Wrestler from Buryatia Alexander Bogomoev. Alexander Bogomoev was hospitalized and operated on

The history of chess has at least one and a half thousand years. Invented in India in the 5th-6th centuries, chess has spread throughout the world, becoming an integral part of human culture. There is an ancient legend that attributes the creation of chess to a certain Brahmin. For his invention, he asked the Raja for a seemingly insignificant reward: as many grains of wheat as would be on chessboard, if one grain is placed on the first cell, two grains on the second, four grains on the third, etc. It turned out that there is no such amount of grain on the entire planet (it is equal to 264 − 1 ≈ 1.845 × 1019 grains, which is enough, to fill a 180 km3 storage facility). So it was, or not quite, hard to say, but, one way or another, India is the birthplace of chess. Not later than the beginning of the 6th century, the first game known to us related to chess appeared in northwestern India - chaturanga. It already had a completely recognizable “chess” look, but fundamentally differed from modern chess in two features: there were four players, not two (they played a pair against a pair), and the moves were made in accordance with the results of throwing dice. Each player had four pieces (chariot (rook), knight, bishop, king) and four pawns. The knight and king moved in the same way as in chess, the chariot and bishop were much weaker than the current chess rook and bishop. There was no queen at all. To win the game, it was necessary to destroy the entire army of opponents. Turning chess into international view sports Since the sixteenth century began to appear chess clubs, where amateurs and semi-professionals gathered, often playing for a cash bet. Over the next two centuries, the spread of chess led to the emergence of national tournaments in most European countries. There are chess publications, at first sporadic and irregular, but over time gaining more and more popularity. The first chess magazine Palamede was published in 1836 by the French chess player Louis Charles Labourdonnet. In 1837 a chess magazine appeared in Great Britain, and in 1846 in Germany. In the 19th century, they began to carry out international matches(since 1821) and tournaments (since 1851). The first such tournament, held in London in 1851, was won by Adolf Andersen. It was he who became the unofficial "chess king", that is, the one who was considered the strongest chess player in the world. Subsequently, this title was challenged by Paul Morphy (USA), who won the match in 1858 with a score of + 7-2 = 2, however, after Morphy left the chess scene in 1859, Andersen again became the first, and only in 1866 Wilhelm Steinitz won the match against Andersen with a score of + 8- 6 and became the new "Uncrowned King". The first world chess champion who officially held this title was the same Wilhelm Steinitz, who defeated Johann Zuckertort in the first match in history, in the agreement on which the expression "world championship match" appeared. Thus, a system of succession of the title was formed on a whim: the new world champion was the one who won the match against the previous one, while current champion reserved the right to agree to a match or reject an opponent, and also determined the conditions and venue of the match. The only mechanism capable of forcing the champion to play with the challenger was public opinion: if a strong, admittedly, chess player could not win the right to a match with the champion for a long time, this was considered as a sign of the champion's cowardice, and he, saving face, found himself forced to accept the challenge. Typically, the match agreement provided for the champion's right to a rematch if they lost; victory in such a match returned the title to the previous owner. In the second half of the 19th century, time control began to be used in chess tournaments. At first, they used the usual hourglass(the time was limited per move), which was rather inconvenient, but soon the English amateur chess player Thomas Bright Wilson (T.B. Wilson) invented a special chess clock that made it possible to conveniently implement a time limit for the entire game or for a certain number of moves. Time control quickly entered into chess practice and soon began to be used everywhere. By the end of the 19th century, official tournaments and matches without time control were practically non-existent. Simultaneously with the advent of time control, the concept of "time pressure" appeared. Thanks to the introduction of time control, special forms have arisen chess tournaments with a greatly reduced time limit: "rapid chess" with a limit of about 30 minutes per game for each player and "blitz" - 5-10 minutes. However, they became widespread much later. Chess in the 20th century At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the development of chess in Europe and America was very active, chess organizations grew larger, more and more international tournaments were held. In 1924, the International Chess Federation (FIDE) was created, initially organizing the World Chess Olympiads. Until 1948, the system of succession to the title of world champion that had developed in the 19th century was preserved: the challenger challenged the champion to a match, the winner of which became the new champion. Until 1921, Emanuel Lasker remained the champion (the second, after Steinitz, the official world champion, who won this title in 1894), from 1921 to 1927 - Jose Raul Capablanca, from 1927 to 1946 - Alexander Alekhine (in 1935, Alekhin lost the world championship match to Max Euwe, but In 1937 he regained the title in a rematch and held it until his death in 1946). After the death in 1946 of Alekhine, who remained undefeated, FIDE took over the organization of the world championship. The first official world chess championship was held in 1948, the Soviet grandmaster Mikhail Botvinnik became the winner. FIDE introduced a system of tournaments for winning the title of champion: the winners of the qualifying stages advanced to the zonal tournaments, the winners of the zonal competitions advanced to the interzonal tournament, and the winners best results in the latter they took part in the Candidates' Tournament, where the winner was determined in a series of knockout games, who had to play a match against the reigning champion. The formula for the title match has changed several times. Now the winners of zonal tournaments participate in a single tournament with the best (by rating) players in the world; the winner becomes the world champion. The Soviet chess school played a huge role in the history of chess, especially in the second half of the 20th century. The wide popularity of chess, active, purposeful teaching of it and the identification of capable players from childhood (there was a chess section, a children's chess school in any city in the USSR, there were chess clubs at educational institutions, enterprises and organizations, tournaments were constantly held, a large amount of special literature was published) contributed to the high level of play of Soviet chess players. Attention to chess was shown at the highest level. The result was that from the end of the 1940s until the collapse of the USSR, Soviet chess players almost completely dominated world chess. Of the 21 chess Olympiads that took place from 1950 to 1990, the USSR team won 18 and became a silver medalist in one more, out of 14 chess Olympiads for women during the same period, 11 were won and 2 "silver" were taken. Of the 18 draws for the title of world champion among men in 40 years, only once a non-Soviet chess player became the winner (it was the American Robert Fischer), and twice more the contender for the title was not from the USSR (moreover, the contender also represented the Soviet chess school, it was Viktor Korchnoi, who fled from the USSR to the West). In 1993, Garry Kasparov, who was the world champion at that time, and Nigel Short, who became the winner of the qualifying round, refused to play another match for the world championship under the auspices of FIDE, accusing the federation leadership of unprofessionalism and corruption. Kasparov and Short formed new organization-PSHA, and played a match under its auspices. There was a split in the chess movement. FIDE stripped Kasparov of his title, and Anatoly Karpov and Jan Timman competed for the title of FIDE world champion, who at that time had the highest chess rating after Kasparov and Short. At the same time, Kasparov continued to consider himself a "real" world champion, since he defended the title in a match with a legitimate contender - Short, and part of the chess community was in solidarity with him. In 1996, the PCHA ceased to exist as a result of the loss of a sponsor, after which the champions of the PCA began to be called the "world champion in classical chess." In fact, Kasparov revived the old title transfer system, when the champion himself accepted the challenge of the challenger and played a match with him. The next "classic" champion was Vladimir Kramnik, who won the match against Kasparov in 2000 and defended the title in the match with Peter Leko in 2004. Until 1998, FIDE continued to play the title of champion in the traditional order (Anatoly Karpov remained FIDE champion during this period), but from 1999 to In 2004, the format of the championship changed dramatically: instead of a match between the challenger and the champion, the title was played in a knockout tournament in which the current champion had to participate on a general basis. As a result, the title constantly changed hands and five champions changed in six years. In general, in the 1990s, FIDE made a number of attempts to make chess competitions more dynamic and interesting, and therefore more attractive to potential sponsors. First of all, this was expressed in the transition in a number of competitions from the Swiss or round robin system to the knockout system (in each round - a match from three parties for elimination). Since the knockout system requires an unambiguous outcome of the round, additional games in rapid chess and even blitz games have appeared in the tournament regulations: if the main series of games with the usual time control ends in a draw, an additional game is played with a shortened time control. Sophisticated time control schemes began to be used to protect against hard time pressure, in particular, "Fischer's clock" - time control with addition after each move. The last decade of the 20th century in chess was marked by another important event - computer chess has reached enough high level to surpass the human chess player. In 1996, Garry Kasparov lost a game to a computer for the first time, and in 1997, he also lost a match to Deep Blue by a one-point margin. An avalanche-like increase in the performance and memory capacity of computers, combined with the improvement of algorithms, led to the fact that by the beginning of the 21st century, public programs appeared that could play at the level of grandmasters in real time. The ability to connect to them pre-accumulated bases of openings and tables of small-figure endings further increases the power of the machine's play, completely relieves it of the danger of making a mistake in a known position. Now the computer can effectively prompt a human chess player even at the highest level competitions. This resulted in changes in the format of high-level competitions: tournaments began to use special measures to protect against computer prompts, in addition, they completely abandoned the practice of postponing games. The time allotted for a game was also reduced: if in the middle of the 20th century the norm was 2.5 hours for 40 moves, then by the end of the century it decreased to 2 hours (in other cases, even up to 100 minutes) for 40 moves. Current Status and Prospects After the Kramnik-Topalov unification match in 2006, FIDE's monopoly on holding the world championship and awarding the title of world chess champion was restored. The first "unified" world champion was Vladimir Kramnik (Russia), who won this match. Until 2013, the world champion was Viswanathan Anand, who won the 2007 world championship. In 2008, a rematch between Anand and Kramnik took place, Anand retained his title. In 2010, another match was held, in which Anand and Veselin Topalov took part; Anand again defended the title of champion. In 2012, a match was held in which Anand and Gelfand took part; Anand defended the champion's title in a tie-break. In 2013, Anand lost the title of world champion to Magnus Carlsen, who won the match ahead of schedule with a score of 6½:3½. The championship formula is being adjusted by FIDE. IN last championship the title was contested in a tournament featuring the champion, four winners of the Candidates Tournament and three personally selected players with the highest rating. However, FIDE has also retained the tradition of holding personal matches between a champion and a challenger: according to the existing rules, a grandmaster with a rating of 2700 or higher has the right to challenge the champion to a match (the champion cannot refuse), provided that funding is secured and deadlines are met: the match must end no later than six months before start of the next World Cup. The progress of computer chess mentioned above has become one of the reasons for the growing popularity of non-classical chess variants. Since 2000, Fischer chess tournaments have been held in which the initial arrangement of pieces is chosen randomly from 960 options before the game. Under such conditions, the huge array of opening variations accumulated by chess theory becomes useless, which, as many believe, has a positive effect on the creative component of the game, and when playing against a machine, it significantly limits the advantage of the computer in the opening stage of the game.

Wrestlers of Russia have always been distinguished by intransigence, assertiveness and the desire to win during their fights. A wrestling carpet is in many ways akin to which you can determine how physically strong and morally stable any wrestler is. Our hero proved that he is not only strong in sports, but also has sufficient will to pass the tests with honor in Everyday life. The name of this person is Alexander Bogomoev.

Brief biographical note

Alexander Bogomoev is a native of the village of Ust-Ordynsky, located in Buryatia. The wrestler's date of birth is November 17, 1989. Unfortunately, having living parents, Sasha was forced to be brought up in an orphanage, and after finishing the third grade, he moves to his aunt. After some time, the guy meets a man who could change his life in better side. It turned out to be coach Valery Abzaev. Together with his wife Alexandra Sergeevna, they become a new family for the young man.

The beginning of a sports career

In 2001, Alexander Bogomoev, under the guidance of his father, began to engage in wrestling. Since 2003, the young athlete has been fighting at the regional sports festivals of Sur-Kharban, where he was able to win four times.

At the end of the 9th grade, Valery Abzaev, taking into account the potential of the young wrestler, sends him to the city of Ulan-Ude to train under the guidance of the honored coach of Russia Valery Ivanov, of whom Abzaev himself was also a student at one time.

For some time, Sasha studied at Lyceum No. 24, choosing the profession of an artist. Due to the fact that he had a dorm room and food, he was able to calmly conduct training. Fortunately or unfortunately, the great master of the brush from Bogomoev did not work out, he returns to Ust-Orda and finishes his studies at a secondary school. Having received a certificate, Alexander Bogomoev enters the sports department of the Belarusian State University, which eventually successfully graduates. He also received a diploma from the Irkutsk Agricultural Academy.

Crucial moment

The most important in terms of sports growth, for the athlete was 2011. Wrestler Alexander Bogomoev, who at that time did not have any other high-profile titles or regalia, he simply performed excellently at a tournament of international importance in Krasnoyarsk, having managed to win silver there. After these competitions, Sasha was called the real discovery of the tournament. In the same year, a promising martial artist, being already in the main team country, goes to the World Cup, which was held in Makhachkala. It was in the main city of the Dagestan Republic that Alexander showed what is called aerobatics. At this championship, he had two fights (in the first his opponent was the Ukrainian Igor Khavaladzhi, in the second - the Bulgarian Krum Chachurov). Both fights were victorious for the Russian. Largely thanks to him, the Russian team won the World Cup.

After this tournament, Bogomoev once again confirms his high wrestling class, winning the bronze medal of the Russian championship in Yakutsk. He then lost only once and to a very eminent opponent - Viktor Lebedev. It is noteworthy that the Yakut shamans zealously supported the countryman during this duel. They actively beat the tambourines and performed their rituals, trying in every possible way to support Alexander. By the way, it was on the Yakut land that Bogomoev earned another valuable, from a material point of view, prize - a diamond. It happened when he took second place, competing in the Yakut national wrestling hapsagay.

Athlete achievements

In general, Alexander Bogomoev, whose biography is a vivid example of fortitude, can boast of his following victories:

  • Five times champion
  • Winner of international competitions held in China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia.
  • Twice won the tournament in memory of Korkin for the prize of the head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  • In 2010 he won an international tournament in the Republic of Buryatia.
  • In 2011-12 he was the winner of the Ivan Yarygin Golden Grand Prix world series.
  • In 2013, he won the World Cup in Tehran.
  • Championship winner Russian Federation, as well as the champion of the Russian Federation in 2014 and 2015.
  • He became the first in the championship for the Ramzan Kadyrov Cup in 2012, the city of Grozny, Chechnya.
  • Champion of the European Games 2015.

Since 2010, Bogomoev Alexander has been a member of the main team of the Russian Federation. In 2011 he was a laureate of the Golden Olympus award. He has the title of master of sports of international class.

Unsuccessful appearances

Like many people, and even more so athletes, Sasha also has periods of decline. Unfortunately, at the World Championship, which was held in the USA in September 2015, Bogomoev lost in the second fight. His offender was the representative of Ukraine Vasily Shuptar. The Ukrainian managed to force the Russian to play his game, imposing a rather viscous course of the fight. After the first half of the meeting, a draw was recorded, but almost before the end of the fight, the judges provided Vasily with an advantage of one point. Bogomoev's coaches filed a protest, but this did not change the situation. After a rather lengthy discussion, the judges' verdict was as follows - 4:3 in favor of Shuptar.

Life outside the wrestling mat

Alexander Bogomoev, whose nationality is Buryat, is resolute and aggressive only during competitions. According to his relatives, the rest of the time Sasha is a very sociable, sociable and cheerful person. He has a lot of friends, for the sake of which he is ready to take off his last shirt, as they say. According to his coach, Bogomoev is very loved by the public, and the number of his fans and admirers is constantly growing.

In addition to wrestling, the young man is fond of football. He plays in the STAM-stroy team. As for his personal life, Alexander is not yet married and tries to devote all his time to his sports career as much as possible.

By the way, a remarkable moment: some time ago they wanted to call Sasha into the army (delay for receiving higher education he has run out), but given his successful performances and being in the national team of the country, enrolling him in the ranks Armed Forces postponed again indefinitely.

The life of any person is a constant struggle both with oneself and with the outside world. But there are people who choose for themselves the path of an athlete who shows will where they fight with their opponents. Among these wrestlers, Alexander Pavlovich Bogomoev is an outstanding wrestler from the Russian Federation. We will talk about his fate, achievements and problems in the article.


Bogomoev Alexander, whose biography is given below, was born on November 17, 1989 in a small Buryat village called Ust-Ordynsky. To our great regret, the young man (not being officially an orphan, since his parents are alive) was literally forced to live and study in an orphanage. But already after the third grade, he was taken in by his own aunt, to whom he moved to live.

The beginning of the sports path

In the fifth grade, Alexander Bogomoev (his photo below) met a man named Valery Abzaev. This man was not just a talented freestyle wrestling coach, but also a master of sports in three disciplines. But the most important thing is not even this: the mentor of wrestlers became a foster father for the hero of the article.

In 2001, Sasha, being under the tutelage of his adoptive father, began to engage in martial arts under his guidance. And just two years later, the boy regularly begins to go to competitions at the regional level. He managed to win four times sports holiday Sur Harban.

Seeing positive results and a crazy thirst for victories, after the 9th grade, Abzaev decides to send Alexander to Ulan-Ude. In this city, Bogomoev ended up in the hall of the tinned coach of the Russian Federation Valery Ivanov, from whom Abzaev himself learned wrestling skills at one time.


For a certain period of time, Alexander Bogomoev studied at the Lyceum as an artist. Thanks to this institution, the young man had a roof over his head and free food, due to which he could safely train. Of course, the guy didn’t succeed in mastering the brush, he returned to Ust-Orda, where he completed his secondary education. After receiving a matriculation certificate, Sasha becomes a student at the sports department of the Belarusian State University. He successfully graduated from this university and eventually bothered to get another diploma within the walls of the Irkutsk Agricultural Academy.

Key moment

Alexander Bogomoev worked hard for a long time, trying to break into the elite of freestyle wrestling. It goes without saying that such zeal did not go unrewarded at all. 2011 was a really turning point for the guy. At that time, the young athlete was not yet famous and did not have high-profile victories over your shoulders. However, this did not prevent him from international tournament, held in Krasnoyarsk, to win a silver award. After that, the wrestler was called a real discovery of Russian sports.

A few months later, Sasha got into the national team and went to the World Cup in the city of Makhachkala. In this city, Bogomoev managed to show mastery of the planetary level and was able to defeat famous wrestlers from Ukraine, for example, and Bulgaria. This success ultimately had a positive effect on overall result performances of the entire Russian team.

Further, Alexander Bogomoev was able to pull out the bronze medal of the Russian championship, which took place in Yakutsk. A shameful loss in this tournament overtook young man only once in a fight with Viktor Lebedev. It is worth noting that during the duel between these two wrestlers, Sasha was very strongly supported by local shamans, who beat their tambourines and performed various rituals, only known to them, in order to lure victory for Bogomoev.

We must not forget about the second place taken by Alexander in another tournament on the Yakut land, when he competed according to the rules of the national wrestling hapsai. At those competitions, a talented athlete received a real expensive diamond as a reward.


Alexander Bogomoev (his nationality is Buryat) can boast of the following sports achievements in his still short, but already quite eventful career:

  • Three-time champion of the Russian Federation.
  • Two-time winner of the bronze medal of the championship of the Russian Federation.
  • Winner of the gold medal of the European Games 2015.
  • Three-time winner of the Ivan Yarygin Grand Prix tournament.
  • Champion of the Ramzan Kadyrov Cup 2012.
  • Five times won the championship of the Siberian Federal District.

For seven years he has been a member of the Russian national team, he is the holder of the title of master of sports of international class. In 2011 he received the Golden Olympus award.


Alexander Bogomoev, like any other athlete, is subject to periods of decline. Unfortunately for him and his fans, one of the most upsetting losses of the Russian is his defeat in the fight with Vasily Shuptar at the 2015 World Championship, which was held in the United States. In that confrontation, the Ukrainian was able to impose his tactics on Sasha, fighting in a very obsessive manner. The first half of their meeting ended in a draw. But almost in the last seconds, the judges gave Vasily one point, which later turned out to be fateful. coaching staff Bogomoeva protested against this decision, but this did not change the referee's verdict. The final score of the fight was 4:3 in favor of Vasily.

Another unpleasant moment in Bogomoev's career can be considered his failure to get into both the main and reserve squads of the Russian team for a trip to the Olympics in Brazil. In July 2016, the mentors of the country's main team, as a result of a secret ballot, gave their preference to Sasha's eternal rival Viktor Lebedev. It is worth explaining that these two wrestlers were considered as candidates for the national team reserve. According to the rules of these international competitions, a reserve wrestler could get on the mat only in case of injury or illness of one of the main athletes.


On April 23, 2017, Bogomoev was hospitalized in Ust-Orda with a blunt abdominal injury. It was all the fault drunken fight between two of his acquaintances, whom he tried to separate. As it turned out later, all three were drunk, each of the participants in the fight received bodily injuries of varying severity. After a thorough examination, it turned out that Sasha had a ruptured spleen with profuse bleeding.

It is worth noting that the rehabilitation of Alexander was successful. His spleen was not removed. Thanks to this, he was able to win on October 29, 2017 international competitions in Nefteyugansk weight class up to 61 kilograms. In the final of the tournament, he managed to defeat Ossetian Azamat Khodov with a crushing score of 10:0.


It goes without saying that the life of our hero is not only freestyle wrestling. Alexander Bogomoev also loves football very much and occasionally plays for a team called STAM-stroy. The young man is still single. His friends speak of him exclusively in a positive way, confirming the fact that he is always ready to help in difficult times. The wrestler has a younger sister.

On Sunday evening, wrestler of the Russian national team Alexander Bogomoev was hospitalized in Irkutsk, who was hit with a pipe in a fight between two friends.

Alexander suffered a rupture of the spleen, which was operated on in one of the hospitals in Irkutsk. The incident occurred in the native village of the 27-year-old wrestler - Ust-Orda. According to the investigative committee of the Russian Federation for the Irkutsk region, there was a drunken quarrel in which the victims were Alexander Bogomoev and the Irkutsk wrestler Bair Ilyin. They quarreled with a former karateka, and now a deputy of the district Duma, Anton Asalkhanov. The quarrel turned into a fight. As a result, Ilyin received penetrating wounds to the lung and kidney, and Asalkhanov received minor stab wounds. Bogomoev suffered from a blow with a pipe; as a result of a blunt abdominal trauma, he suffered profuse blood loss from a ruptured spleen. Now he is in the intensive care unit. Doctors give a favorable prognosis.

An investigation is underway to find out who injured whom.

Sasha just recovered from the injury, started running, playing football, but he hasn't played the mat yet. So I wandered between Ulan-Ude and Ust-Orda. On May 1, he was supposed to start training, - he told the publication "Number One" personal coach wrestler Valery Ivanov.

The most terrible diagnosis of doctors in case of rupture of the spleen is its removal. In the emergency hospital medical care Irkutsk, where doctors face injuries daily internal organs, gave a cautious forecast for the timing of Bogomoev's recovery.

A ruptured spleen can be quite insidious, - said Danzan Rybdylov, deputy chief physician for surgery. - In medicine, there is the concept of "two-stage rupture of the spleen." At the first stage, the organ can heal and come into relative balance, but at the second stage there may be sudden complications, but we hope that this will not happen with Alexander, who has a young and trained body. It is possible to avoid removal of the organ in the absence of bleeding, in otherwise it is difficult to talk about the sport of high achievements. You need to understand that wrestling is a contact and highly traumatic sport. An athlete without a spleen will have a long rehabilitation period - from six months or more, while you need to be careful ...

On this score, one has heard more optimistic opinions of specialists who believe that even with the removal of the spleen, the chances of returning to big-time sports are quite high.

There were many admirers of Bogomoev in the hospital, who wish him a speedy recovery and are ready to provide him with any assistance in rehabilitation. They reacted to what happened with Alexander in the wrestling community. So, Main coach Sazhid Sazhidov, the national team of Dagestan, wrote on his Facebook: “There was a problem with the famous Russian wrestler Alexander Bogomoev, he was hospitalized with a wound. Sasha a strong character and a strong body, and I hope that he will quickly recover. On behalf of the Dagestan national team, I wish him a speedy recovery and return to the carpet!

Recall that Alexander represents Buryatia and the Irkutsk region at competitions, he is a three-time national champion and winner of the European Games.

Timur Rasulov

Someday a book will be written about Alexander Bogomoev or a film will be made. His fate is generous with trials. Most recently, he underwent surgery on the spleen and recovered for a long time. Then many asked the question: is there a place for Alexander Bogomoev in big sport after a serious injury? With his victories, he made it clear that he would still fight. We talked to the three-time champion of Russia, the champion of the first European Games about his plans.

- Alexander, how do you feel? What are you living now? What is important for you at the moment?

- Thank you, I feel great, I live in struggle, and there is one main thought in my head: “Tokyo 2020”. While it would be a bold statement to say that I want to participate in the Olympics, we do not know how life will turn out. But the goal is set. The Ivan Yarygin Grand Prix tournament will take place soon in Krasnoyarsk, I will participate, so the training sessions to which everyone was devoted last days I softened. But, unfortunately, he suddenly fell ill. Now I am being treated.

- The press writes that you need a lot of money for rehabilitation, for a full recovery, and that you even attracted sponsors. Tell me, is it so, maybe we, fellow countrymen, can help with something?

- Everything is fine, no charges need to be announced. Yes, I need rehabilitation, and there are people who help.

“After this ridiculous fight happened, many quickly wrote off the wrestler who was recently admired. They even wrote on the Internet that Bogomoev ingloriously ended his career ...

“I have already proven that I can fight. The most important thing is that I have a desire, goals that I live by. I'm not ready to give up. Yes, I was wrong. But now my task is to go to the Olympics, glorify my homeland, my small village to the whole world, it occupies all my thoughts. The court proceedings that are going on willy-nilly distract me, knock me down psychologically, and do not allow me to work at full strength. I want to devote myself only to sports.

- This whole situation has become a test of strength for your friends. Who supported you?

- I didn't stay alone! The support was good, both financially and psychologically, my friends supported me, they all stayed with me. Eugene (I will not give his last name), he now lives in the Irkutsk region, provided powerful support. I express my gratitude to him through the newspaper, I think he will guess that it is about him.

- It was a shock to everyone tragic death Yuri Vlasko and the sudden departure of his coach Fyodor Makhutov. Willy-nilly, many found that the circumstances of his death are very reminiscent of the story that happened to you. How did you personally deal with such an early departure from a promising athlete?

- Of course, no matter how much time passes, it is impossible to understand this death, Yuri was a bright man with a pure heart. It is sad to realize that he is no longer with us. How is it - until recently you fought, won, and now you are lying in the ground? This is impossible to comprehend. I believe in an afterlife and I know that Yura is not at all in the earth, but in a very good location because he was a bright man.

You are an example for many boys. Looking at you, they believed in themselves, they realized that it is possible to win, the main thing is to set a goal and train hard. Among the promising young athletes are the Baltuev brothers. What do you think of these aspiring athletes?

“I think they have a great future ahead of them. The main thing is that they do not "eat up" the struggle ahead of time, do not lose interest in it. I started showing results already as an adult, and it was hard for me psychologically. They With youthful years are engaged in a struggle, I hope it is easier for them to rebuild. The main thing in our sport is to fight with your head, to think. And psychology is also very important - self-confidence, and it comes with victories.

- Alexander, tell me, are you thinking of tying the knot?

- Yes, it would probably be too reckless to say that that's all, I'm getting married this year. But, let's just say, I already want to get married and approach this with all responsibility.

- Wish something to fellow countrymen, readers ...

- I congratulate all fellow countrymen on the past holidays! Health to all, good relations with each other. Less jealousy, more faith in yourself, and everything will work out!
