Hockey players' salaries in khl and vhl. How much hockey players earn: salaries, bonuses, tax deductions How much ak barsa hockey players get per month

Hockey club "Izhstal" performed a small miracle in two starting home masts. Without winning almost 30 matches in a row in regulation time before, the steelmakers won two devastating victories over the Navy and Sarov clubs. We learned all about how hockey victories are forged in Izhevsk.

Hockey pyramid

Hockey school(Sports children and youth school Olympic reserve). About 380 children under the age of 16 train here. The school is subordinate to the Ministry of Sports of Udmurtia and is financed from the budget of the republic.

Youth team "Steel Izhi"(formerly "Izhstal - 2"). Since the 2011 season, significant changes have been made to the rules for holding matches in the Russian ice hockey championship. The separate "offset" of the so-called duplicate teams (farm clubs, or teams for the cultivation of professional players, from the English farm - "farm") has been replaced by youth championship, or Youth Hockey League Championship. The team "Steel Izhi" is played by 30 people - pupils of Izhevsk hockey at the age from 16 to 21 years. The best of them get a contract with the main Izhstal, for example, this year 6 players aged 17 were “signed”. Two of them are already on the ice in the first line-up of the club.

Hockey team "Izhstal"- 25 players and a composition of coaches, doctors, administrative staff.

! 70 million rubles - the annual budget of "Izhstal" and "Steel Izhey" - this money is allocated exclusively Joint-Stock Company Izhstal.

Where does Izhstal play

The Izhstal ice hockey club performs at the Vostok conference of the Higher Hockey League championship. This is the second most important tournament after the Kontinental Hockey League Championship, which is well-known and filled with star legionnaires.

The team was founded in 1959, since 1969 Izhstal has been participating in the national championships. In its history, Izhstal has repeatedly beaten such giants as Dynamo (Moscow), Krylya Sovetov (Moscow), Khimik (Voskresensk), Dynamo Riga. Twice the Izhstal team drew with the best team USSR - CSKA Moscow. In the 2006-2007 season, Izhstal took 1st place in the East division and reached the semi-finals of the playoffs.

The most star player from Izhevsk is considered Fedor Tyutin, current defender of the Russian national hockey team and the American NHL club Columbus Blue Jackets.

The team has a new coach

Since 2011, the Izhstal hockey club has been headed by a new specialist. Alexander Smagin was replaced by an experienced Nikolay Myshagin.

Nikolay Myshagin coached Metallurg Novokuznetsk, led the Kazakhstan national team at the winter Olympic Games ah 2006 (9th place) and successfully worked in several VHL clubs.

According to Nikolai Myshagin, his task is to create a strong team on the basis of Izhstal, which, in its unchanged form and composition, will be able to play and go through several seasons. It's no secret that after last year, 2/3 of the players left the Izhevsk club for other teams. And it is staff turnover that is the scourge of everyone VHL clubs and the KHL. In search of a higher salary, players constantly "run" from city to city.

IN coaching Nikolai Myshagin will be assisted by his son, also Nikolai.

Who plays for the club?

According to the VHL rules, 25 players from teams can play for a hockey club major league and 6 more "expensive hockey players" rented out from the Continental League (although there are no such players in Izhstal yet).

Izhstal has 25 players. 10 - pupils of "our hockey" or who played for the team last season. The rest came to the team from all over Russia.

The most powerful pool of players (7 people) came together with a coach from the Primorye club from the city of Ussuriysk, Nikolay Myshagin makes a big bet on them, as he knows them strengths, you do not need to search for "your own key" to them.

In addition, athletes from the clubs Sarov (Sarov), Altai (Barnaul), Dynamo (Tver), Mechel (Chelyabinsk), Chelny (Naberezhnye Chelny) and Lada play in Izhstal. (Tolyatti). Among them are pupils famous schools Lokomotiv, Torpedo, Spartak and Salavat Yulaev.

How the life of hockey players works

Izhevsk athletes live with their families. The visiting unmarried guys live in a hotel, which the club pays for them, there are about 5 of them. Experienced and aged players from other cities, who have already managed to acquire families and children, received rented apartments at their disposal. There are about 10 such people.

Most of the time, players and their families do not see each other. The game calendar is designed in such a way that matches are played almost every day, and many of them are played away. Players, like pop stars, live in hotels and buses, on the move from city to city. The team has a comfortable MAN bus at the disposal of the team; players travel long distances by train and, very rarely, by plane.

There are only two big breaks per year. This is a 10-day New Year's holidays and off-season (from May to July), part of this break is spent on city trips if the player is going to sign a new contract. In late July - early August, pre-season training and games begin, the club holds training camps both in Izhevsk and its outskirts, for example, in 2011, the players trained in sports center in Elabuga.

How much do players get?

The question of salaries is the most closed in professional sports, it is not accepted to advertise the amount of players' contracts. It is known that the players of the leading VHL teams receive a month from 150 thousand rubles and more. Average club can pay players from 50 to 100 thousand rubles per month (probably somewhere in this "run-up" there are rewards for the leading Izhstal players), the minimum wage in the league is about 15 thousand rubles, it is received by aspiring young players. In addition, there is a system of bonuses, but the amount of remuneration belongs to the management of the club itself, the prize money, by the way, is small compared to the monthly salary.

On average, a player's contract is for 1 year. Longer contracts are signed by young players, graduates hockey schools and youth clubs - for 3 years. In 2011, the Institute for the "Bounce Draft" appeared in the VHL. According to him, the club during the season can revise the salaries of three players downward if their game and professional skills do not correspond to the money received.

"Ice Palace"

the main hockey arena Izhstal. Each match gathers on average up to 2,000 fans and brings only through ticket sales up to 200 thousand rubles (ticket prices range from 110 to 130 rubles). This is the only massive sporting event with paid entrance. There are plans to attract up to 4,000 people to the palace for each match through victories and increasing the interest of the audience. The plans of the republican leadership include reconstruction ice arena with a budget of about 500-700 million rubles in 2012.

Support Group

The Izhstal hockey club has its own female group support - 10 girls “light up” the fans at each home mast, they play for free.

Before the start of the Gagarin Cup "SE" publishes the rating of the highest salaries KHL hockey players... Over the course of the season, our Insiders have gathered this information from players, coaches, managers, agents and others who are involved with clubs and the league. As a result, we were able to collect a top list of fifty of the highest paid hockey players.

Our rating includes 53 people - everyone who earns at least 70 million rubles (a little less than $ 1.1 million) per season. We ranked hockey players according to the size of the base part (salary) of their salary - unlike in November, in this case we do not take into account bonuses.

Nikita Gusev. Photo by Daria Isaeva, SE

The St. Petersburg club is the leader in the number of hockey players in our rating, but there are only two in the top thirty army men - and top scorer KHL. A year ago, the situation was completely different: SKA occupied the first four places in a similar list (in addition to Kovalchuk, Datsyuk and Voinov, the goalkeeper was in the top), and the salary of several players (,) was at the level of 100 million rubles a year.

The Petersburgers released Kovalchuk, Voinov and Koskinen, re-signed Belov, Zubarev and Plotnikov with a reduction in the contract and exchanged Kalinin with CSKA (who earns less in the Moscow club than in St. Petersburg, but received a new four-year agreement).

In SKA of different years, there were traditionally hockey players who were paid solid or even huge money by KHL standards: they received more than 100 million (however, do not forget about the difference in the dollar exchange rate now and five or six seasons ago), and even.

Now Datsyuk is the only one left - and next season the “centurions” may disappear from the army superclub altogether. The future in SKA is questionable whether Pavel or Gusev, who earned the largest contract in the league (200-250 million a year, taking into account the market, would be adequate), but may still decide to try himself in the NHL.

At the same time, SKA has a high average level salaries (even 14 people in the ranking) and a very deep composition: the vast majority of hockey players of the base receive about a million dollars - for example, those who are not included in the list and earn about 60 million rubles each. Most likely, SKA in its transfer policy will continue to focus on players like and, who do not need to pay a lot here and now, but who are able to progress and grow to more high level... Or to keep without promotion those who are already playing in St. Petersburg - the goalkeeper, for example, recently extended his contract with the army team, and his salary dropped from 70 to 65 million rubles.

In CSKA, like SKA, there are no super-expensive hockey players - there is only one in the top ten (by the way, in an interview with SE, the president of the Moscow club spoke about the discrepancy between the level of play of some army men and their salaries - is it not about the ex-defender?)

At the same time, eight people at once receive 90 million rubles and more. Among them are five players who came from the NHL (Marchenko, and), as well as, whom CSKA kept from leaving for, one of the most valuable players on the market in the off-season 2017 and who turned out to be free after the collapse of Safronov's Dynamo.

Six of these eight contracts were signed in 2017, when CSKA was in full force in the salary race with SKA and tried to kill a competitor on all fronts. It is hardly worth waiting for a new round of it on the same scale: CSKA now has (and did not have before) the backbone of the team, and there is no need for bulk purchases, and they only worked for promotion from expensive hockey players (which will probably leave in 2020) and (His comeback in the NHL cannot be ruled out either).

The army clubs have almost completely taken control of the market of candidates for the Russian national team, deliberately abandoning attempts to sign some of the big KHL stars - veterans and legionnaires.

It is unlikely that SKA and CSKA were interested in the same thing - but “Magnitogorsk”, which greatly lacks decent players with a Russian passport, could not pass by the striker, especially since he is also his pupil. It is clear that Kulemin's salary, as well, significantly exceeds their real price, and could have negotiated a cheaper price, but he probably did not take the risk - it would be even worse to give one or the other to one of the competitors in Vostok.

The most expensive goalkeeper of the league also plays in “Metallurg”. As in the case of Mozyakin, there are at least a minimum of questions - for almost all 10 years in the KHL he has been performing at the top level and has earned a big contract at the end of his career.

In Kazan, as in Magnitogorsk, there is a big gap between the leaders and everyone else: after the MVP of the 2018 Gagarin Cup with his 100 million (another hero of that playoff is fourth in Ak Bars - he has 25 less). And the top three - Markov, Lander and - overtake the goalkeeper twice or almost twice.

All three examples of such a salary are understandable: Markov came to the KHL in the status of a big NHL star, albeit aging, Zaripov signed up after wonderful seasons at Magnitogorsk (the situation with doping did not knock him down), and in Lander it was easy to see one of strongest centers for our league. Obviously, if both Russian veterans remain in “Ak Bars”, then with a downgrade of the contract - their money can go away until they get into the top ratings and whose agreements end after the season. The Canadian defender's salary is, by the way, very small - with his 45 million, he is clearly among the best signings last summer.

In Omsk, hockey players often received gigantic contracts (it stands apart, but there were enough dollar multimillionaires without him -,), however, before the season, “Avangard” got rid of the last “centurion”, chopping off the contract from 120 million to 60 million.

Most dear hockey players“Yastrebov” - these are those who transferred from SKA and CSKA and (the latter signed up for 80 million just in Moscow), who came from the NHL and, as well as the goalkeeper (his salary surprises more than others) - the Finn was injured, which is why he misses the whole season.

Taking into account the ambitions of Avangard, it can be assumed that in the next championship the club will rise in the top-salary ranking: in the summer there was interest in Voinov, before the deadline, Omsk residents were able to agree with CSKA to give Sergey Shumakov and tried to barter - the Hawks will fight for the best pieces for market and to spare money for it, most likely, will not.

Before the start of the Gagarin Cup, we publish a rating of the largest salaries for KHL hockey players. Over the course of the season, our Insiders have gathered this information from players, coaches, managers, agents, and others who are involved with clubs and the league. As a result, we were able to collect a top list of fifty of the highest paid hockey players.

Our rating includes 53 people - everyone who earns at least 70 million rubles (a little less than $ 1.1 million) per season. We ranked hockey players according to the size of the base part (salary) of their salary - unlike the publication of Avtomobilist's statement in November, in this case we do not take into account bonuses.

After the departure of Ilya Kovalchuk to the NHL, the end of Pavel Datsyuk's last contract and the departure from SKA of Vyacheslav Voinov, who has not yet received permission to play in the overseas league, there are no hockey players left in the KHL, whose salary is 200 million rubles or more. True, taking into account the bonuses, some players may surpass this bar: for example, the leader of the rating, Sergei Mozyakin basic part salary - 180 million, and additional - about 60.

Forward “Magnitogorsk” slightly overtakes Datsyuk (170 million) and partner in “Metallurg” Nikolay Kulemin (165). Slightly lower - the strongest KHL legionnaire of recent years and the leader of Avtomobilist Nigel Daws, veteran defender from Ak Bars Andrei Markov and Salavat Yulaev star Linus Umark. The salary of this trinity is 150 million rubles a year.

Representatives of ten clubs got into the top 53: SKA (14 players), CSKA (11), Avangard, Ak Bars and Dynamo Moscow (5 each), Lokomotiv and Magnitka (4 each), Salavat Yulaev and Avtomobilist (2 each), as well as Spartak (1). Let's analyze the situation with salaries in all teams.

The St. Petersburg club is the leader in the number of hockey players in our ranking, but there are only two in the top thirty army men - Datsyuk and the best KHL scorer Nikita Gusev. A year ago, the situation was completely different: SKA occupied the first four places in such a list (in addition to Kovalchuk, Datsyuk and Voinov, goalkeeper Mikko Koskinen was in the top), and the salary of several players (Anton Belov, Sergey Kalinin, Sergey Plotnikov, Andrey Zubarev) was on the level of 100 million rubles per year.

The Petersburgers released Kovalchuk, Voinov and Koskinen, re-signed Belov, Zubarev and Plotnikov with a reduction in the contract and exchanged Kalinin with CSKA (who earns less in the Moscow club than in St. Petersburg, but received a new four-year agreement).

In SKA of different years, there were traditionally hockey players who were paid solid or even huge money by KHL standards: more than 100 million (however, do not forget about the difference in the dollar exchange rate now and five or six seasons ago) were received by Kirill Koltsov, Maxim Afinogenov, Patrick Toresen, Tony Mortensson, Roman Chervenka, Vadim Shipachev and even Viktor Tikhonov.

Now there is only Datsyuk left - and next season the “centurions” may disappear from the army superclub altogether. The future in SKA is questionable whether Pavel or Gusev, who earned the largest contract in the league (200-250 million a year, taking into account the market, would be adequate), but may still decide to try himself in the NHL.

At the same time, SKA has a high average level of salaries (even 14 people in the ranking) and a very deep composition: the vast majority of hockey players of the base receive about a million dollars - for example, Nail Yakupov and Nikolai Prokhorkin, who were not included in the list, earn about 60 million rubles each. Most likely, SKA in its transfer policy will continue to focus on players like Andrey Kuzmenko and Alexey Byvaltsev, who do not need to pay a lot here and now, but who are able to progress and grow to a higher level. Or to keep without promotion those who are already playing in St. Petersburg - goalkeeper Magnus Hellberg, for example, recently extended his contract with the army team, and his salary dropped from 70 to 65 million rubles.


In CSKA, like SKA, there are no super-expensive hockey players - in the top ten there is only one Alexei Marchenko (by the way, in an interview with the president of the Moscow club, Igor Esmantovich, he spoke about the discrepancy between the level of play of some army men and their salaries - is it not about the ex-defender of “Detroit”?

At the same time, eight people receive 90 million rubles or more at once. Among them are five players who came from the NHL (Marchenko, Nikita Nesterov, Mikhail Grigorenko, Anton Slepyshev and Yannick Hansen), as well as Ilya Sorokin, whom CSKA kept from leaving for the Islanders, one of the most valuable players on the market in the offseason. 2017 Maxim Shalunov and Mat Robinson, who was free after the collapse of Dinamo Safronov.

Six of these eight contracts were signed in 2017, when CSKA was in full force in the salary race with SKA and tried to kill a competitor on all fronts. It is hardly worth waiting for a new round of it on the same scale: CSKA now has (and did not have before) the backbone of the team, and there is no need for bulk purchases, and only Kirill Kaprizov (who will probably go to Minnesota) has earned a promotion from expensive hockey players. in 2020) and Grigorenko (his comeback in the NHL cannot be ruled out either).


The army clubs have almost completely taken control of the market of candidates for the Russian national team, deliberately abandoning attempts to sign some of the big KHL stars - veterans and legionnaires.

It is unlikely that SKA, CSKA were interested in the same Nikolai Kulemin - but “Magnitogorsk”, which greatly lacks decent players with a Russian passport, could not pass by the forward, especially since he is also his pupil. It is clear that the salary of Kulemin, like that of Viktor Antipin, significantly exceeds their real price, and Gennady Velichkin could have negotiated a cheaper price, but he probably did not take the risk - giving one or the other to one of the competitors in Vostok would still be worse.

The most expensive goalkeeper of the league, Vasily Koshechkin, also plays for Metallurg. As in the case of Mozyakin, there are at least a minimum of questions - for almost all 10 years in the KHL he has been performing at the top level and has earned a big contract at the end of his career.

"AK Bars"

In Kazan, as in Magnitogorsk, there is a big gap between the leaders and everyone else: after MVP of the 2018 Gagarin Cup Justin Azevedo with his 100 million (the fourth in Ak Bars is another hero of that playoff, Emil Garipov - he has 25 less). And the top three - Markov, Lander and Danis Zaripov - are two or almost two times ahead of the goalkeeper.

All three examples of such a salary are understandable: Markov came to the KHL in the status of a big NHL star, albeit aging, Zaripov signed up after wonderful seasons at Magnitka (the situation with doping did not bring down the price of him), and in Lander after Edmonton it was not difficult discern one of the strongest centers for our league. Obviously, if both Russian veterans remain in “Ak Bars”, then with a downgrade of the contract - their money can go to Jiri Sekach and Paul Postme, who do not get into the top ratings, whose agreements end after the season. The Canadian defender's salary is, by the way, very small - with his 45 million, he is clearly among the best signings last summer.


In Omsk, hockey players often received giant contracts ( Jaromir Jagr stands apart, but there were enough dollar multimillionaires without him - Alexander Frolov, Alexander Perezhogin, Anton Kuryanov, Sergei Kostitsyn), but before the season Avangard got rid of the last "centurion", chopping off Evgeny Medvedev's contract from 120 million to 60 million.

The most expensive hockey players of "Yastrebov" are Sergey Shirokov and Kirill Petrov who transferred from SKA and CSKA (the latter signed up for 80 million just in Moscow), Cody Franson and Alexey Emelin who came from the NHL, as well as goalkeeper Curry Ryame (his salary surprises more than others ) - the Finn was injured, which is why he misses the whole season.

Taking into account the ambitions of Avangard, it can be assumed that in the next championship the club will rise in the top-salary ranking: in the summer there was interest in Voinov, before the deadline Omsk residents were able to agree with CSKA to give Sergey Shumakov and tried to barter Vitaly Kravtsov - the Hawks will fight for the best pieces on the market and they will most likely not spare money for it.

"Salavat Yulaev"

The once richest club in the KHL gave up. Yes, “Salavat” has not yet fallen back into the financial middle peasants, its payroll is at the level of a billion rubles, and there are a lot of hockey players with a salary of about 40-60 million, but there is almost no one to pay big money - therefore there are only two Ufa residents in the top 53.

At the same time, if Umark is one of the most productive forwards in the league for the fifth season in a row, Anton Burdasov received a "hundred" in CSKA and with such a contract went to Bashkortostan after the exchange.


We wrote in detail about Avtomobilist in November - the Yekaterinburg club became an oligarch, spent a lot on legionnaires (especially on Dawes), but against the background of competitors, its costs do not look like something special. True, do not forget about very solid bonuses - for the goalkeeper Yakub Kovar, who is not in the rating, they can generally exceed the salary if the conditions are fully met (60 million versus 56).


Valery Shantsev has repeatedly talked about the size of the blue-and-white wages - Dynamo spends 850 million rubles on the salaries of hockey players. More than half of this amount goes to the five leading hockey players included in our rating. And if Juuso Hietanen clearly passed in comparison with the best seasons in the KHL, Alexander Eremenko is generally close to retirement, and Maxim Afinogenov was treated for the entire regular season, then the bet on Vadim Shipachev and Dmitry Kagarlitsky worked - without them Muscovites would hardly have made the playoffs.


Lokomotiv's salary budget is even slightly less than Dynamo's - almost all Yaroslavl youth have very small contracts, only legionnaires receive big money (Alexander Salak's salary of 100 million rubles, which appeared in the media more than once, took into account bonuses, his salary is 70 million) and Yegor Averin.

Considering that all foreigners (and Averin) end their contracts at the end of the season, Lokomotiv may generally lose its representation in the rating for next year- in Yaroslavl, they would rather invest in their own than leave at the same level not so cool as before, legionnaires.

Spartak and the rest

The Moscow club is much closer to the middle peasants than to the top clubs - but was able to spend money to keep Alexander Khokhlachev from thinking about Boston.

Pavel Klimovitsky

For example, in "Siberia" the total salary accrued to the players leaves an average of 300 million per year. At the same time, it is known that with such a limited budget, the club occupies only 20th place in the KHL.

Meanwhile, the league has certain limits. So, in particular, teams are prohibited from spending more than a billion (over a little) rubles on players' salaries. If we look at the statistics, it’s easy to see that the ceiling is gradually decreasing. So:

  • in 2015-2016, it reached 1.1 billion;
  • 2016-2017 - already 1.05.

You should also take into account the significant reduction in the price of the national currency. As a result, it turns out that hockey players' earnings in dollars fell quite seriously.

However, despite the restrictions, many clubs use the loophole left by the KHL. The organization's rules state that hockey players are allowed to be rewarded with additional amounts, if, of course, this opportunity is provided for in their contracts. At the same time, the amount of incentive allowances cannot exceed 20 percent of the salary.

It is almost impossible to determine the actual income of the league players - this information is very rarely disclosed. To date, there is only fragmentary information for 2019.

If we use known information, it turns out that the average salary in the KHL before the crisis reached $ 50,000 per month, or 1.5 million rubles. In principle, there is no particular reason to believe that the income of hockey players has now changed significantly.

When calculating wages, taking into account the devaluation of the ruble, it turns out that today the likely weighted average annual salary in the league reaches 350,000 dollars.

Also, information leaks in the media from time to time regarding the earnings of individual KHL players.

It is known that the members of the Russian national team:

  • I. Kovalchuk's income for the year is $ 5,500,000;
  • V. Koshechkin and S. Mazyakin - 3,500,000;
  • A. Radulova - 4,500,000.

In addition to them, the list of the richest players includes:

  • V. Voinov (275 million rubles);
  • P. Datsyuk (275 million);
  • V. Shipachev (120 million);
  • M. Varnakov (100 million).

About 90 million receive:

  • M. Chudinov;
  • A. Zubarev;
  • E. Dadonov;
  • A. Belov;
  • E. Yakovlev;
  • A. Silak.

About 80,000,000 rubles are charged per year:

  • A. Perezhogin;
  • S. Costa;
  • I. Telegin;
  • V. Nichushkin;
  • I. Zubov;
  • V. Tikhonov.

The following players earn within 75 million:

  • A. Khokhlachev;
  • A. Popov;
  • V. Galuzin;
  • S. Plotnikov.

I. Grigorenko from the Salavat Yulaev team was assigned a salary of 67 million. N. Prokhorkin earns a little less (65 million).

VHL salaries

Finding orderly information regarding the income of VHL players is no less difficult than in the previous case. The problem is that public interest in this league is much lower than in the situation with the KHL. In addition, here the players' incomes are carefully hidden.

According to the available fragmentary data, it turns out that in the leading VHL clubs the players who are on the main line-up earn in the range of 1,800,000 rubles. In mid-level teams, income is 600,000 - 1,500,000.

The smallest salaries are in the "VMF-Karelia" - here the players receive about 56,000.

At the same time, the most valuable hockey players in the VHL earn annually in the range of 50,000 dollars, while those who have recently started their sports careers receive up to 180,000 rubles in one season.

Youth league

The difference in the income of hockey players from the KHL and MHL clubs is very significant. In the first case, even young athletes under the age of 21 can receive up to 800,000 rubles per season. Later, their incomes often triple.

It's different in the youth league. Here, the annual minimum wage does not exceed 150,000 rubles. The average is 250,000.

Salaries of Russian hockey players playing in the NHL

The richest players from the Russian Federation, playing for clubs that are part of the American NHL, are rightfully considered:

  • E. Malkina;
  • A. Ovechkin.

To date, contracts have been signed with them, according to which they are paid annually at 9,500,000 dollars. Nevertheless, a number of US athletes earn significantly more - from 10,000,000 to 24.

The average salary in the NHL in the current 2019 reached $ 5,300,000. The minimum is 870,000.

Where earnings are higher - in football or hockey

Only 4 hockey clubs and 5 football clubs are included in the income ranking. According to experts, the 10 highest-paid players in the KHL receive a total of 23,400,000 euros per year. The figure for footballers is noticeably higher - 37,500,000. Thus, it turns out that not too much money is spent on salaries in the named hockey league.

Interestingly, a few years ago, the list of the best earning athletes in Russia included 9 each:

  • football players;
  • hockey players.

At the same time, the latter then together earned more than 69 million, and the former - only 48.5 million.

Victoria Mitina

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Modern hockey is a well-paid sport, and how much hockey players earn depends on their ability. The most talented players get into the Continental or Major Hockey League, where they get a lot of money. Athletes conclude millions of contracts with domestic and foreign hockey clubs... Thanks to which at the end sports career can afford to live in expensive mansions and drive luxurious cars.

How much do hockey players get in Russia and abroad

In hockey, each player receives a salary depending on personal qualities and capabilities. various clubs... National and Continental Hockey League clubs sign contracts with hockey players. The contract salaries of the Kontinental Hockey League players are almost 2 times less than the salaries in the NHL.

In Russia, Continental and Higher hockey league... The KHL is an international association that includes clubs from Russia, China, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Finland, Belarus and Latvia.

The VHL includes teams from Kazakhstan and Russia. Until 2016, all competitions were held under the auspices of the VHL. Since 2016, championships and championships have been held under the auspices of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation (FHR). Most VHL clubs cooperate on a contractual basis with the Kontinental Hockey League.

And how much can you earn by creating websites without leaving your home? See the answers in an interview with Dmitry Pavlov - a man who has gone from a lone webmaster to his team

Hockey players' income in the KHL

The Continental League is the second most popular after the NHL. Players compete for a cup that can only be compared in importance to the US National Hockey League cup.

Among the players in the Continental League, there are rules that state that the salary of legionnaires should not exceed the salary fund for the team. In 2017/2018 this amount was equal to 950 million rubles.

There is a system of bonuses for players. The amount of the bonus must be specified in the contract and not exceed 20% of the salary. But this limitation does not apply to the most valuable hockey players. Some players' salaries are trade secrets.

Due to financial difficulties in the country, the salaries of the legionnaires were supposed to decrease. But to prevent the leakage of talented players abroad, sponsors refused to save on hockey players.

For the 2017/2018 season According to the portal, the TOP-3 highest paid players of the Continental Hockey League are as follows:

  1. Ilya Kovalchuk (31) - SKA St. Petersburg forward had an annual salary of more than $ 4.4 million (RUB 290 million). In 2019 he moved to the NHL.
  2. Pavel Datsyuk (40 years old) - played in the NHL until 2016. Currently, he has signed a contract for 4.4 million dollars (286 million rubles) per year with the St. Petersburg club SKA.
  3. Vyacheslav Voinov (28 years old) - played in the NHL until 2015. He had trouble with American justice, he was accused of domestic violence. Currently, the contract has been concluded with the SKA club in St. Petersburg with an annual income of $ 3.1 million (201.5 million rubles).

Ilya Kovalchuk is the highest paid player in the KHL

For the season 2018/2019 the following hockey players are in the top three in terms of annual income:

  1. Sergey Mozyakin (Metallurg) with an annual salary of 180 million rubles. and additional income of about 60 million rubles.
  2. Pavel Datsyuk (SKA) has a contract with an annual income of 170 million rubles.
  3. Nikolay Kulemin (Metallurg), without taking into account bonuses, has an annual salary of 165 million rubles.

Mozyakin, like many others, hockey players make money not only from games, but from participation in advertising activities

Hockey players' earnings in the NHL

NHL contracts are for 1, 2 and 3 years, depending on the age of the athlete. A hockey player under the age of 25 signs a two-way rookie contract for one year. At the age of 22-23, the contract is signed for 2 years, and for athletes from 18 to 21 years of age, a 3-year contract is valid. Upon successful completion of such an agreement, you can switch to long-term cooperation with the NHL.

The minimum amount is clearly stated for each season. So for 2021, according to, it will amount to $ 750,000, or 48 million rubles. The maximum salary has no limits. It depends on the seasonal "ceiling" of salaries at the time of signing the contract and cannot exceed 20% of this amount. Thus, the income can reach 15 million dollars.

There are a lot of pitfalls in the NHL payment system. One of them is "caphit". Many people confuse it with the player's annual payment, but this is not the case. In fact, a cap hit is the average hockey player's salary over the years of the current contract. It can be either less or more than the salary in a certain season.

The salary of hockey players playing in foreign clubs is subject to the following taxes and mandatory payments:

  • US federal tax of 39.6%;
  • state tax. It is different for each state and varies from 0 to 13.3%;
  • payment of certain percent of salary (escrow) to the NHL insurance fund;
  • agency fees of 3%.

Highest paid player of the 2017/2018 season - Patrick Kane (Chicago), had a salary of $ 13.8 million. In third place was Jamie Bann (Dallas) with an annual income of $ 13 million.

Kane is a three-time Stanley Cup winner

After taxes, Jamie Bann had a salary of $ 7.85 million, and Patrick Kane's salary was $ 7.65 million. And after taxes, Jamie Bann had a net $ 5.57 million, and Patrick Kane had $ 5.28 million. The net salary of our hockey player Alexander Ovechkin for the season in question was just over $ 4 million out of the initial 10 million.

3 highest paid players

Per Last year the top three highest paid players in the NHL have changed dramatically. Today, according to, it consists of the following talented hockey players:

  1. Connor McDavid (21, Canada) is the most valuable player in the 2018/2019 season. In 2017, he retired from the rookie and signed an eight-year contract with the Edmonton Oilers for $ 100 million. At a $ 15 million salary, his top spot is advertising revenue, which is $ 4 million. As a result, the total revenue is $ 19 million.
  2. John Tavares (28, Canada) is # 2 with a salary of $ 15.9 million and ad revenue of $ 1.4 million. In 2018, he signed a $ 77 million 7-year deal with the Toronto Maple Leafs. His total annual income is $ 17.3 million.
  3. Carey Price (31 years old, Canada) is ranked third. In the summer of 2017, he signed an 8-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens for $ 84 million. The annual salary is $ 15 million, advertising revenue is $ 600,000 and the total annual earnings are $ 15.6 million.

Conor McDavid - center forward

How much do hockey players get in the VHL

The annual income of VHL hockey players depends on the wealth of the club. The maximum annual income of athletes is 1.8 million rubles. Leading hockey players, leaders of clubs, have an average monthly salary of 100 to 120 thousand rubles.

There are no highly paid players among the VHL hockey players. To date, this league does not cause much excitement among the fans. Therefore, among ordinary hockey players with salaries from 50 to 200 thousand rubles. it is not possible to find even 3 highly paid players.

What are the incomes in the National Team

The Russian national team is a national team that represents the country at various world championships, international tournaments and the Olympics. The team was created in 1992 and is the legal successor of the USSR National Team. It includes the best representatives Russian hockey... The national team is the second among the world hockey teams. It is played by highly paid hockey players.

How much do they get at the World Championship

Participation in various tournaments is paid from the established prize fund... There is a different reward for each competition. So, for receiving bronze at the World Championship in 2016, as reported by, each player of the National Team received 50 thousand dollars.

How much do they get for winning the Olympics

Individual awards are given to the winners of the Olympics. So, for gold medal received in Korea in 2018, each hockey player received 5 million rubles. According to, the Ministry of Sports of Russia, in accordance with a government decree, has established special monetary awards for medalists of the Olympic Games in the following amounts:

  • 1st place - 4 million rubles;
  • 2nd place - 2.5 million rubles;
  • 3rd place - 1.7 million rubles.

In total, the players of the Russian hockey team received 9 million rubles for winning the Olympics in Pyeongchang. In addition, the winners were presented with foreign-made cars from the Russian Olympians Support Fund. There were also regional awards.

How much hockey players earn per month, per year, they tell in this video:

Fans love spectacular hockey and rarely think about what comes before it. And these are long and grueling workouts, injuries. Sport, along with its beauty, is also very cruel. Therefore, the big earnings of hockey players are justified and deserved.

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