Pretend to be my ex-girlfriend. Pretend to be my girl fanfic pretend to be girl

Chapter 1

I slept. I had a dream that I was walking through the Forbidden Forest and there were centaurs who offered me to go with them. The most beautiful of them held out his hand to me, and I almost reached it when I was awakened by a knock on the window. Cursing the knocker and not even thinking that waking people up in this way in the middle of the night is not quite a common thing, I went to the window and opened it. Who else can knock on a women's bedroom window on a deep night besides Fred Weasley?
"Weasley, are you quite already, are you?" Do you know what time it is? I was actually asleep.
- Hush, Angie, calm down, - Fred fluttered on a broomstick outside the window, and it was clear that he was cold. Not surprising - it's an autumn night after all. - It's a worldwide case, and you're talking about some kind of dream. I urgently need your help. ”He smiled one of his charming smiles that drove half of the Hogwarts girls crazy. Proud of the fact that his smiles do not work on me, and prepared in advance to refuse his request, which, I thought, could turn out to be the craziest, I crossed my arms over my chest and asked:
- Well, what about it this time? Can't it wait until tomorrow?
- No, he can not. Come out into the living room, we'll talk there, ”Fred said quickly, and flew away. Apparently, he thought that if I didn’t have time to argue, I would still listen to him. Not that I would be very ashamed later if I just go back to bed and fall asleep until morning, but I was curious what this redhead started looking at at night.
Throwing a robe over my pajamas, I went out into the common living room, where there was not a soul. But before I had time to be indignant, the portrait doorway opened and Fred appeared in person, followed by his brother.
“Hi Angelina,” George plopped down on the couch.
- Well, and what is happening, may I ask? - I looked at the twins in turn. “If you dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night for nothing, I’ll bewitch you right now.”
- No, it's actually very, very important, - Fred sat me down in a chair, and he sat down with his brother on the sofa. “We want you to ask McGonagall for us tomorrow.
I looked at them in turn in surprise again.
- And how, I wonder, will I do it? And most importantly - why? Where are you going?
- You are the captain, tell me that we really need to train, because at the last training session we were working off, and we need to make up for lost time. She'll let you go if you say the School Cup is on the line, ”George said with such an intonation as if I just do nothing every day to lie to the dean.
“I’m not going to lie to McGonagall, don’t even ask,” I snapped and got up from the chair when Fred jumped up and sat me back down, leaving himself standing.
- It's not even a lie, Angelina, we will quickly do what needs to be done, and then we will come to practice, honest Gryffindor.
- Where are you going, and why can't it wait until the end of the lessons? - I was ready to help them, but decided to find out why they had to leave from the first lesson.
“We’ll tell you later,” George assured me.
- True, Angie, we will tell you everything later, - Fred confirmed the words of the twin, but this arrangement did not suit me. Then I will still find myself drawn into it is not clear what matters. You can expect anything from them.
- Either you tell me everything now, or ask her for time off yourself, - I was adamant.
“You know she won't let us go,” George whined.
- That's it. I also know that you can do whatever you want. I don't want to talk to McGonagal and Umbridge later.
“Okay,” Fred sighed resignedly. - We need to meet with one person on a very important matter. This applies to our store. If we don't talk to him tomorrow morning, then it will be too late. I cannot say more.
“Come on, Angelina, you can't ruin our career,” George said plaintively, and I took pity.
“Okay, but only once. If Umbridge finds out, we will all be in trouble, ”I looked at the twins, trying to convince them that everything was serious.
“You're just lovely, Angie, thanks.” George jumped off the couch and patted Fred on the shoulder. - Come on, Fred, get up early tomorrow.
- Thank you, Angelina, good night, - Fred waved his hand at me and followed his brother.
Why am I always being led on by their persuasion?
“Guess who asked me out?” Katie literally flew into the living room and plopped down on the sofa next to Alicia and me, shining like a polished galleon.
- Really Snape? Alicia teased her.
I burst out laughing when I pictured Katie walking arm in arm with Professor Snape into Madame Paddyfoot's cafe.
- Come on, I will not tell you anything, - Katie was offended and turned away from us.
“I'm kidding, Katie, tell me,” Alicia said to her.
- Really, Katie, who? - I supported my friend.
She turned back and said with a smile:
- Michael.
- No!
- Can not be!
To say that we were in shock is to say nothing. She had been drying up for Michael Dosson since the fourth year, and he did not pay attention to her.
- Maybe. We meet on Saturday at Hogsmeade, ”Katie cooed with a happy smile.
- How glad I am for you! - exclaimed Alicia, but I was in no hurry to support their joy.
"Don't you find that suspicious, Katie?" Why did he not even notice you for three years, but now he suddenly noticed? - I stared at my friend.
Isn't that really weird?

# real # all_poh # long post # pictures_in_blogs # notes_unicorns

Horses from A to Z

Akhal-Teke breed - Gold of Turkmenistan
(Akhal-Teke, Akhal-Tek, Teki, Tekiny)

Snakes, cheetahs and eagles are a single alloy. (Irina Hienkina)

Akhaltecs are one of the most ancient horse breeds, just like the Arabs, which have preserved pure blood. The roots of the breed go back 5 thousand years. According to the generally accepted opinion, the first representatives were taken by people from the Teke tribe living in the Akhal oasis at the base of the Kopetdag mountain range. Some believe that the famous horse of Alexander the Great, Bucephalus, was precisely the Teke.

Throughout their history, these horses have been used for fast crossings, including through deserts. They perfectly tolerated the heat, withstood temperatures up to +50, could do without water for several days and walked huge distances in a day. When Turkmenistan became part of the Russian Empire, argamaks (as the Russians called all horses from Asia) became the ancestors and founders of many Russian breeds, such as the famous Don horses and the Russian horse breed.

The main feature of the Tekins is, of course, their appearance: thin, lean, long-legged, long thin neck and the same head. Their skin shines through in the sun, and their coat is so short that it seems as if it does not exist at all. The breed has the most incredible range of colors, some of which are considered almost priceless. They are cast in gold and silver in the sun.

Isabella (or Cremello) suit

The Tekinians' move is impulsive and flying, which is associated with their original purpose - crossing the desert. Their gaits are rider-friendly, smooth, non-throwing, ideal horses for long journeys.

The Tekins have a character of fire. In all senses.

For thousands of years, these horses were bred in harsh conditions, while the best representatives of the breed were kept separately from the herds - next to the owner, sometimes right in tents and nearby. They were also trained to kick and bite people during battle, keeping anyone out of their rider. As a result of this selection, the Tekins turned out to be hot-tempered, hot and infinitely loyal, as they say - horses of the same owner. They are going through a hard break with their man. Tekins need a special approach, they get turned on easily, are extremely touchy (absolutely do not tolerate rudeness) and are very smart. Like the best racing car that accelerates to 100 km / h in a split second, Tekintsy move from calm state in "full combat readiness."

The largest livestock of Akhalteks today is in their homeland - in Turkmenistan, as well as in Russia.

Like the Arabs, the Tecs have several lines within the breed, which differ in conformation and constitution. They are usually named after the ancestor stallion of the branch. Thus, theca can be either absolutely "snake" in appearance, or more resemble standard riding horses, only a little more thin-boned.

One of the most famous stallions is Yulduz, a real "snake".

The representative of one of the modern branches - Murghab, the difference is obvious.


Akhal-Teke residents have found a place for themselves everywhere. First of all, they, of course, continue to be used as a herding horse. In Turkmenistan it is the most popular horse racing breed. If we talk about the world arena, then representatives of the Akhal-Teke breed are found in big races, and in show jumping, and in dressage, and even in triathlon. And of course - horse races, where theca, along with the Arabs, show the most top scores... Those who work with tecs say that the character of a horse is not a problem, but its main advantage, because by agreeing with a tek, you can get an infinitely loyal and courageous partner. As a person who once had the opportunity to ride such a horse, I confirm that the Tekins are hot and independent, but they can sensitively listen to the rider and demand the same for themselves.

In addition, the Tekins are used for costume shows, where they perform in national costumes, and also actively participate in show broods of the breed, where the best representatives are determined.

Dressage (here Tekins are especially loved and predicted a wonderful future for them):

Interesting Facts:

Akhal-Teke is represented on the Turkmen state emblem, banknotes of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Belarus, as well as on postage stamps of both Turkmenistan itself and other countries.

Akhal-Teke residents are so valuable that the President of Turkmenistan (and not only) gives them to the heads of other states.

In 1960, Nikita Khrushchev presented the Tekin horse to Queen Elizabeth I of Great Britain. The golden shine of his skin was mistaken for artificial and they tried to wash it, but nothing came of it - the wet horse shone even brighter.

Boris Yeltsin, who came to Turkmenistan in 1993, received a traditional "royal" gift from Turkmenbashi - an Akhal-Teke. Moreover, Saparmurat Niyazov personally chose a present for his Russian colleague from his gorgeous herd. But later, the head of Turkmenistan took offense at Yeltsin: the fact is that upon his return to Moscow, the Russian president put the horse up for auction - he wanted to find out its real price. Akhal-Teke was estimated at $ 3 million.

Teke horses crossed the Karakum Desert in three days without food, water or rest during an 84-day run along the Ashgabat-Moscow route in 1935.

The cost of Tekins today ranges from 200,000 to 60,000,000 rubles.

And this price is justified. What other horse would look at you with such graceful contempt?

Pretend to be my ex-girlfriend.

I made my way from the bar towards our table, carrying a mojito and tomato juice in my hands. There is nothing left to go through. And why did I put these shoes on? Kick and mahito on my black dress Fall away! I raise my eyes and ... - Girl, I'm sorry, I'll compensate you for everything. - The guy tried to make a regretful look. Did not work out. There was no regret in her eyes. - What compensation? Revenge is no less reciprocal, - said a cold cocktail on the dress. The guy apparently decided that the incident was over and began to take something out of his jeans pocket. Meanwhile, my hand, purely mechanically and not listening to the screams of the brain, poured tomato juice onto his snow-white shirt. - Now we are quits. And no compensation is needed. Leave it to yourself. - Everything! Now come what may. But revenge was completely satisfied and squeaked with joy. “And you haven't changed,” said my opponent, smiling in surprise, clearly not expecting to receive such a surprise from me. - The reaction is good. And fast. Still can't forgive? So what was it? An unfamiliar type, says that we are familiar with all this calmly, another would start yelling in his place. And since when do we know each other, when I do not remember him at close range? And my memory for faces is very good, by the way. - Do not understand the humor? - I decided to clarify. Maybe he is confusing with someone? Or sick? - You do not regret anything? This shirt was very dear to me - and began to come closer. Hmm. Such a savory spot. You will admire. I'm not good after all. And I stand here like a fool, I can't understand anything, and I still hold my glasses. Empty. Certainly far from smart. Meanwhile, the brain was already frantically looking for a way out of this situation. - I'm sorry about tomato juice. It's true. I have nothing more to regret. - I took a step back, as they say, the attempt to escape was unsuccessful, judging by the push in the back, there were noticeably more people between the tables. And where to put these glasses? Damn it! The host introduced the new DJ and the music began to play with renewed vigor, bringing me out of my stupor. She put the empty container on someone else's table, and she rushed to the toilet. Until it dried up. The spot is, of course. Well, and naturally away from this abnormal. But, the maine with a tomato spot turned out to be faster and managed to grab my hand. My heart jumped so much with fear that I caught my breath. Scribe! He came as close as possible and whispered in his ear. Although with loud music, he rather said: - Listen to me carefully, very much. You are my ex-girlfriend. I'm not crazy, but I need your service. Play along with me, and it won't rust after me. Any of your requests. Almost everything is real except the moon from the sky. - Are you kidding? - An attempt is not torture, but what if? No, he was not joking. - I'm getting to know a cool girl ... - he began the story. - And I mean not very much? I interrupted him. “But she has a condition,” he continued without noticing my question, “to see my ex-girlfriend before meeting me. - Oh, how! Miracles, and nothing more. I've already heard it somewhere. - She's a fool or where? - I decided to voice my opinion while he was leading me towards the toilet. - She is the one that I need and I don’t need that about her. - He was offended. - I'll do anything for her. - Wow, what statements! Not everyone is like this, for someone else's sake. Especially for the sake of a person you don't know. Naturally, I was shocked and happy at the same time. They won't do anything bad to me. This is the first thing. Probably. And, secondly, it was still impossible to escape. - What's your name? And I would invite my ex. There would be fewer problems. “But he didn't seem to hear me. And the armored personnel carrier moved through the people. - The shirt was unnecessary, you must admit. And the former is now in America. - He opened the door and led to the toilet. Fi is not romantic. Immediately I remember the joke from the Comedy Club "Yegorka" "- We met in the most romantic place, in the cinema. I confused the cubicles in the toilet." “Hey, don’t need it,” I rubbed my hand as he pushed me hard inside. - You know, with the dress you were also not original. A white spot may remain. - Dan. - What? - I did not understand, busy scrubbing the stain. - Danila, in short Dan. And you? - He asked, taking off his shirt and began to wash off the stain. Mmm ... Lie or tell the truth? I turned away. There is nothing to confuse my psyche. Eh ... - Nastya. - Excellent Nastya. Agree with me in everything. - And why is that? - Well, nifiga yourself! I still have to whiten it. The little one is completely swollen! “She'll probably want to know how we parted and through whose fault. Confirm what yours is. - He continued to give me TsU Danila. - HM? Isn't it too much? - The dress did not seem to be damaged, and his shirt was almost washed from the juice. Lucky for him. And in general, something I lingered here. Every minute I liked the whole idea less and less. - It won't take long. - Dan, wrung out his shirt and obviously pleased that the stain was not visible, brought it to the hand dryer. It's a pity the dress can't be dried like that. - Actually, I didn't come alone. And we've been here too long. Do you hope your future won't notice? - I decided to put pressure on his conscience or whatever else is there. - Will not notice, - grinning, he continued his manipulations with drying. - Lilya should arrive in ten minutes. Taking into account the delay, in twenty. - Some Leela was lucky. Eh. Or maybe not. You idiot, it is unknown who is posing here, and you still see problems with your head. - So what the hell are you doing this booth? What for? - I was outraged unreal. Vague doubts began to torment my soul. Something is wrong here. Definitely. “You know, I'd better go. They are waiting for me and, probably, are already worried. - And went to the door. Get out of here and quickly. - Eh ... No! Will not work. - He blocked me out, Dan, at the same time trying to dry my shirt. “You’ll take it and run away now, but I don’t have time to look for a replacement. How else could I meet you and see your reaction? Look, it's not that scary. - He began to persuade me. - Well, you are arrogant, let me pass. - I didn't like it at all. And I really wanted to get out. I feel that the muck will be grandiose, but from which side the wind is blowing is not clear. - Your friend has already been warned, and the waiter brought her juice. - Not letting me pass, and apparently trying to calm me down. It turned out badly for him. I was getting more and more angry. - Goonies! - turned around and went to the wall opposite. There was no limit to my anger. She turned around and went to the door again. - This is juice for me, and her mojito. Did you follow us? - The first time I faced such a situation. And I didn't know how to get out. Usually guys are afraid to approach me. It's not that I'm scary. And not scary at all. It's just that on my face it is always written in large letters that I can send far and in the forest. And the opposite sex usually has a very well developed instinct for self-preservation in the stone jungle. And this one is not even afraid. Miracles, what are they, their mother's leg! - Wow, I was mistaken, - this guy smiled. Wow! He can also smile! Pull yourself together! Do not spread ice cream figs. - Nothing, now we will fix everything. - He took out his phone and began to dial the number with one hand. The second is drying the shirt at an extended distance, trying to be as close to the door as possible. - Yes, it's me again. Let them bring more mojito to that table. Yes. Everything is fine. Almost. Turned out to be a little tricky. I'll be there soon. - Hanging up, put the phone in his pocket. Still smiling. All this is suspicious. Feel the fifth point. - Everything is done, so there is nothing to worry about. And it was not difficult not to notice you. You were in full view when you appeared. Just according to the description you fit. Everything is with you. Almost. - You always like this? - I cursed everything and everyone. Why did she agree to come here? It would be better if I read a book at home. I hate such trips, especially when they are trying to introduce me to someone. Always some nasty thing happens. - Which? - Asked, Dan arched an eyebrow. All the same, the bastard is good! “Prudent,” I replied with annoyance in my voice. - To plan everything so quickly ... - Hmm, - exhaled and, putting on a wet shirt, answered. - Have to. And he looked me in the eye. - Everything. We can go. He opened the door, and we left the toilet under the indignant glances of the queue. I think I blushed. Hmm. This has not happened to me for a long time. - I need my bag and my phone. - I shouted in his ear. Danila nodded, skipping ahead. There were more people on the dance floor, but that didn’t stop me from slipping like a fish to our table. My friend Olga was not bored and was clearly pleased with both the attention of a stranger to me and her favorite cocktail. - O! Here you are! Where have you been for so long? she asked. - The order has already been brought. - Yes, I met a friend here. Hi. - She nodded in greeting young man, which did not let Olga get bored. And sat down at the table. - We talked a little. - Meet - this is Igor, - she introduced the guy. - My very good friend... Here! - Very nice. Heard about you. - Igor smiled and raised his glass with a drink in the air as a greeting. I nodded. O! Here's my juice! - And this, - Olga continued to twitter, looking behind me - is his friend Danila. - I did not get that? - Dan, get acquainted, - I raise my head and do not believe my eyes. - This is Lilya. My girlfriend. - Joyful Olga introduced us to each other. So there you are, what a reindeer! The one about which all my ears were buzzing and simply forced to agree to this meeting. To which I blurted out that only on condition that his ex was also present. A stupid condition, but effective. It just didn't work this time. As it turned out, Dana, a kind friend showed me my photo. Well, then everything was played out as if by notes.

I've always been a gray mouse. Nobody noticed me. In my 17 years, I have never met anyone. My dream was popularity: The guys are running after you, asking you on dates, asking for your phone number. But this was not destined to happen until I made a huge mistake ...

Chris Brown had everything one could dream of: a good wealthy family, best friends, a future football career and a charming girl. Once it all lost its meaning. He was going to give up everything, but he was prevented by Ashley Benson.

All over again! - with this thought I woke up every day. I have to go through 7 lessons of loneliness. I am invisible. Of course, I had friends, or rather one friend - Amanda. She was always there for me and never quit, but that was not enough for me. I wanted attention. But the guys only noticed me when they needed something from me.

I got ready for school and left the house as usual at 8:10. My life was boring and consisted of a series of monotonous and repetitive events.

Upon arrival at school, I met with Amanda - she was the only one who graced my life. Amanda was a beautiful brown-haired woman with bright eyes, a pretty face and a model figure. Unlike her, I was a blonde with brown eyes, not very attractive, and with big hips. Amanda communicated with me, although she could communicate with the most popular girls in the school: Alice, Christie and Britney. However, she hated them and scoffed at their evil nature and anorexic physique. This is how my usual 11th grade days went by. I was preparing to go to college in another city and had already come to terms with my position.

All the lessons Amanda and I blabbed and checked.

Look, Britney seems to have changed her beautician. She narrowed her eyes and pretended to be surprised. - Probably, he works for free, because it is impossible to do this with a face.

We started laughing.

So, Benson, Morgan. Would you like to add something? Miss Harper asked.

No, Miss Harper, I'm sorry. I said, but we couldn't stop. As a result, Amanda stood by the blackboard for the rest of the lesson, trying to prove her knowledge of logarithms.

It's all because of you! She pointed her finger at me.

What? I wasn't talking about Britney the beautician.

Well, admit it, a funny joke? - I nodded and we burst into laughter again.

I love such moments, at such a time you understand that your life is not so bad.

Are we walking today? - I asked, before leaving.

Ashley, I'm sorry, but my parents have an important dinner tonight and I have to attend. Therefore, our walk is canceled. Amanda smiled sweetly. - Do not be angry.

It's okay, I understand everything.

Next time I will double the amount. I swear. - she went out into the street and I followed her.

Deal. Bye.

Amanda got into the car and drove away. And I went home alone.

I decided not to cancel the walk, so I stuck my headphones in my ears, turned on the music and went to the park. I ran half the way, because sport is life. Yes, and you need to keep yourself in shape.

I sat in the park for half an hour and went back. All the way back I thought about my life and that without Amanda I would have died of boredom. Therefore, when I crossed the road at a traffic light, I was so immersed in my thoughts that I did not notice that I was going to red. I realized this only when I heard the squeal of wheels and I was pushed onto the asphalt. I started to get up, but my arm was shot through with pain. I hurt my shoulder very badly.

Someone got out of the car.

Girl, are you okay? asked a worried man of about forty.

Yes. Seems to be yes.

You are lucky that I managed to slow down. Let's call an ambulance and the police.

Not necessary. Moreover, this is my fault.

I got up, my head was spinning and I almost fell back.

What is your name?

Listen, Ashley, I'm taking you to the hospital, if you want the police we can not call. But we will check your condition. Clear?

Okay, okay. - I don't know why, but I believed this man. He looked desperate.

Will you call your parents yourself or should I do it?

I myself. - I got into his car.

I called my mother and told her that I was in an unpleasant situation and now I was going to the hospital.

It's always like this with you, Ashley. I'm on my way. - she answered and passed out.

Forgive me. I just thought. I have a very difficult period in my life.

It's okay, but if some young guy was driving, you would be in the hospital with a concussion and fractures.

We drove up to the hospital.

What's your name?

I'm Evan Brown. - he said.

Brown? The same one?

Oh my God. Evan Brown is the founder of BROWN CORPORATION. I fell under the wheels of the most famous person in our city. So much for a boring life.

At the hospital, they examined me, did an X-ray of my head. I was waiting in the ward for the results of the study when my mother flew in.

Ashley, what happened? I was told that you had an accident.

It's okay, Mom. I'm fine.

How okay? Then why are you in the hospital? Where is that bastard who knocked you down? - Mom screamed in panic.

This bastard is - as you put it - me. - appearing on the threshold of the chamber with coffee, said Mr. Brown.

Mom threw herself at him with fists, shouts of indignation and threat.

Mama calm down, it's not Mr. Brown's fault. It was I who crossed the road to red.

What are you talking about? You almost got shot down. - Mom came up to me and shook me. Pain passed down my shoulder. I screamed.

Everything! I exclaimed, soothing her. - I am to blame, and that's the point. No police.

We'll talk more about this. - Mom flew out of the ward as quickly as she flew in.

There was silence. Mr. Brown handed me a glass of coffee.

You shouldn't be here. You must have important things to do.

Now the main thing is to find out if everything is all right with you.

A nurse entered the room with a picture.

No concussion. A bruised shoulder and minor scratches. In general, nothing serious. We will not detain you. - she smiled and handed me a sheet. - You were prescribed pain reliever, take it strictly according to the instructions.

The nurse left and I started packing my things.

Ashley, how much should you pay? asked Mr Brown calmly.

What? - I did not understand what he was talking about. - I do not need your money.

I am still to blame, so I must make amends.

No. I won't take anything. - I said sternly and confidently.

That's what I need.

What are you talking about? - what about this man? What is he carrying? Maybe I went crazy after hitting?

If you don't want money, then do me a favor. - he sat down on the bed, I followed his example.

I was waiting for the continuation.

I have son. A couple of months ago, he was going to go to the best college, but now he is ready to drop everything.

Why are you telling me this? - I wondered.

I need your help.

Sorry, of course, but if your son decided not to go to college, then that's his business and I can't help it. Unless I tell him not to give up on his goal.

You are not right. - Mr. Brown looked at me. - Ashley you have to become his girlfriend and prove to him that love is still alive. That you need to fight for your dream.

Are you joking? - I jumped out of bed. - I will not do this. - I turned. - Why do you want this?

6 weeks ago he lost his mother. And 2 weeks ago a girl dumped him. He no longer believes in love. - Evan Brown came up to me. - You can help him. You are a strong, confident and beautiful girl.

It's not funny anymore. - I understood that I was not beautiful, but hearing the opposite was strange and frightening. I'm used to no one paying attention to me.

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