Many believe that they have been given too much. How awards to football players split Russian sport

In a popular Soviet film, one of the heroes utters a very symbolic phrase: “Now even Soccer game does not do without political resonance! " Moreover, the whole world championship, which the country held with such success on an emotional upsurge. Even our team did not fail here. And the players, who were contemptuously called "millionaires in panties", got together and somehow jumped over their heads.

Even hot on the heels of general affection about our reaching the quarterfinals, many recalled that the great Beskov was removed from the leadership of the USSR national team for losing the final of the European championship in 1964. Still would! After all, we came as winners of the last European Cup. And for the silver medals in 1972, when our team lost in the final to the Germans 0: 3, only the lazy did not criticize the players who had so lowered the country's prestige.

But those victories are in the Soviet past, and the country needs new heroes. Especially now, when social tension has increased so much, the ratings of politicians are declining, and evil tongues have generally declared the World Cup holiday a cover for unpopular reforms.

website / Sergey Bulkin

So, we admit that yesterday's awarding of football players with orders, certificates of honor and the title of "Honored Master of Sports" is an attempt to somehow preserve the vivid emotions born of the tournament. Moreover, in recent months, with bright successes, breakthrough events, things have not been very successful. Moreover, the mood of the fans is changeable. Yesterday, the same speaker, Dziuba, was referred to as "tree". Today he is on a horse, but how will he play tomorrow? Are the newly minted ZMS booing?

But a completely unexpected thing turned out. Awarding outside the established regulations offended many of our famous athletes. The legendary volleyball player Gamova, top tennis player Kafelnikov has already expressed surprise at such an obvious quarter-finalist, and the reference coach of handball players Trefilov considered this reward an attempt to distinguish football from other sports. After all, the title of Honored Master of Sports was usually received only by the winners, less often, as an exception, by the winners of the main tournaments. But the current exaltation of footballers has no precedent at all.

Posted by Ekaterina Gamova (@ ekaterinagamova11) Jul 28, 2018 3:10 PDT

And, apparently, the number of restrained responses to yesterday's award will only grow. Especially among those who have long hung skates and boots on a nail. That is, professionals who have not depended on the sympathy of Goskomsport for a long time. And they will talk about the degradation of the honorary title, for the sake of which many lost consciousness at the finish, went out on the ice with a temperature of 38, and fought on the field with a broken collarbone, because replacements were prohibited. And then they showered with awards even those who spent fifteen minutes on the field and did not sweat.

Basically, highlighting and ranking sporting success in general, the matter is extremely delicate. For example, famous footballer and the ball hockey player Valery Maslov lamented that he was a six-time world champion, but not an Olympic champion (Russian hockey is not included in Olympic disciplines), and therefore his pension is much less than it could be.

Ranks are also some kind of guarantee for a more or less secure old age. And very many masters did not wait for it. It seems that a nationwide "thank you" is sometimes quite enough. After all, Cherchesov, unlike Alexander Nevsky, has not yet won any battles.

On Saturday, July 28, 2018, the players of the Russian national team received awards from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Kremlin. After that, many famous athletes said that the players did not deserve such high titles.

“The performance of the footballers is a great joy, but it has nothing to do with the awarding of the title of ZMS,” Tarasova said. - There are clear criteria: you need to be the champion of the world, Europe or the Olympics. "

Publication from D. Musersky? Muserskiy D. (@dmitriy_muserskiy) Jul 28, 2018 at 1:33 PDT

“The highest award cannot be for the 8th place,” Musersky said. "The ZMS badge has lost its value for me personally."

Later, a similar point of view was expressed by volleyball player, master of sports of international class Alexey Spiridonov, Olympic champion in figure skating, commentator and other famous personalities.

According to the "Regulations on the assignment of honorary sports titles" of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the title of ZMS can be awarded to athletes as an exception "for an outstanding contribution to increasing the prestige of the Russian Federation and Russian sports by international level with exceptional courage and skill shown. " In fact, the rewarding of the players was held in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

I have long promised to write nominations for athletes - where are comic, where are serious ... Today I finally got there.

I have a particular fondness for nominations by titles or phrases from songs - they often say that you can't say better. So I literally shook up all the lyrics about sports that I could find, line by line. Most of them are from Soviet times, but there are also modern ones. In total - more than a hundred, I stopped counting on the 105th))

What made me especially happy was that I found acquaintances but forgotten about sports. So I highly recommend using his recordings during your sports awards - in terms of the wit of his lyrics, in my opinion, there is no equal.

Many powerful beautiful songs about sports were written by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov.

Well, and, probably, nothing will ever be able to interrupt the Anthem in honor of the winning team “We are the champions” from the group “Queen”.

Comic nominations for all athletes

There are only mountains better than mountains

(which have not yet been -

I wrote this end of the phrase not for but for general development, otherwise not everyone knows and therefore misunderstands)

- climbers and rock climbers, mountain and bench

Or this is for them -

we will reach the stars through the mountains.

We are not afraid of the path - we will reach the clouds!

The whole country is our stadium!

- to varying degrees all street views sports - parkour, roller skates, streetball, others - they are less common in our country, but still there.

Tempered and skillful waves are not afraid

Yachtsmen, kayakers and other open water sportsmen.

Not only ships go sailing

One of my favorite nominations!

For all swimmers on time and distance, as well as with less hit, it is suitable for water polo and synchronized swimming

Victory will never come by itself

Victory in the struggle is obtained.

To fighters of any kind of struggle

This is the whole sport life- only for a moment you are at the top

High jump track and field athletes (and with a pole too)

we write songs of attacks with skates

- for hockey players, skaters, with some stretch - for skaters.

Swiftness and firmness, decisiveness and vigor -

This is football!

For footballers

Or like this -

Here in the open air

Everyone will become a footballer.

Basketball is my life

Basketball player

A boxer is walking towards victory


What could be better in the world than a ski fun run

For skiers

Beauty will save the world

Figure skating, synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics.

Nominations for one athlete only

Again the road hits me on the heels

- marathon runner

I run, I run, I run along the cinder track

- athlete

Ordered to throw, and I sword

Hammer or disc thrower

At the signal "Let's go!" I stepped into nowhere.

For parachutist

I'll get it before the summer anyway

I have high jumps ...

- for the one who jumps in height.

I have a knight's move in reserve

Chess player.

The eternal dispute - who is stronger, me or she?

Weightlifter. She is a barbell.

change skates to sleds!

- athlete - bobsledder

Because early in the morning I'm not too lazy to do gymnastics

- gymnast or gymnast, both sports and rhythmic

Ten thousand and just one run

- long distance runner or skater

We run 100 meters faster in training.

The same, but for short distances

I want to be a boxer

I have been living in the ring for 10 years.


Everyone suddenly became very polite to me. And the coach.

- boxing, all kinds of wrestling, fencing - that is, the kind of sport whose representative can stand up for himself. At least hypothetically.

Nominations for the participants of the race - see the comments under the article in bold.

Read the continuation in the next article. There will be comic nominations for sports teams, for some special categories of athletes, as well as a little antinomination.

With a wish for pleasure both from sports and from my nominations,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

I select nominations for an individual order, please contact!

Sports prizes and awards are given to the winners sporting events for great work, skill and will to win. Sports prizes are awarded to individual athletes and entire collectives - teams, physical culture organizations... Prizes are awarded to sports committees and councils of the DSO, sports and public editorial offices of newspapers and magazines. Diploma, certificate, badge, medal, champion ribbon, commemorative prize, challenge prize (cup) - all these are sports awards. Diplomas are awarded to both individual athletes and teams in sports for high, prize-winning places in the championships of DSO, republics, Spartakiads of the peoples of the country. Diplomas come in three stages, depending on the place occupied by an athlete or a team. Certificates are issued to those winners of the competition (teams or individuals) who have managed to achieve great success in the development of mass physical culture and sports work.

Badges - honorary badges - are awarded to the winners of city, regional, republican and all-Union competitions for the 1–3rd places. Since 1947 to encourage growth sporting achievements The Soviet government instituted medals: 1st degree medal (gold), 2nd degree medal (gilded silver), large silver medal, small silver medal, large bronze medal, small bronze medal, commemorative medal. Medals are awarded only to those who set all-Russian and world records, win the title of champion, become prize-winners of championships.

One of the most important and honorable medals - Olympic medal... These medals are of three values: gold, silver, bronze, awarded respectively for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the Olympic competitions. The obverse of the medals is always the same: the figure shows the goddess of victory Nike and the colonnade of the Colosseum. On the reverse side of the medal is the emblem of the next Olympics.

Winners major competitions in the union republic: championships, sports days - the champion's scarlet ribbon is awarded. When awarding the winner and at solemn parades, the ribbon is worn over the shoulder. The world chess champion is crowned with a laurel wreath.

Sportsmen or teams receive commemorative prizes, as a rule, for victory in friendly competitions or in match meetings, in international or union arenas. Competitions for a challenge prize, a cup are very common. It is played, as a rule, annually, in almost all sports. The draws of the football cup and the gymnastics cup are widely known. The Challenge Cup is awarded to the winner and kept until next competitions... Cups can be instituted sports organizations, trade union, Komsomol organizations, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, international federations by sports.

The players of the national team received the titles of "Honored Masters of Sports" in the Kremlin yesterday

Moscow, July 29. In the solemn atmosphere of the Catherine Hall of the Moscow Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented state awards and certificates of honor to football players and coaching staff national football team. Players were also honored with Merited Masters of Sports titles for their amazing performance at the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The national team was able to break into the quarter finals for the first time in modern history.

A real scandal very quickly erupted around the awarding ceremony. Not all athletes consider such encouragement deserved. One by one, eminent champions began to express their disapproval of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

She was the first to express her indignation Two-time champion world volleyball and silver medalist Olympic Games Ekaterina Gamova. The athlete noted that not all athletes, even taking leading positions at the Olympic Games, were awarded such a high honor. At the same time, the girl noted that her criticism was not directed at the players who received the awards, but at the Ministry of Sports, which undeservedly appropriated these awards.

There is a strangely different attitude in our country to the achievements of athletes. Someone, in order to receive the title of ZMS, needs to win the world championship or become a medalist of the Olympic Games, and someone gets only for reaching the quarter finals! - wrote the volleyball player on her Instagram.

The athlete was immediately bombarded with accusations of envy and incompetence. Fans of Russian footballers recalled that athletes received expensive cars and apartments for their achievements at the Olympics. And the title "ZMS" apart from the badge does not really give anything.

Olympic champion in tennis Yevgeny Kafelnikov also did not stay away from this story. He noted that, despite all the achievements, he is not a bearer of the title of "ZMS", but he does not condemn the decision of the Ministry of Sports.

Our esteemed president is doing what he wants to do. He considers it necessary to reward Stanislav Cherchesov, Igor Akinfeev and Sergey Ignashevich - his will and right, - the tennis player commented.

Former coach of the national football team, Valery Gazzayev, believes that the athletes' awards are well deserved and are not subject to discussion.

I support the decision to issue the title of ZMS to the players of the national team. There is also such a clause: "as an exception", "for outstanding contribution." This is an outstanding achievement for our football - the national team reached the quarter finals of the World Cup! The players deserve these titles, - said the coach.

In addition, he noted that a similar incident had already happened in our country. In 1966, the Russian national team at the World Cup reached the semifinals. Then the athletes also received sports awards.

The head coach of the Russian women's handball team Yevgeny Trefilov believes that only the winners are worthy of the country's highest sports award - that is, the athletes who took first place in the competition high level... According to him, there are many representatives who are worthy, but have not received this title. He believes that such an award puts football a step higher than any other sport.

In my opinion, there are guys who deserve this title more. Not everyone understood why this happened. There is no need to cross. It turns out, like Yuri Gagarin, who received a major after a senior lieutenant. I respect Stanislav Cherchesov. He organized everything great, but we also have other awards, - said Trefilov.

Alexander Kozhevnikov, two-time Olympic ice hockey champion, agrees with this position. He noted that the result home championship is undoubtedly high, but it is not a rule for the country. Such victories are rare and exceptional for football players. He believes that the awards will be deserved only when such a game becomes the rule, and not the exception.

I believe that there is no sporting principle here. Giving the title of ZMS for the eighth place is wrong. It's like the old program, when they said "bronze medal with a gold tint." This is not good. In sports there should be sports principle- said Kozhevnikov.

The decision of the Ministry of Sports was not supported by the Honored Coach of the USSR and Russia in figure skating Tatyana Tarasova. She believes the rules are the same for everyone. There is a clear algorithm according to which one or another award can be awarded. To receive the "ZMS" you need to become the winner of the Olympics or the World Champion. In this case, neither one nor the other condition is fulfilled.

Of course, the performance of the players is a great joy, but this has nothing to do with the awarding of the title of Honored Masters of Sports. I think it’s impossible to devalue the work of people and the way they receive awards. Therefore, I do not think that the players will be offended by me. They just have serious patronage and gratitude from the whole country. This is probably why these titles are given out. There are clear criteria, - Tatiana Tarasova commented on the awarding ceremony.

The fact that during the awarding of Russian footballers the Ministry of Sports gave up the clearly spelled out rules, the 2012 Olympic champion in volleyball Dmitry Musersky agreed.

Everything has its own price and measure! Yes, this badge does not really give any privileges in life, but this is the highest award in sports, and I am sure that every athlete in Russia dreams of receiving it! And the highest award cannot be for the eighth place ... The ZMS badge has lost its value for me personally, - said the volleyball player.

The decision of the Ministry of Sports was supported by Main coach Moscow Lokomotiv Yuri Semin. He believes that in this case the award is well deserved, because it is given for high achievements, one of which was the entry of the national team to the quarter finals.

This decision is well-deserved, because there are specific tournaments in which you need to achieve results, our team did it. I think this decision of our leaders is a certain incentive for all football, - commented Semin.

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