How is Yulia Lipnitskaya doing? Yulia lipnitskaya - biography, information, personal life

In essence, she did the same; although three years ago it seemed that the heroines of Sochi-2014 were just starting their way in sports. Why did this path end so quickly for them? Andrey Symonenko, the publishing editor of the R-Sport agency, is talking about this.

Scary word

It was perhaps the most emotionally powerful picture of the Sochi Olympics - on a huge empty ice there is a little girl in a red coat. This is Yulia Lipnitskaya, who herself chose the most difficult topic of "Schindler's List" and then received a letter from Steven Spielberg for the most accurate fit into the character. Not the most, what can we hide here, the artistic skater, thanks to the staging genius of Ilya Averbukh, conquered the whole country, becoming only one of those who forged the team gold of the Games, but according to the inexplicable laws of the media, the most beloved.

Then it seemed that Lipnitskaya, casting a naively confused look back in "Schindler's List", somewhere where her difficult childhood in Yekaterinburg and the most difficult period in Moscow remained, Lipnitskaya would take more gold into her collection. And, honor and praise to the skater, she did not go to rest on the Olympic laurels, although she could. I went to the post-Olympic world championship and won silver there, losing only to almost the main loser of Sochi, Mao Asada, who at home Japanese ice nothing less than gold would simply not be given as a consolation.

Lipnitskaya began to prepare for the next season, but here, as they say, she began: age changes in the body, injuries, the inability to train 100 percent, breaking and so very difficult ... Already by winter 2014/15 it was clear that Yulia would be very difficult to cope with all this, and the ninth place in the first post-Olympic championship of Russia was confirmation.

Full confidence in the coach could have helped, but at that moment the relationship between Lipnitskaya and Eteri Tutberidze had already cracked. It came to a split in the fall of 2015, and at some point it even seemed that Aleksey Urmanov, to whom the figure skater had switched to train, could reignite the fading star ... But it did not work out. Jumping is not to blame. Julia did not solve the main problem - how to deal with own body... I tried to decide, but it would be better if I didn’t.

Because then everything happened that now entailed the physical impossibility of skating further. The word "anorexia" was whispered by those who saw the state in which Lipnitskaya went out on the ice at the beginning of the 2016/17 season. After the Olympic champion at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, after two minutes of the free program, exhausted herself, simply stopped, it became clear that she needed to be treated and, most likely, finish - otherwise everything could have ended very sadly. And now this terrible diagnosis sounded out loud.

Who is to blame for the fact that the "girl in the red coat" went down in history so early? Perhaps the answer to this question is trivial, but there is no alternative - life. Clash of characters, personalities, circumstances. Thank you Lipnitskaya for being there, in "Iceberg", and turning the memories of millions into a vivid video postcard for life.

Maybe she still wants to?

Adelina Sotnikova has a completely different story. Now this has already been forgotten, but the 2013/14 Olympic season for her was not just bad, but very bad. At both stages of the Grand Prix there are disruptions. In the Grand Prix finals - a failure. A very rough European championship, lost to Lipnitskaya. If someone at that moment, a month before Sochi, said that Sotnikova would become Olympic champion, he would be considered ... well, let him be a great optimist.

But in "Iceberg" Adeline gave out two rentals of her life. She did, in fact, what she, in fact, did not manage even once in all the pre-Olympic years - she cleanly performed two programs (a nonsense blot in an arbitrary does not count). Gold Olympic medal Sotnikova is an award not only to the fantastic hard work, perseverance and character of this wonderful and very kind girl but also, admittedly, a happy occasion.

And therefore, even then, many people had a question in their heads - would Adeline want to once again plunge into this atmosphere of suffering, both physical and moral, in order to risk the reputation of an Olympic champion? Lipnitskaya seemed at that moment to be a much more reliable bet for the next four years. Sotnikova took a break immediately after the Olympics.

But I tried to return all the same. Although the futility of her attempt, perhaps, was predetermined by the fact that, unlike Lipnitskaya, she completely plunged into high life... It was only Maria Sharapova who managed to combine business with pleasure throughout her career, and even then thanks to competent management. In the case of Adelina, alas, there was no need to talk about anything like that.

And yet the Olympic champion performed in the first half of the 2015/16 season. The most striking was her skating at the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix. "If he wants, he can return," so many said, looking at the figure skater who has matured and learned to feel the music perfectly. But Sotnikova did not make it into the top three at the Russian championship of the same season and did not qualify for the European and world championships ...

The key one, perhaps, was September 2016. Adelina performed at the test skates in Sochi with new programs. Even if it was not technically perfect skiing, it was quite a decent foundation on which it was possible to build something even in that season. But Sotnikova, unfortunately, chose a different path - she went to the "Ice Age", on television. Unfortunately for all those who believe figure skating sports.

No, officially, according to coach Evgeni Plushenko, Adelina Sotnikova has not gone anywhere, but simply misses the season. But key moment here - if you believe. All this has already happened. Plushenko himself missed season after season after the Sochi Olympics, continuing to be listed in the national team's reserve. He underwent more and more new medical procedures, supporting his back, which had been operated on several times, in a condition sufficient for performances in the show. But it was clear to everyone that the two-time Olympic champion would no longer compete on the ice. There are other loads and other training. It was clear to everyone, but the federation extended his national team membership from season to season, until the great skater finally announced his decision to become a coach.

A very similar story is happening with Sotnikova. Officially - an injury. Really - for example, a show in mid-August in Italy. Although ... let's leave the ellipsis here. A very similar story does not mean the same.

"After the Olympics, I matured ... I feel that I have begun to treat differently not only to sports, but to life in general. I now look at my skating differently. I want the audience to understand that I am really an Olympic champion, that this is it’s no coincidence that they didn’t just put me on! ”Adelina said in one of the post-Sochi interviews with R-Sport.

Maybe she really still wants to?

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Yulia Lipnitskaya is a talented titled athlete, winner of various figure skating competitions of local and international levels, the youngest winner of the European Championship in the history of figure skating. Julia has many fans all over the world, but in recent times many are interested in the latest news about Yulia Lipnitskaya, whose anorexia required serious treatment (before and after photos can be seen below). This is due to the great excitement around the champion's departure from the sport.

Rumors of retirement from the sport

Rumors that the skater is leaving the big sport were a great shock for both her fans and colleagues, because the career of a young athlete has just begun, there are still so many achievements ahead and brilliant victories... Figure skating coach Alexander Zhulin said in an interview that the decision to end the champion's career was correct and deliberate, since it was influenced by a number of reasons:

  • according to Zhulin, it was not so easy for the young girl to cope with the world fame that had collapsed overnight, she had no idea how to communicate with the press and colleagues;
  • according to Zhulin, the adoption of such a decision was influenced by Yulia's completely ill-considered departure from coach Eteri Tutberidze, who was quite tough with the young skater and it was this toughness that was so necessary for her;
  • and the third reason for leaving the sport Zhulin named Lipnitskaya's natural tendency to be overweight.

Photo: Yulia Lipnitskaya and Eteri Tutberidze

The girl began to grow up and gain weight, and this is simply strictly prohibited in sports and affects the quality of training and performances in the worst way. Zhulin said that Julia began to fight with overweight, fell ill with anorexia, for which she was treated in Germany, after the treatment she gained weight again. And, according to Zhulin, the time for the athlete has already been lost and she understands this, and therefore decided to leave figure skating.

For several months, all the media were full of headlines that Yulia Lipnitskaya, suffering from anorexia, left the sport! At the same time, until now, photos before and after anorexia have not been provided. True, the athlete herself did not react in any way to such information, categorically refusing any comments.

About whether Yulia Lipnitskaya is leaving big sport her coach and great professional Alexei Urmanov preferred not to spread, only sparingly noticed that the latest news about the athlete was unknown to him.

Big interview

Latest news She confirmed her retirement from sports in 2018 only after a long silence, and finally gave a detailed interview, which was posted by the Russian Figure Skating Federation on its website in September. Julia Lipnitskaya gave a link to him on her Instagram page, writing a short and warm post with words of gratitude to all fans of her talent.

In an interview, Lipnitskaya admitted that the decision to leave the big sport was extremely difficult for her, but today her health is in the first place. She confirmed that she was indeed diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis of anorexia, and for the past several years she has been struggling with the disease under the supervision of doctors and experienced psychologists.

Julia also admitted that not everyone from her inner circle understood and made her decision to voice her diagnosis, but the girl considered that such an act would be the most correct in the current situation, because sooner or later information about the disease will still become the property of the general public.

The skater said that she was tormented by fears of the unknown, she did not know how her career in sports would develop and whether she would continue performing at all. Although at the very beginning of the disease, she, her mother and coach were sure that the skater would certainly return to the ice, and would still achieve a lot in sports, and would improve a lot in her performances.

Julia says that she was not allowed to realize herself in sports only because of her health problems. The girl admits that she was always very shy, shied away from too many people, was not ready for the glory that fell on her so quickly. In the end, the skater suffered from severe nervous exhaustion, which provoked the disease.

Yulia Lipnitskaya, when asked about her future plans, said that now her priority is only study. She actively studies English language with a tutor, a little later he wants to try to find himself in any areas not related to ice.

Worldwide recognition

Yulia Lipnitskaya's career in sports is both replete with brilliant victories and truly tragic moments about which the latest news is full.

The future champion was born in 1998 in the city of Yekaterinburg. At the age of four, little Yulia's mother, Daniela Leonidovna, took her to the figure skating section, where the girl immediately showed remarkable talent. To realize her unconditional talent, the girl's family moved to the capital. There, the mentor of the talented girl was Eteri Georgievna Tutberidze, who immediately noted the extraordinary flexibility and unique capabilities of the little skater when performing individual elements.

Photo Lipnitskaya before anorexia
  1. After two years of hard training at the Junior Grand Prix stage, held in Poland, the athlete won her first gold medal... Further, at the stage in Italy there was a medal of the highest standard, and in the Grand Prix finals held in Quebec, Julia became the first. At the 2012 Russian Championship, the figure skater won the second place on the podium. Then she won the highest step of the podium at the junior championship of Russia and the world championship among juniors. In 2011-2012, the skater won medals of the highest dignity for all international competitions... It was a real success and her first steps towards deafening world fame.
  2. In 2012, in October, the athlete won an absolute victory at a tournament held in Finland. In November, she is awarded gold at the Grand Prix stages in China and France. But in the Grand Prix finals, Julia did not participate due to her injury. For the same reason in next year the athlete also missed the Russian championship held in Sochi.
  3. The skater opened the Olympic season with magnificent victories at a tournament held in Finland and at the Grand Prix stage in Canada. At the Russian Championship, Yulia won silver only because she made minor flaws in the implementation of the elements of the program. But in 2014, at the first European Championship in her career, the figure skater was completely rehabilitated and won a resounding victory, beating the eminent figure skaters, the 15-year-old girl was the youngest among the participants in the competition.
  4. On the Olympic Games in Sochi, held in 2014, Lipnitskaya became the absolute champion. The President of the country gave a standing ovation to the athlete and personally congratulated her on her impressive success. World fame fell on Yulia Lipnitskaya, her photos were placed on the cover of many foreign publications. Julia was included in the top three famous people year according to the largest search engines Google and Yandex. Authoritative European publications named Julia the athlete of the year, so there was a reason for the young winner to dizzy.

Crucial moment

After winning the Olympic Games, Lipnitskaya began to be haunted by failures in her career and personal life, she made mistakes in competitions, taking far from the most prestigious places. The girl perceived each of her new failures extremely painfully. As a result, Julia decided to change her coach, since the demanding and result-oriented Tutberidze did not give the vulnerable athlete any concessions.

The skater went to the professional and talented coach Alexei Urmanov. This, according to colleagues of the athlete, was a turning point in her career. Urmanov, unlike Tutberidze, is a soft person and has devoted a lot of time to bringing Lipnitskaya's mental balance back to normal, while the intensity of training has somewhat decreased.

Julia was never able to come to sports uniform and, having suffered several injuries, missed important competitions in 2018. The champion resisted all difficulties and failures, but the young organism eventually gave up.

In 2015, the athlete began to undergo natural physiological changes in the body and she began to rapidly gain weight, which became the reason for refusing to eat and anorexia. At first, the girl struggled with weight in all sorts of ways, when she already had difficulties performing her signature rotations, then Julia decided to greatly cut her diet, which subsequently led to anorexia.

Yulia Lipnitskaya today

But, despite all the difficulties, the athlete's life is getting better. Julia Lipnitskaya, judging by the numerous photos, has now successfully coped with anorexia and is leading a full life of a young girl. He learns to live away from annoying attention and constant pressure of responsibility, looking for his vocation in various areas.

Photo: Lipnitskaya now

In any case, the fate of Yulia Lipnitskaya and the fact that she suffers from anorexia does not cease to excite her many fans and the latest news about the champion indicates that, perhaps, soon fans will discover her from a new side: the athlete is thinking about becoming a sports commentator ... The figure skater with her perseverance, will to win and ability to overcome difficulties will surely await new achievements.

Where is figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya now? After brilliant victories at the Olympics, the assignment of the title of Olympic champion, the athlete announced the end of her career in figure skating... What really happened and what is the situation with the youngest "golden" winner of Sochi 2014?


Julia Lipnitskaya was born in the city of Yekaterinburg on June 5, 1998. Mom Daniela Leonidovna raised her daughter alone. Mother once brought 4-year-old Yulia to the skating rink of the SDYUSHOR Lokomotiv in hometown... In an interview, the Olympic champion admitted that for a long time she could not decide what to give preference to, skates or horses. By the way, Julia has retained her love for equestrian sports to this day.

But the choice was made in favor of figure skating thanks to my mother. The girl's first coach later recalled that the athlete impressed him with her hard work and persistent character. Also, the mentor Elena Levkovets noted the girl's good constitution for this sport: she has an excellent combination of jumping and stretching, her reaction and vestibular apparatus also work perfectly.

The young athlete with her mother moved to Moscow in 2009 to further develop her sports talent. Lipnitskaya falls into the hands of coach Eteri Tutberidze, who will soon grow into a real Olympic champion.

Since 2011, the skater has been successfully performing at the Junior Grand Prix, where she wins first place. The ice conqueror was at the top for the whole season, giving no other chance to win. Next season, Julia is already showing excellent results in adult tournaments.

Before the Sochi Olympics, Lipnitskaya earned the title of European champion. At the 2014 Olympics was shown free program based on the film "Schindler's List". The latest news reported that the performance made a splash - the Russian president himself gave a standing ovation, and Steven Spielberg, the film's director, wrote his admiring reviews in a letter to the athlete.

The Olympic Games brought gold to our country, and Julia the title of the first single skater to achieve victory at the Olympics.

After triumphant victories in 2014, there was a decline in his career. Lipnitskaya could not get to the European championship, conflicts began with her mother and coach. Everyone wrote off the behavior of the athlete for a transitional age, and some suspected Julia of star fever. The skater left Eteri Tutberidze and began to study with another coach. In 2016, the champion severely injured her back and took a long time to recover. Then more and more information began to appear that the girl was suffering from anorexia.

Where did Yulia Lipnitskaya disappear?

Where is figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya now? This question can often be heard from the lips of both sports fans and all those who watched the 2014 Olympics, where Julia showed brilliant results and brought the country gold awards.

I must say that after the triumphant victories at the Olympic Games, Lipnitskaya's career began to decline. In 2016, at the Grand Prix stage, she felt severe leg cramps during her performance. The girl tried to skate the program again, but made an unfortunate fall. She ended up in last place in standings... This circumstance greatly overshadowed the athlete and all sports observers.

The failures did not end there. In December 2016, Yulia, returning from training, slipped and fell. As a result, an injury was diagnosed hip joint and lower back. Due to health problems, Julia was forced to interrupt the qualifications for the European and world championships.

Since then, the athlete has disappeared from the field of view of fans and the public. Even in in social networks she stopped posting pictures and news. For several months everyone wondered what happened to the skater Yulia Lipnitskaya and where she is now.

A few months later, new photos of the athlete appeared on the Web. The girl was very plump on them. It turned out that the girl had hormonal changes, and she was suffering from too much. The athlete began to fight the disease. She tried to limit her diet and exercise, but full-fledged sports were impossible. As a result, the struggle to restore its former form ended with the fact that Julia began to suffer from anorexia.

For a long time, nothing was heard about the Olympic champion. There was information that she is being treated for anorexia in one of the European clinics. Later, this information was confirmed by the girl's mother, Daniela Leonidovna. Also, the mother of the Olympic star in mid-2017 announced another piece of news that shocked everyone. It turned out that Yulia Lipnitskaya is ending her sports career.

Now it became clear what happened to the figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya and where she is now. Shortly before that, the girl was handed the keys to a 2-room apartment in the south-west of Moscow for her sporting achievements. The girl, due to the emerging health problems, abandoned dreams of returning to the ice, stopped following exhausting diets and began to equip her new apartment.

Latest news

The news about the departure of Yulia Lipnitskaya from the big sport caused a wide public outcry. For some time, the girl remained silent and did not expand on the reasons for leaving. A few months later, she gave a candid interview. According to Lipnitskaya herself, 99 percent of her decision to end her career was influenced by health problems, other circumstances were already superimposed from above. For several months the girl was treated for anorexia, psychologists worked with her, who helped the athlete to set life priorities.

Soon, Julia met with the leadership of the Figure Skating Federation and announced her decision to withdraw from the national team. Fans noticed that at the meeting, Yulia was very sad, it is clear that such a decision was not easy for her.

Commenting on the skater's departure from the sport, she noticed that olympic gold conquered at an early age could not influence her decision.

“Some people end their careers much earlier than without winning so many medals. Julia became the European champion, the silver medalist of the World Championship and the Olympic champion. Some athletes have been skating for decades and not earning that many awards. She could leave the sport much earlier and live in peace. Sport is a short streak of life. Everything else is life after a professional career.

The gold medal of the Olympics at an early age could not affect the end of Lipnitskaya's career. This is complete nonsense. Probably, Yulia felt that she had exhausted herself psychologically and physically.

I wish her health and happiness. Will she be able to become a coach now? It depends on how much she continues to love figure skating, ”said Tutberidze.

The famous Soviet figure skater, Olympic champion, honored coach of Russia noted that Lipnitskaya's departure would not affect the strength of the national team.

“Will Yulia's departure be a big loss? In Russian sports today there are enough leaders in women's single skating.

There is no need to worry about the Russian national team. Lipnitskaya is growing a worthy replacement ",

- said Vasiliev.

Russian figure skater Oleg Ovsyannikov, who won silver at the 1998 Nagano Olympics, expressed hope that Lipnitskaya will be able to find herself in life.

“It's a pity that Julia ends her career in such a prime. At such an early age, Lipnitskaya and the American Tara Lipinski won, who became an actress after her early retirement from sports. Let's hope that Julia also finds herself in life. Should Lipnitskaya stay in sports as a coach? It is hard to say. I don't know if she likes to act as a mentor, but coaching is very hard. Anyway, not all Olympic champions subsequently become good trainers... In any case, I would like to wish good luck to the now former athlete in any subsequent endeavors, ”said Ovsyannikov.

The Russian figure skater, world champion commented in detail on Lipnitskaya's departure from the sport.

- Will Yulia's departure be a big loss for figure skating?

- Julia has already done a lot for Russian sports... Everyone has their own way here. Someone, like a little star, lights up, but quickly goes out.

Although we now have a lot of interesting female figure skating athletes. And Lipnitskaya probably already feels that she does not match her competitors for a place in the Russian national team. Perhaps that is why she has matured such a decision that can be called the right one.

- Lipnitskaya became an Olympic champion at an early age. Could this somehow affect her psychological state?

- There are a lot of such examples. She is neither the first nor the last. For example, Oksana Baiul, who, unlike Lipnitskaya, won the Olympics not in a team, but in individual competitions, which is much more difficult. Or the American Tara Lipinski. In general, there are athletes who did something at a young age, and then bam - and they were gone.

Probably, indeed, the early championship is a difficult psychological thing. After all, you need to be able to withstand the fallen glory and force yourself to work further. And it so happens that the skater reaches the main title in sports at a young age and has nowhere to strive further.

- Was loud story associated with Lipnitskaya's departure from her old coach Eteri Tutberidze - the mentor with whom the athlete won. Could this have influenced Yulia's decision?

- I do not think. , to whom the skater moved, is a very good specialist who, on the contrary, tried to "pull her out" after a psychological failure.

Although Lipnitskaya's rivals in the Russian national team, the same, studied with Tutberidze. And, probably, Julia might think that she is not paid enough attention, although she is an Olympic champion.

And, perhaps, the transition to Urmanov was the right move... Alexey could help Lipnitskaya. But in this situation, probably the case when the athlete cannot force himself to work properly. Not the coach, but the athlete himself. Apparently, Yulia just lacked character here.

- Now Lipnitskaya is 19 years old. Can she start a coaching career at that age?

- You can become a coach even at the age of 15, if you have a head on your shoulders and you want it. However, it is not a fact that Lipnitskaya will want to choose this path.

Julia can continue to perform in various shows. She made herself big name- after the Olympics in Sochi, the whole country knows and adores her. I think that after the sport Lipnitskaya will want to realize herself in something else. For example, become an actress. She has everything for this.

BUT coaching- quite hard work, which is not always a creative process. Usually this is a tedious daily work, and it is unlikely that Yulia will be doing it now.

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