Proper breathing is the basis of life and longevity. Check your breath

Most recently, for the first time, I felt a real panic from the fact that I woke up from lack of air. Deep breaths did not help, it was scary. Usually a person breathes without noticing the depth and frequency of breathing, but the time comes and you understand that you need to take care of your health and change something in your life.

In my home library, I accidentally found most interesting book coach for . According to the author, human culture is determined by the way of life. Here is what he writes:

“The cultural way of life is expressed in the observance of life rules and habits, such as breathing, eating, brushing teeth, cutting nails, clothing…”

It would seem that we know all this, and such information is not a “discovery of America”, but in fact in life we ​​do not observe elementary things, how to eat, dress, breathe, swim, cut our nails, brush our teeth ... we do not delve into the essence of many processes of the body.

I confess that I was very surprised by the article on breathing. Few people know that the air in our houses and apartments is qualitatively different from the air in the open air. Our ventilated rooms have sufficient oxygen but low levels of negative ions. In residential premises (atoms are actively neutralized) in one cubic centimeter they number from 40 to 50, on the street - ten times more, in the mountains, by the sea or in the forest - about 20 thousand per cubic centimeter.

Entering the nasal cavity, then into the lungs, negative ions irritate the nerve endings in the mucous membrane, in the alveoli, thereby enhancing the respiratory function of the lungs. It is on walks, hikes and travels that we can inhale enough of the “vitamins of the air” that are vital to us.

Scientists conducted an experiment with mice and proved that life without negative ions is unthinkable. The mice were only in oxygenated air. Due to the absence of negative ions, all experimental mice died.

It is known that modern medicine recommends that a healthy person breathe only through the nose. The air passing through the nasal passages is warmed, moistened and cleaned of dust and microorganisms. With heavy loads while swimming or running, a person is forced to breathe through both his nose and mouth. When swimming, air is inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the mouth and nose. Many of us do not have more information, because they do not attach much importance to such an important process as breathing.

It needs to be known

At rest, we take 16-18 breaths per minute, absorbing about half a liter of air. By extending the breath, you can absorb three times more air.

Slow but deep breathing provides the body with the same amount of oxygen as fast but shallow breathing.

In an untrained person, breathing during exercise becomes much more frequent than in an athlete.

Breathing will be of high quality if it is constantly trained.

Effective breathing exercises in water are known, which are easy to do in a home bath or pool.

In the bath, lying on your back, bend your legs and dive under the water. Inhale as you raise your mouth above the surface of the water and exhale as you lower your head into the water. Try to make the exhalation last three times longer than the inhalation. Exercise is done evenly, slowly, without fatigue 25-40 times.

Water resists exhalation, which gives additional load respiratory muscles. Inhalation is hampered by water pressure on the chest - the respiratory muscles overcome the additional load. Such active rest forces the respiratory muscles to work hard and achieve a complete renewal of oxygen in the lungs. Oxygen is required by the muscles, and the brain and nerve cells.

You can renew oxygen in the lungs by holding your breath or relaxing in the mountains. The rarefied air in the mountains of the Caucasus, in the Peruvian Andes, in the foothills of the Tien Shan, in the Alps contributes to the natural ventilation of the body. It is no coincidence that here is the highest percentage of centenarians. Due to the lack of oxygen, a person takes a deep breath, straightening the entire surface of the lungs, up to the most stagnant areas. After holding the breath, an involuntary deep exhalation always follows.

How to breathe correctly: deep or shallow? The opinion of doctors about this is quite contradictory.

There is a statement of modern medicine that deep breathing is better than shallow breathing, since with deep breathing oxygen is better absorbed, blood circulation in the chest cavity improves. This is explained by the fact that the surface of the pulmonary vesicles - the alveoli is equal to tens of square meters, and the smaller the breath, the smaller part of them comes into contact with fresh air, the greater the proportion in the lungs is stagnant air, saturated not with oxygen, but with metabolic products.

Some physicians believe that one should breathe superficially, shallowly, with pauses. In their opinion, with such breathing, the following physiological chain is activated: breath holding (carbon dioxide accumulates in the brain) - oxygen starvation - excess carbon dioxide - reflex vasodilation - an increase in blood flow and a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure. Accumulating carbon dioxide during slow breathing has a vasodilating effect. Holding your breath has healing effect with angina pectoris, hypertension and pulmonary diseases.

Many processes in our body (body temperature, internal organs, blood pressure) are difficult to control. Breathing is an involuntary, but regulated process.

These breathing exercises must be brought to automatism.

Exercise 1

The “lower floor” of the lungs is included in the work.

Place your intertwined fingers on your stomach, and take a deep breath, sticking out your stomach by lowering the diaphragm (the chest remains motionless). While tucking in your belly (thereby raising your diaphragm), exhale for a long time.

Exercise 2

Place the interlaced fingers on the stomach, and press the elbows to the sides. When inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides (palms remain on your stomach), as if directing the expansion chest to the sides, the shoulders seem to move apart. The abdomen is immobile. It is important that the chest does not protrude forward, but only expands to the sides. As you exhale, press your elbows to your sides.

Exercise 3

The “upper floor” is included in the work (that is, the tops of the lungs are filled with air, inactive during normal shallow breathing).

Fold your fingers on your shoulders near the collarbone, elbows down. While inhaling, raise your elbows through the sides up, while raising your shoulders. Lower your elbows as you exhale.

Learn and combine each of these exercises: inhalation with a protrusion of the abdomen turns into an expansion of the chest, followed by a protrusion of the chest and raising the shoulders - this is a full breath. A “cleansing” full exhalation occurs “from the bottom up”: the stomach is drawn in (the diaphragm rises), the chest falls, and the shoulders fall.

Learning to breathe correctly with the stomach or chest will help exercises for difficulty breathing, where two types of breathing are used: chest (the chest moves with a relatively motionless front wall of the abdomen) and abdominal (only the stomach works).

These exercises are especially effective for training the "second heart" - the diaphragm. Each exercise is done 2 times.

  1. Breathe deeply, but slowly, alternating chest and abdominal breathing according to the formula: 4 breaths (thoracic) + 4 (abdominal), 3+3, 2+2, 1+1, 1+1, 1+1, 1+1 …
  2. Crossing your arms tightly at the bottom of your chest, perform the previous exercise, overcoming the resistance of clenched hands.
  3. Take a deep breath, sticking out your stomach as much as possible. On a pause (with a closed glottis), draw in the stomach, lifting and expanding the chest. Exhale.
  4. Inhale deeply, drawing in the stomach, raising and expanding the chest as much as possible. On a pause, stick out your stomach as much as possible (the chest will shrink and fall).
  5. Take a deep breath - exhale completely. Squat down, clasping your knees with your hands, continuing to exhale as much as possible: as if squeezing the air out of yourself. On a pause - straighten up to your full height, pull your stomach in so that it seems to “dry to your back” and slowly inhale.
  6. Take a deep breath - maximum exhalation. On a pause - stick out and pull in your stomach. Inhale slowly.

These active respiratory movements force the diaphragm (the most powerful muscle of the body) to work, which, rising and falling deep into the abdominal cavity, affects the intestines, stomach, and liver. The famous doctor A. S. Zalmanov in the book “Secret Wisdom human body” emphasizes the importance of the diaphragm:

“The diaphragm descends like a perfect pressure pump, compressing the liver, spleen, intestines, stomach, enlivening the entire thoracic and abdominal circulation. It empties the venous system and pushes blood to the chest. This is the second, venous heart."

All this confirms the direct connection between deep breathing and digestive processes.

The following exercises include all areas of the lung tissue.

  1. Raise your arms to the sides as you inhale, lower your arms as you exhale.
  2. Inhale as you bend, exhale as you straighten up.
  3. Do the same movements with the “reverse sign”: when exhaling, raise your arms to the sides-up, while inhaling, lower your hands.
  4. Exhale as you bend, inhale as you straighten up.

Repeat reverse (contra) breathing 10 times.

Exercises that include the maximum surface of the lungs with the use of contra-breathing:

  1. The exercise is performed while standing. Arms extended above head, fingers interlaced - exhale. As you exhale, bend and lower your arms past your face, chest, abdomen, bend over (do not bend your legs), trying to touch the floor with your palms. Slowly straightening up - exhale.

  2. Hands to the side. As you exhale, wrap your arms around yourself, touching your shoulder blades with your fingers, as you exhale, spread your arms.

  3. Hands on the belt. As you inhale, sit down slowly and deeply, as you exhale, slowly straighten up.

  4. The right leg is in front of the left, the straight right arm is laid back, the straight left arm is forward and upward. While inhaling - vigorously change the position of the hands, swinging the left foot until the toe touches right hand. Return to initial position- exhale.

  5. Sitting on your heels, join your hands behind the "lock". As you inhale, slowly bend down until your forehead touches the floor, while exhaling, slowly straighten up.

  6. Sitting on your heels, tilt your head to your knees, straighten your arms forward. As you exhale, stretch forward. Sliding your palms on the floor, to the position lying on your stomach, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

  7. Lying on your back while inhaling, raise your straight legs and bending your torso, touch the floor with your toes behind your head, while exhaling, slowly lower your legs.

  8. Lying on back, feet bent legs pull up to the pelvis, press your hands to the ankles. As you inhale, pull your knees to your stomach with your hands, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

  9. Free walking in place with spontaneous breathing.

It is interesting

Breathing is always associated with the state of mind of a person. A clear indicator of changes in the emotional state of a person is the frequency of breathing. At rest - rhythmic and deep breathing, in anxiety - intermittent and rapid. People who control their breathing control their own emotions. It turns out that even holding your breath has a beneficial effect on our body.

We can use a breathing pause at the moment of an emotional breakdown. Any of our irritation can be removed by holding the breath for half a minute.

Dear reader! I will be glad if the article turns out to be useful and interesting to someone. Do you think it is necessary to learn to control your breathing?

It's no secret that breathing is the basis of the life of the body. All other activities of the human body depend directly on breathing. An unprepared person can live for some time without food, a little less without water, but without air he will not live even 10 minutes. Not only the life of a person is connected with breathing, but the activity of his internal organs, the duration of his life, and freedom from diseases are entirely dependent on breathing.

Conscious breath control lengthens the days on earth, increasing energy and vitality of the body. And vice versa. Incomplete and careless breathing shortens life, lowering vitality and contributing to disease. Today everyone knows that air is not only a mixture of gases, it contains the original life force, which the Slavs call Zhiva, someone - Prana, Qi, Ki, Mana, etc. Therefore, the art of proper breathing has been valued at all times among all peoples.

With the help of certain breathing exercises, the Slavic Magi of antiquity acquired complete power over the body, sending a dense stream of energy to any organ, which contributed to the strengthening and healing of this organ. Achieving harmony with the Universe through the practice of working with breathing. They revealed great powers within themselves.

To become healthy and happy, a person must also learn the basics of working with the breath.

What can be achieved by working with the breath?

In the normal state, the breathing process is performed reflexively and automatically, but in a situation of stress and illness, a person is characterized by shallow, rapid or intermittent upper (thoracic) breathing. While at rest and comfort - slow lower (abdominal).

With the help of breathwork practices, it is important to learn to consciously monitor how we breathe. Ideally, breathing should combine the top, middle and bottom of the lungs. This is the so-called holistic or complete breathing, which has now become widely known due to the popularization of the Vedic culture of the Hindu direction (yoga).

Thanks to the practices of working with breathing, we can maintain the type of breathing we need and direct the flow of energy with the power of our intention to the desired area of ​​the body, thus eliminating energy blocks - the consequences of our anxieties, outbreaks of negative emotions and emotional wounds.

With the help of breathwork practices, we can relax or invigorate our mind and body, cool down or warm up, stop the internal dialogue (mind chatter), direct energy to the required place (organ, chakra), and even enter a deep sacred (meditative) state for soul journeys.

Breathwork also uses breathing through a specific area of ​​the body. During practice, when a person imagines, sees and feels it, a feeling of “extrapulmonary” breathing may appear. This is how a temporary connection is established between two parts of the brain - the one that receives signals from the lungs and the one that receives information from the area of ​​"influence".

This connection helps us to "modify" pain - to soothe and heal, as well as to manage if necessary. blood pressure, heart rate or improve your mood.

If the exercise is performed correctly, there is a synchrony of breathing and sensations in the selected part of the body. Strengthening the flow of energy occurs on inhalation, and weakening - on exhalation. In contemplation (meditation), a longer exhalation is used to deep relaxation and calm emotions.

In addition, during the preparation for the practice of healing, “breathing” through the palms is very useful. There are many active zones on the palms that affect the entire body and organs, additionally activating and healing them.

Breathing rules.

When doing breathwork, the following general rules should be followed.

  • The spine is in an upright position unless otherwise noted. If there is no movement of the head in the practice of breathing work, then the neck and spine should be in the same vertical line, the head should not fall on the chest.
  • All muscles of the body, except those that support the trunk and head in an upright position or are involved in the respiratory process, are relaxed. It is especially necessary to monitor the cheekbones and other muscles of the face, as well as the hands.
  • Shoulders are straightened, it is better to close your eyes.
  • All breathing practices begin with a full exhalation.
  • These practices are best done on an empty stomach.
  • Before performing breathing practices, it is advisable to rinse the nose.
  • After each breathing practice, it is advisable to rest for 30-60 seconds, concentrating on physical and (or) spiritual sensations.

Universal life energy.

Alive, Prana, Ki, Qi is the universal life energy (Spirit of the Supreme) from which the entire universe is created. It is the basis of everything manifested and unmanifested - minerals, plants, animals, man and spiritual forces. It is very important to understand the difference between universal life energy and air. The universal life energy is in the air, the air consists of certain types of such energy, but the universal life energy and the air are not identical.

There are a number of breathing techniques and practices that stimulate and increase the flow of vital energy in the body. These breathing practices aimed at the ability to control the flow of a particular type of energy in the body. With the help of one or another type of breathing, the universal life energy is controlled in the energy channels (nadis, meridians) and energy shells. The result of the practice is their purification and the achievement of physical, mental and spiritual health, harmony and balance. "Breathing" certain places and holding the breath develops the ability to control the universal life energy and control the state of one's mind.

When a person is in a state of "sickness", he is worried and nervous, so he has shallow (shallow), rapid or intermittent chest breathing. As a result, he has an incorrect energy exchange, his consciousness “runs away” either to the past or to the future, which does not contribute to healing.

In a healthy person who is in a state of rest and comfort, breathing is whole, deep, slow and calm. Only under these conditions is consciousness present in today and moment - directing the universal life energy and healing the body. Through practice, we can consciously maintain a full breath and mentally direct it to the desired area of ​​the body, "washing out" energetic blockages with universal life energy and creating a place of constant, automatic healing. Thus, we can regenerate and regenerate organs, treat our diseases, get rid of stress and anxiety.

Math video tutorials.
Breathing practices.

Triangle breathing. It is better to do this practice in the morning, then the whole day will be accompanied by good luck and good mood. So, we stand straight, relax the muscles of the body and begin to breathe according to the pattern of long inhalation - delay - long exhalation. It is desirable that the duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation be approximately equal. To do this, you need to maintain an internal account.

For example, inhale for a count of up to seven, hold and again count to seven, then exhale smoothly, so that the air in the chest ends at a count of seven. Then the next cycle of breathing. If everything works out well at the count of seven, then you can increase the count to eight, nine, and so on. The duration of each stage is desirable to do such that the exercise is performed with little effort, but without excessive stress. Perform 10-15 cycles.

After performing this exercise, there is a surge of strength, lightness, self-confidence. Overexcitation will pass quickly, but in general the body will receive a powerful additional energy impulse. In principle, you can perform this exercise even while lying in bed, immediately after waking up.

I do triangle breathing in the same way. gym during stretching. I really like the effect. Muscles stretch much "faster" and deeper. As I exhale, I try to relax as much as possible. It can be further supported by visualization. While inhaling, imagine how the energy of the earth enters the feet from the center of the earth, filling the body. While holding the breath, the energy of the earth is distributed throughout the body. And on exhalation, it returns to the center of the earth, washing away all tensions and emotional blocks from the body and space.

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Information flashes from book to book: “A person must and can live up to 120-150 years. This age is laid down by nature. But only a few manage to live to a ripe old age and at the same time maintain strength and health. Most people reach the age of 60-70 and come to this milestone with a whole bunch of different diseases.

What prevents us from being healthy even up to 50-60 years?

From the first minutes of birth, a person is exposed to various stimuli. The body is ready for them, it has amazing abilities to adapt to very different conditions: heat or cold, complete rest or vigorous action. But only on condition that we do not interfere with him, we trust him. Otherwise, the body ceases to cope with problems and gives a distress signal - it gets sick. And we treat him. It doesn't matter what - herbal pills or fasting. Sometimes the problem recedes, but soon a new one arises. Why? Because before you treat, you need to think about the essence of the disease, about why it was given to us. You can give the answer to this question right now, after reading just one paragraph of this chapter: a disease is an indicator that we are doing something wrong - we are interfering with the body. And most often we prevent him from breathing properly.

Life begins with breathing. The first action of a child born into the world is a deep breath of air. The functioning of our organs and systems depends on breathing. Beauty, youth and longevity are directly related to our respiratory processes. They regulate our physical and mental activity. Our thoughts and emotions, mood and even manifestation of creative abilities also depend on breathing. Breathing is a reflection of our internal state and interaction with the outside world. Each inhalation and exhalation shapes a person. But at the same time, it is such a natural mechanism that we do not pay any attention to it.

As a rule, we do not think about how we breathe and what we breathe. And in vain. On the one hand, breathing is a physiological process during which natural gas exchange occurs in the body. But on the other hand, breathing is just as important a source of energy as nutrition. During inhalation, vital forces enter along with oxygen. On exhalation, the body is released not only from carbon dioxide, but also from negative energy and tension.

Breathing is a semi-autonomous function. That is, we don’t seem to think about how to inhale or exhale, but if we wish, we can consciously control our breathing, in contrast to our heartbeat.

Let's go back to the beginning of the chapter and try to answer - how, by violating the natural process of breathing, a person prevents the body from replenishing energy and cleansing itself - let's remember what the respiratory system is and how it works.

Breathing is the result of the complex work of an entire organ system.

Lungs are the central organ of the respiratory system.. They consist of tiny vesicles (alveoli) surrounding the bronchioles. There are about 700 million of them. Venous blood enters the alveoli through the pulmonary arteries, and atmospheric air through the respiratory tract.

Main function lungs - gas exchange. Gas exchange is the movement of gases and changes in their composition within the body. During gas exchange, oxygen is taken from the consumed gas mixtures and carbon dioxide, various gas impurities, inert nitrogen and water vapor are released.

V respiratory system also included cavities of the nose and mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

First, air enters the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. They are motionless. Their shape is not accidental: the nasopharynx is designed to amplify the sound of our voice, give it timbre and sonority.

Further, the air passes into the pharynx, where the respiratory and digestive tracts intersect, and then into the trachea, where dust and foreign particles settle that can enter the body. In addition, the function of the trachea is to humidify the air. From it, the air flow passes into the bronchi.

The bronchi are tubes that form when the trachea bifurcates. They terminate in bronchioles located in the lungs. The task of the bronchioles is to distribute oxygen. The air reaches the lungs already heated, purified from the main amount of mechanical impurities and moistened.

Respiratory movements are carried out by the diaphragm (it separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity) and the intercostal muscles. When inhaling, the muscles raise the chest, the diaphragm contracts and thickens. As a result of this process, the volume of the lungs increases, and air enters the lungs. The process is similar to that of a conventional pump. When exhaling, the intercostal muscles relax, the diaphragm rises and the air is pushed out of the body.

In the process of gas exchange, oxygen and carbon dioxide are of paramount importance.

Oxygen enters the body with air through the bronchi, then enters the lungs, from there into the blood, and from the blood into the tissues.

Carbon dioxide goes through this chain in the opposite direction: it is formed in the tissues, then enters the blood and from there it is excreted from the body through the respiratory tract.

In a healthy person, these two processes are in a state of constant equilibrium: the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen is 3:1.

Carbon dioxide, contrary to popular belief, is necessary for the body no less than oxygen:

The pressure of carbon dioxide affects the cerebral cortex, respiratory and vasomotor centers;

Carbon dioxide provides tone and a certain degree of readiness for the activity of various parts of the central nervous system;

Responsible for the tone of blood vessels, bronchi, metabolism, secretion of hormones, electrolyte composition of blood and tissues;

Indirectly affects the activity of enzymes and the rate of almost all biochemical reactions of the body.

Oxygen, on the other hand, serves only as an energy material, and its regulatory functions are limited.

Types of breathing

V calm state a person usually inhales and exhales 400-500 ml of a gas mixture. Although the maximum expiratory volume after the deepest breath reaches an average of 3500 ml. This indicator is called the vital capacity of the lungs.

In a healthy person, gas exchange occurs with the same frequency of inhalation and exhalation (16-20 breaths per minute). In children, the respiratory rate is higher. It is 20-30 breaths per minute; in infants - 30-40; in newborns - 40-60. Respiratory rate can fluctuate depending on physical activity, emotional mood, health status. At the same time, each person is able to arbitrarily change the rhythm, depth, structure and level of breathing, use it in various situations and different types breathing. Depending on which muscles are working, breathing can be abdominal or diaphragmatic, thoracic or intercostal (which in turn is divided into upper and lower) and mixed or full.

abdominal breathing It is carried out by means of contraction of the diaphragm and muscles of the abdominal cavity with the relative rest of the chest walls. Shoulders drop when inhaling pectoral muscles weaken, the diaphragm contracts and falls. This increases the negative pressure in the chest cavity, and the lower part of the lungs fills with air. This increases intra-abdominal pressure and protrudes the stomach. During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes, rises, and the abdominal wall returns to its original position.

Why do you need

During diaphragmatic breathing, internal organs are massaged. Most often, such breathing occurs in men. It also occurs when a person is resting, usually during sleep.

Lower chest breathing engages the intercostal muscles. As a result of muscle contraction, the chest expands outward and upward, air enters the lungs, and inspiration occurs. During lower breathing only part of the lungs is filled, and only the ribs are involved, but the rest of the body remains motionless. As a result, a full-fledged gas exchange process does not occur.

Why do you need

Lower chest breathing is generally used by women. It is also used by people who are often in sitting position because they have to lean forward all the time to read or write.

Upper chest breathing occurs due to the work of the muscles of the clavicles. When inhaling, the collarbones and shoulders rise, and air enters the lungs. In this case, you have to make a lot of effort, because the frequency of inhalations and exhalations increases, and the supply of oxygen is insignificant. Such breathing can be deliberately induced by drawing in the abdomen. Only a small part of the lungs is involved in upper chest breathing, and gas exchange occurs incompletely. As a result, the air is not properly cleaned and warmed.

Why do you need

Women resort to this type of breathing during childbirth.

mixed or full breath sets the entire breathing apparatus in motion. At the same time, all types of muscles work, and the diaphragm, and the lungs are completely ventilated.

Why do you need

Such breathing removes toxins, stimulates metabolism, renews the body.

In this case, breathing can be both deep and shallow. Shallow breathing is light and accelerated. The frequency of respiratory movements is up to 60 movements per minute. At the same time, a silent inhalation and a noisy intense exhalation are made. This allows you to relieve tension from all the muscles of the body. With shallow breathing, the lungs are only partially filled with air.

Only small children breathe superficially. The older the child becomes, the fewer breaths per minute he takes. The breathing of an adult takes on a deep character. During deep breathing, the frequency slows down, the lungs are filled with air as much as possible. The volume of inhalation at the same time exceeds the permissible norm.

But is such breathing beneficial to our health? And what type of breathing is the best?

From childhood, we are taught to breathe deeply during physical and psychological stress. It is believed that the more oxygen enters our body, the better our internal organs and the longer they stay healthy.

But it turns out that deep breathing can also occur involuntarily for the following reasons:

Overeating, especially the abuse of protein and fatty foods;

Taking medications, especially antibiotics, ephedrine, adrenaline, cardiamine;

Hypodynamia (low physical activity);

Bed rest, especially sleeping on the back and right side;


Smells of chemical origin: linoleum, rubber, household paints, etc.;

Neuropsychic tension;




Paradoxically, as early as 1871, the Dutch physician De Costa proved that deep breathing is bad for our health!

The Russian physiologist B. F. Verigo and the Danish scientist N. Bohr simultaneously discovered a phenomenon that became known as the “Verigo-Bohr effect”. They came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that An excess of oxygen and a lack of carbon dioxide lead to oxygen starvation.

The fact is that deep breathing saturates the lungs with oxygen, which means it displaces carbon dioxide. To compensate for the loss of carbon dioxide, the vessels shrink. Accordingly, the supply of oxygen also decreases, since it penetrates into the tissues of the body through the same vessels through which carbon dioxide is removed from there.

Therefore, the idea that deep breathing enriches the body with oxygen to the fullest extent is erroneous.

For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen established by nature. The desire to increase the oxygen content due to deep breathing leads to oxygen starvation.

From deep breathing after 1-3 minutes:

There is a decrease in pressure or hypotension;

There are swelling, bags under the eyes;

The work of the thyroid gland is disturbed;

The concentration of cholesterol increases, regardless of nutrition.

In addition, science has established a close relationship between breathing and the tone of the nervous system. Obviously, deep breathing removes carbon dioxide as completely as possible. But is it good for the body? Observations have shown that carbon dioxide is a hypnotic, sedative, and even a narcotic substance. Therefore, its decrease in nerve cells leads to their excitation. As a result, symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, memory impairment, and as a result, asthma, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, etc. appear. In addition, a decrease in carbon dioxide in the blood leads to a decrease in pH. As a result, the environment in the body shifts to the alkaline side, which disrupts the activity of enzymes and vitamins and inevitably leads to improper metabolism, weakened immunity, and allergic reactions.

How to maintain the optimal balance of the depth of breathing, the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, so as not to harm the body?

What is correct breathing

Most people are confident that they are breathing correctly. Well, what, it would seem, is complicated here. But in most cases, we limit ourselves to shallow breathing, or vice versa, we focus on deep breathing. Both of them deviate from the natural norm. Only when health problems begin do we remember our breathing.

Proper breathing involves using the entire volume of your lungs and providing the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Proper, healing human breathing consists of three phases:

1) involuntary silent breath (necessarily through the nose);

2) exhalation;

3) a short pause - a respite.

All three phases are always present in the act of breathing. The exhalation is about one second, followed by a pause - about one and a half seconds, and the return of the breath (inhalation) - about a second. The time ratio may vary depending on the type and intensity of the loads. Three-phase breathing is provided for by the laws of nature. And I can assure you it is the most optimal and effective. By the way, in a dream healthy person breathes as correctly as possible, because breathing is not consciously controlled , because in a dream the control of this process is entirely transferred to the respiratory center.

Three-phase breathing is a cycle that in an untrained person repeats on average 16 times per minute, and in a trained person - about 8-10 times per minute.

Proper breathing facilitates the work of the heart, increases the respiratory movements of the chest and diaphragm, and stimulates the non-cardiac circulation mechanism. It immediately strengthens all the organs of the human body associated with breathing (voice box, lungs and diaphragm). Thanks to proper breathing, the normal activity of the nervous system is restored, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, blood and tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which affects a significant improvement. general condition and working capacity.

In order to determine the rhythm of correct breathing, it is necessary to sit on a chair in a free, relaxed posture. Clothing should not constrain the body.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Follow him, but do not consciously try to interfere with the process. Your task is to follow the sequence of filling and releasing the lungs:

First, gently fill the lower part of the lungs with air so that the stomach moves forward, the diaphragm goes down, then the middle one (this will raise the ribs and chest), and finally the upper one (the collarbones should rise, and the stomach should be pulled up to the spine);

As you exhale, your stomach should draw in, your diaphragm rise, and then your chest and shoulders should drop;

Movements during inhalation and exhalation should be soft, smooth, without sharp shocks and tension;

Repeat 3 times;

On the fourth breath, hold your breath and note the time in seconds;

Exhale and again record the time during which you can do without air entering the lungs;

Compare your results.

In most cases, the duration of inhalation and exhalation will be different. Someone has a short inhale, and someone has an exhale. With proper breathing, the duration of inhalation and exhalation should match. If you have a difference between inhaling and exhaling, it's time to get serious about your health. Once you master the technique of proper breathing, it will become your primary need and habit.

Proper breathing techniques

People have been thinking about what proper breathing is for a long time. The first information on this issue dates back to the VI century BC. The oldest sayings about the method of correct breathing are carved in stone: “When breathing, you need to do the following: hold your breath, it accumulates, if it accumulates, it spreads further, if it spreads further, then it goes down, it becomes calm, if it becomes calm, then it strengthens. If you release it, then it grows, when it has grown, you need to squeeze it again. If you squeeze it, it will reach the top of the head. There it presses on the head, presses down.

The peoples of the East gave breathing exercises philosophical meaning. Breathing was supposed to control the energy of a person, to exist in harmony with feelings and thoughts.

In European philosophy and medicine, the connection between the breath of the soul, health and life was affirmed. The scientific and technological revolution made it possible to realize that breathing has a significant impact on all the main functions and processes of the body. Thanks to him, you can engage in the prevention of diseases.

20th century research in the field of breathing led to the creation of a number of methods of correct breathing. Initially, these techniques were used for respiratory diseases, as well as in the professional training of singers, announcers, teachers and athletes.

And only in the second half of the XX century. The development of respiratory gymnastics has found wide application in both traditional and alternative medicine.

There are many techniques that normalize breathing, make it right. Among them:

Oriental breathing exercises tai chi qigong;

Technique of respiratory gymnastics bodyflex;

Hyperventilation breathing technique;

The method of three-phase breathing L. Kofler - Lobanova-Lukyanova;

Paradoxical gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova;

Method of volitional liquidation of deep breathing KP Buteyko.

Which one to choose, you think? And how safe will it be? Frankly, all these techniques are wonderfully combined with each other and everyone can find the best breathing exercises for him. In the table below, you can choose breathing techniques based on your state of health. You will find descriptions of all the mentioned techniques in this book. I have tried some of them on my own experience and have achieved significant changes in the state of health. But, of course, the biggest discovery I made for myself five years ago, when I found a description of the sobbing breathing method of Yuri Vilunas. Nothing could be easier or more natural!

Any of breathing techniques It takes time and effort to master and complete the exercises. You won't be able to breathe like a yogi while walking to or from work, mopping floors, or preparing dinner. Maybe that's why the results from the use of all the listed breathing exercises are not so impressive. While it hurts - I do it, I let go a little - I began to be lazy. That's the way a person is. But the Vilunas method was able to defeat even human laziness.

    Comprehensive treatment and prevention of diseases by respiratory techniques

We begin to breathe in the womb and leave this world as soon as we draw our last breath. But what can we say about breathing, what do we know about breathing, except that breathing is a life process given to us by mother nature?

Someone will say that it is not worth separating the breath from other life necessities that are no less important for a person, such as food and drink, for example, but I believe that this is exactly the case.

Breathing prevails over all the vital needs of a person only because a person can live without water - several days, without food - several months, and without air - only a few minutes.

So I put the breath ABOVE all the ingredients healthy lifestyle life, which will be discussed in this section. I believe: breathing is the BASIS of LIFE!


Oxygen is something that we take for granted. We cannot see it, it is free, it is available to everyone regardless of religion, culture, profession or social status in society. He is everywhere, he is all around us. We use it without thinking.

Probably due to the fact that a person is arranged in such a way that everything that he gets easily, and for which he does not need to pay and fight, loses value for him. Perhaps that is why it has lost its significance and relevance for us. But oxygen is so vital important element for our health that many of us don't even realize it.


We have all heard the phrase more than once: “All diseases are from nerves”, I would rephrase this statement as follows: “ALL DISEASES FROM LACK OF OXYGEN” (including nervous ones).

By the words "lack of oxygen" I do not mean that in order to get oxygen it is necessary to go to a pine forest or to the sea. Not at all. I mean that modern man for various reasons, he forgot how to breathe correctly, as a result of which all tissues, organs and systems of our body begin to experience oxygen starvation, which leads to various diseases.

Every day our body burns about seven hundred billion old cells. These waste cells are toxic and must be eliminated from the body. This is a natural process of our body, and it cannot cause any concern until, for one reason or another, this waste toxic material stops being eliminated from the body at the same rate as it is processed.

As long as we breathe correctly and as a result receive a lot of oxygen, our body has enough energy and the waste material is removed easily. The problem comes when we don't get enough oxygen.

If you try to start a fire in such a way that you pile logs close together without leaving an air gap between them, you will never start a fire. Similarly, your cells cannot function without oxygen. They simply won't work properly.

You can eat Brussels sprouts for breakfast, green seaweed for lunch, and bean curd for afternoon tea, but if you don't provide your cells with enough oxygen, they will never be completely healthy.

Oxygen is very important for humans. You see, the body can store food and fluid, but it cannot store oxygen. Therefore, every moment we must provide our cells with a stream of life-giving oxygen. What to do? Learn to breathe correctly!


There are many healing breathing techniques, but in this article we will not consider them. (You can read about them in other sections of my site). Here I want to give you the basis, so to speak, the most basic, easiest breathing exercise that does not require strong spiritual and physical efforts from you, but which is fundamental to the entire respiratory process. This is the foundation on which all breathing exercises are built.

This exercise alone will not only save you from existing diseases, but will help you always stay healthy and stay in good spirits. So let's get started...

Have you noticed how babies breathe? - they breathe with their stomachs. People who breathe incorrectly - breathe superficially - with a diaphragm ... Therefore, those who have forgotten how to breathe correctly - learn again.

Deep belly breathing. It is best if you begin to master this breathing in a lying position. Lie down on a mat or sofa and start inhaling slowly, smoothly through your nose, so that your stomach is filled with air. When your stomach is filled to capacity with air, start exhaling it just as smoothly (also through your nose). Exhale to the full so that there is no air left in you. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. That's actually all ... Duration 30-50 minutes. Exercise is done at a calm, moderate pace, an unlimited number of times.

Do not be alarmed if breathing causes you slight discomfort at first. All these "unpleasant" sensations will pass. This exercise has no contraindications. So everyone can do it. It is best to practice breathing on an empty stomach or 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Try to use every opportunity to apply this exercise. For example, going to work, or returning from work, walk 2-3 stops on foot, and try to breathe with your stomach during this segment of the journey. Whether you are lying in front of the TV, whether you are going to the store for shopping, to the child for a meeting - breathe with your stomach! All that is required of you is simply to move your breath into the abdomen.

I do not urge you to breathe with your stomach all the time, and our "civilized world" will not allow you to do this all the time, but you can devote a few minutes a day to this, right? Therefore, do not just breathe, but breathe correctly and your body will thank you.

Always remember! Your breath is your best doctor and friend, do not refuse its help and support!

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Administration of the Volzhsky district of the municipality "City of Saratov" Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 85" Legal address: 410003, Saratov, Chernyshevsky st., 211, tel: 23-95-01 PRESENTATION " Proper breathing is the basis life, health, longevity "Educator: Busygina K.P.

"Proper breathing is the basis of life, health, longevity." Teaching proper breathing is one of the main forms of physical education for children with poor health. Violation of the respiratory function prevents the normal saturation of the blood with oxygen, leads to metabolic disorders, makes it difficult to perform physical activity. Proper breathing is as essential to a child's health as it is to proper nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises from infancy.

Why do we need proper breathing so much? The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself. Proper breathing stimulates the work of the heart, brain and nervous system, relieves a person of many diseases, improves digestion (before food is digested and assimilated, it must absorb oxygen from the blood and oxidize). Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body.

Breathing games and exercises are played important role in strengthening pulmonary ventilation, improving redox processes, strengthening the respiratory muscles. In addition, they help to reduce the load during exercise.

Why is breathing exercises necessary? Slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability. Breathing exercises are simply necessary for children who quite often suffer from colds, bronchitis, as well as recovering from pneumonia or suffering from bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises perfectly complements any treatment (medication, homeopathic, physiotherapy), develops the still imperfect respiratory system of the child and strengthens the body's defenses.

Therefore, I suggest with the child to engage in the development of the respiratory apparatus in the form of a game. Watch. Standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Swinging straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock”.

" Grow Big " . Feet together, raise your hands up, stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower - exhale (6-8 times).

"The porridge is boiling." Sitting on your heels, put your hands on your shoulders, inhale - draw in your stomach, exhale with the sound "shhh" "Geese". Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. Tilt forward, exhale with the sound "shhhh", straighten up - inhale.

"Cock". Feet hip-width apart, arms out to the sides. Clap your hands on your hips, exhaling, say: "Ku-ka-re-ku." "Hedgehog". Lying on your back. Bend your knees, wrap your arms around them, pull your head as close to your knees as possible; straighten up with the sound "ffff".

By teaching your child simple and fun breathing exercises, you will make an invaluable contribution to his health + prevention of SARS

Thank you for your attention!
