Do-it-yourself mini-pool in the apartment. Unusual pool ideas

19.1.2008, 14:08

I have an interesting idea. I want to develop it and, probably, bring it to life with time. But many questions have arisen, on the solution of which a lot can depend. So, I have a bathroom, God forbid, 2.5 sq. m.
The cast-iron bathtub should be replaced, and general repairs are about to start soon. I began to think about what to do so unusual, which you can hardly find anywhere. The question of practicality is also important - the lifting height of an ordinary bathtub on legs could be useful if it was possible to cleverly hide the siphon.
And then I thought that it would be mono to make some kind of mini-pool.
I buy fittings, cook a box out of it, fix it to the walls, make plumbing, etc. , I erect a box of 25 mm plywood and fill the whole thing with mortar. The shape of the product can be given any complex, up to a semicircular or shell shape! When the whole structure dries well, I impregnate it with several layers of aquastop, then I cover it with mosaic tiles ...
The main problems that worry me are how to hide pipes in a layer of concrete so that they do not flow anywhere. So that after a while you do not have to break this structure in order to replace-clean something.
I figured that the walls of such a pool would be cool, to put it mildly ... And if you insulate, then how and with what? Can you throw metal-plastic pipes from a towel inside, right between the fittings?
Further, the raging fantasy gave me the idea that in fact you can make a full-fledged jacuzzi with your own hands, if you calculate everything correctly and, of course, get somewhere accessories for a hydromassage.
From you, members of the forum, I would like to hear feedback, practical advice and recommendations, maybe everything is easier than I imagine.

19.1.2008, 14:32

Are you sure the floor can handle this whole thing? otherwise it turns out that you have a joint bath with the neighbors below ...

19.1.2008, 23:23

Or maybe not to mess with concrete casting at all - buy a standard plastic garden mini-pond, choosing one that matches the size of the bath and suits it in shape, stick it with foam on a foam base, all pipes in foam are not a problem to throw, as well as into the plastic of the pool embed, the only thing to glue the mosaic tiles to this plastic, I don't know - probably on some kind of liquid nails or on silicone. Perhaps even for epoxy or liquid acrylic, but I am not familiar with the latter, and for epoxy it is relatively expensive.

19.1.2008, 23:45

The plastic pond won't hold tiles, but the idea is interesting, budget option, so to speak)))
In general, casting is safer, there will be no problems with tiles and will last for a very, very long time

Epoxy will take both tiles and plastic easily and easily.
How to make a sewer I think there will be no problems, and if it leaks out when draining it is not a disaster.
But if the pipe is sucked under pressure from the jacuzzi wiring, yes ...

Water supply pipes stupidly from above with a conventional mixer + shower.
If the depth is a meter with an area of ​​2.5 sq. meters it will be 2.5 tons of water without taking into account the curves and so on. Roughly speaking, this is the weight of the box itself. The slabs will hold up, and so will the walls.
Problems can be waited for by imposing 5 more tons of concrete base and so on.

Doggy le a zu

Floor slabs withstand 800 kg per running meter, they are called PK -6.3-800, etc. Of course, they can withstand twice as much, but at the limit, which can come very suddenly.

2.5 tons of water ??? God forbid that I would take such a risk! The size of the future structure is commensurate with the size of the bathroom itself, except that it will be 25-30 centimeters deeper, and in such a container there will not be a huge mass for sure.

20.1.2008, 14:17

With a plastic base, I think you can try - just not on polystyrene, but cut from plywood like supporting ribs, butts up, with a mesh. fill voids with foam, fill with foam.

As for the plywood dopframe, I agree, it will definitely not be worse, but it is guaranteed to be more reliable. By the way, surfboards are made using approximately this technology, so I recommend looking for the topicstarter here:

20.1.2008, 14:21

Slider, and the ready did not try to look?

20.1.2008, 21:03

Ready what? frame? What for? You can do it yourself. Or are you talking about something else?

20.1.2008, 22:09

Slider, I'm talking about a mini-pool

21.1.2008, 10:05

I will not be with neighbors - maximum with rats from the basement - I live on the first floor))
Volume - 0.7 cubic meters approx. Base area under it is approx. 1 square meter
Reinforced concrete walls 5 cm thick. Must endure

If the first floor, then you can generally make a full-fledged pool, the main thing is not to advertise it. Here, at least from below, additional pillars can be brought under the slab, at least in general, the slab can be hollowed out and a deep pool can be made, if the area allows.
The only question will be about the price of the event and the subsequent operating costs, if the water is on the meters. For example, such a hemorrhoid football would definitely not be necessary to me ;-)


21.1.2008, 12:00

A stupid idea, I know for myself while there is no pool, it is needed, and then a useless vesch. You will rarely use it, but you will have to keep the water constantly warm, there are all sorts of filters, to throw tablets there - I don't know more crap than pleasure. To dive once a month shouldn't be so worn out, but that's my opinion.

21.1.2008, 14:58

People, do you really think that you can make a pool on two and a half squares? The subject also contains BOLD QUOTATIONS!
It’s just a monolithic concrete bathroom that I don’t dare to call this idea, but a “pool”, because it’s monolithic, concrete and tiled, and nothing more! ...
There will be a little more water in it than in ordinary jacuzzis by 1.7 meters. The mass of concrete is garbage, which certainly will not break the slab. The screed on the floor can be thicker and heavier. In general, everything is much simpler and more harmless than many of you thought. I just wanted an original bathtub with a mosaic and an additional SMALL volume, which usually goes to the "fasteners" of the bathroom, that is, to the legs.

21.1.2008, 15:50

And if you order this from fiberglass, no?
like how boats are made.

21.1.2008, 16:07

I have never dealt with fiberglass and I don’t understand anything about it, this time. Plastic is plastic, it cannot be compared with concrete in terms of strength. And putting tiles on it will be extremely problematic. I'm not talking about finances- + ordering +, it means that the loot will be sold to someone, and, as it seemed to me, a lot. I forgot to say that if you do it yourself, the option is also economical.

The size of the future structure is commensurate with the size of the bathroom itself, except that it will be 25-30 centimeters deeper.

What is deeper is probably unlikely, a siphon and a place for it will still be needed, and mines. the slope of the drain also needs to be sustained.

22.1.2008, 12:57

Where will you put your feet when you come close to the bathtub? Modern manufacturers don't think about it. The screen is made flush with the bath.

22.1.2008, 14:12

22.1.2008, 14:26

the nuance with the siphon must be solved, I do not argue. I need to find an all-metal, very reliable, so that you do not have to pick it out of concrete later. Well, the minimum height, after all, there must be something like that! And put your legs, I don't think it's so serious omission to abandon the idea.
In the end, you can make a small niche at the bottom, seven centimeters high, but I think you shouldn't pay so much attention to it - I rarely have to just stand in front of the bathroom.

The siphon can also be cast horizontally, i.e. sideways. Better yet, monolith the bushing or simply leave a hole in the concrete mass, and mount a siphon to it or to it. I will, however, tell you about my experience in making thin-walled rings for a well. the wall is only 40-50 mm thick, the whole thing is relatively difficult to ram because of the reinforcing mesh inserted in the middle, in addition, even with a pouring height of 300, the walls from a board of twenty were carried by 10-15 millimeters on unsupported spans of 500.
Those. the option "to quickly bend the fiberboard formwork" is unlikely to work: the geometry will float away and everything will be in "belly" - as a result, you will have to fence reinforcements to the plywood with a step of at least 300-400.

22.1.2008, 23:14

I just wanted an original bathtub with a mosaic and an additional SMALL volume, which usually goes to the "fasteners" of the bathroom, that is, to the legs.

About three years ago, I did something similar: I laid out the bottom of the brick so that the siphon could fit (a trap like in showers). Under it (trap) left space; on top of the melted piece of "technonikol" I glued a 2mm sheet of stainless steel somewhere 20x30cm with a drilled hole for a siphon, again coated it with technonikol around. The wall was laid out of brick on an edge 60 cm high, reinforced with reinforcement embedded in the wall. A hole was left on the side, where he made a removable tile on self-tapping screws to get to the siphon. I went through the whole thing with "Hydrofix" -deep penetration, then coated it with OSMOSIL (http: / / with a brush, observing the technology. Over the spatula, he brought out the entire surface with Osmoflex (you can use osmolastic) Then on special. glue CARPET AB laid out a mosaic. The only thing is that there was not enough money for specials. grout FUGOKOLOR, therefore he rubbed the kesto and primed the seams 3 times. For 3 years now I have been enjoying my work - so far everything is fine.

23.1.2008, 22:38

KirCat, well, I'd love to see a photo! And a couple more questions - are the walls of such a bathroom cold? Is it possible, if you wish, to build inside home-made walls, say, a backlight (12 volt, or another, it doesn't matter) or fittings for a hydromassage?

Sorry, but there is no photo due to the lack of a camera. The walls of such a "bathroom" are warmer than metal ones. Personally, it is much more pleasant for me to stand on a daub - it does not slip. At the expense of the backlight - if you wish, a lot is possible! In the same company (and not only in it) they sell expanding solutions RESISTO FLUID ANKOR, etc. on which the lamps are placed. Well, of course, there are subtleties everywhere ... I highly recommend visiting their website, reading about the pools. When they meet, they tell, of course, much more. There you will also find fittings for massage

KirCat, if you had to do this a second time, what changes would be made to the structure?

I would put a trap assembly with a plug (you have to use a regular rubber one), I would choose a mosaic in a more beautiful way (white-blue China is glued), I would put fittings for overflow (it was a bother to bother) and would increase the size a little if there was such an opportunity (internally: 1.14x0.7m depth-0.45m - modest, but you can fit in two). If you start your plans - good luck in your endeavors! I respect non-standard solutions!

Isn't it great to have your own pool in your home? Fortunately, the current building materials market allows you to carry out a wonderful undertaking without excessive material costs. Nevertheless, this is a serious issue and requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. There are sad cases when, after the appearance of such an object in a dwelling, the level of humidity rises in it,.

In order to competently equip a swimming pool in a private house, it is best to involve specialists in this matter. However, some people prefer to do everything with their own hands, relying only on personal diligence and conscientiousness.

Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully study all the recommendations for carrying out construction work.

It is not only a separate water supply system, but also heating and heating systems and power supply.

In some cases, an emergency water discharge system is also provided. All these communications significantly increase the network load, so all electrical equipment must be well reinforced.

Sometimes, in this regard, they even equip their own separate substation.

How to build a pool: additional equipment

Modern companies installing pools today provide various additional options for their products.

These include:

  • hydromassage;
  • springboards;
  • waterfalls;
  • acceleration of waves;
  • fountains;
  • slides.

An indoor pool requires additional costs, but it also offers a number of advantages.

Such an object can be operated all year round, regardless of the season.

No need to spend money on conservation in the winter.

In addition, much less electrical energy is required to heat the pool water.

Indoor pool in the building: features and design nuances

Where in the house is it better to equip the pool? For this, you can use any room that is suitable in size.

Technical documentation assumes the device of the object:

The project must provide for a reliable foundation with the required strength, the optimal load, integrity and strength of all frame structures must be calculated. The best option is to build an autonomous room for the pool.

Setting up an indoor pool in your own home is a rather complicated process that requires a systematic and competent approach.

You need to start work with planning and developing a plan... The invited experts will conduct all the necessary research: determine the state of the soil and the dynamics of groundwater, calculate the forthcoming work and their approximate cost.

They will also advise what shape of the bowl and type of pool are suitable for your particular case. If the pool is supposed to be built in a finished building, experienced specialists will create buildings and offer suitable options for the parameters of the future object.

Also, if necessary, they will develop a suitable recirculation scheme, select filtering equipment and control automation.

All important details are discussed in advance: ventilation system, utilities, type of pool drainage.

Already at the design stage, the owner will have an idea of ​​all the important characteristics of the future design - performance and power and equipment, the area of ​​the water surface.

Only after the owner has studied the schemes and plans and approved them, you can start installation work.

Private pool: look and shape

How to determine the type and shape of the future structure?
In many ways, they will depend on the area and geological features of the site.

It is easier to design and build, and also the most environmentally friendly, is the open design.

Usually, owners prefer geometric shapes of structures: rectangular or square, which are easier to design and build. Quite a popular size - 18 sq. m.

By the way of location, they are:

  • Non submersible, installed above ground level.
  • Submersible, located below the line;
  • Partially submerged, respectively, half below the soil line.

The pool bowl can be made in different ways, from different materials:

  • reinforced concrete are made of heavy and;
  • structures made of them are distinguished by exceptional tightness, therefore they do not need additional;
  • made of clay, with the condition that the wall thickness is at least 25 cm;
  • collapsible structures are made of plastic or metal components.

Pools may also differ in the principle of water supply.

According to these characteristics, they are divided as follows:

DIY outdoor pool

Consider the stages of self-construction of an open structure on the site.

This is a fairly simple structure, and building it yourself will reduce your financial costs compared to hiring a team of specialists.

To begin with, you need to mark the area, and also make a project that includes the pool itself, technical rooms and containers for placing equipment.

Let's describe in detail the progress of the upcoming work:

  • Choosing the location of the future object. It is better not to arrange it in the growth zone of shrubs and trees. Take care of the place for the recreation area in advance.
  • Pit with formwork. Since there is a rather impressive amount of work ahead, it is better to use the help of special equipment. In this case, it will be an excavator. The required depth depends on the respective dimensions of the pool, and should be over half a meter. After all, we will need additional space for the installation of the layer and the construction of the formwork. When the pit is dug to the specified depth, you need to thoroughly clean its walls and bottom from roots and debris. Also, if possible, the existing irregularities are removed.
  • It is necessary to equip a drainage system. For this, crushed stone is placed on the bottom, then a twenty-centimeter layer of sand, then a ten-centimeter gravel. Drainage serves as the base of the structure.

  • Before mounting, the structure is reinforced with mesh reinforcement. Later, various pieces of the necessary equipment will be attached to it.
  • The turn of the formwork itself has come... Thick durable boards (50 mm) are suitable for it, which are connected with spacers. To ensure the smoothness of the boards with inside bowls, it is advisable to pre-process them with sandpaper.
  • Making a bowl from concrete. Our building will require high-quality, high-grade heavy concrete that has a suitable level of water resistance and is able to withstand even extremely low temperatures. The work will be rather laborious and rather complicated, therefore it is advisable to rent a concrete pump or automatic mixer to supply the mixture. An indispensable condition is the use of a deep vibrator. With its help, all air bubbles formed in it are removed from the poured material. We protect the finished site from bright sunlight with sheets, and in hot dry weather we water it with water to prevent cracking of the concrete.

  • Next stage -... For its arrangement, you will need the following: a PVC membrane, a coating with a special waterproofing agent, a tile finish. Penetrating insulation can be used - at this stage it all depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.
  • All necessary communications, equipment. This stage includes the installation of technological equipment necessary for the subsequent operation of the structure. These are devices for heating water, devices, cleaning equipment, devices for chemical treatment and water treatment. A special technical room should be allocated to store everything you need.
  • The structure is tested for strength... When the bowl is ready, you need to pour water into it. All outlets and pipelines must be closed to prevent it from leaving through them. For about five days, you need to observe the behavior of the constructed structure. Applying small notches to the walls of the bowl will help determine the presence or absence of leaks. If a problem exists, it is necessary to seal the flaws with a membrane. After this, the sinuses of the pit are filled with sand.

The swimming pool in a residential building is attractive because it can be used regardless of weather conditions and other external factors. It is located in the warmth and does not experience any influence of nature. However, his work completely depends on how the construction will go, whether the project will meet the basic requirements, and in which part of the house you decide to build this structure for yourself.

The pool in a country house can be located in almost any part of it, even on the roof or in the basement.

Do-it-yourself stationary pool construction

Owners often prefer to install it next to the sauna. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances of construction and strictly follow the approved project.


To make the pool of your dreams in the house, it would be more correct to add it to the plan even at the design stage of the whole house. In this case, you can successfully organize the premises and avoid unforeseen surprises. The design issue is also important, but at the very beginning it almost does not affect the project in any way, but when the room is already ready, all communications have been carried out, it is time for finishing and appearance your pool in a private home.

It is impossible to build a pool with your own hands without a finished project, but first of all, you will have to decide on a number of questions:

  • Location;
  • Communications and equipment;
  • Functionality;
  • Design.

When installing a pool in a private house, you need to understand for what purpose you need it. If you see it as a place to relax, then it should look appropriate. For serious swimming, the project is completely different, because such a pool has its own parameters and requires a different approach to construction. You need to choose a place based on its purpose, size, shape and other nuances.

How to choose the right place

The pool in a private house is usually indoor and is located on the ground floor or in the basement. On the upper floors and the roof, the structure is less common, although nothing prevents you from making it yourself. There are a lot of videos confirming that the rooftop pool looks good. The only thing is that its construction will take more time, effort and money.

If the house will have a sauna according to the plan, it would be logical to install a pool next to it. Its dimensions may be larger than those placed on the roof. The average volume is 7 cubic meters. In such a pool, you can perfectly relax and swim, although for serious sports training it certainly doesn't fit.

If you decide to build a house with a pool yourself, be sure to install ventilation. It should work perfectly according to the size and area of ​​the pool. There should always be fresh air in the room, but drafts are excluded. Watch the video or ask knowledgeable people how to properly ventilate the room, since this point is one of the most important in construction.

The air temperature also matters: it should not be lower than 28 degrees. The humidity level should usually reach 65%. Both temperature and humidity depend on whether you are able to correctly design the construction of a swimming pool in a private house and carry out communications at the proper level.

Do not forget that water creates moisture, so it is undesirable to build indoor ponds close to a bedroom or children's room. In general, it is better to prepare the project so that the pool in a private house is located separately. For example, in a special extension to the house. It makes no sense to build it near residential premises.

Choice of components and design

Starting the construction of a pool with your own hands, you need to decide on the model of the bath. Whether it will be a collapsible version or a stationary one depends on your goals for its use. It is necessary to solve this even when drawing up the project, since then nothing can be changed.

The most serious and fundamental are stationary models. Before taking on their construction, you need to prepare well, study all the main points, watch thematic videos. However, it is still better to entrust the work to professionals, since you will not be able to cope with your own hands. It is impossible to build such a structure without preliminary preparation, since stationary pools are made of hydraulic concrete, and every detail must be taken into account during construction.

The advantage of this option is the ability to choose the size and shape of the bowl. If you are planning to build a pool next to the sauna, this option will suit you. The design can also be any, there are no restrictions in this regard, but they are usually tiled.

The choice of accessories for such a pool is practically unlimited. Some stop at hydromassage, others add more devices that have a beneficial effect on the body. Stationary pools are usually located in the basement or next to the sauna. It is very important in this case to equip good ventilation for the correct movement of air masses.

The positive qualities of hydraulic concrete models include their strength and durability, which cannot be said about the collapsible and inflatable type. Inflatable pools are an option mostly for children, they do not require construction. Collapsible has a more complex design and the ability to accommodate a large number of people. Perhaps these types of pools are also suitable for you, because they are easy to install with your own hands and remove when you want it, but for something serious, these reservoirs are not suitable.

The advantages of stationary pools in the house

The desire to make a pool in your home is easy to justify. Now many owners of country houses do not deny themselves the pleasure of having their own pond and sauna, and there are reasons for this:

  • Health. Swimming has a positive effect on the human body, strengthens the muscle frame, trains respiratory system and allows you to relax. It is useful for children and adults, so having a self-built pool is no longer a whim.
  • Recreation. However, not everyone installs pools due to health concerns, for some it is a great opportunity to relax or have a party by the water.
  • Availability. Now it's not so difficult to build a pool with your own hands. There are many training videos and step by step instructions... As a last resort, you can always turn to professionals who will help you make an indoor reservoir anywhere with all the necessary communications.
  • Care. If the bowl is small, you can maintain it in good condition with your own hands. Maintenance depends on which pool model is installed.


Of course, having your own indoor pond has its drawbacks, and there are things that need to be paid more attention to:

A home pool can be dangerous for a variety of reasons. Starting with the fact that a person who cannot swim can fall into it, and ending with the unsuccessful location of the structure. In the second case, the seriousness of the situation is exacerbated by the fact that after construction it is difficult to fix anything, so all points must be taken into account at the design stage.

It is dangerous to make a pool on the second floor or roof with your own hands, as this requires more knowledge and skills than even shown in the best video. Due to improper installation, supporting structures can break, and the lack of necessary ventilation will ruin any project.

And yet, having your own pool in a country house and the opportunities that it gives outweigh the few disadvantages. And if you decide on this, start choosing in advance a suitable location and design for your future personal reservoir.

You have decided to install a new bath in your apartment. Which one to choose? There are three types of bathtubs: cast iron, steel and acrylic. Those made of cast iron are practically eternal. They will also serve your great-grandchildren. Even if a chip of enamel appears, it's not scary - you can putty it. An old, rusty surface can be repaired and will be as good as new. But a cast-iron bathtub is not cheap.

And for summer time, a swimming pond on your own site or nearby is suitable. You can swim in the pond with a cheerful company.

For those who are on a tight budget, I advise you to pay attention to steel bathtubs. Advantages of a steel bathtub: they are outwardly beautiful, lightweight, easy to install (well, try to deliver a cast-iron bathtub to the fifth floor!). But they have a drawback - they have little sound insulation.

Mini-pool in the apartment

When you fill it with water, the rumble is almost for the whole house. There is a popular way to get rid of this scourge. We probably saw barrels of kvass in the city in the summer, blown out from above with ordinary polyurethane foam. Do the same with the bath before installing it. But do not cover the entire bottom with foam at once, but in stages, in small areas. First, apply the product on one square meter, let it dry - otherwise the foam will creep from the bath, then grab another. But you can not do this, but buy a steel bathtub with ready-made sound insulation. Its bottom is covered with special rubber plates.

With very careful maintenance, steel bathtubs will serve you for fifteen years. In general, they scratch quickly. The only company in the world, Kaldewel, produces steel bathtubs, which are guaranteed gloss for 30 years. Its products are made of the thickest metal - 3 mm. Such bathtubs will also be appreciated by fans of unusual design: they have a non-standard shape - angular, pear-shaped, etc.

If you want to purchase a product from the most modern material today, then buy an acrylic bathtub. This is a kind of plastic. Acrylic bathtubs are easy to install and have good heat and sound insulation. The scratches that appear are removed in the simplest way: they are cleaned with an emery cloth and polished with a paste. Service life - more than fifteen years.

The most fashionable nowadays are acrylic baths - hydromassage, jacuzzi. Bathing in them relaxes the muscles, is a prophylaxis against cellulite, arthritis, osteochondrosis. It's practically a mini-pool.

How to build a pool with your own hands - we make a concrete pool in the country (detailed instructions)

Each person strives to ensure that the house and the atmosphere in it are conducive to a cozy and comfortable life. This desire for a reliable home front is inherent in tradition and is currently a priority. To create a special mood and atmosphere in the apartment, you can make a mini SPA instead of a bath, which will gather everyone's attention around it.

The presence of a pool is one of the indisputable advantages, which allows you to relax and forget about a busy day, plunging into tranquility. For many, this opportunity is associated only with suburban housing, but in modern world technologies allow you to make a pool in the apartment. This thought may not be taken seriously, but practice recent years says the opposite - those who arranged a mini pool in the bathroom did not regret their decision, some even made it with their own hands. At first, such an idea may seem extremely impractical and difficult to access, but, in reality, a home pool will meet your expectations, taking its place in the apartment with dignity.

Required parameters for creating a SPA zone in your apartment

In order to implement this idea with your own hands, or with the help of specialists, a detailed assessment of the main characteristics of the premises is required. Let's talk about the main conditions:

  • The dimensions of the room must be commensurate and allow the construction of the future pool;
  • It is necessary to consult with specialists who will assess the degree of influence of high humidity on the structure of the building, the impressive load on the floor slabs, the reliability of waterproofing, etc.;
  • When creating a pool, a mandatory permit from special authorities is required. The project approval procedure is rather complicated and does not always end successfully.


If there are certain problems in the legal arrangement of a mini-pool, you can consider an equally worthy option in the form of a miniature SPA. Such mini structures with hydromassage can be installed in an apartment and can accommodate about 7 people at a time. The volume of such SPA pools does not exceed 3000 liters and does not take up much space on the scale of a spacious apartment. The main difference from the bath will be the ability to change the water approximately once every 6 months, provided that the filter system is properly organized.

When purchasing such a tank, check in advance the ratio of the dimensions of the model and the openings in your apartment. In addition, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the nozzles and the coating of the mini pool itself. Examine the control logic and inquire about additional features.

A SPA installed instead of a bathtub will create a certain summer mood and a feeling of being away from the city in your home. Even in winter season when there is a particularly lack of warmth, you can always find a corner of comfort where you set up an apartment SPA resort. Nowadays, such a choice has become far from rare and you can make a pool for the joy of the whole family.

Important aspects when choosing

The market of modern building materials will present to your attention various models and many manufacturers of apartment pools. They can be suitable in their specificity only for certain apartments. Appreciate first the following parameters:

  • Choose a pool with compact dimensions, the height value should also be small. By following these directions, you will experience fewer complexities that may arise during the installation process.
  • Even if you are going to do the installation of a home pool with your own hands, be sure to contact a specialist to calculate the load on the floor slabs. They will calculate based on the bearing capacity of the structure of the house and its individual elements. The pressure indicators, in any case, must remain within the permissible limits.

The SPA pool can be used as a regular bath. But do not forget that the pool device must be connected to the drain system as accurately as possible.

With a similar approach of accuracy, an indicator of the amount of energy that will be required for the operation of the pool and the choice of a location for the future placement of equipment is determined. The main criterion for planning the location of equipment is free and easy access.

Even if you are going to install a SPA pool with your own hands, you need to do everything sequentially, starting from contacting specialists for professional advice.

Mini pool for an apartment can be equipped with hydromassage seats. Not everyone can tell the difference between a SPA and a bathtub with a hydromassage function. The main difference is special devices that provide the necessary conditions filled water content. If the availability of special equipment is not provided, the water will lose its beneficial features while in stagnation mode. In another case, when necessary equipment arranged according to all the rules, the water, on the contrary, is continuously filtered and does not contain unnecessary elements that are formed in it from time to time.

Pros of a worthy choice

When installing a reliable filter system, the water will need to be changed extremely rarely, its beneficial properties will remain for several months. An additional advantage of high-quality equipment is the ability to maintain the temperature regime of water, as well as fill it with ozone.

  • Creating such pools at home will give loved ones health care. Almost every model has a special place for relaxation and massage with directed streams under water.

    Do-it-yourself pool - three options for how you can build a pool yourself

    In addition, the skin is saturated with ozone through oxygen bubbles in the water.

In the SPA-system, you can do various massages according to predetermined programs, they also allow the prevention of cellulite in women. You will feel like after a day at sea. Relaxation and healthy muscle tone will end your day in a great mood.

Covering films for mini pools

It is possible to maintain a moderate microclimate in a room with a pool by dehumidifying the air, which accordingly excludes the formation of condensation. If this condition is met, the formation of mold will not be a threat to your pool.

The moisture index can be reduced in several ways, and the simplest of them is to cover the surface with a special film with waterproof properties. You can easily do it yourself. This method of protecting a room can be quite effective for an apartment pool, keeping the microclimate within the required humidity limits for a small area. The use of a moisture-proof film will not solve the problem of creating a special system to maintain the humidity level, but it will definitely reduce energy consumption during operation.

Inflatable pool

The summer season in most regions of our country is rather short, so warm days should be used to the maximum, even in a city apartment and busy on weekdays. You can install inflatable pool at home. Consider some of the benefits of this choice:

Its operation is much less of a hassle than with a stationary option;

It does not need cleaning, treatment with chlorine solution and special disinfection;

There is no need to purchase cleaning filters and other equipment designed for water care;

The inflatable tank is easily mounted, you can easily install it with your own hands, having previously pumped it with air using a pump and filled with water at the required temperature;

There is a large selection of models, color options, dimensions and shapes. You can choose the best one for yourself, according to your preferences;

This option will be an alternative to a trip to the sea or river for your children, in conditions of busyness during the week;

Possibility of year-round use;

The inflatable mini-pool is very compact, so it will not cause much trouble when transporting it to the country or to the countryside;

Thanks to modern quality standards and new technologies, an inflatable pool is difficult to pierce or leave a scratch on it. It will serve you for a long time, even if your children begin to show themselves very actively or bathe their pets in it;

The material for inflatable pools is resistant to sufficiently high temperatures, so it can be used as a regular bath;

Economical price.

The final choice in favor of an inflatable pool or another option should be made after consulting a specialist in the store. Compare the technical parameters of the models, their appearance, and find the best one for yourself. Do not forget that you have to pay for quality, be it an inflatable pool or a stationary one, so if the cost is confusing, do not rush to choose another model at a more affordable price.

Water procedures not only occupy a considerable part of our life, but also bring tremendous benefits. This is the hygiene of the skin, the aesthetics of appearance, the aroma of a person.

With regard to swimming, bathing, dousing and certain physical exercise in water, it helps to improve our health. Such procedures have a very beneficial effect on the activity of organs and systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and others). In turn, this strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to colds. The health-improving value of water procedures has been proven and recognized all over the world, they contribute to the rapid recovery of human performance.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford regular swimming in the large pool, but all other procedures can be easily arranged in their own house or apartment. The bathroom is ideal for this.

In this case, the idea comes to build a mini-pool with your own hands instead of an ordinary iron or acrylic bathtub. The task is not easy, but quite doable. Such a solution will give the bathroom exclusivity, and will bring a kind of zest to your home.

Pool Bath Layout

If you are just building your house or doing a complete redevelopment in an apartment, in this case it is much easier to make a bath-pool. Any room can be planned for the location of the pool bath, the main thing is that the water supply and drain are nearby. For those who live in a private house, there are two options for installing such a bath:

  • The first is to dig a hole directly in the selected room and, accordingly, deepen the pool;
  • The second is to build the desired structure above the floor level.
The second option is practiced in apartments. Although there are no special differences in performing basic work between the first and second options, we will nevertheless consider the option with an apartment and a small bathroom.

In order for your design decision at the end of the work to become pride for you, you need to think over everything in advance, plan and make a mini-project. It is necessary to correctly take into account the load of your structure on the floor, and for this it is better to contact the designers or architects. You also need to organize proper waterproofing.

After that, you must decide in which part of the room your future pool in the bath will be located. Then you need to choose a shape for it, clarify the dimensions and decide what additional functions and capabilities it will perform.

Work progress. Features of certain stages.

The work will begin by preparing a small bathroom for the remodel. First, you need to take out everything unnecessary from it. Clean walls, floor and ceiling as much as possible from old tiles, paint and whitewash. If you are not sure that you can make water supply and drainage with your own hands, then it is better to invite a specialist who will help you with this. We mount all pipes into the wall in order to later hide them under the finishing, for the aesthetic appearance of the bathroom.

The next step is to bring the walls and ceiling to the desired state. Here you can choose between drywall, which will be quick, clean, but with the borrowing of very valuable centimeters, and plaster - longer, but more reliable. Further, according to the plan, formwork, concrete pouring (the cement value should be at least 400) and reliable waterproofing, which should extend not only to the pool itself, but also to the remaining floor space. The latter must be given special attention during the renovation and construction work in the bathroom. Also, this procedure will protect the floor surface from moisture and water.

If the financial possibilities allow you, then you can also take into account the heating of your pool, since this design is a large bathtub where you will not be able to swim, but you will want to sit or lie down. You can also install a jacuzzi here, but this will require more costs.

Another very important point Is ventilation. In a regular bathroom, with frequent use, high humidity is formed, which leads to mold, in a mini-pool, where the volume of water will be greater, the amount of vapor increases significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the air conditioning system.

As for the decoration of your mini-pool and bathroom, in general, everything is extremely simple here. The choice of materials is quite large: it can be tiles, tiles, mosaics, pool paint, natural stone, synthetic board and much more. It is not difficult to work with such materials - you can easily do everything with your own hands without contacting professionals.

In the small room in which it was decided to make a home mini-pool, there are not so many square meters, so if the budget is allocated correctly, this will not particularly affect the state of the wallet. But the rich imagination of the owners will bring the individuality of the design solution and exclusivity to the entire renovation, and most importantly, comfort and benefit.

How to build a mini-pool instead of a bath in an apartment, what you need to know?

First of all, you need to know the following:

We need permits for such a redevelopment, we need a project, we need calculations for the load on the floor slab.

After these calculations, you may change your mind, because the pool will turn out to be a little larger than a bathtub at best.

The approximate figure is 330 kg per square meter, this is the load that the floor slab can withstand, but this figure must be subtracted for possible loads (furniture, weight of a person, pets, weight of water in the pool, etc.).

That is, in fact, you will have (approximately) 180 kg per square.

With a diameter of 50 mm, this is 3 cm per meter.

Drain in the floor (this is not a bathtub with legs), that is, sewage in the screed, thick screed (see about slopes), thick screed additional weight on the floor slab.

Drainage from the pool (2.5, 3 cm per meter) to the sewer riser, the riser in the toilet, the system is designed for legs near the bathroom, that is, the riser will have to be changed and the toilet.

You need to know what load the neighbor has on the bottom of the ceiling, if there is drywall, then the weight is significant, on the same common floor slab.

You also need to know everything about waterproofing and the compatibility of materials, for example, what kind of waterproofing is suitable for the tile adhesive that we will cover at the finish of the pool wall.

As for how to build:

Drying floor waterproofing.


Brick laying according to the markings (see the place for height, width, depth).

Plaster inside the pool.


Tile laying.

These are just "sketches" without specifics, along the way we solve the problem with the sewerage system, water supply pipes in the grooves.

Well, the last thing, something can happen if the bathroom is combined, if not, then a bathtub is better, because the dimensions of the room are not very large, there is also a sink there.

Such structures are more often erected in private houses, in apartments it is extremely rare, and even then on the first floors.

Do-it-yourself pool in the apartment, photo

To enjoy the opportunity to swim in the indoor comfortable pool, you do not need to have a huge country cottage at your disposal. There are decent options for building a pool in an apartment, which will become a personal rest area and a favorite place for relaxation for household members.

However, before seriously considering the possibility of building a mini-pool, you need to make sure that a number of requirements are met:

  1. The free area in the apartment is commensurate with the dimensions of the installed pool
  2. There is no threat of collapse of walls and ceilings due to the fact that an impressive structure will be installed in the building. To confirm this requirement, you may have to resort to the call of design specialists who will assess how safe and appropriate it is to install a pool in an apartment.
  3. Availability of permits for construction from a number of regulatory authorities.

If the developer did not have any problems with the implementation of the above rules, he can proceed to active actions. First of all, he will need to choose the type of pool. Only a few options are suitable for use in an apartment, so it makes sense to consider each of them.

Low running costs;

Simple procedure for installation and dismantling of the structure;

Caring for the pool will not take much effort, because the owners will not need to thoroughly clean and disinfect it using chlorine solutions. It is enough to regularly change the water and use special gentle compounds to clean it.

Purchase costs additional equipment also will not hit the family budget. Unlike stationary pools, the device of an inflatable tank does not involve the use of cleaning filters, expensive pumping units and other equipment for water treatment. Apartment owners, in order to start using the pool, just need to visit the store, choose a model suitable in shape and size from a wide range of offers and install it in the room. Then filling the pool with water comfortable temperature you can swim in it.

Among the advantages of the pool are the following sides:

The ability to change the water once every few months, provided that a well-tuned filter system is used;

Possibility to install hydromassage seats inside the tank;

Availability of functions of water ozonization and maintenance of the temperature set by the user.

Controversial points should not be overlooked either. These include the need to calculate the load that the pool will exert on the floor slabs, as well as possible difficulties with connecting communications and organizing the drainage of water from the tank.

to the content

The specifics of using pools in an apartment

It is important to take care of the waterproofing of the pools and the control of the indoor climate in a timely manner. This can avoid leaks and related problems, as well as prevent the appearance of fungus and the spread of pathogenic bacteria provoked by high air humidity in the apartment.

On a hot summer day and on a cool winter evening, there is no more pleasant pastime than swimming in a comfortable and cozy pool, especially if it is located within the walls of a city apartment and is open for access 365 days a year. An additional pleasure is the fact that the homeowner can design, install and finish the hydraulic structure on his own, without resorting to the services of professional contractors. The cost of the project is also low - all materials required for construction are widely distributed. They are on sale in any large supermarket, so in order to implement their ideas, the developer only needs to stock up on inspiration and take a few weeks out of his busy work schedule to complete the basic steps.

How to make a pool in the bathroom, photo / How to make a pool in the bathroom, video instruction

Pool Bath Layout

The next step is to bring the walls and ceiling to the desired state. Here you can choose between drywall, which will be quick, clean, but with the borrowing of very valuable centimeters, and plaster - longer, but more reliable. Further, according to the plan, formwork, concrete pouring (the cement value should be at least 400) and reliable waterproofing, which should extend not only to the pool itself, but also to the remaining floor space. The latter must be given special attention during the renovation and construction work in the bathroom. Also, this procedure will protect the floor surface from moisture and water.

If the financial possibilities allow you, then you can also take into account the heating of your pool, since this design is a large bathtub, where you will not be able to swim, but you will want to sit or lie down. You can also install a jacuzzi here, but this will require more costs.

Features of designing and creating a room with a pool, video

Room with pool in recent times is a very fashionable area for improving living conditions, so many property owners prefer purchasing premises equipped with it.

In addition, such structures are being erected at baths or in detached buildings on their own. As a result, a wonderful recreation area is created, allowing you to relax in comfort, combining hygiene procedures with relaxation on the water.

A room with a pool is a very fashionable area for improving living conditions.

Pros and cons of pool rooms

The pool room, like all non-residential premises, has both its pros and cons. The advantages of this housing arrangement option include the ability to equip an artificial reservoir in the immediate vicinity of a bath or bathroom. As a result, you will get the opportunity not only to play sports, but at the same time to take water procedures without leaving your home.

The advantages of this housing arrangement option include the ability to equip an artificial reservoir in the immediate vicinity of a bath or bathroom

Swimming in itself allows you to develop physically and improve your health, which is also an important advantage of using pools. In addition, you do not have to spend a lot of time for this, moving often to the other end of the city, since your own swimming lanes will always be near you. At the same time, they can always be used by your guests and friends throughout the year, and not only in the summer.

It is worth mentioning separately that such a bath will be closed with artificial heating.

It is worth mentioning separately that such a bath will be closed with artificial heating. As a result, the pool can be used even in bad weather. And if you had an outdoor swimming pool, you would not be able to swim, for example, when it rains.

As for the disadvantages, the pool room has not as many of them as you might expect. So, for example, the negative factors of using this type of room include:

  • The high cost of buying, building and maintaining.
  • The need to take into account various geological factors during construction, for example, the depth of soil freezing or the occurrence of groundwater.
  • The need for a device for good drainage and removal of excess moisture. The point is that the water from the pool will need to be drained somewhere, and this can lead to waterlogging of the soil.

Pool waterproofing device
  • The presence of an increased level of humidity.
  • The need to erect a reinforced foundation and powerful walls as a countermeasure to such phenomena as their destruction and crumbling.
  • The need for enhanced lighting, as well as the possibility of large heat losses through small windows of the structure.
  • Additional costs for cleaning the pool, as the microorganisms that live in the water develop well indoors.
  • The need to perform cosmetic repairs every 5 years.

On a note! In any case, a mini-pool in the bathroom should be built, if only because such a structure is not built for long and, if properly used, can serve you for up to half a century.

As a result, you can leave it not only to your children, but also to your grandchildren.

Layout options for a room with a pool

The bath plan with a relaxation room and a pool can have several options, it all depends on whether you are building your own house or redeveloping an apartment. In the latter case, it will be much easier for you to create an artificial reservoir. The fact is that almost any room can be allocated for the pool, the main thing is that there is an opportunity to bring water supply and sewerage to it.

In the event that you live in a private house, you can use the following options for building an artificial reservoir:

  • design of the pool pit in the form of a buried pit;
  • implementation of the structure you need, which is above the floor level.

Usually in apartments for construction, the second option is used, while it is worth noting that there are no fundamental differences between the two methods of carrying out the main work, and they are selected solely on the basis of the criteria of expediency and "fit" of the pool into the interior of the room. In any case, a room with a pool should begin to be built with a photo and a mini-plan in order to correctly take into account the load on the floor created by the structure, as well as to correctly perform waterproofing.

After such a plan is developed, you will need to determine the place for your pool in the room. Further, a form is selected for it and it is decided what additional options and functions can be given to the structure.

As for the projects themselves, you can combine the pool with a children's room. This will enable your child to develop physically at home. In addition, in this case, he will be protected from the danger of catching a cold in an open reservoir.

Also, very often artificial reservoirs are combined with a billiard room, a bathhouse or a relaxation room. For example, projects of a bath with a pool and a relaxation room are usually offered to people who want to build a country house or cottage. The fact is that they fit perfectly into their layout and will look appropriate against the background of other rooms.

As for the choice of a specific project, it makes sense to do this with the help of professional architects and designers. They will be able to fit the pool as correctly as possible into almost any interior. In addition, working with them, you can get an architectural design and an estimate, which will be useful to you later in the construction process.

One of the most common ways of arranging an artificial reservoir is the construction of a small bath. For this, all unnecessary architectural and construction elements are dismantled in the bathroom. In addition, they clean the floor, walls and ceiling from traces of paint and whitewash.

Waterproofing will need to be done carefully with you, since it will be mounted not only in the pool itself, but also on the entire surface of the floor of your bath

After that, you will need to start installing the drain and water supply. This operation can be performed independently, or experienced plumbers can be involved in such work.

Important! In this case, the pipeline must be embedded in the wall and hidden by various kinds of decorative elements.

Further, the walls and ceiling are brought into good condition. Usually, plaster is used to finish the bath, which is not afraid of moisture, but waterproof drywall can also be used. After that, we carry out the formwork and pour the concrete. At the same time, cement with a grade of at least 400 is used for pouring.

Usually, plaster is used to finish the bath, which is not afraid of moisture, but waterproof drywall can also be used.

Waterproofing will need to be done carefully with you, since it will be mounted not only in the pool itself, but also on the entire surface of your bathtub floor. As a result, you can reliably protect the floor from moisture. Also, additional heating of the room, carried out using a warm floor, has a very good effect on the eradication of mold and dirt.

Note! Another very important point in the arrangement of the described non-residential premises is ventilation.

It also directly affects the presence of mold and pathogens in the bathroom. An air conditioner installed in the bathroom can give you additional protection against them.

An example of a bath complex with a swimming pool

If we talk about finishing, then a bath with a pool with a gazebo and a room can be finished with materials such as mosaics, tiles, synthetic boards, and so on. They are mounted directly on the mini-pool itself and on the walls of the room. The walls of such an artificial reservoir are made of bricks or blocks.

In the event that you do not have the opportunity to lay out a stationary pool, you may well be content with mobile structures. They perform the same functions and allow for short term organize recreation on the water. Moreover, if necessary, such structures can be easily transferred from place to place.

A small pool in the bathroom will fit in almost any home

In any case, a small pool in the bathroom will have to be in place in almost any home. This should be borne in mind when purchasing an apartment or starting the construction of a private house.

Portable pool structures

If we take directly those structures that can replace a pool made of brick or concrete, then these are mainly frame systems. The fact is that a high-quality artificial reservoir of this type is practically no different from a stationary brick or concrete one. However, it can be dismantled and moved to a newer location.

Abundant structures can be inconvenient to use, as their sides can rise above the floor of the bath

As a result, you do not have to build a capital structure, but simply choose a room of a suitable size that has access to water supply and sewerage. In addition, for greater convenience, you can dig a hole for such a structure, but again it may not have capital walls, which significantly reduces the cost of the entire structure. This should be borne in mind when choosing a particular construction project.

You can also make the pool bowl made of stainless steel. As a result, you will also save on the construction of a capital structure, and such a structure will perform similar functions. At the same time, the stainless steel is also easy to carry and disassemble, which makes such a pool super mobile.

But if you are going to build a bathhouse, then the pool here only needs a stationary one, made of concrete. The fact is that mobile structures can be inconvenient for use, since their sides can rise above the floor of the bath, while the stationary pool is buried in the floor and therefore it is much more convenient to plunge into it after the steam room than to climb to the top of the side.

By the way, if your nursery does not allow you to install a stationary or collapsible pool, you can replace them with an inflatable one. it the best option for a nursery, but at the same time it will be necessary to lay a water-repellent material on the floor. As a result, you will give your child the opportunity to plunge into the water without ruining the floor of the room.

Pool design

Once your pool is set up, you can start designing. At the same time, the design of a room with a pool and a sauna directly depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to see in it. So, for example, if you practice the "rustic" style, then you can put a wooden barrel on a concrete pedestal in the pool bowl as a table or place the same wooden gangs on its sides.

The original design must be combined with functionality, because the main purpose of the pool is to provide an opportunity to swim in the water

Some homeowners model a small piece of the ocean based on the pool. To do this, sea pebbles are laid out on its board, and a mosaic is performed at the bottom on nautical theme... Some particularly sophisticated homeowners even create small aquariums in the pool bowl, where they transplant marine life.

Consultation of designers during the construction of a room with a pool

In any case, the original design must be combined with functionality, because the main purpose of the pool is to provide an opportunity to swim in the water. In this regard, do not overload the room where it is located with various decorative elements, as they can interfere with good rest. It is better to make your choice in favor of functionality, and decorate to a minimum. This will allow you to get real pleasure from water procedures.

Swimming pool in the apartment, photo / Swimming pool in the house in the apartment, video instruction


Important aspects when choosing

Pros of a worthy choice

Inflatable pool

Economical price.

Swimming pool in the apartment: how to do it yourself

Each person strives to ensure that the house and the atmosphere in it are conducive to a cozy and comfortable life. This desire for a reliable home front is inherent in tradition and is currently a priority. To create a special mood and atmosphere in the apartment, you can make a mini SPA instead of a bath, which will gather everyone's attention around it.

The presence of a pool is one of the indisputable advantages, which allows you to relax and forget about a busy day, plunging into tranquility. For many, this opportunity is associated only with suburban housing, but in the modern world, technologies allow you to make a pool in an apartment. This idea may not be taken seriously, but the practice of recent years suggests the opposite - those who arranged a mini pool in the bathroom did not regret their decision, some even made it with their own hands. At first, such an idea may seem extremely impractical and difficult to access, but, in reality, a home pool will meet your expectations, taking its place in the apartment with dignity.

Required parameters for creating a SPA zone in your apartment

In order to implement this idea with your own hands, or with the help of specialists, a detailed assessment of the main characteristics of the premises is required. Let's talk about the main conditions:

  • The dimensions of the room must be commensurate and allow the construction of the future pool;
  • It is necessary to consult with specialists who will assess the degree of influence of high humidity on the structure of the building, the impressive load on the floor slabs, the reliability of waterproofing, etc.;
  • When creating a pool, a mandatory permit from special authorities is required. The project approval procedure is rather complicated and does not always end successfully.


If there are certain problems in the legal arrangement of a mini-pool, you can consider an equally worthy option in the form of a miniature SPA. Such mini structures with hydromassage can be installed in an apartment and can accommodate about 7 people at a time. The volume of such SPA pools does not exceed 3000 liters and does not take up much space on the scale of a spacious apartment. The main difference from the bath will be the ability to change the water approximately once every 6 months, provided that the filter system is properly organized.

When purchasing such a tank, check in advance the ratio of the dimensions of the model and the openings in your apartment. In addition, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the nozzles and the coating of the mini pool itself. Examine the control logic and inquire about additional features.

A SPA installed instead of a bathtub will create a certain summer mood and a feeling of being away from the city in your home. Even in the winter season, when the heat is especially lacking, you can always find a corner of comfort where you have set up an apartment SPA resort. Nowadays, such a choice has become far from rare and you can make a pool for the joy of the whole family.

Important aspects when choosing

The market of modern building materials will present to your attention various models and many manufacturers of apartment pools. They can be suitable in their specificity only for certain apartments. First of all, evaluate the following parameters:

  • Choose a pool with compact dimensions, the height value should also be small. By following these directions, you will experience fewer complexities that may arise during the installation process.
  • Even if you are going to do the installation of a home pool with your own hands, be sure to contact a specialist to calculate the load on the floor slabs. They will calculate based on the bearing capacity of the structure of the house and its individual elements. The pressure indicators, in any case, must remain within the permissible limits.

The SPA pool can be used as a regular bath. But do not forget that the pool device must be connected to the drain system as accurately as possible.

With a similar approach of accuracy, an indicator of the amount of energy that will be required for the operation of the pool and the choice of a location for the future placement of equipment is determined. The main criterion for planning the location of equipment is free and easy access.

Even if you are going to install a SPA pool with your own hands, you need to do everything sequentially, starting from contacting specialists for professional advice.

Mini pool for an apartment can be equipped with hydromassage seats. Not everyone can tell the difference between a SPA and a bathtub with a hydromassage function. The main difference is special devices that provide the necessary conditions for keeping filled water. If the presence of special equipment is not provided, the water will lose its useful properties, being in stagnation mode. In another case, when the necessary equipment was arranged according to all the rules, the water, on the contrary, is continuously filtered and does not contain unnecessary elements that are formed in it from time to time.

Pros of a worthy choice

When installing a reliable filter system, the water will need to be changed extremely rarely, its beneficial properties will remain for several months. An additional advantage of high-quality equipment is the ability to maintain the temperature regime of water, as well as fill it with ozone.

  • Creating such pools at home will give loved ones health care. Almost every model has a special place for relaxation and massage with directed streams under water. In addition, the skin is saturated with ozone through oxygen bubbles in the water.

In the SPA-system, you can do various massages according to predetermined programs, they also allow the prevention of cellulite in women. You will feel like after a day at sea. Relaxation and healthy muscle tone will end your day in a great mood.

Covering films for mini pools

It is possible to maintain a moderate microclimate in a room with a pool by dehumidifying the air, which accordingly excludes the formation of condensation. If this condition is met, the formation of mold will not be a threat to your pool.

The moisture index can be reduced in several ways, and the simplest of them is to cover the surface with a special film with waterproof properties. You can easily do it yourself. This method of protecting a room can be quite effective for an apartment pool, keeping the microclimate within the required humidity limits for a small area. The use of a moisture-proof film will not solve the problem of creating a special system to maintain the humidity level, but it will definitely reduce energy consumption during operation.

Inflatable pool

The summer season in most regions of our country is rather short, so warm days should be used to the maximum, even in a city apartment and busy on weekdays. You can install an inflatable pool at your home. Consider some of the benefits of this choice:

Its operation is much less of a hassle than with a stationary option;

It does not need cleaning, treatment with chlorine solution and special disinfection;

There is no need to purchase cleaning filters and other equipment designed for water care;

The inflatable tank is easily mounted, you can easily install it with your own hands, having previously pumped it with air using a pump and filled with water at the required temperature;

There is a large selection of models, color options, dimensions and shapes. You can choose the best one for yourself, according to your preferences;

This option will be an alternative to a trip to the sea or river for your children, in conditions of busyness during the week;

Possibility of year-round use;

The inflatable mini-pool is very compact, so it will not cause much trouble when transporting it to the country or to the countryside;

Thanks to modern quality standards and new technologies, an inflatable pool is difficult to pierce or leave a scratch on it. It will serve you for a long time, even if your children begin to show themselves very actively or bathe their pets in it;

The material for inflatable pools is resistant to sufficiently high temperatures, so it can be used as a regular bath;

Economical price.

The final choice in favor of an inflatable pool or another option should be made after consulting a specialist in the store. Compare the technical parameters of the models, their appearance, and find the best one for yourself. Do not forget that you have to pay for quality, be it an inflatable pool or a stationary one, so if the cost is confusing, do not rush to choose another model at a more affordable price.

How to make a pool in the bathroom: how to do it yourself

Water procedures not only occupy a considerable part of our life, but also bring tremendous benefits. This is the hygiene of the skin, the aesthetics of appearance, the aroma of a person.

Swimming, bathing, dousing and certain exercise in the water helps to improve our health. Such procedures have a very beneficial effect on the activity of organs and systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and others). In turn, this strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to colds. The health-improving value of water procedures has been proven and recognized all over the world, they contribute to the rapid recovery of human performance.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford regular swimming in the large pool, but all other procedures can be easily arranged in their own house or apartment. The bathroom is ideal for this.

In this case, the idea comes to build a mini-pool with your own hands instead of an ordinary iron or acrylic bathtub. The task is not easy, but quite doable. Such a solution will give the bathroom exclusivity, and will bring a kind of zest to your home.

Pool Bath Layout

If you are just building your house or doing a complete redevelopment in an apartment, in this case it is much easier to make a bath-pool. Any room can be planned for the location of the pool bath, the main thing is that the water supply and drain are nearby. For those who live in a private house, there are two options for installing such a bath:

  • The first is to dig a hole directly in the selected room and, accordingly, deepen the pool;
  • The second is to build the desired structure above the floor level.

The second option is practiced in apartments. Although there are no special differences in performing basic work between the first and second options, we will nevertheless consider the option with an apartment and a small bathroom.

In order for your design decision at the end of the work to become pride for you, you need to think over everything in advance, plan and make a mini-project. It is necessary to correctly take into account the load of your structure on the floor, and for this it is better to contact the designers or architects. You also need to organize proper waterproofing.

After that, you must decide in which part of the room your future pool in the bath will be located. Then you need to choose a shape for it, clarify the dimensions and decide what additional functions and capabilities it will perform.

Work progress. Features of certain stages.

The work will begin by preparing a small bathroom for the remodel. First, you need to take out everything unnecessary from it. Clean walls, floor and ceiling as much as possible from old tiles, paint and whitewash. If you are not sure that you can make water supply and drainage with your own hands, then it is better to invite a specialist who will help you with this. We mount all pipes into the wall in order to later hide them under the finishing, for the aesthetic appearance of the bathroom.

The next step is to bring the walls and ceiling to the desired state. Here you can choose between drywall, which will be quick, clean, but with the borrowing of very valuable centimeters, and plaster - longer, but more reliable. Further, according to the plan, formwork, concrete pouring (the cement value should be at least 400) and reliable waterproofing, which should extend not only to the pool itself, but also to the remaining floor space. The latter must be given special attention during the renovation and construction work in the bathroom. Also, this procedure will protect the surface of the floor from moisture and water.If financial opportunities allow you, then you can also take into account the heating of your pool, since this design is a large bathtub where you will not be able to swim, but you will want to sit or lie down. You can also install a jacuzzi here, but this will require more costs.

Another very important point is ventilation. In a regular bathroom, with frequent use, high humidity is formed, which leads to mold, in a mini-pool, where the volume of water will be greater, the amount of vapor increases significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the air conditioning system.

As for the decoration of your mini-pool and bathroom, in general, everything is extremely simple here. The choice of materials is quite large: it can be tiles, tiles, mosaics, pool paint, natural stone, synthetic board and much more. It is not difficult to work with such materials - you can easily do everything yourself without contacting professionals.

In the small room in which it was decided to make a home mini-pool, there are not so many square meters, so if the budget is allocated correctly, this will not particularly affect the state of the wallet. But the rich imagination of the owners will bring the individuality of the design solution and exclusivity to the entire renovation, and most importantly, comfort and benefit.

Replacing the siphon in the bathroom with your own hands

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