Tyson T-shirt neck volume. Mike Tyson: height, weight and biography of the boxer

Friends, hello everyone. Today we will talk about one of the most famous boxers in the history of world boxing, nicknamed “ Iron Mike"- we are, of course, talking about Mike Tyson, an American professional boxer who competed in a heavyweight weight category.

Mike Tyson

Mike was born in New York, Brooklyn. There is an older brother and sister (Rodney and Denise). Until the age of 10, Mike had a gentle character, did not know how to stand up for himself, other children (older) bullied him and other children (younger), taking away from them trifles, sweets and even beaten (ps by the way, older brother Rodney also took in this participation).

As a child, Mike (she, in principle, still has her main favorite hobby - “Breeding pigeons”).

Even strong men have their weaknesses.

Mohammed Ali

For a reason, I started talking about pigeons, the fact is that at the age of 10 Mike (according to him) one of the members of the local street gang (who was 3 years older than him) snatched his beloved pigeon from Mike and tore off his head, he freaked out , rushed at him and beat him severely. From that moment on, they began to respect him among the local juvenile bandits, they accepted him into their company, taught him to steal (rob shops, climb into pockets, etc.). Well, as we know, nothing just happens in this life, over time the consequences of everything they did began, Mike repeatedly found himself in a correctional institution for youngsters (ps, by the way, during one of which Mike managed to see Mohammed Ali, he I came there to talk (communicate) with difficult teenagers like Mike, so to speak, to guide them on the right path ... As Mike himself claims (as he later recalled) it was after meeting with Muhammad Ali that he first thought about a career as a boxer.

At the age of 13, he was sent to a special school for juvenile delinquents, which was located in the northern part of New York. At that time (then 13 years old), Mike had a huge physical strength(well, for his age), was incorrigible, often violated the regime, lost his temper, etc. In the end, once in solitary confinement, Mike asked for an opportunity to speak with a current physical education teacher, who, by the way, was a former boxer Bobby Stewart.

Mike Tyson and his first coach Bobby Stewart (still young)

Mike Tyson and his first trainer, Bobby Stewart, at the Casa D'amato Boxing Gym, Ketskill, New York.

So when Stewart came to Mike, he announced that he wanted to become a boxer. Stewart agreed to train him only on the condition that he stopped breaking discipline. After the dialogue took place, Mike's behavior began to improve rapidly .. and after a while Stewart put forward another condition, which sounded like this: "The better you study at school, the more I will do boxing with you." Again, it worked. Mike rapidly began to improve his performance in school, at a time when everyone else considered him almost mentally retarded.

P.s. His passion for boxing is amazing. He did everything in order to learn how to box ... (study, discipline ... everything) sometimes the school staff would find Mike at about 3-4 o'clock in the morning for training (he boxed with a shadow, developed physically). By the way about physical fitness According to Stewart (who was interviewed), when Mike was 13 years old, he could bench press a 100 kg barbell. And as for me - this is something beyond fantasy)) .. but okay, let's move on.

In general, due to the fact that Mike constantly trained, he outgrew his coach Stewart, and he, without hesitation, decided to introduce Mike to legendary coach Kasom D'Amato. Mike was then 13 years old, he weighed 80 kilograms and had a well-developed physical fitness... At that time, Mike's mother died, and he did not have a father, because he left the family even before he was born. That is why Cas D'Amato formalized legal guardianship over him (that is, by adopting him). Mike moved to live in new house his new coach. Living at his home, Mike reviewed many videos with old fights of professional boxers, he was impressed by what he saw, by the way, thanks to these records, Mike chose a rather unusual IMAGE for himself at that time, i.e. he went out without any music .. without a robe, just in black shorts and boxers on bare feet.

Mike Tyson and Cas D'Amato

Mike Tyson and Cas D'Amato

Mike Tyson and Cas D'Amato

Mike Tyson and Cas D'Amato

It was Cas D'Amato (Mike's adoptive father) who laid the foundation that amazed us with every fight .. at that time Cas created a professional team around him, consisting of masseurs, coaches, seconds, etc. in general, a disciplined athlete was reborn from a street bully (bandit).

Amateur career

His amateur career began in 1981 when Mike was 15 years old. According to various sources, he fought from 25 to 30 battles, in which he suffered 6 defeats.

In 1982, Mike competed in the Youth Olympic Games, where he won the Olympics becoming the champion of the youth Olympic tournaments 1982 year.

In 1983, he lost the fight only to Al Evans, this loss allowed him to take part in the Golden Gloves tournament in the same year, where he received a silver medal after a losing fight with Craig Payne, although when the score in favor of Payne was announced, the fans sitting in the hall were buzzing with displeasure. ...

Already in 1984, Mike won all the fights. The logical end of his amateur career should have been Olympic Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, but Macle lost the qualifying fight to Henry Tillman, by the way, he became the Olympic champion of that year. However, Mike took revenge for this loss a little later (June 16, 1990) but already in the professional ring, knocking out his offender (Tillman) in the first round! By the way, professional career Mike, so to speak, made his debut on March 5, 1985 (he first entered the professional ring), during that year Mike spent 15 fights, defeating all his rivals - KNOCKOUTS. Experts began to debate that Kas D'Amato managed to bring up an ideal super heavyweight who will surely become the world champion. However, Cus D'Amato himself did not live up to this literally a little bit: in November 1985, the 77-year-old coach died of pneumonia, while Mike was already 19 years old and on the eve of shortly before he managed to become the World Champion in heavyweight at the youngest age in history professional boxing(20 years and 4 months).

Workout and nutrition (mode) by Mike Tyson

Now we will analyze how Mike trained and generally lived in the distant 80s, in the most fruitful period of his life (this is the period from 13 to 19 years) under the guidance of his coach and adoptive father Cus D'Amato, because both I think it was Cus D'Amato who formed Tyson.

And so Mike Tyson's daily routine:

4 am: wake up and run 8 kilometers, then shower and return to sleep.

10.00: rise and breakfast in the form of oatmeal, orange juice, fruits, vitamins + protein shake.

12.00 noon: Training in the form of 10 rounds of sparring and 3 rounds of a standard set of exercises, which consisted of:

  • 200 press lifts
  • 50 push-ups from the bench behind the back
  • 50 classic push-ups
  • 50 shrugs with a 30 kg barbell

14.00: Lunch in the form of pasta (pasta) + steak + vegetables.

15.00: Workout (work in the ring (4 rounds of sparring), work with different pears, shadow boxing, jump rope, paws, etc. 1 hour of work on a stationary bike and at the end work with a heavy bag weighing 300 pounds and at the very end again, 3 circles of the standard set of exercises).

17.00: Training in the form of a 4 circle of a standard set of exercises, then practicing strikes, various combinations at a slow pace, honing the mechanics of movements.

19.00: Dinner, which consisted of many PROTEINS + CARBOHYDRATES + VITAMINS.

20.00: Light workout in the form of 30 minutes of exercise on a stationary bike.

21.00: Free time (TV, watching fights, films about boxing, watching various combinations, analyzing equipment, etc.).

And so 6 days a week (Mon-Sat), rest only 1 day - Sun. As we can see, Mike lived according to a very tough day regimen, where the basis of all the basics is boxing (for training from morning to evening).

Making calculations, we can highlight the following, Mike performed during the day:

  • 2000 press lifts
  • 500 push-ups from the bench behind the back
  • 500 classic push-ups
  • 500 shrugs

The video shows how Mike Tyson trained:

Personal life

He was married three times, the first time to the actress Robin Givens, the second time to Monica Thorner, and the third (July 6, 2009) to Lakia Spicer.

In 1988, Mike married actress Robin Givens, their marriage lasted no more than 1 year, the same marriage caused great psychological damage to Mike, because this year Mike went through public humiliation, various fights, scandals, etc. Mike was on the verge of a nervous breakdown in 1988. suffered a concussion after crashing into a tree. In general, already in 1989 (namely on February 14), the couple divorced, the divorce itself cost Mike 10 million dollars.

Mike Tyson and Robin Tivens

In 1997. Mike married a second time to a doctor (pediatrician) from the medical center - Monica Turner. Their marriage lasted until 2003. From Monica, Mike had 2 children: a daughter, Raina, and a son, Amir.

Mike Tyson and Monica Turner

Their marriage fell apart due to Mike's betrayal. Actually Turner (Mike's second wife) filed for divorce, stating that Mike was cheating on her, then these rumors were confirmed due to the fact that in 2002 his mistress gave birth to Mike's child - Miguel Leon. Actually after the divorce, Mike began to live with his mistress, who later (in 2005) gave birth to his daughter - Exodus, unfortunately, when the girl was 4 years old, she died tragically, falling into a loop from a rope that was at home on a home simulator.

Two weeks after the death of his daughter, Mike, it was on June 6 in 2009, married for the third time, at that time, he was 42 years old, to Lakia Spicer. In 2011. the couple had a son.

Mike Tyson and his wife Lakia Spicer

Mike Tyson also has illegitimate children: Deamata Kilrane and Mickey Lorna.


In the summer of 1991. Mike bedded the Miss Black America beauty pageant, where he met Desiree Washington. The next day, the girl accused the ex-champion of raping her. There was a mass of circumstantial evidence, a lot of witness testimony, which confirmed that everything happened so to speak by mutual consent, but the court sided with the girl and Mike was sentenced to six years in prison, of which he served about three years (he went for good behavior in March 1995)

By the way, in prison, Mike became a Muslim under the leadership of Muhammad Siddiq. Although before (before) he was a Christian. In general, he converted from Christianity to Islam, in the process of changing religion he received the name Malik Abdul Aziz.

Health problems

Even as a child, Mike had lung problems, because of this, he often ended up in the hospital.

1989 Mike had problems with alcohol, due to divorce and all sorts of extraneous problems, he even gave up training. But after the duel with Douglas, Mike signed up for treatment.

In the middle of 1990 to 2010. Mike had drug problems, which greatly affected his psyche, career and problems with the law. By the way, due to drugs, Mike started having problems with overweight.. As he himself claims, in the best shape he weighed no more than 98 kg.

2007-2010 Mike weighed about 150-160 kilograms, but already in 2009. became a vegan and started to play sports, as a result of which he lost more than 40 kg.

Well, this is where I end the biography of Mike Tyson, I hope you, as well as it was interesting for me to study (at least see) the biography of the Living Legend. I tried to touch on all the moments that were interesting to me, which were generally interesting .. but alas, I missed many of Tyson's fights, namely the stories about them, i.e. who, when and where ... but if I did it, they would take many pages .. much more spectacular, to see them, which is what I recommend to you.

P.s. well, I could not help but lay it out)) all the best 😀

Mike Tyson and Fedor Emelianenko

Best regards, administrator.

What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya, therefore, we will find out the approximate data by comparing the photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right, Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her is Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. It turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod with 9cm heels, is about 2-3cm higher than 181cm. Accordingly, we subtract 9cm from 184cm and we get the approximate height of Nina Shatskaya in 175cm. Externally, the weight of Nina Shatskaya looks at 70-75kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg


How tall and weight is Irina Nizina?

Irina Nizina is a famous Russian theater and film actress, laureate of the "Chaika" and "Moscow Debuts" awards. The actress is best known for such films as New Life of Detective Gurov and Advocate. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows exactly how reliable and accurate about the height and weight of Irina Nizina.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Weight of Irina Nizina 65kg


How tall and weight is Nadezhda Obolentseva?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and is best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the parameters of a celebrity.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk with a height of 177 cm. Based on the photo, it follows that the growth of Nadezhda Obolentseva is about 174-175 cm, and the weight is 59 kg

Height Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg


How tall and weight is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She is best known as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader of the JB ballet dance group in Germany; one of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project Everybody Dance! , as well as mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dances".

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm, and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatyana Denisova's height is 166cm

Weight of Tatyana Denisova 58kg


How tall is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet, a famous actor is credited with a height of 177-178 cm, and a weight of 79 kg. Nobody knows how reliable and accurate the stated data are.

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight 79kg

How tall and weight is Sergey Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. sporting success in the field of bodybuilding and TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergey Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm, and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergey Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Weight of Sergey Kucherov 88-90kg

The future star of world boxing - Mike Tyson was born on 06/30/1966 in Brooklyn, New York. Grew up without a father. He has an older brother named Rodney and an older sister Denise. Nothing foreshadowed the results that the future boxer subsequently achieved.

Mike Tyson's childhood

As a child, one of the greatest boxers of our time had a gentle disposition. Even the older brother, along with the neighboring boys, often mocked him. But this did not last long. Little Mike was very fond of pigeons, and once, when he was 11 years old, a teenager from a street gang tore his favorite bird out of his hands and twisted the pigeon's neck. Crazy with anger, Mike brutally beat the guy, and his character was broken.

Young Mike Tyson was accepted into a street gang, where he quickly won the respect of teenagers and together with them began to engage in theft and robbery. He often ended up at the police station. Once he managed to see the legendary Mohammed Ali, who attended correctional institutions for difficult teenagers. This meeting changed my whole life future star boxing, he had a desire to do this sport.

First coach

At the age of 13, Mike enters a special school for juvenile delinquents - at that time he was considered incorrigible. A former boxer, Bobby Steward, worked as a physical education teacher there. After Tyson once again ended up in a punishment cell, the guy decided that he would become a boxer. The steward agreed to train him, but only on condition that Mike starts to study well and corrects his behavior. Under the guidance of a teacher, Mike, considered completely incorrigible, begins to demonstrate success in boxing and teaching in school.

After some time, Bobby Steward began to understand that he could no longer give more to his talented student, and introduces him to the legend, an excellent coach, manager and person Cass D'Amato. This specialist noticed the talent of the young boxer and created an excellent team of specialists around him. After that, Mike Tyson (height, weight see below) at the age of 15 (in 1981) made his debut as a boxer at the Holyoke club in New York, where he received the nickname "Tank". Cass D'Amato replaced his father, and thanks to him, Mike became who he is now.

Mike Tyson's height and weight

For boxers, this is an important ratio. According to some reports, Mike Tyson was 180 cm tall, weighing 96-108 kg. But official figures vary. There are claims that this figure is 181 cm.So how tall is Mike Tyson really? His height is 178 cm, and his working weight is best years- 98 kg.

Amateur career

Young Mike Tyson, whose growth was swift and fast, won the right to participate in the 1982 Youth Olympics, the final of which he won by a tough knockout over Joe Cortez. It only took him a few seconds. In 1983, Mike lost only one fight to Al Evans. Despite the defeat, the boxer won the right to compete in prestigious tournament Golden Gloves, but in these competitions he only won a silver medal, having suffered a controversial defeat in the final to Craig Payne. This fight was very controversial, and the audience booed Craig after the winner was announced.

1984 Mike Tyson (height, whose weight is 178 cm and 98 kg, respectively) started well and won all fights. He dreamed of getting to the Olympic Games, which were to be held this year in Los Angeles. Tyson held a qualifying match against Henry Tillman and started successfully, knocking him down in the first round, but did not work out and lost to him with a score of 3: 2. According to many experts, Tyson won the fight. Then he faced this boxer in another qualifying match, and the decision of the judges was the same. Tillman won 3-2 and subsequently won gold medal Olympiads. Rumors spread that Tyson simply did not want to go to the Olympic Games because of his tough boxing style.

Mike Tyson (height, weight in the best years was small for such a category) in 1990 will take revenge on this guy, but already in the professional ring, knocking him out in the first round. Mike will win another landmark Tammer tournament, held in Tampere in 1984.

The meteoric rise of Mike Tyson's professional career

On March 5, 1985, the professional career of a boxer begins, which will be talked about for many years all over the world. This is the person who will change boxing beyond recognition, his name will become the most popular. All of this is Iron Mike Tyson. The rise in his popularity was incredible. In 1985, Mike had 15 fights and won everything, brightly and swiftly attacking his rivals, knocking them out in the first rounds.

The first rival who could hold out in the ring with Iron Mike until the 5th round was Jameson, but, most likely, this was influenced by the fact that Tyson fought only 13 days ago and did not have time to fully recover. In 1986, Tyson fights against Jesse Fergusson and breaks his nose with a beautiful uppercut at the end of the 5th round, but Jesse miraculously managed to withstand the brutal pressure of the young fighter and was ultimately disqualified for unclean work, since he constantly kept Tyson's hands in the clinch. This decision was subsequently revised and re-qualified as a TKO victory.

July 1986 will be remembered by boxing fans for the fight that many have been waiting for. The son of legendary boxer Joe Fraser, Marvis and Mike were considered the most promising boxers at the time. Mike Tyson's height and weight for heavyweight boxers was considered small, but Iron Mike was able to knock out an opponent in 30 seconds, and this fight became the fastest in his professional career.

1986 was the best year for Mike Tyson in his career, he was able to win the championship title and become the youngest professional champion in the world in heavyweight champion at the age of 20. But his legendary coach Cass D'Amato did not manage to live before this fight - he died shortly before the championship fight. Everyone thought that Mike would not be able to box, but he was able to pull himself together and devote the victory to his coach. Before this fight, his new mentor was Kevin Rooney, who received the title of the youngest coach who raised the world champion. His rival was reigning champion the world according to the most prestigious version of the WBC - Trevor Berbick. Mike was just fine and was able to knock out an opponent in the 3rd round. The meteoric rise of Mike Tyson at the age of 20 as a heavyweight boxer has aroused great interest among all the world's experts.

Personal life

The great boxer has been married several times. His first wife was actress Robin Givens. Marriage famous boxer and the actress did not last long, about 1 year. It was marked by a large number of scandals and caused great psychological trauma to Mike. And also the divorce cost a round sum - $ 10 million. Then Tyson married two more times. Monica Thorner and Lucky Spicer became the chosen ones. From his second wife, Mike had a daughter, Raina, and a son, Amir. Mike cheated on his wife and led a riotous lifestyle, which logically led to a divorce. After that, Tyson began to live with his mistress, who gave birth to his daughter Exodus, but her fate was tragic. She accidentally hanged herself from a rope loop that was attached to the simulator.

In 2009, at 42, the legendary boxer marries again. From this marriage he has a son who was born in 2011. Mike also has illegitimate children: Mickey, Lorna, Deamata and Kilrane.


1991 completely undermined the boxer's career. Mike met a girl named Desiree Washington, who competed in the Miss Black America beauty pageant, and Tyson visited him. The very next day, the girl accused the boxer of rape. The ex-champion, despite the unconfirmed charges, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Sitting in jail great boxer converted to Islam and received the name Malik Abdul Aziz. In 1995, Tyson, who had been in a correctional facility for 3 years, was released early (for exemplary behavior).

Health problems

Mike had lung problems since childhood, and he was hospitalized quite often.

The famous boxer also had problems with drinking, which began after his divorce in 1989. There was a period when he even stopped training. After Mike fought against Douglas, he decided to sign up for treatment.

Mike also had a strong drug addiction in the mid-90s and until 2010. In this regard, the boxer had problems with the law, and the result was a severely traumatized psyche. His weight increased dramatically and he was in great discomfort.

In 2007-2010, Mike Tyson, whose height is not too tall, weighed 160 kilograms. Therefore, starting in 2009, the boxer decided to become a vegetarian and began to train intensively, thanks to which he lost almost 50 kg.

The end of the career of a great boxer

In the 90s of the last century, the decline of the great champion's career began. After he lost to Buster Douglas, and the protest related to the result of the fight from Mike's promoter, Don King, was not accepted, in addition, the opponent refused to hold a rematch, Tyson had to act as a contender for the title of world champion. Thomas Hearns set tough conditions for the boxer for the fight. Mike needed to lose weight up to 90 kg. Tyson's rival was the Olympic champion Tillman, and Mike successfully took revenge from him for the defeat in the amateur ring.

Further, Mike Tyson tried to box for a long time, but constant scandals, as well as alcohol and drug abuse did not give the great champion a chance for a successful return to the ring after imprisonment. There were the famous 2 fights with Evander Hollyfield, in one of which Mike bit off a piece of his ear. There was a fight with Briton Lenox Lewis, but Tyson was losing consistently and could not do anything about it.

In 2006, Tyson planned to conduct a farewell world tour, but was able to hold only a single fight against the little-known boxer Corey Sanders (not to be confused with South African Corey Sanders) and won. Thus ended the career of the legendary boxer. Mike Tyson (the height, weight of a celebrity did not seem to bode well for achieving such high results in the heavyweight division) forever inscribed his name in boxing history as one of the greatest boxers who ever lived on the planet.

Mike Tyson is a professional heavyweight boxer whose name remains the most recognizable among his colleagues to this day. For the force of the blow and aggressive behavior in the ring, he was once nicknamed the "killer boxer". Olympic champion among juniors, absolute world champion, many times recognized champion in versions of WBC, WBA, IBF, The Ring. A quick knockout master, many of whose records have not been broken so far.

Childhood and youth

Michael Gerard Tyson was born in June 1966 in the Brownsville area of ​​New York. His father was Purcell Tyson, but he left the family before his son was born. Michael was the youngest child: the eldest daughter Denise and son Rodney were growing up in the family. V early childhood Tyson was very vulnerable. He was offended by his peers, courtyard boys and even his older brother. He could not stand up for himself and often suffered because of this, coming home with bruises and no pocket money.

In June 2005, Mike met in the ring with a little-known Irish boxer Kevin McBride. Of course, the fans put on Tyson. But in the 5th round, the champion's fatigue began to appear, and in the 6th he sat down on the floor and refused to participate in the 7th round. After this fight, Mike announced that he decided to end his career.

Movies and books

The life story of the popular heavyweight was taken as the basis for several documentaries. These are the mid-90s film Fallen Champion: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson and the 2000s Beyond Glory and Tyson.

Mike Tyson(eng.Mike Tyson; June 30, 1966, Brooklyn, New York, USA) - American professional boxer, full world champion in the heavy weight category according to the WBC versions (1986-1990, 1996), WBA (1987-1990, 1996) and IBF (1987-1990). - holder of a number of world records that have not been broken to this day: the youngest world champion in heavyweight(at the age of 20); the youngest full world heavyweight champion (at 21); the boxer who spent the shortest time since his debut on winning the titles of champion and absolute world heavyweight champion (1 year and 8 and a half months and 2 years and 5 months, respectively). Nickname - "Metal Mike".
Has 3 convictions in 1992, 1998 and 2008. (the last - conditionally), at a young age also served sentences in children's colonies.
Jan 25. 2011 Tyson became a father for the 8th time. Mike's third wife, Lakiha Spicer, gave birth to his son. Grief happened in the family of Mike, in 2009 his four-year-old daughter tragically died. Took part in writing the script for the autobiographical film "Tyson" (1995), and starred in 2 documentaries Beyond Glory (2003) and Mike Tyson (2009).
Mike Tyson was born in New York, Brooklyn, called Brownsville. His parents were Lorna Smith and Jimmy Kirkpatrick. Although Mike inherited his own surname from the first husband of Purcell Tyson's mother. His father left the family before Mike was born. Mike has an older brother, Rodney, and an older sister, Denise.
Mike's childhood was full of hardships and various misfortunes. He had a very gentle character and did not know how to stand up for himself, in addition, at that time Mike was fat. His older brother Rodney and the boys in the neighborhood, and later his classmates, always bullied children under his own age and Mike as well. They beat, took away the change and sweets that their mothers and fathers gave them. Tyson was no exception. Until the age of 10, he was pathologically unable to defend himself. Although at the age of 9-11, Mike suffered a fracture. As he himself says, once one of the members of the local street gang, who was several years older (namely, 3 years), snatched his beloved pigeon from his hands (breeding pigeons was Mike's favorite pastime since childhood and remains his main hobby to this day) and tore his head off. Furious, Mike pounced on his own abuser and brutally beat him. From that moment on, Mike enjoyed the respect of the local juvenile thugs, who took him into their own company and taught him to climb pockets, steal and rob stores. Activities of this kind led to arrests, visits (at the same time, repeated) to correctional institutions for juvenile offenders, during one of which Tyson managed to see Mohammed Ali, who came there to communicate with difficult teenagers and try to set them on the right path. Tyson himself later recalled that it was after meeting with Ali that he first thought about a career as a boxer.
To understand the conditions in which Mike had to maintain vital activity, it is curious to recall one more case related to pigeons. Poor teenagers sometimes did not even have money to eat, for this reason there was no talk of buying pigeons. The birds were simply stolen. So, one day Mike and a friend climbed into one of the strangers' dovecotes and tried to steal a few pigeons. The owners noticed them and immediately caught them. They decided to punish the guys "in a peculiar way" - just hang them! Since the rope was 1, we decided to hang it in turn. Mike's friend was chosen first. Tyson stood and watched as his friend's legs twitched in convulsions ... Tyson himself was saved only by the fact that the neighbors saw what was happening and threatened to call the police. For the boy's psyche, such things did not have the opportunity to pass without a trace. As Mike later recalled, after this incident he did so all his life and "remained awaiting execution."
At the age of 13, Tyson was sent to a special school for juvenile delinquents (due to his own behavior in a regular school), located in sowing. parts of New York. By this time, he was considered incorrigible and was distinguished by great physical strength for his own age: when Mike lost his temper, he could only be reassured by the joint efforts of a number of adult men. At the school where Tyson was assigned, he worked as a physical education teacher former boxer Bobby Stewart. Once in a punishment cell for another violation of the regime, Mike unexpectedly asked for an opportunity to talk to him. Stewart came to him and Mike said he wanted to become a boxer. Stewart agreed to coach him on the condition that Mike did not violate discipline. After that, Mike's behavior actually changed for the better, and after a while Stewart signed another contract with him: the better Mike does at school, the more Stewart is engaged in boxing with him. And it worked: Tyson, who was previously considered mentally retarded, was able to significantly increase his own academic performance. He was so caught up in boxing that the school staff would sometimes catch him training at 3-4 a.m. boxing with a shadow or shaking his muscles in his own room. In a later interview, Stewart recalled that Tyson, then 13 years old, actually knocked him down with his own jab. At the age of 13, Mike could lift a 100 kg barbell in the bench press. For a while, Stewart realized that his student had already outgrown him, and introduced Mike to the legendary coach and manager Cas D'Amato. Everything free time Mike devoted himself to training. Cas D'Amato already knew then that Mike was the future world champion. Cas made a professional team around Tyson: coaches, seconds, masseurs and others. That. a disciplined sportsman emerged from a street bandit.
Living with Casa D'Amato, Mike watched a lot of videos with old professional fights and, being impressed by what he saw, he chose a rather unusual style for himself at that time: he entered the ring without music, without a dressing gown, in simple dark shorts and boxers on bare foot.
On June 22, 1987, Tyson is arrested on charges of assault and maiming. He molested an employee of a paid parking lot, and later hit a colleague who stood up for her. The case is closed after paying them $ 105 thousand.
Feb 9. 1988 Mike Tyson marries actress Robin Givens. The next year, 14 Feb. 1989 Tyson and Givens divorced in the Dominican Republic. 1988 Was a turning point for Mike, he fired his own coach Kevin Rooney and disbanded his own team after that his career began to decline.
On July 19, 1991, he was charged with the rape of 18-year-old Desiree Washington, who had the title of Miss Dark America. " 1991 Indiana grand jury voted to indict Tyson under 3 counts, including rape Tyson was convicted on Feb 10, 1992
After the death of his own coach, Cus D'Amato, Mike broke down mentally. His defeat to "Buster" Douglas on Feb 11. 1990, in Japan, is still considered the greatest sensation in the history of boxing: the bets on the victory of Douglas were 42 to 1. After his last fight with McBride, Mike admitted that boxing was over for him then memorable fight with Douglas.
5 Mar 1998 Tyson sues his own former promoter Don King, demanding to pay him $ 100 million in compensation for material damage caused during their joint work.

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