What are local exercises. Types and classifications of exercises

Lecture 1

Physiological classification of exercise


1. Physiological classification of exercise

2. General physiological classification of exercise

2.1. Local, Regional and Global Exercises

2.2. Static and dynamic exercises

2.3. Strength, speed-strength exercises and endurance exercises

3. Energy characteristics of physical exercises

4. Physiological classification of sports exercises

4.1 Classification of cyclic exercises

4.2 Classification of acyclic exercises

Introduction to the subject.

Sports physiology is the second part of the physiology course studied at the institutes of physical culture. The main content of this course is the physiology of human muscular activity, a particular case of which is sports activity. In the course of sports physiology, two central issues can be distinguished - the physiological characteristics of various types of sports, activities and the physiological mechanisms of adaptation of the body during sports training.

WITH Portal activity is associated, as a rule, with the limiting or almost limiting stress of the leading physiological systems that ensure its implementation. The main task of sports physiology is to give a quantitative characteristic of the physiological reactions of individual systems and the whole organism for different types sports activities.

V of his daily activities - in everyday life, at work, during physical culture and sports - a person performs a wide variety of motor actions: ) is an exercise.

V competitive sports exercise, the set of motor actions (movements) is aimed at achieving the maximum possible sports result (examples sports exercise: high jump, javelin throw, shooting, sports game, running or swimming distance).

O the huge number of physical, including sports, exercises necessitates their classification. Physiological classification groups physical exercises with similar functional characteristics. On the one hand, these are such exercises, for the successful implementation of which, to a certain extent, similar modes, means and methods of physical education (sports training) can be used. On the other hand, physical exercises are combined into one group, which can be equally used in the system of physical education ( sports training) to increase the functional capabilities of the same physiological organs, systems and mechanisms, and, consequently, the same physical quality. So, the possibilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which determine the level of endurance development to the greatest extent, can be successfully increased when using different physical exercises of the same group: long running, cycling, swimming, cross-country skiing.

N The most general physiological classification of physical exercise can be carried out on the basis of identifying three main characteristics of muscle activity:

1 ) the volume of active muscle mass;

2 ) type of muscle contractions(static or dynamic);

3 ) the strength or power of contractions.

2.1. Local, Regional and Global Exercises

V Depending on the volume of active muscle mass, all physical exercises are classified into: local, regional and global.

TO local exercises include exercises in the implementation of which less than 1/3 of the entire muscle mass of the body is involved (archery, pistol, certain gymnastic exercises).

TO regional exercises include exercises in the implementation of which approximately 1/3 to 1/4 of the entire muscle mass of the body takes part (gymnastic exercises performed only by the muscles of the arms and girdle of the upper extremities, muscles of the trunk, etc.).

G Lobal exercises are called exercises in the implementation of which more than 1/2 of the total muscle mass of the body takes an active part (running, rowing, cycling, etc.). The vast majority of sports exercises are global.

2.2. Static and dynamic exercises

V in accordance with the type of contraction of the main muscles performing this exercise, all physical exercises can be divided respectively into static and dynamic.

TO Static exercises include, for example, maintaining a fixed posture while holding a handstand (for gymnasts), at the time of a shot (for a shooter).

B Most physical exercise is dynamic. These are all types of locomotion: walking, running, swimming, etc.

2.3. Strength, speed-strength exercises and endurance exercises

At classification of physical exercises according to the strength of contraction of the leading muscle groups, two dependencies should be taken into account: "strength - speed" and "strength - duration" of muscle contraction.

V in accordance with the relationship "force - speed" (Fig. 1) with dynamic contraction, the displayed force is inversely proportional to the speed of muscle shortening (the speed of movement of the moving link of the body): the greater this speed, the less the displayed force. Another, the formulation of this dependence: the greater the external load (resistance, weight), the lower the speed of shortening (movement) and the greater the force shown, and vice versa, the lower the external load, the higher the speed of movement and less muscle force. The product of force by the speed of muscle contraction determines its power (see Fig. 1).

Z The dependence "strength - duration" of muscle contractions is expressed in the fact that the greater the strength (or power) of muscle contractions, the shorter their maximum duration. This is true for both local and regional static and dynamic work (Figure 2) and global work (Figure 3).

By By the strength and power of muscle contractions and the associated maximum duration of work, all physical exercises can be divided into three groups: strength, speed-strength (power) and endurance.

WITH Silt exercises can be considered exercises with maximum or almost maximum tension of the main muscles, which they exhibit in a static or dynamic mode at low speed - movement (with high external resistance, weight). In fig. 1 strength exercises the left part of the force-speed curve corresponds. The maximum duration of exercises with the maximum manifestation of strength is calculated in a few seconds. Strength is the main motor quality that determines the success of strength exercises fulfillment.

WITH Cortex-strength (power) are dynamic exercises in which the leading muscles simultaneously exhibit relatively large strength and speed of contraction, i.e., great power. The maximum power of muscle contraction is achieved under conditions of maximum muscle activation at a shortening rate of about 30% of the maximum for an unloaded muscle. On the "strength - speed" curve, speed-strength exercises occupy the middle position - up to 50-60% of maximum speed(see fig. 1). Muscles develop their maximum power with external resistance (load), which is 30-50% of their maximum (static) force. The limiting duration of exercise with a high power of muscle contractions is in the range from 3-5 s to 1-2 minutes - inversely depending on the power of muscle contractions (load). Power plays crucial role in speed-strength exercises.

Have endurance exercises are such exercises, during which the leading muscles do not develop very large in strength and speed of contraction, but are able to maintain or repeat them for a long time - from several minutes to many hours (inversely depending on the strength or power of muscle contractions) ... Endurance is leading physical quality for the exercises of this group.

NS the energetic value is the most important characteristic of the exercise. To determine the energy value of physical exercise, two indicators are used: energy power and gross (total) energy consumption.

NS energetic power is the amount of energy consumed on average per unit of time while performing of this exercise... It is usually measured in physical units: watts, kcal / min, kilojoules per minute, and also in "physiological":

with the rate of consumption of O2 (ml O2 / min) or in MET, ah (metabolic equivalent), i.e. the amount of O2 consumed in 1 min - per 1 kg of body weight in conditions of complete rest lying. 1 MET equals 3.5 ml O2 / kg min).

V Red (total) energy expenditure is the amount of energy expended during the entire exercise as a whole. Gross energy expenditure (total energy value of an exercise) can be defined as the product of the average energy output by the duration of the exercise.

At running, the gross energy consumption for overcoming the same distance within certain limits does not depend on the speed of movement. The fact is that with an increase in speed (energy power), the time to overcome a given distance decreases, and with a decrease in speed, on the contrary, it increases, so that the product of energy power and time, i.e., the total energy consumption, remains unchanged. The total energy cost of overcoming the same distance is higher when running than when walking (up to a speed of about 8 km / h): for each kilometer of distance when walking, an average of 0.72 kcal / kg of body weight in women and 0.68 kcal is consumed / kg body weight in men, and when running, respectively, 1.08 and 0.98 kcal / kg body weight.

By In terms of energy capacity, physical exercise is usually divided into light, moderate (medium), heavy and very heavy (Table 1).

Table 1. Classification of physical exercises by energy expenditure (kcal / min) in men and women of different ages.

Gender and age


moderate (average)

very heavy

At In assessing the severity of an exercise in terms of energy indicators, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: the nature of the work performed (static or dynamic), the volume of active muscle mass (local, regional or global exercise), body size or weight, age, gender and degree of fitness (physical fitness) the person performing this exercise, the external conditions for performing this exercise.

T So, if very hard local work is performed, which can last only a few tens of seconds, the rate of energy expenditure of the body does not exceed 1.2 kcal / min (Table 2). The same rate of energy expenditure is typical for regional work of medium (moderate) severity, which can be performed for many tens of minutes, and for global, but very light work (extremely slow walking on flat terrain), which lasts for many days in a row. Very hard global work for women aged 50-59 years with an energy consumption of more than 5.5 kcal / min, which can last only tens of seconds, is moderate for men 20-29 years old and can be done by them for several hours (see Table . 1).

Table 2. Classification of the severity of local, regional and global exercises by energy expenditure (kcal / min)

O Especially large differences in the energy assessment of exercise severity exist between untrained people and highly trained athletes. The latter are able to carry out loads with such energy costs that are inaccessible to untrained people. In athletes in the vast majority of sports, the severity of physical exercises in terms of energy (and other) indicators exceeds heavy or even very heavy loads for untrained people and is inaccessible for the latter (Table 3).

Table 3. Energy cost of various types of physical culture and sports activity (according to E.M. Berkovich, N.V. Zimkin, N.I. Volkov, etc.)

Kind of activity

Energy cost (kcal / min)

Rest: lying down

18 km / h (5.0 m / s) **

23 km / h (6.3 m / s) ***

26 km / h (7.2 m / s) ****

32 km / h (8.8 m / s) *****


roll 0.9 m / s

on the back 0.6 m / s

breaststroke 0.8 m / s

Skiing 13 km / h

Ice skating

A ride on the bicycle

more than 30 km / h


flexion of the trunk

turns on the crossbar,

Volleyball (entertainment)


Sport games

(football, basketball, handball)

* Corresponds to jogging speed. ** Corresponds to the speed of a marathon with a result of 2 hours. 20 minutes. *** Corresponds to a running speed of 10,000 meters with a result of about 28 minutes. **** Corresponds to a running speed of 1500 m with a result of about 3 minutes 40 seconds. ***** Corresponds to a running speed of 400 m with a result of 45 s.

WITH From a physiological point of view, the severity of one and the same physical exercise varies greatly depending on the conditions of its performance (for example, in the mountains or at elevated temperatures and humidity), although its energy value remains almost or completely the same as in normal conditions.

T Thus, the assessment of the severity of the exercise based on energy criteria alone is insufficient. Therefore, many classifications of physical exercises, along with energy characteristics (referred to weight or body surface), also take into account a number of other physiological indicators (Table 4): the rate of O2 consumption, heart rate (HR), pulmonary ventilation (PV), body temperature, respiratory coefficient - (DC), the content of lactic acid in the blood, etc.

Table 4. Classification physical work according to energy and physiological indicators (according to data from untrained men)

The severity of the work

Energy power

Physiological indicators

Activity (working time limit)

kcal / min *


VO2 ***, l / min

Heart rate, beats / min

Rectal temperature

Blood lactate, mg%

Easy job:


Indefinitely long


Regular work activity (up to 8 hours per day)

Average Job: Optimal

Intensive labor activity (8 hours a day for several weeks - seasonal work)

Hard work: strenuous

Physical education (1 - 2 hours a day, 3 times a week)

Very hard work:


Intense workout (up to 1-2 hours per day)


Competitive exercise (several minutes)

    1 kcal / min = 426.85 kgm / min = 69.767 Watt = 4.186 kJ / min. ** 1 MET = 3.5 ml, O2 / kg * min - 0.0175 kcal / kg = 0.0732 KJ / kg. *** 1 liter of O2 consumption = -5.05 kcal = 21.237 kJ

Five months passed like one week. Actually my 25 years passed with the same speed. 150 days have passed and our "baby" has grown by 7 kg, from 79 kg to 86 kg. In this he was greatly helped by multi-joint exercises. Remember our old friend Yuri, who came to the gym on July 10, 2013. There our acquaintance happened,

How to gain 7 kg

Gain 7 kg of weight? A lot of people can throw up their hand and say nonsense. They can be recruited in a month and I agree. You can increase your sides with the belly by increasing fat in 2 weeks. Or go all out and get hooked on steroids. And in chemistry, you don't need a lot of mind, (to gain weight) you can at least kill your forehead against the wall and cover me with obscenities, artificial testosterone, carried by blood through muscle tissues with cells, is doing its job right, increasing their volume with minimal effort on your part ... But my story is not about chemistry and not about lard.

Basic multi-joint exercises

From the very first weeks, I speak for real working weeks, when Yuri passed the test first three to four weeks, strengthening his ligaments, joints and balancing the muscles with simple single-joint exercises on simulators, he almost completely switched to multi-joint exercises with free weights... This includes barbell squats, deadlift, bench press, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups on the uneven bars, pull of the bar in an incline to the belt and a couple more exercises performed by him on simulators.

He did not do any biceps, triceps, mountains of unnecessary exercises that took away strength and time. And if something from this series slipped, then no more than 10% of the entire training was given to these things.

Correctly structured workouts, multiplied by Yuri's persistence, are not in vain. Is growing muscle mass, power indicators increase. For the last workout, our friend squatted with a weight of 95 kg. Sting 75 kg and pulled 70 kg to the belt. If you knew with what weights he started his training, then now, you would burst into tears of happiness and be proud of his achievements.

Free weight training


Row of the bar in an incline to the belt:

Bench press lying:

The workout was pretty tough and stressful. It is often not necessary to get carried away with such complexes. But for a change, once every one and a half - two months, you can arrange for yourself such penetrations, working through the whole body.

The continuation of this story will be in a couple of three months, I really hope and believe in Yuri's perseverance. I would like to write a post in which to boast of his new results, with a working squat of 100 and presses in the region of 90 kg. Fingers crossed and wish sporting success to our friend!

Best regards, Alexey Dinulov

Bodyweight training is often controversial among professionals about the effectiveness of such training. Many argue that such training does not provide good result due to the lack of sufficient weight. But for those who begin to exercise with their own weight, it is necessary to remember that such training will give excellent results in improving strength and partly mass indicators, subject to the following conditions:

  • regular training and repetition of selected techniques;
  • optimal load distribution and regular rest;
  • an increase in load over time (not working weight, but repetitions and approaches).

Subject to all conditions, bodyweight training will undoubtedly give positive result... But, unlike exercises with weights, this result will be limited.

Bodyweight exercises at home: all the pros and cons

Your bodyweight training program may vary depending on your goals. For gaining mass, multiple repetitions and slight weighting are not suitable, but for the formation of a beautiful relief and increase in strength indicators, you can successfully use training with your own weight. If the goal is to lose weight, then it is best to opt for the Tabata style. The workout is intense enough, but not always suitable for obese people.

The benefits of bodyweight training are as follows:

  • no need for initial stages spend on sports equipment;
  • training area - your home or sports field;
  • the training program can be modified, supplemented various exercises with varying degrees of intensity;
  • several muscle groups are involved at once;
  • posture correction and restoration of impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  • not suitable for obese people;
  • does not allow you to gain weight;
  • to develop your performance further, you will need to purchase dumbbells or a barbell.

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises: why are they effective?

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises are the most effective method working out several muscle groups at once. Such techniques are often called basic techniques, which are mandatory for most athletes. Regular workouts with execution polyarticular exercises allow you to quickly gain weight, remove excess fat and make a beautiful relief.

For those who study at home and do not have the opportunity to purchase sport equipment, classes with their own weight are perfect. Push-ups, pull-ups and squats are considered classics. To diversify the set, add upside-down lifts, Australian pull-ups to it.

A set of bodyweight exercises for men - the most effective techniques

To achieve certain indicators, it is necessary not only to correctly select the exercises, but also the density of training. The best option is the alternation of several exercises with a small number of repetitions in several approaches. For example, you need to do 20 squats and 20 push-ups - do 5 push-ups and after 5 squats, and so 4 sets. Such supersets perfectly develop several muscle bundles at once.

The list below contains best exercises with their own weight, which give the body the maximum load and force large and small muscle groups to work at once:

  • burpee or burpee. To increase the effectiveness of this exercise, try to get your feet up to an object fixed at a certain height during the jump. You can also diversify the exercise by introducing pull-ups;
  • bar - a straight bar is suitable for beginners, a side bar for a more advanced level;
  • stepping up a hill and squatting on one leg - great exercise for legs with their own weight;
  • jumping rope, normal running and other cyclic exercises that can be used to fill the pauses between workouts to strengthen blood vessels, heart and increase endurance;
  • leg raises to the crossbar with a delay of a few seconds;
  • handstand and push-ups in this position are an exercise with an increased level of difficulty, suitable for well-trained athletes;
  • as cardioelements, you can do interval and shuttle jogging;
  • push-ups with legs on a bench with a narrow arrangement of arms - load on the shoulders and back;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars and bench press Indian;
  • stretching - required element training with your weight both for training in the gym and at home.

An important point: since the exercises are easy enough, the training should be

The effectiveness of bodyweight training is controversial and doubtful for many professional athletes. There is an opinion that exercises without additional weights do not give an excellent result. However, for those new to sports functional training ideal for improving strength performance and increasing muscle mass.

Pros and cons of bodyweight exercise

If your goal is to improve your body contour, then a bodyweight exercise program is right for you. But for a set of muscles, training with a large number of repetitions without weights is not suitable at all. Sports professionals often advise the Tabata exercise complex. This functional training fights well against overweight... However, for obese people, such training can be dangerous. It is better to seek the advice of a doctor first in this case.

Benefits of functional training:

  1. There is no need to spend on sports equipment in the early stages of sports.
  2. You can train at home or on the sports ground.
  3. You can customize the training program by changing or adding exercises.
  4. Correction of problems of the musculoskeletal system and posture disorders.
  5. Performing multi-joint exercises, several muscle groups are trained simultaneously.

There are also disadvantages to such workouts:

  1. Not suitable for people who are overweight.
  2. It is impossible to gain large muscle mass.
  3. In the future, there will be a need to purchase sports equipment for effective training.

When exercising without equipment, observe correct breathing and exercise technique.

The main principle of the respiratory system during exercise physical activity is the exhalation of air with tension and inhalation - at the easy stage of the exercise. Not adhering to the execution technique, you will not only fail to achieve the desired result, but also, possibly, injure yourself. Before you start, watch the videos sports activities and evaluate the technical composition of the exercises. Also, during the first lessons, stand in front of a mirror. This will help track your mistakes and technique.

There is no need to rush when doing the workout, do all the positions of the program slowly. Do not make long stops before repetitions or between sets; during exercises, try to maximize the load on the muscle group on which you are approaching. Put in the effort and get the most out of your workout.

At the end of each workout, be sure to devote 15-20 minutes to cardio loads. If you are a beginner, then do the first lessons at an average pace. No need to exercise at a frenzied pace, better keep correct breathing and do cardio for longer. Ideal for this interval running or climbing stairs.

The effectiveness of multi-joint exercises

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises are a great solution for those who want to lose weight in a short time. excess weight or to give a relief to the body. A large number of exercises are related to basic techniques they are mandatory for most athletes. If you do this workout systematically, your strength indicators will grow more intensively.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, then training without equipment is perfect. TO basic training relate following exercises: push-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, etc. If it is difficult to perform, for example, push-ups, you can find an analogy in an easier form. Combine basic with additional exercises, try to pay attention to all muscle groups during training, namely: muscle groups legs, chest, back and arms.

Block related articles

Bodyweight Workout Program for Men: Effective Techniques

Requirements for beginners:

  • regular training and repeated exercise;
  • optimized loads and systematic rest;
  • an increase in the number of approaches and repetitions for a quality load.

To improve the quality of the body professional athletes recommend not only to choose good training positions, but also to follow the rhythm of the classes. It is recommended to train with a large number of repetitions, for example, in one lesson, perform: 30 squats (10 repetitions in 3 sets); 18 push-ups (6 reps in 3 sets). Do the other exercises in the same way.

  1. Burpee, to increase the intensity, try to jump higher each time. (10-12 times in three sets).
  2. Plank, there are many variations of the exercise. Beginners should start with the 20 second bar, gradually increasing the time to 60 seconds.
  3. Raising the legs to the crossbar with a delay at the highest point. (15 times in three approaches).
  4. Push-ups on a bench with a narrow position of the arms will perfectly pump the muscles of the back and shoulders. (12-15 times in three trips).
  5. Dips on the uneven bars. (8-10 reps per leg).
  6. Slow crunches will help bring the abs into shape, pay attention to breathing as you perform. Do about 30 reps per workout.
  7. Stepping up a hill: 30 times on each leg.
  8. Raising the legs from a prone position. (12-15 times in 3 sets).
  9. Lunges, in a confined space, can be performed in place, 30 reps per leg.

Be sure to observe pauses between classes, give your muscles time to rest. In untrained people muscular system recover slowly; after training, do a small stretch, and warm up for 10 minutes before class.

The name itself speaks for itself. These are exercises in which several joints are involved, several muscle groups are worked out. Multi-joint exercises are considered to be most suitable for athletes of all levels.

Regular performance of basic multi-joint exercises brings positive results quickly enough. Also, they are called basic. That is, the main ones to perform (often mandatory). Follow-up training is built around them.

Basic exercises

These include the bench press, deadlift, and barbell squats. Performing basic multi-joint exercises involves not one muscle, but several, which is why they are considered the most popular and effective. Basic exercises done at the beginning of the workout.

You can do each of the above, the effect of this will only be higher. But still, it is recommended to perform it depending on the muscle group being worked out.
If the work will take place over pectoral muscles, you need to start with the bench press. If the goal is to work with the legs - squats with a barbell. Well, in the case of working out the back muscles - deadlift. The number of repetitions should fall within the range of 8 to 12. The number of approaches should be from 3 to 4.

Multi-joint exercises with free weights allow the athlete to diversify the workout. Also build an approach in some non-standard way. Performing multi-joint exercises with free weights allows you to increase your strength indicators. That is, there is no need to be attached to any specific weight, and to work with it constantly.

Performing them, you need to carefully monitor the technique. Because several groups of muscles and joints work at once, the risk of injury increases significantly.
Working weight is your body weight. Accordingly, there is no need to work on simulators. All you need is a horizontal bar, parallel bars. Pull-ups and push-ups are considered classics, respectively. But you can use other multi-joint bodyweight exercises. For example, on a horizontal bar, perform an overturn lift. The muscles of the arms, abs and partially legs are involved here.

Exercises with their own weight are favorably distinguished by the fact that the risk of injury is practically minimal, in contrast to working in a gym with large weights.

Multi-joint exercises at home

Not everyone has the opportunity to study in sports hall or on the street. Many people work on themselves at home. V home workout absolutely nothing complicated. It is enough to carry out the following list: push-ups from the floor, squats, lunges forward or backward. But at your discretion, you can add other multi-joint exercises at home. The entire lesson should be 15 to 25 minutes long. Plus 5 - 10 minutes to warm up. Thus, half an hour of loads, and you will stay in shape. The main thing is to practice regularly.

To gain quality mass, multi-joint exercises are great. Suffice the three of the above basic: bench press, squat with a barbell and deadlift. Focusing on them, and correctly determining the required weight, you can quickly and efficiently gain muscle mass.

In order to build muscle, do not combine aerobic exercise with power. In this case, your muscles will become smaller. By focusing on the base, you will be able to achieve the best results.

Also, do not forget about a good warm-up. Because multi-joint exercises for building mass are the most traumatic.

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