Open Joint Stock Company "Scientific and Production Association "Strela" (JSC "NPO "Strela"). LLC "NPO Strela" Scientific and Production Association Strela

open Joint-Stock Company"Scientific Production Association Strela (JSC NPO Strela)

OAO NPO Strela is a specialized enterprise that is a developer and manufacturer of radar equipment designed to monitor ground targets. The association is part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, and is the head organization for coordinating activities in the assigned area of ​​technology.

The main products of the enterprise:

  • means of reconnaissance of ground moving targets;
  • Radar reconnaissance firing positions;
  • radar meters of the muzzle velocity of artillery shells;
  • radar security stations.

By order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy No. 116 dated June 1, 2006, Strela Research Institute was designated as the lead organization for coordinating the activities of Russian defense industry enterprises in the development, production, modernization and repair of systems and means of reconnaissance of missile forces and artillery of the RF Armed Forces.

The enterprise has developed and put into serial production a new generation of highly informative radar facilities, which is not inferior to world analogues, including:

  • portable ground reconnaissance radar "Credo-M1";
  • unified radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground targets "Credo-1E";
  • radar complex for reconnaissance of positions of missiles and artillery "Zoopark-1";
  • Radar reconnaissance of firing positions of mortars "Aistenok";
  • portable short-range reconnaissance radar with a panoramic indicator "Fara-PV";
  • mobile posts of technical supervision "Obzor-TM" and "Obzor-TM1";
  • unified automated artillery ballistic station UAABS.

New developments of the enterprise:

  • Modular complex of radar reconnaissance of ground targets for air carriers "Aragvi"
  • Short-range portable solid-state reconnaissance radar station for ground targets
  • Modernized portable ground reconnaissance station "PSNR-8M"
  • Portable radar station for reconnaissance of ground moving targets with a panoramic indicator "Fara-VR"
  • Radar complex for reconnaissance of positions of missiles and artillery "Zoo-1M"
  • Technical means of detecting violators masked by forest vegetation - "Undermining"
  • Modernized mobile armored radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground and surface targets "SNAR-10M1"
  • Service-combat reconnaissance vehicle "SBRM"


The origins of the creation of the Research Institute "Strela" originate in the historical for the Institute Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of 10.10.1951. According to this Decree, in the city of Tula, on the basis of a small Central Automobile Repair Plant (CARZ) of the Ministry of Defense, a plant was created for the production of ground artillery reconnaissance radars (SNAR), the development of which was carried out by one of the Moscow institutes. To accompany the design documentation in production, its processing at the plant, the Department of the Chief Designer (OGK) was created.

The department was staffed by young specialists who arrived at the plant according to the distribution of the Ministry higher education THE USSR. Young specialists of the radio engineering profile arrived from Kharkov, Gorky and Leningrad universities. Design engineers were mainly graduates of the Tula Mechanical and Mining Institutes. P. A. Konashkov was appointed head of the WGC. After the successful mastering of the first ground-based reconnaissance radar station SNAR-1 in mass production and the start of mastering the production of the SNAR-2 station, the question arose of giving the plant greater independence and loading production capacities in the future with its own developments. To achieve this goal, the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 11/26/1954 provided for the creation of a special design bureau at the plant - OKB-668. Therefore, the date 11/26/1954 is the date of the beginning of the formation, development of the design bureau, and later the research institute. The first employees of the design bureau were specialists from the WGC of the plant, as well as radio engineers from the workshops, transferred to the design bureau by order of the plant director. Konashkov P.A., who previously headed the WGC, was appointed the first head of the Design Bureau.

The Design Bureau began to be intensively replenished with engineering personnel. In the period from 1958 to 1960 alone, more than 300 young specialists were sent to the Design Bureau, most of them were graduates of radio engineering faculties and institutes. Already in 1961, the number of OKB exceeded 750 people, in connection with which, by Order of the Minister of Radio Industry, the OKB was transferred to a group of design organizations with the planning of the range of work, number and salary fund directly by the ministry. The nomenclature and themes of works also grew rapidly.

The geography of the cities from which the engineers of the radio engineering profile sent for distribution began to come from has expanded significantly. Kiev, Ryazan, Lvov, Taganrog were added to the previously mentioned cities.

The first developments of the OKB were small R&D aimed at modernizing the SNAR-1 and SNAR-2 radars developed by one of the Moscow research institutes. The first difficult (for the Design Bureau of that time) was the joint development with one of the Moscow Research Institutes of radar registration of air objects on the Amur flight path. Since 1957, the Design Bureau has been engaged in completely independent developments. These works were:

  • Radar "Tobol" for the world famous complex "Shilka";
  • the first ground artillery reconnaissance station in the USSR of the SNAR type (SNAR-6) with the SDC system;
  • system of topographic location of battle formations of artillery "Birch".

By the end of the 60s, the theme of the enterprise was mainly formed, which included:

  • mobile ground artillery reconnaissance radars of the SNAR type;
  • portable short-range and short-range radars;
  • RLC for reconnaissance of firing positions of firing weapons and for adjusting the fire of their own weapons;
  • ATGM electronic control systems, including those fired from the gun barrel;
  • Radar complexes for active protection of tanks;
  • radar sights for anti-tank guns and missiles;
  • radar systems operating on the move for detecting and targeting low-flying air targets to protect columns of vehicles and armored vehicles on the march from air attack.

Since then, the Design Bureau (later the Strela Research Institute) has become the only one in the USSR and remains the only developer of the above tools in Russia. By orders of the Minister of the Radio Industry, the Design Bureau was appointed the leading enterprise of the industry in these areas of technology.

Given the high technical level of the developments carried out by the enterprise and the scientific and technical problems solved in the course of these works, the Design Bureau was transformed into the Strela Research Institute by order of the Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR dated June 29, 1979.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, the institute began developing radar equipment for border protection in the interests of the Border Troops.
Over the years of its activity during the existence of the USSR, the institute developed and supplied to the Soviet and Russian Army more than 30 types of samples military equipment, including in the above areas of work:

  • SNAR radar family: SNAR-2A, SNAR-6, SNAR-10, SNAR-15;
  • small-sized portable radar "Fara", allowing the possibility of its use as a sight for small arms;
  • portable radars "Harpoon", "Credo";
  • RLC for reconnaissance of firing positions "ARK-1" and "ARK-1 M";
  • electronic control systems for the ATGM complexes "Dragon", "Cobra", "Shturm-V", "Shturm-S", "Agona", "Attack";
  • radar instrumentation complexes for active protection complexes "Drozd", "Shater-1";
  • radar sights for the anti-tank gun "Ruta", for ATGMs - "Competition" and "Norov";
  • for the tasks of protecting moving columns - RLC "Gadfly" and "Assembly";
  • in the interests of the Border Troops - mobile border protection systems - Goloturiya, Goloturiya-O, Goloturiya-88.

Many of the products developed by the institute had no world analogues, and some of them developed in the 70s of the last century, such as the SNAR-10 radar, the Ruta radar sight, the Drozd active protection complex, have no analogues in the world at the present time. time. Over the years of the company's activity, more than 600 copyright certificates for inventions and patents have been received, of which over 250 are currently legally valid. A number of employees were awarded the honorary title "Inventor of the USSR", 3 employees "Honored Inventor Russian Federation". More than 150 employees of the institute were awarded USSR state awards, 8 products developed by the institute were awarded the USSR State Prize, 3 products - the Lenin Prize.

The products developed by the institute were mass-produced at many plants of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry: the Arsenal plant (Tula), IEMZ (Izhevsk), Vector (Yekaterinburg), the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant, the Mari Machine-Building Plant, the Orenburg Hardware Plant, the them. Lenin (Lgov), as well as in the Republic of Bulgaria.

In recent years, the institute has developed and supplied to the troops the latest models of V and VT that meet the latest requirements, are not inferior to the best world models: highly informative tools such as Fara-1, Gamma-PV, Credo-M1, UAABS ("Ramp"), modernized SNAR-10 (SNAR-10 M), modernized "Zoo" (product 1L219 M).

For the development of new samples of V and VT, more than 20 leading specialists of the enterprise were awarded high state awards of the Russian Federation: orders, medals, honorary titles, including Deputy General Director for Production Kuzmin V.V., Deputy Chief Engineer for Scientific and Technical Support of Development Savushkin S.A., Deputy Chief Designer Potapov V.A., chief technologist of the enterprise Kuperman E.B.

At present, the institute has a sufficient portfolio of orders, a developed development program for the near and long term, and looks to the future with optimism.


To ensure parity with a potential adversary in the field of radar reconnaissance of ground targets, the open joint-stock company Strela Research and Production Association, Tula (part of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern), according to the tactical and technical assignments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, over 60 different stations and complexes have been developed and put into service.

IN Lately The enterprise has developed and mastered in serial production a number of artillery reconnaissance radars that meet the latest requirements: the 1L260 long-range artillery reconnaissance radar complex, the 1L271 multifunctional portable radar for reconnaissance of mortar firing positions and mobile ground targets, the product 1L277 portable reconnaissance radar for ground targets and the portable radar ground reconnaissance SBR-5M.


An artillery radar complex for reconnaissance of missile positions and artillery 1L260. The 1L260 radar complex includes:

- a three-coordinate monopulse radar station with a phased antenna array (product 1L261);

- maintenance vehicle (product 1I38);

– power plant ED60-T230P-1RAM4.

Solved by the complex combat missions, operating modes and tactical and technical characteristics of the complex are determined by the product 1L261 (Fig. 1).

The launch of the complex into production not only solved the problem of our country's lagging behind in the range of reconnaissance of firing artillery and missiles, but also ensured superiority in this area. In conditions of passive and active interference, the complex, along with reconnaissance of enemy firing positions, simultaneously monitors the firing of its own weapons and monitors space in order to detect anti-radar missiles.

A comparative analysis of the characteristics shows that the 1L260 complex is superior to the foreign ROP "Cobra" and AN / TPQ-53 radars both in terms of reconnaissance range and in a number of basic technical characteristics.

The complex provides:

- detection and tracking of flying artillery shells, MLRS rockets, tactical missiles;

- determination with high accuracy of the coordinates of the points of departure and fall of shells (mines, missiles);

- recognition of the class, including the caliber of the firing firing position of the enemy;

– simultaneous operation in reconnaissance and control modes;

– operation under the influence of natural passive interference;

– direction finding of sources of active interference and automatic compensation of interference from several directions;

- detection of anti-radar missiles;

- continuous automatic diagnostics of the components of the product in the course of combat work.

In the "Reconnaissance" mode (Fig. 2), the complex provides opening of the enemy's firing positions, in the "Maintenance" mode (Fig. 3), the coordinates of the points of impact of shells of its firing means are determined.

Special software made it possible to implement a fully automatic mode of operation of the complex, without the participation of crew members.

The use of software-controlled units of radar equipment provided flexible changes in operating modes and the possibility of further modernization of the product, while the number of simultaneously tracked targets can vary from 12 to 36.

Fig 4. Radar 1L271.

The hardware capabilities of the radar make it possible not only to provide reconnaissance of firing positions of various types of firing systems, but also to implement a space surveillance mode in the interests of air defense.

Along with the radar for reconnaissance of long-range artillery firing positions, there is a need for light portable radars that provide reconnaissance of firing positions of firing mortars, reconnaissance of ground moving targets and control of the firing of their own artillery on exploding shells (mines) for the battalion level. This is confirmed by the experience of conducting local wars and counter-terrorist operations.

At the end of 2012, the world's first portable multifunctional reconnaissance radar for firing positions of firing mortars and ground moving targets 1L271 was adopted by the Russian army (Fig. 4).

The radar determines the location of the firing mortar firing point or the point of impact of the mine by radar observation of the mine in the visible section of the flight path, measuring the coordinates and parameters of its movement at individual points of the trajectory, followed by extrapolation to the point of departure or fall (Fig. 5). The radar antenna is electronically scanned in azimuth. The movement of the beam in elevation is carried out by changing the polarization of microwave radiation.

The station is made in the form of a set of equipment placed in the inner compartment of a special partially armored vehicle, which serves for the prompt delivery of a crew of three people and station equipment to a given area of ​​work. Redeployment over short distances in a given area of ​​work to select a more convenient combat position is carried out by carrying the components of the station removed from vehicle, using special packaging for carrying.


The first in Russia serially mastered portable radar for reconnaissance of ground targets of short range with a phased antenna array (PAR) - station 1L277 (Fig. 6). It is designed to detect moving single and group ground, surface, stationary ground and surface targets, as well as to correct artillery and mortar fire at gaps. The station also detects low-flying unmanned aerial vehicles.

Fig 6. Radar 1L277.

Unlike its prototype (PSNR-8 station), 1L277 allows, along with moving targets and artillery shell explosions, to detect stationary small targets, which is the first time this has been done in a radar of this class. At the same time, a reduction in radar visibility and an increase in noise immunity were provided. The use of a solid-state component base made it possible to reduce the weight by 2 times and increase the mean time between failures by 3.7 times compared to PSNR-8.

Fig 7. Radar SBR-5M.

The design of the station allows its installation on various running bases, and the principle of monoblock execution of radar equipment makes it possible to create stationary surveillance systems, their interaction in a network while protecting borders, coastal zones, military and civilian facilities.

Compared with stations of the same class PSNR-8 and PSNR-8M, which are in service, and foreign counterparts, the 1L277 radar has several important advantages. In particular, automatic tracking of up to 20 targets is provided without stopping reconnaissance in a given sector; detection mode and determination of the coordinates of fixed targets; automatic recognition of the type of moving targets "man - technology".

To ensure the secrecy and noise immunity of the operation of the station, a frequency agility mode (BFC) has been implemented, which makes it difficult for the enemy to conduct electronic intelligence and makes it impossible to set up targeted active interference.

A qualitative leap in the development of portable radars for reconnaissance of ground moving targets was made with the creation in 2010 of the portable short-range reconnaissance radar SBR-5M (Fig. 7), which combines almost all the capabilities of modern radars, despite the extremely small overall and weight characteristics.

The radar is a coherent, multi-channel radar station with a continuous emission of a low power broadband chirp signal.

It has the ability to interface with five types of easel automatic small arms (PKMSN, Pecheneg, Kord, AGS-17, AGS-30), (Fig. 8), which makes it indispensable when conducting combat operations in conditions of lack of optical visibility .

The principle of operation and combat use of the station consists in scanning one of the given sectors with automatic detection of moving targets, determining their polar coordinates for aiming automatic small arms and displaying the target radar situation against the background of an electronic terrain map (ECM).

Figure 8. Radar SBR-5M on a grenade launcher.

The station provides high secrecy of work from enemy electronic countermeasures, since its radiated power is less than that of a cell phone. All radio-electronic devices, primary processing units and VIP are placed in the transceiver, which, together with the drive, is mounted on a tripod. The control panel with a rechargeable battery is located at a distance from the transceiver.

Unique design and technological solutions made it possible to create a station with the minimum weight of a wearable set for all analogs, not exceeding 12 kg.

As an autonomous reconnaissance vehicle, the SBR-5M station is included in:

- complex intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius" (83T215-8VR);

- automated ATGM battery control complex ("Commander-E");

- an airborne automated command reconnaissance combat vehicle (BMD-3K-AR).

The station's transceiver is included in the combat anti-sabotage vehicle (BPDM "Typhoon-M").

Serial production of 1L260, 1L271, 1L277 and SBR-5M products made it possible to start equipping artillery and military intelligence units of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-performance ground reconnaissance radars, which, according to technical level correspond to the best foreign models, and in some characteristics even surpass them. This made it possible to raise the effectiveness of radar reconnaissance to a new qualitative level - to more effectively solve traditional tasks, expand the list of tasks to be solved and significantly increase operational capabilities to improve the stealth, noise immunity and survivability of stations on the battlefield.

The company is currently eliminated! Date of liquidation of the company: 01.09.2014

Legal entity status:

Full name:

TIN: 7719648058, OGRN: 1077759845426

- is a leader in 15 organizations (operating - 1, inactive - 14).
- is a founder in 18 organizations (operating - 1, inactive - 17).

The company with the full name "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "NPO STRELA"" was registered on September 6, 2007 in the Moscow region at the legal address: 105318, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya street, 53, bldg. 4.

The registrar "" assigned the company TIN 7719648058 PSRN 1077759845426. Registration number in the Pension Fund: 087415056356. Registration number in the FSS: 772404032177241.



OGRN 1077759845426
TIN 7719648058
checkpoint 771901001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) Limited liability companies
Full name of the legal entity LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "NPO STRELA"
Abbreviated name of the legal entity OOO "NPO STRELA"
Region Moscow city
Legal address
Name Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
The address 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, household 3, building 2
Date of registration 06.09.2007
Date of assignment of OGRN 06.09.2007
Accounting in the Federal Tax Service
Registration date 06.09.2007
Tax authority Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 19 for Moscow, No. 7719
Information about registration in the FIU
Registration number 087415056356
Date of registration 07.09.2007
Name of the territorial body State institution - Main Directorate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 7 for Moscow and the Moscow Region municipal area Falcon Mountain, Moscow, No. 087415
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 772404032177241
Date of registration 07.09.2007
Name of the executive body Branch No. 24 of the State Institution - Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 7724

OKVED codes

Additional activities (18):
45.3 Installation of engineering equipment of buildings and structures
45.31 Production of electrical work
51.53 Wholesale of timber, building materials and sanitary equipment
51.64 Wholesale of office machines and equipment
51.65 Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
51.65.2 Wholesale of operating materials and accessories of machines and equipment
51.65.5 Wholesale of industrial electrical and electronic equipment, including telecommunication equipment
51.65.6 Wholesale of other machines, devices, equipment for general industrial and special purposes
51.7 other ratailing
60.24 Activities of road freight transport
63.1 Transport handling and storage
64.2 Activities in the field of telecommunications
64.20.3 Other activities in the field of telecommunications
72.1 Computer hardware consulting
72.2 Software development and consulting in this area
72.4 Activities for the creation and use of databases and information resources
74.1 Activities in the field of law, accounting and auditing; advising on commercial activities and enterprise management
74.84 Provision of other services

other information

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. Date of: 06.09.2007
    UAH: 1077759845426
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change:(R11001) Establishment of a legal entity
    The documents:
    - Application (with attachments)
    - Charter
    - Protocol
    - Document confirming the payment of the state fee
  2. Date of: 06.09.2007
    UAH: 2077759845436
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Entering information about accounting with the tax authority
  3. Date of: 10.09.2007
    UAH: 2077759902009
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Entering information about registration in the FSS of the Russian Federation
  4. Date of: 10.09.2007
    UAH: 2077759920720
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Entering information about registration in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  5. Date of: 08.05.2014
    UAH: 9147746453516
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Entering information about the upcoming exclusion of an inactive legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    The documents:
    - Decision on the forthcoming exclusion of an inactive legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  6. Date of: 01.09.2014
    UAH: 8147747115629
    Tax authority: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 for Moscow, No. 7746
    Reason for the change: Exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of a legal entity that actually ceased its activities
    The documents:
    - Certificate of no movement of funds on accounts or no open accounts
    - Certificate of non-submission of legal entities during the last 12 months of reporting documents
    - Decision on the forthcoming exclusion of an inactive legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Legal address on the city map

Other organizations in the directory

  1. , Dimitrovgrad - Liquidated
    TIN: 7302026939, OGRN: 1047300100187
    433504, Ulyanovsk region, city of Dimitrovgrad, Industrial street, 49/2
    Liquidator: Lukmanov Denis Salavatovich
  2. , Dzerzhinsk - Liquidated
    TIN: 5249112826, OGRN: 1115249001922
    606016, Nizhny Novgorod region, city of Dzerzhinsk, Studencheskaya street, building 34V, letter D, room 2
    Bankruptcy manager: Asafov Dmitry Mikhailovich
  3. , Moscow region - Liquidated
    TIN: 5044056514, OGRN: 1065044034000
    141570, Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, village D / o Morozovka, GARAGE BOX No. 35
    General Director: Varnakov Alexey Valerievich
  4. , Pokhvistnevo - Active
    TIN: 6319705623, OGRN: 1086319011536
    446453, Samara Region, Pokhvistnevo city, Mira street, 68, building A, office 1
    Director: Filimonov Sergey Sergeevich
  5. — Liquidated
    TIN: 1506001515, OGRN: 1021500859050
    363332, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, city of Ardon, street P / box No. 3
    Director: Kubatiev Alexander Dzherikhanovich
  6. , Republic of Bashkortostan - Liquidated
    TIN: 238005573, OGRN: 1100255000119
    452080, Republic of Bashkortostan, Kirgiz-miyaki village, Industrial Zone street, III
    Liquidator: Makhiyanov Ralis Mudarisovich

  7. TIN: 7802811729, OGRN: 1129847021512
    194358, St. Petersburg, Simonova street, 4, bldg. 1, apt. 64
    General Director: Fedorova Serafima Sergeevna
  8. , Moscow - Liquidated
    TIN: 7719541153, OGRN: 1057746062330
    105122, Moscow, Lilac Boulevard, 1, bldg. five
    General Director: Mamoshin Alexander Andreevich
  9. , Tver - Liquidated
    TIN: 6950065840, OGRN: 1076952022949
    170028, Tver region, Kalininsky district, city of Tver, Ordzhonikidze street, 21
    General Director: Yulia Vladimirovna Didevich
  10. , St. Petersburg — Active
    TIN: 7842421330, OGRN: 1099847026531
    St. Petersburg, 8th Sovetskaya street, 6-8, office 5-N
    General Director: Alexander Golovchinsky
  1. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724592107, OGRN: 5067746892879

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  2. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724286244, OGRN: 1037724053223

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  3. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7737506000, OGRN: 1057746770421

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  4. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708557610, OGRN: 1057746567152

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  5. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708648070, OGRN: 1077759841686

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  6. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724263092, OGRN: 1037724009872
    115563, Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 46, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  7. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7710539350, OGRN: 1047796291399

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  8. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7720514404, OGRN: 1047796728451

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  9. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7707601760, OGRN: 5067746782758

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  10. — Current
    TIN: 7737504274, OGRN: 1047797016970

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  11. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7719648058, OGRN: 1077759845426
    105318, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya street, 53, bldg. 4
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  12. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7707597049, OGRN: 5067746006950
    127030, Moscow, Sushchevskaya street, 29
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  13. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7727513199, OGRN: 1047796409462

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  14. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7705729518, OGRN: 1067746556921

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  15. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7727625287, OGRN: 1077759845294

    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  1. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724592107, OGRN: 5067746892879
    115516, Moscow, Timurovskaya street, 9
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  2. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7733621259, OGRN: 1077759845008
    125627, Moscow, Pyatnitskoe shosse, 13, bldg. one
    General Director: Doev Egor Izmailovich
  3. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724286244, OGRN: 1037724053223
    115563, Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 46, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  4. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7737506000, OGRN: 1057746770421
    115598, Moscow, Lipetskaya street, 7, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  5. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708557610, OGRN: 1057746567152
    107140, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya street, 12/1, building 1, room 15-17
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  6. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708648070, OGRN: 1077759841686
    103045, Moscow, Daev lane, 6
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  7. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724263092, OGRN: 1037724009872
    115563, Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 46, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  8. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7714730164, OGRN: 1087746259072
    127287, Moscow, Bashilovskaya street, 15
    General Director: Milaev Andrey Vladimirovich
  9. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7719539500, OGRN: 1047797058935
    142700, Moscow region, Leninsky district, Vidnoe city, Berezovaya street, 3, NON-RESIDENTIAL premises No. 36 lit. A1
    General Director: Gaidarova Zeynab Mavlutdinovna
  10. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7714504493, OGRN: 1037739814617
    119034, Moscow, Leo Tolstoy street, 14A, building 5
    General Director: Kulikov Sergey Alexandrovich
  11. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7710539350, OGRN: 1047796291399
    123056, Moscow, Gruzinsky lane, 6
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  12. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7720514404, OGRN: 1047796728451
    111123, Moscow, highway Entuziastov, 60, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  13. — Current
    TIN: 7737504274, OGRN: 1047797016970
    117535, Moscow, road street, d. 60, B
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  14. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7719648058, OGRN: 1077759845426
    105318, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya street, 53, bldg. 4
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  15. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7727513199, OGRN: 1047796409462
    117418, Moscow, Novocheryomushkinskaya street, 46
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  16. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7705729518, OGRN: 1067746556921
    119049, Moscow, Koroviy Val street, 5
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  17. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7727625287, OGRN: 1077759845294
    117418, Moscow, Novocheryomushkinskaya street, 42A
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  18. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7733644961, OGRN: 1087746261206
    125363, Moscow, Skhodnenskaya street, 36/11
    General Director: Kuznetsov Dmitry Valerievich
  1. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724592107, OGRN: 5067746892879
    115516, Moscow, Timurovskaya street, 9
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  2. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724286244, OGRN: 1037724053223
    115563, Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 46, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  3. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7737506000, OGRN: 1057746770421
    115598, Moscow, Lipetskaya street, 7, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  4. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708557610, OGRN: 1057746567152
    107140, Moscow, Krasnoprudnaya street, 12/1, building 1, room 15-17
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  5. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7708648070, OGRN: 1077759841686
    103045, Moscow, Daev lane, 6
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  6. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7724263092, OGRN: 1037724009872
    115563, Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 46, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  7. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7710539350, OGRN: 1047796291399
    123056, Moscow, Gruzinsky lane, 6
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  8. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7720514404, OGRN: 1047796728451
    111123, Moscow, highway Entuziastov, 60, bldg. one
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  9. — Liquidated
    TIN: 7707601760, OGRN: 5067746782758
    127030, Moscow, Sushchevskaya street, 16
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin
  10. — Current
    TIN: 7737504274, OGRN: 1047797016970
    117535, Moscow, Dorozhnaya street, 60, B
    General Director: Andrey Chuksin

The enterprise of the military-industrial complex "NPO Strela" and the IT integrator "SoftExpert" successfully completed the first stage of the implementation of the "1C: Document Management 8 CORP" system. The new system covered 850 jobs in all major divisions of the enterprise. Work with correspondence and orders has been transferred to electronic form. Reliable storage of documents is organized, the loss of originals is excluded. Internal orders and instructions are brought to the attention of employees faster, and control over their execution has been strengthened. All this helps the enterprise to increase the pace of production and strictly observe the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order.

"1C: Document Management" helps PJSC "NPO "Strela" to meet the deadlines for the implementation of the state defense order

Enterprise of the military-industrial complex "NPO Strela" And IT-integrator "SoftExpert" successfully completed the first stage of the implementation of the "1C: Document Management 8 CORP" system. The new system covered 850 jobs in all major divisions of the enterprise. Work with correspondence and orders has been transferred to electronic form. Reliable storage of documents is organized, the loss of originals is excluded. Internal orders and instructions are brought to the attention of employees faster, and control over their execution has been strengthened. All this helps the enterprise to increase the pace of production and strictly observe the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order.

PJSC "Scientific and Production Association "Strela" (Tula) has been working in the defense industry for over 65 years. The main specialization of the company is the development and manufacture of radar equipment for monitoring ground targets. The company cooperates with such large customers as the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Border Guard Service The Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia and other special government agencies.

In October 2014 on scientific and practical conference with the participation of all subsidiaries and affiliates of the Concern, a decision was made to improve the quality management system (QMS) during 2015-2016. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set for all enterprises of the concern:

  • implementation of local software products for automating business processes and certain types of activities;
  • development and implementation of corporate documented QMS procedures that establish uniform ways of doing business in relation to the stages of the product life cycle;
  • creation of effective and efficient management of corporate processes in the field of quality based on technical, financial, corporate, legal and other forms of regulation and meeting the needs and expectations of potential customers (consumers) and other interested parties in the course of activities based on an innovative approach.

Like any large machine-building enterprise, Strela works with a large amount of organizational and administrative documentation. All actions in the research and production association are strictly regulated, subject to accounting and recording. Such measures are necessary to maintain order, preserve high level performance and competitiveness. At the same time, a sufficient number of orders, contracts and letters are generated daily at the enterprise, each of which must be reviewed and agreed upon by many employees. Therefore, one of the important stages of the project to improve the QMS in PJSC "NPO "Strela" was the optimization of the document management system.

The company needed an information system that would help speed up the processing and approval of documents, organize their safe storage, and reduce the risk of losing originals. In order to increase the pace of production and ensure strict compliance with the deadlines for the execution of the state defense order, it was necessary to increase the speed of communicating letters, internal orders and instructions to employees, as well as strengthen control over the execution of instructions.

Due to the specifics of the enterprise, such requirements were imposed on the automation system as a high degree of reliability and confidentiality of the processed data, competent differentiation of access rights to documents, flexibility and scalability. Preference was given to the 1C:Document Management 8 KORP system, which not only meets the set requirements, but also integrates as easily and efficiently as possible with other 1C systems used in the enterprise.

According to the results of open bidding, SoftExpert became the implementation partner, which is the only 1C: Document Management Competence Center in Tula and has repeatedly supplied and configured software and equipment for PJSC NPO Strela.

At the first stage of the project, the tasks of processing and storing incoming documentation were automated. The system was deployed at 850 workplaces (mainly managers and employees of the office) in all departments and divisions of the enterprise.

Key results of the project:

  • The registration of correspondence and orders has been transferred to electronic form. Reliable storage of documents is organized: paper versions of incoming letters and contracts are stored in the archive, and electronic documents and scanned copies of the originals are stored in the 1C: Document Management database. In order to get acquainted with the content of a particular document, employees no longer need to look for its original - all the necessary information can be quickly found in the system. Approving persons and executors work only with electronic versions of documents, which significantly reduces the risk of losing originals.
  • Familiarization of employees with internal orders and instructions (including for the past years), as well as the issuance of instructions and control over their execution are now carried out electronically. In order to convey an order or assignment, employees no longer need to run from building to building. This greatly simplified and accelerated the work with documents. The content of organizational and administrative documentation is now brought to the attention of addressees faster, as a result, tasks are completed more quickly. This had a positive impact on the pace of production and implementation of the requirements for meeting the deadlines for fulfilling the state defense order.
  • Strengthened control over the execution of orders. If earlier for these purposes only cards were used that were printed out from the program developed by PJSC "NPO Strela", now standard tools "1C: Document Management" are connected to the control task. The manager acting as the controller can at any time receive in the system information about issued orders, deadlines for their execution, documents for which tasks are set.Understanding that the performance of each employee is now easily monitored online, helps to improve the overall performance discipline at the enterprise.

Head of Department information technologies PJSC "NPO "Strela" Sipchenko Sergey Yurievich notes: "We are completely satisfied with the results of the first stage of the implementation of the 1C: Document Management 8 CORP system. All the tasks that were set on the day of signing the contract have been completed to date. At the same time, all the specific requirements for automating a sensitive enterprise were fully met and its scale was taken into account. Ahead of us the second stage of the project is awaiting, during which we intend to jointly automate the procedures for agreeing contracts and expand the geography of orders, convert memos into electronic form, and also carry out work to connect additional users to the system".

Radar machine 1L261 of the radar complex for reconnaissance of missile and artillery positions 1L260 "Zoopark-1M" manufactured by OAO NPO Strela (c) OAO NPO Strela

OAO NPO Strela (link to download the report)

Scientific and technical activity
Under contracts with government customers, as well as with prime contractors, 6 R&D was carried out (including 2 mid-range R&D). Contracts for three of these works were signed in 2011. The most significant scientific and practical results of 2013:
 the development of design documentation for three products within the framework of R&D "Mars-2000", "Rampa-M", "Yastreb-AV" is being completed;
 development, at its own expense, of a promising complex of ground reconnaissance using UAVs (R&D "Perspektiva");
 within the framework of the Panorama research project, a model of a small-sized radar station RNDC was developed, manufactured and tested [ radar station for reconnaissance of ground moving targets] with multibeam CFAR [ digital phased array antenna];
 successfully used during the West-2013 maneuvers, developed by JSC NPO Strela, a layout of a complex automated processing of intelligence information (PCORI), for the automated collection and complex processing of heterogeneous intelligence information for conducting reconnaissance and reconnaissance and fire operations of artillery formations in real time.

Production activity

Three recent years new products were mastered in serial production:
- 1L111M1 [ portable radar station for reconnaissance of ground moving targets with a panoramic indicator "Fara-VR"],
- 1L260 [ radar complex for reconnaissance of positions of missiles and artillery "Zoopark-1M"],
- 1L277 [ short-range portable solid-state reconnaissance radar station for ground targets],
- 15Ts56M [ combat anti-sabotage vehicle BPDM "Typhoon-M" based on the BTR-82],
- "Fara-L" [ Ground target detection radar of the 9P157-4 battery control vehicle of the 9K123 missile system],
- KPA 9V993 [ control and testing equipment ZIP-G anti-tank missile system 9K123 "Chrysanthemum-S"],
- PSNR-M [ modernized portable ground reconnaissance station "PSNR-8M", product 1L120M],
- 1RL232-2M [ modernized mobile armored radar station for reconnaissance of moving ground and surface targets "SNAR-10M1"].
In 2013 the production of the enterprise fulfilled contractual obligations in the established volumes and terms of deliveries for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, except for the delivery of 12 1L277 products. The reason for the disruption in delivery was caused by a delay in qualification tests due to the lengthy procedures for removing the “Secret” stamp from operating frequencies and the product as a whole, work was underway to master the production of new products 1L260, 1L277. Qualification tests have begun. ed. 1L277, control equipment 9V993.
Under interfactory agreements, in the interests of the RF Ministry of Defense, the following were supplied:
- 237 products 9E49M1 [ homing head SAM 9M82M] for JSC "MZiK" (Yekaterinburg) with periodic tests and tests for the assigned resource,
- 22 products 1L32 [ radar] for the 9P157 complex [ anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum-S"] for OAO Saratov Aggregate Plant (Saratov),
- 30 products 9I41-E for JSC "KBP", (Tula) with periodic testing,
- 6 products 15Ts56M for JSC "Corporation" MIT ", Moscow,
- 2 control and verification equipment 9V993 for ZiD JSC, Kovrov,
- 1 product 1B66-K [ unified automated artillery ballistic station UAABS] for OAO KB Amethyst (Moscow),
- 6 sets of receivers and transmitters of Pion, Pion-T, Pion-TM-1 products were repaired.

As part of export deliveries, they were manufactured for OAO KBTochmash im. A.E. Nudelman (Moscow) 28 products 9B437E [ radio control unit SAM "Sosna-R", SAM SAM "Ledum-Strela-10ML» in export version].
According to R & D, components of prototypes of Mars, Rampa-M products and bench equipment for the Rampa-M product were manufactured. Separate technical solutions were worked out and mock-up samples were made according to the development work "Yastreb-AV" and "Owl", research work "Perspective" and "Panorama"

Based on the results of the closed auction held in the reporting year, the state contract No. 14-4-51/984/ЗА dated 10.12.2013 for the supply in 2013-2015 was concluded. artillery radar complex for reconnaissance of positions of missiles and artillery 1L260 in the amount of 1 (?) pcs. approximate cost products under the contract - 1.672 billion rubles. (based on the amount of the bank guarantee for its execution in the amount of 1.337 billion, which amounted to 80 percent of the initial auction price).
In addition, a major deal was approved - additional agreement No. 1 to Contract No. С155М-58-12 dated 05/31/2012. with OAO "Corporation" Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering "in the amount of 2.153 billion rubles.
