Fitness for weight loss. How to get rid of excess weight

A slim body- this is not always the merit of painful diets and exhausting workouts. These "restrictions" can easily be replaced by a harmonious lifestyle, the right products and positive thinking.

Method number 1: "Slow food"

"Slow food" has long been recognized in the West and is now beginning to spread in Russia. As you know, the feeling of satiety usually comes to us 15-20 minutes after eating, so we can not always know when it is better to stop. Slow chewing of food allows you to feel full already during the meal, and thus avoid overeating. This simple technique also allows you to maintain a long feeling of satiety, promotes better digestion of food, reduces the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Method number 2: A varied diet

The same foods contribute to the growth of fat cells. The more different your menu is, the less likely you are to gain extra pounds. It is better to draw up a nutrition program for a week and buy all the necessary ingredients in advance so that you do not switch to the old scheme of monotonous products in case of emergency. You can arrange a gastronomic journey and cook dishes from a certain cuisine of the world every week.

Method number 3: No TV

In order for food to be well absorbed, do not combine eating and watching programs - even the most useful ones. Captured by the plot, we cease to control the amount of food consumed, which means that we can eat much more than we really need. If you find it difficult to control yourself, you can fool your body by replacing snacks with fruits and vegetables. Even if you eat a little more, it will not affect the figure in any way. Plus, get some vitamins!

Method number 4: High-calorie foods

One of the secrets of the harmony of French women: to allow yourself "forbidden" food. At the same time, they do not blame themselves, but eat it in small portions, perceiving it as a delicacy. Food eaten with love and pleasure will never be deposited with extra pounds. But when you start to engage in self-discipline, another piece of cake turns into a jammed problem. And it becomes a part of you, manifesting itself in the form of body fat.

Method number 5: Fast and frequent walking

Walking is always possible. Yes, yes, and do not be lazy! For example, instead of taking a bus or car, choose a walk on fresh air. You may have to leave the house earlier for this, but believe me, it's worth it. You can start with a weekend and calculate how long it takes for you to travel in order to be on time everywhere on weekdays. Start small. Let it be 6000 steps a day. Once every two days, you can increase the load by 2000 steps. So you yourself will not notice how 10,000 steps will become part of your life. The reward for this will be good color faces, toned buttocks and beautiful legs.

Ecology of life: I was losing pounds and getting new health problems. I left training and dieting and created my own method of losing weight ...

7 steps to slimness

I was losing pounds and getting new health problems. She left training and dieting and created her own method of losing weight.

One summer, I was walking past a watermelon-melon breakup and smelled melon. I was a nursing mother then and ate whatever I wanted, like a pregnant woman. Now I wanted a melon, I even bought two.

It was 800 meters to the house, very close. Overcoming this segment with two melons in hand turned out to be a real test. Together they weighed exactly 10 kilograms.

With the last of my strength, I went up to the apartment and put the bags on the floor. It was an incredible relief. My arms did not unbend, my knees trembled, I collapsed on the sofa exhausted and thought only of one thing: what a pleasure to be free extra pounds which for some reason I carried with me for so long ...

And then it dawned on me. So I carry these kilograms on me! Every day, every step. I no longer feel the load with which all my organs work. I imagined that I had been carrying these two melons for a year and how relieved I would feel if I left them. That would be great!

First try - fitness

Soon I came to one of the best fitness clubs in Moscow. I received a training plan and got down to business. I followed exactly all the recommendations of the trainer, only sometimes on the treadmill the pulse doubled sharply. In 5 months I lost 14 kilograms, but it turned out that during the classes I suffered a microinfarction and did not even notice it. I had to stop training.

Second attempt - weight loss according to the Allen Carr system

There are no squirrels in the wild overweight- you can't argue with that. I ate nuts, fruits and monitored the compatibility of products, had breakfast with grapefruit. The result was again twofold. Minus 5 kg of weight and problems with the pancreas. I recovered for a long time and was observed by a gastroenterologist.

Third attempt - therapeutic fasting

The weekend program in a fashionable sanatorium, where pop stars were losing weight, inspired confidence. On the program, I lost 3 kg over the weekend. After that, I had a hormonal failure and now I have become a frequent visitor to the endocrinologist.

The number "3" has the magical power of persuasion. I realized that my body was resisting attempts to lose weight.

I felt as if someone put me behind the wheel of an unknown car and did not give me instructions on how to drive.

I asked myself, "What's wrong?" and I realized that I did not like to restrict myself in food, or starve, or run on a treadmill. I did everything through force, and my health deteriorated. I got results, but the weight came back. From the minimum physical activity my pulse soared to 180, and the slightest attempt to restrict myself in food caused a “panic zhor”. I had to find new opportunities.

Connect body and brain?

I took as a basis the hypothesis that I could get rid of excess weight and stay in tune with own body. The task of losing weight at any cost has done enough harm to my health.

The weight continued to creep up. Now I wanted not so much to lose weight as to become more resilient and energetic.

Where can I get energy and where do I spend it? The search for answers to these questions allowed me to become slim again without diets, fitness and harm to health.

Here are seven steps to help you do just that.

1. Learn to hear yourself

When we become seriously ill, we begin to feel signals from our body. In ordinary life, we ignore them. Imagine a strange situation. You came to the store and wanted to buy a banana, and they say to you: “Better take an orange. It has fewer calories and more vitamin C. It's autumn now. You need to buy an orange." What will you feel? Why is the seller dictating to you? Say: "I myself know what I want."

This is how the body feels, which sends signals that it needs at the moment. And the brain, like a store clerk, offers new ideas.

It's even worse if it's another person's brain. Believe me, the body knows exactly what is needed and how much for a balanced diet.

2. Learn to trust

Do not waste energy on unnecessary control. Control begins where trust ends. Minimize SMS in the style of "how are you - where are you - call." Often it is behind them that the desire to control is hidden rather than participation and care. Learn to trust people and yourself more. And very soon you will rejoice in the changes.

3. Desire strongly and sincerely

Remember your real dream. Perhaps you wanted to dance incendiary latin or tango. Or rollerblading. Or ride the waves on a sailboard...

Excess weight hinders the realization of your dreams, so the desire to lose weight is haunted.

As a motivation, imagine yourself with twenty kilograms of excess weight in 20 years. “Not that!” you say. You will find opportunities to get rid of everything superfluous in your life and make a clear program.

4. Throw trash out of the house

How to fill life with sparks of joy? When you look at what pleases you, they appear in your eyes.

Let go of what doesn't make you happy. Make it a healthy habit. Don't forget to clean your email. When you have freed yourself from the physical rubbish, get rid of the emotional.

5. Forgive wrongs

For years we carry grudges, carefully hiding them from ourselves so as not to hurt ourselves. This does not benefit anyone, primarily us. Resentments create " headache” in direct and figurative sense. You can get rid of this burden. Forgive everyone at once. The words “sorry” and “just” have a common root.

6. Subdue your "inner critic"

We are very fond of physical body detox programs, but we rarely notice how we poison ourselves every minute with toxic thoughts, including the "inner critic" mode. We remember our school teachers and notebooks with red pen corrections. We do not give ourselves the right to make a mistake, but we make mistakes and every time out of habit we blame ourselves.

Notice your achievements, victories, successes. Big and small.

7. Be present

Every situation has two sides: external events and your reaction to these events. It makes no sense for the universe to create a situation just to frighten you, offend you, or accuse you of a mistake. The goal of all life on Earth is to grow, develop and be happy.

It remains only to understand what needs to be done right now. Only one step to grow, develop and be happy.


Shift your focus from calorie balance to energy balance.

Get rid of negative experiences and find new sources of energy:

  • Inspiration when you dream;
  • Courage when you get rid of fears;
  • Strength when you forgive insults.

When they saw the goal, there is no point in forcing events. Reach it and sweep away everything in its path, and at this time miss something valuable. It is important to regularly, every minute to do everything that is required at the moment. Even in overcoming obstacles, you will see new opportunities.

Your body will help you - the only means of transportation on the way to your dream.

Fitness is called a complex physical training and nutrition aimed at body shaping. Fitness is health, vitality, beauty and excellent physical form. You can lose weight with the help of fitness, pump up muscles and shape beautiful figure and also improve health. There are various fitness training programs that allow you to solve various problems - weight loss, body shaping with fitness, set muscle mass, strengthening muscles and joints. Fitness combines perfectly different types physical activity is both cardio and strength exercises and stretching exercises. A set of fitness exercises is compiled in such a way as to fully and comprehensively cover all muscle groups and give all types of loads on each of them. There are also sets of fitness exercises aimed at working out some specific muscle groups or burning adipose tissue. Body shaping in fitness is combined with the creation of a beautiful muscle relief body, so losing weight with fitness is not at all difficult.

Basic fitness rules

If you decide to lose weight and improve your figure with the help of fitness, remember a few simple rules.

Rule 1. Regular training. Do not let yourself be lazy, because if you want to lose weight with fitness, then only regular exercises will give you the desired result.

Rule 2 A complex approach. Don't focus on exercising any one muscle group or just doing cardio exercises. Work on the whole body in a complex way.

Rule 3. Proper nutrition. Fitness nutrition is the rejection of sweets (in excessive quantities), fatty, unhealthy and unnatural foods (for example, convenience foods, fast food), alcohol restriction, smoking cessation. To lose weight with fitness, you should eat a balanced and rational diet., do not overeat, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, be sure to eat cereals, eat fish, poultry, meat, as well as nuts, dried fruits and dairy products.

Rule 4. Fitness is a way of life. Fitness is not a diet that is followed for a couple of months. If you have chosen fitness, then you have chosen active, healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition, sports, beauty and health.

By following these simple fitness rules, it will not be difficult for you to lose weight, pump up muscles and create a beautiful body for yourself.

Body shaping and fitness

How to lose weight and tone muscles with the help of fitness? To do this, you need: proper nutrition, cardio loads to burn fat cells and strength exercises to form beautiful muscles.

Fitness training programs take all this into account, so they are always made up of several parts. The first part of any fitness training program is cardio. These can be exercises such as running, jumping, dancing, swimming, cycling or an exercise bike. After 15-20 minutes of warm-up and cardio load, you can proceed to the implementation of a set of fitness exercises. It is better to train on different days different groups muscles, for example, on Monday - the press and back; on Wednesday - legs, hips and buttocks; on Friday - arms, shoulders, back. So you can work out the necessary muscles with high quality, and before the next workout, they will already have time to recover.

Body shaping with fitness happens gradually, you will notice the first results in about a month - body fat will decrease, the silhouette of the body will become more toned. But the weight, most likely, will remain at the same level - after all, your adipose tissue begins to be replaced by muscle, therefore, despite the decrease in body volume, the weight will not change. But after a couple of months of fitness, losing 5-6 kg is quite easy.

Those who want to lose weight with the help of fitness should be patient and persistent., your result will not be fast, but it will be stable - the lost kilograms will not return, and the muscles will continue to be in good shape. A lot of people who have tried various diets in the fight against excess weight eventually settled on fitness, which turned out to be much more effective in losing weight. Reviews about fitness for weight loss are mostly positive - if you do everything right, you lose weight and form a beautiful toned body.

Body shaping with fitness is not only hard work, but also a very pleasant experience, because after training you feel cheerful, you have a great mood due to the release of hormones that improve your mood, and the reflection in the mirror becomes a daily reason for pride and an additional motivational factor - you see how you change for the better.

Sample weekly fitness program

These sets of fitness exercises are aimed at working out individual muscle groups and reducing the thickness of the fat layer. They can be interchanged. If your main goal in fitness is to lose weight, stop using weights in exercises and increase the duration of cardio exercises.


  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Exercises for the legs, hips, buttocks (squats, lunges, swings, leg raises, leg abductions) - 30 minutes.
  3. Leg stretch (twine, rope, knee stretch, inside hips, back side hips) - 10 minutes.
  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Abs and back exercises (twisting, side bends, leg raises from a prone position, planks, sit-ups, leg and core raises from a prone position, bridge) - 30 minutes.
  3. Stretching (backbends to stretch the abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, lower back muscles) - 10 minutes;
  4. Hoop - 5 minutes.
  1. Warm up - 5 minutes.
  2. Exercises for arms, shoulders, back (push-ups, dumbbell press, arm swings, static exercises, such as plank, standing on hands with support on the wall) - 30 minutes.
  3. Stretching (stretching the muscles of the arms, correct breathing), acrobatics (stability on the bridge, somersaults, headstand, handstand) - 5 minutes.

Be sure to drink plenty of water while exercising - a dehydrated body is unable to actively work, and if you do not provide your body with water, no fitness will help you lose weight or build muscle, you will only get tired. Eat complex carbohydrates 1-2 hours before training - they will give you strength during training. After your workout, eat an apple, banana or pear to restore energy, and 30 minutes after your workout, drink a glass of yogurt to make up for the need for proteins that will go to repair and strengthen your muscles.

Most people start walking Gym to get rid of extra pounds and get a beautiful figure. But when training doesn't bring desired result, disappointment sets in. Newly minted fitness enthusiasts, trying to justify their failures, assure that exercising in the gym does not help to lose weight, because "mass growth begins." This and other myths prevent beginners from reaching their goal and admiring their toned body. How to train properly to lose weight and improve health?

Coaches give 10 life hacks to beginner athletes that will make training effective and help you lose weight.

Coaches note a common mistake of beginners - they practice too often. Daily workouts do not allow the muscles to recover. Instructors advise to do days of complete rest, otherwise the result from going to the gym will be minimal.

To lose weight, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week. But during classes, it is necessary to force the body to actively work.

This is interesting!

Scientists from the University of Alabama conducted an interesting experiment. They divided women who wanted to lose weight into two groups. The subjects from the first group were engaged daily, and from the second - 4 times a week. Women from the second group lost weight 1.5 times faster than their competitors.

Fat burns slowly

Isolated exercises on specific group muscles will not give the desired effect. To observe stable weight loss, you need to train for at least 40 minutes, giving the body aerobic exercise. At this time, at least 23% of the muscles from total weight. If the whole body works during training, fat will be burned much faster. Loads should be light, but long.

The body's usual "fuel" is carbohydrates, and only when they are deficient does it begin to use fat reserves. To enhance the process of fat burning, you need to adjust the diet. Avoid high-calorie foods, especially a few hours before and after your workout.

Expert advice:

Losing weight by constantly overeating will not work. Eat 4-6 times a day, but the portions should be small. Choose the diet that's right for you.

Cardio after strength training

60% of the time allotted for training, give cardio loads. If you want to lose weight, do cardio after power load. During resistance exercise, carbohydrates are mainly used. Therefore, when you move on to cardio, fat stores will be burned.

Watch the load during continuous movement. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to give all your best, but monitor your pulse - it should be within the fat burning zone (50-65% of the upper value). The calculations are simple: you need to subtract your age from 220 - this is the limit.

For weight loss, interval training is recommended: exercise for a minute in an intensive mode, and then for 1-2 minutes at a more relaxed pace. You can increase the time intense training and cut back on the recovery pace.

Expert advice:

If you don't have time to go to the gym, do an express workout. Pick a few multi-joint exercises and "drive" them in a circle several times in a high intensity mode.

Load all muscle groups

Include exercises in your training program that involve maximum amount muscles. The higher the load, the stronger the blood circulates, respectively, the fat “melts” more actively.

Squats burn more calories than exercise on the mat, as they engage the muscles of the buttocks and thighs at the same time. Running is more effective than an exercise bike or walking - it works during training shoulder girdle.

Always make sure your back is straight! beautiful posture motivates you to draw in your stomach and spend an extra “minute of sports”.

Is stability always a sign of mastery?

If you always perform the same set of exercises, you can forget about a good result. Muscles get used to the monotonous load and stop responding to it. To return the "muscle response", you need to urgently take action.

First of all, it is important to regularly increase the load, increase the number of approaches. The body should not get used to the elements of the workout, otherwise calories will be burned very slowly. The trainer will help you choose the optimal load and write out a training plan.

Expert advice:

A series of fitness mistakes can kill the desire to exercise. Don't give up, even if you have to start over!

Should there be muscle pain?

After training, the muscles should be felt, but debilitating pain is an alarming symptom. If the muscles ache for more than two days, it is worth reducing the load. This indicates that they do not have time to recover, resulting in chronic fatigue, irritability, the desire to train disappears.

To make progress, you need to give the body a rest, and then concentrate on restorative exercises.

Efforts will be most fruitful if you find your training program. Otherwise, in the classroom, you will simply lose time and not one iota get closer to your cherished goal.

Professionals advise to always keep your fitness goals in mind. Then you will quickly achieve the desired result and be proud of your slim and fit figure.

Expert advice:

Give Special attention exercise technique is the key good result.

A mentor will help you get great results

Self-organization is, of course, good. But sometimes it takes a lot of motivation to achieve a goal. You can train with a friend and place a bet - demonstrate a certain result within a set time limit.

Share your intermediate successes, support each other. Encouraging comments are the best motivation.

Enjoy your workout!

If classes in the gym are accompanied by constant stress, the body begins to accumulate fat for a rainy day. Take a few days off and try to revise your schedule.

Reschedule your workouts or diversify your program. You may be pushing yourself too hard and your body is resisting the extra stress. The process of losing weight will be much more active if you enjoy exercising.

After the sauna, metabolic products are removed, subsides muscle pain, "evaporates" excess fluid from the body. As a result, cellulite becomes less noticeable, body volumes decrease.

You can go to the sauna 2-3 times a day, the temperature should be up to 60 degrees. In this case, it is useful to drink herbal teas or mineral water.

Many things that have been gathering dust in the far corners of the apartment for a long time can be used for training. The main thing is your desire!

yoga mat

If you have this item, it means that you were once fond of yoga. It's time to get back to what you once loved! Start with a few basic poses, then move on to more complex ones. By doing yoga, you rebuild your body to a normal mode of operation, which means that in the end you can even lose weight!

sports balls

No one to play ball with? Take care of yourself! Lying on your back, hold the ball with your feet. Raise straight legs with it and return to initial position. Repeat 10 times. This is a great exercise for the press.

And this exercise will make your legs slim. Stand up straight with your feet together. Take the ball in your hands and lift it over your head. Take a wide step with your left foot to the left, while squatting on right leg. Tilt your hands with the ball to the left, tilt your body after them. Return to starting position. Take a step to the right, crouching on your left leg, lean after the ball to the right as well. Take your time. Repeat 8 times on each side.


To get the result from roller skating, you need to train from 30 to 60 minutes. But can this entertainment be called training?! Rollerblading develops your glutes, thighs, ankles, and calves. Since an aerobic load is applied to the body, you can not worry about a pumped body. Long skating at an intense pace is great for burning fat!


Whether your dumbbells are heavy or light, you can use them for your workouts. There are about two hundred various exercises that can be done with dumbbells. In order for dumbbell training to be aimed specifically at burning fat, take dumbbells of a small weight - such that you can work with them in fast pace. But for the study of individual problem areas(for example, when you need to tighten sagging buttocks or breasts) use more heavy dumbbells- those with which you can do no more than 6-15 repetitions of one exercise.


Riding can burn up to 500 calories per hour. But that's just one of the reasons to pedal. During a bike ride, the muscles of the legs are strengthened and their endurance increases, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves. In addition, a large amount of fat is burned, fat deposits in the thigh area are reduced. In this case, bicycle rides should become regular and last at least 45 minutes.

Tennis racquet

Usually, tennis is a game of two or four people. But if you want, you can train alone. All you need is to find a wall. Such classes will allow you to always stay in good sportswear. Your muscles will be in good shape if you actively fight with an imaginary opponent. It will not take more than 15-20 minutes a day, and the result will be noticeable very soon.

Hula Hup

One week of regular hula hooping helps to reduce waist circumference by one centimeter or more. However, hula hoop exercises allow you to train not only the waist, but also other muscles of the lower half of the body (buttocks, hips, legs), as well as shoulders, arms, and back. With everyday activities, you need to gradually increase the intensity. Choose rhythmic music for this, then the mood will be on top!

jump rope

Jumping rope may seem like child's play, but boxers claim that the best simulator can not found! And all because jumping over the rope, the whole body works. Scientists have calculated that 10 minutes of jump rope exercise has a cardiovascular and respiratory system the same effect as 12 minutes of swimming, 2 sets of tennis or a 3 km run. Therefore, it can be called an excellent cardio workout.

And it's also perfect morning exercises. You can also burn more calories by jumping than by cycling, dancing and swimming. Jumping with a rope crossing is especially effective in burning fat. If you practice regularly for 20-30 minutes a day, then you can achieve what you want pretty soon, because for short workout really burn 250-350 kcal.
