How good can you play football. Football rules

Train your passing accuracy. I’ll tell you how to train if you don’t have someone who loves football. Stand at a distance of no more than 4m from the wall and “play with the wall”, that is, kick the ball into the wall and when it bounces off, try to hit it at the same point that you hit the last time. This will help you develop good accuracy, and most importantly, remember to train your weak leg.

Step 2

Let's talk about taking the ball. To do this, you need to give passes to two or more players and ask them to give you passes a little higher or slightly to the side, this develops the reception of the ball. Well, again, if you have no friends, then move away from the wall at a distance of 5 - 10 m and hit the ball against the wall so that it bounces to you when the ball arrives at you, try to accept it, this also develops the ball reception very well. The main thing is to receive the ball in different ways.

Step 3

Kick the ball. Look here about the techniques of striking http: // website / recipes / 14587-kak-bit-po-myachu-futbol about the technique of striking, I have created a separate instruction.
It is very important to hit accurately and hard, I will tell you how to learn it. Train your hitting technique first. To develop your hitting technique, hit the goal and try to hit the crossbar from about 9 - 15 m (I do not advise you to hit more than 15 m). When you can hit the crossbar at least 4 out of 10 hits from a certain distance, then you can move on to hitting accuracy. If you have a good hitting technique, but the ball is flying in the wrong direction, then first try to hit one corner of the goal, then another, then hit in the center and again hit the corners. Finally, the power of the blow! How to hit harder? It is not necessary to take a big acceleration before hitting 5 steps is enough. Now accelerate and do a big leg swing. The force of the blow will come by itself if you train.

Step 4

Training the speed of running with the ball.
In order to run faster with the ball, run across the field dribbling the ball and periodically do jerks, then slow down, again jerk, slow down, and so on repeat.

Good afternoon, dear like-minded people and regular readers of my blog. Today I propose to talk about the world game and how to learn how to play it. Yes, about that very ball race. For some people, it is only a part of childhood memories, for others - the meaning of being. I do not belong to either one or the other, I just argue from the position of an outside observer. And as a man, I just respect this kind of competition.

So when do the boys start kicking the ball? At school, institute, or is the attachment to the ball instilled in the womb? Let's talk about what motivates young men and opens their way to the game, as well as how to comprehend the basics of football yourself.

Do your comrades happily spend 24 hours on the street talking about football? Easily hitting the ball and hitting the goal? Surely this is familiar to many. This suggests that someday there will be a choice: start joint games or look for other friends. As a rule, at a certain stage in life, a young man asks the question: how to learn to play football? No difficulties, because all you need is a ball, a form and ... desire. Not even skills, but a strong human desire. Indeed, how not to take part in a friendly yard match? Or maybe your destiny is professional sports arenas?

So, let's dive into football-time. As with any sport, the first step is important. If you do not know how to hit the ball at all or entered the field for the first time, it doesn’t matter. The best helpers in sports are training. If you do not plan to conquer the sports Olympus soon, there are enough skills that can be honed even at home.

Of course, this does not mean that the usual visual example in the form of a TV match is sufficient. Of course, the online football channel will become your reference book, where you will try on the role of a great master. However, you do not start playing "practicing" only visually. Each technique requires practice.

How to learn to play football, like Sharapova did tennis?

So, first of all, we get to know the ball. The first thing a football fan should be able to do, even a debutant or an amateur, is to hit the ball. You can even practice with a wall, so long as there are no beating objects nearby. Throw the ball against the wall, hit it in different angles in general, learn to "feel" it.

Once you've mastered this trick, devote a few hours to learning about soccer movement strategy. Who, where and why is running, you must know by heart. Having studied the theory, we go to the field to practice.

Each player must assess what level he wants to reach. For rare regional matches, it is enough to play on the field once or twice a month. If you want a little more confidence, you should increase the frequency of classes up to 4 times a month. Each of them is a test for endurance, aiming, self-confidence training. To make the strikes clearer, and the games more interesting, during training, do not be lazy to run after each ball. Feel free to open yourself up to serve and passes, as being a passive observer is unlikely to help you become a real player. Plow like a horse, train to the last drop of sweat, remember that only persistent training is the key to success.

Remember, you need to exercise in everything. Not only in the power of blow or accuracy, but also in speed, technique, endurance, not forgetting to work out penalty and deceptive maneuvers. Each lesson should take a lot of time, since you can't get off with half an hour here. Wondering how to learn how to play football? Level up with the best. For example, Beckham or Pele. Try to be like the masters, if possible, learn their tricks and secrets. Even with a few secret moves during a backyard match, you can surprise your teammates. After all, how nice it is to do some cool pirouettes!

For your movements to be precise, the right shape is important. You should not buy a professional player's uniform for home and street training, you just need to wear comfortable clothes. The best solution for your feet is special boots or soft sneakers. Ordinary sneakers often have the wrong rise, so learning how to hang in them is unlikely to work.

Nuances when playing football

Every sport has a downside. Unfortunately, this is trauma. As a rule, injuries accompany any athlete. And the ball game is no exception. Please note that this is a contact sport, so interaction with players cannot be avoided. On the field, both home and professional, collisions and painful falls occur. However, bruises, abrasions and bumps should not keep you away from football for long. Some eminent players were not delayed by broken arms and collarbones. To enter the field for them means to overcome themselves, to step over the pain and not to let their own people down.

However, there are symptoms in which you need to say goodbye to exercise for a while. If you feel a strong cutting pain in your leg, a joint is dislocated or ligaments are torn, it is worthwhile to heal and not load the problem area. In this state, you will not even fit for street games, let alone more serious matches. During the recovery process, you can slowly hit the ball on your good leg. This will teach you to become one with the ball.

I am attaching a very informative and interesting video "how to learn to play football" Sergei Semak's school of skill. Look to EVERYONE !!!


The popularity of football in the world has remained unchanged for the last half century. high level... Each football championship(World Cup) turns into world holiday, gathering billions of viewers from the screens around the globe. Our country is no exception - football in Russia is loved and appreciated.

Preschoolers, adolescents, young people and adults want to learn how to play football - alone with the dream of sporting achievements, others - for health and fitness purposes. This article will introduce you to the history and features of this popular game and tell you how to learn how to play football.

Football - sport game No. 1 in the world. Tens of millions of people play football (30% of them are women). According to the official definition, football is a team sports discipline in which the goal is to kick the ball into the opponent's goal with the feet or other parts of the body besides the arms. Hundreds of books have been written about football, many fiction and documentaries; in some countries (for example, in South America) this sport is a religion for millions of people.

The history of football goes back to antiquity - a similar game was played in Ancient China, the Roman Empire, in Sparta. Football, which is played today, appeared in England in the 19th century and was played mainly by college students. In the middle of the 19th century, uniform football rules were adopted, and standard field and goal sizes were introduced.

In 1871, the world's first official football tournament took place. Currently football tournaments are held in almost all countries of the world - from Australia to Canada. There are more than 2 million teams (clubs) in the world. There has been a progressive increase in the popularity of football among women. People love not only to play themselves, but also to watch how they play football: the 2014 World Cup in Brazil was watched by more than 3 billion people - half of the planet.

The benefits of playing football and the possible harm

Before figuring out how to learn how to play football well, a few words should be said about the benefits of practicing this sport and possible harm... It's not about professional game, but about the amateur: the "pros" have a completely different approach to training and gameplay, including an increased risk of injury and damage.

Let's list the points, than football is useful from a health point of view:

  • During the game, almost all muscle groups are involved, which maintains the body in a constant tone;
  • Long-term training and games contribute to the development of endurance;
  • The energy expenditure in football is much higher than when performing static exercises, which helps to stabilize weight and eliminate body fat;
  • Football develops coordination and a sense of balance;
  • The game encourages creative thinking, since winning football is impossible without tactics and strategy;
  • Strengthening the myocardium reduces the risk of heart disease;
  • During training and games, the blood supply to organs and tissues improves, and “harmful” cholesterol is eliminated from the vessels.

In addition to the above, football evokes positive emotions and also expands the circle of friends. You can play this game at any time of the year (in winter you can train indoors). The health benefits of football also lie in the formation of positive character traits - will, endurance, joy in achieving a result.

It is impossible not to say about the trauma of this sport. Football is not as dangerous as hockey or boxing, but the likelihood of injury is higher than in individual types sports. Football players should take care of their joints and legs in general: both training and games have an increased risk of injury, therefore, all football players (especially beginners) should take full-fledged protective measures.

Who is contraindicated in playing football

Medical contraindications for playing football can be divided into absolute and relative. Absolute - those in which playing football is categorically contraindicated. With relative contraindications, it all depends on the stage of the disease and the degree of symptoms.

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Severe back problems;
  • Myopia;
  • Serious heart problems;
  • Diagnosed mental illness.

Chronic diseases are considered relative contraindications. internal organs... Football training should be started no earlier than from 6 years old - up to this age, you can carry out general physical training of a child from 3-4 years old.

Features of the training process

A beginner player will need football paraphernalia - leggings, boots and football uniform... All of these things can be purchased at any sports store - the most economical and simple options are suitable for a start. In addition to uniforms, you will need soccer ball- you can also buy it at a sporting goods store.

The main thing in training process- to develop a sense of the ball in football: the player's ability to subtly feel the movements of the main football projectile and skillfully control it. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time on individual exercises with the ball.

Let's list other skills and abilities of a football player:

  • Dribbling is the ability to control the ball while running. In this skill, the main thing is to touch the ball not too hard so as not to let it go far, but not too weakly - otherwise it will not roll at the required speed. Running fast with the ball is one of the main qualities of a good football player.
  • Ability to pass transmission. Passing is the foundation of football as a team sports discipline. To begin with, you need to learn how to make a pass with the inside of the foot - it turns out smoother and more accurate. Having mastered the low pass, you can proceed to the technique of "hanging" on your partner. Learn to give a pass "on the move" - ​​to give the pass not to where the player is now, but to where he will be in a few seconds.
  • The ability to hit the goal. The main thing in football is goals, without which there is no result. From close range it is better to hit softly and lightly with the inner side of the foot, but more often you have to hit from a distance with the central part of the foot (with the laces on the boots) - hard and aimed, taking into account the position of the goalkeeper.
  • Movement without the ball. During 90 minutes of the match, a player runs an average of 10 km - most of the time he moves without the ball. The ability to open up to pass and defend - qualities, without which you cannot become a good footballer.
  • Defensive play. If you play defensively, learn to take the right position: in the event of an attack, you should position yourself between the ball and your own goal.
  • Ability to take the ball: a football player must be able to receive and handle the ball hitting him at any height. This skill can be practiced with a partner or with a wall.
  • Ability to play with your head. No need to hit with the crown of your head: learn to hit the ball with your hairline. To receive the top ball, take your body to the side, not your head.
  • The skill of fulfilling standards: For experienced players, even an ordinary free kick or corner turns into formidable weapon... From a corner, you need to serve the ball so that the players of your team can hit their heads into the opponent's goal.

Knowledge of football theory and rules of the game is mandatory, but it is not necessary to initial stage go too deep into the nuances. Difficult enough for beginners to understand is the situation Offside or offside: in order to understand exactly the meaning of this term, it is better to watch the corresponding video materials.

Football is a contact sport: it consists of collisions, wrestling and ball tackling. Both on the professional field and indoors, falls, blows to the legs, hard joints occur. Avoiding injuries is difficult, but you can prepare well for them.

Learn to group when you fall, avoid direct collisions, support your body and remove your legs. However, bruises, abrasions and bruises are indispensable in football: such injuries should not distract you from the game and interfere with training. However, if painful sensations do not go away after training, it is better to visit a doctor in a timely manner: it is better to treat serious injuries in the opening.

Football is a courageous and at the same time intellectual game. Sometimes this sport is called "contact chess": in order to win, you need to run, think and make decisions equally quickly and efficiently.

The game of millions, the game that unites, the game available to everyone - this is football... You love this game with all your heart, when you watch it on TV, when you play ball in the yard and sincerely do not understand how professional players miss the goal, believing that you can do better.
In your head more and more often the question arises: "How to learn football?" Is it necessary to study football skills from an early age? Is it possible in more mature age to learn anything in football?
Football simple game, but playing simple football is difficult. combines a large variety of types of physical activity. A footballer must run well, jump high, stand confidently, and be coordinated. There are many methods of training football players, a huge variety of exercises for the development of certain skills, adapted for different ages. After a certain amount of time, you can achieve a result in the development of any football skills, with due perseverance and the right approach together with the trainers of our project.

How to learn basic soccer technique?

Teaching soccer technique, perhaps, takes up a large part of the training process.... As a rule, the player who has a rich technical arsenal turns out to be one step ahead the rest.
The technique of dribbling, receiving the ball, passing the ball, hitting - all this requires constant improvement and development. Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but the question arises of how to learn basic technique football? Unambiguously, start with the simplest and gradually complicate and improve the quality of a certain technical element. A lot of repetition and effort is the key to a positive result.
Remember that football training always starts with getting to know the ball. And almost all exercises are performed with him in order to improve the feeling of the ball. When the ball is near you, you control it. This means that you control the course of the game. Football technique develops with constant contact with the ball.

Football exercises to develop technique

Teaching football is a long and responsible process... After all, if the coach once teaches you how to stuff the ball without indicating that you need to pull the sock forward, then will be extremely difficult to retrain... So it is with any other kind of exercise for football. If you wish to master basic technical elements , you should start gradually:
Step 1... Dribbling outside feet;
Step 2... Dribbling the ball with the inside of the foot;
Step 3... Repeat with the other leg;
Step 4... Complicating and adding a two-legged lead;
Step 5... Dribble only with the outside or inside of the foot with both feet.
In football, learning basic technique will help exactly these 5 steps... They can also be conditionally called basic in mastering any football exercise. It is worth remembering that the answer to the question "How to learn to play football" largely depends on the dedication of the athlete and the knowledge of the coach. Try to choose a competent coach, who will build an individual development program from simple exercise to the complex.
During game and educational workouts, you can always seek advice from our coaches, who will suggest exercises to develop a sense of the ball and teach you how to play football from scratch:
1. Kick the ball in the air with your right foot;
2. Kick the ball in the air with your left foot;
3. Kick the ball in the air with both feet in turn;
4. Kick the ball in the air with an increase in the height of the ball.
One of the exercises to develop a sense of the ball:
On a limited area of ​​2x2 meters, for example, dribble in different parts feet with a change in direction, without leaving the limits of the designated area. Gradually complicating the exercises, adding restrictions:
1. Dribbling with the right foot only;
2. Dribbling with the left foot only;
3. Leading only with the outer side of the foot;
4. Leading only with the inner side of the foot.

Detailed exercises on technical training You can find learning how to play football in our respective articles. Develop with us and come to trainings to practice the acquired skills of the game.

When the next football championship is approaching, the girls sadly think that their men will drop out of their usual life for a month: they will sit in front of the TV at home or in the club with their friends, yell in a wrong voice after each goal and discuss these incomprehensible outs, fouls and offsides.

Of course, you can do housework during the championship, go out with your girlfriends and take offense at your beloved because he forgot about you. Or maybe you need to stop sulking and get interested in football? And even go with your beloved to the stadium to see the game with your own eyes?

Share the football hobby of your loved one - and he will surely appreciate it!

What you need to know about football?

Yes, football is worth knowing! Football is not just a sport, it is an art, it is a whole religion and philosophy. He is able to give unforgettable emotions, incredible drive and a sense of unity with the whole stadium. To figure out what is the point of running twenty-two sweaty men for one ball, you need to learn the basic rules of the game, which we will talk about later. In the meantime, you should remember a few rules of behavior during the match. So what needs to be done?

  • Find out in advance from your beloved which team he is rooting for, and then use the Internet to make inquiries. Remember in what form the team is playing, the names of the main players and the coach. Each team has its own "star", the best and most beloved player by all fans. Pay attention to him sports career... And if he also turns out to be handsome, you will be pleased to watch him during the match. Do not hesitate to ask your loved one his opinion about each of the players - he will gladly tell you everything he knows and will appreciate your attention to football.
  • If your man leaves to watch a game at a stadium or a sports club, ask with him. Before the start of the match, find out yourself (or check with your beloved) who your team is playing with and what place in the tournament it takes, as well as the place in the tournament of its opponent. Find out where your team will move in case of defeat, victory or draw. During the match, you should not ask questions like "Where is our goal?", "Who wins?", "Why is the referee whistling?" They will only annoy your partner and make you look silly. It is better to be silent and watch, and at home after the match ask to explain everything.
  • During a match, it is best to do what your man and the team of fans do - shout rhyming chants, cheer the players and whistle if you disagree with the referee. After a successful goal, all fans of the team begin to truly rejoice and hug, even if they are completely unfamiliar with each other. Laugh, shout, kiss your man and hug those who are sitting next to you - this behavior is only welcome.
  • Remember that the match lasts at least two hours. If it is a cold season, dress warmly and choose comfortable shoes. It is inappropriate to come to football in high heels and in a smart dress. But it will be very cool if you choose clothes that match the colors of your favorite team. Jeans, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, sneakers - these are the most comfortable clothes for visiting football.
  • It is forbidden to whine, complain, ask to go home or sit with a boring face during a match. This will not only insult your man, but he will be ashamed of you in front of friends and fans. During the match, the fans become a close-knit family, therefore, if you are not able to withstand two hours of frank expression of emotions and feelings, then it is better to stay at home right away.
  • Try to keep up the conversation about football, even if you still don't understand anything about it: you can talk about football topics, for example, about the provinciality of the opposing team's fans, about an unfair referee (if the fans are talking about it), about the police, which took out especially zealous fans etc.

The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball with his hands

Basic football concepts

V football team 11 players, but they all perform different functions. In fact, they are divided into 4 groups:

  • Goalkeeper (goalkeeper)- each team has only one goalkeeper. It has a form of a different color that does not match the shades of the uniforms of other players. May touch the ball with his hands, but only in the penalty area, which is indicated by the white lines around the goal. Inside the penalty area there is a small goalkeeper area where only the goalkeeper has the right to touch the ball.
  • Defender- he helps the goalkeeper; its main task is to prevent opponents from scoring a goal. There are 3-4 defenders, they play only with their feet and keep close to the goal of their team.
  • Midfielder (midfielder)- there are several of them on the field. These players take part in the defense of their goal when the opponent has the ball, and also take part in the attack when their team has the ball. They themselves can score goals into the opponent's goal or pass the ball to the attacker.
  • Forward (forward)- there are 1-2 such players on the field. They are focused exclusively on scoring goals. Usually they are at the opponent's goal, they can score balls with their feet and head. Forwards are often distinguished by their height, unusual running speed and high maneuverability. These are the stars of football! It is their successful goals that are eagerly awaited football fans and is repeated many times on television.

Sometimes a real dump is formed in the penalty area!

Elements of a soccer match

  • Pass (pass) - this is the main element of the game when players pass the ball to each other in order to eventually score it into the opponent's goal. Midfielders pass best.
  • Canopy- This is the transfer of the ball from above, over the heads of the players. This element is also the best and most often done by midfielders.
  • Hit- the ball flies into the goal. The kick must be powerful and so fast that the goalkeeper does not have time to intercept it. Some attackers know how to send twisted blows when the ball flies and rotates on its axis. Such a ball is almost impossible to catch.
  • Out- the player sends the ball out of bounds. In this case, the opposing team has the right to throw in the ball out of touch, from the place where it hit. This is the only way you can touch the ball with your hands.
  • Corner and goal kick- if the opponent tried to score a goal, but the ball went out-of-bounds past the goal, the goalkeeper kicks the ball out of the goalkeeper's field. If the ball leaves his team, the opponent takes a corner kick, in which the ball is put on an arc in the corner of the field and the opponent hits it. Usually the opponent tries to send the ball into the penalty area and score a goal.
  • Free kicks and free kicks- appointed by the referee (referee) as punishment for breaking the rules. The player himself scores a free kick into the opponent's goal or passes a pass to a player of his team. If the referee has ordered a free kick, then it cannot be scored into the goal, but should be passed on. How do you know - free kick or free kick? If the referee raised his hand just before the kick, then it is free.
  • Wall- these are several players who stand shoulder to each other, defending their goal from a blow. The opponent must kick the ball, which is nine meters from the wall.
  • Penalty- for violation of the rules near the goal or in the penalty area, the referee assigns a free kick (penalty), which is done from a point in the center of the penalty area, eleven meters from the goal. The goal is protected only by the goalkeeper. This is the most severe punishment in football.
  • Offside- offside position. Occurs when a player is not allowed to continue playing because a foul play situation has arisen. There are many different kinds of foul play situations. To understand exactly what this means, it is best to watch the game closely.
  • Punishments- This is a yellow card, red card and disqualification. The yellow (or "yellow card") judge shows as the first warning for violation of the rules or rudeness. After two yellow cards (or for causing injury to an opponent), the player receives a red card - sending off the field. For especially gross violations, the referee can disqualify a player - send him off the field for one game or until the end of the season. Usually, for a red card, a player is automatically not allowed to next game teams.
  • Tournament Is a game cycle consisting of two stages. Group stage: all teams are divided into fours and play three matches with each of the opponents, receiving three points for a victory, and one for a draw. The two teams from each four with the most points advance to the playoffs. Playoffs are the second stage in which sixteen teams are paired into eight groups and played. It turns out the 1/8 finals. Then the top eight teams play the quarter-finals, then the four-team winners play the semi-finals. As a result - two best teams compete for the title of the winner of the championship.

Believe me, after watching or attending a match, you will begin to understand football quite tolerably for an ignorant girl, and after a few matches you will sincerely rejoice at the victories and grieve at the defeats of your favorite team along with your man - as well as read admiration and pride in his look for your companion life.

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