Football team name. Old lady and old lady

Watching football matches Reading the press, you often come across the fact that the names of teams are not football terms, such as "gunners" or "magpies". Most fans immediately understand what is about in question, but not everyone can say where these or those nicknames came from.

Where do football club nicknames come from?

Let's try to figure it out. I note right away that in this area there are a number of patterns and unspoken rules.

Offensive nicknames

"Meat" and "ass"

  • Barcelona.
  • "Spartacus".

The fact is that a number of teams also have offensive nicknames that are not accepted, so to speak, officially - which football commentator or journalist would dare to use such designations of teams as "meat", "horses" or "bums"? Of course, offensive nicknames are used by fans of opposing teams, but there are exceptions here.

For example, the word "meat" in relation to a football club has a clearly negative connotation, but together Spartak fans have attributes with the slogan: "Who are we? Meat !!! ”, that is, in this case, the fans seem to be proud of the not very attractive designation of their club.

Or "ass", as they call Barcelona in Spain. It would seem like an obviously offensive nickname. However, it is due to the fact that a lot of people came to the club's games, some of them, due to lack of space, were located right on the railing of the upper tier of the stands, and people passing by the stadium were seen hanging from above ... Well, you understand what exactly. So fans of the Catalans do not find this nickname offensive.

City and color

  • "Manchester city".
  • Inter.
  • "Milan".

There are groups of teams united by one nickname. For example, "townspeople" refer to clubs whose names use the name of the city they represent, such as "Manchester City". A number of nicknames derive from the club colors, like those of both Milan giants: Neradzuri (black and blue) - Inter and Rossoneri (red and black) - Milan.

Animals and Birds


  • Roma.
  • Wolfsburg.

Some teams have nicknames derived from the images on the club symbol. In this case, it is not the fact of the origin of the nickname that is interesting, but the history of the appearance of club symbols.

For example, it is clear why the Italian “Roma” is called “the she-wolf” - she is depicted on the club's coat of arms. But if you go further, you inevitably run into the legend of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, and the she-wolf who raised them.

But it was not entirely clear why the German Wolfsburg was called "wolves", because the club's emblem flaunts a stylized image of the letter "W". It turns out that everything is quite simple - the team was nicknamed because of the cute wolf cub Wolfi, who is the club's mascot.


German "Cologne" bears the name of another animal - "goat". I don’t know about Germany, but in Russia such a nickname for a football club would hardly have delighted his fans. It turns out that in 1957, at the end of the season, the president of the club, Franz Kremer, was presented with a live goat.

The animal was so fond of the players and staff of the club that it remained in the team, turned into a symbol, and later migrated to the club's emblem. The club goat's name is Hennes and today Hennes VIII is watching the matches of Cologne.

Great Danes, Lions and Black cats

  • Lille.
  • "Munich 1860".
  • Sunderland.

An interesting nickname of the French "Lille" - "Great Dane", according to one version is associated with the presence of a dog of this breed in one of the first presidents of the club, according to the other - with the location of the dog kennel hammered home arena.

The emblem of the 1860 Munich club bears a blue lion. This is the name of one of the most famous beers. Since the plant that produced it was at one time a sponsor of the club, the lion moved to the club symbols and became the nickname of the Munich people.

Sunderland are called black cats. According to legend, on the day the club won the 1937 FA Cup, a black kitten was seen at the stadium, brought by one of the fans. And since in England, unlike other countries, a black cat brings good luck, the fans decided that the main creator of that victory was this kitten and made him the symbol of the club.

"Bird" nicknames

  • "Newcastle".
  • Norwich.
  • "Nantes".

Magpie Monty is Newcastle United's official mascot, hence the club's nickname.

Another bird, the canary, is the symbol of the Norwich club. The fact is that the city of the same name, where the team is based, was a center for breeding birds. Why the canary was chosen as the symbol remains a mystery, but the Norwich's uniform became yellow based on the club's nickname - a rather rare case.

The opposite is much more common - for example, "Nantes" was nicknamed "canaries" precisely because of the color of the form - yellow-green.

Flying donkeys

I would like to end the "animal" theme with the story of the origin of the most strange nickname - "flying donkeys" of the Italian "Chievo". The team from the suburbs of Verona has always been the subject of ridicule for the fans of the city's main club of the same name.

And the meaning of one of the jokes made against the Chievo players was that donkeys would sooner learn to fly than Chievo players would learn to play football. The joke stuck, and the nickname stuck with the team.

Old lady and old lady

  • Juventus.
  • "Hertha".

One of the most famous clubs in Europe bears an unusual nickname - Juventus Turin is called the "old lady". Unfortunately, there is no reliable data on the origin of the nickname. According to one version, the early uniform of the team was pink, and one of the fans of the opposing team drew an analogy with the color of the old lady's trousers. According to another version, in one of the matches, the wind blew up the shirts of the players who were bigger size, which made the players look like hunchbacked old men.

A similar nickname - "the old lady" has the Berlin "Hertha". However, in this case, its origin is beyond doubt, since Hertha is the goddess of fertility in ancient Germanic mythology. Apparently, the ancient people portrayed this deity by no means in the form of a young maiden.

The Beatles and mattresses

  • Villarreal.
  • Atletico Madrid.

One of the most unusual nicknames for the Spanish "Villarreal" - the team is called "yellow submarine". It is clear that the name is associated with the famous cartoon dedicated to the Beatles and the colors of the team's uniform, but how exactly the popular English group is associated with the club from Spain is not known for certain.

"Mattress" is called Madrid "Atlético", whose shape at the beginning of the century, in order to save money, was sewn from the same material as mattresses, which caused the corresponding associations.

Hollywood Story

Munich "Bayern" is often called the offensive nickname of FC "Hollywood". The reason for this was the constant scandals associated with the behavior of players, coaches and management of the most eminent German club. In fairness, it is worth noting that in last years the club did not give much reason to call itself that.

Spurs with toffee

English "Everton" is called "toffee". It's simple - there was a candy store near the stadium, and on the days of matches, the goods were instantly sold among thousands of fans. The products were consumed in the stands, hence the nickname.

When asked why Tottenham are called Spurs, there are several possible answers. The most plausible of these is associated with the club symbol - the rooster, which is known to have spurs.

Nicknames by profession and area of ​​base

Pharmacists, summer residents, hammers and gunners

  • Bayer.
  • "Arsenal".
  • Fulham.
  • West Ham.

The pharmaceutical company Bayer, which is one of the main sponsors of Bayer Leverkusen, gave rise to the club's numerous "medical" nicknames - "aspirin", "pharmacists", "pharmacists" - we are talking about the same team.

But fans of other London clubs can accurately answer the question of the origin of the teams' nicknames. "Arsenal" was created by workers of the artillery plant, hence the "gunners" and "gunners", the London district of Fulham at the beginning of the century was located on the outskirts of the city, where the dachas were located, therefore the team of the same name is called "summer residents", although now they home arena located almost in the center of London.

West Ham is called the Hammerheads. Previously, the team existed under a different name and belonged to a shipbuilding company. The team's symbol was the crossed hammers used in the construction of ships. Having changed the name, the leaders of the club did not abandon the symbolism, thus the name has been preserved to this day.

The most holy

Its creators owe the nickname and "Southampton". Since it was founded by members of the Youth Association of the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary, the club began to be called "saints."

How the Busby Babes became red devils

As you can see, the nicknames football clubs tied to a specific event or story. But there is, at least, they are an example when a nickname is formed artificially. This is not much less, but about such a club as Manchester United.

After the terrible disaster of 1958, the team continued to be called the "Busby Babes". Sir Matt Busby himself was extremely negative about this, because eight of his "babies" died in that very catastrophe.

It was he who suggested calling the club "Red Devils" by analogy with the Salford rugby team. In 1970, the devil with the trident moved to the club's official emblem. And the "Busby Babes" continues to call the very team that became the champion, having in its composition the players whose average age was only 22 years old ...

When creating any club, not just a football one, you initially need to come up with the right name for it, because the future of the whole team depends on this choice. Such a difficult choice can affect the entire subsequent hierarchy of the football team, the fate of the club itself, its ups and downs.

Therefore, before naming a football team correctly, it is worth remembering some of the principles of this choice.

    Basically, football teams are named by:
  • home city;
  • regional and sectoral principle;
  • the name of the sponsor;
  • the brightness of the word-sound;
  • geographical names of regions and rivers;
  • the principle of sonority;
  • industry of work of employees or sponsors.

It's always easier for a small regional club to come up with a name. They can be, for example, a symbol that most of the team like, or some kind of animal. It is even easier with rural FCs: the name can be based on the name of the enterprise operating in the territory of the settlement.

But if the future football team thoroughly wants to declare itself to the whole country, it is worth approaching the issue of choice more carefully. Many of the well-known clubs were named after the city of their base, so in case of emergency there is already an option. Examples of the most popular FCs of the same name are: Liverpool, Barcelona, ​​Roma, etc.

Sometimes, before naming a football team, it is worth asking the sponsor's opinion, because most often in such cases it is the last character behind the main choice of a suitable name. It is important for any sponsor that the whole country knows about his enterprise, therefore his name may appear in the name of the future FC.

Also, often when naming a football team, you need to use the principle of sonority. For example, you can always use loud symbolic words that have a very important semantic load. An example of such a choice is Zenit, Victory, Zvezda, Leader, etc.

On a professional basis, you can ask for help from the funded team of enterprises that practically represent the guys at the competitions. In such cases, you can use in the name the industry in which the team of football players gathers. For example, in factories the appropriate name would be “Steel”, “Metallurg” or “Chemist”.

Among the options available, it is very good to use the name of the nearby rivers, or the region where the whole team lives. For example, on the territory of Russia, three teams decided to call themselves "Volga". Also similar names are: "Kuban" (Krasnodar), "Terek" (Grozny), "Yenisei" (Krasnoyarsk), and "Irtysh" (Omsk).

And if everything is more or less clear with the name of the future club of football fans, the only thing left is to decide on the motto. Depending on the name of the club and its region of deployment, the team's slogan can carry a wide variety of meanings. Here you can display the importance of the club for the city and the region, or the patriotic attitude towards the team. Also, such a motto should perfectly feel the desire to win over any opponent and in every match.

V modern world there are many football clubs, as well as names for them. All of them are original in their name and are easy to remember. When creating your own soccer team, you should always think carefully about the name appropriate for it from the beginning. After all, how do you build a ship ...

In this article, we will give you a step-by-step plan for choosing a team name. We will look at such questions as how to name a football team or what names can be given to teams, ranging from corporate to hockey. All suggestions for choosing a name are relevant for any type.

Factors Affecting Team Name Choice

Get the whole team involved. It is necessary to listen to the opinion of all members what their preferences for the name of the team have. This choice is called collective brainstorming.

If a name is chosen without everyone's consent, you may have some disgruntled team members who were not invited to the event, which means that disagreements will be on initial stage forming a team, which is no longer good.

In a brainstorming session, no matter which name you choose, there will be participants who will oppose the idea. Rarely do you have a case where everyone completely agrees with the proposed names. This is due to the fact that most people are wary of new things and names in particular.

In this case, the main and important should be the desire to find teams. A good name is the personality of your team, and it will be associated with it as long as it exists. You shouldn't choose a name that doesn't reflect the nature of the team. Remember the phrase from the famous cartoon

What do you call a boat - so it will float!

Three points to choose

Your team name is your identity. A name is a powerful thing. It doesn't just tell you what you are doing. It denotes who you are. It has great importance, the name should answer each person about who you are and, preferably, what you do.

You've probably heard about the rhetoric: "Who am I?" This is the deepest question of any person's personality. The fate of a person follows from the personality of a name. When a person does not know who he is, he does not know what he should do in his life and what to do.

Likewise for the team: rhetoric, as you can call the team, is very important for the future. It is from the name that the personality comes, and from the identifier of the collective - the common mission and goal. Without a strong team identity, there is often no success.

Associate your team with images of famous objects or animals. The name associates the collective with the values ​​and characteristics of the selected object.

For example, if you use the team name "Lions". What immediately comes to mind? Words such as noble, terrible, just - which are associated with the image of a lion.

When people hear you repeat your team name, they will think of all these meanings or characteristics associated with the lion.

And if you choose something like "Snake". What comes to mind? Probably words like sly, shrewd, or deadly.

So the question is, what characteristics do you want your team to be associated with? Are there any objects, animals, or people that reflect these words or characteristics? Think about it.

Apply " brainstorm»With your team and find a suitable image that can reflect everything that your team aspires to. You can limit the possibilities of this system of thinking and choose those frames that are not worth going beyond.

To make the name unique, add a location or description for your team. Because if you choose an animal name such as "Lions", "Cobras", "Wolves", "Panthers" or others, know that someone, somewhere in the world, will use the same. And in order to give this name individuality, so that when pronouncing it it immediately becomes clear who it is about, you can add context to it.

To do this, you can additionally use a country, city, district, or even a street name to determine where you are. Alternatively, you can add an adjective to describe your command:

  • Shining Lions;
  • Golden Lions;
  • "Dazzling Lions" and so on.

All of these descriptions make your team unique and different from others that have a similar name. And you can be sure that your fans will not confuse you with another team.

Create an abbreviation

Brainstorming can create a variety of desired names that mean or mean something to the team. Perhaps you need to think about not offending anyone and make a name that would combine all the invented names.

This can be done in the following way: connect the word from the first letters of the invented name of each team member. Create an abbreviation, when decrypted, all invented names will appear.


Think about what your team adheres to the most, what culture they like, or what movie or music they like. Think about how you can change the name of any movie for the name.

For example, for your team, you can use the names of films such as:

  • "Chariots of Fire" is a beautiful and quite mesmerizing name;
  • "Unlimited" is also a pretty interesting title;
  • use the nirvana song Smells Like Team Spirit - "The smell of team spirit."

Use decorative themes. Depending on the type of team event, you can choose a name based on a possible color, costume or design. For example, ideas how to name sports teams, can come from themes such as pirates, sea hunters, jungle, etc.

Questions affecting the title

Before you start coming up with a name, there are some questions you need to answer that will simplify this choice and point you in the right direction. What are these questions:

  1. Are you planning to place your name on a banner or T-shirt? If so, then you need to think about how the letters and words in general look impressive.
  2. Will the name be sonorous? To support the team with fans, it is necessary that the name be light and sonorous. Try shouting the name out loud several times. Understandably shouting out? Is there an effect of paraphrasing the name, as with the word "train", when you shout it out quickly several times?
  3. Aren't you ashamed to shout that name? The result of the game will largely depend on the name of the team in the game by the fans.

As you can see, there are some things to think about when choosing a team name.

Team assignments

In addition to choosing a name, there are many reasons for using team brainstorming. What you need to come up with at the start Here are some examples.

Barriers to success

There are several obstacles to creating successful team:

  1. Each good team has similar characteristics. To create something original, some characteristics need to be rephrased.
  2. Why is brainstorming not successful? For brainstorming to give desired results, it is necessary that it comes from the leader chosen by the team. Only in this case there will be both results and efficiency.

“I'm proud to be a Patriot,” says the newly selected NFL Draft player. He is proud to be a "Patriot". A phrase that sounds good with or without quotes. A few minutes later, another footballer will come on stage and not say: "Proud to be a Brown". Not because Cleveland is a much sadder team than New England. It just doesn't sound.

When teams are given names, few people think of these things. Most of the NFL clubs were created in the distant days, when no one suspected that the league would grow into a giant business, and the names would become international brands. The Green Bay team got their name at the insistence of a sponsor who gave them a soccer kit in 1919. And since then, the world has been filled with proud "packers".

The creators of new teams around the world, including the CIS space, also approach this issue lightly. If you live in a provincial town, where no one knows what American football is, does it matter what the team of your school friends will be called? Let it be like in a cool movie.

All this reverberates only years later, when teams participate in competitions, win tournaments and become known not only in their region. Maybe someone then comes up with the idea - damn it, it was necessary to have a different name.

After analyzing the names of all the NFL teams and reading the feedback from fans from them, I formulated several simple rules that determine the success of the title. Here they are:

  1. The name should be simple in meaning and sound.
  2. The name should be tied to the region that the team represents.
  3. The name should make a person want to associate himself with it.

The second point is painful for the NFL, as teams can change locations. For college football or teams from other countries, this problem is irrelevant.

My top 5 most unfortunate NFL club names

Wild West Hero Bill from Buffalo. Photo:

5. "Jaguars" (Jacksonville)

The names in the style of carnivorous animals sound great, give rise to a colorful logo, but they do not always correspond to reality. I'm sure there are dolphins in Miami. I think you can find a hawk in Atlanta. But in Jacksonville, jaguars are definitely not found. Like the panthers in both Carolines.

4. Seahawks (Seattle)

Who is a seahawk, not everyone knows even in the USA. The fact is that "seahawk" is not a specific bird, but a nickname for several bird species: skuas or skopins. Skuas sound much better and closer to the original name (sea = sea), but they are essentially seagulls, so predation issues arise. Osprey, on the contrary, are birds of prey, but what an ordinary person who is not fond of ornithology is likely to be will hardly tell you what a “osprey” is.

3. "Photiners" (San Francisco)

In 1849, the "gold rush" raged in California. Thousands of settlers flooded the territory of San Francisco to profit from gold and get rich. The first wave of gold prospectors was nicknamed “49ers”, “forty-ninths”. Without knowing the peculiarities of the history of the United States, the name is completely meaningless. Yes, and bulky by ear.

2. "Bills" (Buffalo)

Initially, the team that is the predecessor of the modern "Bills" was called "Bison". To match the previous name and the logo of the club, which depicts a stylized bison. You might think that "Bills" is such a warped name for "Bulls", "Bulls" (still, well, at least somehow they look like buffalo). But no, the team is named after Bill Cody, aka "Buffalo Bill", who is known as a ... buffalo hunter. I mean, the logo of the Buffalo team depicts the victim of their name. Thanks for picking me for the draft, I'm proud to be Bill ... even if I am Leshawn, really.

1. Browns (Cleveland)

Another team that was named after a person. The first coach and general manager of the Cleveland soccer team was named Paul Brown. His surname is immortalized in the form of the team name. This is the same as that the Moscow "Spartak" would be called "Moscow Starostins". No questions, the person is significant for the club, but how to associate with him? Hence, one of the most faded logos in the league - the plain brown (which adds piquancy for fans who are not aware of Cleveland history) helmet.

My top 5 most successful NFL club names

5. Cowboys (Dallas)

An example of a wise decision regarding a name. The Dallas club was originally called "Steers". Steer is an ox, a castrated bull. The general manager of the club, Texas Schramm, realized that fans of foreign teams should not just give a reason for ridicule and changed the name to "Cowboys". What's more Texan than a cowboy? Maybe a Texan (as they did in Houston), but it's not that interesting.

4. Patriots (New England)

The first English-language school in America, the first college - Harvard, the "Boston Tea Party", one of the centers of the Revolutionary War - the name of the Boston club breathes history and presents it in a successful personified form.

3. Ravens (Baltimore)

Baltimore was one of the main cities in the life of the American poet Edgar Poe, where he was buried. "The Ravens" got its name from the poem of the same name by the great poet, and with it came a beautiful gloomy image and a color scheme. Perhaps the most intelligent title in the entire league.

2. "Vikings" (Minnesota)

Vikings combine not only a fierce and powerful image, but they are the best fit for the region with the coldest winter in the NFL. In addition, according to the Scandinavian sagas, the Vikings, led by Leif Ericsson, landed not so far from Minneapolis (at least closer than from other NFL clubs) in 1000.

1. Steelers (Pittsburgh)

“City of Steel” is what Pittsburgh is called in the USA. I've always liked sports names, glorifying the main essence of the city (Shakhtar, Metallurg). At the same time, "Stalevar" also sounds luxuriously like on English language and in Russian.

My top 5 most unfortunate team names in Russia

Before criticizing, I want to make a small remark - with all my might I wish success to every team that exists in Russia or the CIS countries. Regardless of the name chosen. The most important thing is that you and your fans like the name.

5. "Panthers" (Konakovo)

First, the Jacksonville rule works - what other panthers are there in the Tver region? Secondly, a too predatory name for a small team from a small town. On the coat of arms of the city, if anything, there is not a panther, but a hare. There is a very cool opposite example - a team from Bogorodsk took the name "Leatherworkers", emphasizing one of the main directions of work in the city.

4. "Mighty Ducks" (Voronezh)

It can be seen too clearly that the title is borrowed - either from the film with that name, or from hockey clubs from Anaheim or Cincinnati. At one time I was very surprised why in the CIS there are at least five teams called "Titans"? Where does this passion for ancient Greek philosophy come from? Then I realized that the inspiration, most likely, was the football movie Remembering the Titans. “We want to be like these guys from the screen” - so-so motivation. Be yourself.

3. "Rebels" (Yaroslavl)

One of the main sins Russian clubs- first come up with a name in English, and then in Russian (or not invent a name in Russian at all). I can understand why the English name of the clubs from Kaliningrad or Vladivostok - them international matches playing is almost easier than domestic Russian ones. But how strange it is to see the team's application for the Russian championship, where “Rebels” (Yaroslavl) is written in Russian. Thank God that Yaroslavl residents more and more often (it seemed to me) began to use the Russian-language version of "Rebels". Even if the title sounds cooler in English.

2. United (Moscow)

United breaks all stereotypes. First, the title is in English. Secondly, it is not performed in the classical personified plural form. Thirdly, in Russian there is not even a direct analogue of the word "United". Fourth, you can hardly find them in search engines, because you are offered to read about Manchester United.

1. Raiders 52 / Broncos (Nizhny Novgorod)

Nizhny Novgorod is a champion city. Both top clubs are simply named after the NFL clubs. The Broncos weren't bothered to use the Denver club logo either.

My top 5 most successful team names in Russia

5. "Taurus" (Simferopol)

A mythical people from the ancient past, geographically tied to the Crimea peninsula. Sounds great by ear. This name breathes with mysticism and historical power. According to the same principle, the name of the club from Donetsk - "Scythians" was chosen.

4. "Aviators" (Saratov)

The emphasis on the military-industrial complex (here and in the next paragraph) is very good. Saratov Aviation Plant is a tribute to the memory, everything is fine.

3. "Tanks" (Chelyabinsk)

In principle, the name of the city of Chelyabinsk alone has such a harsh image that you can not add anything to it, but "Tanks" manages to multiply the power of the name. At the same time, residents of Chelyabinsk, explain what a camel does on your city's coat of arms ?!

2. "Mammoths" (Kogalym)

Unfortunately, the team has not shown signs of activity for a long time, but this is no reason to ignore the successful name. Again, the correct historical link - the bones of mammoths were found in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug ( hockey team in the MHL it is also called “Mammoths of Ugra”), and hence a competent and powerful image. "Mammoths" are required to play only takeaway!

1. "St. John's Wort" (Ozersk)

Ozersk should be called the cradle of football in Russia and host the first game of the season thanks to its glorious history originating in the Soviet Union. The modern team does not lower the bar in terms of the approach to names. The Russian language is rich and diverse, you can find beautiful and true words in it. So instead of the banal "Hunters" poetic "St. John's Wort" are born.

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Almost every club has nicknames and nicknames, there are offensive, important, funny and meaningful!
Why are they called that? Where do the "legs grow" from each name?

In this thread we post everything we know and share information and of course we have fun discussing!

Let's start, of course, with ours:


Zenith- "Homeless" or "Bags"

This nickname owes its appearance to the club's victory in the alawar championship to play the USSR in the 1984 season, when in Leningrad in honor of this event there were “Zenit”, USSR champion 1984. Currently, this nickname is not widespread, it is used mainly by veterans of the fan movement both “Zenith” and other clubs.

This nickname owes its appearance to the massive trips of Zenit fans in the early 80s, when people traveled to another city by commuter trains, slept at train stations or in city parks due to the lack of hotels. It is believed that the nickname was coined by Spartak fans as offensive. Now it is used in two ways: by fans of hostile clubs - with an offensive tone, fans of “Zenith” - with a touch of light pride and shocking. The attitude towards him can be compared with the attitude of Spartacists towards the nickname "pigs" or law enforcement officers towards the word "cop".

Wings of Soviets-Rats. And, moreover, they are not offended. The Samarians made her their talisman.

Spartacus- meat, because the first name is "Food Man".
Spartacus are also called piglets, probably the same meat, only still alive.

Dynamo-ements, because the Dynamo sports society was cops. All the players in the cop ranks went.

A "Amkar" generally called manure. And why be surprised if the name of the team stands for AMiak + CARBONID. Have thought of it ...
Football team"Amkar" (Perm) was founded in the Open joint stock company"Mineral Fertilizers" in 1993.

CSKA- "horses":
1) the stadium was built on the site of a former stable
2) in the era of alawar search for objects to play online the USSR under the guise of military service in CSKA dragged best players- CSKA fans themselves called this scheme "stable"

More of ours and our former ones:

Saturn-Black and blue; Gums; Aliens; Martians ;; Teletubbies; Vatru shki)))
Spartak Nalchik-Beddy (Spa + cake)
Wings of Soviets-Feathers
Shinnik-Tire; Bear
Tom-Felt boots
Anji-Anzhuytsy; Dagi
Rotor-Vrotor; flood
Dynamo Kiev-Hole(?)
Metallurg Donetsk-Krotolurg
Ural- bumblebees
Rostov- wasps
Miner- moles, underground astronauts, children of the underground.
Locomotive- locomotives

Western clubs:

Blackburn-Roses and Black Birds.
Sunderland-Black cats.
Derby County-Rams.
Everton- Butterscotch.
Newcastle- Magpies.
Man City-Cities (and their talisman is some kind of stoned alien)
Southampton-The Saints
Fulham- Summer residents.
Nantes and Galatasaray-Canaries.
West Ham- hammers;
Tottenham- spurs;
Watford- hornets;
Wimbledon- smart people
Mancunians, Red Devils- "Manchester United"
Merseysides, Pelicans - "Liverpool"(from Merseyside - this is the name of one of the provinces in England ... with the capital in the city of Liverpool)

Villa- "Aston Villa"
Gunners, Pushkari- "Arsenal"
Borough - Middlesbrough
Dandies Everton
Tractor drivers "Ipswich"
Chukchi, blue, aristocrats - " Chelsea "(Chukchi - Surely because Romka Abramovich was the Governor of Chukotka)
Old lady, Zebras- Juventus Bianco-neri
Violets -Fiorentina
Eagle - "Lazio"
Squadra grenade- "Torino"
Parmesans - "Parma"
Devils - "Milan"
Sampa "Sampdoria"
Sardinians "Cagliari"
Greeks, Southerners "Regina"
Royal Club -"Real Madrid"
Catalans, Barca- " Barcelona "
Balearians "Mallorca"
Aspirin- " Bayer "
Red devils "Kaiserslautern"
Blue Lions Munich 1860
Celts - Celtic
Purple - "Anderlecht"
Miners- " Genk "
Monegasque "Monaco"
Dogs- "Lille"
Wild boars "Sedan"
Roosters - "Bari"
Yellow - hot " Lecce "
Mattress covers - " Athletic Bilbao "
Grasshoppers - "Grasshoppers"
Admirals "Vascu da Gama"
Villareal- yellow submarine (yellow submarine)

There are also explanations for some of the names:
Everton, England
The players and fans of Liverpool “Everton” are known in England as “the toffees”. The fact is that once near the arena "Goodison Park" there was a candy store called "Mom Nobblett's Caramel Shop". On match days, the owner of the shop, Mrs. Noblett, invited fans to try menthol sweets - milk caramels with black and white stripes. There was no end to those who wanted to eat sweets. Since then, the fans, and with them the team, have been associated with people sucking sweets in the stands.

Bolton, England
"The Trotters". The first meaning of this English word is "trotters". Legend has it that the Bolton footballers were named so thanks to ... a large pigsty located near the first fields of the team. The ball often flew there, and the players trotted to the boars to get it back. By the way, the second meaning of "The Trotters" is "pork legs".

Real Madrid, Spain
Madrid "Real" in the Spanish capital is called "Los Vaqueros" - "shepherds". This nickname came about when the legendary Alfredo Di Stefano learned that Real Madrid was going to buy Pele. "There can be no two shepherds in one flock," Di Stefano proudly declared. Since then, the players and fans of Real Madrid are called shepherds. But "Vaqueros" can only be heard in Madrid itself. In other places, and especially in Catalonia, “Real” with a certain amount of mockery is called “sheep”. Hardly for the snow-white color of the uniform ...

Atlético, Spain
The players of Atletico Madrid are called "Los Colchoneros" - "mattress makers". The reason is very simple: in the 20th century, the club was not rich, and for sewing uniforms, a strong and cheap fabric was acquired - the one that is intended for sewing mattresses. The club has not been in poverty for a long time, but the tradition has remained. That is why the colors of the Atletico uniform are reminiscent of mattresses.

"West Ham United, England
A team from West Ham, a poor London suburb that was inhabited by the proletariat. The working class team was located right among the factories. When West Ham appeared, he was the poorest among London clubs and one of the most worthy (this team never became a champion, but was known as a desperate Cup fighter, it gave England the great world champions - Moore and Hirst). The proletarian past has not been forgotten, it remained in the nickname "hammer men" and in the hammers on the coat of arms.

Tottenham Hotspur, England
“Tottenham Hotspur” was not lucky: on the coat of arms it depicts not a lion, but a rooster. Nobody wanted to be called "roosters", but a way out of such a predicament was found. The heraldic rooster had huge spurs on its legs. At one time, “Tottenham”, “trampled” a lot of rivals, and the honorary nickname “Spurs” was assigned to its players.

Arsenal, England

The young, then unnamed, London club had to settle down dangerously close to the artillery depot, the neighborhood with which prompted the first coaches and footballers to name their team. This is how the legendary Arsenal was born. In memory of the artillery past, a cannon appeared on the club's coat of arms, and the players received the nickname "Gunners".

"Bayer ", Germany
The renowned German club Bayer Leverkusen got their nicknames from their sponsor. It is sponsored by a renowned pharmaceutical company that produces, in particular, aspirin. Thanks to this, Bayer's players are sometimes called "pharmacists", then "pharmacists", or even simply "aspirin".

Valencia, Spain
The most famous nickname for the club is "bats"; the corresponding animal is depicted on the emblem of "Valencia", which was transferred from the coat of arms of the city. According to legend, when King Jaime I of Aragon conquered Valencia from the Moors, a bat sat on the flagpole of his standard, and the monarch took it as a good sign from heaven.

Newcastle United, England
Newcastle United are nicknamed "magpies", about the origin of which is still fiercely controversial. For most fans, the origin of the nickname was predetermined by the black and white colors of the club jerseys. But, on the other hand, on the flag of the county, the lands of which surround Newcastle, - it is the magpie. Another version is closer to other fans - the players themselves chose the bird as a mascot, since magpies have nested in the nearby park from time immemorial. Another voiced option makes you smile at all. According to this "brilliant" theory, the building materials necessary for the construction of modest club buildings, "Newcastle", taking an example from forty, simply stole.

"Portsmouth ", England
Since its inception, Portsmouth has been referred to as Pompeii. In those distant times, when Britain ruled the seas, the British captured the French warship Pompey and declared the patrol ship of the port of Portsmouth.

Schalke 04, Germany
Belonging to the coal-mining region was the reason that the club "Schalke-04" received the nickname "miners", "miners".

Roma, Italy
The capital "Roma" is proudly called the "she-wolf", which is depicted on the club's coat of arms and is a symbol of the eternal city.

Lorient, France
Historical roots has the nickname of the French club "Lorient" - merlus ("sea pike"). There is a simple explanation for this: before the First World War, the players of this team were amateurs, and their main profession was fishing.

Club logo West Bromwich Albion adorns the bird, the name of which has become a nickname - "the throstles", or "songbirds". However, after the WBA players first appeared in the game in the long, knee-length shorts, which later became the prototype of beach fashion, the team got the nickname baggies (from the slang "bags" - "long pants").

Godchildren of the club Sunderland are already four-legged. The credit for the nickname black cats belongs to the fans. Unlike continental Europe, a black cat crossing the street in front of a pedestrian brings in England not bad luck, but good luck.

Leicester City called "foxes" because Leicestershire is famous for its fox hunting, and the Fox company produces mints.

Clubs in continental Europe have just as much reason to be proud of their nicknames. In the early 50s of the last century, the director of the circus Carola Williams presented the president of the German "Cologne" Franz Kramer was a goat, after which he became the mascot of the club from the banks of the Rhine.

Then for " Kaiserslautern " the nickname "red devils" became established, as in the era of Fritz Walter this club played in fiery red shirts.

Borussia from Mönchengladbach became a legend in the 70s of the XX century and received the nickname "stallions" because all the players, without exception, were very young.

The nickname "zebra" stuck to " Duisburg " just because of the blue-white-striped T-shirts.

If the Russian fans of London " Chelsea " If you ask a question about how the name of Roman Abramovich's club sounds in the fan jargon of the English capital, then an advanced football fan will answer that he knows the modern name - blues ("blue"). However, it is unlikely to a wide range of fans reigning champion England is known for more ancient name their favorite club is pensioners. The first nickname is easy to guess because Chelsea are in blue. As for the second, it is mostly known to those who are quite familiar with the history of London. It turns out that a long time ago there was a House of War Invalids near the stadium.

Who else knows what?

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