Everything you need to know about parkour: what it is and parkour combinations for beginners. Crossbar construction for parkour training How to make complex parkour in minecraft

If you are a lover extreme species sports and constant movement, then perfect activity for you - parkour. Many consider this physical discipline not just an activity, but a lifestyle. Parkour training promotes body control skills, develops flexibility and provides a creative approach to training.

The term "parkour" came to us not so long ago from the French language. It denotes movement within the city with the passage through different kinds obstacles such as: walls, stairs, roofs and more. From the outside, it looks very nice and interesting and makes you want to try to repeat the tricks.

However, learning parkour is not so easy, these activities require endurance, excellent coordination and the ability to quickly respond. How to master this sport from scratch without a personal teacher?

What do you need for parkour?

Training will not require you to have an abundance of equipment and a large number of sports equipment.

For classes you will need:

  • comfortable sports sneakers with thick soles;
  • loose clothing suitable for training, not causing discomfort and not restricting movement;
  • platform with turnstiles, gym or the forest, that is, a place where you can practice your skills of balance and overcoming obstacles.

Where to start preparing?

First of all, it should be remembered that without a combination with physical training, the training of gymnastic tricks should not take place, everything must be done in parallel.

Therefore, before the main classes, a complex is performed preparatory exercises on various muscle groups, which includes:

  1. Long jump with a constant increase in distance.
  2. Somersaults in different directions with a change in the initial position.
  3. Push-ups from the floor, providing the development of the muscles of the hands.
  4. To increase endurance, it is recommended to do daily jogging.
  5. The development of skills to maintain balance is provided by performing a handstand and headstand.
  6. Squats and stretches - the necessary conditions training, if you want to be able to do the wheel, which is considered one of the basics in performing tricks.

All of these exercises are only the basis for further training.

How to learn parkour?

Training is best done in a group of like-minded people and under the guidance of an experienced mentor, but if you still decide to do it yourself, then there are a number of special exercises for this.

  1. First of all, you will need horizontal bars. If they are near the house, then great, if not, you can sign up for a gym. Exercises consist of simple push-ups and twists. Gradually, you can complicate them by jumping from one horizontal bar to another with the help of your hands.
  2. Secondly, you need to train your vestibular apparatus. This is done using a thin board set at a low height. Exercises with it can be varied: balancing on one leg, jumping, walking.
  3. If you are already in good physical form, then you can begin to train the skills of correct flips, jumps and landings. This is done at a low altitude to eliminate the risk of serious damage. Jumping relies on different techniques. The main thing at the same time is to know that the arms and legs must move synchronously when taking off from the ground, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided.

Basic elements of parkour

  • Tick-tock - moving from one obstacle to another;
  • Cat-pes - movement with the help of hands;
  • Roll - landing technique with somersault forward;
  • Valtran - movement along a vertical wall.

There are many more various techniques, but the ones listed above are the most commonly used.


  1. On the initial stage workouts do not jump from high altitude, as the joints are not yet accustomed to the loads.
  2. Do not forget that the landing should be carried out on half-bent knees.
  3. Do some warm-up exercises before your workout to warm up your muscles. The same is recommended at the end of the lesson.

It should be understood that each parkour player has his own technique and features that make his style individual.

Roll - (from English Roll) a roll over the shoulder, performed on landings after jumps, to reduce the load from the legs. Very often, the roll is the only thing that makes it possible to jump from great heights without injuring the legs.

Landing is done on your toes, it is very important that your feet look straight and your knees are bent, the optimal knee flexion angle is 90 degrees, following these two rules will reduce the risk of injury when landing to almost zero.

One hand performs a supporting function - if you roll over your right shoulder, then your left hand will be the supporting hand, and if you roll over your left shoulder, then your right hand will be the supporting one, respectively. Now we will consider the case when the roll is performed over the left shoulder. Right hand we have a support, with the help of it we control the distance from the head to the ground, thereby preventing ourselves from hitting our heads on the ground. We put the left hand under the right one (As in Figure 2), this is necessary in order to later perform the roll ...

The roll is performed starting from the shoulder blade (Figure 3), because if you start from the shoulder, then there is a very high possibility of injury

The roll runs diagonally to the point shown in Figure 4

When exiting the roll, one leg should look in the direction of movement, the second should be rotated at an angle equal to approximately 45 degrees, the supporting arm continues to perform its function, and with your left hand you help yourself to stand up. After you get up, you can safely continue to move forward.

This figure shows the roll path very well, try to perform it exactly as shown here. That's all, the lesson is over, train, train and train again, only then everything will work out just fine for you.

Lesson prepared

Parkour combines walking, running, and street acrobatics, and implies the passage of the track for the maximum short term. Its whole essence lies in the rational overcoming of obstacles, which has an advantage over the usual route. Parkour is not about looking cool. This is a serious art requiring sufficient physical training, in which you must take into account your own physical fitness and abilities. If you're ready for the challenge, read on.



  1. Train with weight own body. Nothing prepares you to move through space and overcome obstacles better than pre-workouts with your own body weight. Fulfill the following exercises two sets for each workout. If you can't do them all, do as many as you can. Strive to achieve results. If you manage, gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

    • 10 squats (emphasizing plyometrics)
    • 10 pushups
    • 10 leg raises lying on the floor
    • 10 pull ups
  2. Run frequently. Run at least 11-16 km a week. Running plays a big role in parkour, so you must be able to run like short distances, as well as over long distances.

    • Other useful cardio exercises are lacrosse, boxing, and swimming. Yoga also helps keep your muscles toned.
  3. Lift weights. Strength is another important aspect of parkour. It's not enough just to hang on the wall; you need to climb it. Do the exercises above and combine them with weight lifting for optimal results.

    • Don't get hung up on the amount of weight you can lift. Much more important is good form and endurance (number of repetitions). In the end, you will only be dealing with your own body weight, nothing more.
  4. Do a thorough warm-up and warm up your muscles. Parkour can be dangerous if you're not prepared, so always warm up before your workout. If you do not warm up your muscles, you lose about 30% of their strength and capabilities. Remember to stretch to avoid injury to the ligaments.

    • Don't skip any part of your body. It may seem like only the legs are used in parkour, but your arms, neck, back, and shoulders are just as important. If you have an injury, you should not do any exercise without the advice of a physical therapist.
  5. Eat healthy food. Proteins, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and unprocessed foods are very beneficial for parkour athletes (tracers). Drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters a day. Many tracers drink at least one gallon a day.

    • Do not eat too high-calorie foods and fatty foods. You should be at a healthy weight and have good muscle mass. Much easier to lift on the wall 82 kg muscle mass than 100 kg of fat.
    • You will go to the toilet a lot, but this is normal. Drink water after every workout. When you do a lot of parkour, your body needs a lot of water to stay in shape.
  6. Get a pair of good running shoes. Your success in parkour can largely depend on the running shoes you wear. Pay attention to sneakers with a grippy sole (for climbing); they must be strong enough to withstand a large load. They should also be light so as not to weigh you down.

    • At the moment, there are already specialized running shoes for parkour. They have a well thought out sole, good foot support and a material designed for contact with various surfaces. Some of the most popular are K-Swiss, Inov-8 and Vibram Five Fingers.
    • Over time, you'll find that your shoes break faster than you expected and aren't worth the money you paid. Buy cheap sneakers; after they break, buy others. Sole and durability are not as important as technique, but make sure your shoes have good traction to make it easier for you to climb. The sole should not be too thin so that it can compensate for bad landings and ensure good contact with the ground.

    Basic elements

    1. Practice your jump. Although it may seem scary at first, try it gradually. Jump up, not down. To do this, find a wide and stable surface.

      • Jump first one foot, then two, three, and so on. Relax, keep vertical balance, and land softly on your toes about 10 times in a row before moving on to the next stage. Jumping 5-6 stops will be more difficult.
      • Find a medium height railing to practice vaulting. Using your hands, swing both legs over one side. One knee should go between your hands. After landing, try to keep your balance.
    2. Work on landings. Without a good landing, the jump will turn into a trip to the hospital. Before pushing off, sit down a little. Remember this sequence: squat, push, landing.

      • At the top of your jump, bring your knees to your chest. Then begin to straighten your legs, and fully straighten to the landing. Throw your arms forward as well to keep your balance. Try to land as quietly as possible (like a ninja).
    3. Practice your outing. This is the maximum that can be squeezed out of pull-ups. Sally will help you climb walls, fences, and high obstacles.

      • Start with a regular pull up. Then reach with your chest to the level of the horizontal bar. After that, try to fully come out on your hands so that your chest is above the horizontal bar. Strive to do it in one swift motion. Help yourself by jerking your legs.
    4. Roll over your shoulder. You will need the roll in case you lose your balance upon landing. The ability to perform it will help you in various difficult situations:

      • Place two hands on the ground, tuck your head into your chest, and roll over your back over your shoulder. The roll should run diagonally across your back.
        • If you hesitate, try rolling with one knee on the ground. Grasp with one hand inner part feet that rests on the ground. This will help you during the rollover. Start the roll while continuing to hold on to the leg.
      • Once you have mastered the basic roll, try doing it after jumping from a height, small at first, but gradually increasing it.
    5. Run up the wall. You've seen it in the movies, and now you're ready to do it yourself. Start with low walls; don't climb on the rooftops you saw in the 13th district.

      • Take a good run, push off with your foot, and jump up as high as you can, grabbing the edge with your hands. Make an outing.
      • When you get used to it, try running into corners, pushing off two walls - this will give you extra height.
    6. Be as quiet as possible. This is your safety, and the safety of the facilities where you train. The surface may seem sturdy and able to support your weight, but you won't know until you check it out. Land carefully, respect yourself and your surroundings.

      • The less noise, the less load. Yes, it will be noisier on concrete, but at least you will reduce the strain on your knees. Listen as you move. Or it will make itself known later.

    Training with others

    1. Work out your own style. When you start with a coach, you will find that everyone gets from point A to point B in their own way. There is no wrong way. All you have to do is determine what comes naturally to you.

      • Watch videos and watch others, but nothing more. If someone does something differently than you - do not try to change your habits, do what is more convenient for you. What you naturally do, someone else cannot repeat, and vice versa.
    2. Find a parkour school or go with others. Dozens of workouts will not replace individual lessons with a trainer. By training with others, you will determine the level of your skills, and see what you need to improve.

      • If there is no parkour school in your area, go to the gym. Coaches will not only teach you all-round skills, but also help you avoid injury.
      • If you decide to train with others, have them be several people. If there are a lot of you, then the training will turn into a show with a demonstration of abilities. On the contrary, it must be collaborative, and does not imply rivalry.
    3. Select point A and B. This is a good option for those who practice alone or with a friend. Always define a start and end point. It will be possible to pass the route in various ways, but let it have one beginning and one end.

      • The point is to get to the finish line as fast as possible, not how many spectacular jumps you can make or how many walls you can climb. Choose not the most impressive, but not the easiest way.

A guide to building a parkour training bar structure

Parkour is a sport that makes serious demands not only on the physical form of the athlete, but also on the special equipment on which tracers train. If you are going to build your own parkour playground, then you should be aware that parkour equipment is subject to serious stress. All kinds of swings, flights from the crossbar to the crossbar, jumps, swings, pushes - all this creates a huge load on the structure, and you must be sure that your simulator is able to endure it.

This guide is intended for those who are thinking about manufacturing parkour equipment. Our company specializes in the development and production of simulators not only for parkour enthusiasts, but also for professional parkour gyms. We have extensive experience and knowledge that allows us to design and manufacture equipment that can withstand any load.

Next, we will consider such important aspects assembly structures, as reliability and safety, we will select necessary materials, we will analyze their parameters, consider the technology of assembly and installation, and also talk about the configuration of the equipment and its convenience for transportation.

Despite the fact that we consider metal structures on clamp connections to be the best option, nevertheless, in this article we will also consider some other types of fasteners, as well as the possibility of using not only metal, but also wooden material.

Now let's move on to the most important problem you need to solve before you get started - the problem of the safety and reliability of your equipment.

Always think about safety

Regardless of the goals that you set for yourself, first of all, think about safety. Whether you are going to practice in the backyard of your house yourself, or you want to teach your child to play the sport, or you are planning to build a professional parkour playground, you must be sure that all your structures are reliable and absolutely safe.

Due to the lack of reliability of the system, the athlete can be seriously injured, and if you also find yourself the owner of the site, then you will have problems, since the incident will entail a lawsuit. So, first of all, think about safety.

If you have opted for a metal structure, there are several ways to ensure its reliability and safety.

Choosing the right pipes

The strength of the structure is affected not only by the diameter of the pipes, but also by the thickness of their walls.

Pipes with a larger diameter will give a stronger and more reliable structure, but such pipes are more expensive, and this will increase your costs. In addition, thick pipes make it difficult to grip, which reduces the mobility of the tracer. A compromise solution to the problem would be the use of pipes of different diameters in different parts designs.


This picture shows a pipe marked Gator Tubing Size 6 Pipe (with a nominal diameter of 1 « inch and OD 1.315 « inches).

Shown here is the Gator Tubing Size 7 Pipe (NPS 1-1/4 « in. OD 1.660 « inches).

In this picture, the Gator Tubing Size 8 Pipe (1-1/2 "- conditional and 1,900" respectively outer diameters).

To give the structure strength, pipes of different diameters are used in its different parts. Large-diameter pipes are installed at the base and at the corners, thinner ones - directly at the places of captures, pushes, jumps and movements.

For connections of this type, the fitting shown in the picture above is best suited, since it makes it possible to connect pipes of different diameters. For example, a size 7 pipe (outside diameter 1.315 « in.), and in the other hole, insert a size 6 pipe (with an outside diameter of 1.660 « inches). The size 6 and 7 tubes are good for grips, and the size 8 tube will strengthen the structure.

An even more important parameter is the wall thickness of the pipe. A tube with a thicker inner wall, such as a Schedule 80 tube, gives the structure more rigidity and is more commonly used in parkour equipment than standard Schedule 40 tubes.

These images compare three size 7 pipes (1″ ID, 1.315″ OD). From left to right: 80 gauge heavy wall tubing, then 40 gauge tubing, and finally regular tubing labeled "Gator Tubing". Pay attention to the wall thickness of each of the pipes. At first glance, its thickness may seem like an insignificant factor, but in practice it is of decisive importance. Thick-walled pipes 80 sizes are slightly heavier, but much stronger than 40s.


Another way to make the structure stronger and safer is to add triangles to its structure. No doubt, the triangle - best friend your building. Triangles are the most reliable geometric figure, and if you use them in your design, you will undoubtedly increase the strength and reliability of the entire system. Use triangles at the base and at the corners.

Triangles are available in single socket swivel, single socket tee from 30 to 60 degrees, and single socket 45 degree tees.

Wall and floor mount

And finally, another way to give stability to the structure is to mount it to the wall or to the floor. However, it is quite possible to create a stable and completely autonomous structure without any additional attachment to the supports.

Pay attention to how the structure is attached to the wall. To fasten the structure to the wall, a conventional round flange, a standard railing flange, and a flange with a variable angle are used. All three types of mounts are shown below.


Now you must decide on the choice of material from which you will build your site. The choice of material depends on the physical requirements of the structure and its location.

If the system is to be used outdoors, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the interaction of the material used with environment. Structural parts that have not been treated in a special way will rust over time, and if the installation is also in an unfavorable environment, for example, in a damp climate or near a reservoir, then this process will begin much faster than you think.

To avoid rust, galvanized pipes and fittings are used, which are more resistant to corrosion and are known to withstand aggressive environments for many years.

Wood is also susceptible to the vagaries of the weather as it rots and breaks down over time, which will no doubt add to your budget for unexpected equipment repairs or even complete replacements. And this is not taking into account the potential threat to the safety of the athlete.

The texture of the material and mandatory processing are also important. wooden parts. All used parts of such a design must be carefully sanded. Rough edges and surfaces can lead to cuts, splinters, abrasions and other nuisances.

And finally, consider the main advantages and disadvantages of both materials.

If you have no experience with wood, then you will undoubtedly face considerable difficulties. Woodworking requires skill and most likely you will also need the ability to handle power tools, which you cannot do without. All this also entails additional costs.

Designs based on pipes and fittings do not require any special skills, knowledge or experience. And all you need is a wrench.

Connection types

There are three main types of connections that we use in our systems. These are threaded fittings, clamp fittings and clamps for scaffolding. Each type has its pros and cons, which we will now briefly analyze.

Threaded fittings

The main advantage of threaded fittings is that they are the cheapest of all other types of fittings. So, at the time this article was written, a 1/2-inch pipe fitting at Home Depot* cost $4.53. At the same time, a clamping flange for pipes of the same diameter cost $11.21. In addition to being cheap, threaded fittings are also easy to find - they can be purchased at almost any hardware store.

The main disadvantage of threaded fittings is that they are difficult to work with. You will need to either purchase ready-made pipes of the right size with threaded threads, or learn how to thread threads yourself. And for this you will have to purchase additional tools, such as a thread-cutting kit. In addition, threaded fittings cannot be adjusted.

Another widely used pipe connector is scaffolding clamps. Scaffold clamps allow you to adjust the position of the parts, and are more convenient than threaded fittings. However, clamping bolts are too large in clamps, which stick out of the structure and are a danger to practitioners.

To solve this problem, sometimes tennis balls, putting them on all dangerous parts of the structure, as in the next picture.

Our regular customer, Charles Moreland, uses both types of mounts: Here's what he says:


Clamp fittings are extremely flexible and adjustable. Fittings can be loosened and tightened with a set screw. The clamps have more than 80 different types of fittings, which are more than enough to create a design of any complexity. The disadvantage is the price, which is higher for clamps than any other type of connectors. Also, not always, and not everywhere they can be found, however, you can always order via the Internet.

Flexibility and Adjustability

Over time, your needs may change. Or the setup configuration might get boring. Therefore, it makes sense to foresee the future of your design from the very beginning of its creation. If someday you want to rebuild something, and maybe completely change the configuration of the system, then it makes sense to provide for such transformations at the planning stage.

If you use wood as the main material, then changing the configuration of the building will be quite difficult, and sometimes impossible. And then you have to start all over again. And this is again an additional expenditure of effort, time and money.

The advantage of fittings and pipes over other types of connections and materials is that they make it easy to make any changes to the design, and even radically rebuild. You can set any crossbar to any height by simply loosening the clamping screw, adjusting the level and then tightening it again.

Look at the next picture. Clamps make it easy to change the configuration of the system, or adjust any of its elements to the growth of any tracer. Pay attention to the crossbar on the right side of the picture. You can install it in any position between the top and bottom of the frame.

Clamps allow you to easily configure the design to your liking. I want to say that you can use this opportunity to realize any of your ideas. Since the whole structure is easy to assemble and disassemble, you can use the same parts to build a completely new structure. Or you can extend it by adding a couple of new elements to the structure. Installation configuration is only limited by your imagination.

Lightweight and easy to transport

While portability may not be that important to you today, it may well be that you will need it tomorrow. Therefore, equipment portability is also best planned at the design stage.

Parkour equipment can be quite heavy. The weight of wooden parts reaches 30 kilograms. This may create a problem during transportation. However, the design made using fittings makes it relatively easy to move it with small vehicles, since the whole mono system is easy to disassemble and then just as easy to reassemble. Moreover, it can be disassembled both completely and partially.

The following video shows the training of the French parkour club "Jump'In City", which uses exactly such lightweight portable structures, assembled from pipes on clamp fittings, which we have analyzed in this article.

Post Views: 2012

We've all seen the films Yamakashi, Casino Royale, and The Bourne Ultimatum. If you also played Assassins Creed, you even did parkour - at least virtually.

Yes, this is the sport when you have to jump from roof to roof and climb over walls with ease. It's very cool to watch from the side for someone who in the city overcomes obstacles that everyone bypasses and generally does not consider as something that needs to be conquered and overcome.

Parkour become part of the world culture and sport. A new passion for young people could not bypass OFFICEPLANKTON. Today we will bring you up to date, tell you how much and open the curtain on all the basic parkour combinations for beginner monkeys.

What is parkour?

Parkour is about overcoming the obstacles of urban space, moreover, in an effective and natural way. Those who practice parkour are called tracers: they jump over obstacles, climb walls, conquer city buildings. Their goal is to get from point A to point B in the most efficient way possible.

The history of parkour is very interesting. It originated in France, its origins are military tactics of the century before last, designed to help soldiers escape from captivity and hide from persecution. In fact, this is the method of military training of French soldiers. Once again, the new turned out to be a well-forgotten old, only now this practice is being used by fitness soldiers, if I may say so.

What is the difference between parkour and freerunning?

Often these terms seem to be used interchangeably. These sports, indeed, have a lot in common, but there is a small difference.

Parkour is simply maneuvering through an urban environment with the effective use of jumps, turns, complex movements. There is no need for any flips and other complex acrobatic stunts. In freerunning, efficiency fades into the background, giving way to cool acrobatic moves. It's more of a spectacular sport.

If you watch a video of people flipping while jumping off a wall, you should know that this is freerunning. If they just jump over fences and climb walls, they are tracers, not freerunners.

Why do you need parkour?

Parkour is fun! He teaches you to fight the fear of the outside world, turning the city into a giant playground. It is interesting to find non-trivial ways to move around the city and pretend that you are running away from zombies. This helps you not to lose your inner child, let it out, explore the city and the limits of your own body, and just finally play.

Parkour is exercise stress. Running, jumping, wall climbing. Parkour is a full body workout that improves both body control and coordination at the same time.

Parkour is a challenge to yourself. It requires physical and mental effort from you. At first it will be difficult for you to do some movements, but over time you will have enough strength and coordination, and you will be able to work out the movements of high complexity. You will face obstacles that will seem insurmountable to you, and the deeper you look into yourself, the better you will begin to understand that your body is capable of surpassing what you previously thought was the limit of possibilities. In short, parkour will make you a man. You will be able to prove to yourself what you are capable of, become more confident in yourself, and this will be reflected in other areas of life.

Parkour - great way to make friends. This is a team sport, so to speak. It is usually practiced in groups where the members are very friendly and supportive of each other. This is not a competition. The overall goal is to have a good time and improve yourself.

Parkour can save your life. We at the editorial office believe that a man should keep his life under control and cope with all the difficulties that occur in his life. Parkour gives you skills for extreme situations. We joke about zombies that you have to run away from in urban areas, but seriously: sometimes only a quick and confident escape can save your life, and there will probably be some obstacles in your way. Are you supposed to bypass them somehow? Parkour will help.

Parkour teaches you to think creatively. It teaches you to perceive the surrounding space in a different way. Instead of walking around the city, as the architects expected when they designed it, you can do it the way you want. Stairs? We don't need smelly stairs! Every wall, every fence, every ravine becomes an opportunity to try a new movement. This is both a game and creativity - and they will come in handy in the most unexpected moments when you need to solve a problem outside the box.

Parkour Basics

Find a team of tracers. The best way start doing parkour - find a local group of tracers and join them. The people in this sport are super friendly and will always support you. Dudes who are already adept at parkour will give you valuable guidance, plus there will always be a person nearby who will show you how to correctly perform parkour combinations for beginners and help you make the most difficult moves. Of course, if an accident happens to you, there will always be people nearby who will call an ambulance.

Remember safety. Don't take unnecessary risks. Your goal is to have fun and get out of your comfort zone, not get hurt. The first question after being shown a new trick should be: “What kind of injuries can this lead to?” It is necessary that the guys support you and help you if necessary. Before each workout, inspect the area for hazards such as broken glass and the like. Basically, don't be an idiot.

Do not rush. Know your limits. Just because people around you are doing crazy stunts and jumping from rooftop to rooftop doesn't mean you have to do the same. Don't try to make too much through too a short time. Your body needs to adapt to parkour. Don't move on to more complex moves until you've mastered the basics of parkour. Also, do not overestimate your abilities and do not take these activities too seriously. Pride leads to falls, and in parkour, falling really hurts.

Don't interfere with anyone. Parkour should be practiced in parks, in courtyards and on the streets. Try to avoid sidewalks where there are a lot of pedestrians. If someone asks you to leave, leave. If the police dig in, be polite, explain what you're doing, and go somewhere else if asked. Parkour is not the most common sport in our country. If you help him earn a good name, that's cool.

Parkour combinations for beginners:

All of the parkour combinations below are the basis of this sport.


A very important skill for parkour. You will often have to walk on something narrow, small, slippery and stand on the edge. You will need muscle strength And good coordination movement to avoid falling to the ground. Learn to balance by standing on the rails and walking on them.


To successfully hide from any aggressors within the city, you need to run. Running in parkour requires both speed and endurance. If you train often, the skill will come by itself over time, and we would also advise you to pay attention to the usual, dear to our heart runs: 5 km with acceleration - and it's in the bag.


Jumping plays a big role in parkour. They jump to overcome the difference in the height of objects, to get over ravines and the like, and to overcome obstacles.

Precise jump

Accurate jump allows you to jump on small surfaces: on upper part walls or on a stone peeking out of the water. An accurate jump requires concentration, balance and awareness of your capabilities.

tick tock

A combination of wall climbing and jumping. This technique allows you to get to places that are higher than the level of your normal jump. When a person runs to the wall, pushes off with his foot and jumps somewhere else. Very often this trick is used in combination with others.


Active jump somewhere to a lower surface. When you first get into parkour, never jump off surfaces taller than you are. You have to practice landing, and your body has to adapt to the stress that comes with jumping off a height.


The ability to land safely after a jump or drop is a very important skill for the tracer and freerunner. Landing correctly allows you to immediately get up and move to the next obstacle and, more importantly, eliminates the need to call an ambulance.

The choice of landing method depends on several factors, namely:
1 height from which you jump;

2 the distance you cover in a jump;
3 the surface you land on;
4 previous movement.

Landing on both feet

They are more effective than landing on one foot, reducing the level of stress experienced by your unfortunate body. So whenever you can, try to land on both feet. When you land, first of all touch the ground with your toes, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.

Your goal is to land as softly as possible. To do this, bend your knees as you land, but not 90 degrees, that's too much. If you jump or jump very high level or if you're jumping forward with too much momentum, let your torso go between your knees, put your hands on the ground so they'll cushion too. When you rest your hands on the ground, then it will be easy for you to get up and move on. This method of landing takes practice, starting with low drops and then moving on to higher ones.


A very important skill in order not to cripple. Usually performed to soften the force of the impact on the body, and this reduces your chances of injury. As a general rule, roll right after landing, when you drop from a high place, or when you jump forward at high speed. If performed correctly, the roll will help you land and get back on your feet without a scratch. Looks like somersault. It is important to group correctly, and your weight will do all the work for you.


On the run you will meet objects through which it will be too difficult for you to jump over. This is where the vault is needed. You put your hands on the object and use them to jump over it. There are different types vault, you can use them depending on the type of obstacle and your own preferences.

What to do with the wall

Stairs are for the weak. Sometimes it is much more effective to climb somewhere straight. This is where you need wall tricks. Don't rush with them. Once you've learned something, then move on to it. Never climb onto objects you can't jump off of - that's the golden rule.

Ox ran

It will help you climb high and very fast. The ox run is a complex movement, moreover, not an easy one. To successfully do this trick, you have to run, jump, climb the wall and hang on it - not as easy as it seems.

cat lip

It's a combination: you both jump and climb. You will need to use the Cat Lip when you jump higher walls or jump further than your normal jump length. We must grab the edge of the wall and rest bent legs in front of you against the wall.
