Irina dubtsova's diet menu. The history of the radical transformation of Irina Dubtsova

The winner of one of the "Star Factories" and the popular singer Irina Dubtsova literally blew up the public when she was seen on the TV screen not only in a new image, but also noticeably thinner.

It cannot be said that before she lost weight, Irina Dubtsova was slim, but she did not fit the concept of "crumpets" either. Men admired her figure and women envied her: they say about such people that they have everything with them.

Everything changed when the singer was pregnant: for the entire period she gained a lot excess weight, because of which she was criticized for a long time by everyone, from colleagues to ordinary listeners.

Irina Dubtsova: height 172 cm, weight 73 kg

Having decided to fight with kilograms, Irina Dubtsova lost a lot of weight, but for this she had to radically change her diet. For a long time, she kept it a secret, but due to too frequent questioning, she nevertheless admitted that she had used a very simple diet to lose weight.

Irina Dubtsova's height and weight parameters are now 172 cm and 73 kg. Of course, such a ratio cannot be called ideal, but if you remember what the singer was like before, it becomes obvious that in the struggle for slim figure she did well.

Six months after the start of the diet, Irina Dubtsova lost 15 kg, which became immediately noticeable. It is worth noting that the singer did not compose the nutrition program for herself on her own - a nutritionist helped her to do this, who also took into account the individual characteristics of her body. Other women can only use the basic principles of her diet in order to get rid of those extra pounds.

  • She completely abandoned fast food, lemonade and products containing preservatives and other unnatural additives. Such food not only contributes to the appearance of excess weight, but also negatively affects work. internal organs, and also slows down the metabolism, which is unacceptable in the process of weight loss;
  • Now, Irina Dubtsova, who has lost weight, periodically excludes the use of sugar for a week in order to speed up the metabolism, because it slows it down, in addition, it supplies the body with fast carbohydrates, which, as you know, in most cases initiate the formation of adipose tissues;
  • Another subtlety - the singer herself determined the size of the portions for herself: the food should be placed in a fist. Those who want to lose weight also need to follow this principle, and also eat no later than 6 pm, like Irina. If you can't have dinner at this time, you will have to wait for the next day, or be content with kefir - it is allowed to drink it in the evening;
  • To dull appetite, Irina drank from 2 liters of water per day, moreover, this allows you to maintain a normal level of moisture in the skin and stimulate metabolism.

Everyone now knows what diet Irina Dubtsova was on, and thanks to this, any woman can use her own technique to quickly put her figure in order and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

Irina Dubtsova lost weight: before and after photos

  • It is imperative to control the size of your portions - it should not exceed about 200 g
  • It is advisable to eat at least 5 times a day so that the body is constantly full and does not feel hunger;
  • The diet should be dominated by vegetables, berries, lean meat, herbs, fruits, lean fish and low-fat sour milk drinks, as well as cereals - it is from them that you should make your menu.

After reviewing sample menu, you can understand how Irina Dubtsova lost weight and what she usually ate. It can also be used to compose your diet, changing dishes, but leaving the principles of nutrition:

  • In the morning we eat buckwheat porridge, a slice of hard cheese. We drink green tea;
  • For lunch we eat an orange or an apple;
  • We have lunch with lean soup and 100 g of boiled chicken brisket;
  • For an afternoon snack, we drink 200 g of 1% kefir;
  • We have dinner with baked fish and a portion of stewed vegetables.

Buckwheat porridge recipe for breakfast:

  • Pour 1 liter of skim milk into a saucepan. When it boils, pour in the pre-washed buckwheat;
  • Cook for 20 minutes on low heat, not forgetting to stir.

  • Peel and chop potatoes, onions and carrots, as well as bell peppers;
  • In the same order, we throw vegetables into a pot of water, with an interval of 10 minutes;
  • Finally, add chopped greens, and after 5 minutes remove from the stove.

  • Remove bones from cod, pepper and salt;
  • Put the fish in a steaming container, place it in a pot of water;
  • Cook over high heat under a closed lid for 10 minutes, after 5 minutes we turn the cod over and take out the inner bone;
  • Prepare sauce from yolk, mustard and white wine, heat in a water bath for 5 minutes, then add cream, ground pepper and salt;
  • Pour the sauce over the finished fish.

Weight loss Irina Dubtsova: the opinion of nutritionists about her diet ^

When considering the nutrition program, nutritionists took into account how much Irina Dubtsova lost weight and what she ate, and came to the conclusion that she is not only not harmful to health, but even beneficial, because it contains only natural products that do not contain carcinogens and fast carbohydrates so other people can use it as well.

What Irina Dubtsova looks like now: photo

The only exception is pregnancy: before using such a diet, you should consult your doctor.

When Irina Dubtsova noticeably lost weight, many could not believe their eyes, because for a long time the girl was unsuccessfully struggling with kilograms. Now she continues to adhere to her nutrition program and says that the results achieved are not the limit.

"Super legs!": Irina Dubtsova boasted a slender figure

At a concert in Crocus City Hall, the singer demonstrated thin waist and long slender legs.

Irina Dubtsova has repeatedly complained that her figure has become the object of close attention of fans. Viewers now and then reproach the 35-year-old singer for gaining weight and criticize her figure.

In an interview, the artist admitted that she is often prone to swelling, which, in fact, is an excess of water in the tissues of the body. And every time the public suspects Irina of gaining weight, although in a day or two she may again look flawlessly slim.

Recently, the singer once again demonstrated her thin waist, slender legs and chiseled hips. The artist posted a photo from behind the curtains. big concert organized this week by Emin Agalarov at Crocus City Hall

The photo shows the laughing singer with Olga Seryabkina, the lead singer of Max Fadeev's SEREBRO group. Irina is wearing a short black dress. The fabric draped with beautiful folds reveals a deep neckline, and the tight-fitting style maximally emphasizes the slender figure of the artist.

Subscribers rated it positively new image singers and left a lot of approving comments under the photo.

Recall that Irina Dubtsova has an 11-year-old son, Artem, from a marriage with the lead singer of the Plazma group, Roman Chernitsyn. The couple separated in 2013, but have maintained a good relationship and together take care of the child.

Irina not only performs songs, but also acts as a poetess and composer, and also leads an active concert activity. The artist prefers active pastime to all other types of recreation. Together with her son, she regularly swims, goes in for sports and horse riding.

Recently, Irina Dubtsova showed a thin waist, slender legs and chiseled hips. She posted a snapshot from a vacation in a warm area. In the photo, the singer is captured in a bikini and a beach robe - this set successfully emphasized her slim figure.

In the picture you can clearly see slim stomach performers and long toned legs. This appearance of the artist really surprised her fans - after all, recently she looked at least a few kilograms more.

Subscribers Dubtsova expressed their admiration for her beauty, but many noted that the singer on TV screens seems much larger than on her pictures on the Web, thus hinting that she uses Photoshop.

Such remarks touched Irina and she is dealing with a rather harsh response to those Internet users who doubt the reality of the transformation of her figure.

“Go already…. to work, lovers of crap. I wish you to get better in the region of the brain, and in its center, which is responsible for anger, - to lose weight. I write songs, not work as a model. I'll go and eat it. Another 15 days of my #photo ass to you, my talented “beauties” with love, ”wrote Dubtsova, who, apparently, is already greatly annoyed by the constant reproaches about her appearance. She added the hashtag "#hryuhryu" to her post.

Let's fill that earlier in an interview, Irina admitted that her shapes and volumes are changing not because she is gaining weight and eats a lot, but because of problems with puffiness. She said that she is often prone to swelling, which, in fact, is an excess of water in the tissues of the body. And every time the public suspects Irina of gaining weight, although in a day or two she may again look flawlessly slim.

Irina Dubtsova is the winner of the "Star Factory - 4" TV competition. She is a poetess, composer and performer of songs, mother of her son and beloved woman.

Irina is beautiful, smart and elegant, she has a striking appearance and an amazing figure. A year ago, the star decided to change her image and she succeeded perfectly. Recently, Irina Dubtsova delighted her fans in a new way. She changed her hair color - from a brown-haired woman to a blonde, and lost weight, showing everyone a slender figure.

Possessing, last winter, magnificent forms, Irina decided to start a fight with overweight.

The main thing is to want

Thoughts give rise to desire, this truth is familiar to everyone. Having set a specific goal for yourself and making efforts to this, in the form of organization and regularity of actions, working on yourself, you can achieve amazing results.

Irina Dubtsova has all the qualities that are required to achieve a result. The singer achieved such success thanks to sports and healthy way life.

Irina Dubtsova's food

In her life, almost every girl tries herself in the fight against extra pounds, Irina was no exception.

The singer tried different diets, including a low-calorie one. With this diet, Irina was always hungry. Constant tours, performances, flights required a lot of energy, which she did not have enough. The diet regulated weight but led to depression. The singer decided to look for other ways.

A new way for her was a salt-free diet. Diet principle - complete rejection from salt. Salt is initially found in sufficient quantities in many foods. At the beginning of the diet, the taste of food may seem tasteless, but later you can get used to it. The diet should include: vegetables, fruits, lean meat, cereals, fish and dairy products. Add a variety of seasonings to ready-made meals to add flavor. Eat a little wheat bread - 200 grams.

Food should be taken in small portions, no more than the amount that can fit in the palm of your hand. Frequency of admission, 4-6 times a day. The portion size must be small, and dinner should be no later than 6 pm. If for some reason dinner is missed, then you will have to wait for the next day or be content with kefir.

Products for the diet from Irina Dubtsova:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: lean meat, fish, vegetables.
  • Dinner: fermented milk products.
  • Snacks: fruits.

Adhering to such a diet, you can lose 12-13 kilograms in a month, and the feeling of hunger will not torment. The long-awaited result will appear very quickly, in the form of a loss of extra pounds.

After completing the diet, you should control the salt supplied with food, it retains fluid in the body and leads to edema. To maintain moisture in the skin, increase metabolism and dull hunger, Irina drinks 2 liters or more of water a day. She also periodically refuses sugar, which contributes to the formation of fat and excess weight in the body. This helps to speed up the metabolism, which the sugar retards.

Correct, balanced diet with healthy foods should become the norm. And if you are struggling with excess weight, you should go all the way so that the result is worth the effort.

Sport - assistant

To consolidate the result, the artist went in for sports in the fitness center, this can be seen from her pictures on Instagram, where she literally crawled out of the gym. Irina exhausted herself physical exercise, and the result was not long in coming. With a radiant smile, in a magnificent physical form she appeared before an enthusiastic audience.

But fitness was the first step for the singer in further improving her health and spirit. It's hard to believe that Irina chose boxing for further training. At all non-feminine sport helps her to cope with weight, gain confidence and relieve stress.

Irina, playing sports, completely gave up smoking, meat and alcohol. Feels great, works hard and travels a lot. According to the singer, sport is a delight and pleasure for her. He helps her in work and life, and most importantly - now she knows, as always, to look great and feel great.

Irina Dubtsova's singing talent made her famous thanks to her participation and victory in "Star Factory 4". Today Irina is a successful and famous singer, poet and composer.

Constant performances on stage require not only good songs from the singer, but also attractive appearance... Irina has always been distinguished by an appetizing figure, but after the birth of a child gained more than 20 kg!

Short-term diets did not help, and Irina turned to a professional nutritionist who developed a balanced nutrition system and helped the singer lose weight. Today Irina strictly adheres to correct diet and amazes with the harmony of forms. She gladly provided her weight loss method to her fans and everyone who wants to lose weight.

Dubtsova was able to get rid of the extra 20 kg only on a new power system

Weight loss system Irina Dubtsova

To begin with, you should forever forget about the existence of some products:

  • Fast food.
  • Sugar and substitutes.
  • Sweet and carbonated drinks.
  • Canned food, sausages.
  • Fried, salted and pickled foods.
  • Sauces and condiments with unnatural additives.

Irina Dubtsova's balanced diet has three rules, strict adherence to which guarantees getting rid of extra pounds once and for all.

Rule # 1

The main food products are low-fat dairy products, plant foods, lean meats, fish and poultry. However, even these healthy foods should be consumed in reasonable quantities - a one-time portion of food should not exceed the volume of the stomach (that is, it corresponds in size to a palm folded in a handful).

And most importantly, food cannot be salted during the cooking process; you can only add a little sea salt in a plate. Only whole grain bread is allowed, no more than 200 g per day. For breakfast, we recommend oatmeal in water without oil and spices. For lunch - vegetable soup in water and steamed fish or meat.

Rule # 2

It is important to eat not only little, but also often so that the body does not have time to get hungry and does not accumulate calories in body fat. Irina eats 5-6 times a day, and the last meal takes place no later than 18.00. If between meals there is a feeling of hunger, a snack in the form of low-calorie plant foods is allowed - cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage, celery stalks and leaves, any greens, apples and citrus fruits, blueberries and currants. This will significantly reduce your daily calorie intake.

Rule # 3

Drinking plenty of fluids is the basis for high-quality cleansing of the body and normalization of metabolism. Irina drinks 2-3 liters of liquid a day. This is pure still water and green tea. Tea improves immunity, and water saturates the body with the right amount of moisture, which contributes to the long-term preservation of youthful skin. Of course, sometimes Irina indulges herself with coffee or cocoa, but without sugar and milk.
So, there is nothing original or complicated in Irina Dubtsova's diet. All these rules have been known for a long time, but if you try this balanced nutrition system on yourself, you will soon find that you have not only lost weight, but also began to feel better and look healthier.

In pursuit of the ideal of beauty, any average person chooses for himself the standard that he finds in the stars of show business. And not so much inspires the eternally slender celebrity to get in shape as personal experience weight loss idol. The winner of the "Star Factory-4" Irina Dubtsova made a splash with her transformation not among fans, but among the entire losing weight of the population of Russia. Her recipe for harmony is discussed in many media outlets.

Before and after parameters

According to Irina, she has always been a plump, then she lost weight, then she gained weight. The results did not last long. Her last experiment with weight loss brought her very tangible numbers on the scales.

The singer lost 15 kg. The parameters of the thinner Irina Dubtsova are 74 kg of weight with cm.


Irina belongs to the type of so-called endomorphs. The body of such a person is inclined to be overweight. Owners of this type of constitution can lose weight and lose weight, but this is not easy, and with the slightest relaxation in nutrition or training, the weight returns again, often even with a "slide". Of course, bad habits, stress and lifestyle are to blame for excess weight. And Irina is a public person who is constantly on the move, and stress, lack of sleep, improper nutrition make themselves felt.

Short-term replenishment

Irina, like most women, was lucky enough to become a mother. But along with the long-awaited replenishment in the family came an unexpected replenishment at the waist and hips. The singer gained 20 kg.

In addition, hormonal disruptions began, which clearly prevented Irina Dubtsova from losing weight.

Point of return

Of course, the singer periodically lost weight while dieting, but everything returned to normal. The fans, both modestly and frankly, hinted to Irina that it was time to moderate their ardor in food and start getting in shape, because the photos that appeared on the network at that time with the 30-year-old singer did not at all correspond to her actual age.

The fans were finally outraged by the tight dresses and revealing outfits not quite ideal figure... As the thinner Irina Dubtsova admits, one day she decided to change herself once and for all for the sake of her son, her own health, career and personal life.

Media versions of the transformation

In 2014, a photo of Dubtsova in a swimsuit appeared on the network. To say that the singer has lost weight is to say nothing. The media found out how much Irina Dubtsova lost weight. The singer lost almost 20 kg. Such a significant transformation gave rise to a lot of versions and arguments of the media about the recipe for harmony. Irina Dubtsova lost weight, as the tabloids claimed, with the help of diet, boxing, a certain nutritional system, compiled by a nutritionist, with the help of drugs... It is hard to believe that the singer, who does not hide her gastronomic preferences, went on a diet. As well as the likelihood of "registration" in the gym for a lazy girl, according to her, is perceived with skepticism.


One of the favorite versions is Dubtsova Irina's salt-free diet. The "star" allegedly lost weight with the help of her.

As experts explain, a complete rejection of salt brings nice results, for many it really is effective method drying the body. But such a diet is carried out no longer than a month and no more than once a year. It is quite aggressive due to the lack of essential minerals and salts, and should be prescribed after a complete examination of the body. In addition, you need to support the body frequent receptions food and the rejection of sweet, fried and fatty.


The singer's personal "Instagram" is replete with photos of crawling out exhausted from gym and with a girl, which may explain how Irina Dubtsova lost weight. However, according to fitness professionals, exercise is only 40% of success. The rest is for healthy eating and a full-fledged regime of work and rest.

Singer's revelations

Not so long ago, Irina Dubtsova celebrated her birthday. In a new look, the singer charmed all the guests, but most of all aroused interest, how the thinner Irina Dubtsova, without a twinge of conscience, treats herself to high-calorie foods and cake on a par with the guests. After the video of this event, the singer nevertheless decided to openly declare: she had liposuction.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes subcutaneous fat from various problem areas of the body. This is an extreme measure and may not always have good consequences, like any operation. In addition, those who think that liposuction once and for all solves the problem of excess weight are deeply mistaken.

After liposuction, it is simply necessary, regardless of the visual results, to eat according to a certain scheme and play sports. Moreover, you need to make it a way of life.

In this whole story there is a place for a salt-free diet, since the first point proper nutrition the singer is almost a complete rejection of salt. Salt retains fluid in the body, leading to swelling and excess weight.

One of the brightest stars of show business, composer, singer and winner of the "Star Factory", the favorite of the Russian and international public, Irina Dubtsova recently appeared in front of the audience in a new image. The girl radically changed her image and lost weight.

Relatively recently, a new photo appeared on the singer's Instagram, in which she shows off her new attractive forms. Fans are delighted to shower Dubtsova with compliments and questions about losing weight. So what does Irina Dubtsova's diet consist of?

Slimming stimulus

The star mother and simply beautiful Irina, has always been distinguished by luxurious forms that drove men crazy. In childhood and adolescence, the singer could not be attributed to either corpulent or anorexic girls. The star is prone to quick dial weight, in the fight against which it achieves excellent results.

After giving birth, like many women, Irina gained an extra 18 kg. Sexual volumes began to resemble saggy folds of fat. During this difficult period, the singer was left by her husband Roman, who could not come to terms with her new look. Fans desperately criticized Dubtsova and demanded drastic changes.

At first, the girl did not notice gossip and whispering, preferring tight-fitting and short outfits. However, such clothes were not able to hide flaws and give confidence. Then the star decided to completely revise her lifestyle.

Difficult period of diets and physical training did his job. A new Irina appeared before the fans. An excellent result of losing weight can be seen by comparing the photos before and after the extra pounds leave.

Nutrition principle

Desperate struggle with kilograms, constant restriction in favorite food - these sensations are familiar to every girl. At first, Dubtsova also decided to follow a starvation diet. However, the constant feeling of hunger, lack of strength, irritability and depression forced the singer to refuse such a diet.

Irina Dubtsova did not adhere star diets that promised rapid weight loss through fasting. With a tight work schedule, touring and rehearsals, one could easily faint in a hungry swoon right on stage. After much trial and error, the star began to look for an alternative that does not require strict food restrictions.

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