T-game "brainstorming". T-game "Brainstorming" Brainstorming 10

One method to create a “critical mass” of ideas is through a brainstorming process, during which two or more participants work together to generate opportunities to solve a problem. Moreover, this practice is good not only as a way to find solutions to problems or generate ideas, but also as an exercise in developing creative skills and abilities for teamwork.

1. First step

In the first step, it is important to clearly understand the situation and formulate the task. A poorly defined problem leads to anxiety and confusion.

2. Ideas

We have no shortage of ideas. We have a lack of confidence that they are good. Because of this, we often do not let them "break out". But at night everyone just "goes crazy" - the creative flow can simply not be stopped.

The exercise: keep the recorder by your bed. When you wake up from a dream, write down its contents. And also all the thoughts that came to you after awakening. This can be very, very useful sometimes.

3. Time for the assault

Brainstorm is the process of creating a creative stream, led by an "mastermind" and a team of two or more people.

The exercise: you and your partner or partners should write the problem on a piece of paper and post it on the wall. Now - over the next 15 minutes - each of you in turn offers a different solution. Do it quickly! Reward for the most complete and dumbest answer. After these 15 minutes, write down the answers and discuss them.

4. Quietly with yourself

It is quite possible to play this game alone, although it is much more fun and productive in a team.

The exercise: imagine five of those whom you admire. Write down what you think they would suggest to solve your problem.

5. Study

Study the problem as deeply as possible. Consider it from all sides.

The exercise: think about the last argument you used. Try to look at the situation from different angles:

A) from your point of view,
b) from the point of view of your opponent,
c) from a neutral point of view.

As you do this, hold on to the position of the other person. Do not try to "defend" these or those arguments. Try to figure out how to see the problem differently.

6. Take a break

After you have identified the situation and thoroughly investigated it, take a break and do something completely distracted. It is common knowledge that ideas often come to mind while showering or exercising.

7. Don't stop

If possible, have a brainstorming session while walking. Make the blood move! Aristotle was known as the "Peripatetic Philosopher" for his habit of teaching and brainstorming while walking. Grab hold of every idea, regardless of its immediate usefulness. Carry a digital voice recorder, a set of cards, stickers, note-taking software on your smartphone, paper for notes - anything that can allow you to capture the thought that came to your mind.

8. Silly ideas

You just have to generate "stupid" ideas. Give yourself a command that at least one in ten of your ideas will be a little crazy, and maybe even completely crazy. Allowing yourself to be wild and insane opens the way for creativity. The more confused you are with this proposal, the more you need it. Unfortunately, upon hearing about this step, all people nod: “Of course, of course,” which they diligently forget when they need to act.

9. Ignore voices in your head

Ignore voices in your head that criticize, "This is not good, this is not going to work." It is the same voice that prevents writers from doing their work. It never stops, but you must learn to listen to another - a young, wild, insane, much more creative voice in your mind.

10. Play with existing ideas

Every movie you watch, every book you read can be rethought - in what other three ways could it start (start earlier or later, in a different place, with a different character, be written in a different tone)? And then you can come up with three alternative endings for it (on a good note or a bad one, suddenly changing genre, thickening the colors)? This will give a warm-up for the brain, which will certainly "thank" you for it with a stream of new ideas.

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To solve various kinds of problems in different spheres of life, many effective methods... And among all their diversity, it is the brainstorming method that is especially popular and widespread. Today we will talk about what it is, and also give 10 rules for its successful and effective implementation.

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What is a Brainstorming Method?

The brainstorming method was created in 1941 by Alex Osborne, an employee of the American advertising agency for superprofessionals "BBD & O". The method serves to promptly solve problems and is based on stimulating people who take part in it and offer maximum amount all kinds of solutions. After all the options are voiced, those are selected that are most suitable for successful implementation in practice. Typically, a brainstorming session consists of three mandatory stages, which are different in organization and rules of conduct.

The main stages of brainstorming and the rules for its construction

Formulation of the problem

This stage is considered preliminary. It implies a clear formulation of the problem, the selection of participants and the distribution of their roles (facilitator, assistants, etc.). The distribution, in turn, depends on the specifics of the problem and the form in which the assault will be carried out.

This is the main stage and the success of the entire enterprise depends on it. For this reason, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Maximum number of ideas, no limits
  • Even fantastic, absurd and non-standard ideas are accepted
  • Ideas can and should be combined and improved
  • There should be no criticism or evaluation of the proposed ideas

Selection, systematization and evaluation of ideas

The final, but no less important stage, which for some reason is often overlooked. You need to understand that through this stage it becomes possible to highlight truly effective ideas and bring the whole brainstorming to a common denominator. In contrast to the second step, evaluation and criticism are welcome. And how successful this stage will be depends on the consistency of the participants' work and the general direction of their opinions regarding the problem being solved and the proposed solutions.

Typically, two groups are created for brainstorming. The first group includes people - idea generators who offer solutions. And the second group consists of the so-called commission, which deals with the processing of the proposed solutions.

A group of people, consisting of a presenter and specialists, takes part in the brainstorming session. As soon as the presenter has set the main task, specialists begin to express their ideas. If the event is attended by people of various positions, ranks, ranks and social status, then it is best that ideas are proposed precisely in the order of increasing status, excluding the psychological factor of "agreement with the authorities." It is also interesting that in most cases, at the beginning of the assault, all the ideas put forward are of a mediocre character, completely ordinary and trivial, however, as the participants are involved in the process and the activation of thinking and creativity, original and unusual ideas... Throughout the process, the facilitator writes down all the voiced sentences. And after that, their selection, analysis and development are carried out. The result is the most effective and original way to solve the problem.

The main advantages of the brainstorming method

The advantages of brainstorming presented below are based on the ideas of the candidate of philosophical sciences, sociologist and associate professor of the Department of Sociology at Siberian Federal University P.A.

At first, the joint activity of the participants, each of whom has his own experience, vision of the situation and knowledge, forms a synergistic effect that multiplies the result of the search for solutions.

Secondly, the process of brainstorming itself has a special creative potential, thereby transforming into an exciting collective and even game activity.

AND, third, the friendly and positive environment prevailing during the brainstorming session allows its participants not only to constructively perceive any criticism, but also to improvise and use their maximum potential, and also serves to strengthen trust and a positive attitude.

The presented data clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the brainstorming method and explain its relevance and popularity among scientists, educators, designers, managers, politicians and other specialists in various fields around the world. After all, such a collective work allows you to achieve truly high and excellent results. However, many scientists, in particular, psychologists, argue that if the work of the team of the participants in the assault is organized incorrectly, then the results of the assault will be very low, nullifying the advantages of the method. To avoid this, you should follow a few simple rules.

10 rules for effective brainstorming

  1. Preliminary preparation. All participants in a brainstorming session should prepare in advance. The task of the assault must be announced at least 2-3 days before it is carried out. During this time, the participants will be able to think about the problem facing them well and offer some interesting ideas at the very beginning of the assault.
  2. There are many participants. In order for the brainstorming to take place as efficiently as possible, you need to invite as many people as possible to participate in it, offering, respectively, more ideas - the results from such an approach can be very unexpected.
  3. Clarification of the task. Before starting the assault, it is recommended to take some time to further clarify the problem under study. This will allow once again to tune everyone "on the same wavelength", to make sure that all participants are trying to solve the same problem and once again make sure that it is set correctly.
  4. Recordings. Throughout the “game, it is imperative to keep notes and make notes. Moreover, each participant must do this. This task, of course, can be performed by one presenter, but in any case he can miss something, miss something, not notice. If everyone captures ideas, then the final list of decisions and ideas will be as complete and objective as possible.
  5. No criticism. This point is already included in the basic rules of brainstorming, but it should be mentioned again. In no case do not reject the proposed ideas, no matter how ridiculous or fantastic they may seem. Often it is they, revised, augmented and close to reality, that are the decisions for which the brainstorming session is arranged. In addition, criticism always affects people in an overwhelming way, and it is strongly discouraged to allow this during an assault.
  6. Maximum idea generation. Each participant in the process must understand that he needs to offer as many ideas as possible. Inexperienced participants may be shy or contemplating ideas without voicing them. It should be understood that this greatly reduces the entire effectiveness of the method. The same applies to those cases when a solution seems to have been found - ideas should be generated throughout the entire time allotted for the second stage of brainstorming.
  7. Attracting other people. If, for example, during an assault there is a goal to make a list of 100 solutions, but this level is not achieved in any way, you can involve people in the brainstorming who either are not present at the assault or have nothing to do with it at all.
  8. Modification of ideas. To receive best result you can combine two ideas (or more) into one. It is especially effective to use this technique when there are options for solving the problem, proposed by people of different status, position, rank.
  9. Visual display. For ease of perception and increase the effectiveness of brainstorming, you should use whiteboards, flash panels, posters, diagrams, tables, etc.
  10. Negative result. As you search for a solution, and even after it is over, imagine that the situation turned out in the exact opposite way, and everything did not go as you planned. With the help of such modeling, you can contribute to the development of additional ideas, as well as mentally and psychologically prepare yourself for any situation.

You can use the brainstorming method to solve problems and get out of difficult situations anywhere: at work, in business, in the family, in relationships. The main thing is to be able to properly organize the process, try to take into account all the nuances and features of the problem and follow the main stages and rules of brainstorming indicated in this article. Then you will definitely find the solution you need!

In your opinion, is the brainstorming method effective? If not, why not? And if you know any other interesting and effective techniques solving problems and finding solutions, we will be happy to learn about them from your comments.

Possible order of brainstorming in a group.
1. Divide the children into two groups. One group is "idea generators", the other group is "discerning analysts" or "experts."
2. Explain the rules of the game to the children, tell about the responsibilities of both groups. To emphasize that you can express any ideas, the wildest and most fantastic, no one will laugh. Everyone should express at least one idea, the more the better. For all ideas, you can give out chips, you can have different colors.
3. Assign a task to both groups.
4. Ask "generators" to express their decisions, and "analysts" to listen carefully, memorize or write down all ideas, but be silent! If there is a hubbub at the "generators", then this is normal, even good. Children need to express their emotions along with their ideas. The time for "yelling" should be steadily reduced, in a few days the children will learn to "yell" in turn, and then speak normally in turn.
I. Vikentiev suggested a very good technique for calming the noisy class. In advance, you need to agree with the group that everyone will be silent when the teacher loudly claps his hands and stretches his arms forward. For several days, you need to train the children - say: "Make noise! ​​And when I clap your hands, shut up at the same moment." More than three repetitions of the command in one exercise should not be done - children may not calm down, they just like to make noise.
5. All the ideas of the children must be written down on the board or memorized. A tape recorder is appropriate.
6. When ideas run out, you need to give the floor to "analysts". Have them evaluate each solution in a friendly way and choose a few of the best ones, as well as suggest their own solutions.
Be sure to give each child the opportunity to protect their decision, find him the optimal area or conditions of use. This is very important point- the ability to defend one's opinion or agree with stronger arguments is developed.
Praise all children, mark the most active and witty.
7. Switch the roles of the children next time. The best "generators" and "analysts" will soon emerge.
8. Generally speaking, it is not necessary to divide the children into two groups, both operations can be performed by the same children, but only the operations must be separated in time.
9. An excellent stimulus for activity is the immersion of children in a situation when they need to save someone, help someone, advise someone. Only this "someone" should be " a good man"." Let's help the little bird, Little Red Riding Hood, Alyonushka ... "

Teach the children to ask themselves questions: What parts are involved in the task? What properties do these parts have that can help solve the problem?

For example, a task: you need to quickly (!) Cool a glass of boiling water. How to be? It is required to find 10 solutions.

Start by asking:
- What is in the problem statement? A glass, boiling water, you, the kitchen and everything in the kitchen are a resource for solving a problem. We use techniques: mediator + physical effect(transition of heat from hot to cold body).

1. Add cold water, tea leaves or milk.
2. Pour into a saucer, a soup plate, a massive bowl.
3. Pour from glass to glass many times, keeping them at a great distance from each other.
4. Add a lot of jam or sugar.
5. Pour through a funnel.
6. Immerse cold spoons.
7. Put in the freezer, in a saucepan with cold water, in the snow ...

It happens that children amicably repeat a previously expressed idea, without offering their own. Do not exacerbate the situation, ask: "What do you offer yours?" Repeat the question to your child in person. It happens that children are silent. Nobody has a single idea. Ask leading questions, refer to the smartest or most lively child. Shake them up. If it was not possible to establish the generation process, it means that the proposed topic did not inspire the children, they are bored or they are afraid to take part in the discussion.

Brainstorming Topics for Kids
First, we present the "classic" questions for brainstorming, and at the end of the section - problems and their solutions.

How to get Robinson's Heavy Pie to the sea?
- How to measure the length of all venomous snakes in the terrarium?
- How to protect pedestrians from icicles falling from roofs?
- How to protect the pool from which drinking water is supplied to the city from bathers?
- How to heat people on the streets in severe frost?
- How not to quarrel with your mother?
- How to save a dog floating on an ice floe on a river into an ice drift?
- What would you suggest to do unrestrainedly funny?

How to save birds in the harsh winter food supply?
- How can you paint on the asphalt?
- It is necessary to stir the sugar in a glass with hot tea, there is no spoon. What to do?
- What will happen if the elephants grow to the size of a blue whale? (The height of the elephants reaches 4.5 m, and the weight is 5 tons, the length of the whales reaches 30 m, and the weight is more than 100 tons.)
- What will happen if hares have ten times the length of their legs?
- Come up with the house of the future. (Formulate the functions of the house, improve them, reverse them, formulate the needs of the person, let the house satisfy them ...)
- What will happen if you destroy all the wolves?
- What will happen in the lakes if you destroy all the pikes?

Think of an insect with unusual properties.
- How to make a multicolored piece of ice?
- How to save the hero of the fairy tale? What should he do?
- How can a hen save her chickens from a kite?
- How can you greet a person?
- How can astronauts fix small objects flying around the cockpit (pens, a comb, a notebook ...): with a magnet, Velcro, a paper clip, a spring clip, a pin ... What methods will not work?
- The natives of Australia catch turtles when they crawl ashore. They are simply turned onto their backs and become completely helpless. How can I help them?
- The number of people on Earth is rapidly increasing. The time will come when there will not be enough food, water, fuel, space. What to do?

The tribal leader needs to determine who is more: men or women? He can only count up to 10, and there are more than 100 people in the tribe.
- How to enter a room without opening the door?
- How to get an icicle from the roof?
- How to decorate the class for the New Year?
- What can you put in a cake to make it delicious?
- Where in the room can I hide the doll?
- Where did I hide the candy?
- How to ensure 100% school attendance?
- What qualities of birds would you like to have?
- How to find the smartest person in the kingdom?
- What is useful and what is harmful to a mosquito?
1. The family goes on vacation for a month. Houseplants need to be watered. How to be?
2. How can you determine the time if there is no clock?
3. What should be done to ensure that the Barbie doll is never lost?
4. It is necessary to clean the winding pipe from the inside. How to be?
5. Come up with a new unprecedented natural phenomenon. How can you help yourself to fantasize?
1. It is clear that you need to do some preliminary action. It is better to use different techniques together. Ask neighbors to come and water; put the pots in a bowl of water; fill bottles with water, turn them over and stick them in the ground; bury a wick in the ground of a flower pot (a cord of cotton wool), and place the other end in a jar of water; take flowers to neighbors; cover plants with glass jars or plastic bags; give away flowers.
2. An acceptable answer depends on your particular circumstances. Make a phone call; turn on the radio and wait for the exact time to be announced; go outside and ask a passerby; can be approximately determined by the position of the sun or moon; by the first roosters; by the number of passers-by on the street; hunger; by colors; by the position of the "plate" of the sunflower; by the behavior of the dog (whether she wants to go for a walk) ...

3. Do not take the doll out of the house; tie to a dress; always play in one place; always put in the same place; not let anyone play; insert an automatic squeaker into the doll, which beeps every half hour.

4. We use, for example, the "mediator" technique: rinse with water and sand; blow out with a vacuum cleaner; drive out the cat inside the pipe; ignite at the stake, and then pierce and clean; clean with a rotating flexible cable.

5. Hint: name what natural phenomena you know. Wind, rain, snow, landslides, thunderstorms, eclipses, northern lights ... Make them extraordinary: power up, flip, swap ... For example: rain of candy and toys ... Fast moving continents ...

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