Dumbbell press with one hand lying on the floor. Dumbbell bench press standing with one hand with support

Dumbbell press with one hand lying on a horizontal bench - an exercise for the development of the pectoralis major muscle, belongs to the category of "balancing", since the work goes on one side and it is more difficult to hold and balance the weight than with two shells.

However, it is considered basic. The triceps and front deltas are also involved in the work.

Main working muscle groups: chest muscles.

Auxiliary muscle group: anterior delts, triceps

Dumbbell press with one hand lying on a horizontal bench - execution technique.

1. You need to lie down on horizontal bench holding a dumbbell in hand. The hand with the dumbbell is pressed to the top of the thigh. The palm is turned inward.

2. Once you're in the prone position, help your upper thigh push the dumbbell and bring it up. Or help yourself with your free hand.

3. Turn your wrist so that your palm is facing forward. This will be the starting position.

4. Slowly and under control, including the muscles of the stabilizers, lower the dumbbell while inhaling. Use your free hand to balance the dumbbell until you master the technique of this movement.

5. As you exhale, squeeze the dumbbell using the pectoral muscles. Fix your hand at the top, straining your chest, after a second pause, start moving down again. The movement in the negative phase should take twice as long as the movement up.

6. Perform the required number of repetitions, according to your training program.

7. Change your hand and repeat the exercise.

8. To return the dumbbell to the floor, lift your legs off the floor by bending them at the knees. Rotate your wrist so that you can place the dumbbell on your upper thigh.

9. At the same time, make a jerk, lifting your upper body and lightly pushing your legs forward. This movement will help you return to sitting position. Only then put the dumbbell on the floor.

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With the help of a weight, you can replace familiar technique. In addition, to hold and squeeze the kettlebell, you need to work more muscles. Previously, the kettlebell press was included in the mandatory triathlon complex. kettlebell lifting. Now this exercise is used separately not only in, but also in gyms as an assistant for the development of deltas.

What muscles work when bench press?

First of all, during the kettlebell press, the deltoid muscles are turned on, in particular. Additional muscles are: triceps, top part trapezius muscle, rhomboid. In addition to the main muscles, the muscles of the back and abdomen work during the press, which stabilize the position when the projectile is lifted, which does not occur to the same extent when army press rods. Like many kettlebell exercises, the bench press develops deep muscles that do not work with isolating exercises for deltas.

Benefits of standing kettlebell press

  • Develops strength and mass of the deltoid muscles and triceps of the shoulder.
  • Increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Improves joint mobility.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Accelerates metabolism.

Contraindications and precautions

  • With hernias, protrusions of the spine, disc displacements, loading with weights is contraindicated.
  • If you experience pain in the joints, when working even with a small weight, it is worth delaying the bench press.
  • Do not “break out” the hand, keep the forearm with the hand in one straight line.
  • Try to perform the bench press with concentration, do not jerk. It is important not to confuse the exercise with, because they are performed not with the shoulders, but with an impulse due to the power of pushing the legs.

Where to begin?

  • Warm up the muscles and joints not only of the shoulder girdle, but of the whole body. Since the kettlebell press is not an isolated work of the hands, the muscles of the back and abdomen are involved here, so it is important to avoid injury by a full warm-up.
  • Naturally, for starters, choose a small load weight - from 8 kg. In case this weight is heavy, perform the load or kettlebells of less weight.
  • Having mastered the technique with one hand, proceed to the bench press of two kettlebells while standing, also correctly selecting the load.
  • Learn the technique of lifting the kettlebell to the starting position. The jerk, or lifting of the kettlebell to its original position, occurs as follows: in an inclination with a straight back, grab the handle of the kettlebell, swing back and forth, allowing the kettlebell to fly up. In the middle of the amplitude, bend your elbow and gently twist the brush so that the kettlebell rests on your forearm.
  • In no case do jerks through pain, keep your back always straight, avoid injury intervertebral discs and nerve damage.

One hand kettlebell press technique

After completing the movement, straighten your elbow, as if dropping a kettlebell. But the reset should not be accompanied by a jerk in the joints. Slowly lower the kettlebell with a straight back.

Two Kettlebell Press Technique

  • Put two weights together, stand in front of them with feet slightly wider than the pelvis in stable position.
  • Perform a tilt and grab the arms, toss two weights to the starting position - the weights are at the shoulder, the elbows are pressed to the body as much as possible.
  • With an exhalation, squeeze both kettlebells up over your shoulders, without tilting the body back.
  • On an inhale, lower the weights to the starting point.
  • Complete the approach, and carefully drop the weights without jerking and lower them to the floor.

Important! Perform the technique on straight legs, do not go into the squat when pushing out the kettlebells. Remember that the exercise is done with concentration, try to isolate the shoulders from the help of the pelvis and legs.


  • For strength training it is necessary to perform 4-6 times for each hand, or two at the same time. But working with a lot of weight in this mode requires a good physical training athlete. In this case, the kettlebell press can be performed with a weight of 24 kg, and even 32 kg.
  • If you work on time, at which it is necessary to perform maximum amount repetitions, choose small kettlebells.
  • With the development of endurance choose the weight of the kettlebell to perform more than 15 repetitions.
  • For weight gain- 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets.

Don't forget about correct technique execution.

Kettlebell press technique in video format

Standing dumbbell press with one hand is very convenient and useful exercise to train the deltoid muscles. It allows you to work out each deltoid muscle separately. This is especially useful if one of the deltas is lagging behind in strength or muscle mass.

Thus, the dumbbell press loads the lower back much less, since you stick with the rack with your free hand. This prevents the torso from deviating and helps to maintain a stable position.

Starting position

Take a dumbbell in your hand and stand next to the racks. Legs shoulder width apart. Grasp the bar with your free hand, and hold the dumbbell in your arm bent to your shoulder. The forearm of the working hand should be vertical and pressed to the chest. Turn the hand with the dumbbell with your palm facing you.

Standing dumbbell press, execution technique

Squeeze the dumbbell up powerfully, being careful not to tilt your body to the side. Immediately, without stopping, slowly return the dumbbell to its original position. Lock it in a fixed position and squeeze it again. Complete the required number of repetitions with one arm. Then switch the dumbbell to the other hand and do the same number of repetitions.

Standing dumbbell press with one hand. Starting position.
Standing dumbbell press with one hand. The finish.

One bench press set is considered to be the full number of repetitions for both hands.


Pressing the dumbbell up - exhale, lowering the dumbbell down - inhale.

Exercise develops the front and side deltoid muscle, triceps, upper trapezius and pectoral muscles, develops

Fitness expert Sergey Strukov translated Greg Dea's text about the best exercise for the shoulder for the library of the Federation of Fitness Professionals.

One-arm kettlebell press is for everyone

Whether you're looking to improve power and strength or are doing rehab with movement pattern recovery, the one-arm kettlebell press is the way to go.

I used this exercise to compensate for the high volume of throws, receptions, serves and contacts in volleyball and handball players. international level. Athletes who systematically perform one-arm presses within training program, increase punching power and stamina.

But even if you are just doing fitness, you can use it to improve your posture and increase the strength of the shoulder girdle.

The one-arm press is the best because it meets the following criteria:

1. Safe start and end position.
2. Safe movement pattern.
3. Development of "jogging" power.
4. Identification and protection of weak links.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Safe start and end position

The starting and ending position in the one-arm press is safer than in other popular strength exercises for the shoulder, such as front and side raises. Long leverage when lifting weights in front of you and through the sides often forces the shoulder blade to move away from a stable position at the beginning and at the end of the movement. It is like lifting a crane off the ground before lifting a load onto a tall building.

Front and side raises cause more shoulder girdle problems than any other exercise, affecting the muscles that try to keep the shoulder blades in relation to the neck and torso (trapezius and rhomboids).

The main role of the scapula is to support the hand. It can move freely to maintain the correct position of the glenoid fossa in relation to the head of the shoulder. When the scapula is "pterygoid" (the medial edge moves away from the chest or leans forward), or the medial/superior part of the scapula is higher than the lateral part, which puts the glenoid fossa in a position that limits arm elevation. This is wrong and not stable. In this position, the scapula loses the necessary orientation.

The one-arm press, on the other hand, offers correct position. With one-hand presses, the shoulder blade is dynamically stable, there is unlimited freedom of movement with situational support and maintaining the correct position.

The movement begins in a stance, with the kettlebell directly in front of the shoulder. The weight is located on the forearm, with outside hand clenched into a fist, elbow pointing forward. The palm of the hand is directed towards the face. In the final position, the weight is strictly above the shoulder, the elbow is straightened. Both of these positions, initial and final, stabilize the position of the scapula.

Safe movement pattern

The bench press from the starting to the final position should be vertical. Elbow in starting position directed forward, and finally - to the side. This means that the shoulder joint moves from a neutral position to an outward rotation position, while the scapula moves in a safer position of upward retraction and rotation, allowing room for rotation and gliding. shoulder joint in a well balanced position.

Another useful overhead press variation suggested by the author of this article is Bottoms-Up Kettlebell Presses for Solid Shoulders.

Kettlebell press with one hand - a "clean" movement. It is practically impossible to determine the correspondence between the temporal parameters, sequence and coordination of the motor pattern. However, if the pattern is unstable, abrupt, or divided into stages, we call the movement "dirty and heavy." The opposite in fact movement is smooth, which we call "clean and light."

One-arm press position does not result in dovish movement: Many shoulder strength exercises that require lifting weights from behind the head result in an attempt to remove the weight from the neck. The result is a movement reminiscent of the movement of a pigeon's head, hence the name "pigeoning" ("pigeon" movement). The "pigeon" movement leads to displacement of the joints and activation of the muscles of the upper part of the neck, which leads to pain and restriction of movement of the head and neck. If you want to avoid "dove" movements, watch your neck when pulling to the chest or lifting in front of you. When pressing the kettlebell with one hand, the kettlebell is squeezed out of the normal position of the neck above the head, so there is no "pigeon" movement.

In the bench press pattern, the scapula additionally leans back, freeing up space for the rotator cuff to work and minimizing the risk of impact. In addition to tilting back, the shoulder blade rotates upward, opening up even more space. Rotation of the scapula requires coordinated contraction of all back muscles.

Jogging power development

This is a great exercise for developing pushing power. Power is work done per unit of time, so it requires strength, speed, and movement control.

The advantage of the vertical press is the ability to raise more weight than when lifting in front of you or through the sides due to the relatively short lever. Stimulation upper limb more, and the scapula remains stable. When the weight is too high, the movement loses speed, and therefore power. It becomes dirty and difficult. In this situation, you can do more work with a stable shoulder blade and more weight in the bench press than in competitive exercises (pulls to the chest, raises through the sides or in front of you).

By the way, Zozhnik also has a review scientific research American Council on Exercise However, that study did not test kettlebell presses with one arm.

Protection of weak links

The final advantage of this great exercise is the ability to eliminate weak links that are associated with the risk of injury.

The thoracic spine and ribcage, and everything attached to them, are involved in the one-arm press just as they are in the two-arm press. It is difficult for us to understand and imagine precise movements in the joints, requiring complex coordination between the stabilizers and the main movers. When someone can't do any more reps or the weight being lifted reaches a plateau, we assume they've just reached their limit. But the reason is not always fatigue.

If you succeed different amount repetitions of the kettlebell press with the left and right hand, we understand that the cause of the asymmetry may be in the thoracic spine, chest, all associated muscles, neck and shoulder girdle. Identifying side differences guides us to improve function in these areas, removing barriers to bench improvement. When a weak link is identified with dirty and heavy reps, we can change the weight and execution conditions for further improvement.

When the weight is too heavy for a normal pattern, compensatory movements appear. Most compensation occurs with the person leaning back to turn the movement into an angled chest press. In this case, the neck makes a “pigeon” movement, the lower back bends, and the shoulder blade moves away from the optimal position. "Pigeon" neck is a dysfunctional compensation that worsens the stability of the trunk. It can lead to pain, restriction of movement, and loss of motor control—three well-known risks of injury.

There are two simple ways to fix a similar error:

1. Sit down and complete the set. This reduces the demands on the hips and pelvis while providing a stable position for the lower back. Or you can stabilize your hips and pelvis by placing one foot on a chair or bench. The bent hip of the raised leg reduces the likelihood of forward tilt of the pelvis and arching of the lower back.

Put your foot on the bench - it will help.

If your lower back is still arched, just lift your leg off a chair or bench to prevent it. I prefer this single leg variation as it involves ground pressure through the feet, ankles, knees and hips rather than through the six bones of the pelvis. This is a more complex exercise, loading not only the shoulder girdle.
Placing the foot on a box can help correct pelvic rotation.

2. The second way is to reduce the weight and cleanly complete the set.. Is not the best choice as long as the person compensates a light weight chasing repetition. It is also a less favorable strategy because it requires conscious control of technique. Self-limiting methods are preferable for adaptation than methods with conscious control. This helps keep the pattern in your nervous system better than weight loss.

Balanced Leverage - Strong Leverage

If you want to good shoulders, then you need to switch to the one-arm press in your bench workout.

I have used this simple strategy for many years to train athletes with high shoulder volume. The combination of position, pattern, and force power adjustment provided protection for athletes in preseason, as well as association with other core lifts. Using the one-arm press, I improved the shooting ability of the Chinese national handball superstar with a torn lip and rotator cuff tendon. I used the bench press for my own development and had no problem surprising the big guys with starting weights larger than their max lifts in front of me.

Despite the apparent complexity of the position and pattern, none of my athletes who pressed to failure experienced injury or post-exercise soreness. Try this exercise. It is working.
