Public Joint Stock Company Scientific Production Association Strela. JSC NPO Strela


NPO Strela: from glorious history to the future

NPO Strela is the Russian leader in the production of radar stations and, in general, in microelectronic technologies. Today, as part of the Almaz-Antey EKR Concern, the enterprise is rapidly developing, increasing the output of both defense and civilian products, introducing innovative methods of production management, setting ambitious goals - all this under the leadership of Vyacheslav Chapkin, who gave work to Strela »More than 18 years.

A bit of history

The history of the enterprise began on October 10, 1951, when in Tula, by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Arsenal plant was created from auto repair shops to produce radar stations for ground artillery reconnaissance. In 1954, a Special Design Bureau was organized at the plant to support production and development. new technology... In 1979, the Design Bureau was transformed into the "Strela Research Institute". From 1979 to 2010, Arsenal and SRI Strela (since 2001 - JSC SRI Strela) worked as independent enterprises, closely interacting with each other.

In 2002, a completely new page in history began - OJSC NII Strela and OJSC Tula Plant Arsenal became part of the largest Russian defense-industrial holding Almaz-Antey. Four years later, Strela became the head organization for coordinating the activities of Russian defense industry enterprises in the development, production, modernization and repair of intelligence systems and means of missile forces and artillery of the RF Armed Forces.

In 2010, OJSC Tula Plant Arsenal merged with OJSC Nauchno- Production Association"Arrow". At that moment, NPO Strela was born - a single highly professional team.

Developments and achievements

Over the entire history of NPO Strela, over 60 types of samples have been developed and supplied to the Russian Armed Forces. military equipment, among which:

  • CHAP radar family: SNAR-1, SNAR-2A, SNAR-6, SNAR-10, SNAR-15, SNAR-10M, SNAR-10M1;
  • small-sized portable radar "Fara", which can be used as a sight for small arms; portable radars "Harpoon", "Credo"; portable short-range radars "Fara-1", "Fara-PV", "Fara-VR", portable short-range radars "Credo-M1", "PSNR-8M", "Sobolyatnik", as well as a portable radar of medium range actions of "Credo-1";
  • ARK-1 and ARK-1M firing positions reconnaissance radars, Zoo-1, Zoo-1M, Aistenok;
  • electronic control systems for ATGM complexes "Dragon", "Cobra", "Shturm-V", "Shturm-S", "Agona", "Attack";
  • radar instrument complexes for active protection complexes "Drozd", "Drozd-1", "Shater-1";
  • radar sights for the anti-tank gun "Ruta", for ATGM - "Konkurs", "Norov";
  • RLK "Gadfly", "Assembly", designed to protect moving columns;
  • universal automated measuring station initial speed shells "ABS-1" and "Ramp";
  • radar protection means of especially important objects "Barrier", "Undermining";
  • mobile complexes of border protection "Holoturiya", "Holoturiya-O", "Holoturiya-88", stationary radar station for guarding the state border "Gamma-PV", mobile posts of technical observation "Obzor-TM" and "Obzor-TM1" in the interests of the Border Troops and Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

Also, the production of equipment for air defense air defense systems was established: radio control units for missiles for the air defense complex of the Ground Forces "Circle", a homing head for the Cube complex, radio control units for the Wasp air defense system, missile homing heads for the S-300.

For high achievements, over 450 employees of NGOs were awarded state awards of the USSR and Russian Federation, of which 8 employees were awarded the Order of Lenin. For their outstanding contribution to the creation of new technology, the title of laureate of the Lenin Prize was received by 3 employees, the State Prize of the USSR - 19 employees. 1 employee was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. For their outstanding contribution to the creation of a new generation of radar reconnaissance equipment, 6 employees were awarded the RF Government Prize.

Workflow improvement

Considering the main activities of the enterprise, it is logical that its largest customers are the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia and other special government departments.

Director of PJSC NPO Strela Vyacheslav Chapkin

Today we are provided with a state defense order, and there are many proposals from foreign partners. The re-equipment of the enterprise is in full swing. Old production facilities are being repaired, new workshops are being built. For example, another large-scale assembly workshop will be built using modern technologies. By the end of 2018, the workshop should be commissioned.

Today Strela produces about 20 modifications of radar systems (not to mention modifications within one product), and it is important to emphasize that these are exclusively products of its own design. And the innovative activity does not stop: currently, the enterprise is carrying out five experimental and design studies. By tactical technical specifications developments are not inferior to the best Western models.

They are also working on Strela to reduce the cost of goods. To reduce costs, the company actively automates production processes, as well as management and planning processes - in particular, they introduce international ERP systems (information collection) and MES systems (production management). This is done so that management personnel receive real-time full information about the state of production and could make decisions quickly. And the MES system allows you to build both narrowly focused and global plans. The 1C-accounting system has been introduced for economists. In addition to material and financial costs, all these new algorithms also reduce time costs.

Radar "Owl".

It is also important to note that Strela is an enterprise with a complete production cycle, where all the divisions necessary for the production of complex products are represented: from a unique laboratory for incoming control of materials to shops for machining, electroplating and varnishing.

Civil Perspectives

In connection with the future decrease in the volume of the state defense order, the importance of reorienting the modernized capacities of the defense industry enterprises to the production of modern competitive civilian products and dual-use products is increasing, so that the funds that were once directed to re-equipping the industry would work on the growth of the entire Russian economy, contribute to the development of import substitution, as well as building up high-tech exports.

- I think the project of the SOVA radar station is very promising, - comments Vyacheslav Chapkin. - It is being developed within the framework of the profile of the enterprise, but it can be widely demanded in the civil sector. The station is a locator without a military element base - for example, a tripod from a camera is used as a tripod. With the help of "Owl" you can solve a wide range of tasks, including guarding various civilian objects: airfields, nature reserves, agricultural land, private cottages and even expensive cars. If we talk about the future, we will try to return to the production of medical equipment; Strela had a similar experience in the 90s. To this end, we plan to develop cooperation with the Tula State University, which trains specialists in the field of medical technology.

JSC NPO Strela is a specialized enterprise that develops and manufactures radar equipment designed to monitor ground targets. The association is part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, and is the head organization for coordinating activities in the assigned direction of technology. The main products of the enterprise: reconnaissance equipment for ground moving targets; Radar for reconnaissance of firing positions; radar meters for the initial velocity of artillery shells; radar security stations. By order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 116 of 01.06.2006, JSC SRI Strela was appointed the head organization for coordinating the activities of the Russian defense industry enterprises in the development, production, modernization and repair of reconnaissance systems and means of missile forces and artillery of the RF Armed Forces. The enterprise has developed and put into serial production a new generation of highly informative radar equipment that is not inferior to world analogues, including: portable ground reconnaissance radar "Credo-M1"; unified radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground targets "Credo-1E"; radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions "Zoo-1"; Radar reconnaissance of firing positions of mortars "Aistenok"; portable radar for short-range reconnaissance with a panoramic indicator "Fara-PV"; mobile posts of technical supervision "Obzor-TM" and "Obzor-TM1"; unified automated artillery ballistic station UAABS

Scientific Research Institute "Strela"

Federal State Unitary Enterprise


Name: "Strela" FSUE NII


The enterprise is located in the city of Tula.


The main types of products:

* "Fara-1" - portable radar for reconnaissance and weapon guidance for group targets

* "Monitor-M" - portable radar for monitoring the movement of ground targets

* "Gamma-PV" - coastal stationary radar for movement control in coastal border and customs zones

* "Guard" - an automated radar-optoelectronic complex for the protection of territories and water areas

* "Border" - an automated border guard system for radar and television monitoring of land and water areas

* "Barrier" - an automated radar-optoelectronic complex for the protection of individual objects with a complex configuration, including those covered with forest vegetation


FSUE "SRI" STRELA "is a developer and manufacturer of reconnaissance radars for ground moving targets, radar and radar-optoelectronic systems for protecting territories and water areas.

The Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute“ Strela ”develops and manufactures radar equipment for monitoring the surrounding combat situation, determining the positions of firing weapons, protecting land and sea sections of the border, and especially important facilities.

Dozens of types of military radars have been put into service, time-tested, such as:

- short-range reconnaissance radar stations PSNR-5, SBR-3; - radar for artillery reconnaissance of ground moving targets SNAR-2, SNAR-6, SNAR-10, SNAR-15;

- radar for reconnaissance of sea targets of the Holoturia series;

- "Shilka" anti-aircraft radio devices;

- radar systems (RLC) for determining the coordinates of the firing positions of shooting mortars, missiles and enemy artillery and adjusting the fire of their own fire weapons ARK-1, ARK-1M, “Zoo-1”. Moreover, the latter ensures the determination of the coordinates of the firing positions of artillery and missiles by the first shot (launch).

Today, in the interests of the country's defense, the Institute has created a new generation of radars. Among them - the portable radar "Fara-1", has a target detection range of up to 5 km. If you install it on a machine gun or grenade launcher, then you can conduct aimed fire in the absence of optical visibility. The Credo-M1 portable radar detects targets at a distance of up to 20 km. Modular, rapidly deployable radar "Credo-1E" is able to detect everything that moves on the earth and water surface at a distance of up to 40 km. Its placement on a balloon or helicopter further expands the observation area and ensures the detection of people and equipment covered by the folds of the terrain. The coastal radar "Gamma-PV" not only detects targets in motion on land and sea at a distance of up to 40 km, but also stationary surface targets.

Radar intelligence data is required not only by the troops, but also by special forces fighting terrorists and smugglers. Accurate and reliable detection of them at a long distance, as well as round-the-clock monitoring of them can be successfully carried out, including in rain, snow, fog, intense dust and smoke. At the same time, the radar stations provide complete information about the location of the violating objects. Especially for these purposes, the Institute has developed such automated radar and television security systems, such as:

- "Barrier" - for the protection of individual objects with a complex configuration, including those covered with forest vegetation;

- "Guard" - for the protection of territories and water areas, control over fishing in coastal areas, monitoring the movement of ships in the interests of the border and customs services. At the same time, the detection range of large ships reaches 40 km, and of light ships - 25 km. The new generation of radars is distinguished not only by the presence of automatic detectors, the ability to display the radar situation against the background of a digital map of the area and interfacing with other systems, but also by modern digital methods of signal processing, the availability of means of automatic transmission of the received information to communication channels. Complex automated reconnaissance complexes are being created using elements of optics, optoelectronics, television, thermal imaging and other systems. According to the main technical characteristics, the products developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute “Strela” are among the best samples of the leading Western firms “Thompson” (France), “Alcatel” (Germany), “Hughes” (USA), etc.

FSUE SRI “Strela” offers its customers a comprehensive implementation of work on the creation of automated real-time intelligence systems, security systems with turnkey delivery, extended systems for the protection of territories with the collection of information at the central control center. It is possible to combine radars with optoelectronics, contact, perimeter systems, weapons

A recognized leader in the development of ground reconnaissance radar equipment, developer and manufacturer of reconnaissance radars for ground moving targets, radar radar-optoelectronic systems for the protection of territories and water areas. medium-range "Credo-1", portable radar for the protection of objects "Monitor-M", portable short-range radar "Fara-1". A number of systems for the protection of territories and objects with a complex configuration, extended border participants, including the coast guard "Gamma", "Guard", "Barrier" have been created and are offered to the customer.

The enterprise of the military-industrial complex "NPO Strela" and the IT-integrator "SoftExpert" have successfully completed the first stage of implementation of the "1C: Document Management 8 CORP" system. The new system covered 850 workplaces in all major divisions of the enterprise. Work with correspondence and orders has been converted into electronic form. Safe storage of documents is organized, loss of originals is excluded. Internal orders and orders are brought to the attention of employees faster, control over their execution is strengthened. All this helps the company to increase production rates and strictly observe the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order.

"1C: Document Flow" helps PJSC "NPO" Strela "to comply with the deadlines for the implementation of the state defense order

The enterprise of the military-industrial complex "NPO Strela" and IT-integrator "SoftExpert" successfully completed the first stage of implementation of the "1C: Document Flow 8 CORP" system. The new system covered 850 workplaces in all major divisions of the enterprise. Work with correspondence and orders has been converted into electronic form. Reliable storage of documents is organized, loss of originals is excluded. Internal orders and instructions are brought to the attention of employees faster, control over their execution is strengthened. All this helps the company to increase the pace of production and strictly observe the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order.

PJSC "Scientific and Production Association" Strela "(Tula) has been working in the defense industry for over 65 years. The main specialization of the company is the development and manufacture of radar equipment for observation of ground targets. The enterprise cooperates with such large customers as the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Border Service The FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia and other special government departments Since 2002, PJSC NPO Strela has been part of the Almaz-Antey VKO Concern.

In October 2014 at scientific and practical conference with the participation of all subsidiaries and affiliates of the Concern, a decision was made to improve the quality management system (QMS) during 2015-2016. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set for all enterprises of the concern:

  • implementation of local software products for automating business processes and certain types of activities;
  • development and implementation of corporate documented QMS procedures that establish uniform ways of doing business in relation to the stages of the product life cycle;
  • creation of effective and efficient management of corporate quality processes based on technical, financial, joint stock, legal and other forms of regulation and meeting the needs and expectations of potential customers (consumers) and other interested parties in the course of activities based on an innovative approach.

Like any large machine-building enterprise, Strela works with a large volume of organizational and administrative documentation. All actions in the research and production association are strictly regulated, subject to accounting and logging. Such measures are necessary to maintain order, preserve high level productivity and competitiveness. At the same time, a sufficient number of orders, contracts and letters are formed daily at the enterprise, each of which must be reviewed and approved by many employees. Therefore, one of the important stages of the project to improve the QMS at PJSC "NPO" Strela "was the optimization of the document management system.

The company needed an information system that would help speed up the processing and approval of documents, organize their reliable storage, and reduce the risk of losing originals. In order to increase the pace of production and ensure strict compliance with the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order, it was necessary to increase the speed of communicating letters, internal orders and instructions to employees, as well as to strengthen control over the execution of orders.

Due to the specifics of the enterprise, such requirements as a high degree of reliability and confidentiality of the processed data, competent differentiation of access rights to documents, flexibility and scalability were imposed on the automation system. The preference was given to the 1C: Document management system 8 CORP, which not only meets the requirements, but also as easily and efficiently as possible integrates with other 1C systems used at the enterprise.

As a result of open tenders, the implementation partner was SoftExpert, which is the only 1C: Document Management Competence Center in Tula and has repeatedly supplied and configured software and equipment for Strela, PJSC NPO.

At the first stage of the project, the tasks of processing and storing incoming documents were automated. The system was deployed at 850 workplaces (mainly managers and office staff) in all services and divisions of the enterprise.

Key project outcomes:

  • Registration of correspondence and orders has been converted into electronic form. Reliable storage of documents is organized: paper versions of incoming letters and contracts are stored in the archive, and electronic documents and scanned copies of originals are stored in the "1C: Document Management" database. In order to familiarize themselves with the content of a document, employees no longer need to search for its original - all the necessary information can be quickly found in the system. Approving persons and executors work only with electronic versions of documents, which significantly reduces the risk of losing originals.
  • Familiarization of employees with internal orders and instructions (including for the past years), as well as the issuance of orders and control of their execution are now carried out in electronic form. In order to convey an order or assignment, employees no longer need to run from corps to corps. This greatly simplified and accelerated the work with documents. The content of organizational and administrative documentation is now more quickly communicated to the addressees, as a result, tasks are performed more quickly. This had a positive effect on the pace of production and the implementation of the requirements for meeting the deadlines for fulfilling the state defense order.
  • Control over the execution of orders has been strengthened. If earlier for these purposes only cards were used that were printed from the program of its own development of PJSC "NPO" Strela ", now the standard tools" 1C: Document Flow "are connected to the control task. The manager performing the functions of the controller can at any time receive in the system information about the issued assignments, the deadlines for their execution, the documents for which the tasks are set. ”Understanding that the performance of each employee is now easily tracked online, contributes to an increase in the overall executive discipline at the enterprise.

Head of Department information technologies PJSC "NPO" Strela "Sipchenko Sergey Yurievich notes: “We are completely satisfied with the results of the first stage of implementation of the 1C: Document Management System 8 CORP.” All the tasks that were set on the day of signing the contract have been completed to date. At the same time, all the specific requirements of automation of a secure enterprise were fully observed and its scale was taken into account. waiting for the second stage of the project, during which we intend to jointly automate the procedures for agreeing contracts and expand the geography of orders, convert service notes into electronic form, and also carry out work to connect additional users to the system ".

Open Joint-Stock Company"Research and Production Association" Strela "(JSC" NPO "Strela")

JSC NPO Strela is a specialized enterprise that develops and manufactures radar equipment designed to monitor ground targets. The association is part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, and is the head organization for coordinating activities in the assigned direction of technology.

The main products of the enterprise:

  • reconnaissance means for ground moving targets;
  • Radar for reconnaissance of firing positions;
  • radar meters for the initial velocity of artillery shells;
  • radar security stations.

By order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 116 of 01.06.2006, JSC SRI Strela was appointed the head organization for coordinating the activities of the Russian defense industry enterprises in the development, production, modernization and repair of reconnaissance systems and means of missile forces and artillery of the RF Armed Forces.

The enterprise has developed and put into serial production a new generation of highly informative radar equipment that is not inferior to world analogues, including:

  • portable ground reconnaissance radar "Credo-M1";
  • unified radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground targets "Credo-1E";
  • radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions "Zoo-1";
  • Radar reconnaissance of firing positions of mortars "Aistenok";
  • portable radar for short-range reconnaissance with a panoramic indicator "Fara-PV";
  • mobile posts of technical supervision "Obzor-TM" and "Obzor-TM1";
  • unified automated artillery ballistic station UAABS.

New developments of the enterprise:

  • "Aragvi" modular radar reconnaissance complex for ground targets
  • Portable solid-state short-range ground reconnaissance radar
  • Modernized portable ground reconnaissance station "PSNR-8M"
  • Portable radar station for reconnaissance of ground moving targets with panoramic indicator "Fara-VR"
  • Radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions "Zoo-1M"
  • Technical means of detecting intruders masked by forest vegetation - "Undermining"
  • Modernized mobile armored radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground and surface targets "SNAR-10M1"
  • Service combat reconnaissance vehicle "SBRM"


The origins of the Scientific Research Institute "Strela" originate in the historical for the institute Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU of 10.10.1951. According to this Decree, in the city of Tula, on the basis of a small Central Automobile Repair Plant (TsARZ) of the Ministry of Defense, a plant was created to produce ground artillery reconnaissance radar stations (SNAR), the development of which was carried out by one of the Moscow institutes. To support design documentation in production, its processing at the plant, a department of the Chief Designer (OGK) was created.

The department was staffed with young specialists who arrived at the plant according to the distribution of the Ministry higher education USSR. Young radio engineering specialists came from Kharkov, Gorky and Leningrad universities. Design engineers were mainly graduates of the Tula mechanical and mining institutes. P.A.Konashkov was appointed the head of the WGC.After the successful development in serial production of the first ground reconnaissance radar station SNAR-1 and the beginning of the development of the SNAR-2 station in production, the question arose about giving the plant more independence and loading production capacity in the future with its own developments. To achieve this goal, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 26, 1954 provided for the creation of a special design bureau at the plant - OKB-668. Therefore, the date of 11/26/1954 is the date of the beginning of the formation, development of the OKB, and subsequently of the research institute. The first employees of the OKB were specialists from the OGK of the plant, as well as engineers of the radio engineering profile from the shops, transferred to the OKB by order of the director of the plant. P.A. Konashkov, who had previously headed the OGK, was appointed the first chief of the OKB.

The OKB began to be intensively replenished with engineering personnel. In the period from 1958 to 1960 alone, more than 300 young specialists were sent to the OKB, most of them were graduates of radio engineering faculties and institutes. Already in 1961, the number of OKB exceeded 750 people, in connection with which, by the order of the Minister of Radio Industry, the OKB was transferred to a group of design organizations with the planning of the nomenclature of work, the number and salary fund directly by the ministry. The nomenclature and subject matter of works also grew rapidly.

The geography of the cities from which the distribution engineers of the radio engineering profile began to arrive has expanded significantly. Kiev, Ryazan, Lvov, Taganrog were added to the previously mentioned cities.

The first developments of the OKB were small R&D aimed at modernizing the SNAR-1 and SNAR-2 radars developed by one of the Moscow scientific research institutes. The first difficult (for the design bureau of that time) was a joint development with one of the Moscow scientific research institutes for radar registration of air objects on the flight path of the "Amur". The Design Bureau has been engaged in completely independent development since 1957. Such works were:

  • Radar station "Tobol" for the world famous complex "Shilka";
  • the first in the USSR ground artillery reconnaissance station of the SNAR (SNAR-6) type with the SDTs system;
  • topographic reference systems for artillery combat formations "Birch".

By the end of the 60s, basically, the subject matter of the enterprise was formed, which included:

  • SNAR mobile ground artillery reconnaissance radars;
  • short-range and short-range portable radars;
  • Radar for reconnaissance of firing positions of firing means and adjustments of fire of their own means;
  • electronic control systems for ATGMs, including those fired from the cannon barrel;
  • Radar complexes of active protection of tanks;
  • radar sights for anti-tank guns and missiles;
  • working on the move radar systems for detecting and targeting low-flying air targets to protect convoys of vehicles and armored vehicles on the march from an air attack.

Since then, the Design Bureau (later the Strela Research Institute) has become the only one in the USSR and remains the only developer of the above tools in Russia. By orders of the Minister of Radio Industry, the OKB was appointed the head enterprise of the industry in these areas of technology.

Given the high technical level the developments carried out by the enterprise and the scientific and technical problems solved in the course of these works, the OKB by order of the Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR of 06/29/1979 was transformed into the research institute "Strela".

Since the beginning of the 1980s, the institute began to develop radar means of protecting the border in the interests of the Border Troops.
Over the years of its activity during the existence of the USSR, the Institute has developed and supplied to the Soviet and Russian Armies over 30 types of military equipment, among which in the above areas of work:

  • SNAR radar family: SNAR-2A, SNAR-6, SNAR-10, SNAR-15;
  • small-sized portable radar "Fara", which allows its use as a sight for small arms;
  • portable radars "Harpoon", "Credo";
  • ARK-1 and ARK-1 M firing position reconnaissance radar;
  • electronic control systems for ATGM complexes "Dragon", "Cobra", "Shturm-V", "Shturm-S", "Agona", "Attack";
  • radar instrument complexes for active protection complexes "Drozd", "Shater-1";
  • radar sights for the anti-tank gun "Ruta", for ATGM - "Konkurs" and "Norov";
  • for the tasks of protecting moving columns - radar systems "Gadfly" and "Assemblies";
  • in the interests of the Border Troops - mobile complexes of border protection - "Holothuria", "Holothuria-O", "Holothuria-88".

Many products developed by the institute had no world analogues, and some of them, developed in the 70s of the last century, such as the SNAR-10 radar, the Ruta radar sight, the Drozd active protection complex have no world analogues and at present time. Over the years of the enterprise's activity, more than 600 copyright certificates for inventions and patents have been received, of which over 250 are currently legally valid. A number of employees were awarded the Honorary title "Inventor of the USSR", 3 employees "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation". Over 150 employees of the institute were awarded state awards of the USSR, 8 products developed by the institute were awarded the State Prize of the USSR, 3 products - the Lenin Prize.

The products developed by the institute were mass-produced at many factories of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry: Arsenal plant (Tula), IEMZ (Izhevsk), Vector (Yekaterinburg), Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant, Mari Machine-Building Plant, Orenburg Hardware Plant, them. Lenin (Lgov), as well as in the Republic of Bulgaria.

IN last years the institute has developed and supplied to the troops the latest models of military equipment and military equipment that meet the most modern requirements and are not inferior to the best world standards: highly informative means such as Fara-1, Gamma-PV, Credo-M1, UAABS (Ramp "), Modernized SNAR-10 (SNAR-10 M), modernized" Zoo "(product 1L219 M).

For the development of new samples of В and ВТ, more than 20 leading specialists of the enterprise were awarded high state awards Of the Russian Federation: orders, medals, honorary titles, including - Deputy General Director for Production Kuzmin V.V., Deputy Chief Engineer for scientific and technical support of developments Savushkin S.A., Deputy Chief Designer of the direction Potapov V.A., chief technologist of the enterprise Kuperman Ye.B.

Currently, the institute has a sufficient portfolio of orders, a developed development program for the near and long term, and is optimistic about the future.

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