Games with children at home: learning to navigate in space. Where is the left, where is the right? Orientation on a plane and in space Games to reinforce the concepts of right left

Games with children: learning to navigate in space and distinguish between right and left, up and down, in front and behind. Learning to navigate on a sheet of paper. We get acquainted with the plan and map.

Many children, even quite large ones, often confuse the words “right” and “left”. How to teach a child to distinguish between right and left? What to do if the child constantly confuses where his left hand is and where his right hand is? What games can help us? How to deal with children different ages Houses? The answers to these questions are in the article.

In fact, it is not so difficult to teach a child to distinguish between "right" and "left" on one condition - the regularity of games on this topic for about a month - a maximum of two months. Regularly means about 4 times a week for 5-7 minutes of play. And even better - daily for 3-5 minutes. Daily fun five-minute mini-games guarantee a reliable result in a fairly short time. In addition to games, you need a constant friendly reminder while drawing, playing, sculpting, designing, dressing for a walk about which hand does what and how it helps us. In the game, the baby quickly remembers where is the right and where is the left and stops getting confused.

The approximate age at which a baby can learn the differences between these two concepts and begin to use them without errors is the fifth year of life. But the baby hears the words "right" and "left" from its very birth. And already at the age of three he shows where his right hand is, and where his left hand is.

The youngest children learn to navigate in space “on themselves”, on their body: above is where the head is, below is where the legs are, forward is where the face is, back is where the back is, to the right is where the right hand is, to the left is where the left hand is.

At first, you will be able to see gestures helping them in children. For example, a child, trying to determine where it is - "behind", touches the object with his back. Or to determine where his right hand is, he starts to move it. In the future, instead of movement, only a look in the right direction or a barely noticeable gesture appears. And after that, the baby, just hearing the word "left", "right", "forward", "back", understands it without gestures.

When we play games with children that help them learn to navigate in space, we will definitely introduce the kids not to one concept (only “right hand”), but to pairs of words: left and right, above and below, in front and behind. For example, when we teach to distinguish between the right and left hand, we explain it like this: “You are holding a spoon with your right hand, where do you have it? What does the left hand do? She is holding bread. Or while painting: “You have a brush in your right hand. Where is your right hand. Where is the left one? What is she holding? And the left one holds a piece of paper on which you draw. That is, we mention both hands at once.

Games with children at home: learning to navigate in space

Games with the smallest: getting to know the space


The smallest children hear the words "left" and "right" in mother's pestles and nursery rhymes, in mother's massage with songs from which they receive joy.

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Grandpa caught the cat

Grandma is a cat

For the left leg!

At the words “left leg”, the mother gently shakes the baby’s left leg and strokes it. After that, we repeat the game, but we play with the right foot. So the baby gets to know his body.

Or another nursery rhyme - for older children who are already learning to walk and "dance" and stomp their feet to the song.

Stomp, leg

Right, a little!

Top-top-top-top-top - top (stomp-step over with the right foot).

Stomp left -

Mom said!

Top-top-top-top-top - top (stomp - step over with the left foot)

Hey baby, dance!

Your legs are good! (bouncing or springs)

For older children, you can use poems and make movements for them.

When dressing a child, you can say lines from this poem by Elena Blaginina: “Here they are - boots! This is from the left foot! This is from the right foot! and ask the child: “Give me the left hand. And now the right hand":


I can dress
If I want to.
me and little brother
I will teach you how to dress.

Here are the boots.
This one is on the left foot
This one is on the right foot.

If it rains,
Let's put on boots.
This one is from the right foot
This one is from the left foot.

That's how good!

Up down

First of all, we introduce young children to the words “Up” - “down” (the bird flew up the tree - up! The ball fell down - bang! On the swing we swing up - down, up - down), forward - back (run to me, I catch up ). And only then the child will be able to master the words "right" and "left".

With kids, you can make a simple application that will teach you how to navigate not only in the room, but also on a piece of paper. For example, make a handkerchief or napkin for a doll or other toy.

Make a pattern on a handkerchief

You will need a set of geometric shapes cut out of colored paper: for example, four red triangles and red circles. Or another set: one green circle, four green triangles and one green rectangle.

Show your child the pattern of the appliqué handkerchief you made. Let the child's favorite toy ask the baby to help her and give her exactly the same handkerchief.

Consider carefully the sample with the baby: circle the figure on the sample with the baby’s finger: are they round or are there corners? If there are corners, how many are there - three corners or four corners? What is it called? Name the shapes - this is a circle, and this is a square. Describe in words how the figures are arranged. for example: “Look, there is a circle in the middle, and squares in the corners. So we will do it! Arrange the figurines on your handkerchief"

The simplest ornaments consist of 2 figures (for example, a circle and squares are glued on one rug, napkin or handkerchief). More complex - from three different geometric shapes. First, the baby lays out the figures on his handkerchief, and only then sticks.

When the handkerchief is ready, give it solemnly to the toy, let it say “Thank you” to the baby, rejoice with him.

Attention! It is important! The kid should never see that his drawing or application is thrown away after the game! If he makes his own napkin for the doll, then the doll herself must take the application from him, put it on her toy table like a napkin, put the toy dishes, admire what a beautiful table this napkin has become. Say that he will invite guests and show them a new napkin. Thank the kid. Only then will your child be interested in working with you in the future.

Get to know Mosaic

In the most simple games with mosaics, we can also begin to introduce the child to space and teach him to navigate in it.

Game 1. Show the baby the details of the mosaic (a magnetic mosaic with geometric multi-colored shapes or any other mosaic for kids will do). Show your child the blue details - let it be rain. Rain drip-drip-drip-drip - dripping on the roof, on the window, on the trees. Let the child make it rain on the playing field of blue pieces and learn to fill the entire mosaic playing field with details evenly. What a rain we've got! It is important that the baby has the parts all over the playing field, and not put them in a bunch somewhere in the center or on the side.

Next time, try to decompose other details, having figured out what it will be. White details can be flying snowflakes. And yellow - autumn leaves. Red ones - candies on the table, and large details - balloons that fly into the sky. Many small multi-colored details can be fireworks in the sky.

It is not so easy for a child to put the details on the mosaic - show him how to first take the part with two or three fingers and then press it with your palm to the magnetic field so that the figure “sticks”.

Game 2. In the following games, introduce your baby to the concepts of "above" and "below". Together with your child, make a “river” from all the blue details at the bottom of the playing field. To do this, lay out a wide strip of blue details. Run a child’s finger along it - “a river flows”, the river is long - long. You can make "grass" next to the individual green details - just like we did the rain.

And then make the sun at the top of the playing field by collecting the yellow details in a circle. Additionally, you can collect clouds of white details next to the sun.

What's up? Sun. What's below? River and grass. So the baby begins to understand the words "above" and "below" in relation to the picture, a sheet of paper, the playing field of the game.

Game 3. V next game with a mosaic, let our leaves fly - where do they fly? Up or down? Let's blow on them - the wind blows! Where did my leaf go? Up. Where did yours go? Down!

When the baby grows up, our leaves will also fly to the right or left. Where did your leaf go? Right! And now mine will fly to the left. I will blow on him. Here! Already flying!

In this very simple game, the kid begins to navigate on the plane, to understand where is the top and where is the bottom, to see the limitation of the playing field by its sides (right and left).

Games for children 3-5 years old: learning to distinguish between "right" and "left" and not only

Around the fourth year of life, the baby already distinguishes and names his right and left hands. And at 4-5 years old, the child learns to determine the direction in relation to himself. It is still difficult for him to understand that the person who is standing opposite has “left” where he has “right”. He can determine the direction only "from himself." Therefore, in all games with children 4-5 years old, an adult stands in the same way as a child (facing in one direction) - showing and prompting at first.

Find a toy

Option 1. Ask the baby to go out the door and hide the toy. When he enters the room, tell him the way to the toy. An approximate path can be told like this: “Go straight to the table, turn right at the table (the child does). Walk five steps. And now one step back, turn left (the child performs). Walk two steps. Seek!" In the first games, a three-year-old kid can be given one or two teams, a four-year-old kid can be given no more than 2-3 teams. Then you can increase the number of teams to 5 or even more.

When the child masters this game, complicate it. In the second version of the game, the baby needs to name the direction in which he is going. Here's how it's done.

Option 2. Cut out arrows of different colors from colored paper or colored cardboard and lay them on the floor. Tell your child, “Go where the red arrow is pointing, walk three steps. Where do you need to go? (the child names the direction: left, right, straight or back). “And then go where the blue arrow points. Where is she taking you? (the child calls - to the right or to the left. forward or backward) Walk 2 steps. Now look!

When the baby is comfortable with the name of different directions, then switch roles with the child. Let him hide the toy, and you will look for it. It is very difficult for children to give instructions. Therefore, help the baby with questions: “And then where should I go - which arrow? A! The yellow arrow means to the right. How many steps to take? etc.

This game can be played on behalf of a fairy-tale hero: for example, Carlson hid a toy, and you need to find it. Or the Old Woman Shapoklyak hid Cheburashka's favorite toy, and we are helping him find it. You can also play differently with any child's favorite hero who will give commands (for example, boys love to be given commands by their favorite heroes - warriors).

Catchers with cams

This game can be played both at home and on the road. Sit your baby on your lap or sit next to him at the table. Put your fists on the table (on your feet if you are sitting on the couch) and ask the child to put his fists.

And now let's play! We ask the baby, where is his right hand, and where is his left? If your baby is often mistaken, then you can put pictures - hints: next to the right hand is a picture with a spoon (in the right hand we hold a spoon), and next to the left hand is a picture with bread (and in the left hand we hold bread at this time) . If your baby is left-handed, then everything will be exactly the opposite.

We say a small rhyme and knock with our fists to the rhythm of the poem:

We play with fists
Let's raise our hands quickly!
One two Three!
Left, run!
On the word “run”, the baby needs to quickly remove the left fist from the table, and you are trying to stain him - touch the left fist on the table.

The words in the rhyme change and it says either “left, run!”, then “right, run!”. The task of the child is to run away from you so that you never have time to hurt him.

If you use hint pictures, then you can gradually remove them - for example, first leave only a hint for the right hand, and then it will no longer be needed. The kid will begin to remove the desired fist without prompts - pictures.

Find a surprise!

Plant four toys in the center of the room so that you get a "cross". A child will stand in the center of this “cross” in the game (see picture). For instance. the child will stand in the center, and in front of him there will be a bear, a bunny in the back, a car on the right, a train on the left (you can use any other toys that you have at home).

Hide a surprise under one of the toys (or in one of the toys). It can be a beautiful picture or a sticker, a note with a riddle, a wish or a rhyme, a new riddle, an interesting branch, a number, a new letter, a set of beads, a small drawing that you drew, an interesting task on a note, a pebble or a shell - anything .

Let the baby stand in the center of the room and in the center of the resulting "cross". You stand the same as he does - i.e. if the child looks at the window, then you look at the window. We start looking for our surprise. Some children, especially boys, like to look not for a surprise, but for a treasure. Then we are looking for treasure! We say the way to our treasure or surprise: “Turn to the right. Now turn left twice. Turn left twice again. And now three times to the right. Seek!" Children love to jump around in this game. Let them jump to health!

If the child correctly followed the commands, then at the end of the game he looks at the toy that hid the surprise for him. And finds it! If the baby incorrectly followed your commands, then he is looking for a surprise under the toy and ... does not find it. So, you have to try again. Again we stand facing the window and try. And finally we find it! Hooray!

Some children like to put the surprises received in the game in their box or box. Some are given to mothers or friends. But in any case, a surprise always brings joy to the baby! Even if I had to look for it three times.

Folk outdoor game "The ship is sailing!" - learn to distinguish between “right” and “left”, “up” and “down”, “forward” and “backward”

The game can be played with one child or with a group. First, the movements of the game are learned.

Here are some movements you can use in the game to distinguish between right and left directions:

  • “Right turntable” is a rotation with the right hand (another option is with the right forearm) as if “starting the engine”.
  • “Left turntable” is a rotation with the left hand (another option is with the left forearm) as if we start the engine with the left hand.
  • > "Right stomp" - stomp with the right foot.
  • "Left trample" - stomp with the left foot.

You can also come up with your own movements in which you need to distinguish between right and left (up and down, forward - backward or other directions).

How to play the game?

The leader peers into the distance and shouts: “The ship is sailing!”

Children ask: "Which ship?"

The host replies: “With the right turntable!”

Children perform a movement - they make a right turntable (rotate with their right hand).

Again, the driver peers into the distance and shouts: “The ship is sailing!”

Players ask "Which ship?"

The driver comes up with the name of the ship. For example, "With the left tramp and with the left turntable." Children perform movements: stomp with their left foot and twist with their left hand. In the first games, simple tasks are given, including one action, for example, "with the left tramp." In the future, you can give tasks with 2-3 actions: “with a right tramp and two turntables” or “with a right tramp and a left turntable” or “with two tramps and a left turntable”.

The task of the players (child or children) is not to make a mistake. As the kids get comfortable with the game, you can make it more difficult.

  1. We lay out 10 pencils on the floor (sticks, pebbles or any other items that will indicate steps). The kid correctly completed the task - goes forward one step (gets up near the next pebble or pencil). Wrong done - remains in place. The task is to reach you as a captain. As soon as the baby became the captain, you switch roles, and he comes up with which ship is sailing. Moreover, the child can come up with new movements that were not in the previous game.
  2. With a group of children, you can play the game like this. The kids are in a row. If someone makes a mistake, he takes a step back. If done correctly, then a step forward. The task is to reach the captain as quickly as possible. Whoever reaches the captain first will be the leader in the next game.

What changed?

You can play this game both with toys and with several children.

Playing with toys. Plant 5-7 toys on a table or sofa. They should sit with their back to the baby! It is important! It is necessary that the child and toys face the same direction and sit in a row.

Then ask the baby to turn away and close his eyes. Or you can cover the toys with an opaque scarf. And swap toys.

The kid opens his eyes - and ... what has changed? A! The doll sat to my right, and the bear to my left. And now it has become the other way around - now the doll is sitting on my left, and the bear is on the right.

Playing with children. The kids sit on the mat in a row. One kid - the leader closes his eyes. The rest quickly change places. Additionally, you can exchange something else or pick up items. The kid - the presenter opens his eyes and looks for what has changed: “Oh, Masha has a doll in her hands. And Natasha, on the contrary, had a ball in her hands. Now the ball is gone. Petya was sitting to my right, and now he is sitting to the left.

The boys are very fond of this game as a game of "scouts".

In the first games, make only 2 changes. Then the number of changes can be gradually increased.

From mobile games, you can move on to more complex games with geometric shapes that help you learn how to navigate on a plane (sheet of paper).

lay out the pattern

Ask your child to guess how Little Red Riding Hood embroidered the pattern for her grandmother on her handkerchief (you can use any of your child's favorite characters).

Take two identical square sheets of paper. This will be a playing field for you and for the child. And cut out paired identical shapes from colored cardboard - for example, a green square, a blue square, a red triangle, a yellow triangle, a green circle, a blue circle, etc. You will get two sets of identical shapes. Take one set for yourself and the other for your child. We will lay out different figures on the playing field.

Before playing, show your child how we will lay out the figures on a square - a handkerchief. Where is the top, where is the bottom, where is the right, where is the left.

Place a large sheet of cardboard or anything else in front of you to act as a partition. The partition is needed so that the child does not see your pattern. Lay out the pattern on your piece of paper. And after that, ask the baby to listen carefully to you and make the same pattern. An approximate pattern is shown in the picture: “At the top is a red triangle. Below is a yellow triangle. Right - where is your right hand? - blue circle. On the left is a green circle. In the middle is a blue rectangle. Happened? Let's watch".

Remove the divider and compare the two handkerchiefs. Correct inaccuracies if any.

With a more complex game, the child needs to take into account the location of the pieces. And then we say, for example, like this: “At the top is a red triangle. He looks with the corner up, and with the side in the middle / in the center.

In the future, when the baby masters the game, you can make him a driver.

And you can make another version of this game - more complex, when we do not directly say what kind of figure should be placed. And the kid himself chooses it from a set of figures: “Guess what Little Red Riding Hood embroidered at the top - this is not a square, not a circle. What's this? That's right, a triangle. Not yellow, not red, not blue, but which one? How did you guess - green! So what will be at the top of the handkerchief? Yes, green triangle!

If the child is having trouble finding his way around, help him. Draw on his playing field - a white square - a red line on top and a blue line on the bottom. On the right draw a spoon (the right hand is holding the spoon) and on the left draw a piece of bread (the left hand is holding the bread). And when you dictate - tell, then help with a hint: “Little Red Riding Hood embroidered a red square at the top. Where is it? Yes, where the red line is. And on the right, she embroidered a green triangle. Show me where the green triangle is? Here it is! And where is it on the right - where the spoon is drawn. There she is! Where is your right arm? So, where should the figurine be placed? Well done! A beautiful handkerchief will turn out!

In such a game, you need to constantly change the plot - either decorate with flags of different shapes and colors a silhouette - a boat (instead of a square), or arrange multi-colored cups different sizes on the table (right - left, above - below), then help the hero write an encrypted letter (a rectangle - the background will indicate an envelope on which figures are laid out in a certain order), then make a flying carpet for Old Man Hottabych (lay out drawings on a rectangle). The plot of the game can be any and from any favorite fairy tale of the kid!

For a five-year-old child, you can complicate the task and in a different way - teach you to correctly name the corners: upper right corner, lower right corner, upper left corner, lower left corner. Then the pattern can turn out, for example, like this: “In the upper right corner there is a red triangle. And in the lower left corner - a red triangle. In the lower right corner is a yellow circle. And in the upper left corner - a yellow circle. And in the center is a blue rhombus.

Shop game

Another variation of the previous game is the store game. You make paired cards for the game (as shown in the previous picture) with different arrangements of pieces on the base square. These are our "carpets" or "handkerchiefs" or "napkins" that will be sold in the store. We need two identical sets - one from the seller, the other from the buyer.

The child-shopper chooses one card from his set - this is a “rug” (towel, scarf, napkin, etc.) that he wants to buy in the store. The kid must explain to the seller which carpet or napkin he wants to buy. So explain that the seller gave him exactly this item with just such a pattern. To do this, he needs to describe his “rug” very accurately: what is drawn in the middle, what is above, what is below, what is on the right, what is on the left.

The kid can choose the "rug" to buy. Or maybe, in another version of this game, a fairy-tale character will ask him to help and give him a picture with the image of the “rug” he needs.

Find the same picture.

To make the game, you will need stickers (sets of identical stickers) and cardboard. Cards are made of cardboard in the form of long rectangles, on which stickers are pasted in a different order: for example, teapot - dress - ball - girl. On another card: dress - duck - ball - girl. On the third: dress - teapot - ball - girl. On the fourth: a ball - a dress - a girl - a kettle. Etc. Two identical sets of cards are made for the game.

The task is to find a pair of identical pictures and explain why these pictures are a pair (the child can explain this way: “Here a dress is glued to the left, a kettle to the right of it, a ball to the right. And then a girl. And in this picture it’s exactly the same”). Children younger than 3 - 3.5 years old usually do not understand the meaning of such a game, because all the pictures have similar toys. They can say to any pictures that they are the same. By about 4 years old, the baby can already explain how the pictures differ - the location of the toys on them. By this age, the child can tell in words what he sees the differences.


If you have a set of pictures of furniture, then you can play this picture game. Or you can play with toys and a doll room made from a big box.

There are three game options:

Option 1. More simple.

We tell the kid a story that the doll (hare, kangaroo, hippo or other toy) has a housewarming party. And he needs help to arrange the furniture. We agree with the child that where it will stand (next to the window, to the left of it, to the right of it, in front of the table, behind the chair, etc.). We draw a plan of the room. And then we fill it with furniture according to the drawn plan (for a kid of this age, 4-6 items indicated on the plan plus the designation of the window and door are enough). As soon as everything is ready - we celebrate the housewarming 🙂 - we invite toys to visit, who will congratulate us on the housewarming, treat ourselves to tea with sweets and give gifts to our toy hero ..

Option 2.

There is already a ready-made room plan for our toy. It was drawn by the main friend of our toy Toptyzhka (or someone else from the baby's favorite toys). And we need help to "read" this plan and arrange all the items exactly according to the plan of the room. If the kid is wrong, then the toy tells him: “No, I don’t want that. Look, I wanted to put a big sofa here, not a round table. It is inconvenient to place a table here - how are we going to get out from behind it?

Option 3. Permutations.

Our toy decided to rearrange the furniture in the room because she bought a new piano or a new wardrobe or a new table. And you need to help her - place these objects on the plan, check everything - whether it will fit here, whether it will be convenient, and then arrange the furniture in the room.

How to hold such a housewarming party and teach how to plan a room for children 3-4 years old, we already know from the article

Attention: in order to understand the plan, the child first needs to determine where he himself is in the room, where is the window, where is the door. And start from these landmarks, completing the task. Soon he himself will quickly understand how to "read" the plan, and will immediately look for the right place on the plan.

If you play with older children, then you can complicate the task - let there be up to 10-11 items in our room. And the doll can buy not one new piece of furniture, but two at once.

Games for children 6-7 years old

Children 6-7 years old can already be introduced to what a map is and how to read it and teach how to draw up a detailed map of their path (how to visit a friend, grandmother, store, Kindergarten, to the playground, to the park).

What is a map and scale, your baby will learn from the TV show "Shishkin Forest" of the TV channel "My Joy". Happy viewing!

Together with your child, make a map of your yard, district, draw on it the way to kindergarten, to the store, to friends, to kids club, to school.

And now a few more games for already grown up kids - future schoolchildren.

captain and ship

This game teaches to cooperate with each other, and at the same time reinforces the ability to navigate in space. In the game, the child will need to navigate with his eyes closed, according to the leader.

A couple is playing. One player is the captain. The other is a ship. Their common task is to cross the sea without a shipwreck. The sea will be our room. Chairs are placed in the middle of it - reefs. The task is to swim across our "sea" - not to touch the room with chairs - "reefs".

How to play? The player-ship is blindfolded. The captain leads the ship, giving him instructions: “Step to the right. Another step to the right. Back. More back. small step to the left. Now 5 steps forward” and so on.

Hooray! Mission accomplished. Now you can switch roles :). Trying to pass the room - our sea - with your eyes closed, you will understand. how easy is that! And help your little captain with questions: “Where to go next? How many steps? Should I stop or go ahead?"

Reading the plan of the room with the help of a cheerful little man

Elder's child preschool age can already learn that the spatial relationships "right", "left", "forward", "backward" change depending on the position of the person. For example, if you stand with your child facing each other, then your right the hand will be opposite left child's hands! And then for you "to the right" - it will be, for example, to the window. And for him "to the right" - it will be, on the contrary, to the door.

In order for the baby to learn this, we need a technique proposed by L.A. Wenger. Draw a picture with a cheerful little man (we draw a little man as if we were looking at him from above). Where the little man has a round nose - this is his face, he looks in this direction. You will also cut out two arrows from colored paper or colored cardboard - the handles of a little man: red and blue. The red arrow will indicate right hand, and the blue arrow points to the left. You can make arrows of a different color, but the designation must be constant. For example, you will have the right handle of a little man - it is always a brown arrow. And the left hand of the little man is always a green arrow.

Put our little man on the plan of the room, which the child is already familiar with from previous games. Let the baby look at the nose of the little man and decide where to attach the handles - arrows. Where will be the right, and where is the left hand of the little man? What will be ahead of the little man, and what will be behind?

Then put the little man in a different position on the floor plan. And invite the baby to attach arrows to it - pens and say that now the little man is in front, behind, to the right, to the left.

The most difficult thing is when the little man is facing the child. Let the child experiment, he will try to take different places in the room to solve this problem.

Find the treasure

In this game, the child will learn to navigate on a sheet of paper in a box.

How to make a playing field for the game?

To make the playing field, you will need sheets of paper in a cage. Each line or each column has its own symbol. You can draw a picture or sign letters or sign numbers, draw geometric shapes. In the picture you see approximate options for the playing field for children 6-7 years old.

For the first game, you need a simple playing field (5 by 5 cells). In the future, you can make a more complex playing field - 5 by 10 cells, or 10 by 10 cells).

How to play the game?

A pair of players is playing, they have the same playing field.

Leading - an adult marks on his playing field with a cross where the treasure is located.

A child who does not see the adult's playing field must find this treasure.

An adult says, for example, this way: “Find the sun (letter A, number 6, etc.) drawn on top. Now you need to go down - go down 3 cells. Put a point. Let's check. If you found a treasure, then from the mushroom, drawn on the side, you moved 7 cells to the right. We compare whether the child got into the right cell - and whether he found the treasure marked with a cross.

When the child learns to move around the playing field without errors, he is given a path of 2-3 steps, and then of 5-6 steps to the treasure. And he can also become a leader and "hide the treasure" for you.


Option 1. This is not even a game, but a task for the child, which will help him learn to navigate freely on a sheet of paper. Give your child a square of paper and shapes of different colors and shapes. You don't show anything, you just tell where to put what. For example: “Take the green square and put it in the middle. Put 8 red triangles around so that they look at the square with their sharp corner. Place small yellow circles between the triangles. There will be a green rectangle in the upper left corner. There will also be a green rectangle in the lower right corner. Put yellow rectangles in the other two corners.” Then we look to see if the pattern is the same or not.

Option 2. The child sees the laid out pattern and must "photograph" it - that is, remember it. Usually, my children and I play photographers - we depict with our hands how we “take the camera”, “press” the button and “get a photo”. And we remember it. Then the sample of the pattern is removed, and the children lay out the pattern from memory. If the task is carried out in this version, then you need to use no more than 4-5 different shapes for the pattern.

If the pattern is laid out incorrectly, then you can offer the child to “fix the camera” and take the next photo without errors. Usually children happily agree and are happy to depict how they repair the camera and do not make mistakes in the next game :).

This task can be carried out in a playful way - try to send a secret letter to the scouts, compose an enchanted telegram to the magical forest for a fairy-tale character, or come up with something else.

More games with prepositions for preschool children on the topic "Orientation in space" can be found in the articles:

And what games, poems, nursery rhymes, ideas have you used or are using to help kids learn to distinguish between “right” and “left”?


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Primary general education

Preschool education

Psychology and pedagogy

Teaching preschoolers to navigate in space: games and exercises

The GEF requirements for preschool and primary education include the formation of cognitive actions, skills of comparison, analysis, and synthesis. Such actions are directly related to the ability to navigate in space. Children come to first grade with different levels preparation. Elena Kochurova, senior researcher at the Center for Primary General Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education" Elena Kochurova told about what educational activities first-graders need to work with space and what a child should be taught before moving to primary school.

Tasks in the first grade: why children need to know where is right, left, up and down

Focusing on the UMK "Mathematics" for elementary school V.N. Rudnitskaya, we will analyze the types of work in which first-graders need ideas about space.

1. Establishing patterns, working with shapes

In the first grade, children work a lot with figures: they classify them, group them and arrange them in a certain way.

Job example:

How does the “machine” shape change? Lay out on the left the figures that were introduced into the "machine". Name the figures in pairs.

Such tasks assume that the child already knows where left and right are, can determine the relationship of figures in space (“The big yellow pentagon was entered into the car from the left, and the small yellow pentagon came out of the car from the right”).

2. Working with a ruler, calculations

The movement along the scale of the ruler is in the first class the basis of addition and subtraction. It is important that the child understands the structure of the number series: if we go in increasing order, then each next number is one more than the previous number. In addition, children learn to draw segments on a ruler: hold a ruler with their left hand, draw a drawing with their right.

Job example:

How much must be added to each of the numbers 9, 8, 7, 6 to get the number 10?

3. Working with tables

When solving problems with tables, a child needs to understand the location of an object both in a column and in a row - this is also space.

Job example:

Masha laid out her toys so that they formed 3 rows and 3 columns.

Answer the questions:

    What toys are in the middle row? in the middle column? on the top line? in the right column? in the left column?

    In which line is the ball? Which column is the bucket in?

    Describe the location (name the row and column) of the doll, cone, flag.

    Which toy is located in the top row and right column? In the bottom row and middle column?

4. Construction

Working with different parts requires understanding how they are laid out on the table relative to each other, how they need to be moved to make a given figure. The inability of a child to work with tangrams is a clear sign of a low level of development of spatial thinking.

5. Writing numbers

Introducing students to writing numbers, the teacher shows and tells where the movement begins, where to lead the hand - which, of course, includes spatial concepts. For example, the number "2": "From the black dot, draw a line up to the top side of the cell and turn to the right. We lean on the right side of the cage, draw a line, round it, and draw a line to the middle of the bottom side of the cage. From this point draw a tail to right side cells."

6. Score in a column

It's no secret that even in the second grade, when working with two-digit numbers, children sometimes confuse addition and subtraction algorithms: they calculate from left to right. It is spatial representations that make it possible to remember and bring to automatism the calculation algorithm in a column.

7. Olympiad tasks

The most difficult Olympiad tasks also require understanding of calculation algorithms.

Job example:

Put a "+" sign between the numbers 2 9 3 7 4 6 0 8 1 5 so that the sum is 432.

How to diagnose a child's understanding of space

Corporation "Russian Textbook" offers a manual "Pedagogical Diagnostics" for the first grade. Job #1 to do in the early days school year, includes tasks for the diagnosis of spatial thinking. Let's consider one of them.

Dictation: count 4 cells from the black cell to the right, paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

Target: identify the ability to listen and understand the task; the ability to execute an instruction consisting of several successive actions; ability to navigate on a plane (left, right, up, down); the ability to count cells.

Getting ready for school playing

The manual "Learning to navigate in space" for children 5-7 years old (author Elena Kochurova) contains game tasks and recommendations designed to help parents and teachers develop spatial thinking in a child. Here are some tasks from the manual.

Game "Left, Right"

Invite the child to stand in the middle of the room and follow the commands: “Extend your left hand in front of you. Turn left. Drop your left hand. Tell me what is in front of you now. Raise your right hand. Turn right. Drop your right hand. Tell me what is in front of you now. Now, without turning, take a step to the left, a step forward, a step to the right, and a step back.”

Right - left, right - left, between

Tell your child how important it is to know spatial directions and be able to answer questions: what is located to the left (right), left (right). Then look at the drawings with the child and invite him to complete the tasks.

    Answer the questions: who is sitting to the right of the boy, to the left of the boy, between mother and daughter?

    Answer the questions: who is sitting to the right of the bear cub, to the left of the fox, to the left of all, to the right of all, between the hare and the fox?

    Color the apple to the left of the flower with a red pencil, and color the apple to the right of the flower with a green pencil.

Thicker - thinner, wider - narrower

An adult examines the pyramids together with the child and asks him to complete the tasks.

    Say which of the rods of the pyramids is thicker and which is longer. Answer the question: which rings can be put on a thick pyramid rod, and which ones - on a thin one? Draw lines to the rods from the rings that can be put on them.

    Show which board is shorter, which is thinner, and which is wider.

Draw by cells

Offer the child a task: draw a train in the cells so that it moves from left to right.

We look at objects in front, behind, on the right, on the left

Tell your child that the same object can be viewed from different points of view. If dad, mom, son and daughter sit on different sides of the square table and look at the teapot that stands in the center, then everyone will see the teapot in their own way, from their own point of view. Each member of the family can tell about what details of the kettle are visible to him: whether the spout is visible or only the handle, whether the handle is visible or only the spout is visible, the spout of the kettle looks to the right or left. Tell yourself and ask the child to describe how some objects look from different points of view: front, back, right, left. Invite the child to complete the task:

The artist drew the nesting doll from four different directions: front, back, left and right. These directions are indicated by arrows in the figure. Name the direction from which each small drawing is made.

Yes, in progress gaming activity the child learns important skills that will be useful to him in the first grade.


“Consolidation of ideas about the concepts of “right”, “left”, “top”, “bottom”, “middle”.

Target : Consolidation of ideas about the concepts of "top", "bottom", "right", "left", "middle".

Tasks :

Correctional: development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, emotional-volitional sphere.

Educational: consolidation of ideas about the concepts of "right", "left", "top", "bottom", "middle"; orientation in one's own body schema.

Educational: compliance with the rules of conduct during the game; performing tasks according to instructions.

Introductory part.

"Hello children. Today we will remember where we have the right, where the left, up and down.


Purpose of the game : consolidation of ideas about the sides "right", "left", "top", "bottom", color discrimination, the formation of the ability to act according to the model.

Equipment : stripes of red and white.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes envelopes with stripes to the children.

Children now we will play with you. You each have envelopes and a piece of paper on the table. I also have an envelope. Now I will lay out the strips on the board, and you must lay out your strips on your sheet.

(Then the teacher turns his back to the children, lays out the first strip and determines its location).

I take a strip of red color and put it on top. Children, find a strip of the same color in your envelopes and put it in the same way as I did. Where did you put the strip? (up).

(Then the teacher takes the next strip of white and puts it to his right).

Children, what color should I take a strip? (you need to take a strip of white color)

Children, where should I put the strip? (on right)

After specifying the location, the students lay out this strip in a given direction.

(Then the teacher takes a red strip and puts it down).

What color strip did I get? (of red color)

Where did I put the strip? (down)

After clarifying the location of the strip, the teacher says:

Find a strip of the same color and put it in the same way as I did.

Then the teacher takes a white strip and puts it to his left.

Children, what color strip did I take? (white)

Where should the strip be placed? (on right)

After specifying the location of the strip:

Now find a strip of the same color and put it in the same way.

Well done. Now let's clean up our workplace. Lay your envelopes on the edge of the table. And I will go and collect them and give you other envelopes for the next assignment.


Purpose of the game : to consolidate students' understanding of the sides "right", "left", "top", "bottom"; expansion of ideas about geometric shapes; color discrimination; ability to act from memory.

Equipment : stripes of different colors and different lengths; paper.

Game progress:

Each of you has an envelope with colored stripes. See what color the stripes are. Show stripes of red, yellow, blue. What is the shortest stripe? (yellow bar) And the longest one? (red) Does everyone have these stripes? Okay.

Now I will lay out a geometric figure. Your task is to find out what kind of figure it is. At the top of the board, I place the longest red stripe. On the right, at an angle, I put a blue stripe. I put the yellow (smallest) strip so that it connects with the red and blue stripes. Please note that the figure lies approximately in the middle of the sheet.

What is the figure? (triangle)

Now try to lay out the same figure for yourself. What strip do we put on top? (red) Where do we put the blue strip (on the right, at an angle), yellow (I connect the red and blue stripes)? Happened?

And now, from the remaining strips, assemble another figure. Take a strip of yellow and place it on the sheet in the lower right corner, vertically. Lay the blue strip horizontally. What stripe is left? (red stripe) Connect the yellow and blue stripes with this strip. What figure did you get? (triangle) Where does she lie? (in the lower right corner)

Okay. Now we remove the sheets of paper. Imagine that the whole desk is a piece of paper. Assemble the triangle yourself and ask your neighbor where it lies.

Good girls. Now let's rest a little.

Stand up straight, put the handles on the belt (sides)

Tilt your head forward straight.

Tilt your head back straight.

Tilt your head to the right, straight.

Tilt your head to the left, straight.

Now pull the handles forward; up; to the sides.

Well, the last exercise.

Handles on the belt (sides). Tilt your body to the right, and now to the left.

Okay. Now we calmly sit down in our seats.


Purpose of the game : teach to place objects on a sheet of paper, consolidate students' ideas about the sides: up, down, right, left; develop attention, imitation; to consolidate the perception of integral objects and differences among themselves.

Equipment : a large sheet of paper, large appliqué details (the sun, a strip of land, a house, a man, a tree, a bird), sheets of paper, the same appliqué elements of small sizes.

Game progress : Now I will give everyone a sheet of paper and an envelope. Open it. What figurines do you see? (sun, house, tree, bird, earth, man) I have the same figures, but they are larger. Now we will make a beautiful picture. We take a strip of land. Where shall we put it? (below) (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, comes out and puts the strip on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) We take the sun. Where shall we put it? (above, left) (At the request of the teacher, one of the children comes out and puts the sun on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) We take a house. Where shall we put it? (right) (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, comes out and puts the house on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) We take a tree. Where shall we put it? (left) (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, comes out and puts the tree on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) We take the little man. Let's put it near the house. (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, comes out and puts the little man on the canvas, and the rest on their sheets) A bird flew into the tree. (One of the children, at the request of the teacher, goes out and puts a bird on the tree, and the rest on their sheets) Let's see what we got. (The child, at the request of the teacher, tells)

Well done. Do you like your picture?

Final part.

Today we did a good job, we remembered a lot, we managed a lot.

Olesya Ponomarenko
Abstract of the lesson in mathematics “Spatial relations. Left right"

Topic Spatial Relations, left, right.

Purpose Creation of a social situation for the development of children in cognitive research activities by means of consolidation spatial relationships, from the left and right.

Tasks Create conditions for children to exercise in the definition right hand and right side; left hand and left side.

Create conditions for consolidating orientation skills in space, solution simple tasks.

Create conditions for the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills hands

Create conditions for the development of speech, the ability to argue one’s statements, build the simplest inferences.

Fix word formation (formation of adjectives).

Repeat geometric shapes.

Repeat colors.

To create conditions for the education of independence in children, self-confidence, the ability to understand the educational task and accurately fulfill it.

Organization of the worker space The activity of the teacher The activity of children The conditions of the social situation of development


Children stand in loose Math warm-up"Merry Account".

Marinka entered the group,

And behind her went - Irinka,

And then came in - Ignat.

How many were all the guys?

In what order did the guys join the group?

How many girls, boys?

Listen to the task.

Children's answers.

Main part

Stand in a circle

They sit on chairs.

Come to the teacher

Come to the magnetic board.

They stand scattered.

Sat at the tables.

1. Spatial Relations: right, left.

Pick up your "main" the hand with which you hold the spoon, draw, embroider. Name her.

When discussing this task, I will wash each child to clarify for himself which hand he has right, and which one is on the left. (For a left-hander, “the main hand is the left.)

Take a look around you. What is situated on your right, to your left?

I call the child, he comes out to me, turns his back to the group and, at my command, raises right hand, then left hand. The rest of the children, sitting in their places, follow the same commands.

Calling another child, he turns to face the group, and everyone follows the same commands.

What did you notice?

2. Gymnastics for the eyes.

We are gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Blink with both eyes

right, to the left, around, down,

Don't be lazy to repeat.

Eye movements according to the text

We strengthen the muscles of the eye.

Close your eyes tightly

It's better to see the buoy right away.

Open your eyes wide.

3. Game "Make a Picture"

Now we will turn into artists and draw a picture "winter forest". But first you need to solve the riddles.

What season is it now? (Winter).

What do bear and hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots.


What is this girl:

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

Doesn't sew anything

And in needles all year round.

(Christmas tree)

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

What is her name?


Sleeping in winter

In summer, the hives stir.


We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer.


Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And no threads.

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?


That's all ready for our picture. Let's make a picture on the magnetic board. I will say what is where, and you take turns arranging the elements of the picture.

A tree grows in the middle of the forest edge. The hare sits to the left of the tree. mink hedgehog to the right of the tree. The squirrel sits right on the tree. The fox goes to the tree on right, and the wolf comes from the tree on the left. The bear's den is behind the tree.

Well done coped with the task.

4. Finger gymnastics.

Girls and boys are friends in our group,

the fingers of the hands are rhythmically joined in the lock

We will make friends with you little fingers,

Rhythmic touch of the same-named fingers of both hands

One, two, three, four, five, we finished counting.

Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.

5. Game: "Lay out the figure".

Each child has counting sticks on the table. The teacher offers to lay out geometric figures: triangle, square and rectangle.

And now lay out a house from the constructed geometric shapes, swapping two sticks in places.

6. Physical education.

Bear, bear - clumsy

Show us the way.

stomp right foot,

stomp left foot.

clap right hand,

clap left hand.

Again right foot,

Again left foot.

After - right foot,

After - left foot,

That's when you come home.

7. Game: "Geometric Lotto"

Each child has geometric shapes on the table - a red circle, a blue triangle, a green square, a yellow oval.

Consider the figures that are on the table. Name them.

What are the circle and triangle made of? (From cardboard). So what are they? (Cardboard). A square and an oval (Paper)

Put a yellow oval in front of you, on right from it is a blue triangle, and to the left of the oval is a green square.

What figure is left? Choose a place for her and name where she lies.

At this time, you can evaluate the level of assimilation of each of them. spatial relations left, right.

Carry out the instructions of the teacher

Answering a given task

Children's answers.

Perform tasks.

They play and do tasks.

Children's answers.

Perform gymnastics.

Listen to assignments.

Solve riddles.

Solve riddles.

They go out and arrange the pictures one by one.

Perform finger exercises.

Perform a physical exercise.

Play, listen to the task.

Perform the task on their own.

Final part

8. Bottom line classes.

Well done boys! Are you good completed all tasks, and I have prepared a surprise for you, but to find it, you have to walk to it!

Step right,

Three on left,

Five steps forward

Look around

And you will find a surprise yourself!

Find a surprise.

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Synopsis of an open lesson on legal education in the middle group "Every child has the right to a family" State institution "Lugansk preschool educational institution I / s ct No. 2" Abstract of an open lesson on legal education in middle group"Each.

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Target:the formation in children of the ability to navigate on a plane and in space.


Formation of knowledge and skills to distinguish between left and right;

Development of motor skills with the help of finger gymnastics;

Formation of a positive attitude towards joint activities (ability to work in a team).

The teacher and children enter the group in formation. The teacher reads A. Barto's verse "Drummer", and walks with the children around the group:

("Funny Pictures", 1981, No. 11)

The teacher and children stop.

Educator: Children, it seems to me that in order for us to march more fun, we need a drum. What do you think?

The children answer.

Educator: Where can we get a drum?

There is a piece of paper on the floor, the teacher draws the attention of the children to this. Then he picks up the paper.

Educator: Children, this is a note. "If you want a drum, you need to go through a winding road according to the instructions: go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight ahead." This is just what we need. You just need to know which is left and which is right. Children, you know?

The children answer.

Educator: And now I will check you. Let's play this game: if I say "right hand" you raise your right hand up, if - "left hand", then raise your left.

The teacher says which hand to raise and corrects the children who show their hands incorrectly.

Educator: No, we can't find a drum like that. We all need to know where is left and where is right. Let's learn to distinguish between left and right. Come to me, I will tie a ribbon on everyone's right hand.

Children go to the teacher.

Teacher: Now raise your right hand.

Children raise their hands.

Educator: Remember, the side on which you have the ribbon is right. On this side you have the right arm and leg, and where there is no ribbon, it is the left side, left arm and left leg.

Educator: Let's sing a song about the left and right leg. Look at me, repeat the movements and watch which hand you make the movements.

Left and right (song-exercise from the series "Finger Gymnastics" by E. Zheleznova)

Here is the left (raise your left hand back side to yourself) and right (raise your right hand with the back to you)
That's just their name (keep both hands up).
Girlfriends are inseparable
Always walk together (hit your knees with your hands imitating walking).
Both the left (raise the left hand with the back side towards you) and the right (raise the right hand with the back side towards you)
Let's go for a walk alone (hit your knees with your hands imitating walking)
Found a big puddle
And they began to jump in it (at the same time they hit their knees with both hands).
All wet cold
They barely walk (slowly hit your knees with your palms imitating walking)
Suddenly left (raise the left hand with the back side towards you) and right (raise the right hand with the back side towards you).
We met a lion.
And he opened such a mouth (depict the mouth of a lion with his hands: press the hands, the fingers of both hands should not touch each other)
And it growls so scary (then connect, then separate the fingers)
That the left (hit the left hand on the knee) runs home
And the right one (hit the knee with the right hand) runs.
They ran to the house (raise your hands above your head, depicting a roof).
Look: both are here (show both hands).
But just forgot
What are their names now (shrug).
Where is the left, where is the right
Do not disassemble by yourself (shrug shoulders, arms to the sides).
Rather look
And tell them (the teacher stretches out two hands forward and turns to the children for help)!

Children first show where their left and right hands are, then they help the teacher.

Educator: Well done! Now let's take the ribbons off our hands and play again the game we played at first: if I say "right hand" you raise your right hand up, if - "left hand", then raise your left.

The teacher says which hand to raise, then complicates the task by asking to show both the right and left leg. When all the guys stop getting confused, the teacher stops the game.

Educator: Now you can hit the road. Let's stand at the beginning of the path and read out where we should turn. I will read and you will show. “Go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight”

Children show the way.

After walking the path according to the instructions, the children with the teacher find a box with a drum.

Educator: Well done! Let's each try to play the drum, and then I'll take the drum, and you and I will march again to its sound.

The teacher and children try to play the drum. Then the teacher himself beats the drum and reads the verse A. Barto « Drummer", and walks with children in a group.


1. Funny Pictures, 1981, No. 11.

2. Series "Music with Mom" ​​Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov Five little pigs.
