Stand deadlift. Deadlift - Technique Deadlift from stands

Deadlift makes the whole body work - it great exercise for the development of maximum strength, training of ligaments and nervous system... This is a convenient exercise for lifting large weights. The classic deadlift is one of the basic exercises to train your back muscles! In this case, of course, the training program should take into account the powerful effect of traction on the muscles of the legs and arms.
Back- deadlift perfectly trains all back muscles
Legs- the muscles of the thigh receive a lot of stress and gluteal muscles
Hands- the muscles of the arms work very intensively in a static mode, they hold the barbell like ropes. The muscles of the forearm and hand are turned on very powerfully.

1. Place the bar over the front of your feet. Put your feet about shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, grip on the bar slightly wider than your legs. These are individual parameters, you should be comfortable.
2. It is advisable to use the top grip on the bar and not use the straps. If the strength of the hand does not allow you to hold the desired weight, then take the straps or hold the bar in the "raznogo" method - one hand takes from above, the other from below, and change each approach. Use the special sports powder "magnesia" which greatly improves grip and grip strength.
3. The objective of the exercise is to take the barbell off the floor and stand with it, fully straightening the body and legs. The very beginning of the movement is to remove the barbell from the floor. The removal is done mainly with the strength of the legs, then the back is added. You cannot start with a jerk! First, create tension in your legs and back, stretch your arms and build strength, pull the bar powerfully upward.
4. Legs and back straighten the whole body like a spring. Pull the bar up towards your feet. Once you are upright, do not bend over backwards.
5. Important - keep your back straight, while doing the pull, try to bend your back. It is unacceptable in the process of pulling to allow the weight to bend the back.
6. When performing several reps, do not hit the barbell off the floor. Calmly lay the barbell down on the floor and start a new lift.

The athlete stands on the floor and the barbell rests on two supports. Stands come in a variety of heights, from a low 5-10cm to a tall one that allows you to pull from your knees or even slightly higher. Stands are used to reduce the amplitude of the barbell lift - the lower part of the movement is reduced in which the legs are more loaded. Stand deadlifts allow you to take much more weight than floor deadlifts and increase the load on the back and on the ligaments of the whole body. If there are no special stands for traction, then wooden pads or pancakes from the bar are used.
Why is deadlift from stands used:
1. To sample a new weight. The athlete may first try to lift more weight off the stands, and then lift that weight off the floor.
2. To prepare the ligaments and the nervous system for the new scales.
3. If the lifter has problems in the upper part of the movement while performing the deadlift from the floor. There are times when picking up from the floor and pulling to the knees goes well, and then the athlete cannot fully straighten. In this case, you can separately work on this phase of the movement with increased weight from the stands.

Performing a pull from the pit, the athlete stands on a dais, and the barbell lies on the floor, while the height of the barbell rise increases. This exercise is called Deficit Deadlift in English. Small stands with a height of 3-10 cm are used. Increasing the lift height by only a few centimeters makes it much more difficult to perform the thrust, especially since the amplitude is added at the very bottom.
Why is the pit deadlift used:
1. If the athlete has problems in the lower part of the movement (picking off the floor, pulling up to the knees), then you can specifically work on the start, performing the deadlift from a lower point.
2. The pull from the pit forces you to start from a more difficult position and perform a lift with an increased amplitude. This helps to better feel the acceleration of the barbell and the whole movement in general.

From my point of view this is NOT a deadlift, but some other exercise. We can say that this is "a different way of lifting the bar" with a reduced amplitude and with a different inclusion of muscles. This is a specific movement that has emerged in powerlifting because the rules allow for such a position. Athletes use this opportunity to lift more weight, especially those with significantly weaker backs. I find it less spectacular from a sports point of view. and less effective for training the whole body than the classic deadlift. In addition, for training and testing leg strength, there is effective exercise- squats, and deadlift should be considered as an exercise for the back muscles. By the way, many elite athletes in powerlifting, including world record holders, perform the barbell deadlift with the classics, not sumo.

The barbell deadlift is the most important of all. The benefit of the deadlift is that it works literally every muscle in the body - from the muscles of the back of the legs, buttocks, lower back, rectus and lateral abdominal muscles, ending with the muscles of the shoulders and arms. In addition, due to heavy loads, deadlift also strengthens the central nervous system.

Unfortunately, most trainees neglect the barbell deadlift, considering it heavy and technically difficult. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there is no way to "simplify" the exercise or to perform it in the simulator. The only lightweight option is the dumbbell deadlift, but from a technical point of view, this variation requires more attention to technique than the regular deadlift.

The deadlift technique is, in fact, simple - you just need to slowly raise heavy barbell off the floor. However, the incorrect distribution of the load overloads not only the spine, provoking pain in the lower back and neck, but also puts the shoulder and knee joints... Moreover, the greater the working weight used by the athlete in the exercise, the more even the slightest mistakes in technique can harm.

Deadlift benefits

The most important factor in the benefits of the deadlift is that it allows the entire musculature of the body to work simultaneously and harmoniously - in fact, with the right technique, all key muscles and joints are involved in the movement. In addition, the deadlift purposefully develops the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thighs, improving their flexibility - it is for this reason that it is usually difficult for beginners to take the starting position of the exercise.

The deadlift is also beneficial in that it provokes a powerful hormonal response in the body - especially when performed with high weights and low reps (technique). Stanovaya dramatically increases both the level of testosterone and growth hormone production, and positively affects the work of the heart, forcing it to pump more blood.

Deadlift technique

Separately, we note that shoes with a gel or air cushion (typical running shoes) is categorically unsuitable for deadlifts, as it creates unnecessary cushioning. Sneakers or any other flat-soled shoes are much preferable because they allow you to maintain balance and avoid overloading, leading to back pain.

1. Preparing for the exercise

The deadlift is always done after pre-cardio and muscle warm-up. Standing evenly and confidently, legs are narrowly apart (that is, hip-width apart, not shoulder-width apart), feet are slightly turned to the sides. The bar is located on the floor, its bar runs along the center of the foot (exactly in the center of the entire foot, and not just its upper part), being as close to the leg itself. Hands on the bar are narrow and touch the knees.

2. Taking the starting position

Get down in a similar motion (that is, push your pelvis back while straightening your back) and grab the bar so that your knees are inside your hands (the distance between your palms should be about 40 cm). In this case, the joints of the arms should be as straight as possible, and the elbows should be fixed. The classic deadlift involves a regular grip in which the palms are facing down.

Concentrate and try to feel the tension of the key muscle groups- a straightened back will force the back of the thighs, abdominal muscles and core into work. Extend your chest slightly forward, while looking straight down - try not to turn your head to the sides, checking the correct position in the mirror (this is one of the most common causes of neck pain).

3. Checking the position

Before doing deadlifts and lifting weights directly, it is important to make sure that the starting position is perfectly correct. Check the position of your feet and the closeness of the bar to your feet (get into the habit of checking the position of the lacing on your shoes). In addition, do not squat too low and do not extend your knees beyond the line of your toes.

At the same time, the shoulders should protrude slightly forward beyond the barbell line (imagine that the shoulder blades seem to cover the barbell) - this will help to evenly load the shoulder joint and avoid overloading it. The head and neck should be in the most neutral position, the gaze should be directed in front of you and slightly down. Again, it's important to try not to look in the mirror or twist your head.

4. Moving up

Without swinging or transferring your body weight to your socks, put your chest forward and rise up, keeping the bar as close to your legs as possible. In the first phase of the deadlift movement (that is, when lifting the bar to the knees), the front surface of the thighs is involved in the work, in the second phase (when straightening the body) - the back surface. The back is kept straight (for this, mentally pull the pelvis back).

In the second phase of the deadlift movement, it is especially important to try to engage the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thighs in the work, while pushing the pelvis forward, rather than trying to pull the weight of the bar using the strength of the lower back and back. At the top point, do not perform shrugs ("shrugs") or other unnecessary movements - just tighten your core muscles, lift the weight and freeze for a couple of seconds.

5. Downward movement

Remember that the technique of lowering the weight in the deadlift does not start with bending the knees at all, but with taking the hips back - this will help clear way for the barbell, not allowing it to hurt your knees. Lower the bar in this way to the position of the kneecaps, and only then begin to bend the knees themselves. Make sure to descend as you exhale and without losing control over the tension of the core muscles.

The spine should be in a neutral position when moving down - do not let the lower back bend up or down. In addition, do not carry the weight of the barbell on your arms and shoulders - this creates a serious risk of joint injury. Among other things, let us remind you once again that your gaze should not fall to your feet - this will upset the balance. If you find it difficult to keep track of your technique, try reducing your working weight.

Deadlift: Technique Errors

Most a common mistake Deadlift technique is the deflection of the back when lifting the bar from the floor - which completely changes the mechanics of the movement of the exercise. As a result, the person tries to lift the weight of the barbell with the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and not at all due to the muscles of the body and the back of the thighs. It is extremely important to ensure that during the deadline, the back is straight and the chest looks as if looking forward.

It is also often advised at the top of the trajectory to tense your back muscles or "shrug your shoulders" - remember that this is a serious mistake, contrary to the correct technique. English name exercises - deadlift(or "dead thrust") - clearly indicates that at the top point you should freeze. The only movement that is permissible is to push the chest forward, but without trying to connect the shoulder blades together or further strain the shoulders.

Deadlift for beginners

It is usually difficult for beginners to lift the bar directly off the floor. The reason lies both in the lack of flexibility of the body, and in the fact that the less the working weight, the smaller the diameter of the pancakes and the lower the bar is. Keep in mind that if you are not using 20 kg pancakes with a large diameter, it is better to perform deadlifts from a stand (or placing 5 kg pancakes under the main pancakes for height).

Among other things, it is extremely important for a beginner to ensure that the lower back is constantly in a neutral position. Remember that bending your back up (as well as trying to control yourself in the mirror) is the easiest way to get injured. This remark is especially true when performing deadlifts for girls, since they tend to arch their backs not only in the lower, but also in the upper part.

Do you need insurance and belts?

The straps do help lift more barbell weight than your arms can handle - however, it's important to remember that you are not in a competition. Ultimately, in the deadlift, it is not just the severity of the working weight that is important, but the ideal technique for performing the exercise. That is why the use of belts and special belts is permissible only by professionals, but not by beginners.

The same remark applies to the “grip” technique, when one palm looks up and the other down. Such a grip makes it easier to perform the exercise, therefore, it is permissible only in the very last approaches, when the athlete has little strength. However, again, beginners are advised to use a regular grip and adequate weights first while practicing and honing correct technique- and only then move on to variations.


Deadlift is the number one exercise for working your core, lower back, abdominal, glute, and hamstrings. It is especially important for beginners to include this exercise in training program while observing perfectly correct technique and learning to feel the work of muscles, and not just chasing weight gain.

1) "boxes" made of wooden boards with a rubber coating on the upper side;
2) metal rods used in power frame(diameter - in the region of an inch).

Both types of skirting boards are used as stands for setting the bar to a great height (usually in deadlift). Although metal bars can serve as amplitude limiters in the press while standing and sitting (including on an oblique bench), and wooden bars can be used as a footrest for deep squats.

Special care should be taken with metal rods. Many deadlifts in a power rack simply drop the bar onto the skirting boards, which can cause them to burst. This is dangerous already because you never know where a piece of a metal rod will fly off. Plus, throwing a barbell in deadlift is generally impossible - it drastically relieves vertebral column which could result in serious back injury. Metal skirtings are in many ways more practical than wooden ones - the support of the power frame has many holes along the entire height: you can accurately select the range of motion by placing the skirtings higher or lower.

Deadlift skirtings

Bodybuilders rarely work with stands - in fact, it is purely lifter's "trick"... In powerlifting, skirting boards are used to traverse a sports plateau, to prepare for a full-fledged movement (learning technique). In general, the plinths in the deadlift serve to work out the upper phase of the trajectory of movement. It is well known that the speed of development of the back and legs is not the same for different athletes: one can outstrip the other. The use of skirting boards allows you to solve the problem of lagging results in the deadlift, provided that the lagging muscle group is correctly identified.

Deadlift can be performed with a breakdown of the bar below and above the knees... If the bar is placed at bottom dead center below the knees, then the breakdown occurs due to the strength of the legs, and then the lift goes on the muscles that straighten the back. When the bar is above the knees, the breakdown occurs due to the work of the lower back, which brings this technique closer to the deadlift on straight legs. The key difference is that the load on the back muscles is distributed more evenly, i.e. the risk of injury to the lower back is less than when lifting the projectile from the floor. For beginners, pulling from the above-the-knee plinths allows you to prepare for a full-fledged exercise - often difficulties arise due to the "hold" of the knees in the lift.

Safety technology is fundamentally classic thrust does not differ - the back should be straight, without deflection of the spine, the width of the stances and grip - as in the competition. By reducing the range of motion and a more even distribution, the load can be taken large weights, therefore, in order to prevent the rod from slipping, use the straps. By placing the barbell higher, you will include in the work more muscle backs (depending on technique, but usually trapezoidal ones are better loaded). This property is already highly regarded in bodybuilding.

The technique is considered safer for the back also because the angle of its extension to the vertical is less. However, the constant execution of the deadlift from the plinths can lead to the rapid development of the gluteal muscles, which does not look very good. This is a disadvantage for men and an advantage for girls. An alternative to the plinth deadlift is the Romanian deadlift, where the bar is not fully lowered in intermediate reps.

So when should you pull from the skirting boards? If there are problems with tightening (weak trapeziums) - from a position above the knees; with the bar slipping out of the hands (weak grip) - just work with a lot of weight, above or below the knees - it doesn't matter; with the passage of the knees ( weak muscles center of the back or technical problems) - BWC is below the knees.

Wooden plinths

These can be used in both squats and deadlifts (from the "pit"). Pit pull is performed from low skirting boards. The barbell itself lies on the floor, and the athlete rises to the dais. Pulling from the "hole" to develop strength in the quads and lower back - this helps to break the bar. Those. the exercise should be performed if it is not possible to rip the bar off the floor in the pull. Be careful - this type of performance increases the range of motion, which can lead to serious injuries to the back and knees (since the movement starts from a very low position).

Plinth squats also increase the range of motion and put even more stress on the knees (pressure increases on the inner surface of the kneecap). As a rule, this exercise is not done with a barbell, but with discs and weights fixed with a chain on the belt, or held in the hands down. Very popular with girls, because allows you to develop the buttocks. For men, the hack squats, which differ even more in the depth of the sitting, can be a worthy alternative. Finally, the peculiarity of squats from plinths is the width of the stance - the legs are spread extremely wide, which makes technique akin to stretching in weightlifting. This is the second alternative.


Metal skirting boards and a power frame can replace a partner - they are set at the right height in squats and presses, they limit the range of motion, making it possible to "throw off" the barbell if you are unable to take weight (rise). Thus, the injury rate among athletes who are accustomed or forced to exercise alone is reduced.

Hello, ferrum-body is back in touch! And today we will talk about the deadlift exercise from the plinths.

On the calendar 16 May, Wednesday, which means the time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we begin.

Deadlift from skirting boards. What, why and why?

April and especially May are the hottest months in gym... And all because people wake up from hibernation and want to at an accelerated pace, for 3-4 weeks, get yourself into a decent vacation shape. To translate this into reality, coaches begin to puzzle over how to “beat” the client in order to get a quick result - as they say, any whim for your money. Newbies girls are offered, and guys are discharged. One of its varieties is deadlift from plinths, we will consider further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle Atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of conditionally basic and has as its purpose the study of the buttocks.

The muscular ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - gluteus maximus;
  • synergists - quadriceps, large adductor, hamstrings, soleus;
  • dynamic stabilizers - calf;
  • stabilizers - extensors of the back, trapezium (middle / top), scapula levator, rhomboid;
  • antagonist stabilizers - straight m.f., oblique.

Complete muscle atlas (option standing in a power frame) represents the following picture:


Performing the deadlift exercise from plinths, you can count on the following benefits:

  • an increase in the mass of the buttocks;
  • development of the back of the thigh;
  • increased strength;
  • strengthening the lower back;
  • full range deadlift weight progression.

Execution technique

The deadlift from the plinths belongs to the exercises of the entry level of difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step # 0.

Form two elevations on the floor, for example from 2 pancakes (one on top of the other) on each side of the bar. Equip the latter with the necessary weight directly on the stand. Walk up to the bar and get into position to remove it from the platforms. Tighten your abs statically. Look forward or up.

This is your starting position.

Step # 1.

Inhale and exhale, without bending your legs, start pulling the barbell to the “second floor”. Fix at the top point on 1-2 account and on inhalation return to the PI.

In a picture version, it looks like this:

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard plinth deadlift, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • standing in a power frame;
  • standing on a stand.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of your exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • do not tilt the body back;
  • when lowering, do not hit the barbell against the platforms;
  • do not bend your legs and do not sit down behind the projectile;
  • do not round your back;
  • perform deadlifts while standing sideways to the mirror;
  • use sufficient platform height (minimum 2-3 pancake);
  • when working with large weights, use a weightlifting belt;
  • with a weak grip (especially true for girls) use wrist straps;
  • breathing technique: exhalation - in fay, lifting the projectile, inhalation - when lowering / returning to the PI;
  • numerical training parameters: the number of approaches / repetitions - 3/8-10.

We are done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

What is the most effective deadlift?

It should be understood that the effectiveness of traction primarily depends on the weight of the load being lifted. The emphasis of the load received by the muscles is determined by the height of the barbell lift. In other words, if you pull from the skirting boards, then most of the load is not on the back, but on the buttocks. And this option is preferable for girls who have as their goal an increase in priests. The power frame option shifts the focus to the back. in addition to the back, it actively loads the large adductor.

Do beginners need to do deadlifts?

On the Internet, as well as among coaches, there are diametrically opposite opinions on this matter. Which one you will fall under depends on the gym from which you will start your training path. Exercise becomes traumatic with a weak back and improper technique. If you still want to include this in your training program basic exercise, then start with the deadlift in the power rack and with the skirting boards. As you gain experience in the deadlift, reduce the height of the skirtings ( 3-2-1 ) or lower the limit stops in the frame below.

Actually, we have finished the gist of the article, let's move on to ...


Deadlift from plinths - this is exactly the exercise we sorted out today. What place will it take in your training activity? Hopefully, it’s not the last thing ...

PS: and what is your favorite one?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Protasov Dmitrius.

Table 4.

Pulling exercises
gluteus maximus / ND / gluteal medium / VD / bench press with two legs, deep squats
hamstrings / biceps thighs /; / ND / bending the legs while lying on a special device; lying leg press; deep squats
quadriceps / ND / lying leg press; deep squats; straightening the legs while lying or sitting on a special device
a group of back straighteners / spine erectors /; / ND / deadlift with straightened legs; bends forward with a barbell on the back; straightening the torso, lying with the hips across the high bench
group deep muscles spine / VD / straightening the torso, lying with the hips over a high bench; torso tilts forward and to the sides; twisting the torso in an inclination
broadest back / VD / pull to the belt on horizontal block; deadlift on the T-bar; deadlift while standing in an "overhead" bent over one end of the bar; dumbbell row to the belt in the slope
trapezoidal / VD and C / lifting shoulders with a barbell in lowered hands
diamond-shaped / VD and C / the same exercises plus bent-over rows
muscle group of the shoulder girdle / C / see exercises for doing squats
flexor group of the hand and fingers / C / work on a brush hardener; squeezing a rubber ball; bending the arms at the wrists with the barbell grip from above and below; forearms on hips

    ND - direct movers;

    VD - auxiliary propellers;

    C - stabilizers. / 3 /

Group 5

1. Deadlift - competitive (classical).

The exercise must comply with all norms and requirements. international rules competitions. It is performed in two ways, in the "weightlifting" style / See. photo 51 / and in the style of "sumo" / See. photo 52 /, as well as with intermediate versions.

Group 6

2. Row standing on a stand, stand 10-15cm high. / Cm. photos 53 and 54 /

Lifting the bar should be performed by the muscles - the extensors of the legs, hip joints, trunk (gluteal muscles and muscles of the back of the thighs). Then, the extensors of the legs and trunk are simultaneously involved in lifting.

When performing a deadlift from a stand, the barbell path is lengthened, the load on the muscles - the extensors of the legs and trunk increases. The exercise helps to increase the strength of the lift-off phase of the barbell from the platform. It is recommended to spread the legs to the same width that the athlete uses in competition. It is not recommended to use this exercise in the training of beginners and dischargers, because the starting position is different here, which can lead to the consolidation of the wrong skill.

4. Traction to the knees with a stop - and. p. from the platform, the bar rises to knee level, stop 3-5 seconds. Exercise complicates the previous exercise (see exercise 3)

5. Knee Row + Competitive Row. The exercise is aimed at improving the competitive thrust technique. Promotes the development of strength of the muscles of the extensors of the legs and trunk, trapezius muscles.

6. Row from a platform, with two stops (at the knees and above the knees).

7. Row from the platform, slowly lowering to the platform.

8. Row from Platform + Row from Hanging below the knees. The exercise contributes to the improvement of the traction technique, the development of the strength of the extensors of the legs and trunk, and the development of speed in the final part of the traction.

9. Traction from skirting boards, and. p. - the bar is located below the knees. /Cm. photo 56 / The exercise develops the strength of the extensors of the legs and trunk, trapezius muscles. Helps to practice the technique of performing the second phase of the deadlift.
photo 56
10. Row in the "pyramid" simulator from knee level - ip. barbell at knee level. /Cm. Photo 57 / The exercise helps to work out the second part of the deadlift. The "pyramid" simulator allows an athlete to learn and practice deadlift techniques in any phase.
photo 57
Exercise demonstrates 6 multiple champion world K. Pavlov.
10. Traction from skirting boards, and. p. - the bar is located above the knees. / Cm. photo 58 / The exercise is aimed at working out the final part of the thrust. Recommended to do with maximum weights, 90 to 120 percent. The high position of the bar at the start (on the skirtings) makes it possible to focus on the development of a powerful effort in the final part of the deadlift.
photo 58.
11. Rib thrust - I. p. on a narrow plinth, the bar lies with the middle of the neck. Wide grip (jerk) / See photo 59 /. Straightening the torso should be as fast as possible, lowering the bar onto the plinth as slow as possible. When lowering the bar, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Exercise effectively pumps the lower back.
photo 59.

Exercises of additional load.

Group 9

13. Traction with chains - and. a long chain rests on the bar bushings, as the barbell rises, the weight will increase, along with the load on the muscles of the back and legs. The exercise helps to increase the strength of the muscles in the back and legs in the final to final part of the deadlift. As the bar is lifted, the chains are lifted gradually from the floor, increasing the load, reaching a maximum at the highest point. /Cm. photos 61 and 62 /

15. Lifting the barbell to the chest in a semi-squat from a platform without a squat -i.p. legs hip-width apart, bend over, grab the bar with a comfortable grip for the athlete, bend the knees to an angle of 90-110 degrees, bend in the lower back. Look forward and down, arms straight, shoulder joints over the fretboard.

Taking a short breath, unbending the legs and torso, raise the barbell to the chest without a squat. Weightlifting exercise contributes to the development of the muscles of the back and legs. / 2 /

18. Broach up, jerk grip - I. p. feet hip-width apart, socks slightly apart. Bend over, grab the vulture wide grip, bend your knees to an angle of 90-110 degrees, bend in the lower back, shoulder girdle above the bar, look down and forward. Taking a short breath, raise the barbell on arms straight up, unbending the legs and torso with the strength of the muscles of the arms. When lifting the bar, the elbows should move straight up. Weightlifting exercises develop the muscles in the legs, back, and upper shoulder girdle. / 2 /

19. Broaching up from a straight stand, jogging grip - ip. feet hip-width apart, socks slightly apart. Bend over, grab the bar with a grip shoulder-width apart, without bending the knees, bend in the lower back, shoulder girdle above the bar, look down and forward. Taking a short breath, raise the barbell on arms straight up, unbending the torso, using the strength of the arm muscles. Weightlifting exercises develop the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle. / 2 /

20. Seated pull of the block to the stomach. Exercise has a complex effect on the muscles of the back: it thickens the lats, raises the tone of the trapezius and extensor muscles. The biceps and forearms experience indirect stress. /1/.

Exercises for the back muscles.

Group 10

21. Bends with a barbell on the shoulders - i.p. standing on legs slightly bent at the knees. Bend over slowly, try to straighten your back quickly.

The exercise acts on the extensors of the trunk and indirectly on the biceps of the hips and buttocks, well strengthens the muscles of the back and develops their strength.

22. Bends with a barbell on the shoulders while standing on straight legs - i.p. legs are straight at the width of the pelvis. It is performed at a slow pace.

Exercise affects the development of the longitudinal muscles of the back. A sharp bend forward with the barbell behind the head is dangerous, as the athlete can stretch the intervertebral ligaments.

24. Extension (hyperextension) of the trunk - i.p. without weight / See photo 66 / and with a weight (bar, bar, disc, etc.) behind the head. /Cm. photo 67 / The exercise develops the extensors of the trunk and spine. The muscles of the back of the thighs experience great tension. The indirect load falls on the buttocks.

25. Extension, "hyperextension" of the trunk with weights in straight arms - and. in the lowered hands, the athlete holds the weight (bar, barbell, disc, kettlebell, etc.) / See photo 68 /. Exercise develops the extensors of the trunk and spine. 26. Slopes while standing on the skirting boards - I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, weights (kettlebell, discs, etc.) in straight arms, forward bends. The exercise is performed with a straight back.

27. Bends + Squats - Barbell position and leg placement are the same as squats.

At the expense of times- tilt forward, to the level of the horizontal.

On the count of two- from a position in an inclination forward - sit down, while the shoulders and the bar remain motionless, and the pelvis drops to the lowest point.

On the count of three- from the squat position, again come to the forward bend position.

On the count of four- straighten your back to the starting position.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Group 11

27. Press on the "goat" (or on the "Roman chair" - and. P. Sitting on the "goat", the feet are fixed in the gymnastic wall, back bends, with a burden on the chest or behind the head. Exercise affects the rectus abdominis muscles, in particular the upper region. If the lifts are combined with active turns of the body, then the intercostal muscles will also be under the load. / 2 /

Press on an inclined board upside down. /Cm. photo 69 / Exercise strongly affects the lower part of the muscles abdominal... By changing the height of the bench, the angle at which the exercise is performed changes, and therefore the degree of load on the abdominal muscles changes.
photo 69.
Press in the machine. /Cm. photo 70 / The exercise affects the abdominal muscles. For athletes who have difficulty lifting straight legs, we recommend doing exercises with bent legs at the knees.
photo 70.
1. Vorobiev A.N.Weightlifting. FiS. Moscow. 1972 p. 122-133
2. Vorobiev A.N.Weightlifting. FiS. Moscow. 1981 s. 85-95
3. Vorobiev A.N.Weightlifting. FiS. Moscow. 1988 p. 82- 88
4. Jackson LarryDon't ruin your back. "IronMan", March 1982
5. Joe WeiderThis is how the "Stars" train. Wider Sport. Moscow 1994. p. 71, 117, 118.
6. Zayle NormannCorrect and incorrect execution. "IronMan", November 1981
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10. Pasanella David850 lb deadlift record. "Muscle & Fitness", June 1989
11. Pat PayneThe deadlift is your trump card. The World of Power. No. 2 2000
12. Rossiglione JayMy deadlift program. "Muscle & Fitness", November 1987
13. Snitkin CarltonDeadlift program. "Muscle & Fitness", February 1986
14. Philip L.Some principles of training in powerlifting... Bratislava. "trener" Nos. 9,10,11,12, 1974
15. Anton MichaelDeadlift. "Muscle & Fitness", May 1990
16. Bruner Timothy700-ib Dedlift. "Powerlifting USA", August 1998
17. Cuntrera PartickTom Tinsman. "Powerlifting USA", Octtober 1998

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