Charging to stimulate childbirth. Kegel exercises for easy labor

Every pregnant woman wants childbirth to be painless and easy. But childbirth is a natural process, which is debugged by nature itself, and in order to facilitate childbirth, a pregnant woman must take care of herself and ensure that she meets childbirth in excellent shape, and not just relying on nature.

It has been proven that exercising moderately can facilitate the process of childbirth. Now there are many exercises for easy childbirth. Even if she did not do physical education, you can pick up simple suitable exercises for pregnant. It is also necessary to understand the importance of preparation, to devote time to them every day, to help the unborn child and yourself, because childbirth is a big test for a child. But before a woman chooses a training program for herself, which is designed specifically for pregnant women, you must first consult with a gynecologist.

They say that the second birth is easier, but that's how to say it. Probably, women think so, because subsequent births turn out to be more rapid. Maybe because women in labor are mentally more prepared for the second birth, they know what awaits them and what they need to pay attention to. But a responsible approach and preparation for childbirth require any childbirth, regardless of what they were in the account.

As already mentioned, easy childbirth is not only the physical preparation of a woman, but it is also important mental attitude women in labor. There is no need to be afraid, because fear will be a serious problem for the body for its functions, so that it does not block the necessary reflexes, does not pinch the body. To make it easy for a woman to cope with negative emotions during childbirth, she needs to call auto-training for help. With the help, she stabilizes her morale, provides the baby with oxygen, which will be the main participant in childbirth.

It is important to familiarize yourself with which body positions during childbirth can provide the most comfort for the woman in labor. Doctors of maternity hospitals allow using Swedish wall And gymnastic ball. During contractions, a woman can apply massage to the area of ​​the lumbosacral rhombus, stroke her stomach, and start massaging it at the very beginning of contractions.

In order for the dream of an easy birth to be a reality, you need to work on your body and on yourself, mentally set yourself up for the upcoming test and maintain firm confidence and calmness that everything will go well.

From the beginning of pregnancy, you need to set yourself up for best result. Imagine that the birth went without ruptures, complications and easily. While waiting for the baby, read the special literature about pregnancy.

Muscle training for pregnant women

Starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy, do Kegel exercises daily. And there are many advantages in this, they facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth, prevent urinary incontinence in pregnant women, and prevent tissue ruptures during the passage of the baby's head through the vagina.

To feel the muscles that line the bottom of the pelvic cavity, you should temporarily stop urinating. If this happens without much difficulty, then the pelvic floor has correct form. If not, then Kegel exercises will fix the situation. Your goal during pregnancy will be to train your muscles. You will have the opportunity to tighten or relax them during attempts, during the passage of the baby's head.

Let's try five times to stop urination, and then resume it using the muscles pelvic floor. You can not use the muscles of the lower abdomen and thigh muscles.

Contract and then relax the pelvic floor muscles. Start doing 4 times a day with 10 reps and work up to 50 reps four times a day.

We will contract the muscles of the pelvic floor, count up to 5 times, and then relax the muscles. Gradually increase the delay time. At first it will be difficult to perform these exercises, but over time you will be able to control your body and the result will make your life easier.

Easy childbirth and success!

Giving birth to a child is considered a difficult test for the mother's body. Gymnastics during the period of bearing a baby will strengthen the muscles, give strength, help to relax during the birth process. You can perform exercises for easy childbirth without leaving your home. Every woman should be in good shape, take care of herself in order to facilitate the process of having a baby.

Indications and contraindications

During pregnancy, the body changes. The mammary glands are enlarged. Shoulders lean forward. The muscles of the chest are shortened, and the backs, on the contrary, are lengthened. Pain appears. The belly is growing. The ligaments of the joints are relaxed. The balance is broken. So that a woman does not fall, stumbling, you need to train a muscle corset. Regular exercise is beneficial for a quick and easy delivery.

Gymnastics helps to keep the whole body in good shape, improve metabolic processes, and nourish the tissue with oxygen. Physical training is good for women in labor. Among the contraindications are fluctuations in blood pressure, the threat of the onset of labor before the due time.

Any type of load is prohibited for patients:

  1. having uterine tone;
  2. the threat of miscarriage;
  3. with heart disease;
  4. pathology of the thyroid gland;
  5. multiple pregnancy;
  6. low location of the placenta;
  7. all kinds of blood flows;
  8. acute viral infections;
  9. hypertension.

The range of exercises for quick delivery is quite wide. A woman must understand the importance of their implementation for herself, the child. Many mothers take birth preparation lightly. They view gymnastics as a waste of time, completely relying on the medical staff. Absence physical training often leads to weak labor activity. The contractions subside as soon as they start. As an unforeseen situation, uterine bleeding opens. There are complications.

You can start exercising at any time. Various activities during the period of bearing a child will benefit. Exercises for painless childbirth will prepare the body for the upcoming load, greatly facilitate the process itself.

Gymnastics for stimulation

Labor-inducing training has gained wide popularity. In women who perform it, the fetus descends into the small pelvis faster. The passage of the child through the birth canal does not meet with obstacles.

Preparation of the bones of the pelvis, thighs:

  • starting position is standing. Sit down slowly. Hold your feet in bent position for 20 sec. Gradually increase this time to 60 seconds. Through these actions, the bottom of the pelvis, the abdominal walls are strengthened;
  • take the starting position “sitting on the floor”. Left leg pull forward, bend the right. Fix a large towel on the heel of the outstretched limb. Do tilts. In this position, the woman in labor is delayed for 15 seconds. 5 repetitions;
  • sit on your back with your buttocks pressed against the wall. lower limbs pull up. Take steps as if you were walking up stairs. When you feel a little tired, spread your legs to the sides, hold for up to 30 seconds. Keep your buttocks pressed against a vertical surface.

Actions to bring contractions closer:

  1. walking;
  2. swimming;
  3. descent, ascent of flights of stairs;
  4. slopes;
  5. squatting;
  6. sex.

To make it easier to bend over, collect scattered matches, wash the floor. These stimulants are time-tested. Walking is considered a natural tactic. The baby, descending, presses on the neck of the reproductive organ. More oxytocin is produced, the onset of the birth process is accelerated.

Kegel exercises

This complex makes stronger muscles vagina, perineum. To determine their location, interrupt the act of urination. The gynecologist advises to start training, according to the Kegel method, from half the term. Physical exercises for easy childbirth during pregnancy strengthen the muscles, make it elastic. The process itself will pass without injury, consequences.

Take any starting position to perform actions. Manipulations are performed until a feeling of fatigue occurs. Increase the load if you wish.

What exercises to do to make it easier to give birth:

  • slow squeeze. Retract, relax the muscles of the perineum. Listen to feelings. The muscles of the anus should be at rest;
  • floors. Turn on the imagination, imagining that the muscular section of the perineum has a number of floors. Get up slowly. Then stopping, resting, lower yourself;
  • flashing. The action resembles the flickering of car headlights. Tighten and relax muscles in fast pace. Control the load. Do not overdo it.

If you decide to do gymnastics lying down, get a special rug. A woman feels more confident on it. The material does not slip. Before the start of the workout, it is allowed to take a light snack. During the class, fats are burned, this is undesirable for pregnant women. Therefore, the feeling of hunger will be redundant.

Exercises for pain in childbirth

Drink fluids before, on time, after activities. The body must not lose moisture. With properly performed manipulations, the temperature regime of the body remains at the same mark. Count out loud. Speech will prevent you from holding your breath, which is extremely contraindicated for pregnant women.


  • butterfly. Sit on the floor. Spread your knees out to the sides. Connect the feet, pulling the heels to the perineum. Elbow pressure on ankle joint it is possible to increase the stretching;
  • frog. Get on your knees. Feet spread apart, try to get between them. When you experience certain difficulties during the first steps, sit on your heels.

An effective way to relieve pain is to change position. To easily give birth, exercises for pregnant women alternate in poses: on all fours, standing, in Turkish, sitting on the ball. The most physiological is "squatting".

Breathing exercises:

  1. lie down on the floor. Arrange pillows under your head, knees. Inhale, freeze for 1-2 seconds. Slowly release air through your mouth. The muscles relax. The tissues are filled with oxygen. Pain decreases, fatigue goes away;
  2. breathe like a dog. In the sitting position, perform the action as often as possible. Breaths are shallow.

To attain positive result need regularity. Women should remember that such exercises will help to give birth easier. They improve physical form, cheer up, relieve fears. You don't need to drive yourself to exhaustion. Moderate activity will perfectly prepare a woman for the upcoming event.

We are engaged in fitball

Exercises to facilitate childbirth during pregnancy will make the muscular frame of the dorsal region, abdomen, and pelvic floor stronger. There will be absolutely no threat to a woman's health if a ball is used during training. You can start manipulations from the 3rd trimester.

A set of exercises on fitball:

  1. sit on the fitball. Tighten your buttocks. Carefully raise one lower limb to the maximum height allowed. Hold 3 sec. Return to the starting position. Repeat these steps with the other limb;
  2. back the ball against the wall. Extend your legs in front of the body. Squat down slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not break the connection with the ball. The presence of a loved one is desirable for safety net, if balance is lost;
  3. turn to the wall partition. Hold the fitball on outstretched arms. Press it against a vertical surface. Don't bend your torso. The lower limbs are spaced shoulder-width apart. Press on the ball;
  4. sit on the fitball. Lean into it upper limbs. Make rotational movements, shaking your pelvis. Keep your balance. Subsequently, actions can be performed without the help of hands;
  5. initial position Same. Rotate your body to the right, then to the left. Do it until you feel tired.

Don't be too zealous. Increased breathing activates blood circulation. If a woman is able to speak without swallowing air, the data is considered normal. Exercises for childbirth without pain can be done in any form. They were invented in Switzerland. Thanks to the fitball, a woman, despite the delicate situation, feels great.

Is it easy to lose weight after giving birth? There is no single answer. Excess weight persists for a long time in women who, instead of playing sports before pregnancy, were on various diets, starved. Arranging a "swing" up and down, they doomed the body to a quick recovery. Losing weight after childbirth is difficult for women who are genetically predisposed to fullness, who move little. There is a real chance to lose weight for mothers who are breastfeeding, adhering to a balanced diet, leading the right lifestyle.

The physical preparation of the mother is of great importance for the successful passage of the birth process. Any mother wants to look good after the birth of a baby. In order for the period of bearing a baby, labor activity to pass without consequences, the recovery period does not last long, moderate loads are necessary. Light exercises, gymnastics should be selected taking into account the opinion of the gynecologist.

The abdominal muscles are the most stressed during pregnancy.

Gymnastics for pregnant women to prepare for childbirth

To prevent their overstretching, lethargy and flabbiness after childbirth, it is useful to do the following exercises:
  • sit on the floor with straight legs apart. Make alternately smoothly tilts to the right then to the left leg
  • lie on your back, bend your knees and lift up. Then straighten your legs in turn in both directions.
  • body position, as in the previous exercise, smoothly pull the right knee to the left elbow and vice versa - the left knee to the right elbow.

Breaks during childbirth. Can they be avoided? exercises

It is not uncommon for perineal tissues to break during childbirth. The following two exercises will help to avoid them:
stand near a chair, straighten your shoulders, take a few deep breaths and exhale. Feet - shoulder width apart, hands - on the back of the chair. Start slow squats. Make sure that your heels do not come off the floor, and your back remains straight. Hold this position, close your eyes and count to three. And then slowly stand up. Don't try to sit too deep right away. Every day, approach the floor by 1-2 cm. Do not make sudden movements - do the exercises smoothly.

Sit on the floor, connect the feet near the crotch, spread the knees to the sides. If discomfort is felt in the lower abdomen, then sit on a small elevation (2-3 cm). Relax, keep your back straight. Imagine that the knees are the wings of a butterfly, wave them. Make sure that only the inner surface of the thigh is tensed during execution.

Back pain during pregnancy: how to relieve them with exercises

Pregnant women often experience back pain. To prevent them, the following exercises have been developed:
  • lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and pull them towards you. Grab them with your hands, round your back. Rock gently on your back in the ass - forward, like a roly-poly.
  • lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Try to spread your knees out to the side, bringing your feet together in place. Press your back against the floor, tighten your buttocks, and then lift your pelvis and try to reach the floor with your knees.
  • sit on the floor, straighten your legs and stretch them in front. Alternately lifting and moving forward one or the other buttock, try to move forward. Don't help with your legs.
  • stand straight, then squat down and grab your heels with your hands. And now, without releasing your heels, raise your pelvis so that your legs straighten.
  • lie on your side, relax. Describe circles in the air with your straight leg. After bending the leg, pull the knee to the nose, unbend. Roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Don't try to make everything perfect all at once. If you feel discomfort or pain during the exercise, stop and rest. This exercise may not be right for you. Before starting gymnastics, consult your doctor.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a temporary and natural state of the body. And therefore, during pregnancy, physical exercises are not at all contraindicated, however, within reasonable limits and if not medical contraindications. Motor activity is simply necessary for any organism, even a child-bearing one, it helps to keep it in good shape.

Types of exercises

All types exercise associated with pregnancy and childbirth can be divided into three main groups:

  • exercises before childbirth is a set of exercises aimed at preparing the muscles of the pelvis and peritoneum for the upcoming labor activity;
  • labor exercises - physical exercises to induce labor when the gestational age has approached 38-40 weeks;
  • postpartum recovery exercises effective exercises necessary for the abdomen and hips to take their former shape after childbirth.

In this article, we will look at all three sets of exercises. But it is worth remembering that from any physical exercises there will be a result only if you perform them regularly.

How each specific birth will take place, no one can predict in advance. But if you systematically perform exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles before childbirth, this will speed up the second stage of childbirth (the passage of the child through the birth canal) and contribute to the fastest recovery of the perineum. We list the exercises for childbirth without complications:

  • Try to tense and relax the muscles of the anus and ureter at the same time. Moreover, when the muscles are tense, do not hold your breath and do not pull in your stomach, on the contrary, try to take a breath. Keep the muscles in tension for 10 seconds. This exercise should be done 3 times a day for 3-4 sets.
  • If your "interesting position" allows it, get on all fours so that your arms and legs are parallel to each other. To do this, place your hands shoulder-width apart, respectively, legs - hip-width apart. While inhaling, round your back and tighten your abdominal muscles, while exhaling, take the starting position. On the second approach, inhale as you bend your back down, as you exhale, return to the starting position again. Do this birthing exercise at your own pace.
  • Sit "Turkish" with your back straight, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply, but calmly.
  • Get on your knees, spread your feet apart and try to sit in the space between your feet. If the net between the feet is heavy, then at first you can sit on your heels without spreading your legs.
  • Sit on the floor, spread your knees as far as possible, and connect your feet with your hands and try to pull them to the crotch. When doing this exercise, rest your elbows on your knees and try to spread them as far as possible.
  • Take the ball for tennis and hold it between your thighs. While holding the ball, walk forward and backward 10 steps. Try to repeat this birthing exercise 10 times. Then stand on your toes while holding the ball and repeat 10 sets of 10 steps back and forth. Do these exercises daily.

Labor induction exercises

When the time has come for the baby to be born (38-40 weeks of pregnancy), but he is not in a hurry to get to know the outside world, it will be useful for the mother to do some special exercises for childbirth. Physical exercise help the baby descend, and this will help stimulate labor. Let's list what needs to be done:

  • Walking is a natural method of stimulation, as it encourages the baby to sag and put pressure on the cervix, which increases the amount of the hormone oxytocin in the blood and stimulates labor.
  • Climbing and descending stairs. In this exercise, the same principle as in walking, the main thing here is not to overwork.
  • Swimming, classes in the pool for pregnant women.
  • Leaning forward. No wonder our mothers were advised to wash the floors or collect scattered matches as exercises for childbirth.
  • Squatting.
  • Rocking the pelvis from side to side, for example, dancing to pleasant music.
  • Sex is the most enjoyable way to stimulate labor.

Exercises for the figure after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman's body often does not look very attractive. Therefore, many strive to regain their former beauty as soon as possible: pump up the stomach, hips, buttocks. If you perform daily exercises for recovery after childbirth, then after 2-3 months you can see the first result. For the exercises to be effective, help burn fat and strengthen muscles, they must be performed with a heart rate of about 120 beats per minute. We list the most common exercises for the figure after childbirth:

  • For the upper abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, hands on the back of your head. As you exhale, slowly rise to try to reach your knees with your chin. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  • For lower muscles press. Lie on the floor, legs straight, arms along the body. As you exhale, lift your legs up without bending at the knees, preferably so that they are at a right angle to the floor. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  • For oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands on your shoulders, press your chin to your chest. Exhale with elbow right hand try to reach the left knee. On an inhale, return to the starting position. On the second approach, when exhaling with the elbow of the left hand, try to reach the right knee, while inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat approaches alternately.
  • For buttocks. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, arms along the body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, while inhaling, take the starting position. If after childbirth the exercise for the buttocks is easy for you, then it can be complicated: right leg straighten (lift up). As you exhale, lift your pelvis, leaning on your right leg, and keep your left leg straight in weight. After several approaches, change legs: put the right one on the floor bent, and keep the left on weight.
  • "Bike". Lie on the floor, arms along the body, bend your knees and lift up. Unfold and bend asynchronously bent legs like pedaling a bicycle in the air.

Very often physical exercise is recommended as natural method to induce labor. Physical exercise is especially helpful for getting your child down and for his or her best progress. There are at least five exercises you could do once your pregnancy is full term to speed up the birth process.

1. Walking as a method to naturally induce labor.

Walking keeps you upright and encourages your child to sag. This puts pressure on the cervix, which causes the cervix to flatten and dilate. The pressure exerted by the baby's head on the cervix also increases the local release of oxytocin, which in turn induces labor.

In addition to helping your child get into the right position, walking is also good for you. Walking is a great workout of cardio-vascular system, most people can do it, and it does not require gym or special equipment. Walking improves blood circulation, breathing, and muscle tone. She gets you in shape so you can handle the onset of contractions and be ready for the arrival of your new baby.

If you can, walk in the morning when the air is fresher and less polluted. Wear comfortable shoes and take a large umbrella with you. It can come in handy if you want to lean on something to relieve tension from your back. And also it will be very useful if it is too sunny or rainy.

2. Is climbing stairs really the start of labor?

It is often said that midwives in hospitals ask women to go up and down stairs to speed up the initial stage of labor.

Climbing stairs has the same effect as walking. It helps your baby to move better, dilate the cervix, and also increases the level of oxytocin in the cervical area. Also, lifting your legs one by one to get to the next step opens up your pelvis. This creates more space for the baby and encourages labor to begin. Light, rocking and rising movements during the ascent and small pushes during the descent all help the baby to get into the best position for childbirth.

Remember, it's important that you don't overexert yourself as you walk up the steps in an effort to induce labor as quickly as possible. You should feel your own strength, and also listen to the signals of your body.

3. How about swimming to induce labor?

Swimming is another great form of exercise that can help induce labor. It is believed that breaststroke especially has this effect.

Remember to wear safety goggles and use proper swimming technique. If you constantly keep your head above the water, your spine will curve in an unnatural way. This will most likely lead to tension in the back, which is already struggling with overweight your belly.

If you don't know correct technique swimming, that shouldn't stop you! If you know how to swim a little, then you will be able to master the correct breaststroke technique surprisingly quickly. Hire a swimming coach for this.

Submerging your body in water when you are pregnant is actually a pleasurable experience. Water supports your body and takes weight off your legs and joints. If you have swollen legs towards the end of your pregnancy, a little water pressure can help you get rid of this problem.

Indeed, it is worth going to the pool or the beach to enjoy the benefits of water and swimming in order to induce labor and get rid of leg swelling!

4. Does squatting help induce labor?

In the squatting position, your pelvis begins to open up and this makes labor easier as it helps your baby move through the birth canal and also creates more space for him or her to be born. Squatting can speed up labor if it doesn't start because the baby is too high.

The squatting position helps your child to lower himself into the correct position. Once the child is in the correct position, there is less chance that he or she will be able to turn again. This means that you should only squat when your child is in correct position for childbirth. This position is called the front position, in which the child is head down, looking at your back. If your child is in a rear position - back to your back - or in an upside-down gluteal position, it is important not to encourage him to go down. The baby should roll over into the optimal forward position before you start squatting.

5. Rocking – Could an exercise to induce labor be more comfortable?

A little rocking can encourage your child to drop down. In order to try this physical exercise to induce labor, you need to find a safe swing where you can sit comfortably.

All of these exercises may be the last natural push a full-term baby needs to be born. It is always very beneficial to exercise. It's never too late, and even a little exercise can make a big difference. Exercise can help start labor and keep you fit. If you are in great physical condition, you will feel great, be able to withstand stress and diseases much better. Therefore, walk around the area, or go to the nearest park to swing on a swing!

And you think how else you can provoke childbirth?
