Who is Rita Mamun by nationality. Margarita Mamun - about retirement from sports, the despotism of Viner and the best date in life

Marie Claire: For Russia, gymnastics is national species sports. Do you, Rita, feel the burden of responsibility?

Margarita Mamun: Well, naturally. Firstly, gymnastics as a sport appeared in Russia. Irina Aleksandrovna Viner constantly talks about this. It is clear that at competitions everyone speaks for himself. But the Russian flag is more important than personal ambitions. Of course, I don’t think about it during my speech. From the fact that I start to wind myself up, they say, behind the back of the whole country and this is the Olympic Games, I will not climb higher. This thought is a good motivation during the training period and a favorite subject for thought before bed.

I do not believe that you are a master of cheating yourself.

Like any girl, worry - I can do that!

There were times when I wanted to trade sports achivments to simple human pleasures?

Yes, and a lot. For example, when I turned 13 and had to choose between school and professional sports... I was a serious girl and told my parents: "All my classmates already know where they will go, I alone have not decided." Then I was ready to leave the sport. And back in 2013 - after my first and very unsuccessful World Championship. I became a three-time champion in some events, but in the overall championship everything was very bad. Naturally, I thought that the world had collapsed, I let everyone down.

Can you call someone at 4 am with the words: "Sorry to wake you up - my world collapsed here"?

There have been such things. And sometimes she called in tears - that was after the final training session before the European Championships. Typically, such workouts are done in an easy mode. I only had to do one clean run with tape. One and a half minutes. But the training lasted from nine in the morning to seven in the evening. Nonstop. Irina Aleksandrovna said: "Until you do it, you will not leave the hall." Then, I remember, my mother came to my base in Novogorsk. She was waiting for me and cried: the girls reported to her that I was alone in the hall. And with me - my coach Amina Vasilovna Zaripova, Irina Aleksandrovna Viner, our psychologist Evgenia Borisovna and the doctor who diluted water with sugar for me so that I could withstand the load.

I trained a smile in front of the mirror

Which approach to life is closer to you - "Oh, take me!" or "Oh, I'll sit here quietly in the corner"?

I do not like to impose, I am in no hurry to show emotions. Amina Vasilovna and I are complete opposites in this. Her expressiveness gives me a lot. Take at least what she taught me to smile.

I have long wanted to ask about the "gymnastic smile" - where did it come from and what does it cost to gymnasts?

It's hard to smile on demand. My dad is from the Republic of Bangladesh, and I have oriental calmness, poise and modesty in me. When I was told to smile - lightness is so important in gymnastics! - I felt in this some kind of falsity. I am doing the exercise, focused on the subject, how can I smile sincerely? But Amina Vasilovna forced her to train in front of the mirror until her cheeks were tired. Now I'm used to it. I can even say that it liberated me. I now look at my brother and recognize myself in him. Any question, an extra minute of communication is a whole problem for him. I, too, did not let people near me before.

Irina Winner is a person of mood, it is not easy with her

Coaches talk about you as a subtle person. Not an athlete - a violinist!

Very typical of an introvert.

And I am an introvert. But a lot of things get along in me. I love both adrenaline and silence. This can be seen in the music that I choose for performances - from Rachmaninov to Queen “We Will Rock You”.

What gets from Irina Viner more often - a stick or a carrot?

She is a person of mood. One day he will come to the gym in a home suit, everything glows, he will explain how to do the exercise, tell all sorts of stories. And the next day he will come in a red dress. And you won't do anything about it.

With a person, the mood is not easy.

It's not easy at all. But she is great and wise. When you train for a long time with Irina Aleksandrovna, a jump is immediately visible. Because you can only work with it 200%.

Is she only interested in sports?

Why? She always asks: “Who are you dating? Who is the groom? " When Sasha Sukhorukov and I were just starting to communicate, the World Championship was going on in Spain (Sasha is a swimmer), and I asked: “Amina Vasilovna, can I take a longer break? I really want to cheer for Sasha ”. Irina Aleksandrovna immediately: "And who is this - Sasha?" She perceives us as her children, she always asks the coaches: “Amina, does she have chocolate? Did she take it? And this? "

It's hard to think about retirement

When you get close to someone, there is a risk of crossing the line. What helps to contain emotions?

Probably patience. When anyone else throws an object, yells and leaves, I try to pass the test to the end. This is my dad.

Have you never left?

It was once. Last year, before the Olympics, both I and Amina Vasilovna - we were both nervous because nothing worked out for me. She shouted: "Do it first!" I do a run, and she: “Again! Get up, don't sit! " I then exploded: "How much can you?" I threw the ball and left. And Amina Vasilovna: "Yes!" I mean, we finally stirred her up.

How do you see life after sports?

When you've been doing this since the age of seven, it's hard to think about retirement. In fact, after the Olympics, my life began from scratch - with my husband (we got married in September), not at the base. It contains all my plans and aspirations. I'm enjoying! I began to see my family more, I passed my license, I am doing repairs. The Novogorsk base in Khimki is small world, separated from the large one by a dome. There we are only training, well, we also wash our clothes. The cleaning ladies even change the bed for us.
I really like to discover the "outside world", although it is not as kind as I thought. It is clear that we cannot always be perfect and kind. But no matter what, you always need to remain human. As Sasha says, the boomerang system exists. I believe that everything we have done comes back to us. We just don't notice it. Well, think about it, had an accident, failure at work. And this is the same boomerang.

Underwear is like inner beauty: even if no one sees it, it helps the girl to feel more confident

IN good side does the boomerang principle work too?

Sure! For example, if you did good sports career, after leaving, you can count on new opportunities.

Which for example?

I recently became the Intimissimi Ambassador in Russia. This is a great honor for me. I have known the brand for a long time, I appreciate the underwear of this brand for the design, quality and the ability to find a model for any occasion. My choice is basic seamless underwear for the gym, and on the way out - a silk top and a lace bralette. It looks feminine, sexy and elegant. And besides, I am close to the philosophy of Intimissimi, which celebrates the beauty of a woman.

What are you doing as a brand ambassador?

I am currently participating in the Intimissimi campaign, which is dedicated to strong, independent and confident women. The idea of ​​the campaign is to show not only our appearance, but also draw attention to our individuality and personal achievements, to the fact that inner and outer beauty are inseparable. Each heroine of the project has her own inspiring success story, behind which there is a great deal of work, dedication and strength of character. However, they are always feminine. The #insideandout campaign tag, coined by Mario Testino, fully reflects the concept.

I'm not one of those who takes away their rights from men

Can you say that about yourself?

I think yes. After the Olympics and the tragedy that happened in my family, I became very vulnerable. As an athlete, I know how important it is to feel confident in myself and in my abilities, and I can appreciate support - in a relationship with a man, in a team and in clothes too. It's great when underwear, even if no one sees it, can help a girl feel more confident. It's like inner beauty. She doesn't seem to be visible, but she is the basis of everything: harmony, tenderness, femininity.

A professional athlete can afford the luxury of being feminine? Isn't that a weakness?

Let the weakness. But whenever I call Sasha after training, I feel like a fragile girl, and it's very nice. I am not one of those who takes away their rights from men.

The Olympic champion of Rio in the individual championship visited St. Petersburg in the sports school "Zhemchuzhina" and performed in front of young gymnasts

from St. Petersburg

Margarita answered the questions of young athletes, received a lot of flowers and congratulations from them, the government of St. Petersburg and CSKA also congratulated the Olympic champion. There were a huge number of posters and banners in the stands, including "Rio Rita".


- What did you like the most about Rio?

The atmosphere that performed well there. But the fact that I became an Olympic champion has not yet been realized myself. Probably, it will come with time. But it's good that everything worked out for me in Rio.

- How do you deal with your fears and worries?

It comes with experience. For example, in Rio I was not scared to perform, although at first I thought it would be scary. The main thing was to focus completely on yourself and the subject. During the first exit on the carpet, I was worried, and then - less and less. In general, for those who are sick and perform, they are different things. There is incredible excitement in the stands. We have to tell ourselves that this is an ordinary competition. Then everything will be fine.

- What is your favorite subject?

Everything. And then you can't mark any one. The rest will be offended, become jealous and stop obeying me.

- Has your life changed after Rio?

So much attention now! But I myself have not changed.

- What does your personal trainer tell you if you're wrong?

She tries to support me. Says: "Calm down, forget about it."

- How did you react to your victory?

When I called her, she immediately congratulated and said: "How did you fall beautifully at the end." She was happy.

- What is the most difficult thing in your career?

Overcome yourself and not give up when you are in a bad mood, when you did not get enough sleep, when the coach swears.

- What was the most difficult subject in Rio?

Everything. Although it seemed that the main problems would arise with the tape, because it was wet and hot in Rio and the air conditioners were blowing. Although Irina Aleksandrovna should not hear this, it is in principle impossible to say such a thing in front of her.

- Do you have superstitions?

They used to be. If you performed successfully, you need to wear the same slippers as yesterday, walk in the same place. Now there is no such thing. It all depends not on traditions, but on how you work.

Today. St. Petersburg. Margarita MAMUN at a meeting with young athletes. Photo by Sergey TSIMMERMAN, "SE"


- Will you stay in sports until the Tokyo Games?

Four years is a very long time. I won't make any plans yet.

- It seems that you are a little embarrassed?

This is the first meeting since Rio at my school, surprised that the reception is so fantastic. Thank you all very much. I am very happy. To be honest, I'm not used to such attention.

- Medal in Rio - heavy?

Here I am holding it now and I feel that the work of a huge number of people has been invested in it. Personal trainer, head coach, our entire team: directors, doctors, choreographers. I have a large personal team. I am very grateful to her.

- What do you want most of all now?

IN last days- to relax, to be with your family. But I understand - I still have time.

- What is the most difficult moment of the Olympics?

Probably a month before the Games. It was the most intense training camp I have ever had. Training, training ... There I realized that the Olympics are a very special competition. We prepared in such a way that it was impossible to find fault with a single step, not a single trifle.

- Could you imagine at this moment that you would not go to Rio?

We were worried, of course, about this. We followed all the news. I can't even imagine if they would have treated us the same as now with the Paralympians. We went, but they didn't. It is ugly and inhuman.

- Is friendship possible in your sport?

We do not run or swim side by side - we go out onto the carpet and compete with ourselves. I did everything I could, but such a loss happened. But the fact that Yana became the second, and I became the first, did not affect our friendship in any way.

- Did you allow yourself to relax somehow after the Games?

I didn’t allow myself anything, and I don’t want to, to be honest. I continue to adhere to the regime. Unless I'm trying to sleep a little more now, but I'm not very good at it. And then, we must not train for more than ten days, and they are just about to expire.

- You are a student at the Lesgaft Academy in St. Petersburg. Have you passed the summer session?

It is a great honor to represent this university. In general - the fourth year. We have already discussed what to do next. So everything is like everyone else.

Margarita Mamun is a Russian gymnast who won gold at the 2016 Olympics in 2016, seven-time world champion, winner of international sporting events and championships in rhythmic gymnastics.

Childhood and family of Margarita Mamun

Margarita was born on November 1, 1995 in Moscow. The athlete's father is a marine engineer Abdullah Al Mamun, originally from the Republic of Bangladesh. He died of cancer in August 2016. At the very beginning of the 90s, he came to Soviet Union to study at the Astrakhan Technical University he met his love - Anna, Margarita's mother.

The girl has dual citizenship, and thanks to her Bengali roots, fans gave her the nickname "Bengal Tigress" (another, more affectionate - "Mamunya"). Until the age of 10, she often traveled to her father's homeland - in Bangladesh she was impressed by bamboo thickets and lotus plantings, the ubiquitous cows and chickens, which locals got animals instead of pets.

Mamun began to practice rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 7 - Olympic Village was located not far from the house where the girl's family lived. Before that, she did not study for long figure skating, but stopped because of her mother - Anna was afraid that her daughter would fall and break on the ice.

By today's standards, 7 years is a rather late age for starting classes ( ideal age is considered 4 years old), but they went to meet the baby. And, as it turned out, not in vain. The gap in skill between her peers and the mistrust of the coaches only spurred the purposeful Rita.

Sports career of Margarita Mamun

In 2005, 10-year-old Margarita took part in the Miss Valentine Cup gymnastics competition held in Estonia. In subsequent years, the girl once played for the Bangladesh team (at the championship, which was not held under the auspices of International Federation gymnastics), but then always represented only Russia.

In 2006, the filing big hopes the girl decided to connect her life with professional sports. Personal trainer girls became Amina Zaripova, Honored Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics and the wife of the musician Alexei Kortnev.

In 2011, Mamun became the champion of Russia in the all-around and in exercises with objects. In October 2012, Margarita became the absolute champion of Russia again, and then performed at the Aeon Cup club world championship, where she took 4th place in the individual all-around.

In 2013, the gymnast again received the title of champion of Russia and automatically became the leader of the Russian national team. Then Mamun took part in her first European Championship in Vienna. Margarita's team, which also included Daria Svatkovskaya and Yana Kudryavtseva, received gold medals.

In the summer of 2013, at the Kazan Universiade, Mamun received gold medal in exercise with objects and in individual all-around. The girl again showed brilliant results and on final stage World Cup in St. Petersburg, and at the World Cup in Kiev and the Aeon Cup in Japan

2014 was no less successful for the young gymnast - the all-around championship at the Moscow Grand Prix, three times winner at the Grand Prix in Thieux, a silver place at the World Cup in Stuttgart, 4 medals in Minsk - and this is not the whole list. Margarita's only failure that year was her performance at the European Championship in Baku - the girl suffered three annoying losses and took only 5th place in the all-around.

IN next year Mamun again proved to the world that she is a real champion - gold, silver and bronze medals at all stages of the World Cup. The girl also confirmed her absolute leadership in the Japanese Aeon Cup and distinguished herself at the World Championships in Stuttgart.

Margarita Mamun at the Rio Olympics

Traditionally, starting 2016 with numerous victories at international tournaments and championships, the girl went to the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Margarita Mamun with clubs. Grand Prix 2016

Irina Viner-Usmanova became Mamun's mentor in the national team. On August 20, 2016, Margarita took gold in the individual all-around, ahead of her main rival and friend, Yana Kudryavtseva, who was awarded a silver medal. The 20-year-old athlete scored 76.483 points in 4 exercises (hoop, ball, club and ribbon).

Margarita Mamun in Rio at the Olympics

The victory was given to Rita at a double price - in Rio she began to dehydrate, her temperature rose to 39 degrees. Because of the treatment, she had to forget about training for a week.

“Of course I'm happy. Overall, I was calm. As Irina Viner says, she kept the Olympic calm "

After the end of the Olympics, for her high achievements in sports, Margarita received the Order of Friendship and the Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth." After the Olympics, the girl took a short vacation to rest and recuperate.

Death of Margarita Mamun's father

Returning home with a medal, Rita was greeted by fans and parents. The father held her award in his hands and was moved to tears. And two days later he was gone.

As coach Mamun later told, father Olympic champion was slowly dying of a serious illness (according to information from open sources, it was oncology). When Rita flew to Rio de Janeiro, doctors gave Abdullah Mamun about two days of life. He lived for two more months - he witnessed his daughter's victory, albeit on TV, and met her, congratulating her on the greatest achievement in the life of an athlete. It can hardly be called anything other than a miracle. On September 8, 2017, the lovers signed at the registry office in Barvikha. The date was not chosen by chance: their romantic relationship began on the 8th, the Olympic ball was held on December 8, at which Alexander proposed to Rita, and they submitted an application to the registry office on August 8, that is, 08.08.

Rita's wedding was attended by her entire team - doctors, the first coach, Irina Viner-Usmanova, physiotherapists and, of course, friends and relatives. Mamun considers Basta's song "The Master and Margarita", which her husband performed during the celebration, to be the most touching wedding present for Mamun. Margarita and Alexander spent their wedding month in the Maldives.

Margarita Mamun now

After the Olympics, Mamun became the ambassador of the Italian brand Intimissimi in Russia. The girl said that she, who grew up in a Muslim family, has clear boundaries, but she still happily accepted an offer from a well-known company.

Margarita Mamun - about life after the end of her sports career

Margarita Abdullaevna Mamun. She was born on November 1, 1995 in Moscow. Russian gymnast.

By nationality - half Russian, half Bengal. Her father, Abdullah Al Mamun, is from Bangladesh, a marine engineer by profession.

Mother - Anna is a former gymnast.

Margarita's coaches explain her oriental roots to her expressiveness, lyricism and plasticity in a hymnat way.

At the age of seven, she began to go to the gymnastics section, where her mother took her, since the Olympic village is located not far from their home. She consciously began to prepare for a career as a gymnast from the age of eleven. Trained under the guidance of coach Amina Zaripova. In the SDYUSSHOR she trained under the guidance of Natalya Valentinovna Kukushkina. In the national team, Mamun's mentor is Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova.

In 2005, as part of Karolina Sevastyanova's team, she took part in the Miss Valentine Cup, held in the Estonian city of Tartu. For a short time, Margarita competed for the Bangladesh team, but soon made the final decision to play for Russia.

Mamun achieved her first great successes in 2011, when she became the champion of Russia in the all-around, as well as in exercises with clubs, a ball and a hoop. Margarita began to be involved in training with the national team in Novogorsk. In the same year, she was sent to competitions in Montreal, where the World Cup stage was held. Mamun, with a score of 106.925 points, took third place in the all-around and for the first time in her career rose to the adult podium. In the exercises with the ball, Rita scored 27.025 points and took first place.

In 2012, Margarita began the season with performances at the Grand Prix in Moscow - she took ninth place in the all-around. At the first stage of the World Cup in Kiev, Mamun, having become the seventh in the all-around, qualified in three finals and won three bronze medals: in exercises with a ribbon, a ball and clubs.

In October of the same year, Margarita became the absolute champion of Russia, repeating her last year's success.

In 2013, Mamun became the champion of Russia for the third time.

Soon, Mamun took part in her first European Championship, which was held in Vienna. As part of the team, together with Daria Svatkovskaya and Yana Kudryavtseva, she won gold medals. In the individual standings, she took first place in exercises with a ribbon and three times became second in exercises with clubs, a hoop and a ball. In July 2013, at the Universiade in Kazan, Margarita won gold in the exercise with a hoop, ribbon, clubs, as well as in the individual all-around, gaining 73.466 points.

At her debut World Championship in Kiev in 2013, Margarita was considered the main favorite. She won two golds in exercises with the ball and clubs, bronze with a hoop. But in the final of the ribbon exercise, she made a gross mistake and eventually became the fifth.

In 2014, at the first stage of the Grand Prix in Moscow, Mamun excelled in the all-around and in three finals (hoop, ball, clubs) and became the second in the exercise with a ribbon. At the Grand Prix in Thieux, Margarita became a medalist three times: silver in the all-around and the final with a hoop, gold for clubs, and in Holon she celebrated victory in the all-around, in the finals with a hoop and a ball, simultaneously taking silver for the exercise with ribbon. Mamun finished the Grand Prix final in Innsbruck as an absolute winner, winning gold in all kinds of programs (all-around, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

The European Championship in Baku ended unsuccessfully for Mamun: having made several losses in exercises with a hoop and clubs, she finished in the all-around only in fifth place. At the planetary championship in Izmir, Margarita Mamun, together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Alexandra Soldatova, won gold in the team all-around. Having qualified for all the finals, Margarita won a medal in each of the five types of the program: gold for the ball (together with Kudryavtseva) and ribbon, silver for the hoop, clubs and individual all-around.

At the Aeon Cup, Margarita became an absolute triumphant, having won both the individual all-around and the team (together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Veronika Polyakova).

In 2015, Mamun took part in all stages of the World Cup: in Lisbon (silver in the all-around, gold for the hoop, ball and ribbon), Bucharest (silver in the all-around and for the hoop and ball), Pesaro (silver "In the all-around and for clubs," gold "for the hoop," bronze "for the ball), Budapest (" silver "in the all-around and for the hoop, ball and ribbon," gold "for the clubs), Sofia (" silver "in the all-around and for the hoop and ribbon). Twice, at the stages in Tashkent and Kazan, Margarita Mamun became the absolute winner, winning gold medals in all types of the program.

At the World Championships in Stuttgart, she won gold in the team all-around (together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Alexandra Soldatova). Qualifying in three finals in individual events, she won a gold medal for the hoop exercise and two silver medals for the ball and ribbon. In the individual all-around, Margarita Mamun became a silver medalist and received a license to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

In 2016, having started the season at the Grand Prix in Moscow, Margarita Mamun became the fourth in the all-around and, having qualified in two finals, won gold medals in ball exercises (together with Alexandra Soldatova) and clubs. At the second stage of the Grand Prix in Thiers, she won gold in the all-around, exercises with a hoop and clubs, and silver in the ball. The third stage of the Grand Prix in Brno was marked for her by an absolute victory in all types of the program. I missed the fourth stage of the Grand Prix in Bucharest.

According to the results of all stages of the World Cup, she was recognized as the best in the following disciplines - all-around, exercises with a hoop, clubs and ribbon.

At the 2016 European Championships in Holon, she took second place in the all-around.

Margarita Mamun - exercise with a hoop

Growth of Margarita Mamun: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Margarita Mamun:

He meets the famous swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov, a native of Ukhta. Sukhorukov has been a member of the Russian national team since 2004, a silver medalist at the 2008 Olympics, and a 2008 world champion.

Achievements of Margarita Mamun:

Olympic Champion - 2016
World Champion - 2013, 2014, 2015
European Champion - 2013, 2015
Winner of the Universiade in Kazan - 2013
Champion of the 1st European Games in Baku - 2015
Absolute champion of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics - 2011, 2012, 2013.

To start, Olympic Games were not the last competitions of Rita last season. Margarita also managed to participate in the Club World Championship in a team with Maria Sergeeva and Alexandra Soldatova. Rita became the absolute champion of these competitions, and the Gazprom club, for which Margarita played, also took first place!

Demonstration performances

These were recent competition but not Rita's performances. Tigra also attended the largest annual rhythmic gymnastics festivals: LG Korean All Stars and Euskalgym. In these demonstration performances Margarita put her heart and soul into acting also responsibly, as if it were the Olympic Games.

At the Korean festival "LG Korean All Stars" Rita was lucky to perform not only alone, but also to participate in group numbers!

Interviews and official meetings

Of course, in addition to performances, Rita received dozens of offers to shoot interviews at once! The first month after the Olympics, Rita was simply haunted by news services, interviews and official events related to the victory in Rio. So Rita visited the editorial offices of "Soviet Sport", "HELLO.RU" and many other publications.

Naturally, Margarita was at the official presentation of cars by the Prime Minister Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and attended the meeting of the Olympians with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Sports schools and competitions

Rita went to sports schools a lot rhythmic gymnastics Russia and attended the training camp of gymnasts. So, Rita attended an official autograph session in St. Petersburg, where she was greeted by hundreds of happy children! She became a guest star of the training camp for Amina Zaripova, where the appearance of Ritochka made a huge splash for the younger generation!

Of course, Rita became a guest star not only at the training camp, but also at the competition. At the Grand Prix in Moscow, Rita opened the competition and talked to fans and coaches, and at the Spring Cup, the tournament organizers arranged a big photo session for everyone, where absolutely everyone could get a high-quality picture with an idol!

Ball of Olympians

This event should be noted separately. It was not Rita's first Olympian Ball, but the most memorable one, that's for sure. Here Rita not only came out in a beautiful and elegant dress and talked with coaches and athletes, but also received a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, swimmer and just good man- Alexandra Sukhorukova.

Rita and Sasha also attended the Tatler magazine ball together, where they simply amazed everyone!

Olympic Champions Show

This "tour" should also be given a separate place. Together with Olympico, Rita gave 4 huge concerts in different cities Russia (Kazan, Krasnodar, Moscow and St. Petersburg), where she played the main role. A tremendous amount of work was done by all the participants in the show, including Ritochka, which gave an excellent result at the end! Thank you!

Film "Selfie"

In addition to all the most interesting, Rita managed to take part in the filming of the film « Selfie "by Maxim Boev, where the athlete became the heroine of a promising short story called « Tiger"!

During the filming, Rita also shared pictures of the preparation and workflow in the circus with the fans!


Rita also attended a lot of different parties dedicated to completely different events, for example, awards. One of the most memorable is the Sports Instagram of the Year!

And the cherry on the cake: after the Olympics, Rita tried herself not only as a model, but also took to the catwalk during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia!


And now, Rita spends so many activities and energy on daily photo shoots, training, that there is still time for rest ... is there any? Yes! Rita and Sasha visited the Emirates, where they had a great vacation, and before the New Year holidays, the gymnast underwent recovery in Altai (from where the athlete shared beautiful and mesmerizing pictures with the fans!).

Are you waiting for Rita to return?

Thanks for the photos and videos to the Official community of Margarita Mamun "VKontakte"!

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