Evander holyfield fight statistics. Biography

An exclusive article on the nutritional and training methods of the great boxer Evander Holyfield during his transition to heavyweight for the fight with Mike Tyson.

When he became the undisputed world champion in the first heavy weight, the question arose about the transition to heavy weight. Evander has never been a natural heavyweight. He hired a whole team of specialists who were supposed to turn it into a natural heavyweight. It included: orthopedic surgeon - Richard Calvo; ballet specialist - Mary Kenneth; known " Doctor squat"Fitness Specialist - Fred Hatfield; Fitness Instructor and Nutritionist - Tim Hellmark; Eight-Time Title Winner" Mr. Olympia"- Lee Haney. Holyfield was ahead of his time. He became one of the best representatives." royal"the division in the entire history of boxing.

Diet: Evander's height is 189 centimeters, quite adequate for a heavy weight, but his bones were relatively thin. He was not inclined to type muscle mass... In the fight for the title of undisputed world champion against Carlos De Leon on April 9, 1988, Evander weighed 190 pounds ( 86 kilograms). In three months of grueling work with a team of specialists, he began to weigh 202 pounds ( 91.5 kilograms) (duel against James Tillis, July 16, 1988). In the next fight against Pinklon Thomas, on December 9, 1988, Evander weighed already 210 pounds ( 95 kilograms). 9 kilograms of pure muscle mass in six months, without loss of speed and functional qualities of a boxer. Such a result would not have been possible without a special diet. Tim Hellmark was responsible for feeding Evander.

During the preparation period, Holyfield had breakfast twice. Before and after the obligatory morning run. It was a meal high in protein and carbohydrates: an egg omelet ( 7-8 pieces) and oatmeal. After morning workout breakfast was repeated. Then Evander underwent mandatory procedures with Dr. Richard Calvo.

Lunch took place before the main part of the training. It consisted of beef steak and a wide variety of different vegetables in the form of salad or slices. The only thing Holyfield hasn't been limited to is vegetable consumption.

After the main part of his workout, Holyfield had his fourth writing technique. It consisted of fish or seafood and a traditional salad. Dinner, like breakfast, was divided into two parts. Thus, Evander was eating 5 meals a day.

Nutrition is the foundation of everything. Holyfield was one of the first boxers to use sports nutrition, which was used in bodybuilding in the late 80s. He drank up to 3 liters of water a day, excluding his favorite coffee from the diet and completely excluding sweets and various pastries. His perfect shape confirms the correctness of this approach and the well-coordinated work of his entire team.
Workout: The main task Evander's coaching staff had a competent distribution of the load. In addition to the main boxing work, for which his trainer, Lou Duva, was responsible, in the standard weekly plan Included were: classes with Mary Kenneth, the ballet specialist who was responsible for developing Evander's flexibility; training with Fred Hatfield and Lee Haney, under which the boxer was supposed to gain muscle mass without losing speed and endurance.

Evander noted that training with Kenneth helped him strengthen his leg ligaments and develop small muscles on the ankles. The results of the training became visible in the subsequent performances of Holyfield. He became more flexible and plastic ( despite gaining muscle mass). These classes took place in evening time 2-3 times a week. Mary watched the boxer's development throughout the process and was near Holyfield all day.

Fred Hatfield had a difficult task ahead of him. In twelve weeks it was necessary to make a man weighing 86 kilograms of natural heavyweight. He broke twelve weeks into three cycles of four weeks. The complex system was a process physical development Evander. A gradual increase in the total load as the body strengthens.

The first cycle included general physical fitness... There were no sparring sessions during this period. The emphasis was on strengthening the ligaments. Special attention devoted to working with medicine ball... Evander threw it at the wall from four positions ( right hand, left hand, from behind the head, and sitting). Jumping from various positions was also used. Including in depth from a high stand. The days alternated: one day for plyometrics, another for training with iron. On Sunday, Holyfield rested and underwent procedures with his doctor.

The second cycle included sparring and working with co free weights... Evander performed the exercises under the guidance of the famous " Mr. Olympia"- Lee Haney. Holyfield did classic exercises from modern bodybuilding.

  • For the upper body: standing and sitting dumbbell raises; bench press and dumbbell spread to the sides; pull-ups wide grip; trapezoidal rods.
  • For legs and the rest of the body: Romanian deadlift, squats with a bar (p drawingwere always performed with a safety net of two people, gradually increasing the load and achieving the correct technique).
Haney monitored the correctness of the exercises and the competent increase in the load.

The third training cycle included exercises as close to combat as possible. All of them, as a rule, were divided into three-minute segments, with a one-minute break. The emphasis was on cardio. Holyfield used biking and running. Particular attention was paid to monitoring the pulse. It was not supposed to exceed 180 beats per minute during the period of maximum loads.

During intense training, Evander practically did not use abdominal exercises, since, according to Hatfield, they took up too much energy.

The competent combination of the work of several specialists allowed Holyfield, in six months, to turn from a small one " cruiser"into a heavyweight who looked more like a bodybuilder. At the same time, he did not lose in speed. His endurance and performance amazed American viewers. The power of his punch increased. Evander turned into a perfect fighting machine and became the undisputed world champion by winning over James Douglas on October 25, 1990. of the year.

Evander Holyfield. Really Cool
On October 19, the 53rd birthday is celebrated by one of the best heavyweights on the planet, American Evander Holyfield.

On October 19, one of the best boxers peace to the american Evander Holyfield, which rightfully bears the title of Really Cool. Holyfield is a great champion, but he cannot be considered one of the strongest heavyweights. As a champion, Holyfield should be judged on the level of Larry Holmes, he should be placed above Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis. This is how I assessed sports achivments Holyfield statistical site boxrec.com at the time when Evander was temporarily considered a retired boxer. Until recently, when Holyfield began to claim the championship belt for the umpteenth time, he confidently entered the top ten boxrec.com ratings of all time, in which, in fairness, half of the list was artificially edited in favor of the "ancient mammoths".

Unlike Sam Langford, who was never a full-fledged champion (apart from phony title in 1913) and whose achievements are often rated higher by experts than those of Holyfield, Evander is the only one in history professional boxing four-time champion the world in heavyweight champion... Moreover, he is one of the few in modern history boxing is an absolute champion in two weight categories, who has collected all belts one at a time at least once. Holyfield was the world champion of at least one version in each year for 16 years from 1986 to 2001, with the exception of two years - 1989 and 1995. Neither Louis, nor Ali, nor Holmes, nor Tyson, nor Lewis had such a long championship. , no one. In 1989, Evander was not a champion just because he moved from the first heavyweight division, where he collected all the belts, to the heavyweight division, in which all belts also belonged to one person and to which there was a long line of contenders. In 1995, Holyfield was unable to compete for the champion title, because for the first time in his career he missed 13 months due to a wrong diagnosis of heart disease, and when he returned, all the belts scattered to separate “apartments”, and their new owners were eager to meet with Tyson returning from prison.

After standing in a yearlong lineup for the second time, waiting for a meeting with Tyson, Holyfield finally got the long-awaited match with him and defeated him. It can be assumed that if it were not for Tyson at all, then Holyfield could have been a champion without any pauses - from 1986 to 2001. However, this is a misconception, because it was Tyson who has been the most powerful irritant for Holyfield since 1984, and perhaps even earlier. Despite the fact that Holyfield was always a little ahead of Tyson in terms of achievements, since 1984 Evander has invariably been in the shadow of Iron Mike, to whom only fools did not predict a great career in the professional ring.

Holyfield became the vice-champion of the Pan American Games in 1981 when Tyson made his amateur debut. In 1984, they often crossed paths at the Olympic training camp, preparing for the selection in Los Angeles. Holyfield competed in the light heavyweight category, and Tyson, although he was almost four years younger and much shorter, in the first heavyweight category. Eyewitnesses say that of all the members of the US national team, 17-18-year-old Tyson, who showed the manners of a godfather, was not afraid only of Evander. Jim Thomas writes that at the training base in Gonzalez, Texas, the Olympians loved to practice billiards and the loser got up at the end of the line. Tyson started playing as soon as he entered the hall. One day, he walked in just before Holyfield's line, walked over to the table and took the cue ball. Evander turned the cue blunt side up and headed for the table. The guys looked at each other intently, and Tyson decided to go home.

Evander Holyfield

Tyson could not qualify for the Olympics, but Holyfield did. In the semi-final fight Olympic tournament he was disqualified for hitting after the referee's stop command. His opponent, who missed a blow to the jaw, found himself in a heavy knockdown and could not continue the fight. Still in defiance Olympic rules as a disqualified participant in the Games, Evander was awarded a bronze medal. A couple of months later, Holyfield made his debut in the professional ring, and at first it seemed that he did not think about the fight with Tyson, since he had his debut fights in the light heavyweight category. Mike started his professional career four months later, and during this period the difference in weighing our heroes reached 20 kg.

Only a madman in 1985 could have imagined that the time would come when Holyfield would not only go against Iron Mike, but also defeat him. Already in his 12th entry into the ring, Evander won his first champion title, defeating the very strong Dwight Covey in an exciting 15-round duel. Holyfield showed phenomenal performance, throwing over a thousand punches in a fight. After collecting all the champion regalia within two years, Really Cool moved to the heavyweight division shortly before Iron Mike won perhaps the most stunning victory in his a brilliant career- destroying the invincible Michael Spinks in a minute and a half.

Holyfield was not at all frightened, and he is already in next year becomes a must-have for Tyson. They could meet at the end of 1989, but Mike was injured and began to look for an easier opponent for himself. His fight with Holyfield was postponed to the summer of 1990 with a warning that if Tyson did not come out against Evander, he would lose one of three belts - the WBA. To avoid downtime, Tyson and Holyfield decided to hold a warm-up fight. At the last moment, Tyson refused to meet with Donovan Ruddock and opted for the then-considered unstressed and generally harmless James Douglas, who had a couple of humiliating defeats from minor fighters.

Holyfield, on the other hand, accepted the challenge of the unbeaten prospect, who won all his victories by knockout. In the end, both of them almost lost. More precisely, Tyson lost, and Evander in his November match received a tough fight with a successful outcome, thanks to the dissection of the opponent's face. Having lost Tyson, Holyfield confidently defeated his winner, sending him to a deep knockout in the third round. Then he patiently waited for Mike to regain his title to the championship fight. And did not wait. The next date of their fight (November 8, 1991) fell through due to the fact that Tyson was injured in a rib during training. Then Tyson was hid in prison for three years, during which time Holyfield managed to regain the title of champion once and lose it twice.

Finally, they clashed in the same ring against each other on November 9, 1996, seven years later than they could. Holyfield and Tyson have changed a lot both as boxers and in appearance. Holyfield was already 34 years old and was considered a veteran champion. Evander even changed his nickname - now his name was Warrior. A year before that, he suffered his first defeat by knockout, and in the last match he did not look good against the former middleweight (by the way, Lennox Lewis was the opening act). Bets against Evander reached 1 to 25, one expert out of 50 believed in his victory. And Holyfield defeated Tyson, and a year later forced him to unsportsmanlike behavior and disqualification in a rematch. It was after this two-leggedness that Evander Holyfield received real recognition as an outstanding boxer and came out of Tyson's shadow. Moreover, many, including Don King, believed that Holyfield could replace Tyson as a superstar. However, the promoter was mistaken and repeatedly found himself in the red, paying Evander fantastic fees.

For the fact that Tyson bit off part of Holyfield's ear, he was disqualified and excommunicated from boxing. Mike then returned under the banner of the third match with the Warrior. It turned out that the public still loves Tyson more than anyone else, since even in non-champion fights he had an audience and fees comparable to what Holyfield had as a champion. In anticipation of the next confrontation with Tyson, Evander made several mandatory defenses. Since his style, due to his age and long-term bodybuilding, finally changed towards a counter-puncher (and it is good to be such, having an advantage in linear dimensions), Holyfield did not feel the slightest desire to meet Lennox Lewis, who was not only significantly taller and more arm him, but also three years younger. Holyfield took up the challenge of the British Lion, although he hasn't dated such a big boxer for longer. three years and, therefore, has lost many of the skills essential for such a confrontation. Moreover, in that last time Holyfield was mercilessly beaten by the giant and knocked out.

Holyfield performed so well against a more powerful and younger opponent that one judge (a woman) awarded him a victory, and the other decided a draw. A scandal ensued as the computer tally showed that Lewis had a similar advantage over Holyfield, with whom he had been defeated in the first meeting by Riddick Bowe. In the same 1999, Holyfield went out for the second time against Lewis, and this time Lennox won in a more equal fight. Like Bowe, Lewis, as the winner of Holyfield, inherited his duty of defense and, evading it, was soon stripped of one of his belts.

Evander Holyfield and Nikolay Valuev

Once again, the judges were unanimous in favor of Holyfield. This is probably that rare case in the practice of heavyweight championship fights, when a boxer won a unanimous victory on points, who actually lost with a score of 112-116. It was thanks to this refereeing quirk that Holyfield became world champion for the fourth time, shortly before his 38th birthday. Chuck Jumpa, who had never suffered from an excess of sympathy for Holyfield, was called up for a re-match in an emergency order. He judged the fights of Holyfield 9 times and only three times determined Evander as the winner. But Holyfield won the third match with John Ruiz for real, but this time, probably the only time in his career, Holyfield was offended and deprived of his victory. Since then, Evander has twice tried to regain the title and twice suffered humiliating defeats from fighters who were 8 and 12 years his junior. And all these years talk about the third Holyfield-Tyson match does not stop. Even this year, Holyfield and Tyson spoke controversially about the possibility of holding this fight (sometimes saying "yes", then "no"), which could put a fat point in the careers of these outstanding athletes.

In terms of class, in terms of opportunities, statistics, Holyfield is a cut weaker than Lewis, Tyson and Bowe, despite the fact that he has a draw with the first, and won the other two. The strongest representatives of the division are distinguished from the simply strong by three things. Firstly, the presence of many victorious battles, held in terms of less than 90 days after the previous one, and the shorter these terms, the better this achievement should be evaluated. Secondly, as a consequence of the first, the presence of such champion defenses, battles on the highest level... And we see that Holyfield, in his entire heavyweight career, only once entered the ring before 90 days after the previous fight - and then at the end of his career - against Fres Oquendo. In total, he fought only three fights with an interval of less than 105 days (also against Tillis and Dokes). This suggests that Evander did not have that sense of power and superiority over the entire division, which often dizzy Ali, Holmes, Tyson and Lewis, who could have faced a very strong opponent even on the 60th day after the previous fight.

Thirdly, the assessment of the strongest rivals in the form of their attitude to confrontation with him. If you take this as an expert Tyson, he considered Holmes to be his strongest opponent, and Holyfield as one of the mediocre ones, which clearly reflected both the timing of Mike's preparation for the fight and the weight he showed at the weigh-in. It is difficult to give examples when one of the great boxers prepared for a meeting with Holyfield more thoroughly than for another opponent in a close time interval. Well, perhaps in repeated battles after a draw or defeat, which is generally typical for any rematch.

In December 2008, Holyfield fought against Russian Nikolai Valuev, losing by a referee's decision. The oldest contender for the world title put up decent resistance to his younger rival. The fight lasted all 12 rounds, after which the victory was awarded to Valuev (116: 112, 115: 114, 114: 114). Many disagreed with this decision, arguing that Evander had boxed at least a draw. The result of the fight was not revised, and the hype slowly faded away. After that, Holyfield entered the ring three more times. Mine the last battle Evander spent May 7 in Copenhagen (Denmark), where he met with local fighter Brian Nielsen (64-3-0, 43 KOs). The duel, designed for 12 rounds, ended ahead of schedule. In the 10th round, the referee stopped the fight and recorded Holyfield's victory by technical knockout.

Lennox Lewis
Mike Tyson
Nikolay Valuev
Evander Holyfield

Today marks 52 years of one of the brightest heavyweights in the history of boxing.

10/25/1990 Evander Holyfield knocked out James Douglas (USA) in the 3rd round and won the world titles in weight category over 90.9 kg according to WBC, WBA, IBF and The Ring.

In this fight, Douglas, who had previously sensationally knocked out Mike Tyson in Japan, looked helpless. Holyfield was much faster, delivering sharp and accurate punches. In the 3rd round, he hit Douglas with a side kick and sent him to the ring floor. The referee started counting down to ten and Douglas decided - no mas.

04/19/1991 Evanedre Holyfield defeated George Foreman (USA) by unanimous decision and defended the world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg according to WBC, WBA, IBF and Lineal.

The best years of Foreman, who at that time already turned 42, were far behind, but he performed much better than experts predicted. He took over heavy blows Holyfield and butted throughout the fight. In the 7th round, he even shook the opponent with a blow right hand and forced him to back away, striking a series of awkward but terrible blows. Holyfield managed to recover and struck a combination of quick and sharp side kicks. By the end of the fight, Foreman was so tired that he could barely keep his hands to his chin.

11/13/1992 Evander Holyfield was defeated by unanimous decision to Riddick Bowe (USA) and lost the WBA, WBC, IBF and Lineal world titles in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

The fight began without reconnaissance: by the end of the first round, the boxers were already exchanging heavy punches and did not give up a single centimeter of the ring. Toward the middle of the fight, Bowe seized the initiative, but Holyfield continued to snap back. In the 10th round, which was named "Round of the Year" by the influential publication The Ring, Bowe landed a good uppercut on his way out of the clinch. Holyfield “swam”, and Bowe smelled blood, attacking the opponent with the hardest unanswered blows. Holyfield re-initiates the clinch to give him time to breathe. One minute before the end of the round, Holyfield delivers a series of punches that shake Bow, then proceeds to beat Bowe with straight lines and uppercuts. In the next round, Holyfield goes forward, but meets resistance and after hitting from the right at the ropes, falls to the floor of the ring. At the end of the fight, Holyfield had to knock out his opponent in order to win, but this happened.

11/06/1993 Evander Holyfield defeated Riddick Bowe (USA) by majority decision and won the WBA, IBF and Lineal world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

Exactly one year later, the rematch ended again with a decision, but this time Holyfield won. Bowe started the fight actively, taking the first three or four rounds, but then the opponent managed to regain the initiative in his own hands. In the 7th round, Holyfield managed to strike a right side, after which he received a combination of the hardest punches. This fight was also notable for the fact that in the 7th round a parachutist landed in the ring. Bowe's pregnant wife, who was sitting in the audience, fainted and confusion began. Due to the incident, the meeting had to be interrupted for 21 minutes. Before the final bell, the rivals went all-in.

06/06/1997 Evander Holyfield knocked out Mike Tyson (USA) in the 11th round and won the WBA world title in the weight category over 90.9 kg.

By June 1997, Tyson was considered completely invincible (by then he had already regained his reputation after a sensational defeat to Douglas in Japan), knocking out four opponents after his release from prison, and was the favorite. The first half of the meeting passed with varying degrees of success. In the 5th round, Iron Mike struck a strong side to the body, and then an uppercut to the head and shook Holyfield, but already in the 6th Holyfield managed to send his opponent to the ring floor with his left side. In the same round, Holyfield butted Tyson, after which he received a cut. In the 11th round, Holyfield struck a series of serious punches at the ropes, after which the referee felt it was time to go home. In a rematch a year later, Holyfield again defeated Tyson. There was also a scandalous incident with a bite.

The legendary heavyweight boxer was born to poor parents in Alabama. He was the youngest in a family of 9 boys. He believes in Jesus and remembers his mother's words all his life: " He who does not fight has already lost". Even in his youth, Evander Holyfield found the strength to change everything in his life, and already at the age of 21 he was a millionaire. The very first entry into the ring (at the age of 8) made him the winner - the champion of the boxing circle. 42. Now the 50-year-old boxer is the only one on the planet 5-time world champion.

Since childhood, every fight of Evander Holyfield ended with his victory. He suffered his first defeat only in 1992 in a battle with Riddick Bowe... The boxer first won a professional victory in 1984 in a fight with Lionel Brayams... And after 2 years he won the first title. Then there were victories in the WBC, WBA, IBF versions, which he regularly defended, confirming that he had earned them for a reason. For each opponent, Evander Holyfind chooses individual tactics. Still, he prefers not to engage in open combat, but to follow an active-restraining struggle.

Evander Holyfield calls his heaviest fight 15-round title fight with Dwight Covey, which took place back in 1986, Evander had to stay in the hospital for a week after that victory. And the most inexperienced reader in boxing knows him, thanks to Mike Tyson, who, having lost control of himself, managed to bite off Evander's ear. That fight, which lasted only 3 rounds, took place in 1997 in Las Vegas. However, the boxer forgave Tyson, saying that he learned a lot in boxing from him.

The most valuable thing for Evander, the father of 12 children, is his family. He says that in life you can lose everything, but the family will remain forever. Today the champion has an occupation that society needs: together with his wife Janice, he participates in public and charitable activities.

Evander HOLYFIELD - Won BIN: King of the Ring vs. King of Losers

Today in Atlanta, American Evander Holyfield will enter the ring to try to defend his world boxing titles in heavyweight according to the WBA and IBF versions in a fight against compatriot Vaughn Bin.


Evander Holyfield doesn't need to be introduced to anyone. But what is his 25-year-old rival? So far, most experts do not take Bean seriously, calling him a rare lucky one. After all, not every average boxer has the honor of getting banged by Holyfield himself, and even making $ 1.8 million in the process. Boxing fans shouldn't be fooled by Vaughn's impressive track record of 32 wins and one loss. After all, in the figurative expression of the ESPN columnist, he is the man who built his own house of success, outperforming the complete losers. Indeed, the total ratio of victories and defeats of Bean's previous rivals can only bring a smile: 152 wins, 14 draws and 294 (!) Defeats. Bean's career list is topped by James Weidler (3-35-1) and James Holly (2-27). His only truly serious opponent was the notorious Michael Moorer, whom Bean successfully lost. On March 29, 1997, Vaughn had a hypothetical chance of winning the IBF world title, but his fight with Moorer, who was then the owner of the gold belt, was downright disappointing. It quickly became clear that Bean had nothing to oppose to a more sophisticated opponent, except for sweeping and sometimes unprepared punches in the vain hope of a knockout. Moorer did not want to risk it either - he easily won the fight, working at long distance and gaining points mainly due to Bean's mistakes. All this led to the fact that by the last, 12th round, the audience began to boo both boxers. Over the past year and a half since then, Bean has not changed himself, having won by knockout against four weak boxers. Only one of them - Isaac Brown - was the fourth contender in Bean's career with a positive balance of wins and losses.

Does Bean have a chance to put up more or less serious resistance to the "man with a lion's heart" Holyfield? Here is what Vaughn himself says about this: “That March defeat at Moorer taught me a lot. will be able to make him wrong, and he will miss my knockout blow. "

One of the few people who believe that Bean will be able to cope with a formidable opponent is his coach - the legendary ex-world champion Joe Fraser. “I can say with confidence that Vaughn is ready for a duel with Holyfield,” he stated at a pre-match press conference. “Bean may not beat Evander, but I bet he will give him a lot of trouble. Last year my ward has changed a lot. Now he takes boxing much more seriously than before, following all the instructions of our coaching staff... The result is obvious: Bean's strikes have become much more powerful and dangerous, and his speed has noticeably increased. In the movements, however, there was still some awkwardness and, let's say, angularity. But it is precisely these qualities that make Bean's manner of fighting incomprehensible to his rivals. You may call me an idiot, but tonight I'll go to one of the bookmakers in Las Vegas and bet on my student to win. "


By the way, Holyfield is more than serious about his opponent. “You shouldn't think of Bean as an underdeveloped schoolboy who doesn't have the intelligence to avoid a fight with a hefty high school student,” Evander said at a press conference. “Personally, I see him as a rather dangerous boxer with the potential of a world champion. did not come. At least I will do everything on Saturday to prove it. "

Nearly every one of 35-year-old Holyfield's recent fights has been touted by promoter Don King as his last. Today, rumors of the legendary boxer's departure are reinforced by the fact that he insisted on fighting Bean in his native Atlanta. Evander fought there on August 12, 1986, when he won the WBA title in the 86.2 kg division, winning a 12-round fight on points against Dwight Kwai. "To be honest, I'm still a little ashamed of that fight," says Holyfield. Georgia Dome. I invite all residents of Atlanta to watch my fight with Vaughn. I think he will not leave anyone indifferent. " Of course, the champion's fellow countrymen could not help but respond to his call. They sold out 26,000 tickets yesterday, and King predicts the remaining 16,000 will be sold out by Saturday night. This all the more can not but rejoice Holyfield, that his earnings largely depends on the number of people who want to enjoy his fight with Bean. According to AP, Evander's royalties should be $ 3.5 million, paid by the showtime TV channel, and $ 5 million, which he will receive if the Georgia Dome is full.

Almost no one doubts that the world champion will beat his rival on Saturday. The question is how he will do it. After all, Holyfield's fight with a Bean-class boxer is being considered by experts with an eye to his possible fight with WBC champion Lennox Lewis (the Englishman, by the way, will have to defend his title in a week against Croat Zeljko Mavrovic) or a match with ex-world champion Mike Tyson. After all, what are the possibilities of Evander today, no one knows. The last time he entered the ring on November 8, 1997, when he won by technical knockout against the same Moorer and won the IBF champion title. Holyfield was supposed to defend the WBA gold belt this summer in a fight against Englishman Henry Akinwande, but he fell ill with hepatitis and their meeting in the ring did not take place. So Holyfield will have to prove to everyone that he is still the amazing fighter that the entire boxing world still admires.

Nikita KIM



Won bin

Height (cm)

Weight, kg)

Arm span (cm)

Breast volume (cm)

Breast volume (on inspiration, cm)

Bicep volume (cm)

Forearm volume (cm)

Waist (cm)

Thigh (cm)

Caviar volume (cm)

Neck volume (cm)

Wrist volume (cm)

Fist volume (cm)

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