"Schumachers" on tractors and "Queen of the Plow": the Russian championship in plowing was held in Ufa. Vi open championship of russia in plowing takes place in the republic of bashkortostan

The VI Russian Plowing Championship was held in the Ufa region. Farmers from 30 regions of Russia took part in the competition. Before the start of the competition, the latest agricultural equipment was presented: more than 50 enterprises brought their machines and units to the championship. All cars could be tested, and there were a lot of people willing to take a test drive.

Russia is a member of the World Arable Movement. The World Plowing Championships are organized by the World Plowing Organization, founded in 1952. In addition to Russia, it includes 32 countries.


One of the most notable machines was the "giant" tractor with a capacity of 400 Horse power... Its uniqueness is a modern sowing complex, which simultaneously performs several types of soil cultivation.

The winner of the competition was Andrey Shal, a mechanic from the Ryazan region, who won the right to represent the country at the European Championship in 2018. The owner of the "Golden Plow" will drive away in a premium car "UAZ-Pickup". But first things first.

Test drive of new equipment and "Tractor Show"

Despite the fact that June was rainy in the republic, the weather did not interfere with the competition. “Every year we hold competitions, the weather has never failed. 2017 was no exception,” the organizers said.

The "Tractor Show" competition for mastery of management was spectacular. "The feeling is as if you are participating in races, only instead of a car - a tractor, and instead of" Schumachers "- ordinary villagers", - the participant of this tournament Gulia Isyandavletova shared with reporters. She said that from start to finish it is necessary to overcome about 150 meters as quickly as possible, but at the same time carry the cargo attached to the car safely. In spite of simple terms, the zigzag distance does not lend itself to everyone. "Basically, the need for speed on bends brings down", - notes Isyandavletova.

Nikolay Pichkalev from the Perm Territory showed the best result at the "Tractor Show", having won the ATV.

A girl from Bashkiria became the "Queen of the Plow"

The participants of the competition also had to work hard to cultivate the land on an area of ​​100 x 24 meters. Precisely painstaking - for this task each competitor was given exactly 3 hours. Their actions were observed by impartial judges armed with a ruler. "This is for measuring the depth of plowing, - the assistant judge Norik Arsenyan explained to the agency. - Its optimal value is 16-21 centimeters."

According to him, the referees take into account the depth of the furrow, its straightness, the cleanliness of the plow exit. There are 14 evaluation parameters in total. Most time consuming and required element is the plowing of the "wedge". "All participants were on equal terms. They were given Agromash-85 TK tractors equipped with double-body reversible plows," Arsenyan explained.

It was he who evaluated one of the "stars" of the past competition - a girl-mechanic Aliya Yakupova, who won the championship in the category "Queen of the Plow". Her competitors were two more representatives of the fair sex, who were slightly behind. “Well, let it not be women's work, but I like it,” Yakupova admitted to TASS. “I graduated from the mechanical faculty at the Bashkir State Agrarian University.

Before leaving the cab of her tractor, she carefully folded a whole set of household tools into her backpack. “If the equipment went out of order, I would fix it. I understand this, I was taught at the university,” the 22-year-old machine operator admired with her talents.

Due to participation in the championship, Yakupova missed the graduation ceremony at her university. However, having learned about her good reason, the rector of the university personally came to present the bachelor's degree to the pupil of the sponsored alma mater. In addition, the "Queen of the Plow" received a walk-behind tractor from the organizers.

The winner of the championship could become a chef

But the winner of the Russian Plowing Championship, Andrei Shal, was planning to start his career in a completely different field. "I studied to be a cook, but then I made a choice and became a machine operator," he told reporters, holding a gold cup in his hands.

To the question of how he managed to bypass the rivals, the winner answered briefly: "I screwed up less." But he immediately admitted that he did not even expect to enter the top five. “After all, the soil was damp after heavy rains, it was not for sports plowing. But, apparently, I was not the only one who had flaws,” he concluded.

The silver medalist of the competition Vadim Zaretskikh from Udmurtia made a mistake in assessing the soil - two-time champion Russia for plowing. “It was not enough that the earth was damp, it was sticking, so I still couldn’t adjust the plow at will,” the mechanic, who is participating in the tournament for the fifth time, revealed his shortcomings.

Awards were also held in other nominations. Ildar Ishikayev from Bashkiria, who comes to the championship for the sixth time, was awarded a diploma "For the will to win". A participant from the Tver region, 18-year-old Vladimir Zuev, became the "junior of the championship". First in the open competition - John Stephen Whelan from Ireland.

"The level of training and work experience of the participants is different: these are machine operators with 20 years of experience and yesterday's graduates of agricultural universities. But for all plowmen this is good workout before the European and World Championships, which will be held in Russia in 2018 and 2020, "said the director of Rosagroleasing Valery Nazarov.

Plowed like a tractor

During the breaks of the main championship program great attention viewers were attracted by the show of the strong team led by the four-time winner of the tournament "Most the strong man Russia "Elbrus Nigmatullin.

The guys from his team took the Belarus tractor in tow. The athletes, working in pairs, tied one end of the cable to the tractor, and the other tied to themselves. The spectators were delighted that with such ease the athletes moved the almost four-ton car.

Also for the visitors of the championship there was an exhibition of cows, sheep and poultry, a children's playground was opened, a fair was organized where it was possible to taste and buy organic products. Musical groups and popular performers from Bashkiria performed at the festive concert.

Nail Shakhvaliev

VI Open Championship Russian plowing takes place these days inUfa region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is attended by machine operators from Russia, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia.

The results of the participants are assessed by an international panel of judges, which includes members of the European Arable Federation and the World Arable Organization.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, First Deputy Head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction in the State Duma Nikolai Pankov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, President of AKKOR Vladimir Plotnikov sent their greetings to the participants of the competition.

V solemn ceremony The opening ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Mardanov, First Deputy General Director of Rosagroleasing JSC Lyudmila Pridanova, Secretary General of the World Arable Organization Anna Maria McHugh, Secretary General of the European Arable Association Mart Bakker, Deputy Deplantation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Pavel Burak, Chairman of the AKKOR Council Vyacheslav Telegin, Rector of the Moscow State University of Technology Razumovsky Valentin Ivanova.

Opening the event, Rustem Mardanov noted that it is a great honor for the region to host these prestigious competitions. “After all, this is not only an exciting spectacle, but also unique playground to exchange experiences and ideas. Competitions of the best plowmen of Russia and the world will undoubtedly help to increase the prestige of the profession of a machine operator ”.

The honored guests visited the exhibition exposition, demonstrations of agricultural machinery and equipment, watched with great interest the competition of machine operators.

At the traditional "Tractor Show", experienced professionals showed their skill in driving a tractor, and students of agricultural educational institutions of Bashkiria competed in the competition "The best tractor driver - machinist".

Finalists of the VI Russian Open Plowing Championship have been determined: Ildar Ishikayev (Bashkortostan), Alexander Deryugin (Leningrad Region), Andrey Shal (Ryazan Region), Viktor Kudinov (Oryol Region), Vadim Zaretskikh (Udmurtia), Mikhail Tomilov (Vologda Region), Irek Galiev (Tatarstan), Aliya Yakupova (Bashkortostan). Among the foreign guests, John William (Ireland) and Kaspar Jarvala (Estonia) distinguished themselves.

Tomorrow, July 1, the panel of judges will sum up the results of the final competitions and announce the names of the Championship winners.

Note that all participants are on equal terms: the same tractors and attachments. Contestants must plow the furrow with almost pinpoint accuracy. Both speed and depth of plowing and accuracy of execution are important. . The area of ​​the site is 16 by 24 meters. This is a little less than four hundred square meters.

In addition, within the framework of the Championship, an exposition of machinery and technological equipment for agriculture was launched. Power-packed tractors and combines, modern seeding complexes, self-propelled seeders, grain carriers and much more can be seen in operation at demonstration shows.

So, a huge tractor with a capacity of 400 horsepower is presented with a nine-meter multi-turn plow or a modern sowing complex that simultaneously performs several types of soil cultivation.

An extensive business program includes the conference “Growth Drivers of the Russian Agroindustrial Complex. The effectiveness of support measures ", a seminar-meeting of the Association of Peasant (Farming) Farms and Cooperatives of Russia and JSC" Rosagroleasing "on the implementation of a joint program, the conference" Development of agricultural cooperation in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan ",

And also exhibitions of products of agricultural enterprises, folk crafts, national farmsteads of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

One of the brightest agricultural holidays of the year gathered more than two thousand spectators and guests.

The IV Open Championship of Russia in plowing has come to an end in the Saratov region, which was attended by the best machine operators from all over Russia. 32 machine operators from 28 regions of Russia, 16 representatives from four European countries took part in the reverse plowing competition this year. Traditionally, the Championship was organized by the state leasing company Rosagroleasing.

The participants and guests of the championship were welcomed by Valery Radaev- Governor of the Saratov Region, Alexander Petrikov- Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Nikolay Pankov- Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, Vladimir Plotnikov- President of AKKOR, Lyudmila Pridanova- First Deputy General Director of OJSC Rosagroleasing, Anna Maria McHugh- Secretary General of the World Arable Organization, Martha Bakker- Secretary General of the European Arable Federation, Roman Ivanov- Director of ANO "National Arable Organization".

A welcoming telegram was sent by the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko: “The annual large-scale plowing competition, which has become traditional, is a unique platform for demonstrating the skill level of machine operators from many Russian regions. It is gratifying to see how every year the championship attracts more and more plowing masters, thereby expanding the geography of the participants. Holding such competitions increases the prestige of the profession of a machine operator and serves as an incentive for real master farmers ".

The competition was divided into three main blocks: the Championship of Russia, the Open Cup of the championship, in the offset of which machine operators from Germany, Ireland, Estonia and the Netherlands took part, and "Tractor Show" - a competition in figured driving of a tractor.

According to the results of the competition, the winners were distributed as follows:

Russian Plowing Championship:

1st place - Vadim Zaretskikh (Udmurt Republic)

2nd place - Viktor Kudinov (Oryol region)

3rd place - Igor Gasnikov (Kirov region)

Open plowing cup (with the participation of machine operators from Europe):

1st place - John Whelan (Ireland)

2nd place - Ronald Coulter (Great Britain)

3rd place - Priit Puorg (Estonia)

"Tractor Show":

1st place - Alexander Ermolinsky (Vologda region)

2nd place - Priit Puorg (Estonia)

3rd place - Ildar Ishikaev (Republic of Bashkortostan)

In his native village in the Udmurt Republic, Vadim Zaretskikh took the medal for the first place and the main prize of the competition - a modern tractor of domestic production. Now he has to defend the honor of our country at the World Plowing Championships, which will be held in 2016 in England.

A machine operator from Udmurtia in 2013 already took part in the Plowing Championship, which was held in the Rostov region. True, for the first time Vadim Zaretskikh took only fifth place.

“And then I was invited to present Russian team plowmen at the World Championship. In France, I met with machine operators from different countries... There I got a lot of experience, which helped me to win this Championship. - Vadim shared. “Our family has a lucky day today - the Day of Completion of Spring Field Work was held in the Republic, and my mother won a calf there, and I’ll bring a tractor!”.

Each participant was accompanied by his support group. Heads of farms where machine operators work, representatives of regional branches of AKKOR, local ministries of agriculture and state technical supervision gathered to cheer for their fellow countrymen.

Irishman becomes the leader of the Russian Open Cup in plowing John Whelan... John - reigning champion plowing world. At the request of his Russian colleagues, John Whelan gave an unscheduled plowing training workshop during the competition. Foreign participants also appreciated that the Russian competitions are held on an equal footing. At the European and World Championships, each participant “arrives” with his own tractor and plow. In Russia, the participants competed on the same Argomash-85 TK tractors and plowed with the same Kverneland plows.

The machine operators demonstrated the accuracy and gracefulness of their "iron horses" control during the "Tractor Show". the main task, which stood in front of the participants - as quickly as possible to pass the track for figured driving on a tractor, and then set the load on a special platform. At the same time, it is forbidden to pass the track on a tractor before the competition.

Russia has been a member of the World Arable Organization since 2008, and competitions in our country are held according to the same world rules. This year, Anna Maria McHugh, Secretary General of the World Arable Organization, came to assess the level of preparation of the Russian championship. “I am very glad to be at such a wonderful event as the Russian plowing championship. Today the fourth championship is taking place and we can say with confidence that Russia is ready to host the World Plowing Championship in 2020 ",- noted Anna Maria McHugh. In turn, the secretary general of the European Arable Federation Mart Bakker noted that Russian black soil and flat fields are an ideal platform for holding competitions.

In addition to competitions, many seminars and business conferences were held at the Championship, in which agricultural producers, representatives of domestic agricultural machinery, agricultural science, and leading industry unions of Russia took part. One of the main topics of discussion was the issue of import substitution, the introduction of modern energy efficient agricultural technologies. Within the framework of the business program of the Championship, a meeting of the Association of Peasant (Farming) Farms was also held, and the consulting center of Rosagroleasing OJSC worked.

“During the time of the championship, it has become one of the main platforms for discussion latest achievements agro-industrial complex, a place to establish contacts, get acquainted with new agricultural technologies and samples of agricultural machinery, exchange professional experience. The technical and economic level of modern agricultural production assigns one of the main roles to the machine operator. And it is precisely such highly qualified specialists that are the basis for the development of the Russian countryside, the guarantee of its prosperous future ", - emphasized the general director of OJSC "Rosagroleasing" Valery Nazarov.

Within the framework of the championship, guests and spectators were able to visit the "Live Farm" pavilion. Here one could see highly productive breeding cattle supplied by Rosagroleasing. The open-air exhibition featured about 140 units of agricultural machinery and equipment from all major domestic manufacturers. State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Russia Alexander Petrikov thanked Rosagroleasing OJSC and other organizers of the event and noted the importance of the plowing championship for the country's agro-industrial complex: “The agricultural machinery, cattle, equipment that are presented as part of the exhibition at the Championship is evidence of the progressive development of domestic agriculture, which, despite difficult times, solves the problems of sustainable growth and import substitution", - he said.

During the exhibition, domestic agricultural machinery manufacturers received applications for the purchase of equipment for a total amount of more than 300 million rubles, and agricultural producers were able to communicate directly with suppliers. The main volumes of applications were submitted through the federal leasing mechanism of OJSC Rosagroleasing.

The next Russian plowing championship will be an anniversary one, in 2018 on the territory Russia will pass the European Plowing Championship, and in 2020 world plowing competitions.

35th European Plowing Championship

7th Russian Open Plowing Championship

Competition in the skill of driving a tractor ("Tractor Show")

The annual competition in sports plowing, which JSC "Rosagroleasing" has been holding in Russia since 2012, is, first of all, an important social event: the competition attracts a large number of participants and spectators. the main objective competitions - popularization and increasing the prestige of the labor of the agrarian, the development and promotion of modern technologies in agriculture. In 2018, simultaneously with the Russian national championship in our country for the first time the Championship will be held Plowed Europe *.

June 23 and 24, 2018 the best machine operators - members of the European Arable Federation (EPF) will measure their strength in the vastness of the Suzdal land.

EPF members: England, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of Ireland, Russia, Northern Ireland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Scotland, Republic of Estonia.

We invite everyone to Suzdal to support the participants of the Championship and visit grand celebration Russian village!

You will see with what precision and grace the best machine operators in Europe operate "iron horses".

In accordance with the rules of the European Arable Federation, competitors of the European Championship can use their own tractors and plows if they comply with the technical regulations.

Participants of the 7th Russian Open Plowing Championship JSC " Rosagroleasing"provided identical new tractors" Agromash-85 TK "manufactured by LLC Agromashholding"equipped with" Kverneland "double-body reversible plows.

Operators registered in accordance with the Competition Regulations will be allowed to participate in the Russian Open Plowing Championship.

The organizers met the wishes of the regions and increased the quota - now from one constituent entity of the Russian Federation to qualifying competitions up to 4 participants can be admitted.

According to the results of the qualifying stages, only ten strongest participants will reach the final, while each region or country will be able to represent only one contender with maximum amount points.

Foreign plowmen will compete for the Russian Open Plowing Cup in a separate standings.

Traditionally, participants who did not qualify for the finals will be able to measure their strengths for a separate prize in the Tractor Show tractor driving skill competition.

Guests and participants of the Championship and the business program are also expected:

Sports show program

Exhibitions and demonstrations of the latest agricultural machinery, livestock and processing equipment from leading manufacturers. More than 50 largest domestic and foreign companies will take part in the demonstration shows.

Exhibition of cows, sheep, poultry of the leading companies of the Vladimir region, engaged in breeding of pedigree animals;

Industry conferences with the participation of representatives of regional leaders, ministries and departments, leaders of specialized associations and public organizations, as well as leading industry experts in the following areas: agricultural machinery, animal husbandry, financial instruments for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, development of cooperatives and small businesses.

Show program and festive concert of the best musical groups and popular performers of the Vladimir region and guests of the Championship

Wide fair with tasting and sale of organic food

- cozy summer cafes for children and adults

* From the history of the competition

It all started with a competition between the two counties of Ireland. Now these are important competitions that bring together the best plowmen from all over the world. The first plowing competition took place on 16 February 1931 in Ireland among the counties of Wexford and Kildare. The news that the two counties had chosen whose plowmen were the best spread throughout Ireland. V next year it was decided to hold the same competition among all counties in the country. For this, at the end of 1931, the National Arable Association (NPA) was created in Ireland.

One of the ideologists of the plowing competition is the Irishman JJ Bergin, the co-founder and first director of the NPA, who came up with such a form of competition and its rules.

In 1952, the World Arable Organization (WPO) was created and Bergin was named vice president.

The first World Competitions were held in Canada in 1953. Since then, world championships have been held annually. From year to year, the plowing championships became more and more ambitious. Today it is a real holiday in an open field with a tent shopping camp, entertainment, music and dancing, culinary shows, animal exhibitions, and celebrity performances. Fashion shows were often held during the plowing championships.

In 1954, as part of the second world championship in Ireland, the first women's plowing championship was held. Women and girls could take part in it without age restrictions. The winner received the title of "Queen of the Plow".
Today, the World Arable Organization includes more than 30 countries, including Russia, USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, as well as the countries of the European Arable Federation.

In 2016, the largest World Plowing Championship was held in York (Great Britain). He was visited by record number viewers - 283 thousand people.

The VI Russian Plowing Championship was held in the Ufa region. Farmers from 30 regions of Russia took part in the competition. Before the start of the competition, the latest agricultural equipment was presented: more than 50 enterprises brought their machines and units to the championship. All cars could be tested, and there were a lot of people willing to take a test drive.

One of the most notable machines was the "giant" tractor with 400 horsepower. Its uniqueness is a modern sowing complex, which simultaneously performs several types of soil cultivation.

The winner of the competition was Andrey Shal, a mechanic from the Ryazan region, who won the right to represent the country at the European Championship in 2018. The owner of the "Golden Plow" will drive away in a premium car "UAZ-Pickup". But first things first.

Test Drive new technology and "Tractor Show"

Despite the fact that June was rainy in the republic, the weather did not interfere with the competition. “Every year we hold competitions, the weather has never failed. 2017 was no exception,” the organizers said.

The "Tractor Show" competition for mastery of management was spectacular. "The feeling is as if you are participating in races, only instead of a car - a tractor, and instead of" Schumachers "- ordinary villagers", - the participant of this tournament Gulia Isyandavletova shared with reporters. She said that from start to finish it is necessary to overcome about 150 meters as quickly as possible, but at the same time carry the cargo attached to the car safely. Despite the simple conditions, the zigzag distance is not amenable to everyone. "Basically, the need for speed on bends brings down", - notes Isyandavletova.

Nikolay Pichkalev from the Perm Territory showed the best result at the "Tractor Show", having won the ATV.

A girl from Bashkiria became the "Queen of the Plow"

The participants of the competition also had to work hard to cultivate the land on an area of ​​100 x 24 meters. Precisely painstaking - for this task each competitor was given exactly 3 hours. Their actions were observed by impartial judges armed with a ruler. "This is for measuring the depth of plowing, - the assistant judge Norik Arsenyan explained to the agency. - Its optimal value is 16-21 centimeters."
According to him, the referees take into account the depth of the furrow, its straightness, the cleanliness of the plow exit. There are 14 evaluation parameters in total. The most time-consuming and obligatory element is plowing the "wedge". "All participants were on equal terms. They were given Agromash-85 TK tractors equipped with double-body reversible plows," Arsenyan explained.

It was he who evaluated one of the "stars" of the past competition - a girl-mechanic Aliya Yakupova, who won the championship in the category "Queen of the Plow". Her competitors were two more representatives of the fair sex, who were slightly behind. “Well, let it not be women's work, but I like it,” Yakupova admitted to TASS. “I graduated from the mechanical faculty at the Bashkir State Agrarian University.

Before leaving the cab of her tractor, she carefully folded a whole set of household tools into her backpack. “If the equipment went out of order, I would fix it. I understand this, I was taught at the university,” the 22-year-old machine operator admired with her talents.
Due to participation in the championship, Yakupova missed the graduation ceremony at her university. However, having learned about her good reason, the rector of the university personally came to present the bachelor's degree to the pupil of the sponsored alma mater. In addition, the "Queen of the Plow" received a walk-behind tractor from the organizers.

The winner of the championship could become a chef

But the winner of the Russian Plowing Championship, Andrei Shal, was planning to start his career in a completely different field. "I studied to be a cook, but then I made a choice and became a machine operator," he told reporters, holding a gold cup in his hands.

To the question of how he managed to bypass the rivals, the winner answered briefly: "I screwed up less." But he immediately admitted that he did not even expect to enter the top five. “After all, the soil was damp after heavy rains, it was not for sports plowing. But, apparently, I was not the only one who had flaws,” he concluded.

In assessing the soil, the silver medalist of the competition Vadim Zaretskikh from Udmurtia, two-time champion of Russia in plowing, was mistaken. “It was not enough that the earth was damp, it was sticking, so I still couldn’t adjust the plow at will,” the mechanic, who is participating in the tournament for the fifth time, revealed his shortcomings.

Awards were also held in other nominations. Ildar Ishikayev from Bashkiria, who comes to the championship for the sixth time, was awarded a diploma "For the will to win". A participant from the Tver region, 18-year-old Vladimir Zuev, became the "junior of the championship". First in the open competition - John Stephen Whelan from Ireland.

"The level of training and work experience of the participants is different: these are machine operators with 20 years of experience and yesterday's graduates of agricultural universities. But for all plowmen this is a good training session before the European and World Championships, which will be held in Russia in 2018 and 2020," the director emphasized. Rosagroleasing "Valery Nazarov.

Plowed like a tractor

During the breaks of the main program of the championship, great attention of the spectators was attracted by the show of the team of strong men led by the four-time winner of the tournament "The Strongest Man of Russia" Elbrus Nigmatullin.

The guys from his team took the Belarus tractor in tow. The athletes, working in pairs, tied one end of the cable to the tractor, and the other tied to themselves. The spectators were delighted that with such ease the athletes moved the almost four-ton car.

Also for the visitors of the championship there was an exhibition of cows, sheep and poultry, a children's playground was opened, a fair was organized where it was possible to taste and buy organic products. Musical groups and popular performers from Bashkiria performed at the festive concert.

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