Hockey player jaromir yagr biography. Beautiful Czech stripper who made Jaromir Jagr dance at the pole

Jaromir Jagr is a living legend of Czech hockey, a player who has become a true embodiment of strength, resilience and the highest professional skill. During his career, this talented striker managed to play in a variety of clubs and a variety of championships.

Among his awards are two Stanley Cups, Olympic gold medals, and two sets of World Championships gold medals. Thus, the whole life of our today's hero turned into a long series of victories. Jaromir Jagr has always been the best on the hockey rink, and therefore it is especially interesting to talk about his life and fate.

Early years, childhood and family of Jaromir Jagr, early career

Jaromir Jagr was born on February 15, 1972 in the small village of Smerov-Gnidusy, which today is already part of the rather large Czech town of Kladno.

Our today's hero began his sports career right here - in the hockey school of the Czech club of the same name HC "Kladno". In this context, it is worth noting that already at an early age, a powerful young guy with an excellent wrist throw stood out favorably against the background of his peers. He was one of the best on the hockey rink, and therefore was always considered one of the rising stars of the Kladno school.

As a result, the player spent his first season in the Czech Extraliga at the age of sixteen. Despite such a young age, a talented young hockey player always seemed to be a real hero on the hockey rink, and therefore always appeared exclusively in the shock lines. The trust of the coaches, as well as the warm support of family and friends, allowed Jaromir Jagr to show very good performance already in his debut season.

In 39 games of the regular season, our today's hero scored eight goals and scored another ten assistant points. This indicator allowed the hockey player in the next season to rise to the first link of the attack, and also to establish himself as the main hope of the entire club.

It is very curious that, despite his "ramming" power, Jaromir Jagr at all times was a real gentleman on the ice. What is the fact that for the entire 1989/1990 season, the talented striker did not earn a single (!) Penalty minute.

Two successful seasons in the Czech Extraliga club allowed Jaromir Jagr to seriously declare himself, and therefore subsequently the bright young striker became a tidbit for all the best clubs in the NHL. Overseas scouts often appeared at many games of HC "Kladno", and therefore at a certain moment it became clear that the club lacking stars from the sky would not be able to keep a talented pupil for a long time.

Jagr's first goal

In the end, it all happened. In 1990, Jaromir Jagr was drafted by the Pittsburgh Penguins NHL team under the overall fifth (!) Number. Such a high draft number indicated that the Penguins were seriously counting on the Czech player. And Jaromir in the end fully justified the trust placed in him.

Star Trek of hockey player Jaromir Jagr

In his very first season in the National Hockey League, our today's hero managed to win one of the main trophies of the hockey world - the Stanley Cup. Jaromir Jagr was also honored to raise the main NHL cup over his head at the end of the next season. Subsequently, despite his confident play, the Czech striker never again won this trophy, but he became the best sniper five times in the regular season.

Subsequently, our today's hero continued to perform brightly as part of other clubs. Washington Capitals, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, Avangard Omsk - in each of these teams Jaromir Jagr achieved very high results. His trophies include the Hart Trophy, three Ted Lindsay Awards. In addition, during his performances in the NHL, our today's hero ten times got into the symbolic team for the All-Star Championship match. Jaromir Jagr also played three times in the All-Star game of the Kontinental Hockey League.

Jaromir Jagr

The talented striker also played many bright matches with the Czech Republic (and Czechoslovakia) national team. Among his awards are "gold" of the Olympics in Nagano, as well as two sets of gold medals won at the Austrian and German world championships. For most of his career, Jaromir Jagr was the captain and also one of the brightest players in his national team.

Many abandoned goals, as well as the highest level of professionalism made the hockey player a national hero of his country. At the 2010 Winter Olympics, the player was honored to carry the Czech national flag at the opening ceremony of the competition. In addition, in the autumn of the same year, the talented athlete was awarded one of the most honorable state orders of this country - the Order of Merit. The President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus personally decided to present the award to the hockey player who has become a model of behavior on the hockey rink over the years.

It is quite remarkable that our today's hero wore a game sweater with the number “68” throughout his career as a sign of solidarity with the victims of the “Prague Spring”. Because of this, the player was often mistakenly accused of hatred of the Russians. However, in one of his interviews, the hockey player dispelled these myths, saying that he hates not Russians, but communists.

Jaromir Jagr currently

Currently, despite his very respectable age (at the time of this writing, Jagru was 41 years old), the talented Czech striker continues, as before, to play at the highest level. At the moment, the player defends the colors of the New Jersey Devils, and also remains the undisputed leader of the Czech national team.

At the moment, Jaromir Jagru is the seventh highest scoring player in the history of the NHL regular championship. In the list of the most "hammered" hockey players in the Stanley Cup playoffs, our today's hero is in fifth place.

Personal life of Jaromir Jagr

For a long time, Jaromir Jagr has been in a romantic relationship with the Ukrainian model Inna Pugaykova. The girl is much younger than her chosen one, but this does not seem to bother the lovers at all. In 2007, for a long time on the Internet, rumors were discussed that the Czech hockey player would soon marry. However, these messages were subsequently called "duck" several times. It is still not known whether the closed wedding ceremony of lovers took place.

On December 19 this year, hockey player Jaromir Jagr became the eighth sniper in the history of the National Hockey League (NHL). The event happened during the game against Ottawa, when the right forward New Jersey scored 693rd puck in the career. And more recently, he celebrated 690th the puck - that is how much the legendary Mario Lemieux scored.

Jaromir Jagr was born in 1972 in the city of Kladno (Czech Republic). There were: two winter stadiums and the local team Poldi (SONP), which more than once became the leader of the Czech ice hockey championship.

Jaromir took up the club when he was 4 years old. The hockey player spent his first season for the local club "Kladno" in 88 at the age of 17. Then he scored his first 8 goals.

Already in the 90th year, Jagr moved to the NHL. His first club is the Pittsburgh Penguins. At the same time, from time to time Jaromir returned to the Czech Republic to play for Kladno. During his first season in the national league, the hockey player scored 27 goals and made 30 assists. The second season was equally successful.

After 11 years, Jagr falls into "". It is exchanged for three players at once. The press joked that the hockey player was exchanged for three bags of pucks. In the capital's club Jagr played for three years, and in 2004 got the New York Rangers.

In 2004, a lockout began in the NHL and the Czech hockey player moved to Russia, where he played for Avangard (Omsk). By the way, it is in Omsk that Jagr adopts Orthodoxy. His contract with the Omsk team will last until 2011. In Russia, Jaromir Jagr was remembered not only for his game, but also for his participation in the filming of the film "Brother-2" with Sergei Bodrov.

In the Russian Super League and the Kontinental Hockey League, Jaromir Jagr will win the European Cup, become the club's best sniper and scorer and take 5th place in the list of Avangard's Best Snipers in the top division. For the Russian club, the Czech scored 93 goals.

When the contract with Avangard ended, Yar thought for a long time where to continue his career. There was an opportunity to stay in Russia, former colleagues from the Pittsburgh Penguins were called, but in the end, extremely unexpected for everyone, Jaromir became the players of the Philadelphia Flyers (Philadelphia Flyers). Moreover, all five seasons in this club, Jagr played as a defender, and not as a striker as usual.

Number 68 on the hockey player's uniform is a tribute to his grandfather and a symbol of hatred for communism. Jagr has said more than once that he has no dislike for the Russian people, but only for the communists who suppressed the uprising in the Czech Republic in 1968. Jaromir's dislike of the Soviet regime manifested itself in childhood: on the walls of the room were posters of tennis player Martina Navratilova, who fled to the United States, and Ronald Reigen, the President of the United States, known for his harshness towards the USSR.

Games for the Czech national team brought Jaromir no less than successes in clubs. Many believe that 30 years of Czech ice hockey owe everything to one guy from Kladno. A gold medal at the Nogano Olympics, two gold medals at the 2005 and 2010 world championships, plus 4 bronze medals at the same world championships - all this the Czech team would hardly have received without Jaromir.

so, now Jaromir Jagr is ranked 8th among the best snipers in the NHL. Only one puck separates the Czech hockey player from Marc Monsieur, so it is likely that Jagr will soon rise another step.

Along with 25 of the greatest hockey players, Jagr entered the Triple Gold Hockey Club for victory in , Olympic Games and World Championships.

Personal life of Jaromir Jagr, an outstanding hockey player, a legend of Czech hockey, who managed to play in many clubs, has not yet been arranged, despite the fact that girls do not ignore this handsome handsome man. Probably, he is more interested in a career and a love of hockey, or maybe he just has not yet met a girl who could make him happy.

True, for six years, Jagr had a romantic relationship with the Ukrainian model Inna Pugaykova, and it even went to the wedding, but there was no public announcement of his marriage anywhere. Later it became known that the forty-two-year-old hockey player never ended his bachelor life - he and Inna decided to peacefully leave and go each his own way.

In the photo - Jagr with Inna Pugaykova

In the personal life of Jaromir Jagr, there were many girls, he always liked to spend time in their company. For several years he met with the Czech TV star Nicole Lenertova, although this relationship did not last long - after a month and a half there was such a loud quarrel between them that after parting they did not even want to hear about each other.

Then Jagr met “Miss Slovakia-99” Andrea Veresova, whom she met during a tennis tournament in Bratislava. Soon after they met, they began to live together in Pittsburgh. Their romance promised to develop into a wedding, but rumors reached Jagr that his beloved was having an affair with his boss, the owner of the Rangers overseas hockey team. Jaromir treated these conversations as another duck abandoned in order to break his fighting spirit, but after these events the affair with Veresova came to naught.

Despite his solid age for athletes, Jagr still shows excellent results in hockey matches, and on March 1 of this year he scored the 700th goal in his career, and became the seventh player in the world who managed to achieve such an indicator. Hockey entered Jaromir Jagr's personal life very early - at the age of four, he first took a stick in his hands, and spent his first season in 1988, when he was sixteen years old, and immediately showed excellent results for his age. On the hockey rink, he looks like a real hero, and his strikes are very powerful, but during the game Jaromir Jagr always behaves like a real gentleman.

Jaromir Jagr is a living legend of Czech ice hockey, a player who has become a true embodiment of strength, resilience and the highest professional skill. During his career, this talented striker managed to play in a variety of clubs and a variety of championships. Among his awards are two Stanley Cups, Olympic gold medals, and two sets of World Championships gold medals. Thus, the whole life of our today's hero turned into a long series of victories. Jaromir Jagr has always been the best on the hockey rink, and therefore it is especially interesting to talk about his life and fate.

Early years, childhood and family of Jaromir Jagr, early career

Jaromir Jagr was born on February 15, 1972 in the small village of Smerov-Gnidusy, which today is already part of the rather large Czech town of Kladno.

Our today's hero began his sports career right here - in the hockey school of the Czech club of the same name HC "Kladno". In this context, it should be noted that already at an early age, a powerful young guy with an excellent wrist throw stood out favorably against the background of his peers. He was one of the best on the hockey rink, and therefore was always considered one of the rising stars of the Kladno school.

Jaromir Jagr is a successful Czech ice hockey player

As a result, the player spent his first season in the Czech Extraliga at the age of sixteen. Despite such a young age, a talented young hockey player always seemed to be a real hero on the hockey rink, and therefore always appeared exclusively in the shock lines. The trust of the coaches, as well as the warm support of family and friends, allowed Jaromir Jagr to show very good performance already in his debut season. In 39 games of the regular season, our today's hero scored eight goals and scored another ten assistant points. This indicator allowed the hockey player in the next season to rise to the first link of the attack, and also to establish himself as the main hope of the entire club.

It is very curious that, despite his "ramming" power, Jaromir Jagr at all times was a real gentleman on the ice. What is the fact that for the entire 1989/1990 season, the talented striker did not earn a single (!) Penalty minute.

Two successful seasons in the Czech Extraliga club allowed Jaromir Jagr to seriously declare himself, and therefore subsequently the bright young striker became a tidbit for all the best clubs in the NHL. Overseas scouts often appeared at many games of HC "Kladno", and therefore at a certain moment it became clear that the club lacking stars from the sky would not be able to keep a talented pupil for a long time.

In the end, it all happened. In 1990, Jaromir Jagr was drafted by the Pittsburgh Penguins NHL team under the overall fifth (!) Number. Such a high draft number indicated that the Penguins were seriously counting on the Czech player. And Jaromir in the end fully justified the trust placed in him.

Star Trek of hockey player Jaromir Jagr

In his very first season in the National Hockey League, our today's hero managed to win one of the main trophies of the hockey world - the Stanley Cup. Jaromir Jagr was also honored to raise the main NHL cup over his head at the end of the next season. Subsequently, despite his confident play, the Czech striker never again won this trophy, but he became the best sniper five times in the regular season.

Subsequently, our today's hero continued to perform brightly as part of other clubs. Washington Capitals, New York Rangers, Philadelphia Flyers, Avangard Omsk - in each of these teams, Jaromir Jagr achieved very high results. His trophies include the Hart Trophy, three Ted Lindsay Awards. In addition, during his performances in the NHL, our today's hero ten times got into the symbolic team for the All-Star Championship match. Jaromir Jagr also played three times in the All-Star game of the Kontinental Hockey League.

The talented striker also played many bright matches with the Czech Republic (and Czechoslovakia) national team. Among his awards are "gold" of the Olympics in Nagano, as well as two sets of gold medals won at the Austrian and German world championships. For most of his career, Jaromir Jagr was the captain and also one of the brightest players in his national team.

Many abandoned goals, as well as the highest level of professionalism made the hockey player a national hero of his country. At the 2010 Winter Olympics, the player was honored to carry the Czech national flag at the opening ceremony of the competition. In addition, in the autumn of the same year, the talented athlete was awarded one of the most honorable state orders of this country - the Order of Merit. The President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, personally decided to present the award to the hockey player who has become a model of behavior on the hockey rink over the years.

It is quite remarkable that throughout his career, our today's hero wore a game sweater with the number “68” as a sign of solidarity with the victims of the “Prague Spring”. Because of this, the player was often mistakenly accused of hating the Russians. However, in one of his interviews, the hockey player dispelled these myths, saying that he hates not Russians, but communists.

Jaromir Jagr currently

Currently, despite his very respectable age (at the time of this writing, Jagru was 41 years old), the talented Czech striker continues, as before, to play at the highest level. At the moment, the player defends the colors of the New Jersey Devils, and also remains the undisputed leader of the Czech national team.

Jaromir Jagr now continues to play hockey

At the moment, Jaromir Jagru is the seventh highest scoring player in the history of the NHL regular championship. In the list of the most "hammered" hockey players in the Stanley Cup playoffs, our today's hero is in fifth place.

Personal life of Jaromir Jagr

For a long time, Jaromir Jagr has been in a romantic relationship with the Ukrainian model Inna Pugaykova. The girl is much younger than her chosen one, but this does not seem to bother the lovers at all. In 2007, for a long time on the Internet, rumors were discussed that the Czech hockey player would soon marry. However, these messages were subsequently called "duck" several times. It is still not known whether the closed wedding ceremony of lovers took place.

Don't even ask us such questions! Jaromir Jagr is one of the greatest hockey players in history. The second striker in the entire history of the NHL, the hero of Russia: he played for four seasons in Avangard Omsk and our fans fell in love. An anti-hero of Russia, because the Czech national team with Jagr took the gold of the 1998 Olympics in Nagano and the gold of the 2010 World Cup in Cologne from us. Oh, how insulting it was!

And Jagr is also a very original person. He never drinks alcohol and drinks milk at team parties. He can take the keys to the rink to train there after midnight (“When no one is around and no one is disturbing”). And the most important joke - Jaromir plays professional hockey at the age of 45. He plays in the best NHL league in the world, although there they usually end their careers at 35-36 years old. Jagr is the main long-liver of world hockey, and not everyone immediately understands the secret of his eternal youth.


And here he is: the girls. Once a well-known defender Darius Kasparaitis, who was interviewed in MAXIM, said: “Listen, I have five children, I spin like a squirrel in a wheel. But Jagr has no family, no children, he meets young girls. Of course he has a lot of time for hockey! "

Jaromir changes girls like gloves, and everything goes according to the same pattern. Several years of relationship - and they break up. In some ways, Jagr resembles Count Dracula, although he does not drink blood from anyone.

And once there was such a story: 43-year-old Jaromir slept in bed with an 18-year-old model, the girl took a picture of them together and began to blackmail the great hockey player.


But now it seems that Jaromir has calmed down. He seems to have met the girl of his dreams. Her name is Veronika Koprzhivova. Putting his arms around her waist, Jagr made a statement:

“I will play hockey until I am 55! I feel great. I am enjoying the game more than ever. I used to feel pressured to be the best hockey player in the world. And now I just want to extend my career to the maximum. "

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