Brawl in the world of tanks. "Clan Brawl" starts

Tournament schedule

Tournament schedule

Dear players,

Please refer to the platoon scuffle schedule. The schedule is indicated in Moscow time (UTC +3). The tournament is held within one day.

Group stage:

  • Tour 1 - 19:00 - Redshire
  • Tour 2 - 19:09 - Siegfried Line
  • Tour 3 - 19:18 - Ruinberg


  • 1/128 (Round of 256)- 19:35 - Lasville
  • 1/64 (Round of 128)- 19:46 - Himmelsdorf
  • 1/32 (Round of 64)- 19:57 - Prokhorovka
  • 1/16 (Round of 32)- 20:08 - Ensk
  • 1/8 (Round of 16)- 20:19 - Mines
  • 1/4 (Quarter-final)- 20:30 - Redshire
  • 1/2 (Semi-final)- 20:41 - Siegfried Line
  • Final - 21:00 - Ruinberg

The start time of matches in the schedule is approximate and may differ from the real one by ~ 5 minutes. The current start time of the match can always be viewed in your team's profile.

Tournament rules

Tournament rules

The winner of the match is the team that first won 1 victory in a series with a maximum of 1 fight. This rule is valid until stage 1/4 (Quarter-final) of the playoffs inclusive. Starting from stage 1/2 (Semi-final), the winner of the match is the team that first won 1 victory in a series of up to 2 battles.

If neither team meets the victory conditions for a particular playoff match, then both teams are considered losers at this stage and will receive the corresponding reward.

The tournament is held within one day.

Battle Mode - Encounter Battle

The tournament is held on the RU2 server.

The duration of the battle is 6 minutes.

The interval between group stage matches is 3 minutes.

The interval between playoff matches is 5 minutes.

The initial respawn is randomly determined by the automatic tournament system.

If a technical failure occurs during the match, the match is replayed in full, regardless of the results of the battles already held. A technical failure is the case when the battle results did not appear on the championship page, game rooms were not created, or the server crashed.

Teams can consist of tanks from different nations.

The use of premium tanks, shells and consumables is allowed.

All types of equipment are allowed to participate in the tournament.

Only Tier X vehicles are allowed to participate.

A team with less than 3 players is not allowed to participate in the tournament.

Each team is allowed to use one substitute player. In case of winning a prize-winning place at the end of the tournament, the award will be received by the three players of the team who have played the most battles.

If a team entered the battle room with an incomplete composition, and the composition was not completed before the end of the countdown, the team starts the battle with an incomplete composition.

For a successful start of the battle, players should move themselves to the main squad ( right part special windows battle) and confirm readiness. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in technical failure.

The set of equipment is not declared.

Teams that violate the rules will be awarded forfeit defeat.

Special characters and repeated punctuation marks are not allowed in the command name. Teams that violate this rule may be denied entry to the tournament. Teams with names that violate the User Agreement or the Rules of the Game will be manually renamed by the Tournament Organizer.

Disputable situations are decided exclusively by the match referee. The judge is obliged to inform both teams about the decision of the disputable situation through the official forum.

The tournament organizer reserves the right to update the rules of the Regulations with early notification on the official forum indicating the added points.

Complaints about violations of the rules of the game are accepted only through the in-game complaints system (for example, insults).

Players must comply with the Mass Multiplayer User Agreement Online Games World of Tanks, as well as the rules of the game.

Prize prizes are credited within 12 hours after the end of the tournament.

Tournament structure

Tournament structure

The number of teams participating in the tournament is not limited.

The tournament is held in two stages: first the group stage, then the playoffs.

According to the results group stage the 1st and 2nd places of each group go to the playoffs.

Teams that have made it to the playoffs are divided into several separate playoff brackets, with a maximum of 256 teams each.

The number of teams in one group cannot exceed 4 teams. Groups are always formed on the basis of the principle of equal distribution in order to ensure the most fair conditions for all teams.

Allocation of seats in standings the group proceeds according to the total of the points scored in each match:

  • For a victory, the team receives three points;
  • For a defeat or a draw, the team receives zero points.

If two or more teams have the same number of points, the places in the standings are determined as follows:

  • based on the results of all personal meetings between rival teams;
  • by the largest number of battles won in all matches of the online part;
  • in case of equality of all these indicators, in the case of taking a prize place, all arguing teams receive a prize according to the occupied place or go to the playoff stage.

The exact time of the start of the battle is indicated in the battle schedule.

The organizer reserves the right to add a game server if necessary.

Detailed prize fund tournament

Detailed tournament prize pool

In case of winning a prize-winning place at the end of the tournament, the award will be received by the three players of the team who have played the most battles.

The prize pool is relevant for each of the playoff brackets.

  • 1st place: 1000 x2 gold
  • 2nd Place: 500 x2 Gold
  • 3-4 places: 400 x2 gold
  • 5th-8th Places: 300 x2 Gold
  • 9th-16th Places: 150 x2 Gold
  • 17th-32nd Places: 75 x2 Gold



Compensation for tournament participants is charged in case of serious technical malfunctions of the game servers or the tournament system, when the continuation or replay of the tournament is not possible.

Also, compensation can be awarded in some situations caused by the human factor (error of the tournament referee: the wrong time is set / the wrong card is chosen). Each situation will be considered separately, compensation will be paid in situations where continuation or replay of the tournament is not possible, or will increase the time of the tournament too much.

As compensation, a Personal combat reserve of 50% of experience for 2 hours is added.

Do you think this boring winter will never end? I suppose they decided that we fell asleep here, and the tank entertainment is over? No matter how it is. Will now be tournament news months, attention.

On March 3, we are starting a tank tournament for the strongest and most famous clans of our game. The strongest company, the strongest clan, and most importantly - The last pre-1.0 clan champion , - all these titles will be played in the "Clan Brawl".

The battles of the decisive stage of the competition will be broadcast on official channels... They can also be seen from the first person in the streams of the players themselves.

Who's playing

The participants are entirely the clan elite, the most skillful and star players in World of Tanks with overwhelming statistics. See for yourself:


Team name

Captain's nickname








Damoclis gladius









Explosive bullets










No Name






The list of participants is determined by the organizers, taking into account the opinion of the team captains. Subject to minor changes.

Did you miss something new? We are glad to present you "Brawl" - why the new format is so cool, read below!


Let's say right away: the tournament is held irregularly and we will inform about each "Brawl" in advance. This is exactly the case when you need to be as careful as possible and not miss it, and here's why:

  • The prize fund doubled (!)
  • The format of the game is "2 on 2".
  • Tiers II, VI, VIII and X.
  • You choose the format of the game: "Encounter battle", "Standard battle" or "Attack / Defense".

In addition, as before, there are competitions in other formats every day, and you can always find the one that suits you!

Combat missions for regular tournaments

We remind you that we have appeared in regular tournaments: complete them until March 20, 8:30 (Moscow time) and receive personal reserves and a premium account as a reward.

And here's why you should definitely participate in tournaments!

Combat missions will become available for completion within 48 hours after the player plays in one of the tournaments.

Silver Series, let's go!

We are pleased to announce the start of the WGL Silver Series, the first tournaments of which will take place next weekend - February 4 and 5. The league will be held in the format of regular competitions in several rounds, and everyone can participate in it.
Traditionally, best players The Silver Series at the end of the season will have the opportunity to play in the Golden Series next season.

Tournament schedule

Tournament schedule

Dear players,

Please familiarize yourself with the "2x2" brawl schedule. The schedule is indicated in Moscow time (UTC +3). The tournament is held within one day.

Group stage ( meeting engagement):

  • Tour 1 - 20:00 - Mines
  • Tour 2 - 20:10 - Steppe
  • Round 3 - 20:20 - Ensk

Playoffs ( meeting engagement):

  • 1/128 (Round of 256)- 20:50 - Ensk
  • 1/64 (Round of 128)- 21:02 - Sandy river
  • 1/32 (Round of 64)- 21:14 - Himmelsdorf
  • 1/16 (Round of 32)- 21:26 - Prokhorovka
  • 1/4 (Quarter-final)- 21:50 - Steppe
  • 1/2 (Semi-final)- 22:02 - Ensk
  • Final - 22:23 - Sandy River

Group stage ( standard fight):

  • Tour 1 - 20:00 - Mines
  • Tour 2 - 20:10 - Steppe
  • Round 3 - 20:20 - Kharkiv

Playoffs ( standard fight)​:

  • 1/128 (Round of 256)- 20:50 - Kharkiv
  • 1/64 (Round of 128)- 21:02 - Cliff
  • 1/32 (Round of 64)- 21:14 - Himmelsdorf
  • 1/16 (Round of 32)- 21:26 - Prokhorovka
  • 1/8 (Round of 16) - 21:38 - Mines
  • 1/4 (Quarter-final)- 21:50 - Steppe
  • 1/2 (Semi-final)- 22:02 - Kharkiv
  • Final - 22:23 - Cliff

Group stage ( attack / defense):

  • Tour 1 - 20:00 - Mines
  • Tour 2 - 20:10 - Steppe
  • Round 3 - 20:20 - Kharkiv

Playoffs ( attack / defense)​:

  • 1/128 (Round of 256)- 20:50 - Kharkiv
  • 1/64 (Round of 128)- 21:02 - Cliff
  • 1/32 (Round of 64)- 21:14 - Himmelsdorf
  • 1/16 (Round of 32)- 21:26 - Prokhorovka
  • 1/8 (Round of 16) - 21:38 - Mines
  • 1/4 (Quarter-final)- 21:50 - Steppe
  • 1/2 (Semi-final)- 22:02 - Kharkiv
  • Final - 22:39 - Cliff

The start time of matches in the schedule is approximate and may differ from the real one by ~ 10 minutes. The current start time of the match can always be viewed in your team's profile.

Tournament rules

Tournament rules

The winner of the match in the standard and oncoming battle modes is the team that won 1 victory in the series with a maximum of 1 battle first. This rule is valid until stage 1/4 (Quarter-final) of the playoffs inclusive. Starting from stage 1/2 (Semi-final), the winner of the match is the team that first won 1 victory in a series of up to 2 battles.

The winner of an attack / defense match is the team that first won 1 victory in a series of maximum 1 battle. This rule is valid until stage 1/4 (Quarter-final) of the playoffs inclusive. Starting from stage 1/2 (Semi-final), the winner of the match is the team that won 2 victories first in a series of up to 2 battles. If the winner is not determined in two fights, a tie-break is assigned for both teams.

If neither team fulfills the victory conditions in a particular playoff match, then both teams are considered to be losers at this stage and will receive the corresponding reward.

The tournament is held within one day.

Combat mode - Encounter battle / Standard battle / Attack-defense

The tournament is held on the RU2 server.

The duration of the battle is 7 minutes.

The interval between group stage matches is 3 minutes.

The interval between playoff matches is 5 minutes.

The initial respawn is randomly determined by the automatic tournament system.

If a technical failure occurs during the match, the match is replayed in full, regardless of the results of the battles already held. A technical failure is the case when the battle results did not appear on the championship page, game rooms were not created, or the server crashed.

Teams can consist of tanks from different nations.

The use of premium tanks, shells and consumables is allowed.

All types of equipment are allowed to participate in the tournament.

Only Tier VI vehicles are allowed to participate.

For a successful start of the battle, players should move themselves to the main squad (right side of the special battle window) and confirm their readiness. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in technical failure.

The set of equipment is not declared.

Teams that violate the rules will be awarded forfeit defeat.

Special characters and repeated punctuation marks are not allowed in the command name. Teams that violate this rule may be denied entry to the tournament. Teams with names that violate the User Agreement or the Rules of the Game will be manually renamed by the Tournament Organizer.

Disputable situations are decided exclusively by the match referee. The judge is obliged to inform both teams about the decision of the disputable situation through the official forum.

The tournament organizer reserves the right to update the rules of the Regulations with early notification on the official forum indicating the added points.

Complaints about violations of the rules of the game are accepted only through the in-game complaints system (for example, insults).

Players must comply with the World of Tanks Mass Multiplayer Online game user agreement and the rules of the game.

Prize prizes are credited within 48 hours after the end of the tournament.

Tie break

Tie break

If the score on the cards between the teams in the match is equal, the winner of the match will be revealed in a tie-break. An invitation to a tie-break fight is sent by the automatic fighting system separately (within 5 minutes after the end of the main battles of the match).

The tie-break system is used only when it is necessary to determine the winner in the event that both teams did not score enough points to win in a particular match.

The map for tie-break matches is identical to the map for the main match.

If the winner is not established in the tie-break match (the last vehicle of both teams is destroyed at the same time), the tie-break match is replayed.

Tie-break rules. Host team definition:

Tie-break host team - the team that wins the fastest bout as the attacking side.

If none of the teams won the role of the attacking side, the damage inflicted in previous battles within the same match and only for the attacking side is calculated. The team that caused the most damage for the attacking side becomes the host team.

If both teams inflicted the same amount of damage for the attacking side in the same match, the home team is determined randomly.

The home team chooses to respawn on the tie-break map.

A round (one fight) of a tie-break takes place in accordance with the standard rules of the "Attack / Defense" mode (defense of one team and attack of the other).

The team will be awarded according to the standard rules.

The winner of a tie-break fight is considered the winner of the match.

Tournament structure

Tournament structure

The number of teams participating in the tournament is unlimited.

The tournament is held in two stages: first the group stage, then the playoffs.

According to the results of the group stage, the 1st and 2nd places of each group pass to the playoffs.

Teams that have made it to the playoffs are divided into several separate playoff brackets, with a maximum of 256 teams each.

The number of teams in one group cannot exceed 4 teams. Groups are always formed on the basis of the principle of equal distribution in order to ensure the most fair conditions for all teams.

The distribution of places in the group standings is in accordance with the sum of the points scored in each match:

  • For a victory, the team receives three points;
  • For a defeat or a draw, the team receives zero points.

If two or more teams have the same number of points, the places in the standings are determined as follows:

  • based on the results of all personal meetings between rival teams;
  • by the largest number of battles won in all matches of the online part;
  • in case of equality of all these indicators, in the case of taking a prize place, all arguing teams receive a prize according to the occupied place or go to the playoff stage.

The exact time of the start of the battle is indicated in the battle schedule.

The organizer reserves the right to add a game server if necessary.

Detailed tournament prize pool

Detailed tournament prize pool

The prize pool is relevant for each playoff bracket *.

  • 1st place: 600 gold х2
  • 2nd place: 300 gold х2
  • 3-4 places: 200 gold х2
  • 5th-8th places: 100 gold х2
  • 9-16 places: 50 gold х2

* Doubled prize money is indicated per player on the team.



Compensation for tournament participants is charged in case of serious technical malfunctions of the game servers or the tournament system, when the continuation or replay of the tournament is not possible.

Also, compensation can be awarded in some situations caused by the human factor (error of the tournament referee: the wrong time is set / the wrong card is chosen). Each situation will be considered separately, compensation will be paid in situations where continuation or replay of the tournament is not possible, or will increase the time of the tournament too much.

As compensation, a Personal combat reserve of 50% of experience for 2 hours is added.

In order for the players in WoT not to get bored, the developers have prepared a fun tank game for them. This Saturday starts a tank tournament, which is intended for the strongest and most courageous clans.

« Clan brawl"Will allow to distribute all titles among the most worthy. And the decisive battle will be broadcast on all official channels.

Players will be able to broadcast live in their streams and show the most exciting moments in real time. Players of the clan elite who were able to achieve the most incredible statistics will participate in the competition.

The draw will take place tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening Moscow time. Live broadcast will be available in the tournament group social network In contact with.

The rules of the game will be available tomorrow. The new competition will have two stages.

In the first, four groups of four teams will fight. Next, the playoffs among the top twelve teams will take place.

As part of the brawl, not only titles will be drawn, but also solid gifts. Three hundred thousand gold coins are provided for the first place, two hundred thousand for the second place, and one hundred thousand for the third.

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