1999 FIFA Women's World Cup. Vasilisa javix - intelligent search engine

English The FIFA Women "s World Cup Trophy

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Number of teams

16 (final tournament until 2011)
24 (final tournament 2015)

Reigning champion
The last champion

Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Most titled

16 teams take part in the final part of the competition, including the team of the host country. The duration of the final stage is three weeks. Qualifying rounds carried out throughout three years and determine the remaining 15 participating teams.

It is considered the most important tournament in modern women's football. The first championship, which was held 61 years after the first similar tournament in men's football, was attended by 12 countries. Representatives of four countries (USA, Norway, Germany, Japan) became world champions in seven draws.


The first tournament was the idea of ​​FIFA President Joao Havelange. The first championship was held in China in 1991 and received participants from 12 countries. In 1995, 12 teams also took part in the World Championship in Sweden. In 1999, the tournament was held in the United States, with 66,000 spectators attending the stadium stands. USA - three times champion, Germany national team twice became world champion, also the tournament was won by the teams of Japan and Norway.

The 1999 World Cup ended with one of the most famous moments in history women's football... US defender Brandi Chastin took off his shirt as men usually did after scoring a penalty kick in the final against China to celebrate the victory.[[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ] The 1999 final was held at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California, and collected a record for women's sports viewership of 90 185 people.

In 1999 and 2003, the championships were held in the United States. The 2003 tournament was supposed to be held in China, but the organizers decided to postpone due to the SARS epidemic in Asia. As compensation, the Chinese national team participated in the tournament without a qualifying stage, and the holding of the championship in 2007 was automatically transferred to the Chinese side. In October 2007, Germany received the right to host the 2011 championship, and in March 2011, Canada became the host country of the 2015 tournament. It was also decided that in 2015 in final stage the championship will be attended not by 16, but by 24 teams.

In 2007, US team captain Christine Lilly competed in her fifth World Cup, becoming the third player in men's and women's football history to achieve a similar performance.

Format of the event


Participants qualify for the tournaments of the respective FIFA regional federations: Asian (AFC), African (CAF), European (UEFA), North American (CONCACAF), South American (CONMEBOL) and Oceania (OFC). Qualifying tournament starts three years before the championship and runs for two years. The formula is different in different confederations. Usually one or two tickets are also raffled off in intercontinental play-offs.

From the very beginning of the tournament, the host country will automatically receive a place in the final.

Below are the data on the locations allocated to the continents. + X means extra space for the organizers (host) of the championship. Place in intercontinental play-offs is counted as 0.5. Bold the outline marks the winners of the play-off matches.

Seats allocated for football confederations






Africa (CAF) 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
Asia (AFC) 2 + X 2 3 3.5 2.5 + X 3 5
Oceania (OFC) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Europe (UEFA) 5 4 + X 6 5 5 4.5 + X 8
North America (CONCACAF) 1 2 1.5 + X 1.5 + X 2.5 2.5 3.5 + X
South America (CONMEBOL) 1 1 1.5 2 2 2 2.5
Total 12 12 16 16 16 16 24

Final tournament

The last final tournament was attended by 16 teams. In three weeks, two rounds were held: group and playoffs. In the group round, the teams were divided into 4 groups of 4 teams each. After Germany defeated Argentina 11-0 in the opening match in 2007, FIFA President Sepp Blatter said that overwhelming matches "negatively affect the development of football," and FIFA should seriously consider expanding the number final tournament participants up to 24 teams. On December 3, 2009, FIFA decided that 24 teams will take part in the 2015 final tournament. In each group, the tournament is played in one round, each team meets each only once. The matches of the third and last round start at the same time. The top two teams in the group advance to the playoffs. Since 1994, three points are awarded for a victory, one for a draw, and zero for a defeat (previously, two points were awarded for a victory). Seats in the group are distributed according to the following principle:

  • Most points
  • If equal - the best difference goals scored and conceded
  • In case of equality of points and a difference of goals - by the number goals scored.

In the event that two teams have all three indicators equal:

  • The greatest number of points in matches against each other;
  • In case of equality - the best difference between goals scored and conceded in matches;
  • In case of equality of points and goal difference - according to the number of goals scored in matches between themselves.

If all criteria are equal the best team determined by lot. In the playoffs, the teams of the teams conduct one-round fights in which the loser is eliminated from the competition. If it is not possible to identify the winner during the regular time, a additional time, and if a winner was not revealed in it, a penalty shootout. The first round of the playoffs is called “the second round” in the British tradition and “one fourth of the finals” in the Russian, while the group winners meet with the teams that took second places in their groups. The winners advance sequentially to the semi-finals and finals.

Champions and prize-winners

Year Location The final 3rd place match
Champion Check Finalist 3rd place Check 4th place
China USA flag
2:1 Norway flag
Sweden flag
4:0 Flag of Germany
Sweden Norway flag
2:0 Flag of Germany
USA flag
USA USA flag
(Pen. 5: 4)
Flag of the People's Republic of China
Brazil flag
(Pen. 5: 4)
Norway flag
USA Flag of Germany
(additional time)
Sweden flag
USA flag
3:1 Flag of Canada
China Flag of Germany
2:0 Brazil flag
USA flag
4:1 Norway flag
Germany Japan flag
(pen. 3: 1)
USA flag
Sweden flag
2:1 Flag of france
Canada USA flag
5:2 Japan flag
England England 1:0 Flag of Germany

Participation statistics

Country Champions 2nd place 3 or 4 Other
USA USA 3 1 3 0
Germany Germany 2 1 1 1
Norway Norway 1 1 2 1
Japan Japan 1 1 0 4
Sweden Sweden 0 1 2 2
People's Republic of China China 0 1 1 2
Brazil Brazil 0 1 1 3
Canada Canada 0 0 1 2
England England 0 0 1 1
Nigeria Nigeria 0 0 0 4
Australia Australia 0 0 0 3
Denmark Denmark 0 0 0 3
Ghana Ghana 0 0 0 2
Italy Italy 0 0 0 2
Democratic People's Republic of Korea DPRK 0 0 0 2
Russia Russia 0 0 0 2
Argentina Argentina 0 0 0 1
Republic of China Taiwan 0 0 0 1
France France 0 0 1 0
The Republic of Korea The Republic of Korea 0 0 0 1
Mexico Mexico 0 0 0 1
New Zealand New Zealand 0 0 0 1

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Excerpt from the Women's FIFA World Cup

- But as? - very interested, I asked.
Stella immediately replied cheerfully:
- Oh, that was very funny! - and after a little thought, added, - but it's dangerous too ... I searched all the "floors" for the past incarnation of my grandmother, and instead of her, a completely different entity came along her "thread", which somehow managed to "copy" the grandmother " flower "(apparently also a" key "!) and, as soon as I had time to be glad that I had finally found her, this unfamiliar essence ruthlessly hit me in the chest. Yes, so much that my soul almost flew away! ..
- How did you get rid of her? - I was surprised.
- Well, to be honest, I didn't get rid of ... - the girl was embarrassed. - I just called my grandmother ...
- And what do you call "floors"? - I still could not calm down.
- Well, these are different "worlds" where the essences of the dead live ... In the most beautiful and the highest live those who were good ... and, probably, the strongest too.
- People like you? - I asked with a smile.
- Oh, no, of course! I probably got here by mistake. - Quite sincerely said the little girl. - Do you know what is most interesting? From this “floor” we can walk everywhere, but from others no one can get here ... Is it really interesting? ..
Yes, it was very strange and very excitingly interesting for my "hungry" brain, and I so wanted to know more! .. Maybe because until that day no one really explained anything to me, but just sometimes someone that he gave (as, for example, my "star friends"), and therefore, even such a simple childish explanation already made me unusually happy and made me dig even more furiously in my experiments, conclusions and mistakes ... as usual, finding in everything that was happening even more incomprehensible. My problem was that I could very easily do or create “unusual”, but the whole trouble was that I also wanted to understand how I create it all ... ...
- And the rest of the "floors"? Do you know how many there are? Are they completely different, unlike this one? .. - unable to stop, I impatiently bombarded Stella with questions.
- Oh, I promise you, we will definitely go there for a walk! You will see how interesting it is! .. Only there it is dangerous too, especially in one. There are such monsters walking! .. And people are not very pleasant either.
- I think I have already seen similar monsters, - remembering something, I said not very confidently. - Look ...
And I tried to show her the first astral beings I met in my life who attacked the drunken dad of little Vesta.
- Oh, so it's the same! Where did you see them? On the ground?!..
- Well, yes, they came when I was helping a good little girl say goodbye to her dad ...
- So, they come to the living too? .. - My girlfriend was very surprised.
“I don’t know, Stella. I still know almost nothing at all ... And I would so much like not to walk in the dark and not learn everything only by "touch" ... or from my experience, when they are constantly "hit on the head" for this ... What do you think , would your grandmother teach me something too? ..
- I don’t know ... You should probably ask her about it yourself?
The girl thought deeply about something, then laughed loudly and said cheerfully:
- It was so funny when I just started "creating" !!! Oh, you would know how funny and funny it was! .. At first, when everyone “left” me, it was very sad, and I cried a lot ... I didn’t know where they were, and my mother and brother. .. I didn't know anything yet. Then, apparently, my grandmother felt sorry for me and she began to teach me a little. And ... oh, what happened! .. In the beginning, I was constantly falling through somewhere, creating everything "topsy-turvy" and my grandmother had to watch me almost all the time. And then I learned ... It's even a pity, because now she comes less often ... and I'm afraid that someday she may not come at all ...
For the first time I saw how sad sometimes this little lonely girl is, despite all these, amazing worlds! .. And no matter how happy and kind she was "from birth", she still remained just a very small, unexpectedly abandoned child by all relatives, who was terrified that the only dear person - her grandmother - would also one fine day did not leave her ...
- Oh, please, don't think so! I exclaimed. - She loves you so much! And she will never leave you.
- No ... she said that we all have our own lives, and we must live it as each of us is destined ... It's sad, isn't it?
But Stella, apparently, simply could not be in a sad state for a long time, as her face lit up with joy again, and she asked in a completely different voice:
- Well, let's look further, or have you already forgotten everything?
- Well, of course we will! - as if having just woken up from a dream, now I answered more readily.
I could not yet say with certainty that at least something I really understand. But it was incredibly interesting, and some Stellina's actions were already becoming clearer than they were at the very beginning. The baby focused for a second, and we again ended up in France, as if starting from exactly the same moment where we had recently stopped ... Again there was the same rich crew and the same beautiful couple who could not possibly be talking about something to agree ... Finally, completely desperate to prove something to his young and capricious lady, the young man leaned back in the regularly swaying seat and said sadly:
- Well, be it in your opinion, Margarita, I don't ask for your help anymore ... Although, God alone knows who else could help me see Her? change? .. And does this mean that we are not friends now?
The girl just smiled tightly and again turned to the window ... She was very beautiful, but it was a cruel, cold beauty. The impatient and, at the same time, bored expression, frozen in her radiant, blue eyes, showed how much she wanted to end this drawn-out conversation as soon as possible.
The carriage pulled up near a beautiful large house, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.
- Goodbye, Axel! - easily fluttering out, she said coldly in a worldly manner. - And let me give you some good advice in the end - stop being a romantic, you are no longer a child! ..
The crew started off. A young man named Axel stared at the road and whispered to himself sadly:
- My merry "daisy", what happened to you? .. Is this really all that remains of us, having matured?! ..
The vision disappeared and another appeared ... It was the same young man named Axel, but around him lived a completely different, stunning in its beauty "reality", which looked more like some kind of fake, improbable dream ...
Thousands of candles sparkled dizzily in the huge mirrors of some fairytale hall. Apparently, it was someone's very rich palace, perhaps even a royal one ... An incredible multitude of dressed guests stood, sat and walked in this wonderful hall, dazzlingly smiling at each other and, from time to time, as one looking back at the heavy, gilded door, expecting something. Somewhere quietly music was playing, lovely ladies, one more beautiful than the other, fluttered like multi-colored butterflies under the admiring glances of equally stunningly dressed men. Everything around sparkled, sparkled, shone with reflections of various precious stones, silks rustled softly, huge intricate wigs, strewn with fabulous flowers, swayed coquettishly ...
Axel stood leaning against the marble column and with an absent gaze watched all this brilliant, bright crowd, remaining completely indifferent to all its charms, and it was felt that, like everyone else, he was waiting for something.
Finally, everything around began to move, and this whole splendidly dressed crowd, as if by magic, split into two parts, forming exactly in the middle of a very wide, "ballroom" passage. And along this passage, an absolutely amazing woman was slowly moving ... Or rather, a couple was moving, but the man next to her was so simple-minded and inconspicuous that, despite his magnificent clothes, his whole appearance was simply blurred next to his amazing partner.
The beautiful lady looked like spring - her blue dress was completely embroidered with bizarre birds of paradise and amazing, silvery pink flowers, and whole garlands of real fresh flowers rested in a fragile pink cloud on her silky, intricately styled, ashy hair. Many strands of delicate pearls wrapped around her long neck, and literally glowed, shaded by the extraordinary whiteness of her amazing skin. Huge sparkling blue eyes looked kindly at the people around her. She smiled happily and was stunningly beautiful ...

French Queen Marie Antoinette

Immediately, standing aside from everyone, Axel literally transformed! .. The bored young man somewhere, in the blink of an eye, disappeared, and instead of him ... there was a living embodiment of the most beautiful feelings on earth, which literally "devoured" with a glowing gaze a beautiful lady approaching him ...
- Oh-oh-oh ... how beautiful she is! .. - Stella breathed enthusiastically. - She is always so beautiful! ..
- Have you seen her many times? - I asked with interest.
- Oh yeah! I go to look at her very often. She's like spring, isn't she?
- And you know her? .. Do you know who she is?
- Of course! .. She is a very unhappy queen, - the little girl was slightly sad.
- Why unhappy? For me, so very happy, - I was surprised.
- It's just now ... And then she will die ... She will die very terribly - they will chop off her head ... But I don't like to watch this, - Stella whispered sadly.
Meanwhile, the beautiful lady caught up with our young Axel and, seeing him, froze for a moment from surprise, and then, charmingly blushing, smiled at him very sweetly. For some reason, I had the impression that the world around these two people froze for a moment ... As if for a very short moment nothing and no one existed for them except for the two of them ... But the lady moved on , and the magical moment disintegrated into thousands of short moments, which intertwined between these two people in a strong sparkling thread, so as not to let them go ever again ...
Axel stood completely stunned and, again not noticing anyone around, watched his beautiful lady with his gaze, and his conquered heart slowly left with her ... inviting smiles.

Count Axel Fersen Marie Antoinette

As a man, Axel was, as they say, “both inside and outside” very attractive. He was tall and graceful, with huge serious gray eyes, always amiable, restrained and modest, which attracted both women and men alike. His correct, serious face rarely lit up with a smile, but if this happened, then at such a moment Axel became simply irresistible ... Therefore, it was completely natural for the attention of the charming female half to him, but, to their general regret, Axel was only interested in one creature in the whole wide world - his irresistible, beautiful queen ...
- Will they be together? - I could not resist. - They are both so beautiful! ..
Stella just smiled sadly, and immediately "plunged" us into the next "episode" of this unusual, and something very touching story ...

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    The FIFA Women's World Cup has been held under the auspices of FIFA since 1991. 12 countries took part in the first championship. After this event, women's football received a great impetus for development and began to arouse interest among the audience. Championship ... ... Wikipedia

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The FIFA Women "s World Cup Trophy

FIFA Women's World Cup- official international competition football among women, held under the auspices of FIFA. The first championship was held in 1991, and since then it has been held once every 4 years, and always on next year after the men's championship.

The final part of the competition is attended by 24 teams, including the team of the host country. The duration of the final stage is a month. The qualifying rounds are held over three years and are determined by the remaining 23 participating teams.

It is considered the most important tournament in modern women's football. The first championship, which was held 61 years after the first similar tournament in men's football, was attended by 12 countries. Representatives of four countries (USA, Norway, Germany, Japan) became world champions in seven draws.


The first tournament was the idea of ​​FIFA President Joao Havelange. The first championship was held in China in 1991 and received participants from 12 countries. In 1995, 12 teams also took part in the World Championship in Sweden. In 1999, the tournament was held in the United States, with 66,000 spectators attending the stadium stands. USA - four times champion, Germany national team twice became world champion, also the tournament was won by the teams of Japan and Norway.

The 1999 World Cup ended with one of the most famous moments in women's football history. US defender Brandi Chastain scored a penalty kick in the final post-match series against China and celebrated the victory by ripping off his shirt as men usually do. The 1999 finals were held at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California, and drew a record audience of 90,185 in women's sports.

In 1999 and 2003, the championships were held in the United States. The 2003 tournament was supposed to be held in China, but the organizers decided to postpone due to the SARS epidemic in Asia. As compensation, the Chinese national team participated in the tournament without a qualifying stage, and the holding of the championship in 2007 was automatically transferred to the Chinese side. In October 2007, Germany received the right to host the 2011 championship, and in March 2011, Canada became the host country of the 2015 tournament. It was also decided that in 2015, not 16, but 24 teams will take part in the final stage of the championship.

In 2007, US captain Christine Lilly competed in her fifth World Cup, becoming the third player in men's and women's football history to achieve a similar performance.

The Women's World Cup is one of the youngest international football competitions in the world. First Women's Championship Peace took place in 1991 in China.

The last such tournament was played in 2011 in Germany. In it, Japan won its first title, defeating the United States on penalties. The next tournament, which will feature 16 teams, will be held in Canada in 2015.

In this article, we decided to talk about the records that have already been formed during the existence of the Women's World Championship.

Most tournament wins
The United States of America and Germany have won the tournament twice. The other two teams that won the Women's World Championship were Norway (in 1995) and Japan, the reigning world champions (in 2011).

Best defense
Germany retained its title of best women's team in the world in 2007 and set the record for the longest dry streak in the tournament. The German women's team played six matches (540 minutes) without conceding a goal. Nadine Angerer holds a record of 517 minutes without conceding a goal.

Highest attendance
The best attendance rates for the Women's World Championships were recorded during the 1999 tournament, which was hosted in the United States. A total of 3,687,069 fans saw the tournament matches, and final match, in which the US team beat China, was watched from the stands of the stadium by 90,185 spectators.

Most appearances in the World Championship
Only eight teams have participated in each Women's World Cup to date. These are the women's teams from the USA, Germany, Brazil, Norway, Japan, China, Nigeria and Sweden. The United States and Germany hold the joint record for the most appearances in the final. These teams played three times in the decisive match. The Norwegian national team played in the final twice.

Most matches
Christine Lilly of the USA has played 30 matches at the Women's World Cup, a record for the most games. Birgit Prinz from Germany made 25 appearances in the tournament and Julie Foudy from the United States appeared in 24 appearances. Three players have 23 performances each.

Longest winning streak
Despite the dominance of the USA and Germany in the tournament, Norway holds the record for the longest winning streak with ten matches. The Norwegian footballers defeated Nigeria 8-0 on June 6, 1995 and remained undefeated in the tournament until June 30, 1999, when they were beaten 1: 3 by the Swedish national team.

Longest unbeaten streak
Norway also holds the record for the number of matches in a row in which a team was able to score at least one point. Norway footballers since November 19, 1991, when they won 4-0 New Zealand, until June 30, 1999, when they lost to Sweden, played 15 unbeaten matches.

Bombardiers of all time
Birgit Prinz from Germany and Marta from Brazil have a joint record for goals scored in the world championships. Both players have 14 goals each.

Abby Wambach scored 13 goals and Michelle Akers scored 12 goals. Both of these players represented the United States national team in the tournament.

Most goals in a tournament
Michelle Akers of the United States has scored more goals than anyone in a single tournament. This footballer scored 10 goals in 1991. She is far ahead of Norway's Anna-Christine Anores, who is second on the list with six goals in 1995.

Fastest goal

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