. You can purchase and entrust its installation to specialists or equip a full-fledged font with a pavilion and a heating system for year-round operation. But the cost of such structures is far from affordable for everyone.

fiberglass swimming pool

Because of this banal reason (lack of financial resources), many refuse to build pools. And more resourceful home craftsmen find an elegant solution to a similar problem. They show imagination and build summer mini-baths for summer cottages with their own hands, spending a minimum of money and time on this operation. You can make a small pool in the garden from:

  • tires;
  • old bath;
  • plastic bottles;
  • concrete ring;
  • metal container;
  • wooden bars and boards;
  • gabions.

These materials make excellent mini-pools for summer cottages. Let's figure out how you can make open-air fonts with your own hands from the indicated improvised means.

Tire pool - a popular option among summer residents

You will be able to make a tire structure without the slightest difficulty if you can find a tire that is suitable in size. It is best to use rubber from a combine or tractor. Such tires are ideal in size for the construction of mini-pools for summer cottages, as they have a diameter that is sufficient for a comfortable bathing of an adult. The algorithm for building a font from a large tire is as follows - cut one side of the tire (be sure to leave a side) using a hacksaw and a well-honed knife. This operation is quite laborious and requires a certain accuracy.

Tire pool

Some craftsmen are trying to facilitate the process of cutting tires and use a grinder. It is better not to resort to this method. The grinder breaks the tire, the latter begins to disintegrate into small pieces and stick to the hands, as well as to the working tool. You will get extra headache. You select a flat piece of land in the garden where the homemade font will be installed. You clean the selected one (in size it should be slightly larger than the tire section), fill it with construction sand, making the so-called pillow. Fill the sand layer in a circle with cement. The thickness of the cement pour is taken about 15 cm. Install the prepared tire on the cement mortar. Align the cement fill, if necessary, add another 2-3 buckets of mortar.

The mini pool can be made more attractive. Masters advise to overlay its cement sides with brick or natural stone, lay them out with colorful mosaics, or simply paint them. Such work is done by hand and does not require any special knowledge. You can use the pool from the tire no earlier than 7-8 days after filling it. This is how long it takes for the cement to completely harden.

A font in the garden from an old bath - much easier

Caring owners never throw away old things. Many nowadays install new acrylic bathtubs in city apartments, and transport steel or cast-iron structures that have served their purpose to the country, hoping that they will still come in handy. And indeed it is. They are useful for building a mini-pool with your own hands. How to make a font from an old bathtub? Elementary. First, choose a place to install the pool. Specialists advise to select a site located in the shade of trees. Then the metal bath will not heat up.

Small pool from an old bath

After that, at the selected site, dig a small pit. Its dimensions should be such that the bath can easily fit into the pit by 3/4 of its height. Equip the bottom of the pit with a 20-centimeter layer of sand. Then carefully lower the bath into the prepared hole. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the metal structure are horizontal. Pour sand into the gaps between the bathroom and the walls of the pit, carefully compact it, add building material, and compact it again. Dig a small trench along the perimeter of the installed pool, fill it with stones, equipping original sides.

The area around the font can be made more beautiful using decorative concrete painted in various colors.

A pool for a summer residence according to the described method is best made from a cast-iron bath. But it is allowed to use a steel font. But in this case, it will have to be restored, restoring the damaged enamel coating. This procedure is done by hand with the help of liquid rubber, which is used to treat the internal sections of the bath with enamel defects. If you want to ennoble a homemade pool, treat it from the inside with tile glue, and then lay pebbles of different sizes on the adhesive composition (there are plenty of them on any river bank). The effect will be amazing.

Pools from gabions and a concrete ring - we do for centuries

If you want to build a more durable and reliable pool with your own hands, pay attention to the following two options, the implementation of which is carried out from improvised materials such as gabions and a concrete ring. It's easy to work with them. Gabions are metal (steel) frames into which ordinary stones are placed. The shape of such structures may be different. You need to purchase a strong film, a base mesh and knead the concrete.

Gabion pools

And then do the following:
  1. On the site under the pool, pour the concrete base. Its geometric parameters are taken to be slightly larger in size of the future font.
  2. Lay a steel mesh on the concrete, place stones on it (in separate layers).
  3. Fix the film on the inside of the pool. It is necessary to protect the structure from moisture.
  4. Fix (as securely as possible) a film on the upper edge of the gabion.

That's all. Your mini pool is ready. It will please you with high strength, durability and quite worthy appearance. You can also quickly and easily make a font in the country from a finished concrete ring. Choose the diameter of such a product yourself. Rings with a cross section of 1–2.5 m are on sale. Get the one that is right for you. To build a bowl from a ring for summer swimming, you will need building sand, concrete mortar and geotextiles. The work is carried out as follows: dig a pit, focusing on the size of the ring used, make a pillow of sand, lay geotextile material on it, and concrete the bottom.

After that, lower the concrete product onto the prepared base. Fill all the gaps with sand, ram it. It is advisable to additionally arrange the pool made in some unusual style. It is allowed not to concrete the bottom of the future pool from the ring with your own hands. Instead of this rather laborious operation, you can lay a finished concrete cover under the ring. Such products are used for arranging revision wells. The main thing is not to forget to close the hole that is on such covers.

Wood is a suitable building material

Many do not believe that it is quite possible to build a font in the garden from wooden bars 5x5 cm, 2.5 cm thick boards and 2x2 cm slats. But such structures are distinguished by increased reliability, real durability and high strength.

Wooden font in the garden

Of course, if all the work is done correctly. A wooden pool is being built according to the following scheme:
  1. Apply wood drying oil to the bars, boards and slats, and then cover them with a layer of enamel.
  2. From wooden elements make shields. Their dimensions should be thought out in advance by creating a drawing of the future mini-pool.
  3. You assemble the shields into a single structure (make a frame from bars and sheathe it with shield blanks). At this stage, it is important to achieve a very tight fit of the individual elements of the future wooden pool to each other.
  4. Dig a hole. Its depth depends on the height of the shield structure, which should be immersed in the pit by 2/3.
  5. At the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of gravel.
  6. Install a structure of shields in the pit (pre-cut holes in it necessary for the installation of pipes through which water will be supplied and drained).
  7. Install pipes.
  8. Insert metal plates 20x20 cm and 20 cm wood wedges into the gaps between the pit and the shields (they should be connected to each other). Hammer the wedges connected to the plates, fill the pit with gravel.
  9. At the bottom with the shield structure installed, pour a layer of about 10 cm of cement. As soon as it seizes, lay a waterproof material on it - a PVC film.

The dome is ready. Ennoble it and use it to your health.

Artificial reservoirs from bottles and a metal container

Plastic containers for a variety of drinks can also be used to build a pool in the garden. You need to think over the shape of the future artificial reservoir and prepare a site for it (remove the top layer of soil, pour a pillow of sand, and put a layer of gravel on top). After that, the base of the pool is poured with concrete mixture, and you can start laying the structure. At the same time, plastic bottles are embedded in the bottom and wall surfaces of a makeshift font.

Pool from an old tank

During masonry, both horizontal and vertical joints should be filled with concrete. Then the structure will be truly hermetic. It is even easier to make a pool from a suitable container - garbage, construction, shipping or used for shipping. True, in this case, you need to be able to use the welding unit. The work is done like this:

  1. Inspect the container for its integrity. Weld all the gaps found.
  2. Carefully treat the metal container with a composition with anti-corrosion properties.
  3. Bury the container prepared in the above way into the soil to the depth you need.
  4. Lay out the sides of the pool with tiles or paint them.

Your homemade pond right approach to its construction will be the highlight and pride of the suburban area!

A swimming pool in a summer cottage is no longer a luxury item. After all, you can do it yourself. If you have the necessary funds, then you can buy a reservoir for recreation. However, a person who is a little familiar with construction work will be able to equip such a structure without the involvement of specialists.

First you need to figure out what types of such reservoirs exist, as well as learn about the pros and cons of each of them.

All pools can be divided into two types:

  • frame;
  • pits.

Such pools are either above the surface of the earth, or at least slightly, but protrude above it. Their distinguishing feature- the presence of a frame. It is very convenient for moving and dismantling for the winter.

The disadvantage of frame structures is that they are very expensive. Although some masters can make them on their own.


For its construction, it is necessary to purchase concrete and waterproofing materials. The disadvantages of this design is that it cannot be dismantled. Another disadvantage is the large volume of earthworks. We'll have to dig a pit with an area of ​​​​about 16 square meters.



The last stage of work will be the decoration of the pool with decorative trim. If you plan to install a ladder, then it is better to design it in advance. It is installed around the time when the walls are poured. Around the artificial reservoir, you can also make a coating. Most often it is a different tile.


A polypropylene pool will require more effort and expense than a conventional concrete structure. However, it has a whole host of advantages. It is known that during the construction of such structures, the most a big problem is waterproofing. Polypropylene is perfect material. It has increased strength and durability. This material can be given any shape.

A polypropylene structure can be built in two ways:

  1. Buy a polypropylene bowl of the right size and shape and install it in the pit.
  2. Buy sheet polypropylene and make a bowl out of it yourself.

Independent production of a polypropylene bowl will cost about the same price as a purchased one, because in this case the master will have to buy a special tool for polyfusion thermal welding - an extruder. In addition, you will also have to first learn how to weld sheets and make a ladder.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. First you need to dig a pit, the size of which should exceed the size of the bowl.
  2. After that, you need to put waterproofing on the bottom and pour concrete.
  3. The finished bowl is installed in place. If the bowl needs to be boiled, then this can be done directly next to the installation site.
  4. After installing the bowl, it is necessary to mount the bottom drain, skimmer and nozzles.
  5. The next step is to insulate the pool around the edges. For this, you can use foam.
  6. Some walls are best connected with stiffeners.
  7. Pipes also need to be insulated and, just in case, pasted over with ordinary tape.
  8. Near the building, it is necessary to calculate a device for water filtration. It can be installed, for example, in the basement of a house.
  9. After all communications are connected, concreting can begin. So that the solution does not damage the polypropylene, it is necessary to install an internal formwork in the bowl. This ensures that all sides of the structure are smooth and beautiful. The filling itself is carried out in layers of 30-35 cm in height per day. This is the optimal mode for filling the pit. So that the concrete does not damage the bowl, you can also use water in addition to the formwork. For example, when pouring the next layer of the solution, it is necessary to add water to the same level in the bowl. The job will take about a week on average.

Filling should be done slowly. It is better to divide the process into several stages.

Once the concrete has cured, tiles or other materials can be laid out to give it an aesthetic appearance.

Polypropylene pools are gaining popularity today, although this technology was unknown in Russia a few years ago.



If finances allow, then you can order a turnkey pool of any kind: polypropylene, plastic, composite, frame.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from right place life is more fun :)

If there is no reservoir in the closest proximity to a summer house or a country house where you can swim for your own pleasure, it does not matter. If desired, you can easily make your own pool in the yard. Its construction will be inexpensive, and all the necessary work will be completed quickly, subject to the stipulated technology.

Is it possible to build a pool with your own hands

Modern materials and technologies allow you to build stationary reservoirs for swimming with your own hands. At the same time, the size of the plots allocated for construction work does not matter. If you wish, you can make a small or large pool in the country with your own hands, round, rectangular, oval or any other shape, with a platform, composite structures, stairs, a waterfall.

Bathhouses, covered pavilions, gazebos are very often erected next to an artificial reservoir in summer cottages. It is not at all necessary to make an outdoor pool. If there is a free room in a country house, it is quite possible to make an artificial reservoir in it. In this case, the owner of the site receives a small indoor pool, where you can swim at any time of the year. For the manufacture of a pool in the country with their own hands, different building materials are used. An artificial reservoir can be wooden, plastic, polypropylene, concrete.

Location selection

Do-it-yourself pool construction in the country begins with the selection of a suitable site, where all the necessary activities will be carried out. What is the best place for the subsequent construction:

  • sunny, in which case the water will warm up well;
  • conveniently located, right on high level suburban area, in this case there will be no need to install additional drainage equipment;
  • remote from the garden, vegetable garden and large trees, this will exclude the fall of leaves, branches;
  • located in the utmost proximity with all necessary communications;
  • on clay soil, this will keep the water in the pool at the same level.


A suitable place for building a pool in the country with your own hands is chosen correctly. It's time to get started preparatory work. So where to start? From cleaning the territory from debris, foreign objects, etc. Then, in the area where the structure will be erected, the top vegetative layer of soil is removed, low-lying places are covered with sand or soil, compacted, marking is done using pegs and twine. After all these activities, you can proceed to the most important process - digging a pit.

Construction stages

The pool in the country must be done strictly according to the prescribed technology, taking into account all the above rules and recommendations, in otherwise the structure will be short-lived, will require expensive care and maintenance. Pool construction instructions:

  • the first stage is the development of project documentation;
  • the second stage is the marking of the territory;
  • the third stage is digging a pit (an important point: its walls should have a slope of 20 - 25 degrees, this will prevent soil from shedding, ensure the strength of the walls, the size and depth of the pit should be greater than the size of the future structure);
  • the fourth stage is leveling, then careful tamping of the bottom and walls of the pit ( important condition: the bottom of the future structure should be slightly inclined towards the drainage pit);
  • fifth stage - laying all the necessary drain, bulk communications;
  • the sixth stage - the construction of the bowl;
  • the seventh stage - finishing the walls and bottom of the pool;
  • the eighth stage is the installation of filters, a system for supplying, heating, draining water, disinfection devices, pumps, an ozonator, and lighting.

Do-it-yourself pool made of polypropylene and polystyrene foam

Artificial reservoirs made of these materials are in demand, since they are cheap, affordable for repair and maintenance, quickly and easily erected, do not need painstaking maintenance, have a modern and aesthetic appearance resistant to high and low temperatures. How to make a pool in the country with your own hands from polystyrene foam or polypropylene? Step-by-step instruction:

  • Preparation necessary materials and tools. For work, you will need polypropylene or expanded polystyrene in sheets, a rod made of polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, a soldering iron with nozzles, a jigsaw or a saw.
  • Preparing for the installation of the pool. First, a drawing of the future structure is drawn up, then steps are displayed in the form of a diagram.
  • Pit preparation. A hole is being dug, the parameters of which are slightly larger than the parameters of the future structure.
  • Execution of the base of the pool. Using a soldering iron, pre-prepared sheets of expanded polystyrene or polypropylene are welded, laid on the bottom of the pit, after which the contour of the bowl is drawn on the base. The canvas is cut out and welded from the outside along the marked contour.
  • Construction of stairs. Step joints with inside are welded with the subsequent use of a polypropylene rod. From the outside, welding is carried out with a nozzle for the seam. The made design is welded to the side of the bowl.
  • Fixation of stiffeners. Reinforcing elements are welded in increments of approximately 60 centimeters.
  • Wall insulation with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

How to make a pool with your own hands

A ready-made artificial reservoir made of concrete or concrete blocks is a practical, cost-effective and simple solution. Such a do-it-yourself pool for a summer residence has an affordable price, a long service life, and does not require the use of expensive equipment for its construction. How to build a pool of concrete or concrete blocks?


Step-by-step instruction:

  • drawing up a drawing indicating the shape, parameters of the structure;
  • marking of the site for construction;
  • earthworks involving digging a pit, tamping walls and bottom;
  • bottom flooring with a waterproofing layer;
  • formwork and pouring of concrete walls;
  • reinforcement of the walls of the structure and pouring concrete of the bottom.

From concrete blocks

Step by step instructions for work:

  • territory marking;
  • preparation of the pit and pouring its bottom with concrete;
  • laying walls with concrete blocks, followed by reinforcement;
  • installation of stairs in the wall;
  • finishing concrete blocks with a layer of waterproofing;
  • installation of the necessary equipment;
  • finishing the building in any convenient way.

DIY frame pool

An artificial reservoir of this kind has its advantages. The main thing is that the structure is durable, resistant to mechanical damage, low and high temperatures, and is easily and quickly installed. The frame pool on the site with your own hands is built as follows:

  • a pit is dug out a little bigger size than the future structure, it is covered with sand and gravel no more than 20 cm thick, compacted;
  • a concrete pad is made up to 20 cm thick;
  • the walls are reinforced with brickwork to eliminate pressure on the frame;
  • a swimming pool is being installed in the country house and the territory is being ennobled.

Decorative pool for a summer residence

How to build such a structure on the territory of a country house? Step-by-step instruction:

  • a drawing is developed indicating the main parameters of the future design;
  • are selected necessary tools and materials;
  • a pit is dug, the bottom of which is covered with gravel and sand;
  • a concrete pad is laid on the waterproofing layer;
  • the walls and bottom of the decorative pool are finished with suitable materials - natural stone, tiles, mosaics, special film.

Video: how to build a pool in the country with your own hands

Perhaps, any owner of a land plot has a question of how to make a pool with their own hands on its territory.

But before proceeding with the installation of such a tank, you should figure out what is the sequence of its manufacture.

There are several types of pools that you can easily build yourself, even without a builder's diploma. The choice of a specific type of pool is often determined by the parameters of the territory allocated for it, and also depends on the season in which it will be used.

The most popular ready-made structures made of plastic or polypropylene, frame pools made of steel, as well as stationary structures with a concrete base.

Numerous photos of existing pools presented on the net or in special catalogs can help determine the option for the future reservoir.

Summer pool for a summer residence

After carrying out preliminary calculations related to the supply of communications, the placement of additional equipment, you can begin to prepare the pit.

It can have any shape, however, the angle of inclination of its walls should not exceed 25 degrees. All its surfaces are carefully leveled and compacted.

To create a waterproofing, a film soldered with a hot iron or a stitched tarpaulin is used. One of these materials is lined with the bottom of the tank, previously covered with sand to avoid damage to the waterproofing, and its walls, while going beyond the edges by about 50 cm. The ends of the film or tarpaulin are fixed.

The advantage of such a do-it-yourself pool is that its installation is possible on any type of soil, and it is suitable for use in the summer in the country.

Draining water from such a design is not difficult: the drainage system consists of a hose installed at the bottom of a trench dug at the bottom, and a hose located above the water level.

At the end of the season, empty the tank and store the insulating material.

Swimming pool with concrete bowl

In the manufacture of a stationary pool, inner part the pits are pre-coated with polyurethane, mineral wool or foam, after which concreting is performed.

The pool installation scheme in general terms looks like this:

  • laying a concrete layer (approximately 5 cm);
  • making a frame from reinforcement;
  • concreting of the bottom and walls;
  • construction of wooden formwork;
  • pouring the remaining structure with a slope towards the drainage point.

If a ladder for a pool made of concrete is placed inside, then it is built at the same stage. The optimal height of the steps is within 15 cm.

In the upper part of the walls, a gutter should be provided, which will prevent the spread of water over the surface of the soil.

The final stage is the manufacture of tracks located around the perimeter of the structure.

Water circulation mechanism

Having decided to understand the question of how to build a pool, the latter must be equipped with a water supply and discharge system. For its best circulation, a skimmer is used that takes water from the surface of the tank, and inlet nozzles. As a result of the use of these devices, water is purified and returned to the tank.


Drainage of the pool is carried out using a drain pipe built into its bottom. The drain site is equipped with a grate that does not allow large objects to get into the drain hole.

It is possible to drain water from a pool located in a deepening of the soil using an electric pump.


To protect the tank body from corrosion and increase its service life, it is preliminarily waterproofed, which is necessary for both the internal and external parts of the facility.

The most vulnerable are the joints of structural elements, in which water leakage is possible. Therefore, there is a need for their sealing, which, as a rule, is carried out using polymer waterstops. Bentonite cord or sealing profiles can also be used.


If the pool is located indoors, it is necessary to install ventilation equipment. To avoid an increase in evaporation, do not direct the supply air streams onto the water surface.


In closed spaces with an artificial reservoir, the use of an air conditioner is highly undesirable.

Finishing work

The inside of the pool bowl, as a rule, is covered with tiles or mosaics. PVC film can also be used.

To strengthen the structure, brickwork is used, decorated with natural or artificial stone.

The original finishing option is self-leveling floors, including those with the effect of a three-dimensional image.

Use of lighting fixtures

As a common light source, LED lamps and rail halogen lamps are often used. It is also not uncommon to find the illumination of the bottom of the tank, while the lamps are located under water.


For pools with large parameters, the use of optical fiber is suitable.


One of the main and required elements equipment is a filter for the pool, which purifies water from pollution. This procedure can be carried out continuously or as needed.

For the same purposes, chemical reagents are also used, which in small doses do not pose a danger to human health.

A useful accessory is a dehumidifier that allows you to reduce the humidity in a room where there is a water tank. Heating devices can also be used here.

Before starting the operation of the pool, it is necessary to fill it with water, check for leaks and filter the water, after which you can enjoy the first swim.

DIY pool photo
