Russian footballer alexander kerzhakov short biography. The ex-wife of Kerzhakov: “God took away from this man in time

Alexander Kerzhakov is the most productive footballer of the Russian national team, an athlete who has managed to prove his talent in various foreign clubs. Of course, his career was not always successful, there were stagnations when he simply could not score. This gave rise to a considerable number of ridicule, memes, which were dedicated to Kerzhakov's anti-records. Even a website was created that tracked the amount of playing time spent without a goal scored. The latest news about Alexander Kerzhakov relate to his personal life, rather than his sports career.

The athlete was born in 1982 in St. Petersburg. Alexander's father was a professional footballer and played for the Khimik team. Perhaps this is why the parents immediately decided that the son must certainly become an athlete.

Kerzhakov Alexander: photo

The father regularly played football with his son. The training was pretty hard and grueling. However, his father's work was not in vain, thanks to the acquired skills, Alexander Kerzhakov was able to enter the youth sports school "Zenith".

His first coach was Sergei Romanov. The young man lived in a boarding school at a sports school.

Carier start

After studying at a sports school, the athlete began to play for the Svetogorets club. Representatives of the Zenit club began to look closely at the young and promising athlete. At the end of the season, Kerzhakov was recognized as the best striker of the tournament. After this event, he received a long-awaited offer from Zenit. The personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov, as well as his career successes, were under the constant sight of the media. The young footballer tried to somehow protect himself from all this, but it did not work.

Kerzhakov made his debut in the team in 2001, he played against Rotor. This meeting ended with a score of 0: 0. The footballer scored his first goal only in the 13th game, which was against the Spartak club. However, the athlete did not have to fight for a place in the main team. His hard work on the field did not go unnoticed, therefore, practically from the first days of his stay at Zenit, he played in the first team.

Kerzhakov Alexander - football star

In 2001, Kerzhakov was included in the list of the best football players in the country. By the way, the athlete was on this list for 5 years in a row. At the same time, the footballer was invited to the national team. At that time, it was led by Oleg Romantsev. He took part in the World Championships held in Japan. However, the athlete spent a little time on the field, the place of the leading scorers was then occupied by other players.

Only after the change of the head coach began to trust Kerzhakov more. He began to spend most of the match on the field. In the early 2000s. the athlete won the bronze and then the silver medalist of the Russian championship as part of Zenit.

Soon the coach changed in the Zenit team, Dick Advocaat came to the club. At this time, Kerzhakov's activity on the field is significantly reduced. Match commentators and football experts attributed this to the athlete's desire to leave his home club.

Career in Spain

The biography and personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov for any Russian footballer is an option to follow. He managed to play in various European countries, to achieve high results in Spain, Switzerland, Russia and other countries. In general, we can talk about him for a long time.

In 2006, an event occurred that Kerzhakov had been waiting for for a long time. After successful negotiations, he becomes part of the Sevilla team. Of course, it was possible to get into the main team only if it was possible to show oneself. As a result, he scores the first goal and becomes part of the base. Ranked third in the Spanish Premier League this season and won the UEFA Cup. For such good results, many specialists began to talk about him, and proposals were received from other clubs.

But, as often happened in the career of Alexander Kerzhakov, everything changed after the change of coach. Manolo Jimenez came to Sevilla. The coach began to give preference to other players, and Kerzhakov spent less and less time on the field. The press and fans were interested in how the footballer would behave in this situation. Indeed, Kerzhakov was seriously interested in such clubs as Tottenham, Paris Saint-Germain and even Manchester United. Despite this demand, Kerzhakov chose to stay at Sevilla.

Work in Spanish clubs is becoming successful for many Russian footballers. Kerzhakov's game perfectly suited the style of Sevilla and he was not going to change his registration.

Return to the Russian Premier League

In 2008, the athlete returned to Russia and began to play in the capital "Dynamo". The first year of work at the club was not marked by a productive game and high-profile successes of the football player, however, Kerzhakov, together with the team, won third place in the national championship. Fans and fans of the athlete quite often criticized him for his unsuccessful game.

Kerzhakov Alexander returned to the Russian Premier League

In 2009, Kerzhakov again becomes one of the most successful footballers in Russia. After spending 24 matches, he scored 12 goals. As part of Dynamo, he played in the Champions League and the Europa League. The career of a football player has always strived upward, but there have also been recessions. In general, the prospects for cooperation with foreign clubs at this time faded into the background.

In 2010, Kerzhakov again moved to his native Zenit. For the transfer of the athlete, 6.5 million euros had to be paid. The return could be called triumphant. As part of the first season, the footballer, together with his team, won the Russian Cup, becoming the champion at the same time.

The contract with the St. Petersburg club was signed for 4 years, however, a little later it was extended for the same period. In 2014, Kerzhakov was named the top scorer in the entire history of Russian football, at that time he scored more than 200 goals. Soon Kerzhakov was no longer put in the main team of Zenit. The press talked about his possible transfer to Lokomotiv. However, the athlete denied this information.

In 2015, Kerzhakov signed a contract with the Zurich club. The footballer played in the team on lease terms. As part of this team, he won the Swiss Cup. It is worth noting that there are quite a few scandalous videos on the Internet with the participation of Kerzhakov, where he offends fans of various football clubs. Of course, such actions are unacceptable for a high-level athlete.

Other areas of activity

Alexander Kerzhakov is involved in other areas of activity as well. In 2015, he became one of the founders of the Stars for Children Foundation. The organization supports children in difficult life situations, supports the children's hospice and helps children with cerebral palsy.

In addition, Alexander Kerzhakov has published 2 autobiographical books. The footballer is often invited to television projects as a star or professional expert. Kerzhakov has 2 higher educations.

The athlete stands out for his attractive appearance. He was several times included in the ratings of the most beautiful men in Russia.

Kerzhakov regularly appears on the covers of glossy publications. In 2016-2017, he starred in the video of the famous singer Irina Dubtsova, where he tried himself as an actor. Of course, you cannot pay attention to the personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov, which in 2017 is developing in an extremely successful way.

Personal life

An attractive athlete has never been left without female attention. In 2005 he married Maria Golova. The wedding was luxurious, the celebration was attended by relatives, colleagues, and friends of the newlyweds, including some well-known personalities. In 2005, the couple had a daughter, Daria. In 2010, Maria and Alexander divorced. Alexander Kerzhakov was often credited with an affair and personal life with Bulanova, which he constantly refuted.

In the same year, the football player began an affair with Ekaterina Safronova. The couple was in no hurry to register the relationship, even despite the fact that in 2013 their son Igor was born. However, in 2014, the couple broke up with a scandal. The footballer accused Catherine of using illegal drugs and filed a lawsuit for deprivation of parental rights. In 2014, the athlete's claim was satisfied.

Currently, Alexander Kerzhakov is officially married to Milana Tulipova. The chosen one is the daughter of a famous politician. In 2017, the couple had a son.

The wife of Alexander Kerzhakov actively uploads family photos to social networks. Judging by numerous publications, the couple is happy. For 2017, everything is fine in the personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov.

Alexander Kerzhakov forever inscribed his name in the history of Russian football. He is one of the most talented players of his generation. Sasha had a worthy career, fully realized himself. He was the leader of the national team, "Zenith", played abroad.

Kerzhakov, one of the famous Morozov's kindergarten. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Zenit coach brought in a whole string of young players - Arshavin, Denisov, Bystrov, Kerzhakov. Malafeev, Astafiev. Most of these footballers have had excellent careers.

Date and place of birth

Alexander Kerzhakov was born in the Leningrad region, in the city of Kingisepp in 1982 on November 27.

Family (parents) Kerzhakov

Sasha grew up in a good family. Father and mother surrounded their son with care and love. Anatoly Rafailovich - played football, played for the "Chemist" team from Dzerzhinsk. The son's hobby for football did not come as a surprise to the family. Mom - Tatiana Veniaminovna.

Tatiana and Anatoly worked together at the same plant. We met, and after a while decided to tie the knot.

Five years after the birth of Sasha, a second child appeared in the family. The newborn was named Michael. Misha is also a footballer, at the professional level he played for Zenit, Alania, Anji, Volga and Orenburg.

Kerzhakov photo


Sasha lived the most ordinary life of a Soviet teenager. Early, like all children, he began to go to kindergarten. Once, in the kindergarten, there were classes in the pool. The boy fell unsuccessfully, and badly broke his selections. Then there was a trip to the children's hospital, where several stitches were put on the face. Here it is, the first injury.

As a preschool child, Sasha showed interest in gymnastics. The section was located next to the house, and together with the courtyard friends, the boy spent his days there. There was also a chess section in the same building. The boys visited, including her.The yard in which the future athlete grew up was not a football one. By hitting the ball, the children preferred outdoor games, like the Cossacks - robbers.

Sasha spent the summer with his brother Misha in the village with his grandmother. They helped her in every possible way with the housework.

His father instilled in the boy his love for the "game of millions". Not far from the house there was a field that belonged to a local vocational school. It became the first training ground. When Sasha grew up a little, he and his father went to the other end of the city, to the central stadium. There was a green field with a net. The field was in charge of "Grigorich", who kindly allowed us to train.

In addition to training with my father, there were various local teams, school competitions.

When the boy was 11 years old, he went to the school of St. Petersburg "Zenith". For some time he lived in two cities. Experienced big everyday problems. But soon the talented guy was settled in a sports boarding school.

Biography of the football player Kerzhakov

Alexander's professional career began immediately after graduating from the Zenit school. The footballer went to Svetogorets. "Svetogorets" is a small club from the Leningrad region that protects the colors of the city of Svetlogrsk. The head of the team was Vladimir Kazachenok. Vladimir is a legend of Zenit, one of the best footballers of the club in the Soviet period of history, a person who has weight and authority in the club. His opinion is always listened to.

Kazachenok had a working relationship with Zenit head coach Yuri Morozov. It was he who advised Morozov to pay attention to the talented forward. So the striker ended up in the main team of the Northern capital of Russia.

The 2001 season marked his debut in the football player's career. From the first round, the striker appeared in the first team. And in the 13th round he scored his debut goal against the famous Romantsevskiy "Spartak".

Career went uphill. The footballer played regularly in the first team, scored a lot. He was constantly on the list of the 33 best players in the national championship. Was called up to the national team, participated in the 2002 World Championships in Japan and Korea. After which the whole of Russia spoke about the attacker. Fans and experts agreed that Kerzhakov and Sychev are the future of football Russia.

Kerzhakov and Sevilla

Alexander always wanted to try his hand at the foreign championship. Sasha played successfully at Zenit, so the offer from abroad was not long in coming. New 2007 Kerzhakov began with the Spanish "Sevilla". The transfer amount was 5 million euros. Sasha started briskly, scored the first goal, after a month in the team. As part of the club, he won the UEFA Cup, the Spanish Cup and the champion's bronze medals. The trip abroad can be considered successful. Interestingly, in the championship, Sasha scored a beautiful goal against the formidable Barcelona.

The footballer was invited to Sevilla by coach Juande Ramos. Under him, Sasha regularly played in the composition. Soon the coach left, and his place was taken by Manolo Jimenez. Jimenez did not appreciate the football player's talents, and made him sit on the bench. At the end of 2007, it became clear that Sasha would not stay long at the club. Ambition did not allow him to just sit on the benches and receive a salary. The player at that time was highly quoted in the transfer market, Manchester United, Tottenham, PSG showed interest in him. But the player wanted to go home and chose Dynamo Moscow.

Kerzhakov and Dynamo

The choice of Kerzhakov to move to Dynamo was due to the desire to get permanent playing practice on the eve of the 2008 European Championship. The footballer cost the club about 8 million euros. Sasha fulfilled all his obligations in full. The 2008 season is a success for Dynamo. The club won bronze medals for the first time in a long time. Kerzhakov scored a lot, and was an important cog in the mechanism of the team built by Andrey Kobelev.

Sasha, forever entered the history of the famous Moscow club. In 2008, Dynamo's last match took place at the stadium in Petrovsky Park. The forward scored two goals. The striker also spent the 2009 season at the Moscow club. The team was in a fever, but no matter what, the striker scored 12 goals in 24 matches. Good result.

Return to Zenit

After two years at Dynamo, Kerzhakov returned to his native St. Petersburg harbor. Interestingly, there is a tense, strained relationship between the two clubs. But the fans of the two teams did without insults to the footballer.

Sasha honestly fulfilled his contract with Dynamo, watched his language, did not allow himself anything superfluous. Therefore, the fans reacted normally to the zig-zags of the striker's football fate.

Sasha has been in St. Petersburg for an excellent seven years. And in 130 matches he scored 56 goals. Kerzhakov fit perfectly into the familiar team, found mutual understanding with new stars, and was a formidable force that Zenit's rivals feared and respected.

The player retired in 2017. The club arranged a decent farewell and left to work in the Zenit system.

Kerzhakov and "Zurich"

At the end of 2015, Sasha moved to Switzerland. The striker still cherished the hope of playing in Europe. Age had an effect, the player entered Zenit less and less often. Therefore, I decided to go on lease. In Russia, he did not want to play for anyone, although there was a demand. In "Zurich" Sasha played 17 matches, scored 5 goals and won the Cup of the country. The striker's game received good press from fans and specialists. It was clear that Sasha had come to play, and not to serve out the number.

I beat, I beat and I will beat

In an interview at the beginning of his career, Kerzhakov said that he was always looking for an opportunity to strike, and his credo was "I beat, I beat, I will beat." Good dogma for a striker, but in 2012 at Euro, he clearly abused it. Failures were overgrown with a mountain of jokes from fans and specialists. In English, journalists have even come up with a new term, "Kerzhakologist", they say, this is when you hit, but you do not hit.

Kerzhakov's game

Sasha will be remembered by the fans as a striker who is always looking for the ball. The attacker created serious pressure on the opponent's defenders, he adored high pressing. Sasha had an excellent scoring instinct, opened well, dribbled well and hit hard. He went out to every match with glowing eyes, with an outrageous attitude. Sasha had everything a high-class striker needed.

Russian team

Kerzhakov made his debut in the main team of the country in 2002. Together with the team, he went to the World Champion. But Romantsev did not particularly trust the young striker. Sasha played 91 matches in the national team jersey and scored 30 goals. He is one of the top scorers in the history of the national team. It is noteworthy that Kerzhakov was called to the national team under Romantsev, Yartsev, Gazzaev, Semin, Hiddink, Advocaat, Kappelo. All coaches appreciated Alexander's abilities.

What clubs did Kerzhakov play for?

Awards and achievements of Kerzhakov

Personal life of Kerzhakov

The personal life of Alexander Keozhakov is stormy, unbridled and very interesting for the press. It is a pity that the novels of such a titled athlete arouse such interest. Personal life, after all, everyone's personal business.

Alexander was married three times. The first time in 2005, he signed with Maria Golova. The witness from Sasha's side was the figure skater Plushenko himself. Five years later, the couple broke up, but a child remained - a daughter, Daria.

In 2010, Sasha began an affair with Ekaterina Safronova. The couple lived in a civil marriage. The young gave birth to Igr. But the relationship soon ended.

In 2015, the footballer signed with Milana Tulipova. She is the daughter of a senator. Happiness was short-lived, a scandal erupted in the family. The athlete accuses his wife of drug use, and wants to deprive her of parental rights.

  • Kerzhakov is actively involved in charity work. Attends orphanages. In 2015, he co-founded the Stars for Children Foundation
  • Participated in several humorous shows. He starred as himself in the movie "Freaks"
  • Sasha is actively involved in business. He has several cafes, and a story with Ivan Sayenko. The former football player of "Spartak" offered Kerzhakov to invest in the construction of an oil refinery. It happened in 2010. There is still no plant, as well as money.
  • Writer. Sasha has written two books. In 2002, the first came out - "Up to 16 and Older", and in 2017, "The Best".
  • Friends with Sergei Shnurov and adores the work of the group "Leningrad"


Alexander Kerzhakov is a man with an interesting biography, his life story really deserves two books, which he has published. An outstanding footballer, ahead of whom a great life stage "After the sport". Therefore, we are waiting for the third book. Even the name has already been invented for her.

In general, there were many revelations in yesterday's program. I must admit that they plunged numerous fans of the football player into a shock. Apparently, Alexander felt this and already late in the evening, shortly after the release of the program, he addressed the fans through his Instagram profile.

“I would like to comment on the program“ Live ”on the channel“ Russia 1 ”, which you had the opportunity to watch today. I can't help but do this. And I really hope that all the doubters have finally made the right conclusions, - wrote the Zenit striker. -

First of all, I want to say that I was forced to agree to the implementation of this, a person can remain silent for a long time, but everything has reasonable limits. I can’t look at how a woman who lies, primarily about herself, tries to convince people otherwise. I cannot put up with the injustice that federal channels broadcast with such enthusiasm.

I am a living person, and I had a family, which turned out to be a fake, which made me doubt human honesty in principle, because I was ready to spend any money on the health of my beloved person, but all this turned out to be devalued and unnecessary. Therefore, I would like to convey to everyone the following: everything happens in life, there is good, there is also bad, I know that for sure. But mistakes will never make you some kind of fallen person, not at all. On the contrary, they will teach and help you to realize many things in your life. They will show that some people turned out to be weak, that their lot is to roll further, down; others are strong enough to recognize their vices and eradicate them.

You will meet different people, they also met me. In this program, I tried to finally convey my truth to everyone who could be led astray, this is important to me. Of course, not everything that I said was shown, but the only thing that matters to me is that I had the opportunity to speak out and was heard. I spoke from the heart. In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone and everyone not to repeat the mistakes that I happened to make, and to always be honest with ourselves, this is very important. We can deceive people, media, TV channels, relatives, friends - anyone. But no one else has been able to deceive themselves and God, please remember this.

P. S. At this point I would like to finish this topic, I do not intend to give any more comments, understand me. I want to live on, honestly and conscientiously, and I want to leave all this dirt in the past, "said Kerzhakov and provided his post with very telling tags: # no drugs # live broadcast # all secretly becomes obvious

Name: Alexander Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Place of birth: Kingisepp, Leningrad region, USSR
Born: November 27, 1982
Position: forward

Kerzhakov Alexander Anatolyevich - Russian footballer, the best scorer in the history of Russian football, as well as the Zenit club

The boy's father played for Khimki, so the love for this sport was passed on to his son, his mother's name is Tatyana Veniaminovna. The guy grew up with his younger brother Mikhail, he also became a professional player in the future. The father himself trained Alexander, long and hard, so that he would become the best of the best, he put a lot of strength and patience in his son, as it turned out, not in vain. Kerzhakova was sheltered by the Zenit children's sports facility, where Sergey Romanov turned out to be a mentor.

Then, the guy began his ascent in terms of a club career. After leaving "Zenith", Alexander was recruited into "Svetogorets" from which town do you think? Yes, Svetogorsk.

At the end of the twentieth century, Zenit itself offered Kerzhakov a place. In 2001 he began climbing the Russian championship with the "Rotor", finished without result. Got a new goal for Spartak, Alexander Kerzhakov equalized the numbers, allowing the team to win by scoring a couple of goals. I attended the World Championships in Korea and Japan.

Kerzhakov goes to the European club

Further in the career in the winter of 2006, an agreement was concluded between Kerzhakov and Sevilla for 5 and a half years, the transition cost 5 million euros. He played his opening match at the beginning of 2007 and scored the starting ball for Levante. Alexander opened the gate, thanks to which he brought victory in the UEFA Cup game against Tottenham Hotspur. He won three bronze medals.

2008 will be remembered as follows: Kerzhakov went to Dynamo, the transition cost 8 euro lemons. Championship of Russia, in the fight against "Moscow", Kerzhakov made a goal, ended in a draw. Initially, he was weak, 27 games, and seven goals were scored, despite this, such an outcome helped the team win bronze medals in the Russian championship, in which, in 2009, Alexander showed himself better: 24 games and 12 shots into the goal, the first goal from it was received by the club "Moscow"

Kerzhakov visited the Champions League for several matches, and in the Europa League opposed CSKA, where he penetrated the ball straight into the goal.

Winter of the tenth year, the outstanding striker goes back to basics, at Zenit for up to 4 years. The transition required - 6.5 euro lemons... In the summer, facing off against Auxerre, he showed that there was no limit to his possibilities, and rolled the hundredth can. In the Europa League from 2010 to 2011, he made a hat-trick, in the war with Anderlecht, later, in the Russian championship he scored 3 goals for Saturn.

In the spring of 2011 he sent 79 goals in the Russian championship, and later, competing with Spartak, showed the opponent the 101st goal. In the summer, the star striker again scored a hat-trick against Krasnodar, the final score was 5: 0

Autumn 2012, the talented footballer managed to score the 200th goal that Anderlecht caught. In the fall of 2013, Kerzhakov scored a goal for Spartak, winning the title of the best scorer in the history of Russian football, it was the 208th goal.

Farewell of football player Alexander Kerzhakov to fans

In the middle of the hot summer season of 2017, Alexander Kerzhakov finished his sunrise, in August the farewell took place, the wife, daughter and sons, who came to the hero's farewell, became support, and he himself said through tears:

“Thank you very much for coming today… Thanks to your support every year, whether I played or not, I always felt that the team needed, that the fans needed. Believe me, I tried to pay you the same coin. I think I did a little bit ... I will go to all the matches. And if there is no such support as today, I will be very upset. I love you so much. "Zenit is a champion!"

Alexander Kerzhakov in the Russian national team

Now, let's consider separately Alexander for the national team. At the age of 19, Kerzhakov was given the opportunity to create a dream in the Russian national team. He started in a friendly game with the Estonian national team, where he lost. The starting ball was scored by Alexander to the Swedes, the scoreboard was 1: 1. In the selection for Euro 2004, the footballer scored two goals, played against Portugal.

A year later, the football player was again called up for the selection for the 2010 World Cup, where Finland received two goals on goal. Designed a goal for Macedonia and one for Ireland. In the qualification for the 2014 World Cup, Kerzhakov sent a deuce to the Israeli national team in a friendly game, and having won, scoring 4 goals from his side, the opponent 0. They beat Portugal with the victorious goal.

Video where Kerzhakov scores 28 goals for his national team

Alexander coach of the youth team

Alexander went to the Higher School of Coaches and in March 2018 took shape as a senior coach of the youth national team of Russia, the contract has been agreed for 2019 as well.

Let's move on to achievements and club statistics using the table as an example:

ClubYearCupsEurocupsLeagueRussian team
games / goalsgames / goalsgames / goalsyeargames / goal
ZENITH01 2/1 28/6 02 7/3
02 5/1 2/2 29/14 03 8/0
03 2/3 27/13 04 7/0
04 2/5 7/6 29/18 05 10/4
05 5/1 8/3 25/7 06 5/0
06 7/5 6/4 21/6 07 7/6
SEVILLE06/07 5/0 8/2 15/5 09 6/2
07/08 4/0 6/1 11/3 10 2/2
DYNAMO08 2/1 27/7 11 5/0
09 2/2 4/1 24/12 12 11/5
ZENITH10 3/0 5/4 28/13 13 8/2
11/12 3/0 7/1 32/23 14 11/5
12/13 2/0 8/1 23/10 15 2/1
13/14 1/0 11/3 19/6 16 1/0
14/15 1/0 6/1 14/3
15/16 0/0 0/0 0/0
16/17 1/0 3/1 14/1
ZURICH15/16 2/0 0/0 17/5

And here is a list of personal achievements.

Alexander Kerzhakov - the name has always evoked respect from rivals and colleagues. The famous footballer has established himself as a stable player. But it is worth noting that the path of Alexander's formation was not easy. The difficulties only hardened the character, which manifested itself both on the field and in life. More than once in the news a well-known surname will flash, because the man did not give up the occupation of his whole life, but only changed the direction of his activity.

Childhood and youth

The future star of national football - Alexander Kerzhakov was born on November 27, 1982 in the city of Kingisepp, in the Leningrad region. Dad, Anatoly Rafailovich, in his youth, an amateur league footballer, and mother, Tatyana Veniaminovna, were glad to see the boy. Later, five years later, a replenishment was met in the family: Sasha's brother, Mikhail, was born.

The father really wanted his sons to become professional players, so from an early age he instilled in them a love of football. Brothers Alexander Kerzhakov and Mikhail Kerzhakov first trained under the guidance of the Pope. For Sasha, training became very serious and regular, so at the age of eleven he entered the Zenit specialized children's and youth sports school in St. Petersburg. An experienced coach Sergei Romanov began to work with the young footballer, who determined the makings of a striker in Alexander.

Kerzhakov himself recalled the years of his studies at the boarding school as difficult. He missed home very much, sometimes cried, and asked his mother and father to come to him more often. Sasha's one-year-olds were not at the sports school, and he spoke little with the older guys. It happened that it became too sad and lonely, the guy got ready and went to his godmother, where he could sleep peacefully and eat better.

Over time, Alexander was given a service apartment in St. Petersburg, where he moved his parents from his hometown of Kingisepp. When Alexander Kerzhakov began to earn good money, he moved his mother and father to a new apartment and sent them to a well-deserved rest. The younger brother, Mikhail, like Alexander, became a professional player, but in the position of a goalkeeper. Now he is listed in the ranks of the St. Petersburg "Zenith".

Football career

After graduating from the sports school, Alexander Kerzhakov was admitted to Svetogorets, an amateur football club, where the head coach was Vladimir Kazachenok, the former head teacher of the Zenit school. In 2000, Sasha Kerzhakov was awarded the title of the best forward. The magnificent game opened the doors for the guy to the titled professional club "Zenith" in the city of St. Petersburg. Alexander played in the team for the next six years.

In 2000, the coach of the national football team, Oleg Romantsev, also drew attention to the talented guy. He invited nineteen-year-old Alexander Kerzhakov to the team, but "put him in reserve", so in the first year Alexander only briefly changed the players of the main team. In 2002, Kerzhakov first went to the World Cup in Japan, where, due to the small amount of playing time, he was almost invisible. Only later, when Valery Gazzaev took over as head coach of the national team, the young athlete began to show himself, thanks to greater freedom and playing time. Alexander began to score the first goals for the national team.

Kerzhakov's club career became successful before the national one. So, the guy in 2001 entered the list of the 33 best football players in Russia and remained in it for the next five years. Sasha's pressure and focus on the goal helped Zenit take the bronze medal of the Russian championship in the same 2001, and a year later the team won silver medals.

In 2004, Kerzhakov topped the table of top scorers in the Russian Premier League. In addition to this achievement, Sasha has become the most goals-scoring player in European club competitions more than once. But the Dutch specialist Dick Advocaat, who came to the post of head coach in 2006, began to give less playing time to the striker. For the most part, the consequence of this was Alexander's desire to change the club.

At the same time, the Spanish "Sevilla" was looking for a striker in their "base". The scouts of the club turned their eyes to a rather medium-sized (Sasha's height is 176 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms), but very purposeful, cold-blooded and high-speed striker Zenit, who had previously been marked by a productive game against the Spaniards themselves. After a while, a purchase offer was made. On the jersey of the club - Kerzhakov, transfer price - five million euros, the contract was calculated for five years.

The new club very warmly welcomed the striker into its ranks, which was evident from the successfully played first matches. In the fight for the Spanish Cup and the 2006-2007 UEFA Cup, Alexander proved to be a valuable player. In the ranks of Sevilla, the Russian footballer received the bronze medal of the Spanish championship. In general, 2006 was very successful for Kerzhakov, which did not go unnoticed, because the forward received the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

However, with the arrival of Manolo Jimenez as head coach of Sevilla, the striking striker's career began to decline. Statistics show that Alexander stopped playing on the field, more and more often remained in the reserve, and, as a result, he almost never scored goals. This went on for several months before the striker decided to return to his homeland.

A new contract was signed in 2008 with Dynamo Moscow. There was no enchanting return, but Alexander made his contribution to the game, and the club took third place in the Russian championship. The second year in the team became more productive for Kerzaka (this is the nickname that stuck to the player): he played twenty-four matches, in which he scored twelve goals.

In 2010, Zenit St. Petersburg made an offer and signed Alexander. For the footballer himself, the return to the ranks of the "blue-white" was a significant event. Feeling the "native walls" of the stadium, Alexander became the country's most productive striker in the first season. The team won gold in the Russian championship.

Kerzhakov scored his hundredth goal for Zenit in May 2011. In 2013, the score of goals into the opponent's goal exceeded two hundred. In the same year, Alexander received the title of the most productive scorer in the history of Russian football: he had two hundred and eight goals on his account.

Of course, the career of a player in the national team can be assessed in different ways, but the qualifying games for the World Cup in 2014 Kerzhakov played great. Fans still remember the "double" against Israel, which brought a resounding victory. And also a very significant, decisive goal against the Portuguese team.

In December 2015, there was news that Alexander had decided to move to the camp of the Swiss club Zurich on loan until the end of the season. The decision to move was made due to a conflict with Zenit's mentor, who forbade the player to appear in front of him.

It is worth noting that the eminent forward did not receive money from either side. At the same time, the news feed was filled with rumors about a possible change of professional role from an athlete to a presenter on Match TV. However, the footballer soberly assessed the situation and decided not to lose shape, especially since his age no longer allowed him to choose top clubs. Despite the team's reputation as a "mediocre average", "Zurich" with Kerzhakov in the attack won the Swiss Cup, but at the end of the season they still took one of the last lines in the top national league and were eliminated.


Everyone knows the fact that a football player gives a lot of money and energy to charity. In 2015, under the leadership of Alexander and Milana Kerzhakovs, as well as entrepreneur Ivan Nikiforov, the Stars for Children foundation was created. Thanks to his activities, they helped children from disadvantaged families. The foundation helped to solve the problems of obtaining education and organizing summer leisure activities, and also provided everything needed to those in need on a targeted basis.

Alexander's wife, Milan Kerzhakov, announced in 2018 that the Stars for Children Foundation was no longer associated with her. The girl began to cooperate with another foundation.

Personal life

In 2002, being very young, Alexander said in one interview that he was not going to marry, although he had a girlfriend at that time. The soul mate was called Xenia. Kerzhakov trained in the camp of the "blue-white", and the girl studied at the medical institute. It is now unknown for what reasons and when the couple broke up.

In 2005, the news spread in the media that the young footballer decided to tie the knot with Maria Golova, a student at one of the universities in the city of St. Petersburg. The wedding was very lavish, and there were many celebrities as guests. The fiance's witness, for example, was the renowned figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. In the same year, the newlyweds had a daughter, Daria. The marriage of Alexander and Mary lasted five years. The reason for the divorce remained unknown.

In 2010, Alexander met Ekaterina Safronova, the ex-wife of the famous hockey player Kirill Safronov. The couple quickly began a relationship, and in 2013 a boy was born, who was named Igor. From the moment they met, Alexander and Catherine never legalized the relationship. In 2014, there was a serious quarrel in the family and Kerzhakov judicially deprived the common-law wife of parental rights.

At the end of June 2015, Instagram and VKontakte were filled with photos of Milana Tyulpanova, Kerzhakov's wife. The girl is the daughter of a high-ranking official Vadim Tyulpanov. She got along well with Alexander's children from previous marriages. Kerzhakov himself said that he met an exceptional woman, which was not like all the previous ones.

The views of the newlyweds on family life have largely coincided. The girl gave more than she received, she always helped Alexander. Earlier, the footballer Kerzhakov did not observe such an attitude towards himself. Two years later, the couple had a son, who was named Artemy.

It is worth noting a very important fact that happened shortly before the birth of the boy. Milana's father died a week before the event. There were many rumors in the press that with the death of his father-in-law Kerzhakov seemed to have freed himself from certain obligations.

In 2018, the relationship between the spouses finally cracked. A loud scandal led to the divorce of Alexander from his third wife. The footballer, as in the case of his ex-wife Catherine, demanded to deprive his wife of the rights to her son due to the latter's insanity.

Hobbies, creativity and business

Kerzhakov's life was never limited to the football field. The man tried himself as an actor:

  1. He starred in the comedy film "Freaks", representing himself.
  2. In August 2018, he appeared in the situational comedy series about football "The Big Game", where he also played himself.
  3. He starred in the melodrama "What the French are silent about." Of course, the picture was not a commercial success, but as a new experience for Alexander it was interesting.

In addition to playing a movie, Kerzhakov tried himself in the literary field. So, he published two books in which he sets out his biography:

  1. "Up to 16 and older." The footballer himself calls this book "pampering", and much of what has been described is a lie.
  2. "Best". Initially, Alexander suggested a different name: "Bombardier 11" or "Beat, beat and will beat", but the editors insisted on their own. The footballer spoke about this book more flatteringly and said that there was no fiction in it, everything was true.

Kerzhakov is a fan of Sergei Shnurov, with whom he is personally acquainted. Alexander is delighted with the versatility of the Cord. Favorite group of a football player: "Leningrad".

In 2005, Alexander tried himself as a serious businessman and decided to invest his money by opening two restaurants of Russian cuisine in the city of St. Petersburg. In 2017, already being an experienced restaurateur, he founded an establishment with Georgian dishes. Kerzhakov was looking for himself in another business related to oil refining, but this experience turned out to be negative. The footballer met cheaters who promised him a stake in the company. Ultimately, Alexander lost his invested three hundred million rubles.

Alexander Kerzhakov now

The surname of Kerzhakov is very well known in the country. But she hasn't appeared in the media that often lately. In recent years, the player's life has undergone changes:

  1. In July 2017, Alexander Kerzhakov announced that he was ending his career as a football player.
  2. In the same month, Kerzhakov was entrusted with managing the youth teams of Zenit. Alexander worked on the procedure for promoting young and talented players to the main team.
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