Where the 2021 Biathlon World Championships will take place. Where will the 2021 World Biathlon Championships take place Where will the upcoming Biathlon World Championships be held

The IBU did not wait from Tyumen to voluntarily waive the right to host the 2021 World Cup and unilaterally deprived Russia of this tournament


The International Biathlon Union (IBU) has made the final decision to move the 2021 World Cup from Tyumen to another location.

Following the results of the IBU Executive Committee on February 8, the RBU was offered to voluntarily abandon the holding of the World Cup in Tyumen in 2021 until February 24, said IBU PR Director Per Lange. - The final release said that otherwise the decision to grant the city the right to host the tournament would be canceled. No steps were taken by the RBU - no voluntary refusal followed. Thus, the decision came into force. The venue for the 2021 World Cup will be selected at the 2018 IBU Congress.

Let me remind you that the reason for the postponement was the doping problems of Russia and, in particular, the lack of accreditation from the Russian Anti-Doping Agency. The authorities of the Tyumen region and the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) do not agree with the position of the IBU, and intend to challenge their interests in court.


Tyumen won the right to host the 2021 World Cup at the IBU Congress in Chisinau in September 2016. At the same time, the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee were formally violated, which, in the summer of last year, based on the results of the first part of the WADA report, strongly advised sports federations in winter sports to refrain from decisions on holding major competitions in Russia. After the release of the second part of McLaren's report, the SBR and Tyumen decided not to escalate the situation and voluntarily refused to host the 2016/17 World Cup (these competitions were eventually transferred to the Finnish Kontiolahti).

The IBU expected Russia to voluntarily give up the 2021 World Cup and thus save the International Biathlon Union from claims from the IOC and WADA. However, the RBU did not go forward, considering the motivation of the IBU Executive Committee very weak. The IOC's recommendation not to hold big starts in Russia was not tough. And the IBU's reference to RUSADA's lack of accreditation looks strange at all. First, Russia has already held major international launches in such an environment. And secondly, the restoration of the agency's accreditation is expected at the end of this year. Even if this does not happen within these terms, the problem is unlikely to drag on for another four years.


Firstly, we did not force the IBU to violate the IOC sanctions. Tyumen's candidacy was chosen voluntarily in Chisinau, after which a contract must be signed to host the tournament. It is unlikely that in this agreement McLaren's report is referred to as force majeure. That is, upon termination of the contract, we have the right to demand a forfeit. Secondly, the decision to transfer the World Cup from Tyumen was made by the IBU Executive Committee, while the Russian city received the tournament from the IBU Congress. That is, the executive committee may have exceeded its powers. In any case, a member of the executive committee now has to prove that they had very serious reasons not to wait for the next Congress, which will be held on the eve of the Olympics in Pyeongchang, but to make an emergency decision.


We will contact international Court... The IBU has no right to take away the World Cup from us, - said the executive director of Tyumenskaya regional federation ski racing and biathlon Anatoly Tobolov... - There is a "raider takeover" because of the McLaren report. WADA has no evidence that the Russian athletes were doping. However, in spite of this, they deprive us of the World Cup, postpone the stages of the World Cup in other sports. If we independently waived the right to host the competition, then we would no longer have the opportunity to appeal. I think this litigation will continue and how the issue will be resolved in the end is difficult to imagine. There is a chance to change this decision at the IBU Congress.

It is pointless to regain the right to host the World Cup, - said two-time champion world Dmitry Yaroshenko. - For the future, it is necessary to insist that in case of deprivation of the World Cup, the country and the city will be compensated for the investment costs. We won the right, made a reconstruction, and now they tell us, they say, excuse me, we will not hold competitions in your place. And for whom was the reconstruction done? Then let them bear the costs themselves. Why was the World Cup taken away from Tyumen? Based on a report that WADA found not entirely consistent and objective? All this is very doubtful. A strange thing happens: if they wanted it, they deprived it, they wanted it, they removed it.

We will fight for the world championship in Tyumen, - the famous commentator Dmitry Guberniev said on the air. - Tyumen has the best application, there is absolutely Better conditions... We won one bid, we will win another one. Our Czech friends, who sleep and see, to hold their championship ... We will gladly come to Nové Mesto in 2023. All these statements, which were, relate exclusively to the desire to get the world championship, which the Czechs lost. We lost fairly at the congress in Chisinau. I am a witness to that.

RBU continues to wait for documents with justification from IBU the decision- said in an interview with TASS President of the Russian Biathlon Union Alexander Kravtsov. - We continue to believe that the IBU does not have the right to make such a decision, since the Executive Committee has no right to substitute itself for Congress.

Oleg Shamonaev

The biathlon world championship 2021 was taken away from Tyumen. What will happen next? , championat.com

Koukalova is happy, Besseberg is knocking on the WADA code, and Russia is preparing claims in court and intends to fight to the last bullet.

A week after the expiration of the RBU ultimatum, the IBU Executive Committee kept its promise and put into effect the decision to deprive Tyumen of the 2021 Biathlon World Championship. Now the Russian side can challenge this decision through the courts and there are prerequisites for this. There is also an opportunity to participate in the elections again in a year, if by that time the Russian anti-doping agency will be reinstated. Sports officials, experts, biathletes and even psychics reacted to the decision.

Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation
- The Federation, as they say, has announced all its plans for the war. We must move calmly in this direction. Congress granted such a right, Congress must pass it. This story is not closed. We need to follow what the president of the country said yesterday. We need to follow the logic of restoring our anti-doping services, RUSADA will be restored, all questions will disappear by themselves. (TASS)

Anatoly Tobolov, Executive Director of the Tyumen Regional Federation of Cross-Country Skiing and Biathlon
- We will apply to the international court. The IBU has no right to take away the World Cup from us. There is a "raider takeover" because of the McLaren report. WADA has no evidence that the Russian athletes were doping. However, despite this, they deprive us of the World Cup, postpone the stages of the World Cup in other sports. If we independently waived the right to host the competition, then we would no longer have the opportunity to appeal. I think this litigation will continue, and it is difficult to imagine how the issue will be resolved in the end. There is a chance to change this decision at the IBU Congress. ("Sport-Express")

Dmitry Yaroshenko, two-time world champion
- Nothing good about that. As a fan, it is unpleasant for me that our country was deprived of the World Cup. I don't understand why this is being done. Fans suffer the most from this. The Governor of Tyumen said that the city will apply to host the World Cup if Tyumen is deprived of such a right? I can only wish you luck, because Tyumen is a worthy place. Maybe Khanty-Mansiysk will also apply. Why conduct voting, elections at all, in order to then deprive this or that country of the right to hold. Let in such cases provide compensation.

Alexander Tikhonov, four times Olympic champion
- Mr Kravtsov needs to think now what to do with it. Surely it's a shame for everything Russian biathlon... For three years we have not made any decisions and have not worked with anyone. We only have Viktor Maygurov, who has three classes of education. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that there is doping in Russia, only Tikhonov spoke about this 12 years ago. If we had the World Cup insured, then everyone would have thought whether to take it away or not. Now the most important thing is that we should be allowed to the Olympics.

Vladimir Barnashov, Olympic champion
- Well, what can you do? We will fight to the end, nothing is over yet. The IBU Executive Board does not have this authority. Lawyers will figure out what's what. I think that Tyumen is worthy of the world championship. You need to calmly prepare and defend your positions. At least we have the right to investigate further, and we must defend our position. Of course, first you need to restore your membership in RUSADA. As it is restored, we will have trump cards to somehow influence the current situation. I think that the leadership and the organizing committee of Tyumen and the SBR will fight to defend the World Cup in Tyumen.

Nicole Kuznetsova, psychic
- At the moment, the situation is not in favor of Tyumen, but, most likely, there will be a turning point and the heads of state, Putin, Medvedev, will influence, and your city will be able to take the lead. Not good good situation goes. So far, I do not see any changes in your city. But everything can change.

Gabriela Koukalova, world champion
- I am very glad that the IBU has decided to cancel the 2021 World Cup in Tyumen.

Anders Besseberg, IBU President
- There could have been a violation of the WADA code when the IBU Congress gave Tyumen the hosting of the World Cup. The risk is that the IBU may then be found to be inconsistent with the WADA Code. This is not good for biathlon. We have signed and approved this code, therefore we are obliged to abide by it.

Putting together the rest of the hysterics:

God marks rogue! Mamzel Sukalova-Kakalova was already crumpling with her coccyx, her sticks break every now and then ... I would repent, sick, otherwise something worse will happen. Well, a lady with chicken brains does not live calmly, she is just dragged by the fact that another one will vomit at our address. Apparently, she has no other joys in her life at all ...

the gorynych couple scares me in this photo

In principle, if at the extraordinary meeting of the IBU Congress (February 2017) the issue of the 2021 World Cup did not go through the official voting procedure, then the decision of the IBU Executive Board may be illegal! The decision of the IBU-2016 Congress, in my private opinion, has greater legal force than the decision of the Executive Committee-2017!
Accordingly, it is possible to appeal this decision of the Executive Committee to the relevant international bodies!

Vladimir, they said very correctly, will they just start doing at least something, judging by the whole toothless position, I no longer believe that they will change the decision on Tyumen. I hope that participation in the Olympiad will be at least far apart, if they are not allowed, all the leadership and the RBU and the mines of sports, together with Mutko, will finally sign off as incompetent.

Today I watched the TV match, Petukhov was there, he said everything correctly, and said that it was our Ministry of Sports of Russia that found these lawyers Vishman, and we go and fight to the end.
But I was more surprised by the vice-president of the OK of Russia, now he holds a position in the IOC.
What was he carrying there?
This is generally.
Petukhov wanted to repent.
And when he was asked a question about 150 athletes from England on doping who, and the doctor confessed, and the commission seemed to be, but then everything was covered up and calmed down.
So he said that we needed something earlier, and they say they were punished.
He lies and does not blush, there was nothing for the English athletes, and the doctor works the same way.
And to the question about the new gene doping, which is now gaining popularity in the world.
Again, the arrow to Russia, like we have to fight this in the country, everything is bad with us, and so on.
Clinical Russophobe, not even aware that this doping has never existed in Russia. It is overseas the most popular. In America, in general, the standard since those times, as there an example was given with a cyclist who was dying on doping, or a man or a woman.))
Now all sorts of tennis players, swimmers, and both weightlifters and runners are different. Seen with the naked eye.

It's bad that everyone gave up at once! We must fight, and so every time we will be "smeared on the table", toothless SBR! It is not WADA that decides whether to hold the World Cup in Tyumen or not, their business is to check for the presence of doping and they went further ...

Tikhonov A. I. “- Mr. Kravtsov needs to think now what to do with this. Of course, this is a shame for the entire Russian biathlon. For three years we have not made any decisions and have not worked with anyone. We only have Viktor Maygurov, who has three classes of education. "

Three years of inactivity, and this is your protege, Alexander Ivanovich. Whom did you bring? Let me remind you of the hackneyed thing: to lead means to anticipate, to calculate your moves far ahead, to analyze the consequences.

What is one internal investigation into the sensational doping scandal at the very beginning of Kravtsov's career as president of biathlon. Only for this fact Kravtsov is not the right person in this post. Has Viktor Maygurov appointed himself to the position of IBU Deputy Prime Minister?

Now, when the smell of fried smells, we are all right in hindsight. Don't be so Alexander Ivanovich. Whatever one may say, but here is your share of fault in Kravtsov's inaction. Why don't you give your connections to Kravtsov even earlier? There was no desire, then why?

In this situation, one should not rely only on the actions of Tyumen and Yakushev personally and not wait like manna from heaven that with the restoration of RUSADA everything will be formed according to Mutko's statement by itself. It will not be formed .. Do not know where to start?

It seems to me that now it is necessary to work with the biathlon federations that will be represented at the 2018 congress. Do not gasp and do not groan, but an urgent request to you, Alexander Ivanovich will join this work.

It cannot be, as my friend says, that in Odessa all thieves. We must look for our allies now. that will be presented at the 2018 congress and not when we state that the train has already left.
I just can't imagine that you personally have no reliable people left in the federations. Kravtsov is not the kind of figure to deal with issues of the future. He has no place to be the president of biathlon and even the first head of the training center - this is my personal opinion.

March 3, 2017 (11:58), Vladimir N .:
"To fight like this, but to ask and persuade is a sign of weakness."

In this so neglected situation, when they rule back and forth and whip them with a whip, YES! And so it will be similar.

Until WADA is finally compromised, it will remain so. Here more use Vovan with Lexus and Mishki will bring funny than our bureaucrats. To fight like this, but to ask and persuade is a sign of weakness.

We must also ask Kashpirovsky and Chumak:
In the meantime, things are like in the song of L. Utyosov.

Hello Hello?
Jam what news?
I haven't been home for a long time
Fifteen days since I'm away
How are things going with us?

Things are going and life is easy
Not a single sad surprise
Except for a trifle

So nonsense, empty business, your mare is dead

It's okay, it's okay

Hello Hello?
Martel, a terrible case
My mare died
Tell me my faithful coachman
How did this death happen?

All is well, beautiful marquise
Things are good. more than ever
Why grieve over a stupid surprise
After all, that's right nonsense

With a mare that is an empty matter
She burned down with the stable
For the rest, beautiful marquise
It's okay, it's okay

Hello Hello?
Pascal Clouded Mind
What an unheard blow
Tell me the whole truth at once
When was the fire in the stable?

All is well, beautiful marquise
And we are doing well
But you are destiny, as can be seen from the caprice
Another surprise was presented

Burned down your house with the stable together
When the whole estate was on fire
For the rest, beautiful marquise
It's okay, it's okay

Hello Hello?
Luke burned down our castle?
Oh, how hard it is for me
I'm beside myself, tell me straight
How did it all happen?

Recognized by your husband, beautiful marquise
That ruined myself and you
He could not bear such a surprise
And he shot himself at the same hour

Falling dead by the stove, he knocked over two candles
Candles hit the carpet and it burned like a bonfire
The weather was windy your castle burned out
The fire burned the whole estate, and with it the stables were engulfed
The stable was locked, and the mare died in it.

For the rest, beautiful marquise
It's okay, it's okay

Besseberg can be said to have been finished off. How she is like ... As far as I understand, there will be fierce resistance to the restoration of us in Rusada. So dreaming about recovery is not bad.

Mutko is right. There will be RUSADA and we even have the right to host the Olympic Games. In the meantime, alas, no.
Tobolov did not read the WADA law. Who is the thread show him this point in the Rules

I am unanimous with almost all comments!

Dmitry, “If the West wants our country to produce missiles instead of building stadiums, you shouldn't contradict it” - this is super!
I read that the 2018 FIFA World Cup was insured by us for a decent amount (honestly - I don’t remember, but much less invested).

Bitch Kaka behaviorally justifies her surnames.
Sergey Cougar, + 100500!

How calm our bureaucrats are. The house is on fire, the roof is already burnt down
and they have their own, calmness - only calmness, let THEY pour some more gasoline ...

Actually, probably AyBiYu should be more important as "representation of nations" and accept all sorts of codes. And WADA is a subordinate instrument of the authority of AyBiU, as an executive body.
Ato WADA turns out to be a despotic state that has suppressed the state "AyBiYu". A sickly empire. Hee, hee. Yes, it was bought and puppet.

I apologize, of course, that this is so about a woman ... But what a disgusting scum that Koukalova is! Even her name stinks ...

Well, how can you be offended by a doll!
The granddaughter also has dolls talking when she "tugs" them, babbling some kind of crap ...

Marina Apatity, of course. I applaud while standing!
It's just that everything is in the subject, so I decided to stick it here.

Old skier-1964, let the disease accept its "treatment" honestly, let it not get sick. All the same, it will manifest itself at the most unexpected time. Life is long and crafty.

declare a merciless war on Koukalova

Child of tearful crying:
To what extent can you be naive that you can hide from something.
And to what extent has the child become afraid that even food is hidden, water. They would not be so afraid if they were not involved in sabotage. The hat on such as was burning, is burning now and will continue to burn - an axiom of life.

Quite predictable.
Disobedience leads to attempts to exclude the "obstinate" from their "friendly" ranks in all directions, including in great sport... It is curious that our authorities have taken a rather weak defensive position. Perhaps they are trying to endure the 2018 World Cup, trying to recoup the money invested in it at least partially due to its holding.
As for me, I have already said for a long time that this World Cup (football) should have been abandoned, even if it had fixed its astronomical losses. It is too expensive to be on the hook in the west for several years. If the West wants our country to produce missiles instead of building stadiums, then there is no need to contradict it. Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness.

Anatoly Tobolov: "Tyumen will go to the international court"

The decision is illegitimate from the point of view of the law.
Sharashkin's office can also make decisions for the Presidents of the countries?

only fight, only sue, do not give up in any way

AMAlexander, was there a boy? I mean, is there a list. It's already somehow doubtful to believe.

AMAlexander, why is the list not made public? Is the intestine thin? And now they will start making excuses for McLaren.

Sport-express! Do you really think that the IBU has not considered all the risks that you write about in the section "WHAT COULD BE ARGUMENTS AGAINST IBU"? Indeed, in the event that the Russian side runs into the IBU, it will be enough for the latter to announce the entire list of six al-seven, Russian biathletes, who are still in their development! And this will be quite enough to not only confirm the correctness of your decision, despite the decision of the Congress, but also to call into question the participation of Russians in the 2018 Olympics in Korea. And the disqualification of the entire RBU.

Here is an outright lie. Russophobic.
When the decision was made to hold the World Championship in Tyumen, Rusada was already closed.
In general, the decision to deprive us of the World Cup was made on the basis of McLaren's report. Which turned out to be simply fraudulent, which is already recognized not only by the IOC, but also by Wada itself.

I haven't read the article, but I can say one thing about Tyumen - the guys hit Yakushev aimingly.



The International Biathlon Union (IBU) has made the final decision to move the 2021 World Cup from Tyumen to another location.

Following the results of the IBU Executive Committee on February 8, the RBU was offered to voluntarily abandon the holding of the World Cup in Tyumen in 2021 until February 24, - said the IBU PR Director Per Lange... - The final release said that otherwise the decision to grant the city the right to host the tournament would be canceled. No steps were taken by the RBU - no voluntary refusal followed. Thus, the decision came into force. The venue for the 2021 World Cup will be selected at the 2018 IBU Congress.

Let me remind you that the reason for the postponement was the doping problems of Russia and, in particular, the lack of accreditation from the Russian Anti-Doping Agency. The authorities of the Tyumen region and the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) do not agree with the position of the IBU and intend to challenge their interests in court.


Tyumen won the right to host the 2021 World Cup at the IBU Congress in Chisinau in September 2016. At the same time, the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee were formally violated, which, in the summer of last year, based on the results of the first part of the WADA report, strongly advised sports federations in winter sports to refrain from decisions on holding major competitions in Russia. After the release of the second part of McLaren's report, the SBR and Tyumen decided not to escalate the situation and voluntarily refused to host the 2016/17 World Cup (these competitions were eventually transferred to the Finnish Kontiolahti).

The IBU expected Russia to voluntarily give up the 2021 World Cup and thus save the International Biathlon Union from claims from the IOC and WADA. However, the RBU did not meet halfway, considering the motivation of the IBU Executive Committee very weak. The IOC's recommendation not to hold big starts in Russia was not tough. And the IBU's reference to RUSADA's lack of accreditation looks strange at all. First, Russia has already held major international launches in such an environment. And secondly, the restoration of the agency's accreditation is expected at the end of this year. Even if this does not happen within these terms, the problem is unlikely to drag on for another four years.


Firstly, we did not force the IBU to violate the IOC sanctions. Tyumen's candidacy was chosen voluntarily in Chisinau, after which a contract must be signed to host the tournament. It is unlikely that in this agreement the report is referred to as force majeure. That is, upon termination of the contract, we have the right to demand a forfeit. Secondly, the decision to transfer the World Cup from Tyumen was made by the IBU Executive Committee, while the Russian city received the tournament from the IBU Congress. That is, the executive committee may have exceeded its powers. In any case, the members of the executive committee now have to prove that they had very serious reasons not to wait for the next congress, which will be held on the eve of the Olympics in Pyeongchang, but to make an emergency decision.


We will go to international court. The IBU has no right to take away the World Championship from us, - said the executive director of the Tyumen Regional Federation of Cross-Country Skiing and Biathlon Anatoly Tobolov... - There is a "raider takeover" because of the McLaren report. There is no evidence that Russian athletes were doping. However, despite this, they deprive us of the World Cup, postpone the stages of the World Cup in other sports. If we independently waived the right to host the competition, then we would no longer have the opportunity to appeal. I think this litigation will continue, and it is difficult to imagine how the issue will be resolved in the end. There is a chance to change this decision at the congress IBU.

It is pointless to regain the right to host the world championship, - said the two-time world champion. - For the future, it is necessary to insist that in case of deprivation of the World Cup, the country and the city will be compensated for the investment costs. We won the right, made a reconstruction, and now they tell us, they say, excuse me, we will not hold competitions in your place. And for whom was the reconstruction done? Then let them bear the costs themselves. Why was the World Cup taken away from Tyumen? Based on a report that WADA found not entirely consistent and objective? All this is very doubtful. A strange thing happens: if they wanted it, they deprived it, they wanted it, they removed it.

We will fight for the world championship in Tyumen, - said a well-known commentator on the air. - Tyumen has the best application, there are absolutely the best conditions. We won one bid, we will win another one. Our Czech friends, who sleep and see, to hold their championship ... We will gladly come to Nové Mesto in 2023. All these statements, which were, relate exclusively to the desire to get the world championship, which the Czechs lost. We lost fairly at the congress in Chisinau. I am a witness to that.

The SBR continues to wait from the IBU for documents justifying the decision, - the president of the Russian Biathlon Union said in an interview with TASS. - We continue to believe that the IBU does not have the right to make such a decision, since the Executive Committee has no right to substitute itself for Congress.

The 2021 World Cup will be held in Tyumen. This decision was made yesterday by the Congress of the International Biathlon Union (IBU), which took place in Chisinau (Moldova).

Tyumen won by just one vote: the Russian city's bid was supported by 25 delegates, 49 of them.

The rivals of Tyumen were the Czech Nove Mesto and the Slovenian Pokljuka.

The 2020 World Cup will take place in Anterselva, Italy, it was known even before the voting began.

GARANICHEV IS Proud of Victory in Tyumen

The first country at the congress was chosen as the host country of the World Cup, which will pass a year earlier - in 2020. Three cities claimed this right - German Oberhof, Italian Antholz and Slovenian Pokljuka. As a result, Antholz won, and the acting biathletes, who were included in the Italian delegation, Dominique Windisch and Lucas Hofer, were incredibly happy.

“When I was very young, I watched the 2007 World Cup in my home country and it motivated me to continue my biathlon career,” Windisch told the IBU official website. “Of course, our opponents also had excellent applications, but I am glad that it was Antholz who won.”

The Russian side was much more interested in the outcome of the next vote, which determined who would host the 2021 World Cup - here Tyumen was listed as one of the candidates.

Recall that this city has already achieved one local victory when it took the only Russian stage of the World Cup from Khanty-Mansiysk. Now in the upcoming season, as well as in the 2017/18 season, it will be held in Tyumen. Here, according to the decision of the IBU Congress, the World Championship will take place in 2021.

The 2016 European Championship, which was held from February 24 to February 28 in the Tyumen regional center, can be considered a rehearsal for these starts. winter species sports "Pearl of Siberia". As a reminder, one of the leading Russian biathletes, a bronze medalist, took part in this European Championship Olympic Games in Sochi, multiple winner of the World Cup stages Yevgeny Garanichev from Tyumen. He also became a member of the delegation of his city and at the congress in Chisinau, and after the victory hometown said he was very proud of Tyumen's new victory and was confident that the 2021 World Cup would become a grand celebration for Russian fans ”.


The rivals of the Siberian city were the Czech Nove Mesto and again the Slovenian Pokljuka - rivals are more than serious, since both places have an impressive experience of holding world-class biathlon competitions.

Plus, the general situation in Tyumen did not play into the hands of sports world... In particular, we recall that the International Olympic Committee recommended the world community to refrain from holding competitions in Russia, given the numerous violations of anti-doping rules among Russian athletes. This recommendation came after the publication of a sensational report by Richard McLaren, head of the independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Association, which investigated the statements of the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov. The latter, in turn, announced that some of the medals at the 2014 Games were won Russian athletes It is not fair, since the doping samples of Russian athletes were swapped in large quantities in the Sochi laboratory.

However, despite this "aggravating" circumstance, the IBU Congress wanted to see Tyumen as the capital of the 2021 World Cup. After the vote, IBU President Anders Besseberg signed a contract with the Governor of the Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev and the head of the Russian Biathlon Union Alexander Kravtsov.

- In history International Federation biathlon has not yet had such strong presentation applications, - Besseberg told the Tyumen Arena immediately after the signing of the papers. - The candidates who did not receive the World Championships also showed excellent programs. But I have no doubts that Tyumen deservedly won the race. The city is well prepared for the 2021 World Cup. "Pearl of Siberia" has already hosted major competitions, therefore, the organizing committee is clearly capable of this the most difficult task... The delegates did their job and chose a strong candidate.

- These issues are on the WADA agenda and The Olympic Committee... If in the course of the proceedings there is information that will concern the IBU, then we will take note of it. The scandalous situation did not affect the choice of the city - the host of the 2021 World Cup.


2017. Hochfilzen (Austria)

2021. Tyumen (Russia)

In order to avoid misinterpretation and unnecessary emotions, the head of the region recalled that the decision to hold the 2021 Biathlon World Championship in Russia, namely in Tyumen, was made in September 2016 in Chisinau at the congress of the International Biathlon Federation (IBU). In accordance with all the regulations, residents of Tyumen submitted an application, came to the congress, defended it, and received the necessary number of votes for this championship to be held in Tyumen in the "Pearl of Siberia" sports complex.

How did events develop after that? Already at the congress, the question was asked, is it possible to hold the World Championship in Russia? Representative of WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, Richard McLaren, accused the Russian state of creating a doping system. WADA issued a recommendation to the IBU not to hold World Championships and Cups in Russia. All federations have a specific relationship with this anti-doping agency and, according to the WADA code, comply with its requirements.

In 2016, the Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, and when representatives of all major sports federations, the representative of the IOC - the International Olympic Committee - noted that this is only a recommendation. It may or may not be done.

What's going on now? The minutes of the congress in Chisinau disappeared. Lost. There is no decision to hold the 2021 World Cup in Russia in the form of a legal document. And the President of the IBU is in a difficult situation today. He does not have the paper on holding the 2021 World Cup in Russia.

At the same time, there are no complaints about the Tyumen stadium.

We have a license and are ready to host the World Cup, and IBU President Anders Besseberg has said more than once that the Zhemchuzhina Sibiri SC is one of the the best stadiums... In terms of the technical conduct of the World Cup, there are no questions to Tyumen, - said Vladimir Yakushev.

We are talking about holding or not holding the World Cup 2021 on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Governor criticized Richard McLaren, who made a presentation on doping among Russian athletes:

With that information space with a minus sign that arose around Russia after his reports, you need to somehow fight, somehow worry and take some steps. Only emotions will not help here.

The main obstacle is as follows. The anti-doping agency with a residence permit in the United States made a head start and deprived RUSADA, that is, its Russian branch, of accreditation. According to the WADA code, the IBU has the right to give world championships to the territory of only the country where the WADA branch is open.

Pre-planned action?

This is the main problem that we have now, - said the governor.

At the extraordinary congress, which was convened on February 8 in Hochfilzen, the IBU tried to make some decisions. But it was convened with gross procedural violations. The proposal to take away the World Cup from Russia was made the day before at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Biathlon Federation. According to him, by February 24, 2017, the Russian Biathlon Union must voluntarily abandon its application to host the 2021 World Cup in Tyumen. Otherwise, the executive committee threatened to cancel our application by February 28, 2017.

The IBU is not opposed to hosting the 2021 World Cup in Russia. Alas, in response to this, WADA threatens with sanctions against the IBU federation itself - and these are international competitions, television rights, sponsors, etc. The IBU leadership cannot jeopardize the work of the entire federation for the sake of the 2021 World Cup in Russia.

This made the situation even more confusing.

The IBU Executive Board exceeded its mandate as the Russian application was approved by the parent IBU body at the Congress. And only the Congress can cancel this application, - Vladimir Yakushev made such a statement in Hochfilzen.

In this regard, the governor explained, "we have good enough positions to play back this situation." In our favor. This could be an appeal to arbitration court IBU or other regulatory courts sports processes... We will not give anything voluntarily.

However, if RUSADA does not have time to get accredited by WADA within the required time frame, then our chances of hosting the 2021 World Cup in Russia will nevertheless tend to zero. In September 2018, at the IBU Congress in Croatia, our application for the 2021 WCH will be canceled.

In the world of biathlon, the attitude towards Tyumen is quite warm, and we have no problems to again compete for biathlon competitions of any level, - said the head of the region.

At the IBU Congress in Croatia, the World Championships for 2021, 2022 and 2023 will again be played. And we can submit our application again. The IBU Congress in Chisinau in 2016 showed that Tyumen residents can do this successfully. And sportsmen love to come to Tyumen, they are satisfied with our Siberian hospitality.

Such competitions increase the recognition of the region, work on its image and investment attractiveness. In addition, international competitions are income to the treasury, as well as earnings of service organizations: hoteliers, travel agencies, catering organizations.

Vladimir Yakushev explained the situation with the World Cup 2021. Photo admtyumen.ru.

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