Chess school of the Olympic reserve. Chess club "Intellect"

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Chess clubs are now in every school, and next year Ministry of Education promises to introduce compulsory lessons chess in all elementary grades. But if a child has a special talent for playing, he needs to be engaged in a professional section. We have selected 5 of the best chess schools in Moscow, where they teach, prepare for competitions and send them to chess camps during the holidays.

School of Chess "Youth of Moscow"

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To school at the chess club. T.V. Children from all over the city are brought to Petrosyan: international grandmasters Lyudmila Belavenets and Lyudmila Zaitseva teach here. FIDE masters, Olympiad winners, coaches of the highest category. There is even a teacher - a candidate of psychological sciences: the youngest athletes come to Evgenia Kuchumova with unfailing joy.

Children are treated with real care: they not only teach the game, but unite them into a team, rejoice at the success of each student, organize joint trips, out-of-town excursions, cultural trips to museums and exhibitions. And of course there are competitions. Every weekend there are game days at the school. In addition, students play for half an hour in each lesson.

Rating tournaments are held separately, to which players from other schools come. Children win youth world and European championships. For the holidays, athletes go to chess camps in the Moscow region, different cities Russia and abroad: to Bulgaria or Montenegro.

Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 11, building 2, metro station " Okhotny Ryad”, “Pushkinskaya”, “Chekhovskaya”

Youth school named after M.M. Botvinnik

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Classes at the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills have always been considered among the best in Moscow. Botvinnik's school prepares champions from the age of 4. Children are trained by international grandmasters, masters and coaches of the highest category. Andrey Rychagov, Irina Zakurdyaeva and others teach here.

Pupils constantly go to competitions: they win in Russia and at international level. The team leaves for St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Varna, Kostroma, Sochi. Children do not just go in for sports, but make friends, communicate, and relax. And most importantly, they play a lot, because acting up in chess is in many ways the key to success.

The school gives you the opportunity to train and play as much as possible. In the "Champions" section there are photos of very young winners. And it's impressive. Several times a year the school holds days open doors, on which they talk about the conditions for admission and training.

Kosygina, 17, building No. 8, Vorobyovy Gory metro station, then walk 10 minutes. M. "Universitet", bus "A" to the stop "Palace of Children's Creativity", trolleybus No. 28 to the stop "Universitetsky Prospekt". M. "Leninsky Prospekt", trolley bus number 7 to the stop "Palace of Children's Creativity".

Education is free. For admission, you need to submit an application on the website and pass an interview on the appointed day.

SDYUSSHOR No. 54 "Orienta" Moskomsport

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Despite the fact that the school is located far from the center of Moscow, children come here not only from the nearest microdistricts. The school occupies one of the leading positions among the city's children's chess teams, so the location is not a hindrance for those who see the makings of a chess player in a child or want to improve children's memory, develop logic, and the ability to calculate their steps several moves ahead.

Here they are able to teach a child what is useful not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. The school is strong, its national team became the fifth among children's teams in Russia. Among the coaches there are not only chess players, but also a candidate of pedagogical sciences. Group recruitment is active initial training. Education is free. There are several branches.

Federative avenue, 37 B, Novogireevo metro station

Education is free. For admission, you need to submit an application on the website and pass an interview on the appointed day.

School "Chess School of Anatoly Karpov"

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At the sports school of Anatoly Karpov, they take the selection of students seriously: there is a warning on the website that the main direction of work is high results, and enrollment may be refused.

For admission, you need to pass an interview. The "Hall of Fame" section of the site is impressive: photos of 12-13-year-old students with a FIDE rating of 2248 (that's a lot!) and the title of "International Candidate Master" and "Candidate Master". There is a multiple champion of Moscow among girls; there is a champion of Russia among boys under 13 years old. And many other talented guys.

Pupils win tournaments and championships in classical chess and rapid, invariably in the forefront in blitz - lightning chess. Learning is difficult, but the results are obvious.

Khoroshevskoe highway, 1 (entrance from Rozanova st.), Begovaya metro station (1 car from the center, then after the escalator to the left).

School of Chess "Youth of Moscow"

Sport school Olympic reserve(SShOR) "Youth of Moscow" in chess, working in the chess club. T.V. Petrosyan is one of the best centers for teaching children this game in the capital. Our school introduced many children to the wonderful world of chess art.

The school is located in a convenient location, in the very center of Moscow, on Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 11, building 2 (metro station Okhotny Ryad, Pushkinskaya)

School is a structural subdivision of the Youth of Moscow Physical Culture and Sports Association, which includes 40 sports schools in the capital, where about 20,000 athletes are involved.

Under the banner of "Youth of Moscow" The school has been operating since 2005. Before that there was chess school The trade unions, which, in turn, were founded by the schools of sports societies Spartak, Trud and Burevestnik, well-known throughout the country, headed by the patriarchs of Russian chess, ex-world champions Tigran Petrosyan, Mikhail Botvinnik and Vasily Smyslov, respectively.

In former years at the chess school at the Spartak club, which later received the name of the ninth world champion named after. T.V. Petrosyan, many well-known grandmasters studied. Among them are Andrei Sokolov, Alexander Morozevich, Sergei Grigoryants, Evgenia Chasovnikova, Anastasia Savina.

Today classes the school is taught by experienced teachers with high sports qualifications. Pupils of "Youth of Moscow" regularly win all-Russian and international competitions.

Chess team of the SShOR "Youth of Moscow"- multiple winner and prize-winner team championship Russia. School students regularly win prizes youth championships Europe and the world.

Life of the chess school is not limited to just classes and competitions. In the summer, we send groups of school students to sports and recreation camps located in Sofrino (Moscow region) and Igalo (Montenegro). Students who show good results regularly participate in the training camps of the youth teams of Russia and Moscow.

To school children are accepted school age, 7 years and older. Reception is at the beginning school year(September). For younger students For admission, a minimum knowledge of the rules of chess is required.


The first team of "Youth of Moscow" is the strongest in Russia

The team championship of the country in 2014 ended with the triumph of the first team of the SShOR "Youth of Moscow". Our guys scored 24.5 points in nine rounds of the competition, overtaking the closest pursuers by one and a half points. In the final round, the Muscovites defeated the St. Petersburg "Petrovskaya Ladya" with a score of 2.5:1.5. The decisive point in the match was brought by Maxim Vavulin, who defeated his opponent. The rest of the games ended in a draw.
The best result of the competition was shown by Maxim Vavulin. He won 8 points out of 9 possible. Grigory Oparin brought 6 points to the team. Karina Ivanova has half a point less. Yuri Eliseev earned 5 points in this tournament.
Three teams finished after the winner, including the second team of our school. They all scored 23 points. Additional indicators gave the second place to the "Petrovskaya boat", "bronze" to the Tyumen regional center A.E. Karpov. Our chess players were in the fourth position.
SShOR "Youth of Moscow 4" scored 21 points, taking 12th place. One point less for the third team of the school. The fifth team of "Youth of Moscow" scored 17.5 points.
