Alexander lipova is a secret millionaire. Alexander lipovoy

Along the way, they noticed that until recently it was a village where the famous Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station was built, and included it in the top ten Russian cities with the worst ecology. In Volzhsky, the authors of the program "threw" Alexander Lipovoy, a three-time world kickboxing champion, a successful businessman, owner of the Lipovoy Jim fight club network. For him, they created the image of a "botanist", a legend about a burnt-out business, and gave him 1,000 rubles for expenses. for 5 days, as well as several emergency envelopes.

The adventure began from the very beginning. On the first attempt to find a lodging for the night it was not possible, in the orphanage they looked at the hero suspiciously and sent him away. On the first evening, Alexander had to work for food, and to drink coffee he had to scrub sinks and mirrors.

On the way to the hotel, the minibus driver did not want to take the millionaire a couple of stops for free. I had to go on foot, but on the way, the legs themselves brought the hero to the kickboxing section, but even there the secret millionaire was denied a visit. When the hero finally got to the hotel, he was disappointed - the hopes for rest were not destined to come true. The rooms turned out to be at a night bath, where they not only took a steam bath, but also indulged in voluptuous pleasures. The millionaire is shocked - the Volga residents love each other passionately, why are they so indifferent to those in need?

To survive in a not very hospitable city, Alexander Lipovoy hung underwear for women, sorted salted fish, washed floors in a nail salon, worked at a car wash, spent several hours in a toxic industry, and even begged for alms.

The aggression of some Volga residents was a real shock for the champion. Already on the first day on the way to the hotel, Alexander Lipovoy was waiting for a test of endurance. An accidental passer-by threatened to "break" the champion. Fortunately for the Volzhan, only in words. Another contender to take away the "champion belt" from Lipovoy was found in the pub. The drunken Volzhan, it seems, until the very broadcast of the program, believed that he had pity on his opponent. And the third Volzhan, the owner of the fight club, where Lipovoy had already come in his real image to help, literally pushed the champion out.

A visit to two sports clubs became a balm for the athlete's soul. In "Edelweiss", where people with disabilities, the millionaire experienced the most positive emotions. I found Lipova in a foreign city and a place where the real kickboxing spirit lives - a local club led by Alexei Chugunov. It was to these two sections that the champion presented expensive sports ammunition for 700 thousand and 250 thousand rubles, respectively.

After a fight, they don't wave their fists. Nevertheless, already during the broadcast of the program, an active discussion was going on in social networks, the subject of which was the inhospitableness and even somewhat soullessness of the Volga residents. Users admitted that citizens need to be kinder and more responsive to each other.

Editor's comment:
For our part, let us note some negligence of the TV crew in the preparation of the program. They called Volzhsky a small town with a population of 350 thousand people. As they say, Google will help them, because the population of Volzhsky is only 326 thousand, but at the same time it is larger than a good half of the regional centers of Russia. In fact, they did not guess the fact of getting into the top ten most environmentally dirty cities - only 46th place according to They also showed inattention with respect to the presentation of the program participants, calling Alexey Chugunov Alexander. And with such a trifle as the statement that the city arose around hydroelectric power plants and factories, we will not even discuss.

It would be nice for the authors to understand the behavior algorithm of managers and employees of municipal educational institutions including additional education that would not let the millionaire inside. We would be happy to see how he tried to enter any Moscow school in the evening with a bang. But, as for the first night of the millionaire - here to the very point. Several years ago, the same conclusions were drawn by law enforcement agencies.

According to the stories of the Volzhans, who in some way became assistants in the shooting of the TV show, the organizers for a long time could not find the main "scene" for their hero in the form sports hall... They even tried to involve local deputies in this. It is clear that the TV group did not disclose the details of what was happening and kept the very essence of the TV program secret. This is where the backlash from the townspeople arose. As for the gifts, the Volzhans, of course, accepted them with gratitude, and the main character well promoted his brand of sports equipment.

But even with some "bloopers" and absurdities of what is happening, the project certainly deserves attention, because: a) helps people to realize their dreams and fulfill some desires, promotes the manifestation of kindness, respect and good neighborliness, calls for mutual assistance; b) immerses millionaires in real life, where you have to choose - coffee for 150 rubles or a lean bun for lunch? Where there is no money for travel, and a disabled athlete may be stronger in spirit than an eminent champion.

Member Name: Alexander Lipovoy

Age (birthday): 26.07.1976

City: Odessa, Moscow

Education: RGEU RINH

Job: Lipovoy Gym

Family: married

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Alexander was born in the city of Odessa in Ukraine on July 26, 1976. Aleksadr's father is a master of sports of the USSR in combat sambo, it was he who instilled in the child a love of sports.

Lipovoy himself says that he started with wrestling: judo, sambo, karate and taekwondo. When he learned to fight, he began to bully the guys at school and even started to fight.

Dizzying success in sports

In grade 10 in one of these fights young man noticed the coach, the master of sports in boxing. So training began, and thanks to dedication and the will to win, Already at the age of 17, Sasha became a candidate for master of sports. In 2001, Alexander moved to Taganrog and entered to study at the Institute of Management and Economics at the Faculty of Law.

In 2004 he became the winner of the championship in Russia, at that time he was the champion of Ukraine and was able to defend the degree of master of sports. In 2005 he decided to move to Rostov, but after 3 years he returned to Odessa. In 2005 he became the world champion.

In 2006 it was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. He delivered 4000 punches and kicks in 48 minutes.

And in 2008 Lipovoy became the W5 kickboxing world champion. He was able to defeat Andrey Kupin. This fight takes place in Rostov-on-Don. The fight was not easy and cruel. When Lipovoy was awarded the victory on points, Kupin did not agree with this decision.

He is a master of sports in boxing and international class in kickboxing. In 2011 he left hometown and moved permanently to Moscow.

Despite its sports activities, Alexander takes the place of sports coordinator in accordance with the program of the National Anti-Drug Union "Social Lift". Lipovoy also heads the sports commission under the social platform of the United Russia party and popularizes sports in the regions.

Takes the place of a leader in the department of Rostov-on-Don in the field of youth policy and improving the quality of growth and life of the population.

Personal life and hobbies of a kickboxer

There were rumors on the net that ex girlfriend Alexandra Lipovoy, participant of the TV project House 2. The girl stated that she left the TV set for him. However, it soon became clear that they had never been in a relationship.

As for love affairs, Alexander Lipovoy met with a Russian model, better known under the pseudonym Happy Boar. Their relationship turned out to be strong and the couple played a magnificent wedding in the winter of 2016.

Together, the spouses appear at social gatherings, post cute photos in social networks, regularly admiring each other and confessing their love. From a past relationship with Alana Khubetsova (Mamaeva), the athlete had a son, Alex.

Recently he has been actively playing hockey. Alexander has been involved in sports since childhood, and therefore believes that this is not only work, but also a hobby. Lipovoy notes that he will overcome all difficulties and show the highest level.

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Alexander's success becomes the object of envy. In November 2017, the athlete was attacked. At first, unknown people pestered the three-time world champion with threatening calls. Later, a group of unknown persons attacked the athlete and beat Lipovoy. Alexander received severe injury head and asked for help from doctors.

According to the athlete, the incident is associated with a large amount of money. The fraudster owed Lipovoy four and a half million rubles, after which he disappeared for a long time. The athlete assures that it was from him that the threats came.

Participation in the show "Secret Millionaire"

According to the legend of the project, Alexander was supposed to appear in the form of a loser programmer who lost his business. In the city of Volzhsky, Alexander had to find a job, a shelter and survive with 1,000 rubles in his pocket for 5 days. He faced injustice from the first minutes of being in a strange place for himself.

Having revealed his identity, Lipovoy brought to sport Club sports equipment, but did not help with money. The center did not accept the help of the eminent athlete.

He brought equipment to the boxing hall and 250 thousand rubles. And then in a sports club for the disabled he left equipment worth 700 thousand rubles.

Athlete Achievements and Titles

  • In 2005 - the champion of Russia and the finalist of the IKAS World Championship.
  • In 2007 he became the champion of Russia "PAKR Low kick".
  • In 2008 and 2011 World Champion "W -5 Low kick".
  • In 2012, the Moscow Champion "Low Kick", as well as "Fights R-1", in 2013 confirmed the last title.
  • In 2014 he was again recognized as the Champion of Moscow in "Low kick", "L-1", the Finalist of the Russian Championship "K-1".

Photo by Alexander

Alexander very often shares new photos and videos with subscribers. Basically, pictures from workouts and classes appear on his instagram, as well as cute photos with his bright wife Sasha Kabaeva.

Alexander Lipovoy - Russian kickboxing star, famous Russian athlete... The personal life of Alexander Lipovoy is often discussed in the press, and the couple of Alexandra Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy appeared on the covers of magazines.

Alexander was born in 1976, lived in the city of Odessa until he was 25 years old. In Taganrog, he graduated from the Institute of Management and Economics, specializing in law. The boy's father was a master of sports Soviet Union, so the child had an example to follow before his eyes. From the beginning of his studies at school, Sasha began to attend wrestling classes, then martial arts and karate were added. At the age of 15, he independently decided that he liked boxing most of all, and began to actively engage in it, participate and win in competitions.
Even in his youth, he received the degree of candidate for master of sports, and literally a couple of years later he became the champion of Ukraine and master of sports in his field (boxing). In 2005, Sasha became the world champion, and a year before that he won the Russian championship.

Linden is a unique person, one of the few who got into the Guinness Book of Records. He did it thanks to great speed movements - the record was broken for the number of strokes in training paws... In 48 minutes, they committed four thousand punches and kicks. Alexander himself says that he could have done more, but seeing that the previous record had been broken, he relaxed somewhat.

Alana Khubetsova in the life of a boxer

Alana became the first wife of Alexander. They, already being married, went to the program "Let's get married."

As it turned out later, all this was started for the sake of PR, which was so necessary on the eve of the decisive battle. One Sasha Alan did not let go, she said: "Either with me, or not at all!". The couple together sex on the transfer and both passed the casting into it. They managed to deceive the presenter and viewers, since few knew about the marriage. As a result, having achieved PR, the boxer chose his wife from three girls. In marriage, their son Alex was born, his dad loves and pampers him madly, despite the broken relationship with ex-wife... They parted due to the fact that Sasha could not devote much time to his family, and this, of course, did not suit Alan. Good friendly relations were preserved with his first wife, and he constantly repeats that he is very grateful to her for Alex. Sasha calls his son the main achievement in his life and is thinking of giving him to sports. "But so far, to maintain health, and when he grows up, we will give him the right to choose."

Was there an affair with Victoria Romanets?

In the vastness of the television project "Dom-2" Victoria Romanets tried to find her love. A beautiful, spectacular girl, she liked Alexander and they fell in love. He took her straight from the project in one of the evening issues and took her away to build not a house, but a new life.

For a couple of weeks, the couple calmed down and did not make themselves felt, and then both made it clear that they were absolutely free. Alexander changed marital status on social networks on "active search", and Vika began to parade new photos with interesting reasoning underneath. What happened with them is still unknown. Most likely, it was another PR move, as the guy's fans say.

Alexandra Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy

On December 18, 2016, the Network blew up the news about the wedding of Alexandra Kabaeva and Alexander Lipovoy. Sasha is known for modeling, she also maintains a video blog. A little earlier, when they met each other, they did not hide their feelings, often appeared together and delighted subscribers with new photos. Therefore, this event was quite anticipated.

Interestingly, Victoria (Sasha's ex-girlfriend) was also present at the wedding, as she stayed with him good friends... She was accompanied by Anton Guseev. Kabaeva in every possible way denies the information that her husband and Vika were in a relationship. She says that there was only flirtation and nothing more, but they are just friends. And from "House-2" he took her at the request of the girl herself, did not leave, he just helped. Or perhaps it just proves our speculation about PR.
The wedding was gorgeous and bright, it was attended by many friends and relatives of the couple, and many of its fragments can be seen in the video:

Often Sasha exposes a photo with her husband, and not so long ago she released a video where they take turns telling why they love each other so much. Now the couple is absolutely happy (at least from the side from which they let us see their life) and we think that the personal life of Alexander Lipovoy can now only change for the better.
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